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Ordinal numbers.

 Ordinal numbers are used to show the position / order of something in a list, example given in a race or used to tell the dates.
For instance, first, second, third, fourth and et cetera. ( Nombor ordinal adalah nombor yang menunjukkan atau menandakan
kedudukan sesuatu di dalam sesebuah senarai, contohnya digunakan untuk mengumumkan kedudukan di dalam sesebuah perlumbaan
atau digunakan untuk memberitahu tarikh Contohnya, pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat dan sebagainya )

 All ordinal numbers are spelled by adding -th at the ending of the spelling, except for first (1st), second(2nd) and third(3rd).
(Semua nombor ordinal dieja dengan menambah -th di belakang ejaan kecuali untuk pertama, kedua dan ketiga )

1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third
4th = fourth
5th = fifth
9th = ninth
 How do we say the dates? (bagaimana
20th = twentieth kita menyebut tarikh?)
30th = thirtieth

1st November = the first of November

2nd June = the second of June
3rd April = the third of April
24th February = the twenty-fourth of February
20th May = the twentieth of May
23rd August = the twenty-third of August

Cardinal numbers.
 Cardinal numbers only show amount. (Nombor kardinal adalah nombor yang digunakan untuk mengira dan menunjukkan kuantiti)

Exercise 1. Spell the ordinal numbers below. (Eja nombor ordinal di bawah).

Ordinal numbers Cardinal numbers

 1st = first  1 = one
 2nd = ______________  2= ______________________
 3rd =_______________  3= ______________________
 4th =_______________  4= ______________________
 5th =_______________  5= ______________________
 6th =_______________  6= ______________________
 7th =_______________  7= ______________________
 8th =_______________  8= ______________________
 9th =_______________  9= ______________________
 10th=_______________  0= ______________________
 11th =_______________  11=______________________
 12th =_______________  12=______________________
 13th =_______________  13=______________________
 14th =_______________  14= _____________________
 15th =_______________  15= _____________________
 16th =_______________  16= _____________________
 17th =_______________  17= _____________________
 18th =_______________  18= _____________________
 19th =_______________  19= _____________________
 20th =_______________  20= _____________________
 21st =_______________  21= _____________________
 22nd =_______________  22= _____________________
 23rd =_______________  23= _____________________
 24th =_______________  24= _____________________
 25th =_______________  25= _____________________
 26th =_______________  26= _____________________
 27th =_______________  27= _____________________
 28th =_______________  28= _____________________
 29th =_______________  29= _____________________
 30th =_______________  30=______________________

Exercise 2. Look at the runners in the picture. Say and write. (Lihat pelari-pelari di dalam gambar. Sebut dan tulis.)

Example: Number 21 is first. (Nombor 21 adalah yang pertama.)

1. Number 16 is ___________________.
2. Number ______________________________________.
3. Number ______________________________________.
4. ____________________________________________.
5. ____________________________________________.

Exercise 3. Spell the ordinal number in bracket and write it in the box.
(Eja nombor ordinal di dalam kurungan dan tuliskannya di dalam kotak.)

Exercise 4. Write the date below in sentences. (Tulis tarikh di bawah dalam bentuk ayat.)

Today is the third of November.

Today is _____________________________.

Today is _____________________________.

Today is _____________________________.

Today is _____________________________.

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