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Effect of conductivity on paper and board machine performance-a review

and new experiences

Article  in  Tappi Journal · October 2017

DOI: 10.32964/TJ16.10.567


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3 authors:

Lebo Xu Przemyslaw Pruszynski

WestRock Pruszynski Paper Chemistry Consulting LLC


Peter W. Hart
WestRock Company


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Effect of conductivity on paper and

board machine performance—
a review and new experiences

ABSTRACT: The current trend to further reuse water within paper mills has resulted in more accumulated salts,
as reflected by increased conductivity values. Although conductivity measurement is widely used in paper mills, its
fundamental principles and interpretation are not often fully understood. This keeps papermakers from reaching the
full benefits of using conductivity measurements to help manage the wet end chemistry of paper or board
machines. High and variable conductivity affects the intrinsic properties of pulps, the performance of chemical addi-
tives, and the interaction between them. This paper reviews principles of conductivity; its measurement; its effect on
important aspects of papermaking operations, such as retention, drainage, sizing, strength development and deposit
control; and the fundamentals behind the effects of conductivity on the papermaking process. Specific mill exam-
ples are also provided. Potential solutions for operating a mill under high and variable conductivity conditions are
Application: Understanding the principles of conductivity measurement and its limitations can help mills inter-
pret the effect of high ion concentration on the papermaking processes. It will also help papermakers gain insight
into issues associated with increased and changing conductivity for troubleshooting.

