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He was thus enabled to go to Italy to study the

magazines of the amir--those at Takdempt, Boghar, Taza, Saida

Mandalay, the Myauk-myo, or ``northern city,'' 3 m. distant.

a Frenchman who, disguised as a Jew, crossed and re-crossed

as for bodies which do not absorb very rapidly.

agriculture is naturally of the greatest importance, except

act. In November the German ambassador again inquired if Great

Rome. His eldest brother, Charles d'Amboise, was governor

under a penalty not exceeding L. 20; provided that an offence

or sentenced to hard labour for not more than six months.

himself. But though his eclectic system failed, the spirit

amplitude as well as delicacy to our enjoyment of beauty.

A.V. Annos vixit.

he says, ``is relative to the sense of some mind perceiving

Finland, on the Aura-joki, about 3 m. from where it falls

Helena and British Honduras, vice-admiralty courts should be

Amazonas'' at Rio de Janeiro in 1852; and in the following

pursuits. In conjunction with his sister, Mrs Barbauld

piece of music, or of a movement in a sonata, symphony, &c.

Chrysostom, to confess their secret sins secretly to God. In

For further details of his mathematical investigations see the

at Hagia Triada, also possibly shows a hero-cult of the dead.

Athena. In later art they approach the model of Artemis,

above. It is surrounded by a rampart and moat, with five gates,

which he had undertaken to defend. This danger became a

crevices of Alpine granites and gneisses have been deposited,

letter of the English alphabet. The writer is indebted to

terminated this campaign, the battle of the Frigidus, was fought

that he was styled in the treaty ``His Majesty''; but, in the

Gardiner says of them, ``Little as it was intended at the

place. There was no separate lord high admiral for Ireland.

as he calls them, which are objectifications of the will

and hats, and the distillation of olive-oil. Trade is in

France, but turned his arms against Thuringia, which he

Italian merchants of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries;

royal declaration, was to cultivate and improve the national

exceeds 100 fathoms in depth. From a point between Curzola

monks, who placed a malignant inscription over his grave.

long), which contains the greatest body of water after the

any later time if he is proved to have contributed to the

Godavari and its tributaries the Prawara and the Mula; on the

exposed for sale, tested weights and measures, collected

career. In that work he found himself; sentiment and

X. of Sweden for the moment swept the Polish state out of

1890 onwards by the international commissions which traced

parties to the declaration, ``inspired by their feeling of

under pressure, but it was soon found that there were

generally held that he taught Bonaventura, Duns Scotus and

the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing

region is broad and convex, so that the body presents the

See T. Fuller, Worthies of England (ii. 343); J. P. Collior,


charge. He then settled in Spain where he was held in much

was followed, in 1158, by a pilgrimage to the Holy Land,

this quarter are the law courts, hotel de ville, post office

Shreveport. After the check of this expedition and its

destructiveness to the Hawaiian avifauna seems open to doubt.

of any kind to any athletic organization, or for becoming

and in England, quickly put an end to it. From the memorial

itself with all that can contribute to the perfection of

upon the high seas (R. v. Serva, 1845, 1 Denison C.C.

these treaties to John Hutton of Manchester. Hutton, with Mr

ALEMTEJO (i.e. ``Beyond the Tagus''), an ancient province of

marble, brought from a distance. The Portuguese traveller

consistently with responsibility to parliament, could be placed.

ALCAZAR DE SAN JUAN, or ALCAZAR, a town of Spain, in

protection. But he preached to deaf ears, and it was as something

``fully to develop,'' even at the cost of the happiness and

Hic Cineres, ubique Fama.

higher temperature but when it was already solid, is found

Greeks. According to Herodotus he was killed by his brother

France reserved to herself only Oran and its environs, Mazagran,

from a new soil. The breath of the early American world was

the 19th century of what at one time had been a veritable

whole of the French interests on the river, and that Great

aggregation, whose function is confined to the transmission of

was an hereditary one of presenting a parson to the bishop for

Voyage archeologique dans la Regence de Tunis (1862, 2

1862). The most successful of the foreign-built cruisers

crystals. Other names, now obsolete, are oisanite and

office. The diurnal consisted of sixteen pages quarto in

a reaction the French Ana sank in public esteem as much below

Barley, straw 2,447 2080 111 14 3.2 25.9

permitted to adopt, as being impotent to beget children for

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