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The Bullying At School

Adhe Juitama Frinancy Tambun – 207852/1

Amanda Wulandari – 207853/2
Annisa Nurlathif – 207854/3
Daiselly Estari – 207860/9
Eka Sari – 207863/12
Fitria – 207866/15

Vocational High School

Yadika 1 Jakarta
Daftar Isi


We express special gratitude to God for the blessing and mercy for us so that
we can complete this paper with the title “The Bullying At School” on time. The
purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment given by Madam
Margarectha, S. Pd as an English teacher.

We would like to thank Ms. Margarectha, S. Pd. as our English tutor and
teacher, our parents who have always supported us, and our friends whom we
cannot name one by one. If you don't do this, we will not be able to do it right.

In compiling this paper, we get a lot of challenges and obstacles but with the
help of many people, those obstacles can be bypassed. We realize that this paper
still has many shortcomings and weaknesses. This is due to the limitations of our
knowledge and insight. Therefore, we are looking forward to criticism and
suggestions to improve this writing. We hope this paper can provide benefits.
Thank you.

Jakarta, 7 November 2022


Bullying is an act in which one or more people try to harm or control another
person by violent means. Bullying is not only done in person. However, bullying
can also be done through social media or the internet, called Cyberbullying.
Bullying is divided into 5 categories, including direct physical contact, direct
verbal contact, direct non-verbal behavior, indirect non-verbal behavior, and
sexual harassment. In general, people bully because they feel depressed,
threatened, humiliated, vengeful, and so on. Bullying is caused by the victim of
environmental circumstances that shape his personality to be aggressive and less
able to control emotions, also due to television shows that can affect adolescents.
Prevention of bullying can be started through parents by teaching emotional
intelligence early on and can be done by schools and governments, such as anti-
bullying programs. The existence of counseling guidance also has an important
effect in preventing bullying.


A. Significant Of The Research

Recently, cases of violence have become more common, such as fights or
brawls between students. In addition to brawls between students, there are actually
forms of violent behavior by students that do not receive much attention, such as
exclusion of friends and bullying of friends, which is commonly referred to as
bullying. This bullying can be done physically or non-physically. Bullying can
also be done through anything, social media or done directly. This can result in
lazy or traumatized learners to go to school and interact for fear of such things.
This is very dangerous because it can harm the victim of bullying and can even
lead to suicide or death to the victim. So, the problem of bullying that is rampant
now should receive special attention.

B. Purpose Of The Research

1. To know what bullying is
2. Educating the public not to bully
3. Making people aware to pay special attention to bullying
4. So that the public knows how to solve bullying

C. Outline Of The Research

1. What does bullying mean?
2. Who experiences bullying?
3. Why bullying can occur?
4. When can bullying occur?
5. Where are the places where bullying can happen?
6. How to overcome and the impact of bullying?


Bullying comes from the word bully which means to bully and annoy. Bullying
is any form of bullying or violence that is carried out intentionally by one person
or a group of people who are stronger or more powerful towards another person,
with the aim of hurting and being carried out continuously.
Other definitions of bullying can be put forward as follows:
1. Bullying is the use of power or force to harm a person or a group, so that the
victim feels depressed, traumatized and helpless.
2. Bullying as the use of aggression in any form aimed at hurting or cornering
others physically or mentally. Bullying can be physical, verbal, emotional,
and also sexual.
3. Bullying is a form of behavior in the form of coercion or attempted physical
or psychological harm to a person or group that is weaker by a person or
group of people who make it stronger.
On the other hand, bullying is a repetitive pattern of behavior aggressive towards
others who have a weaker power status.

