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The Marxist view of nature has received renewed attention in academic circles

“人类为中心”的历史,即使路易斯•亨利•摩尔根(Lewis Heng Morgan)的《古代社会》和
阿诺德•约瑟夫.汤因比(Arnold Joseph Toynbee)的《历史研究》等巨著也难以摆脱这种历史
So far, scientific evidence has shown that the Earth is the only planet in the universe with the
existence of life and human beings. Compared with the time scale of the origin and evolution of
the Earth, the history of human origins and the development of human civilization are pretty short,
and the written history we’re acquainted with is even much shorter. However, voluminous
historical works, including exceptionally well-known ones, are nothing but the specific history of
politics, economy, ideology, culture wars, and science and technology. They are, without
exception, anthropocentric histories. Even monumental works like Ancient Society by Lewis Heng
Morgan, A Study of History by Arnold Joseph Toynbee, and other great works can hardly escape
the limitations of such conception of history. Although in the form of any early civilization and the
history of its development, there are various reflections upon the interrelationship between man
and nature, they have never become a serious topic for historians to study!

事实上,在 19 世纪中叶,马克思主义的各种重要著作,特别是在马克思的《1844 年经
括三部分,即马克思主义哲学、马克思主义政治经济学和科学社会主义。随着 1989 年 11 月
9 日柏林墙轰然坍塌,1991 年 12 月苏联解体后分裂出 15 个国家,由于马克思主义常常被
In fact, in the mid-1800s, a lot of remarks on the relationship between man and nature
appeared in various Marxist works of importance, especially in Marx’s Economic and Philosophic
Manuscripts of 1844 and Engels’s Dialectics of Nature and The Part Played by Labour in the
Transition from Ape to Man. Unfortunately, however, not enough attention has been paid in the
academic community to these critical remarks, let alone regards them as an essential part of the
Marxist theoretical system. Usually, Marxism consists of three parts: Marxist philosophy, political
economy, and scientific socialism. But with the collapse of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989,
and the breakup of the Soviet Union into 15 states in December 1991, the majority increasingly
abandoned Marxism because people often misunderstood it as “the theoretical weapon of

有趣的是从 20 世纪 60 年代起,随着环境问题的凸显,在西方,一些马克思主义研究
提出了生态学马克思主义。在 19 世纪下半叶,马克思和恩格斯已经认识到:人类历史和自
乎预料的影响,常常把最初的结果又消除了。(①.《马克思恩格斯选集》第 4 卷,人民出版
社,1995 年版,第 383 页。)
Interestingly, since the 1960s, with the prominence of environmental issues, some Marxist
researchers in the west have found many essential remarks on the Marxist view of nature in the
works of Marx and Engels and put forward ecological Marxism on this basis. In the latter half of
the 1800s, Marx and Engels realized the dialectical interrelationship between human and natural
history. Their theory reduces the entire history of social development to the history of labor
development, but understanding the history of labor must be linked to the history of nature, and
the history of labor and the history of nature are mutually reinforcing. Marx and Engels are
influential theorists studying social unrest problems resulting from capitalist development.
Although they failed to and could not accurately predict that the production mode and lifestyle in
the era of industrial civilization could cause severe ecological environment problems, they
recognized the inevitable conflicts between man and nature. Engels issued the following warning:
“Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature.
For each such victory, nature takes its revenge on us. Each victory, it is true, in the first place
brings about the results we expected, but in the second and third places, it has quite different,
unforeseen effects which only too often cancel the first.”*
* Engels, Dialectics of Nature, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles Collected Works, v25,
Lawrence & Wishart, 2010, pp460-461

几乎同时,德国的自然科学家也在思考生物与环境的关系,于 1866 年在德国诞生了

“生态学”,但生态学真正迅速发展起来要从 1935 年“生态系统”概念提出后算起。因此,
At about the same time, German natural scientists were thinking about the relationship
between organisms and the environment. Ecology was born in Germany in 1866, but it developed
rapidly after the concept of the ecosystem was introduced in 1935. The deterioration of the
ecological environment was an important event that took place only half a century after the death
of Marx and Engels, and they could not have been complete prophets. Therefore, the Marxist view
of nature still lacks the foundation of natural sciences.

美国新马克思主义经济学家詹姆士•奥康纳(James O'Connor)努力将生态学与马克思主
James O’Connor, an American neo-Marxist economist, tried to integrate ecology with
Marxism and put forward “Ecological Marxism,” one of the most influential trends of thought in
contemporary Western Marxism. Over the last decade or so, this trend of thought has flourished.
James O'Connor puts forward his unique ecological Marxist theory in his masterpiece, Natural
Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism. On the whole, he insists on Marxism, firmly believes “the
main contours of world economy today can be practically read off the theoretical lines found in
Marx’s classic text,”* and suggests that the credibility of Marxism should be established as soon
as possible. However, at the same time, he believes that the Marxist theory inevitably shows some
one-sidedness due to the limitations of the times. Accordingly, ecological Marxism must be
established urgently in the contemporary era. The theoretical necessity of ecological Marxism lies
first in “the theoretical lacuna” of Marxism itself, that is, the neglect of nature as the condition and
limit of production. Marx and Engels, in his opinion, sometimes really emphasize the natural
influence on humans. Still, they stress that nature is essential for humans as a kind of resource
with a specific use-value. On the other hand, little attention is given to the limitation of the
possibility of human history development due to changes in nature driven by human practices.
Therefore, by rewriting the concept of nature, he wanted to build the foundation of Marx's
historical materialism on nature, thus reconstructing a "new historical materialism" and trying to
fill the "theoretical lacuna" of Marxism.
* James O’Connor, Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism, The Guilford Press, 12,
1997, p1

Although the ideas in James O’Connor’s works are different from those of classical Marxism,
at least he tries to convince us of the theoretical value of Marxism in solving contemporary
ecological problems and promoting the integration between ecology and Marxism. As Dong
Guangbi, a researcher at the Institute of Natural Science History of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences, points out, Marx's ecological view has been rediscovered and developed to become an
important guiding principle in solving the ecological crisis. We believe that academic
understanding of the Marxist view of nature has just begun. Although the Marxist view of nature
needs to be developed and improved, its value may be no less than the outstanding contribution of
Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy, and scientific socialism to the treasure-house of
human thoughts. In the history of ideas, culture, science, and technology, it is not uncommon to
find long-neglected and rediscovered examples.

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