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Marjolaine GRONDIN 38, route de Bivres 78350 Jouy-En-Josas marjolaine.grondin@gmail.

com + 33 6 59 13 00 83

EDUCATION 2010-2011

HEC / SCIENCES PO PARIS (Double Master in Public and Corporate Management) HEC : Grande Ecole Program Sciences Po : Master in Public Affairs UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT BERKELEY (Exchange year) Organizational Behavior, American Politics, Social Entrepreneurship, Management in Non-Profit Organizations, Marketing, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology. Teacher of History of Modern Art SCIENCES PO PARIS (Bachelor) History, Economy, Political Sciences, Geopolitics, Sociology, Economic Development, History of Art LYCEE LEVAVASSEUR (Reunion Island) Baccalaurat Summa Cum Laude in Social and Economical Sciences


2007-2010 2007

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2011 2010 AlterAction Program collaboration between HEC and Accenture Consulting for NGOs. First Mission : Consultant for Ashoka Internship in an NGO in New York ClassWish, dedicated to improving the education conditions in the schools Project Manager : Organisation of a national photography contest Teacher of History of Modern Art at UC Berkeley Occasional Journalist Website founded by Sciences Po students, Amphis D'Ailleurs / French newspaper Mtro Manager of a young painter Launch of her website, organisation of exhibition in Paris, sales of paintings Responsible of communication for a theater play in Paris Lyonnaise des Eaux Animation of stands to inform the population regarding the environment and the firms committment to its regard Internship at the Bureau des Ressources Humaines du Haut Commissariat, F. Polynesia



OTHER EXPERIENCES 2010 2009 Selected to participate in the Plug and Start Campus Days Help to launch my start-up : GaLLeRy Exhibition of photographs at the European Commission Student Clubs : Good Morning Vietnam (Selection of Project and MicroFinance), Starting Blocks (entrepreneurship) and Photograpy. Launch of my website : Director of a short movie during the largest student festival in the U.S. (Creative Process) Tutoring Social and Economical Sciences, French, English, Spanish, History and Geography

LANGUAGES AND INTERESTS ENGLISH BILINGUAL (IELTS : 8) SPANISH BILINGUAL (Graduate from the University of Malaga (level C2 in 2006) Guitar (since i was 6), sport (tennis, volley, basket, surf), travels (Africa, Australia, South and North America Europe), photography.

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