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Projected Cost

Purchasing cost of Building,

Machineries, Equipment, Tools, ₱ 299,096.00
Furniture and Fixture

Operating Expense
Social Media Advertise and Tarpaulin Table 16 ₱ 7,600.00
Raw Materials (Flower) Table 22 ₱ 68,100.00
Raw Materials (Coffee) Table 23 ₱ 400,500.00
Untilities Installation Table 25 ₱ 69,588.00
Direct Labor Table 28 ₱ 1,249,950.00
Business permits and Licenses Table 29 ₱ 4,715.00 ₱ 1,800,453.00
TOTAL ₱ 2,099,549.00

Total Estimated Cost of the Business ₱ 2,100,000.00

Total Cost of Investment

Purchasing cost of Building,
Machineries, Equipment, Tools, ₱ 299,096.00
Furniture and Fixture

Operating Expense
Social Media Advertise and Tarpaulin Table 16 ₱ 7,600.00
Raw Materials (Flower) Table 22 ₱ 68,100.00
Raw Materials (Coffee) Table 23 ₱ 400,500.00
Untilities Installation Table 25 ₱ 69,588.00
Direct Labor Table 28 ₱ 1,249,950.00
Business permits and Licenses Table 29 ₱ 4,715.00 ₱ 1,800,453.00
TOTAL ₱ 2,099,549.00

Total Estimated Cost of the Business ₱ 2,100,000.00

Capital Expenditure Estimated Cost
Land -
Building ₱ 200,000.00
Machineries, Equipment, Tools, Furniture and Fixtures ₱ 99,096.00
Utilities and other operating cost ₱ 13,399.00
Direct Labor ₱ 102,780.00
Raw Material ₱ 39,050.00
Business Permits and Licences ₱ 4,715.00
TOTAL ₱ 459,040.00
Position # of worker Basic Monthly Pay Annual Income # of Household
Social Media Manager 1 ₱ 4,500.00 ₱ 54,000.00 5
Accountant/Finance Associate 1 ₱ 15,750.00 ₱ 201,000.00 3
Manager 1 ₱ 15,750.00 ₱ 201,000.00 3
Cashier 1 ₱ 11,130.00 ₱ 139,560.00 4
Flourist 1 ₱ 11,130.00 ₱ 139,560.00 3
Barista 1 ₱ 11,130.00 ₱ 139,560.00 5
Service Crew 1 ₱ 11,130.00 ₱ 139,560.00 3
Gardener 2 ₱ 11,130.00 ₱ 139,560.00 3
TOTAL 9 ₱ 91,650.00 ₱ 1,153,800.00 29
Annual Contribution
Description Local National
DTI Registration ₱ 215.00 ₱ 387.00
Major's Permit ₱ 200.00 ₱ 360.00
Health Permit ₱ 55.00 ₱ 99.00
Barangay Clearance ₱ 50.00 ₱ 90.00
Community Tax Permit ₱ 100.00 ₱ 180.00
Fire permit ₱ 150.00 ₱ 270.00
Sanitary Permit ₱ 150.00 ₱ 270.00
BIR Registration ₱ 3,545.00 ₱ 6,381.00
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) ₱ 250.00 ₱ 450.00
Flowers Coffee
Year Demand Supply Demand Supply
2023 43,003 35,127 39,500 20,500
2024 43,665 36,534 43,661 29,800
2025 44,854 25,674 46,074 35,300
Projected Balance Sheet
As of December 2023-2026
Year 1 Year 2
Current Assets
Cash ₱ 4,674,999.00
Total Current Assets ₱ 4,674,999.00

Non-Current Asset
Land ₱ 25,000.00 ₱ 26,250.00
Land Improvement ₱ 25,000.00 ₱ 26,250.00
Building ₱ 150,000.00 ₱ 157,500.00
Machine and Equipment ₱ 83,186.00 ₱ 87,345.30
Furniture and Fixture ₱ 15,910.00 ₱ 16,705.50
Less: Accumulation Depreciation (8,198.68) ₱ 290,897.32 (8,198.68)
Total Non-Current Assets ₱ 290,897.32
Total Assets ₱ 4,965,896.32

Salaries & Wages payable ₱ 1,249,950.00 ₱ 1,312,447.50
Taxes Payable ₱ 4,715.00 ₱ 4,715.00
Utilities Payable ₱ 69,588.00 ₱ 1,324,253.00 ₱ 69,588.00
Total Liabilities ₱ 1,324,253.00
Owner's Equity
Capital ₱ 2,100,000.00
Net Income ₱ 1,541,643.32
Total Liabilities & Owner Equity ₱ 4,965,896.32
Year 2 Year 3

₱ 6,037,047.04 ₱ 6,145,321.37
₱ 6,037,047.04 ₱ 6,145,321.37

₱ 27,037.50
₱ 27,037.50
₱ 162,225.00
₱ 89,965.66
₱ 17,206.67
314,050.80 (8,198.68) 323,472.32
₱ 314,050.80 ₱ 323,472.32
₱ 6,351,097.84 ₱ 6,468,793.70

₱ 1,378,069.88
₱ 4,715.00
₱ 1,386,750.50 ₱ 69,588.00 ₱ 1,452,372.88
₱ 1,386,750.50 ₱ 1,452,372.88

