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The Procedural Knowledge of Life

The final moment has come, on the first minutes I entered to witness the
demonstrators, setting up the things needed, during the setup, I discovered that the
demonstrators from different majors prepared their IMs, and PPTs, and wearing their formal
attire. Every demonstrator wear their best smile as they started with their greetings and as I had
witnessed there was a hint of excitement as well as nervousness as they wait their turn to
demonstrate, I conclude that those feelings were very common especially when talking in front
of the class and it's a normal reaction. So they started with greetings and the students, did the
necessary routine, such as prayer and classroom management. Loud heartbeat has transformed
into a passion not caring for the uneasiness they feel they like taking things as easy and normal
as they could be. Before the demonstration, I expect that it will be pressure since the
demonstrators will be critiqued by the teacher, and also I expect great demonstrators from
other majors since some of them were making their names. During the demonstration, some
students were eager to listen and some are not, maybe because they find the topic boring or not
interesting, but I just realized that motivation is like the driver to reach your destination.

Mastery of the lesson will be the foundation to build and develop knowledge and give you a good flow
of discussion.And motivation serve as the tickling sensation in order for the students to be aroused.

Unleashing your fear like talking in front might be one of the most fulfilling things everyone could wish
for. But as they say, there will always be a process, and that process is to overcome your fear and
embrace it. Teachers were once a student who also went through a major process before finally being
called"Professionals". They also feel the pressure of being a student before and that's one of the
components of becoming successful. That's why they give us what they have learned from their journey
as a student for us also to acquire knowledge. They are being looked up to by people around them and
the community. So, they have to live in the norms and conduct of a good teacher and this aloso incline
to The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Article III Section 1and 2.Section 1. A teacher is a
facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render the best service
by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth. Section 2. Every teacher shall
provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community movements for moral, social,
educational, economic and civic betterment.

And as a future teacher I need to prepare a lesson plan that fits the learners’ level, needs, interests,
teaching situations, and the teacher's understanding of how learners learn best at the time, and the
resources and also how you master the lesson. And According to Article VIII Section 2 or also known as
The Code of Ethics Professional Teachers saying " A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare
of learners are his and foremost concern, and shall handle each learner justly and impartially."

In mastering your lesson plan, you provide a strong or a solid foundation to develop their knowledge,
the ability of the learners to work with his or her own pace, and also interaction with co-learners to
share their insights/brainstorm. Lesson planning is very important in the lives of teachers because it
helps them conduct the lesson in an orderly manner and it allows students to know what they are going
to learn and how it fits into their needs. And based on what I have red, students who are motivated to
learn persist longer,produce higher quality of effort,and learn more deeply.
After the demonstration I felt happy because I had witnessed strategies from different majors that I
might use someday; I need to connect myself with the students, how we would like our students to feel
and how we would like to achieve this connection with their hearts and minds. I realized that teaching
isn’t an easy job. It requires full dedication, love, and compassion for the profession and the learners.
Dedicated in the sense that, teachers should have the ability to inspire students through approaches,
actions, and even through the lessons and activities that students were engaged in. “Teachers cannot
teach what they do not know”. And in teaching, things that should be taught must be good, true, and
correct. Like what ma'am Rizza Guerra says"Teachers shouldn't be a multiplier of errors".

This day, I fully realized that I am meant for the teaching profession because of the unforgettable
experiences that I had encountered during the demonstration, especially the actual teaching
experiences they shared with the class. The simplest answer to the question “Why?” serve an essence
in a sense that you want to know more and for me, it is also a form of evaluating. The word "Why," has
created meaning in my life, it is a daily realization. A realization that continues to grow.

”Becoming a teacher does not end with the know-how to do it”.

 Within the context of Knowledge Management, procedural knowledge, also known as

imperative knowledge, is the type of knowledge exercised in the performance of a task. It’s
basically “how” you know to do something. How you begin to open your mouth is a process of
steps and your choice of words are powerful tool to catch the attention of the class, how you
composed yourself in front of the class has something to do with your performance, managing
your composure is to survive, and how is you master the lesson will always be highly
commendable. Procedural knowledge will always enhance our practice in problem-solving,
thinking critically, and involving more senses such as hands-on experience.

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