O riginally, the papermaking process relied solely on

the physical process to filter fiber slurries, fines,
and mineral additives, forming a paper sheet. Today, the
drainage programs. Factors that affect the performance of
these drainage and retention programs have been well re-
viewed by several authors [1-5]. Those findings and others
papermaking process increasingly relies on the application justify the need for reviewing the effects of important wet end
of chemical additives to enhance the performance of the chemistry components and their effects on machine opera-
paper machine and final paper products. Higher machine tions. This paper focuses on the effects of ionic contamina-
speeds, stronger shear in the forming section, more restric- tion, collectively represented by measurement of conductiv-
tion on fresh water consumption, and significantly more ity. Brown and Hart [6] recently reviewed the relevance of
closure of machine water systems lead to higher concen- conductivity in the pulping process. This paper will focus
trations of dissolved and colloidal substances and bring entirely on the wet end of the paper machine. Because many
the system closer to the point of potential destabilization. of the consequences of increased or variable ionic strength
These increasingly difficult machine conditions coincide are general in nature, they apply to paper, board, and tissue
with technological and market trends that require finely tuned applications, although the relevance of individual effects
operating conditions, frequent grade changes, and stringent might differ from grade to grade. In addition to the general
quality expectations. Alkaline conversion introduced chemi- effect of conductivity, we will briefly review the specific ef-
cally reactive fillers (calcium carbonates) and hydrolysable fects of calcium ions (Ca+2) and magnesium ions (Mg+2) asso-
sizing molecules, such as alkyl ketene dimer (AKD), low melt- ciated with hardness.
ing point alkylene ketene dimer (AIKD), and alkenyl succinic This paper is a literature review that includes several of the
anhydride (ASA). Use of those additives requires better control authors’ real-world experiences intermixed. Although the ef-
over such conditions as pH, temperature, hardness, alkalinity, fects of conductivity, at a general concept level, are well un-
cationic demand, and conductivity than was required in the derstood by skilled and experienced wet end chemists, the
past. New, advanced, high performance and multicomponent authors realize that reviewing this topic to provide fundamen-
retention programs and sophisticated strength programs re- tal principles and bring practical examples with potential so-
quire strict control over paper machine conditions to avoid lutions could help papermakers better understand the rele-
variability in their performance, assuring machine efficiency vance of conductivity and consider it as a very important wet
and product quality. end chemistry parameter. This becomes increasingly impor-
Many studies have been published recently to describe the tant now, as many mills plan to reduce fresh water consump-
effects of various factors on the performance of retention and tion, either voluntarily or otherwise.
OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 567
DISCUSSION on viscosity closely match its effect on conductivity. Conduc-
Conductivity fundamentals tivity correlates with the concentration of ions and its change
In general, detrimental substances that accumulate in the pa- with temperature should lead to a decrease of concentration
permaking systems are either inorganic or organic. This re- from temperature expansion of water by 0.025% per 1°C. Be-
view considers the effect of inorganic dissolved solids, in gen- cause the change in conductivity caused by temperature is
eral terms of conductivity, and the specific effect of Ca+2 and not related to a change in the ionic strength of solution, it is
Mg+2 ions that contribute to water hardness. not expected to correlate with paper machine performance.
When an electrical potential is applied to a pair of elec- Because not all conductivity meters have temperature com-
trodes immersed in an aqueous solution containing ions, pos- pensation, it is recommended to collect temperature data to-
itive ions (cations) migrate toward the cathode, and negative gether with conductivity to check the effect of temperature
ions (anions) migrate toward the anode. The conductivity on conductivity trends.
(ability to conduct an electrical current) of the solution is a
function of the rate of charge movement in the potential field. Effect of mill closure
The conductivity value can be affected by the migration speed Paper mill water closure results in the accumulation of soluble
of individual ions, the charges and concentrations of the ions, materials that have a pronounced effect on paper machine
and interactions among individual ions. operations and product quality. This buildup of ionic material
Conductivity can be expressed as the reciprocal of the re- is an unavoidable consequence of water closure and dictates
sistivity normalized to a 1 cm cube of a liquid at a specified how far mill water circuits can be closed. On the research
temperature, which is reported in micro-Siemens per centi- level, the effect of ionic strength to the system is well under-
menter (µS/cm). The term specific conductance is used in this stood. In practical application, ionic concentrations will con-
paper when measurements are made at or corrected to the tinue to increase with reduced use of fresh water in paper and
standard temperature of 25°C. In simple terms, conductivity board production. Understanding, preferably in quantitative
is a function of ionic concentration and specific conductance. terms, the nature of this effect and the way to mitigate it
Without getting into details, the ability of ions to impart con- might, therefore, open the way to further the progress of
ductivity depends on their charge and mobility. Thus, not all water closure projects in a mill. The degree of accumulation
ions contribute to conductivity to the same degree, as illus- of any substance in the paper machine system depends on the
trated in Table I [7]. nature of the contaminant, its influx level to the system, and