Bullying can happen to anyone. In fact, sometimes both perpetrators and
victims of bullying do not realize that the treatment given or received in any
environment including schools is a form of bullying.
Therefore, it is very important for teachers, parents and students themselves to
be able to recognize this kind of bullying, which is like :
Verbal bullying or bullying with cruel spoken words, involves ongoing cat-
calling, threatening, and making disrespectful comments about someone attributes
(appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, shortage, etc)
The verbal impact of bullying is that the child or student becomes afraid to speak
or express an opinion. Victims of verbal bullying have a fear when it comes to
appearing in public because of trauma to the bad responses or remarks they have
Physical bullying or bullying with aggressive physical intimidation, involves
repeated hitting, kicking, tripping, blocking, pushing, and touching in unwanted
and inappropriate ways. Most of seen scenario is when a student of a bigger built
picks on petite and susceptible individualism. It’s also happens when a group
inflicts physical bully to another students/ member of group.
Physical bullying turns out to be not only in the form of punches or actions that
leave marks or wounds on the victim's body. Physical bullying can also take the
form of obstruction halfway through, bullying with a group, or throwing with
small objects.
This is also called indirect bullying. Covert bullying is bullying with
exclusionary tactic, involves deliberately preventing someone for joining or being
part if group, whether it’s at a lunch table, game, sport, or social activity. This can
happen because the victim may have committed actions that his friends do not
like, have advantages that cause his friend to feel envious, or indeed have
difficulty interacting with others since childhood. Victims of social bullying will
usually have difficulty in making friends and are often alone.
Since technology is already a part of everyone’s life, it is also common to
inflict harm using it. One of them is cyber bullying. Most kids today are provided
with cellular phones, tablets, laptops, digital cameras, and other gadgets. They use
it for judge their friend. So, cyber bullying is bullying in cyberspace by spreading
mean words, lies, false, rumors, through emails, text message, and social media
post. Sexist, racist, and homophobic messages create hostile atmosphere, even
when not directly targeting us.
Cyber bullying can numb a child's self-confidence, make the child moody,
worried, always feel guilty or fail because he is unable to cope with the disorder
that befalls him on his own. There are even victims of cyber bullying who think
about ending their lives because they can't stand being bullied anymore.
Teenagers who are victims of cyber bullying will experience stress that can trigger
them to take actions such as skipping class, leaving the house, and even drinking
or using drugs.
Sexual bullying or sexual abuse usually affects girls. However, the victim
could be another boy or girl. Sexual bullying is a repetitive and dangerous act that
targets someone sexually. Examples of sexual bullying are rude comments, vulgar
gestures, touching without the consent of both parties, to calling someone with an
inappropriate name. In more severe cases, sexual bullying can open the door to
sexual violence.
Victims of sexual bullying usually get intimidated by being bullied, gossiped
about, ridiculed, insulted, humiliated, and even harassed. Unlike other forms of
bullying, sexual bullying is usually difficult to notice because it does not always
show scars or physical violence.


In general, people bully because they feel depressed, threatened, humiliated,
vengeful, and so on. Bullying is caused by the victim of environmental
circumstances that shape his personality to be aggressive and less able to control
emotions, such as a disharmonious home environment due to parental quarrels or
broken homes, violence committed by parents towards their children, parental
treatment that is too restrictive for their children.
In addition, the environment around the house also has a major influence on
this bullying behavior, for example, children live in the environment of people
who like to fight or are hostile, acting not according to existing norms, it will be
easy to imitate the behavior of the environment and feel innocent. The school
environment can also be a factor in causing bullying, for example, teachers who
are abusive towards students, teachers who do not pay attention to the child's
condition, friends who often ridicule or insult, and so on. Another factor that has a
strong enough influence on children to bully is the existence of television shows
that often show violence in soap operas or movies or other shows such as
fingerprint shows, headlines and so on.
Bullying invisibly seems like a normal joke to children. Don't think this does not cause
serious repercussions. Verbal ridicule or banter is very dangerous for the child. Then also
because of the lack of knowledge of teachers and parents about bullying and its impact on
children. This knowledge is very important to see if the problems around the child are
serious or not.


Bullying can have an effect on everyone, those who are bullied, those who
bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative
outcomes including :
1. Suicidal Thoughts.
Victims of bullying who are children as well as in adolescents are also at risk
of having thoughts of ending life. Not infrequently there are reports of
incidents of school-aged children who later died by suicide after being bullied
by their friends.
2. Sleep Disorders.
Victims of bullying also often have difficulty getting a good night's sleep.
Even if you can sleep, it is not uncommon for this time to be decorated by
various nightmares.
3. Can't Blend in with the People Around You.
Children in adults who experience bullying, are indirectly placed in a social
status that is then lower than that of their peers. This will also make bully
victims often feel lonely, neglected, and lead to a decrease in self-confidence.
4. It's Hard to Trust Others
When a child is the victim of bullying, they will then find it difficult to trust
others around them.


Schools are very vulnerable to bullying. Therefore, teachers and all school
residents must take steps to prevent it. Solutions to prevent and overcome bullying
in schools can start with:
1. Early Detection of Bullying.
As a teacher, you should be aware of the situations and conditions faced by
students. Do not let things that cause students discomfort or even endanger
students happen continuously. Immediately remove the signs of bullying as
early as possible, such as calling the student's name by his father's name,
insulting physical forms, depriving objects, or physical harm. Whatever the
pretext, even joking, such a thing is unjustified.
2. Creating a School Culture that Has a Good Learning Atmosphere.
Creating a school culture that has the opportunity to learn without fear,
through character education, preventing bullying in schools by involving
students, creating a model school for implementing an anti-bullying system,
and building awareness about bullying to students.
3. Organize the school environment well.
Schooling well, beautiful and green so that students feel comfortable is also a
very influential factor and will help for the prevention of bullying.
4. School Support for Student Positive Activities.
Schools should support activity groups for all students to participate in. The
school further provides access to complaints or dialogue forums between
students and the school, or parents and schools, and establishes clear school
rules and sanctions against bullying.
5. Providing Support to Victim.
The solution to bullying that must be done is to provide support to victims of
bullying. The victim of bullying usually feels the fear and anxiety of being in
an environment where he experiences bullying. Therefore, show that teachers
and their friends care will be able to help victims of bullying feel safe again.
Don't forget to work with the parents of the students so that the victims of
bullying can live a normal life again.


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