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Name: Benben A.

Kansa Strand and Section: Stem- Malachite

Subject Teacher: Maam Jenny Cuenco-Dioso Date of Submission: October 7, 2021

Performance Check 1.1a

Report on the Piece of Land for Development

I. Background

The piece of land for development is located and lies on a flat, barren coastal
area with only few communities nearby. Because of it’s coastal geography, the
piece of land is prone to storm surges.

II. Possible Disaster Risk

Knowing the possible disaster risk in coastal area is a paramount component of

sustainable development of that piece of land. Coastal areas are exposed to
numerous coastal hazards and disasters such as typhoon, storm surge, tsunami
and coastal erosion. Because of these coastal hazards and disasters, there are
possible disaster risk.

Before stating the possible disaster risk, let us first define its meaning. Disaster
risk is defined as the “potential disaster losses, in terms of lives, health status
and/or assets and services, which could occur in a particular community or
society over some specified future time period”.

When the said coastal area wasn't sustainably developed, its is expected to have
the possibility of a greater adverse effects of disaster when it happens. Loss of
lives, damage to property and coastal erosions are some of the possible disaster

Losses in Terms of Lives

When a disaster happens in the area, there is a possibility that there are people
that may loss their lives if the area of development is poorly designed. Because
the area lies on a flat and barren coastal area, typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis
and flooding can affect the area. If that happens, there are possibility that there
are losses in terms of lives and some people may be missing or injured.

Health Status

The health status of the future inhabitant of the area for development may
possibly be affected greatly when there is a disaster. For instance, if there is
typhoon, flooding is one of it’s effect and if there is flooding the water source is
greatly affected. If the water is not clean, the inhabitant of the area may
experience diarrhea and any disease related to dirty water.

Losses in Terms of Livelihood

The livelihood, when there is a disaster, is greatly interrupted. In fact , for

instance if there is a typhoon, some of business establishments closes their
business. Also if there is a typhoon, it is advisable and a requirement for all
people to stay safe at home. They are just in their home and their source of
income is interrupted.

Losses in Terms of Assets

The future assets of the area for development may potentially loss such as the
houses and buildings. For instance, if there is an earthquake, those poorly
designed houses and buildings may be damaged because it can’t withstand the

To conclude, these disaster risks may possible to happen but if the area is
sustainably and greatly developed, we can lessen the impact of disasters that
may happen in the future. With proper planning, the piece of land for
development could potentially withstand all disasters. Reducing disaster risk is a
cost-effective investment in preventing future losses therefore it’s great that I’m
able to discussed all the possible disaster risk in my report so that we’re able to
formulate an effective disaster risk management plan for sustainable
development of the piece of land.

III. Underlying Risk Factors of the Disaster(s)

Disasters are unavoidable therefore, efforts should be focused on reducing

disaster risks through the implementation of risk mitigation strategies. Current
disaster risk research focuses mostly on disaster risk reduction, as well as pre-
disaster and post-disaster procedures, with little attention paid to the factors
that influence risk perception. In this part of my report, I’m going to discuss the
underlying factors of disaster(s) to ensure an effective plan to successfully
develop, the piece of land.

Changes in the Climate

Climate change has the potential to enhance catastrophe risk in a number of

ways, including increasing the frequency and intensity of hazards occurrences,
impacting vulnerability to hazards, and changing exposure patterns.

Degradation of the Environment

It is both a cause and a result of disasters, diminishing the environment's ability

to meet societal and ecological demands. The degrading environment like
erosion of shoreline could result disaster that can affect the piece of land for

Poorly-planned and Managed Development of the Piece of Land

If the piece of land is poorly-planned and managed for development, there could
be a serious disaster and it unfolds hazards to the piece of land. For instance, if
the sanitation is poorly-designed, the water would be greatly affected and could
potentially harm the future inhabitants of the piece of land.

Lack of Disaster Risk Consideration

If the planner or developer of the piece of land lacked of consideration in

reducing disaster risk, the area would be vulnerable to disasters and has a
possibility of greater adverse effects when it happens.

IV. Ways/ Recommendations on How to Reduce the Impacts of Disasters

There are many ways/recommendation on how to reduce the impacts of disaster

in the piece of land for development. In reducing the impacts of disasters, we
have what we called Disaster Risk Reduction. Reducing the impacts of disaster
requires incorporating DRR policy and practice into long-term development

Let us first define what is DRR before discussing the ways/ recommendation on
how to reduce the impact of disaster. The concept and practice of disaster risk
reduction aims to lower disaster risks by systematically analyzing and minimizing
the causes of disasters. Reduced exposure to risks, reduced vulnerability of
people and property, intelligent land and environmental management, and
improved catastrophe preparedness are all examples of disaster risk reduction.

Here are ways/recommendation to reduce the impact of disasters.

Infrastructure to Reduce the Impact of Disaster

Since the piece of land lies on a flat, barren coastal area, infrastructures such as
sea wall is important to reduce the impact of tsunamis and storm surges. Sea
wall is like a barrier to protect the coastal line from strong waves like tsunamis.
Flood control infrastructure such as canals are also important in reducing the
impact of possible flooding in the area.

Planting Mangrove Trees

Mangrove safeguard the land — and the people who live there — from waves
and storms by stabilizing shorelines and preventing erosion. Mangrove also
serves as home to different species and it’s a great way to reduce the impact of
disaster at the same time providing home to some of the species in our

Building Earthquake/ Disaster-proof Houses and Buildings

We all know that if there is an earthquake or any disaster, buildings and houses
are vulnerable to damages. Some of the reason why there are people dies in a
disaster is because the building or house collapses and they are stuck. Building a
house or building that can withstand in any disaster is a great way to reduce the
impact of disaster.
Preparedness Planning for Improving Response to Disaster when it Happens

In preparedness planning, it’s important to give awareness to the future

inhabitants of the piece of land for development. They should know what to do
before, during and after any disaster that could happen in the future. The future
constituent of the area should always have emergency kit to be prepared all the
time. The people also should know where is the evacuation center located and
all the fire exits in their homes or any buildings they might be in.

In my report, we can clearly conclude that to reduce the impact of disaster we

need to be prepared. In preparation, we need to build infrastructure that could
help reduce the impact of a disaster such as sea wall and disaster-proof buildings
or houses. The most important thing is the people that are aware and prepared. I
strongly believe that if we are all prepared, we can reduce the impact of any
disaster that may happen.

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