Although hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (HO-), originating the degree of system closure. Equation 1 represents the de-
from water, have the highest specific conductance, they have gree of concentration or enrichment factor (ER) of any sub-
only a small contribution to the total conductivity of a solution stance that fully follows the water phase (shows no affinity to
unless the solution is at an extremely high or low pH value. At the fiber):
near neutral pH conditions, the concentrations of H+ and HO-
are low, resulting in only a small effect on total conductivity.
In typical papermaking conditions, most conductivity and its
variations come from contributions of other ions.
Conductivity increases with temperature at a rate of 2% to where r is the recycle ratio, or the amount of white water re-
3% per degree Celsius above 0°C. This is because of the effect cycled divided by the total amount of water to the headbox
of temperature on liquid viscosity and density. The viscosity [8]. This equation can be used to predict the steady state
of water decreases by about 2% per 1°C when heated, result- concentration of the simple electrolyte, provided it has no or
ing in reduced resistance to flow, thus increasing conductiv- very low affinity for the sheet of paper [9]. This equation was
ity. Both direction and magnitude of the temperature effect also used to predict the degree of closure when final concen-
tration of the accumulated tracer (lithium [Li+]), added at a
Specific Specific known concentration of tracer, was measured [10]. Equation
Ion Conductance, Ion Conductance, 1 applies well to ions that contribute to conductivity. At the
Ω-1cm2mol-1 Ω-1cm2mol-1 recycle ratio r = 0.9, the enrichment factor ER = 10 can be
calculated for ions that are not removed with the sheet of
H+ 349.8 1/2 Ca+2 59.50 paper. There is always some degree of removal of ionic spe-
cies with the water entering the press section (if pressate is
HO- 197.8 1/2 Sr+2 59.46
not reclaimed). Nevertheless, any source of salts undergoes
Na+ 50.11 1/2 SO4-2 80.0 significant enrichment with increasing recycle ratio. A lot of
attention needs to be devoted to understanding sources of
K+ 73.52 Cl- 76.35
conductivity and their reduction.
1/2 Mg+2 53.06 HCO3- 44.5 Equation 1 does not account for the adsorption of dis-
solved solids onto the fibers. Xu [11] modified Eq. 1 to ac-
I. Specific conductance of selected ions. count for the adsorption of dissolved solids to the formed web
568 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | OCTOBER 2017
of paper (Eq. 2): washing. Several organic sodium salts might also be present
from dissolved lignin and carbohydrate fragments remaining
in the washed pulp. As upsets occur in the brownstock wash-
(2) ing, the concentration of these materials changes, resulting in
conductivity spikes on the paper machine. Work has been
where: performed to correlate dissolved sodium concentration in
Cr,eq = equilibrium concentration stock to conductivity measurements [14]. University investiga-
Y = sum of the concentration of species of interest in tors [15] reported a linear correlation between the measured
different water flows on machine at equilibrium conductivity and the inorganic levels found in black liquor
r = recycle ratio filtrates of a brownstock washing system. Sodium, the most
K = percentage of species of interest removed by adsorption prevalent inorganic component of black liquor, usually repre-
M = total amount of water coming from outside sources sents all the inorganics. This implies that conductivity can be
correlated to sodium content.
This model, validated by the authors through experimental Conductivity affecting paper machines making bleached
evaluation of the buildup rates for sodium (Na+) and Ca+2, al- grades comes from the pulp leaving the last stage of bleach-
lowed prediction of the final concentration and time required ing. Often, there is a need to adjust pH of the stock leaving the
to reach equilibrium for species with some adsorption ability bleach plant going to the paper machines. These adjustments
to the fiber. Because of higher adsorption of Ca+2 to the fiber, are performed with either sulfuric acid or caustic soda. Both
its final concentration was lower and time to reach equilibri- materials will increase wet-end conductivity. As with brown
um shorter. pulps, upsets in the last stage of bleach plant washing will also
Mittal and coauthors [12] discussed buildup of dissolved increase the amount of material being sent forward to the
solids related to mill water closure contributing to conductiv- paper machines, thus increasing the amount of chemical re-
ity in a paper board mill. This work focused on critical sub- quired to adjust pH of the stock. Therefore, upsets in the last
stances such as chlorine (Cl-), sulfate (SO4-2), Ca+2, Mg+2, silica stage of bleach plant washing might impart a double effect on
(SiO2), and Na+. conductivity variability.
For recycled fiber, the amount of ionic material it con-
Sources of conductivity tains is mainly determined by previous manufacture and
Papermaking raw material and additives can introduce ions consumer history, on which a mill generally has less control.
to the process. Wood contains different ions, such as Ca+2, One good practical control method is to sample and sort
Mg+2, and barium (Ba+2), depending on its growing environ- recycled material. This will not reduce the total amount of
ment. If wood is chemically pulped and bleached, pulping and ion, but can decrease the variation of conductivity from
bleaching chemicals will be a great source of ions. The amount time to time to minimize its effect on the papermaking pro-
of ion carryover is determined by the efficiency of the various cess. Broke (internal recycled fiber) should be more man-
washing processes. Brightness development of mechanical ageable by a mill. Most wet-end and dry-end additives, such
pulps is the biggest contributor to conductivity in grades such as surface treatment or coating, are returned to the wet end
as newsprint, improved newsprint, mechanical pulp-based through repulped broke. If a mill is expected to use a fair
coated grades, and supercalendered grades. The application amount of broke, materials used at the wet end and dry end
