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Elegant Sea of Savagery

우아한 야만의 바다

Author: 틸다킴 (The same author who wrote, "Your Meaning")

Artist: N/A [Novel], MINIM [Manhwa]

Year: 2019 [Novel], 2021 [Manhwa]

Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Status: 108 Chapters (Complete) [Novel], 20 Chapters (Ongoing) [Manhwa]

●Table of Contents●
Volume 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Prologue. their strange relationship ......................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1. Don't Help People Recklessly ................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 2. Tilted World........................................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 3. House is Ruined ..................................................................................................................... 83
Chapter 4. Whereabouts of The Handkerchief ..................................................................................... 134
Chapter 5. Came To Ruin My Life.......................................................................................................... 232
Chapter 6. Wonderful New World ........................................................................................................ 291
Chapter 7. Form of Love I...................................................................................................................... 395
Chapter 8. Form of Love Ⅱ(1) .............................................................................................................. 466
Volume 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 492
Chapter 8. Form of Love Ⅱ(2) .............................................................................................................. 492
Chapter 9. Age of Discovery .................................................................................................................. 499
Chapter 10. god of business.................................................................................................................. 539
Chapter 11. Nodiac Top ........................................................................................................................ 584
Chapter 12. Tell Me Love ...................................................................................................................... 755
Chapter 13. Throwing Fire into The Frozen Sea.................................................................................... 873
Exodus 1. Love Sickness ........................................................................................................................ 897
Side Stories................................................................................................................................................ 934
Apocrypha 2. Don't look back with an angry face ................................................................................ 934
Gaiden 3. My Pleasant Home................................................................................................................ 976
Volume 1

Prologue. their strange relationship

“Eat a lot, Irina.”

A young man and woman were having breakfast sitting opposite each other. The Count speaking to the
woman was a very handsome man, and his low voice was infinitely smooth and soft, even in the early

But from time to time, a longing that could not be concealed flowed from him.

His gaze rested on the woman's slender wrists, dry shoulders, and wavy hair one after another,
undeniably dark and gloomy.

“What are you doing today?”

When Illenoa hid such a sign and asked again politely, Irina groaned and fell into trouble. After a while,
she replied that she had made up her mind.

“I want to learn to work in the garden. I do laundry, and I do other things when I have time.”

Irina Nodiac.

She was the eldest daughter of a declining aristocratic family and now owes a huge debt to the man in
front of her.

It was entirely because of the former Marquis of Nodiac that caused the downfall of her once-greatly
prestige family. To put it a little more accurately, it was because of his business soldier who was entering
a new era.
The former Marquis Nodiac had a character that was indescribably bold compared to his abilities, and
the debt he owed due to successive investment failures was so enormous that the family had to be in
debt for a long time even after selling the title and estate.

It was Count Illenoa Schuberg who took over the remaining rights of the marquis along with the debt.

He was the owner of the Schuberg upper, which boasted great wealth in Kissen, and was Irina's academy



Ilenoa's voice softened.

It was a sweet voice as if she was dealing with a lover, but her face as she raised her head and answered,
seemed to be bitter. In fact, it seemed a little uncomfortable.

Staring at those bright and clean golden eyes, Ilenoa spoke with a gentle attitude.

“The sun is strong during the day. Be careful not to injure yourself while overdoing it. Be sure to wear a
wide-brimmed hat if you tell the maid.”

“Yeah, I see.”

After entrusting herself to the count, Irina was paid a maid's salary and was paying off her debts from
time to time. However, it was just an act to wrap the relationship between the two of them into a
moderately normal one.

There was no housekeeper who took such meticulous care of the maid working in the house. There
would never have been such a warm debt relationship.
Also, no matter how much she dedicates her whole life to work, she will not be able to repay the large
sum with a small salary.

So, the biggest right Illenoa acquired along with the debt was Irina Nodiac.

He did not intend to wield that right as recklessly as a tyrant, but at times he felt a dark euphoria and a
deep satisfaction with it.

That was the essence of the human being Illenoa Schuberg.

No matter how friendly he pretended to be a gentleman, it did not hide the fact that he possessed a
cruel and sadistic nature.

Everyone, even Irina, noticed it to some extent, and when dealing with Irina, she used to act like a pretty
normal and friendly man.

In fact, it was all bullshit.

But after about 7 years of that naughty one, you'll start to think that that's not your personality either.

Even the servants of the count, who had been serving Ilenoa for a long time, sometimes suffered
cognitive dissonance, whether the headmaster was like that.

“But when it comes to gardening, isn’t it like having scissors or a saw in your hand?”

Illenoa asked Irina whether she had a sudden thought.

He was grimacing a little. It was a strange face that seemed to smile and seemed to hold back laughter.

Irina asked, puzzled.

“Wow, that’s right. Why?”

“I’m worried about what will happen if Irina cuts off someone else’s hand or neck, not the tree.”

“… … uhm.”

Irina lowered her head a little to see if she had a face.

At first glance it sounded like a joke, but it wasn't actually a joke. Still, if it was her talent that her body
was always intact, it was her talent.

The count's servants were grateful for that alone.

“Don’t do anything too risky in the first place.”

Since it wasn't just one or two things she had done, Irina turned away with a heartbroken face.

“I will take care of that. But Illenoa.”

“Yes, tell me.”


It looked like he had something to say. Illenoa put down the knife and fork she was holding and gave a
puzzled expression.

The words that immediately came out of her mouth were unexpected.
“I want to marry Ludwig.”

In an instant, a terrible silence fell in the space where they were eating.

The personnel at the top, who were waiting a few steps away, were puzzled by the sudden drop in the
surrounding temperature.

But, ignoring everyone's embarrassment, Irina continued speaking with a blunt attitude.

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t interfere with work.”

“… … .”

Ilenoa was silent for a while.

And it was then.

Ilenoa's lips, who had been quietly listening, began to draw a flexible curve.

It was a very elegant and dignified smile. But the servants who were watching had to feel a sense of

Because I knew my owner wasn't the kind of person who would laugh in a situation like this.

His smile was aristocratic as he gently raised the corners of his mouth, but the temperature in his eyes
was unbelievably low.

He asked, keeping a cool smile.

“You’re doing what... with which asshole?”

“… … what?"

Irina asked in surprise, but Ilenoa's expression did not change. His dark blue eyes now seemed to be
bursting with black flames.

Irina quickly frowned. It was because it was a low-key tone that he had never heard from him before.

Eventually, a branch began to appear on her face as well.

“… … Ilenoa.”

It was the young butler who dissuaded the lord on behalf of the people around him who were not sure
what to do. Everyone knew Irina's fiery temper and the lord's long-standing obsession with her.

Neither of them was ordinary. It was necessary to prevent Irina, who could not win the match, from
throwing a plate of food and smashing through the window with the intention of breaking the lord's
head on the spot.

They are worried that the relationship between the two will become irreversible.

Illenoa, who had a sly smile on her face, immediately looked into the air and let out a short sigh. His
face, with a little bit of emotion, was still neat, but he looked much more sincere than before.

“ Irina, there seems to be a misunderstanding, you didn’t come here to work and earn money, we don’t
have a normal employment relationship, there’s nothing you can do about it."

It was polite and polite as usual. But he couldn't hide the cold anger that was inside him.

Looking at Irina as she listened to her with a firm expression on her face, he summarized what had
happened just a few months ago.
“The Count Schuberg assumed all the debts owed by the former Marquis Nodiac. Some of the
conversions are over. It was I who paid off the debt and took over my title to you when that damn
usurper set you up to sell you on a boat that you don't know where it's going.”

And then your relationship with Ludwig was already over.

But you're only going to get me a favor, and you won't give me the slightest chance, not even the
slightest leeway?

Ilenoa's eyes seemed to burn with a cool breeze.

His words were completely true, without a single lie. However, Irina felt a strong objection to his words
and manner.

Ilenoa didn't seem to want to stop there.

He wanted to make sure of all this now. I wanted to let her know that she had only one option and that
there were no other possibilities.

Look, where you stand is a dead end.

He got up from his seat and walked towards Irina. It was an elegant and slow gait, as always. He came
right next to her, stopped and stretched out his hand.

The white hand that stroked Irina's cheek was infinitely gentle.

“Do I have to say it more clearly? Irina, I have a right to you.”

The content of what followed was not kind at all.

“So you can’t marry a bastard other than me.”

“… … This scumbag is real.”

In the end, Irina's face, who had been patiently trying to listen, became angry.

Everyone was nervous at the momentum that was about to explode at any moment, but Ilenoa looked
down at her rebellious face with infinitely still eyes.

The emotion in those eyes was definitely cool. But as the coolness gradually warmed up to the heat, he
spoke the words he had been procrastinating for a long time.

“I will go to your room tonight. Don't lock the door."

The sexual connotation was obvious.

After Illenoa left, Irina, who had been arguing for a while, finally threw a glass of water at the door
where he left.

The place where the glass had shattered with a loud noise was full of stains.


It was near midnight when Illenoa visited Irina's bedroom.

He had already washed himself in his room and was dressed lightly, but Irina, who was sitting on the
bed, was the same as he had seen in the morning.

In deep thought, she came in and looked at him with dissatisfaction as he leaned against the door.
Irina seemed to have something to say. Illenoa just stared at her from a distance.

“Hey, I didn’t tell you to come in yet.”

The words that finally came out of my mouth were very vain.

His blunt expression looked like a childish one. So Ilenoa laughed a little. Even though the world has
changed like this, Irina is still the same as when we first met.

He walked slowly and sat at an angle next to her, looking relaxed. As he got closer, there was a strong,
cool scent of bathing.

He kindly answered her words.

“This is the Countess. I am Count Schuberg. There doesn't seem to be any place in the Earl's Manor that
The lord cannot go to at this time."

Then Irina mumbled something in an inaudible voice. Judging by the shape of his mouth, he seemed to
be swearing.

It was also so hers that Illenoa smiled once more.

When his long, white hand touched Irina's red hair, Irina pulled her shoulders back a little, but he didn't
mind and put the hair behind Irina's ear.

Is it because of her pretty face? Even such a simple gesture looked obscene in Irina's eyes.

“Ugh, you pretty scumbag.”

maybe I like you

Irina shook her head and called out the man's nickname. But Illenoa just smiled unwaveringly, as if
nothing had happened.

After staring at him for a long time, Irina sighed deeply. Her eyes looking at Ilenoa were as serious and
serious as ever before. It was a face that was determined to do something.

“Illenoa, I have something to tell you.”

His eyes, which had been smiling brightly, shone sharply in an instant. The eyes of the two men and
women were tightly intertwined in the air.
Chapter 1. Don't Help People Recklessly

In order to explain this terrible relationship, we have to go back 7 years.

It was at the Royal Academy of Kissen that Irina Nodiak and Illenoa Schuberg first met.

Irina was only seventeen at the time. However, when the average aristocratic women reached that age,
they used to pretend to be noble ladies so much that they were reluctant to laugh without covering
their mouths.

Irina was different from her peers. It was creepy to do that. I mean, he was a great tomboy.

The Nodiac Marquis used to attach people every day, worrying about what kind of accident their eldest
daughter sent to the academy would have.

It was the same with Ilenoa, who was different from his peers.

Illenoa, who had just turned 18, was an incredibly reticent boy. Few people have seen him laugh at the
academy, and he spoke so little that I can count on a handful of people I've spoken to.

Illenoa was the son of the second wife of Count Schuberg. His mother was a street woman, and Illenoa
had to grow up in a brothel before becoming the second son of the count.

Resuscitation from a later wife, the origin of the mother, and a pretty appearance.

It is not known whether his unique personality is an innate temperament or an acquired environment.
However, it is clear that his childhood was not very smooth.

Thus, both were problematic figures in the academy. He has always been at the center of the topic and
has driven rumors.
It was on a chilly autumn day, long after entering school, that the two were able to mix conversation for
the first time.


“Oh, what is this bastard?”

“… … .”

Illenoa looked down at her book that had fallen on the floor.

His face was pale, and the shadows around his eyes were deep. For a boy, he certainly looked gorgeous.
However, if you look closely at that fine lined face, there is no expression on it.

I pretended to be a coincidence, but it was definitely not a coincidence.

Since Illenoa entered the academy, such quarrels have been frequent. And Illenoa often just ignored any

“Are you ignoring me?”

“… … .”

“Should I apologize if I bumped into you?”

Naturally, his ignorance only irritated boys of his age even more.

Illenoa knew that too. There were times when it felt like a nuisance, but I didn't even want to deal with
it. I had no desire to show off my social skills and get along well.
This quarrel could have been overcome. He knew well that the world was originally such a bad place.

As Ilenoa tried to pick up the book that had fallen on the floor without a word, someone from the
enraged crowd slapped him on the shoulder.

The first one or two were fine, but it was brief before I stumbled. The moment she lost her center,
Illenoa fell backwards from a hasty fist thrown by someone.

They are aristocratic children who were brought up with strict etiquette education. But I was in my late

A society different from the aristocratic society established by the family and the family was formed
here. And it was clear that they were referring to Ilenoa Schuberg as the underdog of the society.

Words that demean him and his mother, who grew up in a brothel, and words that ridicule him by tying
it up with his native place.

Illenoa was passing through all those words without much difficulty. There was no sadness or anger.

And that was when he reached out again to pick up the books that were rolling on the floor. Illenoa
paused a bit when someone tried to trample her hand with a shoe.

“… … .”

Contacting the Count was something Illenoa was very reluctant to do. But he didn't want to get his
hands dirty, so he sighed and tried to get up. In fact, he was the owner of a determined disposition to
hate even anyone touched.

It was then that the sound of flesh being ripped resounded in the middle of the hallway.
The crowd that had been arguing at the great sight, and the other students of the academy who were
just watching, opened their mouths without saying a word.

It was a girl with flaming red hair who suddenly intervened and raised her cheek. And she was a well-
known academy celebrity. It was Irina Nodiac.

"What are you doing?"

There was a cheerfulness in the voice that hit him first and asked. However, it was an excessive
cheerfulness that made those who were already hit by it.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, crazy bitch… … .”

“… … .”

Irina was silent for a moment at that sudden abusive language. It was a look of disbelief.

“… … Is that what you said to me now?”

isn't she He asked, but everyone could see that the emotion on his face was about 'this bastard is

Even in front of men who were much taller than me, she didn't show any signs of hesitation. Originally,
she was a person who was more famous for her reckless and arrogant temper than her status as the
eldest daughter of a marquise.

Overturning everyone's expectations that she would shave her cheeks once again, Irina spoke quietly.
And those who were listening involuntarily covered their mouths with pale, weary faces and moaning

At first, the shoes seemed to be talking about what happened. However, the roaring voice was
pronouncing that it was a twin cub.
It seemed that it would be possible to pack it because I heard it wrong, but the profanity was getting
messy without knowing the limit.

And finally, when various expressions referring to male organs began to flow from the mouth of the
noble nobleman, the classmates began to turn their backs on Irina one by one.

It was a feast of vulgar words that were difficult to hear in front of children of noble families who grew
up well.

This is the kind of situation that gives the impression that the ears are polluted. Where the hell does
Irina keep learning the words that bullies seem to use?

The academy classmates now cover their ears because of the loud noises aside from being vulgar.

Meanwhile, after swearing coolly, Irina was looking at the gang with a pitiful face. There was a clear
contempt in her eyes.

“Because you are insulted in front of others, you feel bad and ashamed. But if you thought you would,
you shouldn't have done it to anyone else. you… … You know he's a really bad guy, right?"

She took one step closer.

He was quite tall, but he had a slender build. However, there was a strange force in his uncompromising

“If you’re angry, just hit one. I'll give you right. I didn't do anything shameful. So there is nothing to be
ashamed of.”

After a moment's hesitation, they left one by one with a happy expression on their faces.

It wasn't because he couldn't beat a slender woman. It was just because I didn't know how to act.
Three men and one woman couldn't really get into a fight, and Irina, who was strong-minded, was
already leading the way.

And Illenoa, who had been staring at the scene in a bewildered way, immediately came to her senses
and smiled involuntarily.

It was a rare smile that was hard to see on his face, but in fact, it wasn't a very good smile. That would
have been a bit absurd.

He never asked anyone for help. So this was just an undesired kindness and an uncomfortable favor.

When the atmosphere was somewhat cleared up, Illenoa spit bloody saliva on the floor. I felt like my lips
were being ripped apart.

