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1. Reading company’s profile

2. Explaining business activity

What is a company profile? What must I include in it?

A company profile is just what the name implies. It is a document explaining what your company is
and what you do. It is a public-facing document, so one should take care to not include any
confidential information, such as private financial details.

A good company profile should include a brief history of the company, including the date that it was
founded. A list of all owners, directors, and shareholders should be included. Arguably, the most
important part of a company profile is a brief synopsis of the services that are on offer. For example,
if I were writing a company profile for a marketing company, I would mention that the company
specializes in advertising campaigns, online media, social networking, copywriting, and graphic
design. Lists of achievements and awards won should also form part of the company profile.

The company's vision and mission statement should be included, as should all contact details. A
detailed company profile could also include an organogram of all staff members and how they work

How to Write a Company Profile

Writing a company profile can be intimidating. Start with these simple tips and company profile PDF
templates for an easy start.

If you have never written a company profile before, it can be a little intimidating. A company profile's
purpose, after all, is not just to include basic details, but to clearly and confidently highlight the
strengths of your company. You can think of it as your company's resume.

What Is A Company Profile?

A company profile is an introduction to your business, and aims to tell an audience about your
products or services. However, a company profile shouldn't just tell your audience what you sell -- it
should also tell viewers why you sell it. A company profile often includes a compelling story about
how the company began, as well as the company's vision and values.

A company profile is a professional summary of the business and its activities. You need a company
profile if you want to raise capital and win investors, but you can also use it to inform other
stakeholders, including clients.

You will find many variations and lengths for a company profile. Some businesses may not have
grown enough yet and have profiles that are just two pages long. On the other hand, some might
include awards, certifications, and a large client portfolio, topping out at 30 pages.
The bottom line with both situations, as well as those in between, is that a company profile is your
business's time to shine.

What To Include In Your Company Profile

Do your best to comprise a well-written document so that it is clear, concise, and correct. Check your
spelling and grammar, look for typos, and be sure to read it several times. You might even consider
a proofreading tool as another check. And of course, include the following information as applicable
to your business.

The Business Details

When you begin, gather the details listed below. These items should appear at the beginning of your
company profile. Keep them accurate and up-to-date.

 Company name

 Established date

 Physical address per location

 Phone and fax numbers

 Website URL

 Email address

The Company Basics

These items will vary depending on your business type. So, just keep in mind that they may not all
apply to your company, but you should include those that do.

 Description of the business including the mission and/or vision

 Product descriptions

 Description of services

 History, expansion, and growth

 Public relations

 Advertising

 Industry information

 Safety, health, and environmental policies

 Core team details

 Client portfolio
The Highlights

The next set of items also will not apply to every company. These are some of the types of notable
achievements and accomplishments that you should include.

 Awards

 Certifications

 Special programs and projects

 Testimonials

 News or media recognition

Optional Items

You may see the following items in other company profiles or within the samples and templates
below. If you feel that any of these is noteworthy for your business, then you should include them.

 Annual sales

 Financial targets

 Number of employees

 Partners

 Photographs

Company Profile Samples

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