of brightening chemistries, typically hydrosulfite (Y), perox- should be carefully chosen, considering the ion accumula-
ide (P), or combined PY bleaching, often results in high levels tion effect through broke system.
of ionic contamination. The contamination level is propor- Incoming fresh water contains ionic material, especially
tional to the brightness target and depends on the available Ca+2, if the water is hard. Acid and caustic soda for pH adjust-
thickening stages acting as water blocks between bleaching ment will add additional ions. Most papermaking additives are
stages and the paper machine. Additionally, reaching desired designed in a salt form for good water solubility. Rosin soap
brightness levels often requires change of dosages of bright- and surfactant of dispersed rosin size, AKD, and ASA give Na+
ening chemicals, leading to significant variation in water or K+. Aluminum species (alum or poly-aluminum-chloride
chemistry, including but not limited to conductivity. The ef- [PAC]) introduce Al +3. Most cationic polymer additives
fect of water blocks such as twin-wire presses on system con- (strength agent, retention aid, drainage aid) are salts of poly-
tamination and wet-end stability is well documented [13]. meric acid and release ions after dissolving. Dye is usually a
For paper mills using virgin pulps, one of the main sources salt of organic acids as well, which contributes ions after dis-
of conductivity at the wet end is the pulp. Mills using un- associating in water. If coated broke is used, coating material
bleached pulps (brown mills) will experience conductivity might become an ion source. For example, acidic process
swings that directly correspond to upsets in the brownstock water can dissolve calcium carbonate (CaCO3) pigment to
washers. These mills typically receive some amount of inor- generate Ca +2. Some additional contribution to the ionic
ganic sodium compounds (typically reported as equivalent strength of the system can come from starch, biocides, dyes,
sodium sulfate [Na2SO4]), which remain in the pulp after and optical brightening agents.
OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 569
Effect of conductivity on papermaking process such as temperature shock, pH shock, and shear.
Conductivity affects wet-end operations through general Increased water closure, more aggressive bleaching pro-
charge interactions and leads to changes in the conformation cesses, higher deinked pulp content, and higher shear at form-
of charged additives (polymers, starches), fiber surface prop- ing sections on new and modern paper machines result in
erties, and colloidal stability. Additionally, accumulation of increased levels of contamination at the wet end of a paper
specific ions contributing to conductivity often leads to issues machine. Several studies have discussed the degree of the ex-
such as scale formation, deposits, and strength and sizing loss- pected buildup of detrimental substances resulting from an
es. These specific ionic interactions are primarily associated increased degree of closure [16-21]. Several papers also re-
with the ions related to hardness (Mg+2 and Ca+2) and to Ba+2, ported on the effect of conductivity on formation of tacky
which often results in scale formation. For the Al+3 ion, be- sickies deposits on machines using recycled furnish [22-24].
cause of its weak base character, its effect is from various hy- Reduction of repulsive forces from high conductivity is not
drolysis products formed in all pH ranges of practical paper- limited to colloidal material. Figure 1 shows the effect of salt
making. concentration (conductivity) on swelling of unbleached kraft
Conductivity or, in wider terms, ionic content of water can pulp fiber, illustrated by water retention value changes with
affect the papermaking process in several ways: different salt concentration [25]. Higher conductivity (salt
• Colloidal stability concentration) reduced repulsion between charges on the
• Fiber properties fiber and decreased its swelling, resulting in lower water re-
• Performance of chemical additives tention value. Changes in water retention value also affected
• Direct interactions between ions leading to scale the water removal in the press section (Fig. 1, right side).
formation Dobbins [26] reported results from a pilot machine study
of an effect of increased mill water closure on machine op-
Colloidal stability is particularly important for paper ma- eration and paper quality. Furnish for the study contained a
chine wet-end operations. Electrical double-layer repulsive high content of groundwood pulp (75%). Varying degrees of
forces are fundamental in providing stability of colloidally machine closure were simulated by adding certain amounts
dispersed matter. Increased ionic strength, or in practical of calcium chloride (CaCl2), Na2SO4, sodium chloride (NaCl),
terms, increased conductivity, compresses double layer thick- potassium chloride (KCl), and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) to
ness. This reduces repulsive forces between colloidal particles the white water system. Even at the highest degree of ionic
and leads to colloidal destabilization. contamination of 20,000 ppm of salts, which exceeded the
High conductivity and large variations of conductivity sig- electrolyte level of a mill recirculating 100% of its water, paper
nificantly affect the stability of wood pitch particles and make still could be produced. However, cationic retention aids were
pitch control more difficult. This is especially important for found to have limited effectiveness. Some strength losses were
pulps exposed to high pH in pulping or bleaching processes observed and associated with the sheet ash increase from in-
that are stripped of steric protection of sugars and rely solely corporation of the salts after water was evaporated.
on electrostatic stabilization. When troubleshooting pitch or Davison [27] studied an effect of pH, ionic strength, cal-
stickies deposition problems, mills should consider conductiv- cium ion, and aluminum ion impurities on the retention of
ity shock, along with the traditionally culpable check points, fines and fillers using a mixture of hardwood and softwood

