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for the smaller calibres of guns, such as 3-pr., 6-pr.


Apollonium, 14; Cicero, Tusc. Disp. i. 47.

construction and in the manufacture of steel armour-plate and

Cereals--Amongst the field experiments there is, perhaps,

traditions. Noteworthy coincidences in the lives of Abraham

lord of all shore works--i.e. docks, buildings, &c.--and

of Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel, whose sister espoused, almost

and was appointed medical officer to the General Hospital in

was only able to capture the city after a most obstinate

AMPELIUS, LUCIUS, possibly a tutor or schoolmaster, and

Morocco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220,000

gunnery. The capture of three British frigates one after

to his philological investigations; and the Storthing--.

Splugen, the Septimer, the Brenner, the Radstadter Tauern, the

St Machar, situated a few hundred yards from the Don, was

not exceeding the value of L. 25 are exclusively tried in the

With Q.F. guns (that is, strictly, those using metallic cartridge

Armitage prizes and the Turner scholarship and gold medal.

Felix de Caraman, near Toulouse, and their deliberations were

for his life, a devoted Shafi-'ite. But his position in both

ALMERIA, a maritime province of southern Spain, formed in

negative preparation for the advent of the sonata-style)

large bulk of indigestible matter, and so requires an extended

before. The battle of the Wilderness (q.v.) went on for

general flourished under the protection of Harvard College,

(Lat. Alba dlarla), other forms being Aubemarle and

Massachusetts, on the 16th of April 1850. He graduated at

Farms by Census Decades.

poets of nearly all times and tongues have not been slow

the chief pitch accent in ancient times suggests that the

by those of Oise and Somme. The surface of the department

\CO/ \CO/

these reasons there was not, outside of southern Mexico,

of the Ain by Francis Gladwin was published in Calcutta,

living of Wilby in Northamptonshire; but was thence ejected

invented. In 1762 Johann Christian Bach, the eleventh son

of Sweden for the Vatican library. Alexander condemned in 1690

4 A cano, like furo, is a kind of natural canal; it

council, which after due inquiry may issue a provisional

within their highlands, of the central authority at Kabul.

Swedes, leaf 4,704 706 75 28 3.2 16.4

staff, and lintels were made by burying stems of cana brava

and its importance in normal metabolism, thereby confirming

1729. It is served by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, and

mud or shifting sand, it is impossible for algae to secure a

confined to the area of operation and the loss of consciousness

university. In 1507 he was appointed tutor to the seven-year

and eucharists in one. Around Alexandria and in the Thebaid,

of reflected and refracted rays (the article LENS considers

estimate is excessive, judged by the number and size of their

Al2O3. Precipitated aluminium hydrate finds considerable

where it is now systematically mined. It appears, however,

dinner-time. The buildings belonging to the material life of

acid. This used to be made from brimstone or native volcanic

Though christened Ramon (Raymond), the favourite name of his

were added to the statute book in 1896, and various clauses

Fathusai, which may be the Beth(th)ina of Ptolemy (v. 19).1

Torbrecks, by whom he had six children, his only surviving

F. Choir. S. Refectory. 4. Refectory.

highly saline, with thick incrustations of salt round their

swim-bladder is developed as a dorsal outgrowth of the oesophagus

attendants, were lodged withn the monastery without disarranging

the crown:---``Be it enacted by the King's most excellent

is understood to be a promise to pay the bill in money,

applies only to the mountain region near Avlona. The region

death of his only son, and he died on the 15th of October 1891.

the few Moorish industries are carried on, such as embroidery

the guarantee is void. The law affects all foods shipped

across the continent had arrived at Benguella.

to appoint abbes commendataires to most of the abbeys in

of which they had expelled the Zamzummim (Judg. xi. 13; Deut.

e.g. C. Schnabel, Handbook of Metalurgy, vol. ii. (1907).

on the 6th of November 1781, had some repute as a historical

removed by early plunderers of the tomb, all that was left

an Autobiographical Poem (Boston, 1887), edited by F. B. Sanborn;

and stories of his boyhood were remembered. At the age of

Quiloa (Kilwa) was due the first accurate knowledge of those

Lund in 1167. In 1178 he became archbishop of Lund, but very

and took a prominent part in the management of the affairs of the

miserable condition of Attica and Athens at the time. His

mines. Some small quantity of gold is taken from the streams in

to Heidelberg, where he held various scholastic appointments.

United States.---There is no federal legislation on the

realization was a leading aim of chemical workers down to the

exportation. Sea-fishing is almost wholly neglected.

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