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The Prizoner of Zenda

Summary of Chapter One

Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

Rudolf Rassendyll was a very rich Englishman who was 29 years old.
He didn't work because he had a lot of money and had a good position
in society. His sister-in-law Rose was trying to persuade him to have a
"To a man like me,
opportunities are "Sir Jacob
Borrodaile tells me
he'll offer you a real

Sir Jacob Borrodaile who was going to become an ambassador in six

months' time wanted Rudolf to work for him. Rose believed that this
was a good opportunity for Rudolf. Rudolf agreed to take the job and
told Rose and his brother Robert that he was going on a walking tour
in the Alps and that he was going to write a book about the social
problems in the country. His brother thought that was a good idea as
writing a book could be the best way to get into politics.Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Rudolf was different from his brother in appearance and
personality. Rudolf believed that having a lot of money and a good
position in society meant that he didn't have to work. But his brother
Robert believed that his position in society had responsibilities.
Moreover, Rudolf had red hair because a long time ago, one of his
relatives, Countess Amelia Rassendyll, married a member of the

Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs, who were famous for having
red hair. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Rudolf lied to his family about going on a walking tour in the
Alps. In fact he was going to Ruritania to attend the coronation of the
new king, Rudolf the Fifth. He lied because he didn't want his family
to stop him. On his way to Ruritania, he spent a day in Paris where he
met two old friends: George Featherly who worked at the embassy,
and Bertram Bertrand who was a famous journalist in Paris. George
and Bertram told Rudolf about Antoinette de Mauban who was well
known for her wealth and ambition. She was a guest of the Duke of
Strelsau (Duke Michael), the half-brother to the King of Ruritania. The
Duke was his father's favourite son. He went back to Strelsau to make
preparations ‫ استعدادات‬for the coronation of his brother.
The next day, Rudolf Rassendyll took the train to Dresden.
Antoinette de Mauban was on the same train.

"You have an
important person to
travel with,"

At Dresden, Rudolf and Antoinette de Mauban took another train to


When they reached the Ruritanian border, the guards checked their
passports. They were very surprised to see Rudolf as he looked exactly
like the king. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

I was surprised when

the guards stared at
me and my passport
for some time

Rudolf stopped at Zenda, a town near the border, because all hotels in
the capital city of Strelsau were full.
On reading this, I
decided it would be best
to stop at Zenda, a small
town eighty kilometres
from the capital,

Antoinette de Mauban remained on the train for its journey to the

capital. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Rudolf stayed at an inn which was run by an old woman and her
two daughters.

"Well I don't like Duke
I was welcomed at the inn Michael," said her older
in Zenda by an old woman daughter.
who ran it with her two

The old woman (the owner of the inn) liked Duke Michael very much
and she wished he would be the king instead of his brother. She said
Duke Michael had always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the
people, so people liked him. But his brother, Rudolf Elphberg had been
abroad for most of his life and not many people even knew what he
looked like. He only liked hunting and good food. The king was
staying in a hunting lodge in the forest and from there he would travel
to the capital for his coronation. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
"What's the matter, Johann?"
When he saw me, he took "This gentleman's come to our
country to see the
off his hat and stepped back
in surprise coronation."

Johann, the Duke's servant, arrived at the inn. As soon as he

saw Rudolf Rassendyll, he stepped back in surprise as though he had
seen something amazing because Rudolf looked exactly like the king.
Johann offered Rudolf to stay at his sister's house in Strelsau when he

went there to see the coronation. The next morning, Rudolf decided to
walk through the forest to the next station where he could take the train
to the capital. He thought he might see the king in the forest.
"They say the
King has red hair, Many men
have red hair I sent my
just like you!" luggage on to the
like me,"
station and said
goodbye to the
old lady and her

Rudolf reached the castle. It was very old but well built. There
was a moat all around it. There was a large mansion behind it, which
was used by Duke Michael as his country home. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

It was very old but

well built, with a
moat all around it.
Behind it was a large
modern mansion,

The old castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and

the mansion. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

I was pleased to see that the
Half an hour Duke had such a well-
later, I reached defended house,
the castle.