1. Effect of pH and conductivity on water retention value (left) and solids content after presses (right) (reproduced with the
permission of Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal).

570 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | OCTOBER 2017

kraft pulps blended in a 3:1 ratio. Anionic and cationic reten- This, plus the complexity of performance requirements
tion polymers were negatively affected by increased concen- (combination of retention, drainage, formation, and print-
tration of either Na2SO4 or NaCl. Conductivity of the system ability), made cationic polymers a viable option, even in high-
was adjusted between 200 μS/cm and 3000 μS/cm. An aver- ly closed mill systems. With increased use of recycled fibers
age drop of observed retention level between 5% and 18% and higher levels of fillers in newsprint production, cationic
was observed, at the same polymer dosage, for various reten- flocculants remained a major component of the retention
tion polymers. program for this grade.
Lindstrom [28] studied the adsorption of cationic poly- Brown and Hart [6] recently reviewed the principles of ap-
acrylamide polymers onto the surface of bleached softwood plication of conductivity measurement in monitoring and in-
kraft pulp at different levels of simple electrolytes (NaCl, ferring black liquor losses from brown stock washing. The
CaCl2, and Na2SO4). Assuming the important role of fiber ad- paper provided fundamental information on conductivity
sorption for the performance of polymeric retention addi- measurement and its interpretation to pulp mill application.
tives, this paper provided fundamental answers about their To quantify the effect of increased ionic loading in the sys-
performance under a high degree of ionic contamination. An tem, Pruszynski [5,35] studied the sensitivity of various types
increase in adsorption observed at the lower range of salt of retention programs in thermomechanical pulp furnish with
concentration was explained in terms of increased hydrody- varying levels of several different contaminants and two pH
namic size of polymer at more extended conformation. A levels (pH 5 and pH 7). Free drainage measurement was se-
further increase of salts concentration led to a decrease of lected as a response. Simplicity of this measurement allowed
adsorption and was attributed to ionic double layer compac- performing large numbers of experiments to provide statisti-
tion to reduce attractive forces between the polymer and cally significant results. The contaminant data generated for
fiber. Na2SO4 and NaCl were of special interest because observed
Buontempo [29] used a Britt jar technique to study the ef- performance could be attributed solely to the conformational
fect of ionic species on the performance of cationic floccu- changes of retention polymer (little surface modification) be-
lants with different charge densities. At a low starch dosage, cause of the low affinity of sodium ion to the fiber. Reduction
all studied flocculants retained a high level of performance of the radius of gyration, or in simple terms, folding of the
when conductivity was changed between 45 and 3000 μS/cm. polymer chain because of reduced repulsive forces between
For furnishes containing starch, all studied flocculants charges segments on the polymer backbone, led to less effec-
showed a marked decrease in performance when conductiv- tive bridging capabilities at higher conductivity levels. The
ity was increased. The authors concluded that the structure- authors presented results in terms of the percentage loss of
performance relationship was not clear, and an empirical ap- drainage benefited from the retention program in the clean
proach of screening a wide range of retention polymers and system as a function of ionic contamination (Eq. 3):
selecting the best program for given conditions was necessary
in the process to select a retention program.
Because of the non-ionic character of the polyethylene (3)
oxide (PEO) molecule, PEO retention programs generally
showed higher resistance to elevated conductivity and cat- where:
ionic demand that accompany increased water closure at a V00 - drainage for clean sample without retention program
mill. A significant number of publications on water closure V0t - drainage for clean sample treated with studied
and contamination studied PEO – cofactor dual retention pro- dosage of retention program
grams [3,4,30-33]. PEO-based programs typically showed Vct - drainage of sample with selected concentration of
strong performance of flocculation that might lead to sheet added contaminant and treated with studied dosage of
formation problems. Additionally, shear and chemical sensitiv- retention program
ity (oxidizing agents, surfactants) contributed to the fact that
PEO-based programs were not widely used. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the dosages of
Hulkko [23], Allen [3], Laivins [4,25], Polverari [24,26], and model salts in parts per million (ppm) and conductivity. Con-
Trigylidas [25] reported negative effects of conductivity and ductivities of samples were adjusted with NaCl at 460–25000
cationic demand on retention programs using cationic poly- µS/cm and Na2SO4 at 460–15000 µS/cm, when the concentra-
mers. In contrast, Miyanishi [34] reported that increasing lev- tion of ions reached 10000 ppm.
els of conductivity in wood-containing grades had little effect These conditions exceed the level of ionic contamination
on the performance of cationic polymers (single, dual, and typically found in most papermaking systems. Figure 3
microparticle programs). (based on the extensive experience of the authors) shows
In principle, resistance of non-ionic polymers to increased typical conductivity levels for major types of paper machines.
levels of ionic contamination could be expected. However, Figure 4 presents an observed relationship between per-
the gap between non-ionic and cationic additives in the per- formance of a typical dual polymer retention program, based
formance might be smaller than suggested in recent papers. on the coagulant and cationic flocculant, with various levels
OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 571

2. Concentration of ionic contaminants and measured conductivity in pH 5 and pH 7.

When bentonite was added before low charge density cat-

ionic flocculant, a significantly different response of drainage
to conductivity was observed [36]. In this case, an initial in-
crease in drainage was observed, followed by its reduction at
the higher salt concentrations. This observation confirmed a
proposed earlier mechanism [37-39] that involved interaction
between flocculant and bentonite platelets to stiffen the net-
work and prevent conformational changes impairing bridging
capabilities. Changing the order of addition by adding cation-
ic flocculant first significantly reduced resistance to conduc-
tivity increases. This suggested that interaction between floc-
3. Typical estimated conductivity levels for major grades of culant and bentonite needed to occur before flocculant
paper and board.
adsorbed onto the fiber.
of ionic impurities at pH 7. Looking at the dotted lines repre- Based on results shown in Fig. 4, silicates are detrimental
senting experiments with NaCl and Na2SO4, the gradual loss to single cationic flocculant and dual polymer programs. This
of drainage gain from polymer application in a clean system effect is based mainly on their ability to act like ionic trash and
(100%) could be observed. to form complexes with cationic polymers rendering them
Similar trends could be observed for a single polymer pro- inactive [40-42].
gram and for a dual polymer program with both high and low Gratton and coauthors [43] studied the effect of conductiv-
charge density cationic flocculants at pH 5 and pH 7. ity on retention and sizing. Several types of retention pro-
Although the range of conductivities covered by these ex- grams were evaluated in the laboratory. Observations from
periments extended beyond the typical value at a paper mill, the laboratory were fully confirmed on a fine paper machine
loss of drainage and retention because of increased conductiv- and indicated reduction of retention level, driven by lower
ity was significant. These data were consistent with the ear- filler retention (Fig. 5). At least in this paper machine system,
lier work of Lindstrom [21], who studied the effect of sulfate a significant drop in retention was observed at conductivity
and chlorides on adsorption of cationic polyacrylamides. The changes of 2000–3000 µS/cm.
observed loss of drainage could be a combination of changes Reduced retention at the higher conductivity level was well
to polymer adsorption and its conformation. illustrated by higher flow of cationic flocculant required to
572 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | OCTOBER 2017

4. Effect of ionic contamination on the drainage loss (%) for the dual polymer program, based on coagulant and cationic flocculant
measured in pH 7.

