English Homework

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English Homework


1. While he was entering the office, his shirt hung loosely on his shoulders.

2. While leaving the school, the bell beagn to ring.

3. He saw a beautiful neckless hanging around her neck.

4. The stones were deposited while flowing down the mountain.

5. Smoking and drinking every night caused his health to decline rapidly.

6. Our vacation passed happily, we went to the town and the cinema.

7. I went to bed earily because the night seemed long and dreary.

8. While perparing for the match, all practice was directed by the coach.

9. While he was entering the store, all clerks stared at him.

10. While i was walking arcoss the play ground, the dogs barked at me.

11. While entering the yard, i saw two strangers waiting on me.

12. While preparing for the final examination, all extra-curricular activities are abandoned.


1. We will all join you provided that your parents agree.

2. He ran into the ditch as a result of reckless driving.

3. Sheila not only plays the piano but also sings with the choir.

4. He was very successful in his examinations as a result of great diligence and discipline.

5. I will think of visiting you unless you are free to join me in the concerts.

6. The student was suspended as a result of his smoking habits.

7. Mother wishes to help unless she gets our support.

8. Susan will not visit unless you send her an invitation.

9. The members of my club not only arranged this concert but also spent all their savings.

10. He has said he will play provided that the captain opens the innings with him.
11. The floods destroyed the crops as a result of lack of poor drainage.

12. You may enter the race unless you pass the fitness test.

Equivalent Sentences

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. C


1. D

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. D

11. D

12. A

Now I'll have the truth out of you, Val Berners, if I have to beat it out. Whose is this money? Val
began to redden,"Someone dropped their purse", "That's another lie" said mum. "Where's the
purse then", Val saw that he had been silly to mention the purse, "I threw it away" he said." And
that's another lie" said mum, who was by now very angry. Indeed angry and horrified to find out
that her son was a thief, she grabbed hold of Val crying "You give me that purse at once!". Val
fought and struggled to get away from her but mum held on tight, " I won't, I can't!" , he sobbed
for he could not let go his only chance of a bike. " Where did you hide it?" mum shook him hard,
"If you don't tell me I'll go to the police and have you put away!". When at last he confessed it
was under his matress, mum marched striaght to the bed and drew out the purse the line of her
mouth was grim. "You're a thief, a dirty little sneaking thief!"she cried out and slapped him
across the cheek, "Your grandpa and grandma would die of shame if they knew what you'd done"
, "Dad and me brought you up honest, we never cheated anyone in our lives and now look at you,
dirty low cheat!". Mum suddenly collapsed, the anger died out of her and she sank into a chair
and began to sob bitterly.

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