2 - PRAC - MENS - ABR - ING - P - 4prim

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ents PTS PROLOG Alto nendimiento académico 2% Practica Mensual INGLES PRIMARIA - 4"° grado Nombre y Apellidos: correcta. , 1. Replace with the correct personal pronoun. (Reemplaza con el pronombre personal correcto}: cat A) you 8) it ©) she D) we E)I vie (Completa con el VERB TO BE correcto) a boy. : 2. Complete with the correct VERB TO BE. A) am 8) is are D) isn't E) was 3. What's the meaning of COOK? ale (éCudl es el significado de COOK?) A) caminar 8) bailar ©) comer D) cocinar E) correr Observa con atencién las preguntas y marca con una “X" la respuesta oes ops ons : ve 4. Look at the picture and complete the sentence using the present continuous. — INGLES PRIMARIA - 4"° grado (Mira la imagen y completa la oracién usando el presente continuo) « Weare to music. A) cooking d i ig ¢ 8) walking ©) listening 0% p my & D) pasting S ; Sa E) drinking be Complete the question. (Completa la pregunta) Ca © corninnninsttnnntiane Me watching a video? A) Are 8) Am c)Is D) Do Fs E) Does ot Answer the question. (Responde la pregunta) © What are they doing? A) They are cooking B) They are reading. ©) They are painting D) They are running. ee E) They are walking SRE vastness @BtiNg pizza. A) are 8) don't ©) wasn't : D) is not re E) am not — oes ops ons 7. Complete the NEGATIVE SENTENCE. (Completa la ORACION NEGATIVA) | COLEGIOS PROLOG — INGLES Cece PRIMARTA - 4° grado 8. Look and answer the question. (Observa y responde la pregunta) + Ishe playing tennis? A) No, it isn't. > i ) ‘ B) Yes, he i SS st ©) Yes, Tam. D) No, I don't. wen E) No, she doesn't. a 9. Complete the NEGATIVE SENTENCE. (Completa la ORACION NEGATIVA) ©) is not The BOYS wnninniinntnnsninninnnnes PuRning Fast. A) am not 8) isn't 2) dare not Ss E) doesn't 10. Complete the question. (Completa la pregunta) e cantare anon Rass Theyseirting passe Bs A) Am my 6B) Is C) Is not D) Aren't i E) Are , Al oes ops ons

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