5. First pass filler retention as a function of conductivity.

maintain targeted white water consistency in the closed loop emulsification and sizing response was a measure of starch
retention control application on the paper machine (Fig. 6). performance as emulsifier [44].
The authors observed a negative effect of conductivity on A negative effect of conductivity on various cationic starch-
AKD sizing [43]. Figure 7 illustrates an increase of AKD dos- es was observed in terms of impaired sizing performance.
age required to meet sizing specification with increasing con- Conductivity was varied in a wide range up to 5000 µS/cm. It
ductivity levels. was found that high levels of conductivity negatively affect
Similar results were observed in a study of the effect of the performance of cationic starches in terms of filler reten-
conductivity on the performance of cationic starches tion and internal sizing. All types of cationic starches, regard-
(Fig. 8). In this work, cationic starches were used for ASA less of biological source, were affected. Starches with a high
OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 573

6. Effect of conductivity on the dosage of cationic polyacrylamide (C-PAM) required to reach target white water consistency.

7. Effect of conductivity on dosage of alkyl ketene dimer (AKD).

degree of substitution (0.073) showed the best resistance to increase sharply when the fresh water usage was reduced
increased conductivity. to below 10 m3/ton. Excellent relationships were observed
Zakrajsek [45] studied the effect of the level of dissolved between Cobb60 value and conductivity, concentration of sul-
and colloidal substances on paper sizing with a rosin/alum fate ion, and accumulation of unretained rosin sizing in
system. The effect of mill closure, conductivity, fresh water the process water. In terms of conductivity, a change of 750–
usage, and sulfate concentration were reported. Sizing re- 1050 µS/cm resulted in a 28.3–49.6 g/m2 change of Cobb60.
sponse was expressed using Cobb60 (g/m2) value. The nega- Conductivity affects water removal on the paper machine
tive effect of a reduction in fresh water usage was studied in various ways. By affecting the ability of retention aid to floc-
in the range from 35 m3/ton to 3 m3/ton and was found to culate, conductivity reduces chemically induced free drainage
574 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | OCTOBER 2017

8. Effect of conductivity on performance of alkenyl succinic anhydride (ASA) emulsified with different starches.

or chemically induced freeness of the stock. On the other a total dosage of coagulant staying unchanged, the flow to the
hand, high conductivity reduces fiber swelling, as measured pre-screen position (1) was gradually reduced, with the bal-
by water retention value, and this becomes relevant when ance mixed into the flocculant line (2). The paper machine
water closely bound to the fiber is removed in the press sec- operated with on-line consistency control, and because of
tion. Thus, when conductivity increases, mills might see slow- improved performance, the dosage flocculant (3) gradually
er drainage early in the forming section, but increased water was reduced.
removal through the presses. Because the amount of water In addition, this paper machine producing high brightness
removed in the early forming section, affected by flocculation, supercalendered grade paper used a two stage (P-Y) brighten-
is by far greater than in the press section, we might expect ing strategy—hydrogen peroxide followed by sodium hydro-
that increased conductivity will have an overall negative effect sulfite. This strategy required pH adjustment after alkaline
on the combined water removal process. hydrogen peroxide application, before application of sodium
For machines operating at high conductivity levels, some hydrosulfite. If the pH adjustment was not done properly, a
mechanical or chemical corrective options may be used to significantly higher dosage of sodium hydrosulfite was re-
reduce the negative effects of high conductivity. For example, quired to reach the brightness target. The increased dosages
molecular weight or charge density of retention aids or starch drove system conductivity significantly higher than normal.
can be adjusted. In some cases, the configuration of the feed Thus, conductivity variation from 800 µS/cm to 4000 µS/cm
points can be changed. Converting from the typical dual poly- occurred and was observed to affect machine drainage and
mer retention program, based on consecutive addition of co- runnability. Although co-mixing coagulant to cationic floc-
agulant and cationic flocculant, to a pre-mix configuration culant brought an immediate relief to drainage problems, the
improved retention and drainage at high conductivity condi- mill also paid more attention to proper pH control between
tions. Authors suggest [42-45] that repulsive interaction be- the two brightening stages.
tween cationic charges of coagulant and flocculant, either still
in solution or after initial adsorption to the surface, delays Practical recommendations
conformational changes of polymer to the extent of allowing Earlier discussion clearly illustrates that conductivity affects
for more effective flocculation. This increases performance such fundamental aspects of paper machine performance as
at any level of conductivity, but is especially important at high retention, drainage, and colloidal stability. It is therefore im-
conductivity levels that drive polymer coiling processes faster. portant that monitoring conductivity and developing re-
Considering how fast flocculation processes are at high tur- sponse strategies should be a part of wet-end management.
bulence levels, this delay in polymer coiling does not have to Understanding sources of conductivity and correcting its vari-
be large to noticeably boost performance. Figure 9 shows ability at the source will lead to improvement in paper ma-
results of the transition from consecutive addition to pre-mix chine stability. More closure unavoidably increases conductiv-
configuration for a high brightness newsprint machine. With ity levels, but if the influx of electrolytes can be reduced, the
OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 575

