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Too often, we tend to assess students’ learning
through their outputs or products or through some
kind of traditional testing.

This Chapter is concerned with process-oriented,

performance-based assessment. Assessment is not
an end in itself but a vehicle for educational

Assessment is most effective when it reflects an

understanding of learning as multidimensional,
integrated, and revealed in performance over time.
Learning is a complex process.

 Information about outcomes is of high importance;

where students “end-up” matters greatly.

 Assessment can help us understand which

students learn best under what conditions; with
such knowledge comes the capacity to improve the
whole of their learning.
 The learning objectives in process-oriented
performance based assessment are stated in
directly observable behaviors of the students.

 The objectives generally focus on those behaviors

which exemplify a “best practice” for the particular
Task: Recite a Poem by Edgar Allan Poe. “The Raven”.

Objectives: the activity aims to enable the students to recite a

poem entitled “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, specifically to:

1. recite the poem from memory without referring to

2. use appropriate hand and body gestures in delivering
the piece;
3. maintain eye contact with the audience while reciting
the poem;
4. create the ambiance of the poem through appropriate
rising and falling intonations;
5. pronounce the words clearly and with proper diction.
The following competencies are simple
o Speak with a well-modulated voice;
o Draw a straight line from one point to another point;
o Color a leaf with a green crayon.

The following competencies are more complex

 Recite a poem with feeling using appropriate voice quality,
facial expressions and hand gestures;
 Construct an equilateral triangle given three non-collinear
 Draw and color a leaf with a green color.

Learning tasks need to be carefully planned.

 Identifying an activity that would highlight the

competencies to be evaluated, e.g. reciting a poem,
writing an essay, manipulating the microscope etc.
 Identifying an activity that would entail more or less
the same sets of competencies.
 Finding a task that would be interesting and
enjoyable for the students.
Example: The topic is on understanding biological
Possible task design: Bring the students to a pond or
creek. Ask them to find all living organisms they can
find living near the pond or creek.
Rubrics is scoring scale used to assess
students performance along a task-specific
set of criteria. Authentic assessments typically
are criterion-referenced measures, that is, a
student’s aptitude on a task is determined by
matching the student’s performance against a
set of criteria to determine the degree to
which the student's the criteria for the task.
Criteria 1 2 3

Numbers of
hand gestures
X1 1-4 5-9 10-12
Appropriate Lots of Few No apparent
facial appropriate inappropriate inappropriate
expression X1 facial expression facial facial
expression expression
Voice in Monotone voice Can vary voice Can easily
inflection used inflection with vary voice
X2 difficulty inflection
Incorporate Recitation Recitation has Recitation fully
proper contains very some feelings captures
ambiance x3 little feelings ambiance
through through
feelings in the feelings in the
voice voice
For each criterion, the evaluator applying the
rubric can determine to what degree the
students has met the criterion, i.e., the level of
performance. In the given rubric, there are
three levels of performance for each criterion.
For example, the recitation can contain lots of
inappropriate, few inappropriate or no
inappropriate hand gestures.
Finally, the illustrated rubric contains a mechanism for
assigning a score to each project. (assessments and
their accompanying rubrics can be used for purposes
other than evaluation and, thus, do not have to have
points or grades attached to them.) In the second-to-
left column a weight is assigned each criterion.
Students can receive 1, 2 or 3 points for “number of
sources.” but appropriate ambiance, more important
in this teachers mind, is weighted three times (x3) as
heavily. So, students can receive 3, 6 or 9 points (i.e.,
1, 2 or 3 times 3) for the level of appropriateness in
this task.
The rubric includes another common, but not
a necessary, component of rubrics –
descriptors. Descriptors spell out what is
expected of students at each level of
performance for each criterion. In the given
example, “ lots of inappropriate facial
expressions,” monotone voice used” are
1. Clearer expectations
It is very useful for the students and the teacher if the
criteria are identified and communicated prior to completion of
the task.
2. More consistent and objective assessment
In addition to better communicating teacher
expectations, levels of performance permit the teacher to more
consistently and objectively distinguish between good and bad
performance, or between superior, mediocre and poor
performance, when evaluating student work.
3. Better feedback
Furthermore, identifying specific levels of student
performance allows the teacher to provide more detailed
feedback to students.
Most rubrics, like the recitation rubric
mentioned, are analytic rubrics. An analytic rubric
articulates levels of performance for each criterion so
the teacher can assess student performance on each
Holistic rubric
In contrast, a holistic rubric does not list
separate levels of performance for each criterion.
3 – Excellent Speaker