It was exactly the third time he reached out to pick up the book that had been thrown out while licking
his lips. He had to face another interruption.

“Illenoa Schuberg… … Right?"

“… … .”

Illenoa, who was surprised to know her secretly, looked at Irina quietly. And he nodded briefly.

Taking a closer look, Irina's facial features were more gentle than expected. Her expression was so clear
that it was hard to believe that she was a girl who had the cheeks of the men who had not grown up

Illenoa narrowed her eyes involuntarily.

However, the impression of Irina Nodiac was by no means ordinary.

Burning red hair and bright golden eyes soaked in sunlight were making her impression clearer.

Illenoa, who had been looking at her red hair that looked like flames in some ways and the color of the
sunset in another way, looked down at the handkerchief she held out this time.

It was meant to wipe her lips, but when Ilenoa did not receive it, Irina forced her to hold it. and asked.

“Why are you being bullied by Martin gangs every time?”

Illenoa actually didn't know which one of them was Martin. But she had a look on her face that she
couldn't understand.

“Aren’t you always doing that because you’re still?”

“… … .”

Those words were embarrassing.

Because you can't beat the three by yourself, it's not worth reciprocating, because even if you play
against each other, things like this won't stop.

How many reasons are there in the world? But Irina brought up a completely different story.

"do not do that. You didn't do anything wrong."

“… … .”

“When you lose, even if you lose, you lose cool.”

Illenoa paused and looked into her face once more. It was then that he realized that Irina was angry with

Illenoa's expression looking at it became a little strange.

The skinny girl in front of him is not telling him to win. Rather, it was decided that it would lose. But
even if you lose when you lose, you must fight against it.

So what she was talking about was probably honor.

The day Illenoa never thought of when she was a boy, and that she will cherish in the future will never

She was saying contradictory words to him to be honored.

“… … .”

Illenoa stared intently into those noble golden eyes with dark blue eyes.

It was the first brightness I had ever seen in my life, like the night sea of Ilenoa.

He tried to ignore him, as always, but he was rather unstable and fragile in those days. As the light
shone on his inner self, he felt a bit of shame as well as admiration.

Illinoa waited for Illenoa to open her mouth, but when there was no answer, Irina, who thought she had
been ignored, stuck out her lips with a very sullen expression.

Not long after, she left. But Illenoa remained there for a long time after that, staring at the handkerchief
she had handed him.

It was an insignificant daily routine for one person. But it was a huge event in another person's life.
In fact, it is likely everywhere.

People sometimes reach out to help like this when someone is in trouble. It may be because of a sense
of justice in his heart, or it may be because it is not a very difficult task for him. Perhaps it is the
manifestation of a wide remote area.

However, the very prudent class of people watch only the situation in such a case and refrain from
taking hasty steps. Worrying that it will come back to harm you.

It's pathetic, but I want to tell a story in the same context.

Don't help people recklessly.

Now you can't guess what kind of consequences it will have on your life.

You do not know who the underdog is, whether the person being helped is a good person or a bad


When class was over, Irina took a book, a writing instrument, and a dark red blanket. His face, with a bit
of annoyance, looked sleepy.

But his face brightened as soon as someone appeared through the back door of the classroom.

“Louudwig hey!”

The man had dark eyebrows and a slightly bewildered impression. He grabbed the pinna as if it were a
pain in the ear when Irina screamed, but he smiled and spread his arms out as if he couldn't help it.
“Lina, can you please be quiet? Everyone is surprised.”

He gave a pint glass to the top of his head, far below him.

The classroom was remarkably quiet, and there were only six people packing their belongings, including
the Japanese teacher. Ludwig nodded his head to express his apology at the commotion, but the old
teacher only smiled kindly.

Ludwig put his hands behind Irina's back and pushed him to go. Ludwig grumbled in embarrassment at
her, who smiled cheerfully whether this was just a pleasant situation.

“Why the hell are you listening to this?”

Ilse language was, so to speak, a minority language. It was common sense for the Kisen nobles to prefer
the neighboring and powerful Imphenon rather than the Ilse language.

Irina, who was walking happily, had a slightly lonely face at those words.

“You seem to be a very kind teacher, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, how did you feel?”

“I feel like I won’t say anything even if I fall asleep.”

As Ludwig narrowed her eyebrows, Irina calmly admitted.

“It went wrong from there.”

They giggled and laughed for a while and headed for the sparsely populated vacant lot.
Ludwig took a seat first on the bench under the tree, and Irina laid flat on his thigh. Ludwig, who was
fiddling with his girlfriend's red hair, opened his mouth as if thinking about it.

“I mean Illenoa.”

When the name that had recently made headlines at the academy came out of her boyfriend's mouth,
Irina unconsciously flinched. Ludwig looked down at Irina curiously.

“Lina, why are you so surprised?”

“… … no. But why Ilenoa?”

“He came back to the dormitory. I think the suspension is over.”

Ah, was that what you were talking about?

Lying on Ludwig's lap, Irina nodded with a steamy face.

Illenoa recently received a one-week suspension from the Academy Administration. It was because he
once again had a big fight with the Martin gang.

In fact, such quarrels were a common occurrence in Ilenoa's academy life. Nothing special happened at

However, this time the case took a completely different turn. It was because Illenoa, who had always
been ignoring her, for some reason swung her fists that day.

It was Martin, not Illenoa, who quarreled and used violence first. But does that justify Illenoa's response
that day?
Many people found it difficult to readily answer that part. It was because the beatings were so unilateral
that it was difficult to defend that he had been a victim.

The one lying on the floor was already motionless.

He was splattered with blood and used violence, and seemed to silently execute the task given to him.
So that look made him look like someone was out of order.

Everyone who was watching thought the same thing. I could die... … there must be

Ilenoa was beating people with murderous intent.

The students couldn't wait to see the scene of the assault where their humanity was wiped out, so the
students called in adults.

Irina, who found out about it too late, was feeling guilty as well as embarrassed.

He thought it was because of himself. It was because he had touched Martin, and that was why Martin
was trying to avenge Ilenoa.

But that was the wrong idea. It wasn't Martin who touched Irina, but Illenoa Schuberg.

“Lina, you said you slapped the second son of Count Georg on the cheek the day before.”

At Ludwig's point, Irina flinched.

"uh… … uh... … did you hear me?”

There is nothing scary in the world, but Irina, who sees her boyfriend quite a bit, put on a sad expression
on her face. The victim was the face of Nara.
However, Ludwig, who had seen Irina since her nosebleed days, was not deceived.

“Lina, I beg you, kill your temper and live.”

Then she immediately changed the color of her face and got up.

"No, I said the cub is called me."

“… … .”

Irina was the first to grind her cheeks. Martin's swearing at Irina was obviously next, but Irina told the
story with the extreme omission of causality. Rather, he was fussing that he was going to hit him one
more time.

But in fact, the second son of Count Georg did not intend to curse Irina.

- This, this, this beauty, crazy bitch... … .

That was Irina's nickname.

Her classmates secretly called her an academy madman, referring to her, who was not aristocratic and
sometimes did things that others didn't expect.

When Ludwig learned the truth, he made an impression with a look of embarrassment.

But he, too, could not mediate to Irina that, in fact, it was your nickname, or that the second son of
Count Georg was just calling you because you appeared.
Ludwig liked and adored Irina, but he also sometimes had a hard time dealing with his girlfriend's
tomboy-like personality. If you tell me, why would you tell me about it now? It was certain that there
would be a big uproar.

In the end, he took a deep breath and spoke exactly like the Marquis of Nodiac.

“I did it because I was afraid that I might get into something big after running wild without knowing that
the world is so scary.”

“… … Oh, why again?”

“Be careful.”

Irina shut her mouth as her boyfriend sighed again and again. She still had a lot to say, but she lifted her
head back onto Ludwig's hard thighs as if to find her place.

And with her lips pouting over and over again, she suddenly remembered that day.

The finger that was holding the handkerchief he had handed him, much whiter and more delicate than
his own.

“… … .”

Illenoa thought Irina's behavior was unnecessary kindness and annoying attention, but in reality she
wasn't that kind. Rather, as much as Illenoa, she was not interested in others and was selfish.

To be honest, Irina has always thought that Illenoa-like personality was not very good. It was impossible
for her to just suffer from others.

However, even though he was insulted countless times, there were times when it felt like he was looking
down on people. At that time, he seemed like a really cryptic person.
That day was the same as usual. Illenoa was listening to the unjust words poured out at her, even being
beaten, and just letting herself go.

Irina did not feel a great sense of justice or sympathy for the sight. Even so, she stopped in front of her
as if she was being drawn to it because the crude shoes were about to trample on Ilenoa's fingers.


Such a thing is so bad and barbaric.

In fact, she couldn't quite understand herself. But at that moment, he wanted to prevent his white, thin
fingers from breaking.

The academy was just that story for a while. No one would have guessed that the pretty and quiet
Illenoa was such a sadistic fighter.

But now that everyone knows, such nonsense quarrels will decrease in the future. Then everything
would be fine... … .

"Hmm. I feel bad for nothing.”

Irina frowned.


"I do not know. It's a strange feeling that luck has gone wild. It looks like you stepped on something.”

“Lina, what are you talking about?”

Irina's prediction was correct. This time it was the correct nib, but even she couldn't pinpoint what it
After thinking about it for a while, she finally tried to forget it and brought up another topic.

“Ruby, did you hear that the monarchy was overthrown in Ils?”

“From Ils?”


“Did the king change?”

“No, it seemed that the king’s system had collapsed.”

“… … Is that possible? Who says that?”

“Who is who? I am a Japanese teacher.”

Ludwig asked in surprise, but Irina was calm.

“The teacher didn’t know either. Ils is far away. But, maybe this incident will break the status system,
well, he said something like that.”

It was a topic that was disrespectful to put in mouth.

Ludwig had a bewildered face, but Irina, who spoke up, didn't really think much about it. Her interests
were entirely different.

“Ludwig, Ruby. If that's really the case... … Shall we go to Ils later and get married?”
It was a surprisingly optimistic way of thinking. Besides, it was a bold proposal, but Ludwig's expression
quickly darkened.

“… … Will the Marquis allow you to marry me?”

Among young people, free dating was fashionable, and marriage based on family interests was on the

However, the Nodiac Marquis was still a powerful family. Moreover, the Marquis cherished and loved
the eldest of the three daughters the most.

It was impossible for a marquis like that to want to see the first son-in-law in a Korean-American family
of viscounts.

Moreover, the Viscount Fontern was a vassal family of the Marquis Nodiac. It was a mixed marriage with
one side leaning too hard.

But when Irina spoke up, her attitude was confident.

"do not worry. my dad can't beat me because… … It’s just always been like that.”

“… … Does the Marquis know what you think?”

Ludwig always wondered what the source of this confidence was. However, Irina also frowned finely,
perhaps because she lacked certainty about that part.

“… … you know?”

It means you may not know.

Ludwig looked at Irina in confusion, but Irina still had a confident voice.
“Come with your body. Ruby, our ruby.”

A face without shadows was lovely. Shining golden eyes shine even more when they see something they
like. Ludwig was still terrified in his heart, but in the end he laughed along with her.

I don't know if the world is scary, but isn't Irina's greatest strength not to worry about worries?

He scratched his dark eyebrows with his index finger and replied with a shy smile.

“… … You too, come alone, Lina.”


They both burst out laughing at the same time.

It was a very happy time.

In a little while, winter will come. And next year, we'll go to the next grade side by side.

The heart of the young lover was full of excitement.

And it was the very next day that Illenoa, who returned to the academy, came to visit Irina.

Ilenoa was standing by the doorway. Some people in the classroom glanced at him and whispered, but
he waited patiently for Irina to make eye contact.
As Illenoa nodded, Irina made a puzzled expression.

Does that mean come along? He wanted to ask, but he turned around and disappeared from view.

“… … what?"

As she looked around, puzzled, everyone pretended not to see Irina and avoided her gaze.

Although a little futile, she quietly pursued Ilenoa. And the more she followed him, the more her doubts

The place where Illenoa stopped was the empty lot behind the building. It was a place with no windows,
where people's eyes couldn't reach it.

The scenery around the fallen leaves was somehow gloomy and gloomy.

“What’s wrong with your face?”

Illenoa looked like she had something to say, but Irina was the first to open her mouth. I heard it was a
one-sided fight, but he had a big bruise on his cheek.

It was a huge mark, like a trace of abuse. The reddish-blue skin contrasted with his white face, giving the
viewer a terribly sharp visual stimulus.

Even walking seemed a little uncomfortable. As I got here, I kept limping little by little.

But while dragging his toes, he walked calmly and patiently until the end. So that turbulent step was
ironically more aristocratic than Irina, who followed in a rush.

Unknowingly, Irina scanned his face and lower body. He asked with a very bewildered face as he fixed
his gaze on the hem of his trousers, which were ironed like a knife.
“… … Are you hurt?”

If Irina's friendship had been a little better, she would have been able to pick up the rumors circulating
in the academy about Ilenoa's whereabouts.

If that was the case, she wouldn't have brought up such a gritty topic either.

“Is it because you don’t want to talk?”

When Irina, who had been hesitating, asked with a puzzled look, Illenoa laughed a little. The pale face
became much fresher with just that little smile.

Wounds are, after all, traces of unhappiness for any human being. Therefore, the wounds of others
encourage the viewer's mean imagination. This is because some humans have a habit of being relieved
by the misfortunes of others.

Illenoa suddenly wanted to crack her head and looked into the gold eyes in front of her.

Even the golden eyes seemed to have a lot of imagination. But that imagination has never been used in
a dark direction.

To comfort her life with just that, she already had many shiny things. So she doesn't really care about
other people's misfortunes.

Seeing those innocent eyes, Illenoa opened her mouth.

“I just fell.”

“… … .”
Irina blinked her eyes. Rather than a polite tone or a sarcastic answer, he was surprised because his
voice was unexpected.

The soft bass was like a light green leaf gently floating on the water. In fact, it was a very comfortable
and pleasant tone to listen to.

It was then that Irina realized that she had never properly heard Ilenoa speak.

“… … Oh yeah. But have you been careful? You don't get hurt when you fight."

"Iknow, right."

“… … Does it hurt a lot?”


"Well. It’s red and blue, and it looks like something artistic.”

Irina, who was noticing a little, started to make strange noises as usual when Ilenoa seemed to be really
okay. At that, Illenoa smiled again.

He was a kid who smiled better than I thought. Irina looked at me curiously, but Ilenoa tucked her hands
inside her coat. Then he took something out of his arms and held it to Irina.

“Thanks, well written.”

It was Irina's white handkerchief.

Handkerchief handling looked great at first glance. It looked like it had been washed and ironed finely.
The scent was second to none, and the square-folded corners looked pathologically sharp.
Irina, who looked at her neat appearance with a bit of perplexity, muttered awkwardly.

“Uh, um. It’s okay if you don’t have to give it back.”

“I wanted to call you, but I needed an excuse.”

His answer sounded a little odd. It was when she tilted her head and reached out to receive the

After hesitating for a while, Illenoa asked if she wanted to take the white hand back to me. The tone for
asking permission was polite and cautious.

“Then can I have it?”


If I had waited a little for an answer, she would probably have said yes. It was something she cherished
because of the good material, but Irina was not harsh enough to embarrass others with such a trivial

In my mind, he's a really weird kid, I must have thought the same thing.

However, Ilenoa did not wait for her reply and threw the handkerchief back into her arms. It was an act
so swift that the hesitation was overshadowed.

Because of this, Irina, who felt uncomfortable with her extended hand, had to stay still for a while.

“… … oh yeah you take it.”

In the end, Irina gave a very late reply. And then there was a suffocating silence.

“… … .”

“… … .”

how much time has passed

Irina looked up at the sky with a face that looked like she was going crazy in agony. He let out a few
deep sighs that urged him to speak. Then, unable to bear it, I shot Ilenoa.

He didn't seem too uncomfortable with this silence. With a very calm look, Irina was looking closely at
how her expression changed from moment to moment.

However, this was not the case with Irina. She was originally a person who couldn't stand awkward
things, and was the type to open her mouth because silence was uncomfortable.

Being alone with a boy in a secluded place was not very pleasant. If the Marquis had known, she would
have been hit hard in the back for not being careful.

In the end, it was Irina who spoke first this time too.