₱ 2,414,470.82 ₱ 2,137,862.34
₱ 2,549,876.52 ₱ 2,878,558.49

₱ 6,351,097.84 ₱ 6,468,793.70
Projected Statement of Cash Flow
For the Year Ended 2023-2026
Year 1
Cash flows from Operating Activites
Collection on sales (Flowers) ₱ 2,150,150.00
Collection on sales (Coffee) ₱ 2,567,500.00
Depreciation ₱ 8,198.68
Payment for Purchases ₱ 468,600.00
Payment for Direct Labor ₱ 1,249,950.00
Payment for Utilities ₱ 69,588.00
Payment for Factory Overhead ₱ 55,417.00 ₱ 1,843,555.00
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities ₱ 2,874,095.00

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Cost for Building ₱ 200,000.00
Acquisition of Machineries, Equipment,
₱ 99,096.00
Tools, Furniture and Fixtures
Net Cash Outflow from Investing Activites ₱ 299,096.00

Cash flow from Financing Activities

Owner's Investment ₱ 2,100,000.00
Net Cash inflow from financing Activities ₱ 2,100,000.00
Net Increase in cash
Cash Balance at the beginning of the period
Cash Withdrawal
Cash Balance at the end of the period ₱ 4,674,999.00
rojected Statement of Cash Flow
For the Year Ended 2023-2026
Year 2 Year 3

₱ 2,183,250.00 ₱ 2,242,700.00
₱ 2,619,660.00 ₱ 2,994,810.00
₱ 8,608.61 ₱ 9,039.04
₱ 492,030.00 ₱ 516,631.50
₱ 1,312,447.50 ₱ 1,378,069.88
₱ 69,588.00 ₱ 69,588.00
₱ 58,187.85 ₱ 1,940,861.96 ₱ 61,097.24 ₱ 2,034,425.66
₱ 2,862,048.04 ₱ 208,274.34

₱ 2,862,048.04 ₱ 208,274.34
₱ 4,674,999.00 ₱ 6,037,047.04
₱ 1,500,000.00 ₱ 100,000.00
₱ 6,037,047.04 ₱ 6,145,321.37
Projected Income Statement
As of December 2023-2026
Year 1 Year 2
Sales ₱ 4,717,650.00
Less: Cost of Goods Sold ₱ 1,092,256.36 ₱ 1,092,256.36 ₱ 382,451.66
Gross Profit ₱ 3,625,393.64

Operating Expense
Purchases Expense ₱ 468,600.00 ₱ 492,030.00
Salaries and Wages Expense ₱ 1,249,950.00 ₱ 1,312,447.50
Building Expense ₱ 200,000.00 -
Machineries and Equipement Expense ₱ 83,186.00 -
Furniture and Fixture Expense ₱ 15,910.00 -
Business permits and Licenses ₱ 4,715.00 ₱ 4,715.00
Utilities Expense ₱ 69,588.00 ₱ 69,588.00
Depreciation Expense (8,198.68) (8,198.68)

Total Operating Expense ₱ 2,083,750.32

Net Income before Tax ₱ 1,541,643.32
Year 2 Year 3
₱ 4,802,910.00 ₱ 5,237,510.00
₱ 382,451.66 ₱ 398,145.82 ₱ 398,145.82
₱ 4,420,458.34 ₱ 4,839,364.18

₱ 516,631.50
₱ 1,378,069.88
₱ 4,715.00
₱ 69,588.00

₱ 1,870,581.82 ₱ 1,960,805.70
₱ 2,549,876.52 ₱ 2,878,558.49
Return on Investment
Year Cost of Investment Profit
Beginning Capital 2023 ₱ 2,100,000.00 ₱ 1,541,643.32
2024 ₱ 2,100,000.00 ₱ 2,549,876.52
2025 ₱ 2,100,000.00 ₱ 2,878,558.49
TOTAL ₱ 6,300,000.00 ₱ 6,970,078.33
Year of Operation
ROI (%) Year 0 Year 1
73% Initial Investment (2,100,000.00) ₱ 2,100,000.00
121% Projected Net Cash Inflow ₱ 1,541,643.32
137% TOTAL (2,100,000.00) (558,356.68)
Year of Operation Year Outflows Inflows
Year 2 Year 3 0 (2,100,000.00) ₱ -
₱ 2,100,000.00 ₱ 2,100,000.00 1 ₱ 1,541,643.32
₱ 2,549,876.52 ₱ 2,878,558.49 2 ₱ 2,549,876.52
449,876.52 778,558.49 3 ₱ 2,878,558.49
Net Cash Discount Rate Discount Factor Discount Cash
(2,100,000.00) 5% 1.00 (2,100,000.00)
1,541,643.32 5% 0.95 ₱ 1,468,231.73
2,549,876.52 5% 0.91 ₱ 2,312,813.17
2,878,558.49 5% 0.86 ₱ 2,486,607.05
Net Present Value 4,167,651.95
2023 2024 2025
Sales ₱ 4,717,650.00 ₱ 4,802,910.00 ₱ 5,237,510.00
Net Income ₱ 1,541,643.32 ₱ 2,549,876.52 ₱ 2,878,558.49
Net Profit Margin 33% 53% 55%
Project Financing Details
Total Equity (50%) ₱ 1,050,000.00
Bank Loan (50%) ₱ 1,050,000.00
Annual Mark-up to the borrower (Long-term Loan) 5%
Loan Tenure (Years) 3
Annual Mark-up to the borrower (Short-term Loan) 10%

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