When Rudolf got tired, he decided to rest by lying against a tree. He

fell asleep. He was dreaming about living in the Castle of Zenda when
a voice woke him.Two men were looking at Rudolf in amazement.
They worked for the king. They were Colonel Sapt and Fritz von
Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
It was so quiet and "Why look at him! It's
peaceful in the forest that amazing! He looks just like
I soon fell into a deep the King!"

Colonel Sapt recognised the name Rassendyll. Sapt believed that

Rudolf Rassendyll and the King looked like identical twins, but they
did not have identical personalities or skills. He also said that the king
preferred eating to action. He was not a fighting man.Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"Perhaps you can
"He's about the same tell me what your
height as the King, too!" names are first?" We both work
What's your name, sir?" for the King of

Then the king arrived. As Rudolf looked at him, he gave a loud cry and
the King stood back in amazement looking at Rudolf.Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

a voice came "It's the "Colonel, Fritz: who

from the trees King! He's is this gentleman?"
behind us. coming here

Summary of Chapter Two
Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania (Rudolf Elphberg) stood
in the forest near Zenda looking at each other in silence and
amazement. Colonel Sapt explained to the king who Rudolf Rassendyll
For a few minutes, the
"Whether I like
future King of Ruritania "I hope you're
and I stood looking at each it or not, you
not angry,"
can't help
other in silence.
looking like me.

Rudolf Rassendyll examined the king carefully and noticed that the
king's mouth was perhaps less wide than his and Rudolf's face was a
Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
little thinner. But in general, they were identical.
The king was happy to see Rassendyll. He called Rassendyll 'his
cousin' and said that he was his 'double'. Rudolf told the king that he
was going to Strelsau to see the coronation. Colonel Sapt and Fritz
thought that it wouldn't be a good idea for Rassendyll to visit Strelsau
at that time as people might mistake him for the king and that would
cause a lot of problems. Rassendyll agreed and said that he would leave
Ruritania that day.
The king invited Rassendyll to have dinner with him.

"Come, then, cousin The King's
Rudolf. I don't have a personal
house here, but I'm
servant came
staying in the place
my brother Michael
out to meet
uses for hunting us.

They ate a lot of food. At the end of the meal, Josef, the servant ,
brought the king some cakes. It was Duke Michael's orders to give the
king these cakes. The king ate a lot of cakes. Rassendyll ate only one
"The Duke said I was to give "Well done, Michael! He
you this at the end of your knows me well!"
meal," said the servant,
putting some cakes

The next morning, Fritz and Sapt couldn't wake up the king. Sapt had
to throw water over Rassendyll to wake him up. Rassendyll thought
that the cakes he and the king ate were poisonous. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"We've been
"Rassendyll," said Fritz in trying to wake
a worried voice, "You must him up for half
come and look at this." an hour

The whole country as well as most of the army was waiting for
the king to be crowned. If he wasn't crowned on the specified day,
Duke Michael would take the crown. As Rudolf Rassendyll looked
exactly like the king and spoke perfect German, Colonel Sapt asked
him to pretend to be the king. Rassendyll finally agreed so as to rescue
Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
the king who was lying unconscious.

" you can go to "If you don't go to

Strelsau to be No Strelsau, Duke Michael will
crowned!" be King tonight, and the
King will either be dead or
in prison,"

Colonel Sapt's plan was to go to the palace. Fritz would stay and
guard the king's bedroom. Then Sapt and Rudolf would go back to the
hunting lodge to bring the king. The king would return to the palace

with Sapt and Rudolf would ride to the border and leave Ruritania
before it was light. They carried the king to the cellar. Josef would tell
Michael and his men that the hunting lodge was empty. Johann's
mother overheard Sapt's plan, so Sapt put her in the cellar with the
king. Josef would let Johann's mother out of the cellar after Michael
had gone. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Josef began to dress me in
"We can hide the King in some of the King's clothes.
the cellar so when the guards
They'll think no one's here,"

Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll left the hunting lodage an hour earlier
to avoid being seen by Duke Michael's guards. On their way to the
station. Sapt told Rassendyll everything about the king. The station
guard was surprised to see them as they came an hour earlier, so Fritz
told him that the king had changed his plans. When they got off the
train in Strelsau, Rassendyll had breakfast at the station restaurant.
Marshal Strakencz arrived with his soldiers to meet the king. He said
that Duke Michael was unable to meet the king at the station, but he
would see him shortly. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Strelsau, the capital of Ruritania, was partly old and partly new.
Rich people lived in large houses in wide, modern streets. They had
always lived well under the king's father. Therefore, they supported the
king because they knew that nothing would change. Poor people lived
in narrow streets. They were crowded into very small houses. These

houses were old and hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.
Poor people did not want things to stay the same. They supported Duke
Michael because he gave them hope for a better future.
People in the streets of Strelsau were clapping and cheering.
There were colourful flags everywhere. People threw flowers from
their balconies. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
I could hear music and people cheering
"God save the King!" in preparation for
the coronation. "God save both
Kings," said Sapt.

Rudolf picked a flower and stuck it onto his coat. He got rid of his
nervousness and at that moment, he believed that he was actually the
king. Suddenly, Rudolf saw Antoinette de Mauban on a balcony above
him. She stared at him. It seemed that she knew him. Rudolf feared that
she might call out and tell everyone that he was not the real king!!

Summary of Chapter Three
Rudolf Rassendyll was dressed as the King of Ruritania. He
rode on through the streets of Strelsau towards the palace.

I waved to them as we passed

and people Antoinette de
threw flowers down from the Mauban.
balconies above me.

He expected that Antoinette de Mauban would call out and tell

everyone that he was not the real King. But Antoinette de Mauban
didn't call out. Perhaps she had not recognised him. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

Antoinette de Mauban. As she

stared at me, her expression "Why have we changed our
changed. Surely she would
route?" "It's better this
call out, "That is not the
way," he explained.
real King!"

Marshal Strakencz gave an order to his men to change route and
enter the poor part of the town. The Marshal said that it would be better
that way. People in the poor part of the town supported Duke Michael.
Rudolf Rassendyll thought that perhaps the Marshal was testing him.
Rudolf Rassendyll told the Marshal to order his men to ride ahead of
him. Rudolf Rassendyll wanted to ride alone through the streets of the
old town. He wanted to show the poor people there that their 'king'
trusted them. The Marshal was surprised and Colonel Sapt was very
worried. Rudolf Rassendyll realised that if he were killed in that part of
town, Sapt's position would become very difficult. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

When Rudolf Rassendyll rode alone through the streets of the

old town he realised how white, how clean his uniform seemed
compared to the old buildings around him. Rudolf Rassendyll was so
close to the people in the poor area that he could easily hear what the
people were saying about him. People were surprised to see the 'King'
(Rudolf Rassendyll) on his own. Some people smiled and cheered but
others were quiet and looked at Rudolf Rassendyll angrily. Despite
their anger, Rudolf Rassendyll managed to reach the palace safely.
After that, the coronation took place in a beautiful building.
There were many people there that Rudolf Rassendyll didn't know.
Princess Flavia was there. The golden crown was placed on Rudolf
Rassendyll's head. He was asked to read out some promises. Then
beautiful music played and someone announced that Rudolf the Fifth
was King of Ruritania. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

the golden crown Rudolf the Fifth
being placed on my was now King of
head- I remember Ruritania.
the promises I was
asked to read out

It seemed that Duke Michael knew that Rudolf Rassendyll was not the
real King. His hands shook with anger when he greeted Rudolf
Rassendyll. However, no one else, not even Princess Flavia, seemed to
realise that he was not the real King. He stood in the palace for an hour
greeting many ambassadors and important people who came to see
him. Rudolf Rassendyll was worried when he saw Lord Topham from
England, but the man's eyes were too poor to recognize Rudolf
Rassendyll. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

The King (Rudolf Rassendyll) went in a coach around the

streets with Princess Flavia. She said that the King (Rudolf Rassendyll)
looked different that day. She couldn't believe that he really had
changed. She said that she was surprised to know that the King (Rudolf
Rassendyll) rode alone through the old town. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"I think I want
"Do you know,
"When's the to change now
Rudolf, you look
different today? that I'm

Fritz believed that it was not a good idea for Rudolf Rassendyll
to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael wouldn't like it if the
King became popular with his people. Rudolf Rassendyll couldn't leave
the city without a permit from the King. Colonel Sapt asked Rudolf
Rassendyll to imitate the King's signature on a form. Rudolf Rassendyll
refused to do that, so Colonel Sapt imitated the King's signature.

