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Are you? Can you? Do you? Did you?

1 VDCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases

a Complete the questione in Setting to know you with a verb. ’Returning’ e question
When you're having a conversetion. you allen ’return' q
b @1.2 Listen and checL. saying And jrou7 or What a6out you7
repeating the question, but stressing g, g.g,
c @1.3 Listen end repeat questione 1-ó. ggpy the rhythm A Where are you from7
end inanation. B f’m from Rorni• Where areyau ùom*

d Have a cowersation with your partner. Ask and answer

the questions in tke questionnaire. After you have answered
e question, 'return’ it to your partner.
Where are you fcom ’m from Poznafi, in Pbland. And ypg*

7* Wh e.arm . you I\onf7 Y Whót , what x›nd:òf fnusiù'clo you

Whdt TV
g ¿ _ What time do you sertes’ :4’
N Whot"l‹ind of paolo a?

tJow.allen.d yóu
word order in questions
a @1.ó With a partner, say the groups of letters. Then
Look at the highlighted phrases in listen and check.
questions 1—ó. Tick (A the three œrrect ABCD EFGH HKL MNOP QRST UVW XYZ
questions. Rewrite the incorrect questions.
Can.yôrt play a musical instrument? 7 @ The alphabet
b @1.7 Look at the sound pictures. What are the words and
2 tVhe • vo ăth er? The letters of the alphabet are pronounced with different
sounds? Listen
sounds, a.g. Send
- ’ write
x , likethe words.
egg, but C - ›i:’', 1ike tree.
3 Were this school last year?
4 is.theîwa.: upërmarkčt near here?
5 Have:yóu. cërèal for breakfast?
6 Where.went you for your last holiday?

Look at the two groups of questions.
What are the missing words in the
second questions7

c Add these letters to the correct column.

’°’many cups.
E G J K M 0 R Q X Y
- play ğames ôn:.your phone?..
What games ’
' ś
d @1.8 Listen and check..Practise saying the letters in each
What sperz_ś
e @ Communication Alphabet quiz A p.ID2 B p.108
Ask and answer the questions.
Öió .yoú... Munich country ’s securily service is cołled the r•BłS
- go:to bed late last:night2
What tìme . "
cooL lunch or dinner yostørdey? 4 MSTENING & SPEAKING

- go for:â'ë weekend?' ”” a @1.9 Listen æ extracts from six conversatiõns. W ite the
When.e : + letters and numbers you hear.
\ first name 4 email: .
s 2 postœdo: 'i surname:
- biy aøy ilöthèi tart rrionth* 3 phone number: ó address:
Whät b @1.10 Now listen to the conversations. Match 1-6 to
situations a-I.
d Stand up and ask different students the firsl a buying something d giving a student directions
question until somebody says Yes. Then .I b checking into a hotel e giving a class some information
ask the second question. Continue with C țFyşn@ tO get help f aFfÏvÏng at a f9SłBŁIËBF1t
the other questions, asLing different
students. c Interview another student and complete the form.

Oo you drink a lot of tea or coffees

Yes, f drinfi a /or of catfee.

Three or lour.
The perfect date?

describing people
@1 Listen to three women describing
their fathers. Which one is Charlotte,
the woman with her father in the two
@1.12 Listen to Charlotte again. What
adjectives does she use to describe her
father’s height, hair, weigkt, and smile?
@p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing

d Now read the article about Charlotte

and her father Clint. Find the information
about Clim.

