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1 – Complete each word or phrase with its definition.

Exhibit – skyscraper - adapt – sea - port - avoid – varieties – sea level – roots – precipitation– museum

1- To change or adjust to new conditions ________adapt_____________________________________

2- The part of the plant that grows into the earth and brings in water ________roots________________

3- Rain or snow __________________________________

4- kinds or types ____________________________________________

5- At the same height as the sea or ocean ________________________

6- To stay away from_______________________________________

7- A big building with many floors ___skycraper___________________________

8- A land facility designated for reception of personnel or material moved by sea ______port________________

9- A place devoted to the exhibition of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value _______exhibit__________

10- A show or display of arts, plants, or animals _______museum______________

2- Find and correct the mistakes.

1- Where was you yesterday?

2- Why doesn’t she have came to class?

3- What is you doing tomorrow?

4- Will yous like to play volleyball?

5- What type of music does you like?

3 – Complete the sentences with going to future.

Example – (She) go to a hotel in December - She Is going to a hotel in December

1- I (go) ____________________________________ to the dentist next week.

2- Many people (get) ______________________ flue vaccines.
3- Jack fell and hurt his leg. The doctor take ________________________ an X-ray.
4- My husband and I have high cholesterol. I (buy) ___________________ more fruit and vegetables.
5- The baby has an ear infection. The doctor (write) ______________________ a prescription for an antibiotic.

4 – Circle the correct time expression

1- Jennifer is going to study now/ in the afternoon.
2- Yissel received more e-mails right now/ every day.
3- Scarlet will read the newspaper this afternoon; she reads it after lunch/every morning.
4- Jazmin at this moment/always studies at night.
5- My internet connection at this moment/ always is working very slowly.
6- I was walking for/on an hour ____________________________________
7- Our washing machine is/are not working _________________________
5- Write the words in the correct order.
A) – pizza/like/eat/to/I

I like to eat pizza

B) always/happy/I/am

I am always happy

C) monkeys/bananas/love/eat/to

monkeys love eat to bananas

D) big/ university /UCATECI/is/a

Ucateci is a big university

E) classes/my/are/on/Tuesdays/and/Thursdays

My classes are on Tuesday and Thursdays

5- Next to each word write it’s opposite.

Clean – near - easy – comfortable – beautiful -short - light - hot- sunny – large – cheap – new - pleased
– quiet – wonderful.

1. Terrible ______________________

2. Far ____________________________

3. Cloudy ___________________________

4. Expensive ____cheap____________________

5. Noisy _____________________________

6. Tall ______________________________

7. Difficult ________easy___________________

8. Ugly __________beautiful____________________

9. Heavy _____________________________

10. Cold ________hot______________________

Eres el juez de tus propios actos y el árbitro de tu propio destino.

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