I heard that you "Well, in a few I'm not sure it was

rode through the hours, I'll become a good idea to ride
old town alone," Rudolf Rassendyll alone through the
once more," old town.

Sapt told Fritz to guard the King's bedroom and prevent anyone from
Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
getting in even if it were Duke Michael himself.

"Here, put on this big
"Now, Fritz, you will tell
everyone that the King's coat and hat," "Now,
gone to bed and that he's not are you ready to go?"
to be woken by anybody
until nine o'clock
tomorrow morning.

Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll left the palace through a secret door
in the wall. At the city gate, the guard was not there and the gate was
closed. Colonel Sapt gave the guard's daughter a form from the King
and a coin. The girl gave Sapt the key and they left the city. Nearly
everyone in the city was in the streets celebrating the coronation.
Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"In the old King's

time, I knew all A man was waiting
about this secret for us with two
passage," horses.

Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll were going to the hunting lodge to bring
back the King. Far behind them they could hear the noise of some
horses coming towards them. They could hear them because the wind
was blowing towards them. They hid in dark trees to see who was
coming behind them. They saw Duke Michael and Max Holf.
Duke Michael and Max Holf were going to the Castle of Zenda.
They received a message that 'all was well'. The Duke's men killed

Josef, the King's servant, and kidnapped the King and took him to the
Castle of Zenda. Sapt could have shot Duke Michael, but he realised it
wouldn't have helped the King at that time. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"Look there!" he said, pointing at

five or six torn and dirty
The lodge was dark and handkerchiefs on the ground.
quiet and no one came out
to meet us.

When Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll arrived at the hunting lodge, Sapt
found some dirty torn handkerchiefs which he used to tie up Johann's
mother. They discovered that Duke Michael's men freed the woman.
They found Josef's body. They thought that it was Johann's mother who
told Michael's men what had happened. Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll
decided to go back to Strelsau. Rudolf Rassendyll agreed to continue
pretending that he was the King. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

Summary of Chapter Four
When Colonel Sapt discovered that the King had been
kidnapped from the hunting lodge and his servant (Josef) had been
killed, Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
"That's why
the body's "So, they said that
I saw a body "It's Josef. they've got all's well.
not good news. the King!"
I'm afraid he's

he asked Rudolf Rassendyll to continue pretending to be the King so

as not to give Michael the chance to take the crown. Rudolf Rassendyll
thought that Sapt's plan was too dangerous because people might
realize that he was not the real King. Colonel Sapt assured Rudolf
Rassendyll ‫ أكّدّله‬that Duke Michael would not say anything because if
he did, people would ask him where the real King was.Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"All right, Sapt, I'll try," I said.

"Good man!" said Sapt. "I'll go and
get the horses."
Rassendyll! Let's go to
Strelsau. We'll be caught if
we stay here."

Rudolf Rassendyll still had doubts as Princess Flavia thought that the
King had changed. Sapt agreed that the plan was a risk, but he told
Rudolf Rassendyll that if there was not a King in Strelsau, the city
would belong to Michael within 24 hours. Even if the real King were
dead, Rudolf Rassendyll would stay King. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
While Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll were getting ready to leave
the hunting lodge, Michael's men arrived.

a big group of men coming down the road "Now!" cried

from Zenda: four were on horses, Sapt,
another four or five were walking.

They had brought spades with them. They came to bury Josef's body in
order to hide their evil work. Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll fought
against Michael's men. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

Now!" cried Sapt, and we drove our horses fast

to the front of the building. The men looked
shocked to see us and were not prepared.

then hit another big man I easily
Knocked one man off his

Rudolf Rassendyll knocked one man off his horse, then hit another man
with his sword. Michael's men wanted to trap Rudolf Rassendyll but he
was able to escape through a gap between the men.Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
One of Michael's men shot Rudolf Rassendyll and he felt a terrible pain
in his finger.
I realised there were people all
Just as I was about to be
around me.
trapped, I saw a gap between
the men and saw my chance
to escape.

