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The choice of colors in companies is a determining factor for a brand, through them
concepts of strength or weakness are transmitted. It is important when choosing colors to
select those that will last over time and that are suitable for the product or service offered.
Colors, within a brand, represent the main characteristics, because they help to
differentiate the product or service from the competition and allow it to be recognized by
the public. (Source:


Colors are a very powerful communication resource, because through them we can
convey messages, attract attention and generate emotions, hence the importance of color
in the corporate image.
When creating the design of the corporate image is vital to pay more attention to the
psychology of color than to the decorative, because the success of visual communication
depends largely on the color, tone and combinations that are chosen.
Color in corporate identity is a resource that can bring us closer or move us away from the
objective of the strategy, since the different shades of a color transmit different messages
and generate different reactions.
When studying what the colors of a brand should be, it is necessary to pay attention to
what defines the company and, above all, what it wants to transmit and generate in others.
According to the study Impact of Color in Marketing, "the power of color is so important
that it can condition up to 20% of the decision to consume or buy a product or service".
It is one of the most used colors, it transmits security, confidence, solemnity, depth. Some
of the brands that have used this color are Facebook, Telefónica, Pepsi, NASA and BBVA.
It is the color of confidence, peace, serenity, hope and tranquility. Green is closely
associated with nature, ecology and recycling, but it is also used to convey novelty,
technology and adventure. We find green in the logos of Starbucks, Movistar, BP, Android
and Whatsapp.
Yellow is widely used to convey hunger, originality, adventure, fun, optimism and joy.
Examples, Shell, Subway, Nikon and National Geographic are some brands that highlight
their corporate image with this color.
The color of energy, extreme adventure, sports, friendship and confidence. Among the
brands that use orange in their image are Gatorade, Orange and Lufthansa.
It is, together with black, a color used to represent elegance, wisdom, purity and money.
Milka and Cadbury have used this color very well in the packaging of their chocolates.
It is rarely used as a main color, as it is more useful as a balance between two striking
tones such as black and white. Gray is calm, serenity, innovation and class. Honda and
Apple use this tone in an important way in their corporate image.
Black and white
Both colors are very elegant and transmit prestige, but they are usually used in
combination with other tones. Source: (

Making a mistake in the choice of colors when creating a logo may result in the failure of a
good commercial idea or in the loss of millions of pesos in advertising campaigns. On the
contrary, a good choice can reinforce the brand image. Moreover, in specific campaigns,
the color of the product influences the users' purchase intention.

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