1 Second Partial Outline

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Name: Jerylene Isabel Martinez Rodriguez – Kevin Ernesto Gomez Leon Date: 03-01-2022 Class: 9

Short story

Task: Read the abstract of the story “The Night Train at Deoli”. Correct the grammar and punctuation mistakes (some of them are
in bold and some aren´t). Find the setting, characters, protagonist, and the situation. Predict the problem of the story.

When i (I) was at college, I use(used) to spend my his(her) shoulders. His(Her)feet were bare, and her clothes
summer holidays at dehra(Dehra), at my Grandmother's place. were old, but she was a young girl, walking like a queen.
I stay(stayed) there in the hills from early may(May) until late
in July. Deoli were(was) a small station about thirty miles from 'No,' I said, 'I don't want a basket.' suddenly filled with
Dehra. light. We said nothing for some time, but we each knew what
the other was feeling.
The train used to reach Deoli at about five in the
morning,() when the station was poorly lit with oil lamps, and This time i.(I) did not forgot(forget) him(her). She was
the jungle across the railway line was just visible in the early with me for the rest of the journey, and for long afterwards. All
light of day. Deoli only had one platform, a waiting room, and that year she was a bright, living thing in my mind. And when
an office for the stationmaster. On the platform there is(was) a College.(college) finished, I packed and left for Dehra earlier
tea stall, a fruit seller, and a few thin, hungry dogs; not much than usual, but I never found her. Now, she´s only a nice
else, because the train stopped there for only ten memory.
minute(minutes) before rushing on into the forests.

I use(used) to wonder what happened in deoli(Deoli),

behind the station walls. I always felt sorry for that lonely little
platform, and for the place that nobody wanted to visit. I
decided that one day I would get off the train at Deoli, and
spend the day there, just to please the town. I was eighteen,
visiting my grandmother, and the night train stopped at Deoli.
A girl come(came) down the platform, selling baskets. it(It)
was a cold morning,() and the girl had a shawl thrown across
2) What does the main character want at
1)Who is the main character?
the beginning of the story?
College boy/The narrator.
The boy wants to get off the train in Deoli
and see the city.
Other characters?

The girl on the train.

Write a topic sentence for the story 3) What is the plot of the story?
6) What would be the solution or the
end to the problem (story)? A teenager spending a long journey on the
The unexpected crush of a teenage on the Night Train night train in Deoli to Dehra to visit his
Although the boy did not find the girl, at Deoli. grandmother.
He kept a nice memory of her.
The boy expresses great sensitivity for the
poor basket-sellers and meets a girl with
whom he manages to have a mutual feeling
even though they are strangers, but who
remains in his memories even though he
cannot see her again.

5) What will be the possible problems the main 4) What do you think the main character will do to
character must face to achieve the objective? achieve his objective?

Have the patience to wait and find the girl. Go more often to the train station Deoli and ask
people about the girl.

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