his age his job his mar tal status

his personality his perfect partner

e Reed the art cle agein and answer the

questions. So, how was the date?
1 Why does Charlotte want to find Clint You probably think this is a parent asking the question totheir chilA
a partner? Btft many children are now helping their single parent findlove, too.
2 How do we know thet Charlotte and Clint Clint Boucher, a s•-year-old businessman from Reigate, Surrey, got
are close? divorced ten years ago. His daughter. t6-yearold Charlotte, doesnl
3 What was dating like when Clint was i want hnr dad to end up alone - her mum remarried five years ago,
young? and Charlotte has a boyfriend.
4 How does Clint find dates now, and how Charlotte and Clint are very close. They often go out together in the
has Charlotte helped him? evening, they‘re planning a trip to India ter later in the year, and
they're both Bruce Springsteen fans. But Charlotte thinks that Clint
f Look at the two highlighted words in the needs a new partner, and he agrees.
article. Which word describes...? ’My dad is the perfect mv' she eye. 'He's warm, he’s generous,
a person who makes you îaugh he knows how to look after a woman. how to treat a woman. He’s a
2 a person who you can have a good gentleman. He’s alwayi the one who pays on dates. He’s mmantic
tome with and he'd fun I don't mind spending Priday and Saturday nights
with my dad and that cny a lot - I’m only z6.’
Do you think Charlotte is the best person
Dating in the List century is very diffeœnt fmrri when Alim was
to help find her dad a daæ? Why? young Internet dating has changed everything. 'It's di&cuH now
Just to walk over to a woman and ask her “Can I buy you a
diink?”‘ he Pays. ’Before, when you met people face to face, there
was sometimes a ”spark”, a feeling of romantic destiné— you don’t
get tkat from someone's pzofùe pJctuze.‘
Charlotte wmte Clint's dating profile lot an online dating
website. Clint would tile to meet a woman who words, preferably
a businesswoman. Someone who’s independent, but fur ry and
clever. He has had several dates, but none of the women were
for him. He and Charlotte are still looking. 'IN always hopeful,'
ke says. 'I really believe that sooner or later l’m going to find

. Adapred from eiie 8r7î rh p res

GRAMMAR present simple 4 MSTENING
a Complete the chart. a @1.19 Listen to Elspbeth Gordon.
a journalist, talking about a dating
i/you/we/thay ha/sk•/it experiment. Answer the questions.
@+ I need a new He } What kind of app does Elspbeth use’7
partner. e new pertner. 2 What do you do if you like someone?
@- I don't want my She 3 Whaf’s Glspbeth's mother going to do?
dad to end up wanl her dad to 4 What’s Espbeth going to do?
alone. end up alone. gjpp
What kind of What kind of swipe move your finger across a touchscreen
! person perron on a phone or tablet to activate a function
you want to meet? he want to
b @1.20 Now listen to Elspbeth describe her first two dates.
What does she think of her mum‘s choîœs?
b Tick (7) the correct sentences.
' A They often go out together. c Listen again and match the phrases to the two men.
*'" B They ga out often together. Write J for John or S for Sebastian. Which man do you
2 A He always is the one who think Elspbeth prefere? Why?
pays. B He's always the one who î : He’s tall, dark, 4 Ne’s from Germany, but
pays. and handsome. he lives in Dublin.
2 " He’s very tall. 5 There isn’t a spark.
@ p.126 Grammar Bank IB
3 ..! He‘s a teacher. 6 ' He’s a real gendeman.
final -s and -es d o ‹. • t Now listen to the third date. ls it a success? Who do
you think the message is from?
a @1.17 Listen and repeat.
e @1.2Z Listen. Were you right? How does Etspbeth feel? Do
He likes going to œncerts. He meets think thay have a seœnd date†
snake people on dates.
f Do
He pays for their meals. He wears youclothes.
smart think a member of your femily could choose e good
date for you? Do you think you could choose one for them†

He uses reading glassas.

He watches a lot of matches. a Think of a single person you know well — a family member
or friend. Look at the form below and prepare to give this
information about him or her.
.Q Pronunciation of final -s and -es
The final -s is pronounced .’ or ’:.'’.
The final -es is prpnounced /iz/ after
c, ch. g, s. eli, x. and z.