9. Improvement of performance of retention program with the move of coagulant feed point from pre-screen position to pre-mix with
cationic flocculant.

conductivity increase at any given degree of closure will be had an issue of losing strength and sizing. The mill only had
minimized. Because simple ions have little affinity to the fiber, on-line pH, temperature, and conductivity sensors around the
and through recirculation of machine water, conductivity lev- machine. After reviewing these data, the mill noticed a strong
els tend to reach similar levels across the machine system. In correlation between increased conductivity of unbleached
the case of mechanical grades, with their integrated character, kraft pulp and quality issues. The increased conductivity in-
increasingly aggressive bleaching strategies, and limited pulp dicated possible high pulp mill carryover. Based on this infor-
thickening opportunities, optimization of bleaching condi- mation, the mill checked the brownstock fiber line and found
tions to ensure the lowest possible usage of bleaching chemi- operational issues around the washer. After addressing the
cals is the single most effective way to control conductivity issues, conductivity on the paper machine returned to normal
levels. Monitoring conductivity on line in the headbox or tray levels. The strength and sizing values were brought back to
should be a standard element of wet-end chemistry manage- target. From this example, we see that the change of conduc-
ment. Changes in conductivity can provide an early warning tivity, rather than its absolute value, was valuable to gain in-
of changes in drainage and press solid and draw variation, sight into a wet-end issue.
possibly allowing operators to prevent web breaks. Applica-
tion of conductivity probes or frequent manual tests back in Hardness
the system allow the mill to develop an understanding of the Because of their affinity to fiber surfaces and formation of in-
sources of conductivity and assist troubleshooting and im- soluble salts, the hardness ions Ca+2 and Mg+2, in addition to
provement projects. contributing to general conductivity levels, can also be re-
A conductivity probe is a simple, yet robust device that sponsible for very specific operational problems.
makes conductivity a common on-line measurement, even for Several anions react with Ca+2 or Mg+2 to form insoluble
older machines. If a mill does not have an on-line wet-end calcium or magnesium salts that often trigger deposits or scale
monitor or lacks staffing to run routine wet-end tests, conduc- on the paper machine. Such precipitation processes take place
tivity measurement can be a useful tool to diagnose wet-end only if the product of reacting ion concentration exceeds the
problems. For example, a containerboard mill running a mix- solubility product (Ksp) for a given temperature. Typical ex-
ture of unbleached kraft and recycled corrugated containers amples of such salts are barium sulfate, calcium oxalate, cal-
576 TAPPI JOURNAL | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | OCTOBER 2017
cium carbonate, and calcium phosphate. These represent the Despite the significant affinity of Ca+2 ions to the fiber sur-
most common scales formed in paper mills. The pH alters the face, which loaded Ca+2 onto the paper product and removed
forms of weak acid in solution and affects scale formation po- it from the wet end, its concentration in the headbox often
tential. For example, formation of calcium carbonate and cal- reached high levels. As discussed earlier, this is a function of
cium phosphate scale requires participation of CO3-2 and phos- the amount of hardness fed from short loop and system clo-
phate (PO 4 -3) ions, both present only in the high pH sure. Product (paper or board) manufactured in high hard-
environment. Similarly, calcium oxalate precipitation requires ness systems contains calcium salt after water is evaporated
the presence of oxalate anion — (COO)2-2, which is formed in the dryer section. When those products are recycled and
in significant amount at greater than pH 3 [46]. Papermakers repulped, the carryover calcium salt becomes an additional
may reduce the risk for troublesome scale related issues by source of hardness for the upcoming papermaking process.
understanding the ionic composition of water circuits and The authors presented the isotherms of Ca +2 adsorption
mineral components from wood sources, optimizing the use on kraft pulp and determined the exothermic and
of alum, understanding the effect of pH on scale formation, spontaneous character of this process (ΔΗ0 =-30.9 kJ/mol and
and operating peroxide bleaching in a way to reduce oxalic ΔΣ0 = -14.2J/molK). Thus, Ca+2 is easily adsorbed on the sur-
acid formation. face of the fiber and the bond is strong enough that it is not
The ability of calcium and magnesium ions to form insolu- desorbed easily. Additionally, the amount of Ca+2 ion (0.0165-
ble salts with carboxylic acids leads to other operational and 0.0167 mmol/g) was found to be close to half of the amount
quality problems, such as pitch and hydrolyzed ASA deposi- of carboxyl groups in the pulp used (0.0366 mmol/g), indi-
tion, which is further discussed in the following. These prob- cating 2:1 stoichiometry, with one Ca+2 ion reacting with two
