Synthesis Project

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Kathleena Etter Fall 2022 

English 1302 
Frances Johnson 
1 October 2022 

Synthesis Project 

Writers often stick to what they know and repeat practices in the same genres, which can

lead to entrenchment in their approach to writing (Dryer, 2016). Metacognition and reflection are

tools that all writers should use to help fight against cognitive entrenchment and help them

branch out and grow into the best versions of themselves. To write effectively, writers not only

have to use their cognitive abilities but also take a deeper look into what they are writing and

their writing process. 

Writers using only cognitive processes when producing a written work could lead to

entrenchment. Entrenchment can be caused by repeated practices of the same mental task or

activity which can lead to “the application of a process or the retrieval of information that

doesn’t require conscious attention” (Anson, 2016, p. 77). If writers were to just use cognitive

processes and nothing else while writing, they can get stuck in a routine that can be difficult to

break out of. This can impair their ability to think more creatively and can make it harder to

work in different forms that are unfamiliar. When people get too comfortable with a certain

approach to writing it affects their experiences with it (Dryer, 2016). Entrenchment can have a

negative impact on a writer's ability to write in unfamiliar ways. Writers who only know and

develop in one specific genre or way of writing can have a very difficult time adjusting to a new

one. This can lead to a writer not being able to properly produce a work and can hinder them

from writing to the best of their abilities. Overall, if a writer only writes using cognitive

processes and nothing else when developing their skill as a writer, they can end up gluing

themselves to one structure of writing which can be hard to break. Writers need to look at their
Kathleena Etter Fall 2022 
English 1302 
Frances Johnson 
1 October 2022 

work in different ways and keep their minds open so that when they approach a new form of

writing, they will not struggle with it. 

Writing requires not only cognitive abilities but also metacognition. Cognition will

always remain a critical part of writing, but it is metacognition that gives a writer control over

their work, regardless of what situations they may need to work in (Tinberg, 2016). While

cognition focuses on what the writer is doing in a certain moment, metacognition focuses on why

they made those choices in that moment (Tinberg, 2016). Metacognition allows writers to take a

step back and reflect on what decisions lead them to make an effective piece of work. It helps

writers to know why they make certain choices in their writing and how they can replicate them

in the future.

Reflection is also a very important part of developing a writer’s abilities. Writers should

take advantage of reflection as it is a great way to systematical recall writing experiences that

help with the current writing situation (Taczak, 2016). Reflection is important to the writing

process because it helps the writer to review the writings they have done in the past and apply

that knowledge to the current work they are producing. This teaches them to build upon what

they know and makes it easier to remember the knowledge and practices learned from one

writing site (Taczak, 2016) and use it to create new works. Writers who reflect on their finished

works learn how to apply those writing experiences to future ones.

One last thing that a writer needs in order to write an effective piece of work is passion.

Without passion for the subject that is being written, a writer’s mind cannot fully generate new

ideas and it would only be of little value (Bazweman & Tinberg, 2016). When a writer is very

passionate about the topic, they are writing they can immerse themselves in their work and create
Kathleena Etter Fall 2022 
English 1302 
Frances Johnson 
1 October 2022 

something they are proud of. Without passion, a writer may get discouraged while writing and

not write to the best of their abilities. Having passion is important and writers stand a better

chance of succeeding if they feel strongly about a topic.

In conclusion, creating an effective piece of writing requires more than just putting words

to paper. It requires the writer to take a deeper look into their work and understand their writing

choices. They also need to learn how to apply what they learned from experience to new writings

and approve upon it. Writing takes time, practice, and the drive to do it. Writing needs

metacognition, reflection, and passion on top of cognition.


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