@1.18 How do you say the f›ey »f›e /

it form of these verbs and the plural of
these nouns? Listen and checL.

verbs choose cook go live stop teach

nouns book boy class friend language shap

Work in peirs. A describe your person to B. B listen and esk

A p.102 B p.108 Ask and answer questions for more information. Do you know anybody who would be
about two possible dates for Clint.
a good partner for this person? Then swap roles.
His ’a e’s Mario, and the’s singto. He’s about 30 years oJd.
d Have a class vote. Who do you think i6 .
better date for Clint, Maggie or Tessa'? c @p.113 Writing Describing yourself Write your profile.
The Remake Project

1 VOCABULARI clothes 3 GRAMMAR present continuous

a Look at the painting and photo on the right, and Look at some sentences about the painting and
a read about the Remake Project. Do you think the photo. Cornplete them with He’s. She’s. or They’re.
photo is a good remake? Why (not)?
.. wearing yellow and blue clothes.
What are the people in the painting and photo 2 wearing a cap.
wearing? Write W for the woman end M for the man. 3 pouring milk from a bottle.
4 pouring mils from a jug.
1 a blue apron
5 looking at the mils.
2 blue trousers ó standing near a window.
3 a brown skirt
4 a yellow and green blouse
inc he correct form of the verb, present
continuous or present simple.
5 a yellow T-shirt
1 In the photo the man isn't weaorig / doesn’t near a cap.
6 a white cap
2 People often wear / are wearing aprons in the k tchen
. e».› › vocabufary Bank Things you wear c @ p.126 Grammar Bank 1C

PRONUNCIATION /a/ and is:/

The BEMAKE PBD3EcT was the idea ol Conodan artist
a @1.24 Listen to these words and sounds. Jeff Homodo. He od‹ad Meade+s of his webslle Jo remake
Practise saying them. Which sound is only in a famous walk of art as a photo. Hundmds of
unstressed syllables? people.sant
pholos lo the project a tfie ï›fiofi s 'aPpeomo in in
newspopers, and in o book.
trousers trainers sweater
compuler çardigan llet klace

2 bird ' shir . sk r -shir

b Underlie\s the stressed syllable in the multi syllable

words below. Which sound from a do the pink
letters have, 1 or 2?

pginter I her first photograph

picture prefer urTy attractive
occasion worI‹ university

@1.2S Listen and check.

AsL and answer the questions with a partner.
What clothes do you usually wear...?
• for worL / university / school
• when you go out at night
• when you want to relax at the weekend
• for a special occasion
4 L!STENING 5 VOCABULARI prepositions of place
a You’re going to listen to an art expert talking about a Now look at the photo again. Complete the
Vermeer and The Mif1maid. Look at the painting sentences with a word or phrase from the list.
again. with a pertrmr, try to answer the questions.
What century did Vermeer live in? above behind between io in front of in the corner
e 15th b 17th c 19th in the middle of next to on (x2} on the left of under
Where was he from?
a Holland b Cermany c Russia 1 The young man is the kitchen.
What kind of things did he usually paint? 2 There’s a table him.
e everyday scenes b portraits of rich people 3 the table there are some eggs, some
c trees and flowers bread, and some strawberries.
4 what i6 the milkmaid probably making? 4 The bread is the table. It’s the
a butter b bread c a pudding eggs and the strawberries.
s How many of Vermeer's paintings exist today? 5 There's a board the
a 4 b 34 c 304 ó the man, there’s an old washing machine.
6 Why was the painting expensive to make? 7 There’s a window the photo.
a Because it’s very big. 8 of the rcom there‘s a sink and some
b Because some of the paints were very cleaning producte.
c Because he rented an expensive studio. 9 There's a ftower the wall the sink.
10 The sink is the window.
b @1.28 Listen and check your answers.
o‹.zs Listen and check. Then cover the
c Loos at ‘I-ó. What cAn you remember about them sentences and look at the photo. Ask each other
from the axpert’s talk2 Listan again and rnaka notas. where the man end the things are.
Delft It’s a city n Holland. V'ermeer was from there.
Wheze’s the mans
2 light coming through windows
3 his wife, his daughter and his servant He’s in the kikctien. He‘s behind ttie tebte.
4 Girl with a Pesrf Earring
5 the milkmaid’s apron
6 175 Dutch gu lders SPEAKING
@ Describing a picture ta painting or pkoto)
When we describe a picture, we normally use
There is / There are to say what’s in the picture,
and we uee the precont continuous to say what
the paople are doing, e.g. There’s a ta6fe with
some bread on iz 7he women ie standing naxtzo
the table.
e <• mmunicat /on Remakes A p.102 B p.108
Describe your paintings and remakes.
” My paintíng ta by Vezmeer. it’s called...

