12 Supportive Tools

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1.) Class Dojo- There are many features that you can use on
the class dojo. You can set a timer, keep track of points for
team games and even communicate with the parents. Some
teachers may choose to use it for classroom management as
well. This tool can be used both in the classroom and online
by sharing the screen.

2.)Random Selector- In order to keep the peace in the

class and maintain fairness, students like a random wheel
selector. This can be used when the students need to
present something or they are being divided in to groups.
This tool can be used in the class or online by sharing the
3.) Bell- The teacher can ring the bell and this signifies that
everyone needs to stop what they are doing and bring their
attention to the teacher. You can use this tool in the online
classroom and have the students bring their hands to their
head to demonstrate they are ready for the next instruction. If
you are in-person, the teacher can reward a student who is
responding quickly and attentively to the bell by allowing them
to ring it.

4.)Kahoot is an online quiz game. You can find all sorts of

subjects related to your lesson and it is a great game to
play at the end of a lesson for review. It can also be used as
a reward for good behavior. You can play this game online
and in the classroom!
5.) Morning Circle Calendar- A morning circle is a strong way
to establish routine. You can have a calendar with pictures,
birthdays and other additions that students go over everyday.
Students who behave well that day will be selected to run the
circle the next morning. If classes shift online, the teacher can
create an online calendar. The student who is selected to lead
the calendar circle can ask the questions for the session

6.)Red Solo Cups can be useful for all sorts of activities. The
cups can be used for team games, creating sentences structures,
spelling new vocabulary and solving math problems. They are a
fun and interactive way to build skills with the students. You
wouldn’t be able to use this tool in the online classroom but
instead could find an interactive word building game online at
education.com .

7.)Class Meetings are a good way to check in with the

students and allow them to express themselves. Students
can talk about things that they have been enjoying in class,
discuss difficulties and successes. Also, it is a good time for
students to give compliments to their peers if they’d like.
Giving the students time to be heard will make them feel
responsible in the decision making in the classroom. You can
host the class meetings the same way online.

8.)Peace Corner- Kids need a space where they are able to

separate when they have lost focus. Creating a peace corner
allows student’s to step back and give them time to relax and
recompose themselves. This corner can have different tools to
help the students come back to themselves. For example:
breathing exercises, a physical exercise, yoga poses or a short
activity. If the students need a break online, they can let the
teacher know and the teacher can set a timer for them to turn
off their camera and do a few jumping jacks or push ups in
order to refocus.
9.) Whiteboards- Whiteboards are great for
practicing writing, listening, and drawing skills. For
young learners this is great practice for improving
their motor skills. Whiteboards are especially
helpful in the online classroom. Students can show
their work on the screen. Great for many activities .

10.)Online Attendance for students. This is super helpful. It

gives the parents an opportunity to keep track of the days the
student was late or absent. This tool can also help the teacher
communicate any success or difficulties the student may be
having in class. Keeping parents informed is a great way for the
parents to be able to assist if needed. Since this tool is online
already it is adaptable for the online classroom.

11.) Youtube is a great resource. Some classrooms

don’t allow technology but if they do then YouTube
is great, especially for ESL students. You can play
songs and videos related to the topics. Or even play
music for a brain break. This can be very helpful for
online classes as well.

12.) Toy ball can be used for many activities in the class. It can
also double as a speaking ball, when you have it you are the only
one speaking. This teaches students to respect others and
practice active listening. In the online classroom you can you the
hand raise feature and unmute the student when it is their turn
to speak.

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