Sapt put a bandage on Rudolf Rassendyll's finger. They arrived

at a farm. The farmer was very kind. He gave them some food and
allowed them to rest. Rudolf Rassendyll covered his face so as not to
be recognized by anyone. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

we stopped so
that Sapt could
I heard another shot and felt a put a bandage
terrible pain in my finger. on my finger,

He told the farmer that he had a bad tooth. Then they reached Strelsau.
The streets of the capital were quiet as most of the people were resting
after the celebrations. At the palace, one of Sapt's servants was waiting
for them. His name was Freyler. Sapt told him that the King caught his
finger in a door. Sapt told Freyler not to tell anyone about what he had
seen. When Fritz saw Rudolf Rassendyll, he thought he was the King,
so he jumped up and bowed in front of him. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sapt asked Rudolf
Rassendyll to go to bed and pretend that he was asleep. A minute later
Sapt came into the bedroom and introduced Rudolf Rassendyll to
Princess Flavia's servant. The Princess sent her servant to find out how
the King was feeling after the coronation. Rudolf Rassendyll sent his
thanks to the Princess. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Sapt told Rudolf Rassendyll all about the King's duties. Rudolf
Rassendyll realized it was so hard to be a king and it was even harder
to be a pretend king. Sapt told Rudolf Rassendyll what he ought to do
and what he ought not to do and also what he should say to the many
important people he had to meet during the day. Rudolf Rassendyll was
very worried when he met the French ambassador because he asked
him a question that he could not answer. Rudolf Rassendyll told

everyone that he could not write because of his finger, so many
important documents were not completed. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Fritz believed that they should plan how to attack Michael, but
Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll thought that they should not do anything
dangerous and they should wait to see what the Duke would do. Sapt
believed that Michael would not kill the King because he knew that if
he killed him, Rudolf Rassendyll would stay as King instead.
Michael's Six Men are special soldiers who Michael kept in his
house at all times. They were completely loyal to him. Three of them
were from Ruritania and the others were foreigners. Half of them were
in Strelsau with the Duke, and the other half were at the Castle of
Zenda guarding the King who was held prisoner there.

It's a stalemate!" "But "Excuse me,

wait. Half of Michael's but who are
I also had to tell Six Men are in Strelsau
everyone that I the Six Men?"
with the Duke." Fritz
could not write said
because of my

The King (Rudolf Rassendyll) wanted to make himself popular.

He wanted to stop the poor people of Strelsau from thinking badly
about him. He didn't want them to side with Michael if there was a
fight. Rudolf Rassendyll had a plan. He rode his horse through the
park with Fritz and waved to everyone who bowed to him. He wanted
the people to know that he cared about them. He did not want to be a
distant King who people only heard about. He stopped to buy flowers

from a poor young girl with a gold coin. This attracted the attention of
a lot of people. Hundreds of people followed Rudolf Rassendyll to the
Palace of Princess Flavia who was very popular with the people of
Ruritania. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

Rudolf Rassendyll decided to be careful when he talked to the Princess.

He did not want to say too much to her or she would realize he was not
the real King. Flavia told the King (Rudolf Rassendyll) that he had
completely changed since he became King.

They're six special soldiers "You need not call me

who Michael keeps in his
house at all times. They're
'sir'," I told her."For after
completely loyal to him. all, we are still cousins."

Rudolf Rassendyll told Flavia that he wanted Duke Michael to be near

him because he was his half-brother. He said he and Michael needed to
help and support each other. Flavia looked at him strangely because she
knew that the King and Michael were not good friends as Michael
wanted to take the crown. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289
Michael arrived at Flavia's palace. Rudolf Rassendyll and Flavia
continued to talk. Rudolf Rassendyll didn't realize that Michael was
waiting outside as he couldn't enter without the King's permission.

