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To our professor, Doctor Rowena H. Para-on ,classmates ,group mates.

Good morning!
I am Arjun G. Antiza teacher I from Tongantongan National High School
Division of Valencia City.
My task is to report on the continuation of the topic of Maam Lye Lambo
on the Jean Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development which is the
Concrete Operational Stage
The Concrete Operational Stage -This stage is characterized by the
abilities of the child to think logically but only in terms of complete
-This covers approximately the ages between 8-11 years or the
Elementary School Years.
It is important to note that Piaget’s can considered the concrete
operational stage is the major turning point in the child cognitive
development because it marks the beginning of logical and operational
thoughts. This means the child can work things out internally in their
head than physically try things out in the real world.

This Concrete Operational Stage is mark by the following:

-This refers to the ability of the child to perceive different features of
objects and situations no longer is the child focus for limited to one
aspect or dimension. This allows the child to be more logical when
dealing with complete objects and situations.
During the stage of concrete operations. The child can now follow that
certain operations that can be done in reverse! for example .They can
already comprehend the commutative property of addition and the
subtraction is the reverse of addition.

Canservation- This is the ability to know that certain properties of

objects like number mass ,volume or area don't change even if there is a
change in the occurrence .
Because of the development of the child’s ability of the centering and
also reversibility.The concrete operational child can now judge rightly
that the amount of water in the taller but narrower container is still the
same as when the water was in the shorter but wider glass. The children
progress to attain the conservation abilities gradually being a pre
conserver and transitional thinker, and then a conserver .
It is important to note ,when Piaget uses word ‘’conservation’’, he means
the understanding that something stays the same in quantity even its
appearances changes.
-This refers to ability to order or arrange things in a series base on one
dimension such as weight ,volume, or size.

The next stage is Formal Operational Stage

In the final stage of formal operations.
-Covering ages between 12 and 15 years.
Thinking becomes more logical, they can now solve abstract problems
and can hypothesize. This stage is characterized by the following:

Hypothetical reasoning
This is the ability to come up with different hypothesis about the
problems and to gather and weigh data in order to make final decision
or judgement. This can be done in the absence of concrete objects.
Individual can view ‘’what if ? Questions

Analogical Reasoning
-This is the ability to perceive relationship in one instance and use that
relationship to narrow down possible answers another similar situation
or problems .
Individual in Formal Operational Stage can make an an analogy
If UK is to Europe then Philippines is to _________
Individual would reasons that since UK is found in Europe the Philippines
is found in what continent_____ so Asia is the answer.

Through deductive thought and in the absence of concrete object the

individual can now understand relationship and analogical reasoning

Deductive Reasoning
This is the ability to think logically by applying a general rule to a
particular instance or situation

For Example all countries in the Northpole has a cold temperature.

Greenland is in the north pole. Therefore,Greenland has cold
From Jean Piaget’s Findings out and comprehensive Theory we can
derive the following principles:
1. Children will provide different explanations of reality at different
stages of cognitive development.
2. Cognitive Development is facilitated by providing activities or
situations that engage learners and require adaptation.
3. Learning material and activities should involve the appropriate level of
motor or mental operations for a child of given age. Avoid asking
students to perform task beyond their cognitive capabilities.
4. Use teaching methods that actively involves students and present

This ends my report,thank you so much for listening.

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