The reason he called himself was probably because of what happened that day. Irina thought it would
be difficult to speak out, and decided to be considerate of Ilenoa.

“Um, yes. Then you don't have to be very grateful for that. Actually, I have a bit of a temper.”

“I didn’t even think I was very grateful.”

“… … .”
Seeing Irina's expression, Illenoa covered her mouth with her hand. However, he could not cover the tip
of his slightly folded eyes. His face was almost flushed.

He wrinkled his brow slightly and repaired the broken mouth, and said to Irina.

“I want to date.”

Irina forgot about the horns and widened her eyes.

“… … with who?"

“… … .”

“… … better?"

Irina asked, touching her chest.

In fact, it was the first confession she received from a man in Irina's short life. Because Irina was the first
to confess to her current boyfriend.

So, regardless of whether she has a lover or not, she might feel a little better, but Irina is gone. Because
it was so unexpected.

"Why all of a sudden?"

When Irina asked a question because Irina was really curious, Ilenoa gave an honest answer without
showing a sign of embarrassment.

“I’m just interested in you.”

And sometimes I think

Those words sounded a little frivolous, but they were expressing Illenoa's feelings without
embellishment. However, the temperature was too lukewarm to convince even the heart of the woman
who had received the request for a relationship.

In the end, Irina failed to manage her expression and made a slightly shaky expression.

“… … Just say it’s pretty.”

“Because it’s pretty. I want to meet you because you are beautiful. Irina.”

Ilenoa readily accepted her offer. But on the way, I laughed out loud, and that hurt Irina again.

Irina frowned even more than before.

He was always kind. Still, there seemed to be a bad side somewhere in his personality.

"What is that. I feel bad. Why are you smiling when you say you’re pretty?”

“Just because it’s pretty… … Actually, Irina’s behavior was cute, so I laughed.”


When a handsome guy who is much prettier than you said you were pretty and cute, it didn't feel right
like this. It was not convincing at all.

For some reason, her self-esteem had been hurt, and she had a pouting mouth, but she soon changed
her mind.
Well, it doesn't mean much anyway.

Irina stopped playing with puns and gave an official reason for refusal.

“I am dating someone. Do you know Ludwig, who is in the same grade as us? He is my boyfriend.”

“… … Ludwig Fontern?”

"Yes. know?"

When the story of her boyfriend came out, Irina grinned, but Illenoa seemed a little puzzled. He
promptly asked Irina politely.

“You mean the author of Fontern?”

His question had several implications.

Irina was also a noble. I could understand exactly what that meant. There was a question as to whether
it was right for him to be in a relationship with the author's self-control and the marquise's vassal.

When it seemed that her lover was being beaten up because of her status, she, who had been talking
calmly until now, was furious.

"okay. Is there any problem with that?”

I was thinking of biting hard on places like the shoulder if I said anything. But what about the injured

Irina was worried about something that would have been frightening if anyone had known.
Meanwhile, Illenoa was looking at Irina with an unknown face. Various emotions appeared in the dark
blue eyes and disappeared repeatedly.

And Irina could not fully understand any of those many emotions.

Why aren't you answering?

A faint smile spread across his face when he felt uncomfortable facing Illenoa.

The smile was human and natural. So I made every smile I've ever seen artificially.

"no. no problem."

Did Irina's expression still look puzzled? He answered again.

"really… … It's really no problem, Irina."

She didn't know why Illenoa's expression was more sincere than when she said that she wanted to date
her, and why her current voice was more desperate than when she said that.

what do you think Is it just a simple impulse?

As Illenoa tried to come closer, Irina instinctively took a step back. Then he didn't come any more and he
stood still.

There was a strange heat in his eyes this time that even Irina could feel.

“… … .”
It wasn't an intentional act. However, Irina was constantly touching Illenoa's nerves.


After an incident that surprised many, Ilenoa was able to get along at the academy. people have come
to know That he was just patient.

Martin was dying and pretending to be absent. He was confined to the dormitory and did not attend
classes properly, so it was questionable whether he would be able to proceed to the next grade.

But people didn't even pay much attention to Martin because they talked about Illenoa.

If you think about it, he was a really sneaky person.

The unknown feeling, the vague atmosphere that the little boy had, used to make many people
uncomfortable. Perhaps the true identity of that reluctance was a sense of alienation or a sense of
rejection of danger.

Seeing Ilenoa's expressionless face at the violence, those who saw him began to run away from him. He
didn't want to get entangled even by accident.

Illenoa was now alone for a different reason than before.

Meanwhile, it was around that time that other rumors swept the Academy. Coincidentally, the
protagonist of the rumor was Illenoa Schuberg again this time. And it was Irina Nodiac.

The fact that the second son of the countess confessed to a person who could not tell the nickname of
the academy shocked the school.

Irina found out about the rumors around her after a long time.
“Irina, Illenoa confessed to you.”

Irina, who was using Ludwig's hard thighs as her pillow today, was terrified. huh? With a strange scream,
she jumped up.

"Hey. How do you know that?”

Irina was startled and asked Ludwig.

Ludwig, who had always been captured by Irina, clicked his tongue. You were the face that really caught

Irina flinched slightly at the look of criticism.

“How do you know? Rumors spread around the academy. Did you really not know?”

It was a scandal between celebrities and celebrities. Of course, neither of them were celebrities in the
good sense, so rumors tended to be consumed more and more arbitrarily.

“… … Was it rumored?”

Irina blinked in embarrassment.

It couldn't be. The only ones present that day were Ilenoa and Irina. And Irina never said anything.

He kept his mouth shut, even to his bubbly boyfriend. The common sense that it wasn't a pleasant thing
to hear existed, too.

In fact, it was neither Irina nor Ilenoa who made the rumors. It was the people in the classroom who saw
them leave together.
It didn't take long for the chatter that started with 'Where are you two going?' turned from 'I think
you're going to confess' to 'Are you dating?'

And Irina, who is hearing all these stories for the first time only today, was visibly embarrassed by her
boyfriend's interrogation. After jumping and waving her hands in her seat, she finally blew honestly.

“No, Ludwig. I have you.”

Seeing Irina sulking in regret, Ludwig finally giggled and laughed. There are times when he is seriously
scorned, but in fact, only those close to him know that he has a very naive and warm side.

He lifted Irina up and put her on her lap. He has a good physique, and after immersing himself in the
physical arts class, his stamina has improved, so these days he sometimes carries Irina.

“Lina, really?”

Ludwig leaned close to Irina's back and combed her red hair with his hands.

Irina Nodiac. Princess of the Marquis Nodiac and tomboy of the Academy.

Only a hundred years ago, it is said that red hair was a symbol of ominousness in the Kingdom of Kissen.

It is said that Irina's maternal grandmother had the same hair color, but even she, who was of high
status, used to go out with her hair dyed or wrapped in a robe when she was young, so it was worth
knowing the social situation at the time.

But if there was this cute girl back then, people would have thought about it again.

The second problem was that wavy red hair suited her so well.
Hey. Is hair a sin?! Seeing her leaping and rushing, it would have been hard to think of it as a harbinger
of bad luck and ominousness, even if you honestly thought that it was a bison in need of attention and

“Tell me honestly. Did you really say no?”

It was cute and funny, and Irina blushed while Ludwig whispered as she brushed her hair several times.

"then! Of course you should reject it! What, are you doubting me now?”

Ludwig was hesitant because of his tough attitude.

“No, rather than… … That kid is honestly handsome.”

Irina's expressionless expression made her look really surprised. It was a face that I couldn't empathize
with at all.

"what? You are much better.”

“Are you joking?”

“No, you have a neat face. But he's not my style."

"Why. Even if it's Ilenoa... … .”

Ludwig hesitated and then skipped the backstory.

He was still trying to say that he was the count's second son. But those words were an insult to Irina. He
continued, carefully combing his girlfriend's bright red hair with his fingers.
“I heard that pretty-looking men are popular in Impenon these days. Illenoa has a good brain as well.
Would your grades be good? good at fighting Isn't a guy who is pretty, has a story and creates a
protective instinct that girls like?”

Then, Irina snorted a smirk.

That was not what she liked.

As a matter of personal preference, Irina was completely skeptical of a pretty man.

She wasn't a pretty woman with a high nose, but at least she wanted to be prettier than her lover. But,
since he's a prettier boyfriend than me, this hurt my pride, so I didn't want to walk side by side.

Her steadfast taste was that of a cow thief man who could slay a cow with one punch.

She took the time to solemnly confess her ideal type.

“I like that you look like a bandit.”

Ludwig, very perplexed by this, asked suspiciously.

“… … Could it be a compliment?”

“… … no?"

"uh. it's not that."

“Wow… … .”

But after that happened, Irina often felt Illenoa hovered around her.
It was the following year, when the next semester started that I became certain. Illenoa became the
sixth student to learn the Japanese language.

As the face that should not have been here quietly entered the classroom, the five elite members were
in a commotion.

In fact, the students were very proud of themselves. It was the pride of the Imphenon-speaking
academia and those who adhered to fringe studies at the academy, a feeling of loneliness that only five
people could communicate with. In fact, it was all useless.

Entering the classroom, Illenoa looked around, found Irina, and smiled faintly. Illenoa, who had walked
towards her without hesitation, pulled out a chair next to her, and Irina asked with a puzzled face.

“Didn’t you listen to the beginner’s lecture?”

Illenoa glanced at Irina and answered, turning her gaze to the front again.

"Yes. But I want to hear it.”


“I’m just interested.”

“… … .”

It was an answer that felt somewhat dazed.

He's a really weird guy.

Irina felt it again.

Although he has an elegant gait, he sometimes sits as obliquely as he does now. Although he has a neat
and stoic face, he has an ominous smile, and he is polite but looks down on people with a stern gaze.

Could this incongruity be due to his extreme past?

She thought for a moment, but then shook her head, trying to erase the thought from her head. This
feeling of having a person next to you felt mean.

Instead, she looked distastefully at the man who was sitting sluggishly next to her. Hearing the carefree
reply, I lost the strength to ask why you are sitting here.

In the end, she was a piece of advice, and she began to take pride in Illenoa unnecessarily.

“This is an occasional Japanese language. Can you get your grades up after that?”

“Irina must have gone down.”

“… … .”

“… … Did you ruin it a lot?”


As Irina shut her mouth sullenly, Illenoa smiled as she rolled her eyes while still looking straight ahead.
Irina grunted because she was not happy with that relaxed face.

“You’re the type of person who doesn’t really listen to others.”

I also think he's a bit of a weird kid.

Irina, who had her chin raised and her mouth pouted, straightened her posture when the elderly
Japanese teacher came in. And looking at Illenoa who was still sitting still, he asked with a bewildered

“Do you have any textbooks?”

“Yes, I applied a little late.”

Ah, she nodded, put her desk up a little, and quickly put her book in the middle. Still, he mumbled non-
stop with his mouth.

It was difficult to grasp whether he was trying to give advice or whether he was complaining while
holding on to Ilenoa.

“It must be difficult to keep up with the intermediate classes. Are you really okay?”

“Yes, I am fine.”

“Aren’t you working very hard on sexual control?”

“Not really.”

“… … .”

Ah, then that was a grade I didn't manage hard. Suddenly feeling strange, Irina made a dark face. And
spoke with a sagging face.

“Do you look like that grandfather is kind too? It's good, but honestly, it's a bit harsh. The exams are
hard and the grades are not worth it. Mr. A, why are you really listening to this? you're screwed too It’s
all over.”
Indignant, she turned the first page of an intermediate textbook and bowed her head to straighten it.
Yet, contrary to what he said, his eyes twinkling with anticipation, he seemed to like this class.

“Anyway, next time, be sure to bring your textbooks. I mean, you remember that well.”

As she bowed down, her red hair cascaded down her. At that moment, Ilenoa took her eyes off the front
and stared at her.

But it was difficult to stare at the white nape for a long time, so he lowered his dark blue eyes. And soon
he smiled.

“… … Yes. Okay."

Except for the common class and Ilse language, there were other subjects that Irina took with Ilenoa. It
was swordsmanship.

One day, Irina's suspicions grew even stronger when Ilenoa, dressed in black, suddenly appeared in her
sword armor. It was because somehow it seemed that he followed him and signed up for the class.

It wasn't just Irina's mistake. At first, the other students also looked at them with suspicion. But now,
one by one, the atmosphere was welcoming Ilenoa.

Irina said, raising her confidence before starting today.

“It’s a fight worth trying.”

“It’s an honor.”

Illenoa responded softly and then smiled softly.

But the other people who had been tormented for a little over a year seemed to get tired of hearing
those words now. What the heck is he saying he's always worth trying?

There were not many female students taking swordsmanship classes, even in all grades. The atmosphere
of the aristocratic society was that women hired a capable knight or took a vow rather than learning the
sword themselves.

For this reason, only three female students were taking the class. One was the three daughters of a duke
who aimed to become the queen's maidservant, and the other was the eldest daughter of a long-
established knight family, who had been practicing since childhood.

The last one, Irina Nodiak, had nothing to say and only had a very minor sensibility in choosing a course.
Still, she especially wanted to do all the darts with men.

Judging from the cold, Irina was not very good at swords. However, he wasn't a swordsman since he was
young, and he wasn't of a knight family, so he couldn't fight on an equal footing with the boys who
boasted the physical strength of a wild boar in his prime.

I couldn't beat it as much as I wanted, and there was an uproar about ignoring it if I looked at it, so
people were always in trouble because of Irina. And the opponent of the Academy Mad Bitch, which
everyone avoids, at some point, Illenoa took over.

- With me.

Illenoa, who suddenly entered the swordsmanship class after the school year changed, was a hidden
talent not only in punching but also in swordsmanship.

He didn't take care of her at all and sometimes pushed her to the point where it was hard to get up the
next day. But it never did any physical harm.

It was possible because his skills were superior.

Irina, who was holding a wooden sword and holding her breath, admired Illenoa today.
“You are really good. How are you? Are you just eating and doing this?”

After several weeks of exhilarating beatings, Irina's first sense of discomfort faded. Illenoa smiled
brightly as she looked at her clear eyes filled with pure admiration.

“I used to live in a rough place when I was young. At that time, I had many opportunities to learn
miscellaneous things. In fact, if you want to learn according to the norm, it would be better to do it with
someone else.”

“… … Oh, I see."

Irina, who suddenly had no words to say back, struck the dirt floor with her wooden sword.

Ilenoa's origins were familiar to Irina, who had little interest in rumors. However, whenever Illenoa
casually brought up this secret story, she somehow noticed.

Seeing Irina like that, Illenoa kindly gave a joke.

“But everyone seems to be afraid of Irina, so it would be better if you just do it with me.”


When Irina was furious and held out her wooden sword, Illenoa immediately received it and kicked it off
to one side without difficulty. Then he spoke with a more serious attitude than before.

“The longer you drag, the lower your odds. Irina is so reckless. Don't forget that you can never win with
strength. Then we have to fight with speed, but Irina isn't fast either. You’re not going to work hard
enough to do that.”

“… … You have a really bad personality too.”

When Irina truly admired her, Ilenoa smiled brightly in response. However, he soon stopped laughing
and spoke for a long time like never before.

“Don’t try to bump into each other by force. It can't be. Take it out, and then aim for the vital point.
There are moments when you use a sword that you must never resist until the opportunity arises.”

“… … Huh. I know what you mean.”

Irina felt Illenoa was giving her sincere advice. So he quietly nodded.

On the other hand, people watched in amazement at Irina, who was running rampantly, silently
agreeing. Soon after, seeing the two of them resting on the floor next to each other, everyone

Irina, recognizing the sign, glared at them as if to kill them, then glanced at Ilenoa. Her tone of voice is a
little blunt, just because she's not used to embarrassing topics.

“I wasn’t talking about it.”

“What do you mean?”

Illenoa made a puzzled expression on her face, and Irina was silent for a moment before answering.

“You confessed to me, and the kids say things like that. But I really didn't say anything."

Alas, as he nodded, he seemed to understand later. And let out a low laugh.

"it's okay. I don't care about that.”

“Yeah, that’s good.”

“Does Irina care?”

“No, I don’t like that either.”

As she answered, Irina shook her head several times, feeling a little relieved.

Irina and Ilenoa did not speak for a long time after that. Amid the blunt sounds of wooden swords
clashing, she raised her pointed jaw and looked at the distant mountain.

