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Speech Communication 2022 IBA, Karachi Maria Hassan

Midterm Instructions
The theme for Midterm presentation is “Lessons from history.” Each group is required to present
on a topic within this theme. Each topic must be approved by the instructor and then added on
the google sheet shared with you. Duplication of topics will not be allowed.
You may find the following useful while brainstorming for your presentation topic. This just one
resource, neither the only nor the best. You are advised to research on your own while working
on your topic.
1. Booking Presentation Slot
On the given Google sheet, groups should add their topics. Topic registration will be on
first-come-first-serve basis; TA would monitor the sheet.
2. Presentation Slides
A. Group presentation (ppt) should comprise 10 ten slides (including the title slide (slide
# 1) and the References slide (slide # 10) for a group of four students; two additional
slides for a group of five students.
B. Groups must upload their slides and outline on LMS as well as email the same to
the TA by March 05, 2022. Only ONE presentation per group!
C. Slides should also be saved on the desktop of the room of the exam a day before the
3. Presentation
A. Individual speech duration = 03 mins
B. Two minutes extra for a video
Speech Communication 2022 IBA, Karachi Maria Hassan

Speech Communication Midterm, Spring 2020

Evaluation Sheet: Informative Speaking: PowerPoint Presentation
Group Evaluation (5) Topic______________________________________

Use of visual Aid 2

Selection of topic 2
Time management 1: Manages Time 0 Fails to Manage

Individual Evaluation (15)

Name Verbal NV Comm. Audien Content List-

Comm. 4 . Ana. 4 1
4 2
Uses a wide Is articulate and Style and Introducti
range of audible expression on:
vocabulary Uses vocal variety is attention
Demonstrates Minimal use of appropriate grabbing
control of vocal fillers to the Ideas are
lexical Maintains eye situation logically
features; contact and the organized.
Uses a wide Employs effective audience Conclusio
range of gestures n is
structures with Avoids distracting effective
full flexibility mannerisms
and accuracy.

1. All the sources cited must be properly documented. Strict action would be taken in case of
2. Individual speaking time 3 mins.
Speech Communication 2022 IBA, Karachi Maria Hassan


Class # : _______________

Group Members :
Topic: Title suggesting the topic of your
General To inform about…
Specific Identifies the information you want to
communicate in the mode you have
Purpose: chosen.
Thesis: The central idea of your speech
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Something that grabs the attention
e.g. startling statistics, stories,
rhetorical questions,
B. Why should the audience listen to your
Reason to Listen: speech?
Make it personal to each of them.
C. Same as above.
Thesis Statement:
D. 1. What personally connects you to this
Credibility Statement: topic?
2. What type of research have you
done to establish credibility?
E. Preview of Main 1. First, I/we will describe …
Points: ( reinforces 2. Second, I / we will examine …
the selected mode) 3. Third, I/ we will …
II. Restate thesis, exact statement as above.
A. 1. Idea of development or support for
Statement of the first the first main point
main point; you should a. Support
not use a source in this 2. More development
sentence. a. Support
3. More development if needed
Transition: (Required) Statement of movement that looks
back (internal summary) and looks forward (preview).
Speech Communication 2022 IBA, Karachi Maria Hassan

B. 1. Idea of development or support for

Statement of second the first main point
main point. a. Support
2. More development or support
a. Support
3. More development if needed
Transition: (Required)
III. Conclusion
A. Review of Main 1. Restate your first main point.
Points: 2. Restate …
B. Restate Thesis: Same as above but preferably rephrased.

C. Closure: Develop a creative closing


. Tips for Informative Speaking

Analyze the audience What can the audience be reasonably expected to know? Never presume
that an audience has a thorough background in the subject.
Use appropriate language What are the norms for speaking style for the audience?
If they expect lots of jargon and specialized language, the speech should be peppered with such
language or else the audience will feel like they are being talked down to.
If the audience is unfamiliar with these technical terms, avoid using them or introduce them with an
explanation of what they mean.
Explain the importance of the topic
Why should the audience listen?
Will this information improve their lives in some meaningful way?
A speaker must establish a connection between their topic and the interests of the audience.
Show, don’t tell
Informative speeches often benefit from a demonstration or visual aid. Technology can assist
"showing" when the subject is not easily brought physically into the room

Being told about a process, like cloning, could be informative, but probably not have as great an
impact as being shown the process with pictures or perhaps even lab equipment.
Be Specific
Informative speeches thrive on detail, and dive on generalities.
Audiences are often impressed by detail, but be careful not to become so detail-oriented that the big
picture of the speech is compromised.

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