lems typically are raised at greater than pH 6, when the car- carboxylate functions. The negative effect of Ca+2 on the per-
boxylic acid functionality exists in its anionic form. formance of cationic polyacrylamides in terms of retention
A product of ASA hydrolysis, dicarboxylic acid, forms tacky and drainage was also reported and explained in terms of
and troublesome deposits. Magnesium-related deposits with negative effect on available negative adsorption sites on the
ASA were particularly difficult. Avoiding ASA hydrolysis fiber. The same mechanism was also responsible for impaired
through proper emulsification conditions (low pH, low tem- strength development with cationic starch and sizing with
perature) and carefully controlling hardness are necessary to AKD. The effect of Ca+2 on retention and drainage was also
ensure successful, deposit-free application of ASA. Limiting significantly higher than Na+ at the same total conductivity
the time for ASA to circulate in the machine water loop levels. This indicates an additional contribution of fiber sur-
through elevated first pass retention is another strategy to re- face charge modification (in the case of Ca+2) over general
duce the potential for hydrolysis and consequent deposits. A conformational changes related to conductivity.
small amount of added alum, even in alkaline papermaking
systems, provides competition for reaction with hardness ions SUMMARY
and helps in preventing this deposition. This report reviewed the effect of conductivity on the paper-
Calcium and magnesium ions also can form insoluble salts making water system and on various aspects of paper ma-
with the acidic components of natural pitch. Pitch deposition chine operations. Conductivity can affect retention, drainage,
problems triggered by this precipitation mechanism are espe- press dewatering, sizing, strength, deposit formation, and
cially troublesome at levels greater than pH 6, at which a sig- scale. Based on the range of applications affected, conductiv-
nificant fraction of the carboxylic groups (-COOH) exist in ity needs to be closely monitored. Installation of conductivity
their anionic form (-COO-). Reducing pH reduces the concen- probes in the tray should be an industry standard. Adding
tration of carboxylate anion, but in the case of systems using measures of conductivity to the paper machine distributed
calcium carbonate fillers, hardness levels will increase. Iden- control system enables mills to build an understanding of how
tifying and minimizing sources of hardness should be part of conductivity affects the paper machine performance and de-
every pitch control strategy. Variation of the calcium cation velop response strategies. For example, on-line measurement
concentration could be caused by the following factors: of conductivity might help operators predict changes in drain-
• Natural variation of the hardness level in the incoming age, center roll release, pitch and stickies deposits, sizing, and
fresh water strength. System conductivity profiles throughout the mill
• Decomposition of calcium carbonate filler, as a func- would allow engineers to identify major sources of conductiv-
tion of pH ity and its variation. In most cases, conductivity is contributed
• Calcium in wood species and other incoming raw ma- by the pulp and bleaching chemicals, washing efficiency, and
terial, such as recycled board produced in high hard- chemical additives for process and performance purposes.
ness systems Opportunities for improvements in these applications should
be reviewed to reduce their contribution to increased conduc-
Yuan [47] discussed several aspects of hardness interac- tivity. Questions to consider include the following:
tion with the fiber. The authors described an effect of accu- • Can required brightness level be reached with lower
mulation of metals ions on the wet end of the paper machine. bleaching chemical consumption?
OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 577
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We did this review because papermakers might
overlook the benefit of conductivity measurement.
This study summarizes previous research and shares
additional experience. The most difficult part of the
research was finding mill examples that fit the theo-
retical areas we were discussing. Although we have
seen them several times, finding well-documented
examples was time consuming.
Although conductivity has been used for several
years as a control parameter, it is not particularly Xu Pruszynski Hart
well understood and not particularly exclusive to the
properties it is being used to control. Stabilized con- ty and reduce its overall effect on paper machine
ductivity is more manageable than low, yet varying performance.
Mills can benefit from this study by better under- Xu is senior R&D scientist/engineer, WestRock,
standing the principles of conductivity measurement Richmond, VA, USA. Pruszynski is global technical
specialist, Nalco Water, Naperville, IL, USA.
and its limitations and make use of the information
Hart is director, Fiber Technology and Innovation,
for better wet-end operation.
WestRock, Richmond, VA, USA. Email Hart at
Our next step is to attempt to stabilize conductivi-

OCTOBER 2017 | VOL. 16 NO. 10 | TAPPI JOURNAL 579

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