The silence is no longer as suffocating as it used to be.

And towards the end of class, Irina's boyfriend showed up in the sword to see her. The welcome was

“Louudwig hey hey!”

As the high-pitched voice resounded through the swordsmen, people grinded their teeth and covered
their ears.

Ludwig, who had come from gymnastics class, was even more sweaty than Irina. He looked reliable and
had a shy personality unlike how he looked, but he just smiled kindly at his girlfriend's liveliness.

Ludwig scratched her forehead once and then opened her arms slightly, and Irina rushed towards it like
a bison. Without hesitation, he lifted her up and lowered her to the floor.


Irina smiled brightly.

Those who hated their cutely couple act threw their swords to the floor, making impressions here and
there. Some people could not stand it and spit on the floor.
However, Ludwig had a smile on his face despite the reactions of others.

“Lina, are you done?”

"Huh. let's go eat. I am very hungry.”

Ludwig ruffled Irina's curly hair and smiled. He bent over and looked into Irina's eyes and said.

“My mother sent me this and that to share with you.”

“The Viscount?”

Instead of answering, Ludwig grabbed Irina's hand and tried to lead her. But he paused for a moment
and stopped walking. Because he felt the gaze staring at him.

Illenoa got up from her seat and looked at them.

It was reflective. Ludwig shook his head, trying to say a proper greeting. But this time he stopped.

“… … .”

Ilenoa's lips drew a graceful curve. Does that mean we can call it a smile? His eyes staring at Ludwig
were unbelievably cold.

After looking at Ludwig and Irina for a while with scornful eyes, he glanced at their feet to see what was
bothering them.

The stag beetle, the size of two fingers, lost its direction and seemed to wander. Illenoa didn't hesitate
at all. After smashing the bug with his shoe feet, he looked at Ludwig again and smiled calmly.
It could not have been an illusion. He seemed unwilling to hide his enmity.

Ludwig hurriedly left the place with a firm expression on Irina's back.

They headed to the campus bench, where they often spend their time. While changing places, Irina was
babbling to Ludwig about this and that.

The words were unrelenting. Occasionally, minor complaints about the academy would pop up, but he
was uncompromising.

Whatever her personality, Irina was a princess who grew up in a marquise. Ludwig knew that she was, in
fact, amused by all the experiences she had at the academy.

But can I say something like this? Sitting side by side with the food in the middle, he let out a deep sigh.



“I mean Illenoa.”

At the sudden name, Irina raised her lips and looked at Ludwig.

“Isn’t it strange?”

“Illenoa? Where?"


Ludwig had a serious face. But, he said, as if he had decided soon.

“I don’t want you to hang out with him.”

“… … Are you offended by me being friends with other boys?”

It was a little different, but it wasn't wrong at all. Unexpectedly, Ludwig sighed even more as he spoke.

“Why do you have to practice with a man in the first place? Irina, why do you have to practice
swordsmanship like that? You don’t have to.”

No one told the eldest daughter of a marquise who had hired dozens of knights in her family to learn
swordsmanship. In the first place, it was a liberal arts class, not a class to train knights.

Even if she learns throughout the semester, she will eventually go out with a knight after graduation.
That was the life of a prestigious aristocratic woman.

Irina was going to apologize to Ludwig, who was offended, but she made a face of a little trembling at
those words.

do you have to say that she protested

“I just wanted to learn a sword at least once. I have never done it at home.”

"I mean… … .”

“There are only three female students in class. Then, if it’s not me, someone else is unmatched anyway.”

Suddenly, speechless, Ludwig kept his mouth shut.

But why are you doing it yourself? You could also say that you are the worst at your skills. But Irina
originally had such a temperament. The Marquis couple expressed their concerns that the eldest
daughter was too outgoing and did not know what to do, but they loved and nurtured her daughter's

"you idiot."

“Are you also cursing me for being immature? They are not like the other kids.”

“That’s not it. You're trying to say you're nice."

Seeing Irina's wrinkled face, Ludwig smiled involuntarily. But I wanted to finish what I was saying, so I
changed my expression again.

“Irina. I don't mean to say that I'm jealous. I don't feel so good."

He added.

Illenoa, I don't think she's a really good kid.

“… … .”

Irina stared at Ludwig with a face that had many things to say.

In fact, I wanted to say that it is not. Why do we have to look at others like that? Don't say that.

But Ludwig's face was hardened. So, Irina didn't say anything and kept her mouth shut.
Chapter 2. Tilted World

Japanese language classes were in full swing in the classroom. Irina, who showed up a little later than
the others, glanced around the classroom pretending not to see her, and then took a seat in the back
row of the hallway.

Illenoa's gaze treatment was much more daring than Irina's. He was observing the sheep Irina was doing
with his chin clenched openly.

“… … .”

After that day, Irina seemed to have decided to avoid herself.

I knew why. Probably because of Ludwig Fontern.

Irina did not attend swordsmanship classes for a while on the excuse that she was ill. Even in Japanese
language classes, he would show his face only after everyone else had sat down.

And when Irina showed signs of reluctance to herself, Illenoa stopped talking to her. It wasn't
embarrassing. Because I'm so used to being ignored.

So keep doing what you want to do.

He just watched her with interest.

Every time Ilena stared at Irina, Irina's face became complicated.

you are worrying you feel guilty

The deep expression on her face was quickly read by the sensitive Illenoa. So Illenoa wanted to give him
some kind advice.
Irina. If you're doing it because you don't want to be noticed right now, then you're going in the wrong
direction. I don't think anyone has taught me that such an attitude eventually makes people more

Illenoa's gaze tenaciously followed Irina today. And the longer the time, the more tendons protrude
from Irina's neck. If I looked a little longer, it seemed that I would be able to watch them scream during

He wanted to see him at least once, but at that point, Illenoa turned his gaze to the front like a
gentleman. A small smile hung on his lips.


It was in the spring, about two months after the start of the school year, that Illenoa was called by Count

His family's wagon was heading to Cheyenne, the port city where the count was located.

He had some oddities. Today, wearing all black clothes, he sat with his long legs crossed and stared out
the window for a long time. The motionless pupils looked like those of a stuffed reptile.

However, as he got closer to the earl, his white fingertips pressed his temples more often, as a chronic
headache came.

“Are you here?”

As Illenoa entered the count's mansion, one of the waiting servants bowed deeply.

“… … .”
Illenoa, who was about to head straight to the office, paused for a moment. Then he glanced at the
stout-looking man in the dark green vest.

The servant was familiar. A few months ago, it was the Countess who had beaten him.

The nape of his neck seemed to open a little when Ilenoa's gaze touched him. The hesitant servant
continued to speak quietly.

“The Lord is waiting for you in the library.”

“… … .”

The boy who grew up on the street was an aristocrat with blue blood, though he was ignorant. And as if
the blood was getting thicker, he now had a cold atmosphere every day.

Around the age of thirteen, when Illenoa was first enrolled, the servants would not dare to touch the
body of the second master, so they would go back and forth. No noble family has ever disciplined their
children in this way.

However, the power of the family rested with the countess rather than the boys, and everyone soon
learned that the count had tolerated the situation.


The voice that came out after the silence was soft like foxtail.

After a brief reply, Illenoa turned around as usual, and the servant's sigh of relief and contemptuous
glances were proof that everyone was accustomed to this violence.

Illenoa, who turned her back on him, raised the corners of her mouth and smiled as if she was having
fun, but before opening the door to the study, she couldn't bear it and her fingertips trembled a little.
“… … .”

Very occasionally, it feels like hundreds of ants crawling on the tip of your finger.

Ilenoa was a human. And he was still young. There was an unpolished desire to give back to others as
much as he had received from him.

So this tickling feeling is an impulse.

If there is a sharp thing in front of him, he will surely stab the back of his hand several times. Otherwise,
it would be difficult to resist the urge to stab others with it.

He sighed and tapped both temples several times with his left hand. Feeling frustrated, he pulled down
the shirt collar a couple of times before knocking on the old-fashioned wooden door.

There was no answer, but Ilenoa pushed the door of the office without hesitation. Then he walked out in
a straight line towards the middle where his father was sitting.

“I heard you called.”

A soft bass broke the silence.



Count Schuberg, who was looking at the documents on the desk, slowly raised his head. Then I saw a
black-haired man with a sharp impression.

Lydia. Ilenoa's mother. street woman.

Illenoa's fine appearance, graceful smile, and elegant atmosphere were all inherited from her mother.
But Ilenoa also resembled the Count. His black hair and black eyes were undeniably from the man in
front of him.

However, anyone who has looked into the eyes of Ilenoa for a long time will know.

There is an indigo sea in his black eyes.

There was a moment of silence between the rich and the rich. And after the silence, the words that
came out of Count Schuberg's mouth were different from what Illenoa had calculated and guessed
countless times while coming here.

“At the end of the semester, learn to work at the top.”

“… … You mean the top of Schuberg?”

Illenoa paused. It was because the slight excitement in his tone was very annoying.

He was aware of the existence of the top, which the family took over several years ago, but the Count
added a few clarifications.

The acquired top was in good financial condition. The Count had no sense or skill in that direction, but
the top was filling the shortfall in the income of the territory from a certain point.

However, since the eldest son, who will succeed the title and enter the political world, cannot be raised
as a business person with shame, this was what Illenoa had to do in the future.

“As a member of the count, you are also doing your part. Now I have to start a business that suits my

He continued talking as if he had become a trader, but his face, which had just begun to grow white, was
full of indelible fatigue.
The Count's words were insensitive and mean. It was enough to hurt a child. But Ilenoa wasn't hurt in
the slightest.

Rather, he thought of something else at this moment.

- You didn't do anything wrong.

- When you lose, even if you lose, you lose cool.

From time to time, I keep thinking about that girl as if it's gnawing at my nerves. However, there are
times when a headache can be calmed just by thinking about it.

Irina Nodiac will never really lose. Everyone would have been willing to bend their knees to the
Marquis's beloved eldest daughter. So, I really wanted to say that at the time.

Irina. There is no such thing as a way to lose with honor.

Losing was always, in the end, a disgrace for anyone. So it was his life to endure, wait, and be miserable
for the one time he could win with honor.

So he bowed politely to his father again this time.

“I will do as you said.”

It was an instinctive feeling. He knew his opportunity was coming. And how much time has he endured
for this one chance?

With her back bent, Illenoa clenched and opened her fists several times. Still, I hoped that this ecstasy
that made my fingertips tingle would not be revealed to the man in front of me.

It was around that time that Ilenoa began to set foot in the brothel.

The son-in-law quickly became dark as he entered a narrow alley while walking through the night streets
of the splendid capital city. It was a long road that seemed like it would never end, but at the end of the
road was another world.

This is the other side of the world. A place where there are people who buy and sell people, where all
kinds of illegal things are done, black money and dark stories gather.

The shadow of this capital was where Illenoa grew up.

People roared when an invisible handsome man appeared on the street. Among them, there were some
who recognized Illenoa, but they wisely turned their eyes away from Ilenoa, who had become a

Illenoa passed them all and headed for a shabby looking bar at the end of the street.

The faded signboard in front of the store was old enough that it wouldn't be strange if it fell off any
time, and it looked ugly. Naturally, there were no customers in the bar.

“No business.”

The man was wiping his sword with his back to the door. A distinctive look appeared on Illenoa's face,
looking at her back, for a brief moment and then disappeared.

After standing for a while with an unknown expression on his face, he called out the man's name in a
soft voice.


“… … .”
The man's face was full of doubt as he turned around. And as soon as I saw Ilenoa's face, surprise spread
across her face.

After a year and a half reunion, Darren jumped up from his seat.

“Oh my God, Ilenoa!”

“Yes, it is me.”

“No, look at this tall guy! You are now a very wealthy handsome man! Girls will follow you, right?”

At the absurd sound, Illenoa grinned. Then, a man with a strong physique followed and smiled and gave
a welcome tea.

“By the way, why has it been so long? I will forget all the faces.”

“You said you were going to the academy. I am staying there.”

"Oh. It was. What else did you forget?”

He laughed wildly, saying that Illenoa had now become an impeccable aristocratic youth. However, he
did not put a finger on his body, even as he glanced at him over and over again.

It looked somewhat unnatural.

Illenoa walked up to where Darren was sitting earlier. Then he pulled up a chair and sat down and spoke

“I got a job.”
"What happened?"

“I am learning to work at the top of Schuberg.”

“… … Did Count Schuberg say so?”

Nobles regard business as lowly. It would have been even more so if the family was about a count.

Illenoa didn't talk much from a young age. After being enrolled in the Schuberg family, his reticence was
indescribable. The same was true of Darren, who had offered him a helping hand several times as a

But Darren was a street stalwart who made a living by digging up and distributing dirty gossip. He knew
the treatment of Illenoa from the count in comparative detail.

So he looked at the boy he had cared for with a complicated face.

Illenoa was smiling as if it had been painted as if nothing had happened at all. And that calmness often
made even Darren, who had seen all kinds of human figures, be embarrassed.

“There is something I want Darren to do.”

“… … Please?”

The man was wary of the unexpected words. It was like the survival instinct of a person with thick bones
on this street. But if Illenoa asks for it, he'll do it in the end.

But Illenoa shook her head and denied his words.

"no. This is not a request.”

“… … .”

It was difficult to find the emotions of sadness and anger on the face of Ilenoa, who now looks more like
an adult than a boy. However, it was true that he lacked human emotions toward the benefactor who
took care of him when he was young.

After all, the child was brought up wrong.

But, paradoxically, this lack of humanity caused the ruthless man in front of him to help Ilenoa several
times, and the boy to stand up here on the streets.

So this emotional deficiency was his only weapon against an unfair world.

“You know, Darren.”

Illenoa looked at Darren with cold, dry eyes. The smile was gone, but that expression was the most
sincere face he had.

“I don’t believe in human favors.”

“… … .”

“So, rather than asking, I want to make a deal.”

- I will make you a noble one day.

Darren looked at Ilenoa's indigo eyes with a firm expression at those words.

In the 413th year of the Kisen calendar, the monarchy in Ils was finally overthrown. And in a society
where the monarchy had collapsed, even the class system was slowly losing its authority.

Ils was originally a country with a weak dynasty's grip on power. It was different from the powerful
monarchy, Kiseen and Impenon.

And a new wind has been blowing for a long time in this small country based on trade.

At the source of the wind were capitalists. At first, the wind was so weak that no one noticed, but little
by little, air bubbles gathered and engulfed the whole of Ils, ending up like a typhoon.

It was just a few days left of the semester. The Ilse language teacher who finally told the students that a
great thing had happened to Ils was the face that reminded him more than anyone else.

The overthrow of feudalism, the establishment of a republican government, the capitalists, the middle
class, and the citizens.

They were young and awake nobles of Kissen, but it was difficult to envision what was going on far
across the sea from the words of the old man.

So Irina, who was in class, with her chin clenched and sticking her mouth out, Illenoa just listened to him
with the cynical feeling of reading an outrageous science fiction novel, and someone else dreaming.

But it was kind of a harbinger. An era of chaos was about to begin.

However, how many people were there at that time who could tell that the name of the coming age was

"Ruby. They say there was a revolution in Ils after all.”

Ils was a small and distant country. There weren't many Kisen nobles who even paid attention to the
news of Ils. Rather, the rumor spread first from merchants going to and from the port.
“It really does happen.”

Ludwig still had a look that didn't quite fit him. In fact, it was the same for her, so the two did not speak
for a while. Then Ludwig asked if he had a sudden thought.

“Lina, aren’t you going home this week too?”

“Yeah, I want to stay in the dormitory.”

“Won’t the Marquis feel sorry for you?”

Ludwig asked cautiously, but Irina was silent.

“It’s time for my dad to be independent.”

Ludwig paused for a moment at what seemed to be a long way off. But Irina seemed sincere.

“How long are you going to live with your daughter and children, I mean?”

My daughter has grown up unnecessarily. If the Marquis Nodiac had heard of it, it was obvious that she
would shed tears in disappointment.

Contrary to the rules, it was entirely at the mercy of the Marquis Nodiac that Irina was able to enter the
academy before her seventeenth birthday. More precisely, it was because of the large amount of
donations made by the Marquis.

He couldn't turn away from his daughter's choking.