• included 10-12 changes in hand gestures

• no apparent inappropriate facial expressions
• utilized proper voice inflection
• can create proper ambiance for the poem
2 – Good Speaker

• included 5-9 changes in hand gestures

• few inappropriate facial expressions
• had some inappropriate voice inflection changes
• almost creating proper ambiance

1 – Poor Speaker

• included 1-4 changes in hand gestures

• lots of inappropriate facial expressions
• used monotone voice
• did not create proper ambiance
When to choose an analytic rubric

Analytic rubrics are more common because

teachers typically want to assess each criterion
separately, particularly in assignments that involve a
larger number of criteria.

When to choose a holistic rubric

So, when may use a holistic rubric? Holistic

rubric tends to be used when a quick or gross
judgment needs to be made.
For example, many writing rubrics are holistic
because it is not always easy to disentangle
clarity from organization or content from

Alternatively, if two criteria are nearly

inseparable, the combination of the two can be
treated as a single criterion in an analytic rubrics.
How many levels of performance should I
include in my rubric?

There is no specific number of levels a rubric

should or should not possess. It will vary depending
on the task and your needs.

Generally, it is better to start with a smaller

number of levels of performance for a criterion and
then expand if necessary.
Performance on that criterion could be judge along
levels of performance:
Makes eye contact
with audience Never Sometimes Always

Upon applying the three levels of performance , you might discover that
you can effectively group your student’ performance in these three

Makes eye
contact Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

Makes eye
contact Never Rarely Sometimes Usually
Example of Holistic Rubric: Assessing a Research Report

Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good Fair Poor

/Assessment Scale (3) (2) (1)

1. Degree to which the

report reflects the
objectives of the research

2. Level of creativity

3. Clarity

4. Visual appeal

5. Level of effort


Total: ________________
Scoring protocol:

20 and above Most Acceptable

15-19 Very Acceptable

10-14 Acceptable

5-9 Barely Acceptable

Below 5 Unacceptable

Criteria qualitative assessment style score

A. Clarity in defining the issue/topic level 0 to 3 _______
B. Level of scholarly research done level 0 to 3 _______
C. Aesthetic appeal of report level 0 to 3 _______
total score: _______

A. Clarity in defining the issue/topic
______ 3 the issue was explained in the introductory paragraph
______ 2 the issue/topic was mentioned in the introductory paragraph
not clearly explained
______ 1 the issue/topic was mentioned in the introductory paragraph but
was not explained
______ 0 the issue/topic was not mentioned at all.

Score ______
B. Level of scholarly research
_____ 3 the report cited different sources of opinion properly analyzed.
_____ 2 the report cited different sources of opinion but not analyzed.
_____ 1 the report cited only one or 2 sources of opinions without analysis.
_____ 0 the report did not indicate sources and there was no analysis.

Score _____

C. Aesthetic appeal
_____ 3 the report is well written without errors in grammar and syntax.
_____ 2 the report is well written with lapses in grammar and syntax.
_____ 1 the report is written in incomplete and incoherent sentences.
_____ 0 the report is only in outline form.

Score ____
TOTAL SCORE ________

Scoring protocol:
Total score Verbal
7 and above : Most acceptable
4-5 : Partially Acceptable
Below 4 : Unacceptable

A. For each of the following tasks, identify at least three

(3) process-oriented learning competencies:

1. Constructing a graphic organizer to illustrate

child growth and development
2. Constructing three-dimensional models of solid
from cardboards:
3. writing an essay about the EDSA III People
power revolution
4. Performing a skit on the importance of a
national language.
5. Role playing to illustrate the concept of Filipino
family values.
B. Choose any five activities below and then construct your
own scoring rubrics.
1. Use evidence to solve a mystery
2. Devise a game.
3. Participate in a debate.
4. Infer the main idea of a written piece.
5. Draw a picture that illustrates what’s described in a story or article. Explain
what you have drawn, using details from the story or article.
6. Write a research paper.
7. Apply a scoring rubrics to a real or simulated piece of student work.
8. Write a Research paper.
9. Propose and justify a way to resolve a problem.
10.Design a museum exhibit.
11.Develop a classification scheme for something and explain and justify the
12.Justify one point of view on an issue and then justify the opposing view.
13.Given background information, predict what will happen if __________.
14.Evaluate the quality of a writer’s arguments.
15.Combine information from several sources to draw a conclusion about

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