In small grouPs, asL and answar tka questions.

• Whick of the three ’remakes’ in

Jhis del you think is.the best?
• is there a painting you know that yóu /ould like
to remake?
• What pictures ar posters do you have on the wa(I in
your bedroom or living room?
• Do you have any favourite paintar6 or paintingd?
Who or what are they? Why do you like themt
• What famous painters are there from your country?
Do you like any of their paintinge?
• Do you (or did you) paint or draw2 What Nnd of things7
a @ 1. 30 Watch or Visten to Jenny. Number the
pictures 1-ó in the arder she mentions them.
b Watch or listen again and answer the questions.
1 What does Jenny do?
2 Where did she go a lew months apo?
3 Who's Rob Walker?
4 What did they do together?
5 Wha1 does she think of Rob?
6 Whal's Pob’s one negative quality?
7 How long is Rob going to be in New York?


a @1.31 Cover the conversation on p.13 and watch

or listen. Who does Rob call? Why?
Watch or listen again. Complete the You hear a @1.33 That evening Jenny goes to the hotel to
phrases. meet Rob and they go out for a drink. Watch or
listen and mark the sentences T (true) or F (fa1se).
You hear You say I Pob says he doesn’t like the hotel.
Hello, reception. Hello. This is room 613. 2 Jenny is going to show him round the city tomorrow.
H OW CLFI I ' you? There’s a problem with 3 Barbara is Jenny's boss.
the air conditioning. it 4 Rob is hungry,
iSn’t working, and it’s 5 It’s fo«r in the morning for Rob.
very hol in hy roo›r. d They’re going to meet at eieven
Thank you. 7 Jenny thinks that Rob is going to get lost.
I’m sorry, sir. ’II
somebody up to look at b Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences
it right now. are false.
dood' Hello. I’m sorry to Look at the Social English phrases. Can you
reception. you aggin, This is room ö13.
remember any pf the missing words?
f-low can T help yoiu? I have a problem with the
wi-li I ca n’t ge\ a s‹gnaI. Social English
I’m sorry, sir. I’II " Thanks. 1 Rob .t's _ to he here.
you through \o IT. 2 Jenny Do you have a v ew?
3 Jenny You be really tired.
@ 1.32 Watch or listen and repeat the You say
phrases. Copy the hI_ythm. 4 Rob . guess you’re
5 Rob By the
6 Jenny t’s great to see you,

A There‘s a problem with the air conditioning.

B l’1l send somebody to look at it.
d @1.34 Watch or listen and complete the phrases.
How do you say them in yc•ur language? Then
t’tI —- I wï//. We use /’// + verb to offer to do something. watch or listen and repeat the phrases.

e Complete conversations A-E with Social English

d Praclise the conversation with a partner. phrases 1-6. Practise with a partner.
e m In pairs, role-play the conversation.
A You he d a vezy long fiighT. No, I’m fine.
A (book open) You are the receptionist.
B (book closed) You are a guest. You have two B What’s your rODm like’ Yes, I can see che
problems with your room (think about what they are). mountains.
A Offer to do something about B’s problems. You begin C It’s so good to see you again.
with Hello, reception.
D We need to get up early Yes,
f Swap roles. lOWOUOA.

That was a great me al. Yes, delicrous.

3 JENNY AND ROB MEET AGAIN what titne'5 the
meeting tornorrow*

tell somebody about a problem (e.g. in a ttotel)
offer to do something
greet a friend who you haven’t seen for a long time

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