However, she gave birth to a beautiful baby and gave her some education. Isn't Irina's horseshoefish
really ungrateful?
Ludwig became his father's heart for nothing and pinched her cheek. What does this little boy say every

"Ah! It hurts, you bastard.”

“… … did that hurt? I'm sorry."

I caught it for a quick catch. Ludwig was embarrassed and touched Irina's cheek with a crude hand. He
said, even blowing ho-ho-ho.

“I want to go home for a while.”

“Am I bored without you?”

Irina complained at once. But Ludwig's expression was rather dark.

“I think Carol is sick.”

Carolina was the youngest child of the Viscount Fontern, and Ludwig's lovely youngest sister. Irina, who
grew up with her own children from a fairly young age, knew her well.

“Carol? Where are you sick?”

Irina was worried and asked with a pale face.

“I think it’s just a cold, but it lasts quite a while.”

“… … Shall I talk to Dad and ask him to make me some good medicine?”

Although the author was not from a poor family that he could not show his youngest daughter to a
lawmaker, his wealth and connections were not comparable to those of a marquis.
Ludwig was tempted for a moment, but then shook his head.

The Marquis Nodiak was displeased with Ludwig. Even now, whenever I have free time, I want to
separate my daughter from Ludwig.

Of course, even the Marquis knew that Ludwig had a true character enough to accept his daughter's
temper. However, even as son-in-law, his family doesn't really like him.

Irina was grateful for her words, but Ludwig smiled bitterly and refused the favor because the Marquis
was afraid that the more hated hair would be pierced or scratched.

“It’s okay, so I’ll just go.”

“Yeah, be careful not to catch a cold.”

“Lina, you too.”

Irina nodded her head with a brave face as if to comfort Ludwig.

The next class was a common lecture, classical literature. It was a pretty important class, but Irina had a
face that somehow hated everything. Without even taking out a book, the grass was dead and he was
resting his chin.

Ludwig, who said he would return soon, did not return to the academy for several days. Apparently,
Carol was in a very bad condition.

Irina became bored with no one to play with, and became a little depressed again when Ludwig's
younger sister seemed to be very sick.

I was just going to ask my dad. It was then that she heard a whisper in her ear, who was pouting with a
gloomy face.
“Illenoa is working at the top.”

“You either inherited the top, or you just work.”

"Well. Illenoa is... … It’s probably a bit like that.”

The fact that Illenoa was learning from the bottom up quickly spread throughout the academy
community. He has always tried to be quiet, but his life has always been at the center of gossip,
regardless of his will.

“Honestly, you don’t know if Illenoa is the parent, do you? Your mother is famous.”

Irina, who was listening, frowned.

The chatter of people kept giving her information she didn't want. And when she found out why he had
been lame before, she was very indignant. I didn't want to hear it anymore.

“Hey, I can hear everything.”

“… … .”

“What does it really look like?”

People were surprised when Irina, who had been expressing a gloomy mood until before, suddenly
became angry.

That, that crazy, why are you doing that again?

And that annoying voice could be heard in the ears of Ilenoa, who was just about to enter the classroom.
He couldn't get in unintentionally and had to stand still in front of the door.

Irina glared at the people and spoke like a sigh.

“What the hell did he do so wrong?”

That was correct. Illenoa did nothing wrong.

But the world was originally an imbalanced place where the erring and the blamed did not agree.

The absurdity created by the imbalance was always the responsibility of the powerless.

But Irina was unaware of such a heartless reason in the world. Had I known, I would have never had the
heart to accept it.

As if asking a question, she took another deep breath. The more he spoke, the more his temper grew.

The Marquis Nodiac always used to tell her daughter to kill her temper. The day will come when I will
live like that and get a big nose injury.

Irina herself was well aware that she was hot-blooded. He agreed to some extent with the evaluation of
those around him that he had to kill the temperament. But it can't be easily fixed, so it's called

She sometimes had a hard time suppressing her temper that burned like fire.

Irina muttered bluntly as she brushed off her bare clothes.

“It’s true that Illenoa has a slightly twisted personality. But I haven't done anything insulting to you."

“… … .”
It was an ambiguous word whether he was trying to swear on each other or to take his side. Even Ilenoa,
who was listening to that dog-like remark, frowned and smiled.

However, Irina herself had a very serious face. I was choosing words several times that didn't suit me

She actually wanted to be a little more logical. Because I wanted to convince people at this moment.
However, she lacked the ability to explain calmly and was quite improvised and emotional.

In the end, Irina became completely irritable and threw herself at her will.

“So I mean… … If you're going to curse, go ahead and say it out loud, you guys. Don't do things behind
the scenes that you can't do in front. I mean, don't keep talking to a bunch of people and making a
stupid kid like that."

As she spit out abusive language at the end, the classroom went into silence in an instant. And that
chilling havoc was not easily resolved until the classical literature teacher came in.

Meanwhile, Illenoa, who was quietly listening to those words in the hallway, smirked.

In fact, everything people said was right to him. One of the strangest people was Irina.

A foolish personality that makes a lot of enemies.

It's you who can't see, Irina. the fool is you

He thought coldly. But as he turned the arrow of criticism towards her inwardly, a bitter smile continued
to appear on his lips.

Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling of fatigue. Because of the human feeling that his short life was too long
and that everything he had experienced in his life was unfair, he put a frown on his forehead and
touched his forehead.
From a young age, Illenoa hated knowing how she felt. So, I always pretended to be calm and killed my
emotions. As a result, at some point, my emotions became really weak.

But the sensitive and blade-like sensibility that can only be possessed at this time.

A piece of glass the boy hid in his arms.

The sharply forged piece of glass was shattered and shattered at the slightest impact.

So Ilenoa stared into the air with a humble feeling.

“… … .”

He has been running towards only one dark goal in life. Nothing else in his life meant anything.

But at this moment, I realized that I had something else I wanted other than that.

A strange girl who doesn't tell me to win, but to lose confidently.

Irina, you shouldn't have caught my eye. You should have developed an eye to see like everyone else.

If you make me uncomfortable and avoid me, and defend me where I am not... … what am i supposed to

Illenoa frowned and turned her back. His footsteps were not in the classroom, but outside the building.

It wasn't that I was afraid to go in. I just wanted to walk a little bit more without destroying this feeling.

Only then did he realize that he would have this man in his heart for a long time.
It happened in the winter of the last semester before graduation.

Irina and Illenoa remembered that day as different moments. However, those different moments were
etched into strong memories for both of them.

Not long ago, Illenoa succeeded in planting its own people in upper-level positions. And it was the day
he made a secret contract that the Count did not know.

He was unable to concentrate in class because of the money he needed and the thought of what he had
to do.

Thoughtful, Illenoa looked at Irina as she pushed the door in. Then I couldn't take my eyes off of it for a

The Japanese teacher was also perplexed. Her cheeks reminded her of the rising fever. It was a severe

In the end, the teacher suggested that I do my duty with an expression of disapproval, but Irina shook
her head while squealing. I didn't want to miss the Japanese language class I had never missed because
of a cold.

She stubbornly sat down.

Irina and Illenoa were still a little friendly with each other. Irina always sat a little farther away from him,
and Illenoa didn't try to force the distance she maintained.

However, he would occasionally stare at her quietly, as now. His gaze was so straight and tenacious that
anyone could see it, and even a tomboy like Irina would be embarrassed.

Unlike the other days, when Illenoa got up from her seat and moved to the seat next to her, Irina was
asleep with a fever. It had not been a while since she, who was concentrating on her class while
constantly swearing, fell on her desk, wondering if it would be possible.
Seeing her flirting, Illenoa sat down next to Irina and looked into her recalled face as if possessed by
something. I was just looking at him, but his gaze was so dark and deep.

“… … .”

Her forehead was drenched in sweat, her hair was more tangled than usual, and Irina's face seemed to
be excited by the heat.

Irina, Irina, Irina.

The heavy breathing was probably hot.

Suddenly wanting to check, he reached right in front of her mouth and nose. And when a really hot and
damp energy touched her fingertips, Ilenoa's eyes darkened even more.

He was no longer a boy. And now, more and more things are starting to show in the eyes of the man
who has completely taken off his boy hoodie.

A long, slender neck that could be held in one hand. Its neck had a down coat that could only be seen if
you looked closely, perhaps extending all the way to the top of its back.

A dress made of thick material, but cold to wear in winter, a waist that looks too weak, red hair that is
wavy and thin ears that can be seen through the auricles. If you put your finger behind it, you'll probably
feel your pulse beating.

In fact, I wanted to touch at least one of these things. Even if there was only one thing, I wanted to
touch her.

The sea that Illenoa kept in her eyes kept trembling.

The desire to do good and the desire to be violent are fighting. He knew that this instinct that made him
flirt was lust.
If so, is this heart not pure?

He put his long, white fingers around his eyes that seemed to be getting hot.

However, he soon managed to take his eyes off Irina, enduring the emotions that made his fingertips
tingle. Then he slowly took off his black woolen coat and placed it over her cold shoulder.

When Irina woke up, it was almost the end of the nearly two-hour Japanese language lecture. The
teacher's voice was supposed to be heard from afar, but the sense of distance was gone.

When I listened closely, it was the voice of someone else, not the teacher. It was not difficult for her to
realize that the main character of that soft grass-like bass was Illenoa.

'Why are you sitting here?'

The reason she didn't get up as usual from a blink of an eye was because her head was still heavy and

Irina, who had her eyes wide open with her cheeks resting on the hard desk, soon realized that an
unfamiliar overcoat was covering her shoulders. It was evident that Ilenoa was sitting at an angle in a
thin shirt.

I thought, "Why did you cover it?" But I didn't have the energy to take it off and return it, so Irina hid in
the collar of her coat and watched Illenoa a little longer.

The soft coat was warm. Still, there was the smell of the winter wind and the cold sea.

Illenoa seemed to have been called upon. What he was reciting in Japanese was poetry.

A poem by Dairy, a poet loved by the Ilse people who is said to have the most free spirit in the world. A
beautiful language as if singing that song, Ilenoa's low, soft voice woke her from sleep.
Irina concentrated on the sound of his words with a dizzy feeling of wandering through a troubled

“You make a storm in the morning sea.

You are the reckless one who sets fire to the sea of midwinter.

So when you walk, you leave footprints on the water.

I had to stir you, who came without notice, but because there were no waves, the sea was lonely.

You shake the deep sea

Because of you, the sea does not freeze.”

“… … .”

After reciting the entire poem, Illenoa turned her gaze away with an indifferent face and looked out the

Was it because he was sick, or was he able to act shamelessly because the coat covered his eyes? Irina
stared at the scene for a long time.

It was winter, and it was as if the sun was shining on him.

Ilse language is a really beautiful language.

She thought with her head dazed from the heat. Then, as if he had never seen anything, he buried his
head in his arms again and tried to sleep. But once awake, the sleep never came back.

In February of the following year, on a snowy day, they graduated.

The history of the academy was short. The graduation ceremony, which only celebrated its 10th
anniversary this year, was nothing special. The awarding of the certificate was all there was to the

Nevertheless, sometimes families would come to the academy to congratulate them. This was the case
with Ludwig, who had a particularly harmonious family.

However, Viscount Fontern has been having trouble at home these days. It was because Carolina, the
youngest of the family's beloved children, fell terribly ill.

Carol, who initially wanted to catch a cold, was suffering from an unknown respiratory disease.

Is it because of that? The face of Ludwig, who had just graduated, and the faces of the family who came
to congratulate him seemed a bit dark.

At Nodiac Marquis, on the other hand, no one attended the graduation ceremony. Marquis Nodiac, who
was a little bit of a daughter-in-law, was very eager to come, but could not overcome the opposition of
her overly independent daughter.

When the daughter said, 'Why is Daddy here?', Marquis Nodiak, who had even donated tuition and gave
him an early admission, was heartbroken.

Irina, who came after briefly greeting the Viscounts Fontern, took a leisurely stroll through the academy
with her back.

The snow stopped again for a moment, and as I looked around the academy covered in white snow, it
seemed that I was feeling a little emotional. Most of them were traveling in groups of three or five, but
there were also graduates who looked around the academy like her here and there.

Irina sat on the campus and opened the diploma she had just received.
“… … .”

Seeing the name Irina Nodiak engraved on it, she was a little proud, so she laughed hehehe.

Actually, my graduation grades weren't good. It was not, however, that he attended faithfully. When it
comes to whether or not I made many good friends, it wasn't even that much.

However, this was a beautiful period in the life of Irina Nodiac that will never return again. There were
times in her life when she could do whatever she wanted and could not imagine any misfortune.

It was then that a long, dark shadow fell in front of her as she looked down at her graduation certificate.
She raised her head in surprise and called out the name of the man standing in front of her.


“Yes, Irina.”

Illenoa, who recently passed her 20th birthday, now exudes a somewhat dangerous atmosphere. His
appearance, which used to be just as pretty as a good line, turned into a quiet and atmospheric
handsome man.

It was difficult to keep looking up at him, who was so tall, so Irina got up from her seat. Still, she had to
raise her chin a little to make eye contact.

Was it a mistake? Ilenoa's eyes looking down at her seemed to smile a little.

why are you laughing I tried to ask, but when Illenoa reached out, she instinctively shrugged her
shoulders. Still, I thought that his white hands were still pretty.

Ilenoa's long fingers touched Irina's hair. He picked up the withered leaves without difficulty and
dropped them on the floor in an elegant but innocent manner.
His eyes narrowed.

A low voice with a good resonance greeted her.


“… … .”

"Congratulations. Irina.”

“… … Yes, you too.”

When Irina answered, he smiled brightly again. It seemed good for her to say hello.

“It was a pleasure to be able to travel together.”

It was good to get to know Irina. Heartily.

He was waving goodbye sweetly. But why doesn't it always sound like that?

Irina was a little puzzled, but then shook her head and shook her head. And he returned a polite reply to
his greeting.

“Yeah, I was happy too, Illenoa. Then we'll see you again when we get a chance."

At that, Illenoa rolled her eyes and smiled. And he spoke as if he were making a promise to someone.

“Yes, definitely.”
That was when Irina was nineteen and Ilenoa was twenty.

One day when they were still innocent and beautiful, it was a brief peace given before their relationship
Chapter 3. House is Ruined

Illenoa was turning over the documents today with a cold expression on her face without a single
expression on her face. Hans stood at the doorway, looking for an opportunity when he might be able to
present the report, but he could not intervene easily.

A white face, few words and no warmth in his eyes, the black clothes he insisted on.

The lord was a really strange person and Hans had a hard time with him. The fact is that all the
employees of this mansion were afraid of the headmaster.

When Illenoa had finished her morning paperwork and finally reached for the newspaper, Hans hurried
to his front door. And put the report on the maroon desk.



Even though it was very early in the morning, Ilenoa's voice was smooth. When the butler answered, he
nodded and reached out over a few wads of paper.

Illenoa had attached a few people to Irina, and even the most miscellaneous things were being reported.
It had been going on for at least three years since he took control of the family and the top.

Thanks to this, Hans now knows that Irina prefers meat to bread, that she last had her hair done a year
ago, and above all she knew that she wasn't a normal person.

Glancing, the young butler who noticed Ga-ju's attention, said cautiously.

“I think the maiden went to borrow money from the second son of Count Georg.”
Illenoa was going through the report line by line, but Hans summarized what he had read to save the
busy Californian's time.

Even so, of course, he knew that Illenoa would eventually peruse the paperwork. As for Irina, it's
because he's always been like that.

“… … Martin Georg?”

Illenoa's brow furrowed slightly as she asked.

A cold sweat seemed to start to form on the back of Hans's back when he saw it, but he tried to stay
calm. It took more courage to follow the back story.

"Yes. And Irina seems to have bitten Sir Martin's forearm."

“… … .”

“So it seems like you went to borrow money and only asked for the cost of treatment… … .”

Illenoa's forehead was narrower than before, so Hans stopped talking. But Illenoa immediately opened
her expression and nodded her head.

“Find out what happened. You're not the kind of woman who would do that for no reason."

His tone was very quiet. However, Hans could see that the headmaster was quite offended.

It was not that he noticed the subtle changes in his expression or tone of voice that were almost non-
existent. It was based on the experiences of similar cases.

just as expected. He said.

“Get Count Georg’s financial status and all sources of income.”


“And call Darren.”

"Yes, I understand."

In the end, Count Georg will have to face unexpected misfortunes in the near future. Generally,
bankruptcy was the most common ending.