I found it very easy to talk to the
"You haven't asked him to
Princess and time passed. I
thought it was strange that come in.
Michael had not come into the

Michael was very angry as he was kept waiting. Rudolf Rassendyll

apologized to Michael and told him he didn't know he was waiting,
otherwise he would have asked him in sooner. Rudolf Rassendyll said
that his hand was hurt because an animal bit him. He meant Michael.
"But he might
Yes, an animal bit "Did you kill the bite again,"
me," I explained. animal?"
"It'll be fine."

Rudolf Rassendyll thanked Michael for the splendid coronation. He

also thanked him for the great time he had had at the hunting lodge.
When Michael heard that, he jumped to his feet and walked angrily to
the door. Michael introduced three of his Six Men to Rudolf Rassendyll
and told him that they were loyal to the King. One of the three men
smiled when Rudolf Rassendyll spoke to him in English. Rudolf
Rassendyll was sure that all the Six Men knew that he was not the real
King. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

"These gentlemen are the "I'm very pleased
most loyal and honest of the to meet them,"
King's servants, and are my
great friends."

The Prizoner of Zenda
Photo Gallery
Chapter One Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

The next day, Rudolf Rassendyll took the train to Dresden.

Antoinette de Mauban was on the same train. At Dresden,
Rudolf and Antoinette de Mauban took another train to

Chapter two
Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania (Rudolf
Elphberg) stood in the forest near Zenda looking at each other in
silence and amazement. Colonel Sapt explained to the king who
Rudolf Rassendyll was. Rudolf Rassendyll examined the king
carefully and noticed that the king's mouth was perhaps less
wide than his and Rudolf's face was a little thinner. But in
general, they were identical. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

The king invited Rassendyll to have dinner with him. They ate a
lot of food. At the end of the meal, Josef, the servant , brought
the king some cakes. It was Duke Michael's orders to give the
king these cakes. The king ate a lot of cakes. Rassendyll ate only
one cake.

The next morning, Fritz and Sapt couldn't wake up the king.
Sapt had to throw water over Rassendyll to wake him up.
Rassendyll thought that the cakes he and the king ate were
poisonous. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

People in the streets of Strelsau were clapping and cheering.
There were colourful flags everywhere. People threw flowers
from their balconies. Rudolf picked a flower and stuck it onto
his coat. He got rid of his nervousness and at that moment, he
believed that he was actually the king. Suddenly, Rudolf saw
Antoinette de Mauban on a balcony above him. She stared at
him. It seemed that she knew him. Rudolf feared that she might
call out and tell everyone that he was not the real king!!

Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

Chapter three
Rudolf Rassendyll was dressed as the King of Ruritania. He
rode on through the streets of Strelsau towards the palace. He
expected that Antoinette de Mauban would call out and tell
everyone that he was not the real King. But Antoinette de
Mauban didn't call out. Perhaps she had not recognised him.

Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll were going to the hunting lodge to
bring back the King. Far behind them they could hear the noise
of some horses coming towards them. They could hear them
because the wind was blowing towards them. They hid in dark
trees to see who was coming behind them. They saw Duke
Michael and Max Holf.

Chapter four Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

While Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll were getting ready to leave

the hunting lodge, Michael's men arrived. They had brought
spades with them. They came to bury Josef's body in order to
hide their evil work. Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll fought against
Michael's men. Rudolf Rassendyll knocked one man off his
horse, then hit another man with his sword. Michael's men
wanted to trap Rudolf Rassendyll but he was able to escape
through a gap between the men. One of Michael's men shot
Rudolf Rassendyll and he felt a terrible pain in his
finger Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289

The King (Rudolf Rassendyll) wanted to make himself popular.
He wanted to stop the poor people of Strelsau from thinking
badly about him. He didn't want them to side with Michael if
there was a fight. Rudolf Rassendyll had a plan. He rode his
horse through the park with Fritz and waved to everyone who
bowed to him. He wanted the people to know that he cared
about them. He did not want to be a distant King who people
only heard about. He stopped to buy flowers from a poor young
girl with a gold coin. This attracted the attention of a lot of
people. Hundreds of people followed Rudolf Rassendyll to the
Palace of Princess Flavia who was very popular with the people
of Ruritania. Mr. Amr Shawky 01226818289


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