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Name:______________ Date:_______________

Score:_________ Teacher:____________
Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
Worldview Monotheistic Agnostic Monistic
Edward Burnett Taylor Polytheistic Atheistic James George Frazer
Wish Fulfilment Theory David Emile Durkheim Animistic Theory
Nature-Worship Theory Magic Theory Theory of Original Monotheism
Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski. Karl Marx

__________________1. Primitive societies were originally monotheistic, but because it was difficult to worship
just one god, religion was corrupted to polytheism.
__________________2. People had gone three phases of development concerning the spirit world: primitive
magic, religion, and science.
__________________3. Religions were developed by the few as a means to control the masses and suppress
revolution as a result of the continuing struggle between classes.
__________________4. A propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man which are believed to control and
direct the course of nature and of human life.
__________________5. A body of self-contained acts being themselves the fulfilment of their purpose; an affair of
all, in which everyone takes an active and equivalent part.
__________________6. A unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.
__________________7. Primitive people believed in souls or anima found in people (seen in dreams) and in all of
__________________8. Human beings first developed their religion from their observations of the forces of
__________________9. A collection of beliefs about life and the universe being held by people.
__________________10. There is no real distinction between god and the universe.
__________________11. The belief and worship of many gods.
__________________12. The doctrine or belief in one supreme god.
__________________13. Disbelief or denial of the essence of a personal god.
__________________14. They believe that God cannot be known.
__________________15. The belief in spiritual beings.

16-20 for 5 points: Explain the importance of having an understanding of your own worldview?

21-25 for 5 points: How do you understand religion in your own perspective?

26-30 for 5 points: What is your basic understanding about the origin of religions?

31-35 for 5 points: In what ways do you find religion helpful or not helpful to you? Explain.

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