Does Irina know how many people she has had to face the reef of her life?

The people whose lives were ruined by the maid who was obsessed with Irina now counted ten fingers.

If you're going to be offended like that, please help me from the beginning.

Hans cautiously asked The lord, who was already reading the rest of the report.

“Would you like some financial help?”

It was presumptuous, but Irina Nodiac would soon be sold without help from the Countess. And it was
so self-evident that the headmaster couldn't just leave it alone.

In fact, even his followers did not know what Illenoa was thinking. It was unclear whether the emotion
was love or obsession, and opinions were divided as to whether Ga-ju is a person who can truly love.

What was clear was that Ga-ju was so obsessed with Irina that she proposed to Irina three times, and
that Irina was a woman of courage enough to reject Ga-ju’s proposal three times despite her difficult
But the man she loved couldn't save her, and in the end, love didn't solve anything. In this crumbling
world, money was the only salvation.

Her situation was the perfect proof of that fact.

After thinking for a moment, Illenoa nodded her head briefly and agreed.

“It would be nice that way.”

Long eyelashes cast shadows as they lowered their eyes. As he touched the paper on which her actions
were written with his index finger, he added, as if talking to himself.

“But it would be better to wait until you come on your own feet.”

Irina wasn't shy or shy, but she wasn't a friendly person either. No matter how young it was, it was safe
to say that he was a de facto enemy with Martin Georg.

The fact that he went to borrow money even from such a person and never came to him made him
uncomfortable and pleasant.

On the other hand, after hearing Ga-ju's answer, Hans found it difficult to hide his expression. It was
such a bad taste.

The lord was a person with all sorts of oddities, but the most eccentric of them all was about Irina.

He was patient, one by one, removing obstacles and rubbish around Irina. So, in the end, the man she
rejected will be the only person in the world who can help her.

And Ilenoa's wish came true sooner than expected.

Hans had no need to put the message at the top. It was because it was Darren who knocked on the
study door and showed up. He was lightly dressed, but on his left chest was a badge indicating that he
was a man from the top of Schuberg.

After a light silence, Darren looked at Sang-Joo with a careful look.

“It is said that Miss Irina has visited the upper headquarters.”

“… … .”

Ilenoa was silent for a moment. However, Hans and Darren looked at each other in surprise. Hearing
these words, Ilenoa's dark eyes had a shimmering sight in their eyes.

It was time for the long patience and obsession of several years to finally bloom.

In front of the splendid mansion, the skinny woman continued to linger. It was Irina who looked much
more shabby than before.

After the monarchy was shaken sharply in Kissen, all noble families who had been loyal to the royal
family suffered a blow.

The fall of the Imphenon dynasty shook even the Kissen dynasty, which was dependent on the
Imphenon, and the royal family could not control the frantic influx of foreign capital and the growth of
third powers within Kise. And the emergence of commoners wealthier than the aristocracy was making
the class system ineffective in society.

Of course, there were those who had great and small successes by responding flexibly in this turbulent
era. Among them, the success of Ilenoa Schuberg, a troublemaker at the Academy, was remarkable.

Little was known about how he seized the top and how he was able to succeed the count in place of the
eldest son. However, as time passed, it was revealed that he not only owned the capital's intelligence
guild, but also operated a usury company, which the nobles considered less expensive than business.
Just being able to do things that blue-blooded people would never want to do gave him an advantage in
the new world.

"it's okay. Irina, it's okay."

The recently built Schuberg mansion was far more daunting than it was in the days of great prestige of
the former Nodiac Marquis.

Irina was repeating herself in front of him several times.

it's ok i didn't do anything wrong It's just that the house is a bit ruined. It's just a little sloppy. So, let's
talk about it.

After staring at the overbearing Count for a long time, she bit her lip. And finally set foot in it.

“You have been waiting for me ever since.”

The attitude of the servant guiding Irina was kind.

He was a very neat-looking man, and this young man, who was not yet thirty, seemed to be the butler of
the family.

When the other servants saw him, Irina showed a more polite attitude.

Even though she had hesitated several times before entering, Irina hesitated once more in front of the
study. It seemed that the butler was looking at her with a sad face.

It was never sympathy in the sense she meant, but she bit her lip in pride.

But soon, Irina clenched her dark green skirt and repeated herself once more.
it's ok that he didn't do anything wrong

“… … .”

The count's study was in perfect condition. The bookshelf was full of the huge amount of books I had
and the top papers.

But sooner or later, Irina felt uncomfortable in this landscape. That perfection was unnatural. I have
never seen such morbid cleanliness and order anywhere.

And in the center of the order was a white-faced, expressionless man looking at him.

Unknowingly, she called his name.


While coming this far, I reassured myself several times that it was okay and gave me courage. But she
realized at this moment that it was not really okay at all.

The contrast between his lavish appearance and his shabby appearance made him realize his plight. The
fact that she had to borrow money with small expectations of the feelings of a man who once liked her
only humbled her.

And the reality that she had to feel humble every minute of her life was in conflict with her natural

I never wanted to lose. However, the reality of having to lose repeatedly and be shy made her unfair.

But there was no room for resentment. She was the eldest daughter of the Nodiac family and was
responsible for it and the family.
Irina gripped the dark green skirt once more, as if to make up her mind.

Meanwhile, Illenoa tilted her head slightly and looked at Irina with an unknown gaze.

He always kept an eye on Irina, but when he met Irina, he had those eyes as usual. It was as if he was
looking at each and every piece of her skin and observing it.

“… … .”

She was thinner than before, her cheeks were darkened and she looked a little tired. So Ilenoa wanted
to gently stroke her cheek.

When people grow up, do they all have tired eyes like that?

Irina. It's hard for you to live too.

So you just came to me from the beginning. I think I can get you out of that hell.

He wondered what Irina was feeling.

On the other hand, Irina, who was receiving the gaze with an uncomfortable look, spoke quite calmly.

"A long time. How are you?"

Hearing Irina's greeting, Illenoa's expressionless face only then had a slight smile on her face. He said
with a calmer face.

"Iknow, right. This is the first time since I proposed to Irina around this time last year and was slapped.”
When the atmosphere seemed to be okay, the butler and Irina, who were about to go out, hardened
their faces at the same time.

Hans stopped walking in awe, and unconsciously looked into Irina's eyes.

Although many people are deceived by his kind face, The lord was not a gentle man as much as his nails.
Rather, it had a cold and cruel side.

People were hit in the back more than once because of the eccentricity that popped up once in a while.

However, a woman named Irina seemed to know The lord's character to some extent. Otherwise, she
herself is overly bold.

Irina's face frowned a bit, but she didn't seem to be too embarrassed.

“Then… … To be honest, you did the right thing.”

"is that so?"

Illenoa smiled brightly and said words that were neither positive nor negative.

Irina had a longtime lover.

When the proposal first arrived from the Schuberg family, she naturally refused, and the former Marquis
Nodiak supported the eldest daughter's opinion. But it was only the first time.

The proposals arrived like an annual event after that.

one year and another year. Gassée was noticeably leaning every time a new marriage proposal came in.
And the former Marquis Nodiac changed his mind as if he had ever done so with the sincerity and showy
gift offensive of the Countess.
It was natural. Illenoa was now the owner of one of Kissen's hottest lofts and a capable businessman.
There was no better place in his eyes than that.

Even if the force had not been inclined, he would have tried to persuade his daughter at least once. In
the end, though, Irina's persistence could not have been broken.

On the other hand, Irina made a rather complicated face when she came to ask for help and was
questioned about her past tainted with violence.

The only thing I regretted was myself. Her face darkened, thinking that she should now apologize to her

And seeing the innocent face that could clearly read the inside, Illenoa smiled a little. He gathered the
papers he was looking at and got up from his seat. And said to Irina.

“It was a joke.”

“… … Are you kidding me?”

What kind of joke does he make like this? Irina looked at Illenoa suspiciously, but he affirmed once again
with a good attitude.

"Yes. just joke. I didn't mean to blame Irina. Of course I knew you were going to refuse.”

He walked around the desk at a slow pace. And Irina, who still had a suspicious face, beckoned to the

“So, relax your face and sit down.”

“… … .”
“Where you want to sit.”

Still, he was a strange character.

After hesitating, Irina finally gave up understanding Illenoa and sighed briefly. And he went and sat
down on the authority sofa. Then, after being seated all the way to The lord, the butler hurriedly left the

Ilenoa was waiting for Irina to open her mouth. But for a long time she was silent.

The request he had made many times was already familiar to him, but it was especially difficult to get it
out in front of Illenoa. But, if there was anything he had to say at this moment, it was definitely one

What else are you hesitating about coming here? can't you do that?

She soon made up her mind.

“Illenoa. I know you're ignorant, but I'm here to borrow money."

The silence was long. She added, showing a little more urgency.

“Of course, I never just asked for a loan. Can I do anything in the Countess?”

“… … work?”

“Yeah, I can do anything.”

A slightly subtle smile appeared on Ilenoa's lips. It was a beautiful smile, but if the butler went out first,
he would surely have noticed a sense of incongruity on his face.
Irina didn't know what he was thinking, so she just stared at her dark blue eyes. And around the time
when she became impatient and wanted to ask her one more time, Ilenoa returned the answer.

“As you will see when you come, the countess doesn’t need anyone to work any more than this.”

Those words sounded like polite refusal to Irina. She answered, trying to hide her disappointment.

“… … okay. It seemed like that.”

Still, unable to completely hide her misery, she grabbed the hem of her skirt once more. Even though
she had chosen a relatively neat dress, the look of her worn sleeves made her feel even worse.

It was Ilenoa's next words that caught Irina as she was about to get up with a broken face.

“Irina. A transaction is more likely to be concluded by presenting what the other party wants. And that's
not what your dealings want.”

“… … What does that mean?"

When Irina, who had a hard time understanding the intentions of her words, asked, Illenoa's face
suddenly disappeared even a single disquieting smile.

“I can pay off all my debts. And there is only one thing I want from you.”

It was the merchant's way of making contracts that they had to fulfill rather than relying on unreliable
favors. Then it was his way to precede perfect possession rather than expecting feelings of imperfect

Illenoa clearly said what she wanted at that moment.

“Irina, you are by my side.”

not anyone else.

Irina's eyes fluttered. He added, staring at the bewildered golden eyes.

“Stop coming to me.”

Are you still saying that? While embarrassed, she repeated refusal, not knowing how many times.

“Illenoa. I don't know how many more times I have to say it, but I have someone I love. Do I have to tell
you who it is?”

He shook his head.

I wasn't saying I love you. I never expected it to be possible. So he said in a calm voice.

“I don’t even want my heart. So, that is no longer a reason for rejection.”

“What… … .”

When Ilenoa didn't answer, she rolled her eyes with an anxious expression. And I asked with a small

“Then what are you asking for your body?”

Irina stopped opening her mouth when Ilenoa did not deny the question she whispered timidly just in

“… … Do you know what you are talking about?”

She was very upset at first. Because I couldn't understand the true nature of that way of thinking. But
where the embarrassment disappeared, anger quickly burned like flames.

“Wow, this dog… … What kind of rubbish is this again?!”

It was a radical remark, but Illenoa didn't seem to be surprised or hit that much. Because he thought he
was talking rubbish to this woman.

So instead of denying that, Ilenoa asked Irina quietly. He was a really curious and wanting face.

“Irina. Are you still going to talk about things that money can’t do with the human heart?”

did you say that If so, when did you say that?

Irina frowned as she could hardly remember.

Ilenoa seemed to be waiting for her answer with a serious expression on her face. But now she didn't
want to answer in a sane way.

“Oh, yes. A person’s heart cannot be bought with money.”

“… … .”

“Because damn, I don’t have money!”

She slammed and kicked the mahogany table as it was. Then the vase on top rolled over and shattered
with a horrifying sound.

The servants were startled by the noise from inside the study and ran to them.
Irina jumped up and tried to get out of the door on that road, but she turned around, groaning because
she couldn't stand it. And he began to pour out the resentment and temper he had accumulated for a
while towards Illenoa.

“I can do a lot more than I look. I'm good at counting and I'm not as good as you, but I'm good at talking.
I learned it when I was young, so I can actually speak the impenon more fluently than anyone else. At
the very least, I can carry things.”

“… … .”

“Then why is everyone talking like that?”

For several years ago, the Marquis of Nodiak had heard tirelessly that even the old nobles of foreign
countries should marry.

He knows that the father wanted his daughter to escape from this unanswered hell. But every time Irina
heard those words, her bua rose.

There were few things a woman of a fallen aristocratic family could do. He could not overcome this
situation with the pennies he earned every day. In the end, the highest ransom price was that kind of

All of her sisters were married in a similar way to a suitable family, helping the family while also escaping
the rest of the responsibilities.

Irina didn't want to criticize them. I was just pitiful and apologetic. Rather, I thought I was lucky as the
eldest to get out of it before things got worse.

But applying the same way of life to herself hurt her self-esteem.

“There are so many things I can do… … .”

Irina held her breath several times to hold back the boiling, but she could not speak. Illenoa looked up at
her like that.

As the former Marquis of Nodiak sold her title and went through those painful times as the daughter of
a fallen grand aristocrat, her fiery temperament didn't seem to have faded at all.

Unknowingly, he got up from his seat and walked slowly in front of her.

“… … .”

Looking closer, I could see her body trembling with fire. He watched it with some wonder.

Where in the world can you hide these condensed emotions and release them all at once?

He grabbed his shoulder and tried to calm him down, but he didn't seem to like it, so he put his half-
raised hand down.

Then I suddenly remembered something very old. Seven years ago, I had taught her a sword.

Irina must have known she couldn't win. However, when she held the wooden sword in her hand, she
had a habit of always hitting and looking rather than counting.

In the end, the sword was meant to reflect the character of the person holding the sword.

So, telling Ilenoa not to endure the insult even if she loses was not arrogance in dealing with other
people, but the most sincere self.

But Irina... … .

Illenoa took a step forward. Then he whispered as he looked up at the bright golden eyes that looked up
at him.
“I told you not to hit me with force.”

“… … .”

“You can’t show your opponent all the cards you have like that.”

So you keep making unfavorable trades.

But while saying that.

Ilenoa was looking at Irina with the same open eyes as then.

To say that you are tired, you dare not know if you have seen it wrong. Irina, who said she had a lot to
do, was still shining.

So you'll be like this when you're older. It must be so beautiful, for sure.

Illenoa unwittingly stretched out her hand, but she slammed it away.

Geum-an was shaking with dazzling anger. However, she eventually turned her back and disappeared
without seeing anyone crying.

After leaving the Count Schuberg's house, Irina shivered for a while, then trembled with her droopy
shoulders. By the time the anger that turned red in front of her passed, she was finally able to face

I couldn't borrow money.

“Are you ruined?”

Your deceased mother was right. Nothing was going to happen because of this guy's temper hair.

Irina looked up at the blue sky today with a complicated mind. And took a deep breath.

The Academy's nickname, Irina Nodiac, was as glamorous as her school days when she fell. Numerous
nobles of Kissen were suffering from hardships, and countless commoners were driven to the streets,
but it was rare that they suffered as much as Irina's family.

After several major business failures, her father became completely debilitated and lay ill. The younger
brothers got married as if they were running away, and fortunately, the mother died without seeing
Gasse completely leaning.

But is that really lucky? Irina thought about it from time to time.

I don't know if it was necessary to have a prudent person like my mother to be around someone who
was recklessly bold like my father. Your mother told you to think and act more than three times, saying
that you look exactly like your father.

Irina let out another big sigh, remembering the two people arguing every day before their father started
a big business.

“… … .”

Several months' worth of interest was delayed. At least during the week, the moneylender had said that
he would like it to be settled, and tomorrow he had to go teach the Impenon language to the children in
the port.

But now I didn't want to think about anything. I didn't even want to go home. She trudged to find a bar
that was open even during the day.
As a woman was having a daytime drink alone, all the things that seemed to tremble stuck to her.

The appearance of the man who suggested that we drink together was Irina's taste, as if it wasn't a
single cow, but she could be beaten by the third room. But she had a lover, and she's not feeling very
well today.

In the end, Irina threw the rest of the alcohol into her mouth at random, and came out with her third
finger out.

She looked up at the sky again. And he said to himself like he was really going crazy.

“No, I drank alcohol, so why hasn’t the sun set yet?”

