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GOAL (S)- What will I achieve? GOAL (S)- What will I achieve?
Further develop leadership capacity with a focus on Daring Leadership. Further develop leadership capacity in supporting ELL programming in WCPS.


How will I achieve my goal? When will I complete What do I have and what do I need? How will I achieve my goal? When will I complete these What do I have and what
these strategies? strategies? do I need?
Daring Leadership Completed September Revise the ESL strategic plan from 21-22 that Fall 2022 Mostly developed- need
Assessment 27, 2022 identifies areas of growth related to ESL/ELL to refine and go through
programming for WCPS with Danica.

The strategic plan is likely a 2-3 year goal

Areas to focus on:

- intake process Have completed in the
October 2022 I would like to re-read this with a new lens in front of - oral language assessment upon following schools (Fall
Re-read Dare to Lead me now that I have completed the Daring Leadership intake 2022):
(Brené Brown) Assessment. Areas of focus: - division level info collected in PS TR, Alix, LUES, PES, LJHS,
-Rumbling with Vulnerability (challenge my (language spoken in the home) RES, JS, CR, PSC
Ongoing 22-23 school background experience that vulnerability IS
year courageous- this is not my default thinking!) - beliefs in schools and cultural
score=7.1/10 competence/equity
-Living Your Values (get clear on 2 primary - using benchmark levels to make
values/behaviors) score= 6.8/10 instructional decisions (assigning marks?,
-Braving Trust (dig into 7 elements of BRAVING) develop targeted strategies to implement
score=7.8/10 based on student’s level of proficiency
-Learning to Rise (how to reset after disappointments) - consider messaging about modified LSP work (November-
score=6.8/10 programming- would an LSP be an area we December 2022) with
could explore and message to schools? So implementation in Fall
far, this has not been an expectation. 2023
Danica- if you have other resources you’d suggest I - understanding the language demands in
read or look into? specific subject areas
- Have created a folder containing resources Ongoing 22-23
for new ELLs who require emergency and
functional language. Will continue to add to
this folder.
- DO page created in PS with Myrna Completed: September

Collaboration with School Leaders Spring 2023

-Would like to see schools who have worked
consistently with me on developing ESL
programming share with the AA to raise awareness
of how we can support ELLs in regular classroom

Collective Efficacy Through AA 22-23 Connections of ELL strategies to new K-3 ELAL and Ongoing 22-23 school year May need to collaborate
school year Math with other ESL
coordinators (visit Kathy
Salmon in Calgary).
Complete another February 2023 It’s been a couple of years since my last review- time Professional Reading Resources to reference in
Leadership survey to send for a refresh. preparing resources to share/supporting teachers.
out to schools -From Equity Insights to Action: Critical Strategies
for Teaching Multilingual Learners
- Big Ideas for Expanding Minds- Teacher Resource


Pearson Resource: Introduction to Canada

Attend Leadership November 21-22, 2022 - Sessions on FI Admin Support will be of Updates to Education Services Updates & Wolfden Ongoing- monthly I have some info and
Essentials benefit to me in my role -links to resources access to resources but
-tips and tricks need to sift through it to
-articles relating to ELL instruction present a concise, easy to
-information about upcoming PD opportunities digest write up with
useful info and links.

Communication to consider sharing with our admin:

The 6 Types of Working November 2022 I believe a deeper dive into this will help me better Purchase of Digital resource (Talk About) October 2022-ongoing Purchased-preparing a
Genius (read) understand and be an effective team member, as well -updates to Ed Services and Wolf Den to raise video to send out to
as gain insight into people I work with in schools. awareness schools to understand the
-school visits to show resource to teachers/ admin tool. Video completed
Video link: Talk About Digital and shared with schools
(November 7, 2022_
Attend Aspiring Leaders Fall 2022- Spring 2024 Assignments as determined within cohort structure New Alberta Education K-12 English Language October 23, 2022 Completed
Proficiency Benchmark (mandated implementation
23-24 school year)
-attend ATA ESL-C session (Red Deer)
-possible train the trainer model (Kathy Salmon/ ATA Prepare communication
ESL-C) -April 2023 for 2023-24

-review document, design communication for Spring implementation in

2023 as information item for AA in anticipation of schools.
23-23 school year.
Attend ATA ESL Conference- May 5-7 Lake Louise
INDICATORS AND MEASURES OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT- How will I know I have achieved my Personal INDICATORS AND MEASURES OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT- How will I know I have achieved my Personal
Professional Goal? Include evidence Professional Goal? Include evidence

Reflections on Readings Strategic Plan- once completed

Updates to Professional Portfolio as it relates to the LQS Intake documentation- once revised in PowerSchool with instruction to schools about new procedure
New learnings and/or artifacts from Leadership Essentials Conference (completed Fall 2022)
Survey data once completed & related reflections for PGP final review and Professional Portfolio page (related Visits to classrooms as requested by teachers/schools
to LQS). Evidence of entries into newsletters (Wolfden and Ed Services monthly updates)
New learning and/or artifacts from ATA ESL Conference (May 2023)

REFLECTION & EVALUATION- How did I do? What have I learned? What adjustments do I need to make? REFLECTION & EVALUATION- How did I do? What have I learned? What adjustments do I need to make?

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