In the end, the direction Irina was heading to was not home this time.

Meanwhile, as she moved away from the store, a man who was terribly intoxicated opened the pub
door and came out. A man who had previously challenged Irina with a lower-level job, and he came out
after Irina.

The man who was looking around immediately noticed Irina's slender back with her red curly hair
hanging down and her eyes lit up.

The gleaming eyes were full of ugliness and sympathy. I was insulted, but rather, I was intrigued by the
sensation of irritation.

He immediately ran his tongue across his lips and tried to follow Irina. But he couldn't take a single step

Men with suspicious appearances concealed their presence in the alleyway, in the pub where the man
was, and in the inn across from them, and then revealed their presence. When strangers suddenly
blocked his way, the man backed away, but they used violence without any explanation.
They gave a sharp warning gaze to the man who sat down and trembled. And he began to follow Irina,
who had hurriedly had gone that far, without a trace.

Irina's footsteps were headed towards the author of Fontern.

The series of motions of coming in like my own home and sitting on a chair were unstoppable and even
a little brazen. It was a lot of work.


Feeling drunk later on, Irina took off her shoes casually. His heels were covered in scars from cheap
shoes that didn't fit well.

She grabbed her ankle and looked at the sneeze in a very funny position, then sat down with her legs
together and put her chin on her knees.

Meanwhile, Ludwig, who had been in Carol's room and came out of the crowd, looked at Irina with a
slightly surprised expression. However, the questions that followed showed that he was also very
familiar with the situation.

“Irina, have you been drinking again?”

Irina, who was staring blankly at the mold growing on the white wall, immediately made an impression
at those words.

“Hey, again.”

“… … .”

But Ludwig was the eldest of three brothers. When he stared at Irina, showing off her older brother's
dignity, she quickly admitted that she was humble.
"uh. I drank some.”

Ludwig has been making tea from Lyon, which is said to be good for relieving a hangover while laughing
as if he's full of energy. Before drinking, Irina put her hands together and held the teacup and melted
her fingertips.

But as I glanced around, the old teacup had very small teeth on the rim. Without a word, she took a sip
of the tea with her mouth on the other side of the spout. Somehow, I felt more drunk.

“How about Carol?”

“I fell asleep.”

I didn't ask for that. I had asked how she was, but Irina just silently nodded her head and stood up. Then
he walked towards Carol's room.

Even Ludwig probably didn't answer that way because he didn't know. It's not getting better at all, so it's
probably because I don't have anything to say.

Irina put her hand on Carol's slightly opened door and peered inside. Then I saw a pale girl with droopy

Occasionally, the sound of boiling sputum was mixed with the sound of colorful breathing. The end of
the duvet covering it was dotted with indelible bloodstains, and the clear smell of death emanated from
the room.

“… … .”

Conflicts, large and small, continued on the border. Competition between the upper and lower countries
to seize the lead in maritime trade was getting fiercer day by day.
Unlike the Imphenon, the Kissen royal family did not eventually collapse. Their king reached out to the
top with enormous financial mobilization to maintain his regime in a chaotic world, and capitalists took
the king's outstretched hand to enjoy legal privileges.

The territorial community has long since been dismantled, and in this turbulent era, the lives of those
who cannot find their center have become increasingly devastating.

The life of a fallen aristocrat was not easy. There were times when Irina felt like she was thrown into the
middle of hell.

The situation of Viscount Fontern would not have been much different. Many people in this world were
groaning in their own pain.

But that's it.

'Oh God. How could you bring such misery to such a young child?'

Field looked endlessly at Carolina exhaling, then Irina turned with a dark expression. On the contrary,
Ludwig patted her on the shoulder several times as if comforting him.

Irina continued to look depressed. He couldn't hide his subdued expression about what had happened
during the day.

Ludwig, who was looking at her like that, sat down next to her and asked carefully.

"Reena. How did you come to visit Illenoa?”

“… … It didn’t go well.”

Irina made a face with a shaky face, as if she was uncomfortable with such a topic. It looked like he
didn't want to talk much, but Ludwig dared to speak up again.
“If it doesn’t go well, it won’t work.”

That's right.

Ludwig said with a heavy face to Irina, who had nothing to say back.

“Lina, I’m fine with you.”

To that, she reacted more sensitively than usual.

“… … What does that mean?"

“It means I’m really okay with whatever you choose.”

“… … .”

The taste of alcohol has gone down, and now the taste of tea has also gone down. It was an unlucky day.

She didn't even have the energy to act, so she sighed heavily. And muttered helplessly like someone
who had put everything down.

“… … I'm not feeling well, but why are you like that?"

Irina glanced at the teacup once more, then pressed her lips to avoid the tooth protrusion. Then,
pouring out the cold tea at once, he stood up from his seat.

Ludwig grabbed her wrist like that.

Not wanting to hear any more, Irina got up, but Irina couldn't shake Ludwig off nor stop him. I just
grabbed my wrist and didn't know what to do.
It has been that way since childhood.

Although Irina had a strong and ferocious personality, she was not harsh on those who gave her heart.
She was a girl who recklessly slammed into her when someone bothered her, but she couldn't help it
when Ludwig's younger brothers sniffled, and she took off all her expensive hairpins and jewelry.

Ludwig smiled as he saw that lovely heart that others did not know well. Then, holding her skinny and
pale cheeks in his hands, he said as if comforting him.

“I have enough of what you have done for me so far.”

“Don’t say that, you bastard.”

“Irina. Thank you for loving me so much.”

me with nothing. Compared to you, I was infinitely lacking.

This is the end. Even the moment I accepted it without realizing it, you did not abandon me as if it was
natural. I was moved and thankful.

“Ludwig, I can’t break up with you.”

"know. It's random, but I just want to tell you at least once."

“I mean, don’t talk like that.”

As Irina's face was stained with anguish, he couldn't say any more and embraced Irina's thin body. Even
though she complained that she was bad, she came in a wide embrace.

And Ludwig stroked her round forehead and red hair several times as if taking care of something
“Yes, Lina. do what you wanna do As always.”

But Lina, my Irina. how can i hold on to you

All I can give you is a heart of true love.

And that kind of love will make it harder for you in this world.

Her lover, who could not even dream of running away because of her sick family, smiled hard, hiding her


Irina Nodiac was a learned woman.

When the social atmosphere was more conservative than now, she graduated from the Royal Academy,
and the male to female ratio of graduates at that time was only about 20:1.

As the times changed, not only women, but also nobles and commoners alike had an increasing desire to
learn. However, educational institutions were few and opportunities were still limited.

At this time, the fact that Irina was a 10th graduate of the Kissen Royal Academy was a pretty good sign.

When Irina first started teaching Imphenon to unfamiliar children and started earning money, the
former Marquis of Nodiak was terrified. There were worries and regrets, and it was because he still
regarded his daughter as immature.

And Irina defeated all the emotions that her father would feel with a single word.

- Dad, I'm a girl from the academy.

I was depressed until yesterday, but today I have another life today. She hated the thought that she
couldn't do anything without trying her best.

I wanted to believe that there are hidden treasures that sparkle as much as there are countless traps in
the world.

Irina deliberately chose brightly colored clothes and boldly went out of the house.

And it was only when she arrived near the harbor that she was surrounded by strangers who suddenly

"who are you?"

Irina retreated with a wary expression on her face, but a couple more men appeared and stood behind

"town… … !!”

A large, thick hand covered her mouth. Irina's ankles staggered as if they were broken from a hastily
backed up.

However, she used the man's arm as a support to hold the center of the dragon. And immediately he bit
his forearm.

“You crazy bitch!”

The man who had been trying to take her away without much tension until a while ago bit Irina with the
force to tear off her flesh and slammed Irina on the cheek hard enough to make a popping sound. Then
he wrapped the struggling woman around his shoulders and disappeared into the boat.

Illenoa, who is on the sleepless side, would wake up earlier than the servants working in the mansion.

He had no particular hobbies, he was a dry man, and he did not enjoy food. Early in the morning, when I
went to the library to review some documents, the cup of tea the butler made was all I had in the

After reading the papers and the newspaper, only then, he goes to the countess with the attendants.
Sometimes the destination would be the information guild or the shops he owned, but he usually spent
most of his time in the upper headquarters.

Illenoa had just finished reading the newspaper when she heard of Irina.

The butler visited The lord's library with a sign of urgency. The lord was already getting ready to go out.

“Mr Illenoa. A moneylender is trying to get Irina on a boat and take her somewhere. First of all, our side
gives the captain money and blocks the departure. And I have sent a message to the Lord asking for his

Illenoa wasn't too surprised.

When the collection was not smooth, it was a normal procedure known to all usurpers to be a person
after confiscating everything that could be money. So Ilenoa had been attaching more and more people
to Irina for a while.

Meanwhile, when the headmaster did not give orders right away, Hans asked cautiously.

"What should I do?"

Illenoa was thoughtful with an expressionless face.

It would have been a more beautiful deal if Irina had accepted her proposal from the beginning. If the
proposal had been accepted around the second time, it was probably the best time to look.
At the very least, if you accepted yesterday's one-sided offer, it's still for you... … Could it have been
better than this

But I want you to find a place to work. To me. you to me

To me, who has been around you for years, looking only at you.

She had been putting her life in a gutter for years to protect her pride and love. So, day by day, he was
only making his position at a disadvantage.

And every time he watched that foolish choice, Ilenoa felt like something was burning in her heart.

But Irina, maybe you're clever.

I can't see you end up putting your life in the gutter.

Illenoa instructed in a calm voice.

“Acquire the debts and all remaining rights of the Nodiac family.”

The butler said yes, bowed his head, and cautiously added.

“When the young lady gets on the ship, she fights with the crew… … It looks like you got hurt a little
while doing the same thing.”

“Where and how much.”

“He went right into the boat and didn’t understand it until now.”

“… … .”
“… … What should I do?"

“Take care of it.”

It just meant kill.

Hans shook his head. Ga-ju was also insensitively removing the garbage around Irina from the world
today, as usual.

Before Ga-ju's mood suddenly deteriorated, the butler was about to leave. However, Illenoa seems to
have already had several unpleasant spots.

He pressed his temple firmly with his left hand and added to the butler.

“Please identify yourself and escort them politely.”

“Yes, I will definitely tell you.”

But Illenoa was well aware of the contradiction in her words.

No matter how politely she was taken in and pretended to be good, she would be the same person as
the debtor and herself anyway.

A marauder who has come to suppress her freedom and take over her life.

But I wanted to be kind and polite.

If both are hell for you. So if you feel like you're at a dead end right now.

I'd rather choose the hell I'm in.

Because that hell will be the safest hell in the world.

When Irina arrived at the Count's House, Illenoa was still in the study. To be more precise, he was
waiting for Irina to arrive without going out to the top.

Meanwhile, Irina was in a state of shock because of the sudden event. He had a big personality, but after
being locked in the cabin, he was still tired of fear that the ship would leave.

- The master of Sang Sang-joo told me to take you to the earl's house in a respectful manner.

The men who came to pick up Irina were as suspicious as the men on board, but one of them had a
badge on her left chest.

Irina recognized the badge at a glance. There probably wouldn't be anyone who didn't know the
meaning of the badge in the present Kissen.

After a while, all the paperwork was done and Irina arrived at the count's residence.

Illenoa told me to bring her, but isn't this actually a handover? Irina wasn't a cynical person, but she
thought so at the moment.

I couldn't think otherwise when I saw the moment when the bills of acceptance and bills came and

When the door to the study opened and the men brought Irina in, Illenoa, who was lost in thought,
looked at him. And the moment I saw Irina's messy hair and the scratches on her cheek, his expression
changed subtly.

The moment was so fleeting that no one could see it, but a terrifying flame flashed in his dark blue eyes
and then disappeared.
Illenoa resisted asking where the bastard had touched you, or had he touched anything else. I knew it
was rude to ask like that.

Instead, he acted on an unusual whim. He looked at the butler dryly and corrected what he had said a
while ago.


Hans was silent for a moment. Instead of killing them, they meant letting them live unhappily.

There was no major change in expression, and no other mention was made, but Hans realized that the
words had seriously twisted The lord's heart.

He answered late.

"Yes, I understand."

Illenoa nodded her head briefly, this time looking at Irina softly. And he asked quietly towards that ugly

The voice that flowed out was as calm and soft as water, and I couldn't understand the depth and depth
of it.

“Did you know that it’s over when you get on the boat?”

“… … .”

“Many of the sailors are tough. The port is a place where people with no identities come and go. Do you
think the ships currently entering and leaving Kissen are properly controlled? Officials in this country are
not that competent.”
“… … .”

“It’s good to teach children, but… … Don't be alone near the port.”

How do you know that I went to teach children?

Irina looked at Illenoa with a somewhat suspicious face, but didn't ask aloud.

Illenoa continued speaking with indifferent eyes.

“The Count has decided to take over the debt, and some have been paid.”

“… … .”

“I will be staying here from now on.”

He didn't speak any longer. Irina was a smart woman and would have understood everything she was
saying. As proof of that, she asked something else.

“Dad… … .”

“You took me to a safe place.”

She nodded and avoided her gaze.

And Illenoa's narrow vision, which had been staring at her scratched cheeks since before, only widened
a little. He realized that she was more perplexed than usual.

Looking at Irina, who couldn't say anything because of her swollen cheeks, Illenoa stopped involuntarily.
and added.
“Don’t worry, I will send someone.”

“… … .”


Ilenoa waited patiently, but Irina was silent for a while. After all, is he? When asked like a chore, Irina
nodded her head with a small, woo-woong answer.

Seeing this for the first time, Illenoa stared at Irina for a long time before asking.

“Irina. … … Are you surprised that much?”

“Uh, a little bit.”

“… … .”

“It’s okay now.”

“I didn’t know you were so delicate.”

Illenoa sarcastically handed her something like a joke, and she stared for a moment. However, he soon
relaxed his expression and said hesitantly.

“Anyway, thank you.”

Illenoa didn't answer that question. It's still hard to say thank you, don't we? I just thought and smiled.
“I will prepare a room for you to stay. Please rest here for a moment. I am comfortable.”

"okay. okay."

But she couldn't be at all comfortable, so she didn't even sit down, but lingered in the corner. Perhaps
because of the discomfort, the pupils could not stay together and wandered here and there.

Illenoa, as always, was watching her do what she was doing.

And as she looked around this strangely clean and orderly study, her gaze stopped somewhere.

In the place where the mahogany table she kicked yesterday used to be, there was a slightly lighter
colored table.

As Irina looked at the table with an uneasy look, Illenoa said calmly.

“It’s broken.”

“… … Sorry."

Illenoa replied smoothly, as if nothing special.

"Fine. If you're going to slap me in the slap, just keep vandalizing it like that."

Then she lowered her head and said that she didn't care.

“… … I’m sorry too.”

Illenoa narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Irina looked around the prepared room a little unfamiliar.

I pretended to be polite and timid for a while, but quickly eight! and jumped into bed. And crawled
under the soft blanket.

After exploring the duvet, she poked her head out and wavy red hair poured out like a dog's fur.

Irina had an eye for valuing things. It was because he grew up in a wealthy family with nothing lacking.

The room I looked around was comfortable, but at the same time very vague. It wasn't as glamorous as
the hostess's or guests' rooms, and it wasn't as shabby as the rooms used by the employees.

If it had been a little better equipped here, I would have asked for a change of room, but this was also a
bit vague.

When her family was prosperous, she showed favors to others without much thought, and received
favors from others insignificantly. It was probably self-confidence that came out of nowhere.

But now she knows that she shouldn't take the favor of others lightly. Because she doesn't know what
the other person will ask for in return for the favor, and she has nothing more.

“… … .”

By the way, I should have told Ruby about it too. I think I'll have to go see my dad.

First of all, what should I do next?

Irina pulled the blanket up to the end of her chin and fell deep in thought.
The bed was comfortable and I was very tired from an eventful day. But sleep did not come easily
because I was thinking too much. It was Irina's first night at the Count's House.

The next morning, as soon as Irina woke up, she arranged the futon in a nice way and went to the door.
Then he started wandering around the mansion in search of the maid.

There was a time when she too lived with servants in a noble marquis. At that time, there was the
Marquis, so he had never been involved in the housekeeping, but he knew roughly what kind of work
people were doing during this time and what kind of movement they were moving.

And while looking for the maid, Irina looked around the mansion as much as she could.

The newly built Count's House was as perfect on the inside as on the outside. She stopped and looked
intently at the floor.

This dark marble is not Kissen's. I don't think it's impenone acid either.

Finally crouching and sweeping the rug that must have crossed the sea, she realized once more. To say
that Illenoa succeeded.

However, the atmosphere of the countess, who was well maintained, was somewhat gloomy. It was
very different from the morning scenery of the aristocratic residence that she was familiar with.

'Are you a little scared?'

The more I went, the strangely creepy feeling Irina patted her forearm.

If you look closely, there are no people at all. But they would appear here and there and then disappear
without a word. They seemed to be extremely reluctant to pretend to be popular or stand out.
As Irina staying at the mansion for the first time, she had no way of knowing. The fact that the servants
are afraid of the housekeeper and the fact that Illenoa is the owner of the house who hates the noise
and hustle and bustle.

“Hello, Maid!”

When she finally met the maid, Irina pretended to be meek and looked at her from the beginning. And
he greeted with a bright and cheerful voice, boasting a unique spirit.

The employees, who had been sneaking around in secret, could not believe that such a loud voice had
been heard from the mansion this morning.

Meanwhile, the maid paused for another reason. This is because the guest of California has taken an
overly polite attitude with his head bowed to him.

In fact, Irina's situation was right. She sold the title she had inherited from her ancestors, so Irina was a
commoner. And in return for paying off debts from the Schuberg family, his life was mortgaged.

However, the maid, who had experienced life's ups and downs several times, did not respond hastily
and just stared at Irina.

She soon made up her mind. And he answered in a much more polite tone than Irina.

“Yes, miss. Did you have a restful night? I will do my best to make sure that there are no shortcomings
during my time at the Countess.”

Then Irina scratched her cheek with a slightly embarrassed expression. Then he crawled to the wound
and wrinkled the tip of his nose.

She said as she cried, with her palms resting on her bitter cheeks.

“You don’t have to say that. Please feel free to treat me. I'm not here as a guest, I'm here to work."
For a moment, the maid's gaze filled with suspicion. I had never heard of such a story.

But Irina spoke with a brazen and confident attitude, as if everything I had said was right.

“Could you give me that dress too?”

Seeing the direction Irina's finger was pointing, the maid's face grew even more suspicious. Irina smiled
proudly and pointed to the clothes the other maids were wearing.

Illenoa has always been looking at the documents in the library since early morning. As always, it was
the start of a quiet day.

Hans approached with a sound of footsteps, and carefully placed the teacup on the right side of The
lord, within reach. Illenoa asked without taking her eyes off the letters.


Hans couldn't find a word to say back for a moment. It was a new type of question, and it had just
happened so I hadn't figured it out yet.

And it was dark outside the window without the sun rising. Although Irina was a fallen nobleman, it was
really rare for a nobleman to rise at this time.

To put it bluntly, the time to wake up in California, which owns numerous businesses, was particularly

However, Illenoa glanced up at the butler's expression and dismissed his doubts.

“It will probably happen by this time.”

“… … .”

“After going home like that, I tend to get up early.”

Hans was puzzled.

Obviously, I've been checking the same report for years, because it's hard to guess where California
gathered that information from which line of which report.

Ga-ju was originally a person with a lot of strange things, but Hans has long thought that the act of
perusing a woman's every move is the closest thing to a eccentric.

Even if you look at it positively, he was a successful pervert, a learned pervert, and a pretty pervert. It
was difficult to remove the word pervert from the obsessive habit no matter how it was packaged.

Fortunately, since that woman entered the count, I thought the report on trivial deeds would be over.

He replied in a sweat.

“Yes, I will go and check.”

Illenoa nodded briefly and looked back at the paperwork. And he habitually reached out for the teacup.

Hans was hesitant to go out to see because Illenoa took her hand again. Ga-ju, who just stared at the
steaming car, was strange today.

And Ilenoa said to Hans, who was puzzled.

“Ask if you would like to have breakfast with me.”

“… … Yes. I will.”

Hans was embarrassed and quickly left the study.

A crack was forming in the Count's quiet daily life.

The kitchen got busy when the head chef who doesn't eat breakfast suddenly instructed him to prepare
a meal for the two of them. Besides, for some reason, the butler meddled in the morning, demanding a
diet full of meat.

Illenoa was the first to go down to the restaurant after work.

The meal was not yet ready. It was so sudden, but the servants of the mansion maintained a restrained
attitude as if it had always happened.

And just as the food started to be placed one by one in front of Ilenoa, the butler came in and informed
Irina of her intentions.

“We will do it together.”

However, the butler's expression seemed somewhat troubled when he conveyed those words. Illenoa
quickly noticed the sign and gave a questioning look.

The butler was one of those who interpret The lord's gaze better than anyone else, but this time
somehow he couldn't answer and just hesitated.

It was at that moment that Irina appeared at the dining room.

“… … .”

As if she had forgotten what to say, Ilenoa's dark blue eyes didn't know how to leave her.
A rat-colored dress, a cotton apron wrapped around the waist, and a white headband.

It was a common sight in this mansion, but he looked intently at each one as if giving meaning to
everything. And finally, one corner of Ilenoa's lips rose slowly.

Are you going to come out like that?

He said to Irina without erasing the sullen smile.

“Sit down first.”

“… … Uh, yes.”

Even though the number of people increased by one, the atmosphere of the dining area was quieter
than before. And it was cold.

Contrary to the excitement of getting clothes, Irina had an uncomfortable face in front of Ilenoa. He kept
scratching the tip of his eyebrows to see if he could see.

Illenoa, who was looking at it sharply, opened her mouth again.

“Your complexion is not good.”

“… … okay?"

"Yes. Was your bed very uncomfortable?”

“No, it was comfortable, but it was unfamiliar… … Well, maybe it will get better.”

Watching Irina gibberish, he added briefly. It was a calm voice.

“Your clothes aren’t even better.”

“… … .”

Even more stillness than before fell on the table. Illenoa clenched her chin and looked at her with a stern
expression on her face.

It seems that Irina finally decided to set her position like that.

I knew it well, but it was a filthy stubbornness. At the same time, it was an expression of my will not to
let you control my life while I was working hard.

Ah, so I'm finally going to work. You're going to pay back the metallurgical money and leave my side.

is it so. Then do whatever you want to do, once.

he said with a smirk.

“I knew what I was trying to say.”

“… … Huh."

“So, it’s best to just wear your clothes as they are.”

“… … Strange?"

Illenoa responded with gentle silence.

"what. Is it that weird?”

The eldest daughter of a former marquise, who was a well-known fashionista, looked at her outfit in

"It's not. I think it's fine.”

“Do you like that outfit?”

"Huh. It’s comfortable.”

“Then I will prepare other comfortable clothes.”

Irina, who didn't want that, put on an embarrassed expression. But Illenoa, who was very annoying,
eventually got up slowly from her seat.

"Excuse me."

Approaching the puzzled Irina, he reached out to her. Irina shrugged, but his white hand finally reached
her head. And untied her headband.

As he watched the red hair dripping down, he immediately dropped a piece of white cloth on the floor.
Then he stepped on it and returned to his seat.

She asked, bewildered, as she stared blankly at what he was doing.

“Hey, how can you be so polite and rude?”

He just laughed at that. He then pointed to the food with his chin.

“Now let’s eat.”

Somehow, he seemed more refreshed than before.

The Count's meal was grand from the morning. Even after the table was filled to some extent, the food
continued to come out. Irina, who was looking at the table with excitement, asked Illenoa if she had a
sudden thought.

“But wouldn’t it be a little different for me to dine with you? There was a separate place for the hired
people to eat.”

“It’s a bit daunting to eat alone every time. If Irina doesn’t want to see me and eat dinner, there’s
nothing I can do about it.”

At those words, Irina scratched the tip of her eyebrow and raised her fork. Illenoa smiled and followed
her to eat.

And the servants who served the meal were able to fully understand Irina's taste after a while. Irina's
eyes were shining and she was focusing on only meat among many foods.

She had an unbelievable appetite for a young lady from aristocrats. The reason she maintains her
slender body despite such a huge appetite is probably because she is a very active person.

Elenoa, on the other hand, was occasionally nibbling on grass in a contemplative manner. The servants
who knew The lord's eating habits of not eating breakfast were very concerned and glanced at him.

Irina also seemed to notice that Illenoa was not eating properly. She clicked her tongue and spoke like a
bruise. it was a good one

“Don’t you know the saying of Lord Nikan that a sufficient meal makes the soul, not the body, fat?”

Then Ilenoa said with a smile.

“Not long ago, a scholar named Durkel published in a journal his hypothesis that excessive meat eating
makes people savage. Based on the meat consumption of the people of the Kellion region, which is
known for being warlike.”

“… … .”

"It's a joke. eat a lot."

Irina resumed eating with a dark expression.

After they had finished eating for a while, the waiting butler poured water into Irina's half-empty glass.

It wasn't his job, but he was so concerned about The lord's eccentric personality that he couldn't leave
his seat.

“Lady, do you need anything more?”

When Hans asked the question kindly, Irina smiled shyly and shook her head. and asked carefully.

“The butler of this mansion… … Are you here?”

Hans's face turned a little puzzled at the polite attitude.

“You can call me Hans.”

“Just call me Irina. Please feel free to speak.”

Then, Illenoa's expression, who was watching Irina's sheep, became a little more subtle. The butler, who
noticed it faster than anyone else, responded urgently.
“No, miss. I am comfortable with this.”

Irina made a slightly complicated face at those words. She knew it well because she pranked the
subordinates. In order to do the job, the order had to be properly organized.

However, the housekeeper speaks politely to him, he habitually treats the housekeeper, and the
employees of this house who have to work for him are unparalleledly gracious. It looked like a dog from
the start.

When the butler suddenly left her seat saying that she had work, she looked at the back with regret.

Then, his gaze turned to Ilenoa.

“How much do the people who work in this mansion get paid?”

It was an absurd question. At that, Illenoa frowned and smiled. Talking about money with him seemed
embarrassing, but it was a really important issue for Irina.

Illenoa, who had been pensive for a moment, looked at her as if contemplating. And I heard a slightly
different story.

“Do you know what a usurper puts first when lending money?”

Her golden eyes seemed to wander without knowing the answer. Looking into his innocent eyes, he
smiled with a slightly lonely expression on his face.

“When I am confident that I can get it even in the worst case, I give it to you.”

“… … .”
“But he would not have expected that the Imphenon dynasty would fall and the Imphenon would enter
a civil war. So, of course, he didn't know that the Nodiac Marquis, who had most of his clients there,
would go bankrupt. Now, no one is going to give your family such a big sum.”

He came back for a long time to avoid the core, but his voice was infinitely cold when he came to the

“Irina. I am sorry, but this is an amount that cannot be repaid by doing so.”

The reality was there was no mercy. And at that harsh reality, Irina stopped lowering her head.

So, were you disappointed or hurt by this obvious fact?

Illenoa was watching her with an unknown feeling.

And when Irina looked up after a long time, she had slightly wet eyes.

But those eyes were smiling impressively.

She said in a loud voice, revealing her sincerity.

“I know, Ilenoa.”

“… … .”

“But I don’t want to live like that, thinking that I can’t do anything.”

“… … .”

“So work and get paid. I will try.”

Illenoa just stared at her without saying a word.

It was the butler and the housemaid who came to The lord's room after eating and preparing to go out.
Subald, who was changing clothes alone, without a single tooth, Illenoa glanced at the door.

Early in the morning, the maid's complexion was not good when he heard the commotion at the dinner
table late. As soon as she entered, she immediately apologized.

“I am sorry for telling you late. Miss Irina said that she was here to work.”

Crossing her arms around her black shirt, Illenoa nodded briefly. And he responded with an
unexpectedly cool attitude.

“Do that.”

The maid, who had been exchanging glances with the butler, was embarrassed and asked the

“Then what should I do… … .”

Illenoa, who was locking the buttons on her sleeves, paused for a moment. He narrowed his eyebrows
and asked quietly, looking at the maid.

“Do it?”

For a moment, the maid, who was horrified, trembled with a bluish face.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I'm really sorry."

Illenoa, who had been looking at her with her head down, turned her gaze away. And he started to lock
the buttons that had not been locked yet.
When he finally put on his coat, the butler, who was still watching, asked cautiously.

“Hey, Illenoa. So what should I do for Miss Irina... … .”

“Let me do whatever I want to do.”

Illenoa answered clearly and went to visit.

When it was time to go out, the employees gathered one by one to see them off. It didn't seem like
everything, and it seemed that only people working in the mansion, especially those on the first floor,

Irina, who was still wandering around not knowing what to do, quietly stood next to them.

The scenery on the way to work of Illenoa, who owns the best high end in Kissen, was gorgeous.

Irina looked at the carriage and several dozen horses waiting outside the door. There were only dozens
of people at the top lined up in front of the mansion to attend him.

After a while, the servant came down the stairs, and the servants put their hands together and bowed
their heads. Irina was not used to it, but Irina glanced to the side and followed roughly similarly to them.

As always, Illenoa didn't mind those servants and tried to get out. But it stopped at a point less than a
few steps away from the door.

He looked at a sloppy place.

“… … .”

Irina was still wearing a head towel from where she got it again. Illenoa looked at it and smiled bitterly.
It was really, really, really stubborn.
Meanwhile, the servants roared as the headmaster, who had stopped walking, turned and approached
them. Everyone seemed puzzled, not knowing why. Irina, who checked the surroundings, cried out
earnestly in her heart.

Hey, don't come for work, don't come!

However, contrary to Irina's earnest wish, Ilenoa came right in front of Irina. And I asked her exactly.

“Are you escorting me?”

Irina had no choice but to raise her head and smile. It was a stupid face, with a forceful smile.

"Yes… … Yes."

Irina changed her words when she noticed this huge number of people while trying to be a little foolish.
Then, Illenoa's smile widened, which in Irina's eyes looked like a sneer in the sense of being very diverse.
In many ways, it was worthy.

“Do what you normally do.”

"Yes… … Yes."

On the other hand, when The lord, who lacks the size of a fingernail, was smiling like a leaf of grass
swaying in the spring breeze, the servants looked at it with unfamiliarity. In fact, it was a little creepy.

Irina didn't know exactly what those gazes meant, but it was uncomfortable and she couldn't stand it.
So, I glanced at Illenoa with a resentful face.

But whether she did not know or pretended not to know, Illenoa did not leave her seat and continued to
smile at her.
“What are you going to do today?”

“Well, still well… … .”

“I told the maid. Don’t overdo it.”

“… … yea, I got it."

“It would be better if you just stay still.”

“It’s a bit… … .”

There were many eyes to see, so Irina's voice gradually crawled out. And even though she answered
everything, Ilenoa didn't seem to want to leave.

Finally, unable to bear it, she clenched her teeth and whispered with ventriloquism.

“Go quickly, ma’am. Everyone is looking at you.”

And seeing him fold the corners of his eyes happily, Irina finally became convinced.

Now that I see it, I'm doing this on purpose.

She glanced to the side and whispered again.

“Hey, get out of here quickly.”

However, Ilenoa, who was smiling brightly, still had a relaxed look. Rather, I even asked.
"I beg your pardon?"

“… … .”

“Speak out loud, Irina. I can not hear you well."

Eventually, she whispered again in a muffled pronunciation as she grinded her teeth and performed

“Turn it off, you bastard.”

Illenoa rolled her eyes at those words and smiled. And he nodded lightly.

“Yes, I will go then.”

“… … .”

“I will come early.”

No, what the hell are all these bastards like that?

Irina looked at the back of him in a bewildered way.

And Irina, who sensed the suspicious gazes of people staring at her, realized once again that Illenoa was
really a person with a twisted personality.

Chapter 4. Whereabouts of The Handkerchief

Schuberg's upper headquarters was located in the port of Cheyenne.

There were quite a few other people waiting in the office besides Ilenoa, who was reviewing the
transaction details. The men were quite sharp in their anticipation, but Illenoa didn't take his eyes off
the letters as he was familiar with it, and the indoor air was warm thanks to the boiling water over the
wood stove.

At this time, it was a brown-haired man who knocked on the door of Sang-joo's office and appeared.
Illenoa finally took her eyes off the letters and called out his name.


The large man strode over and bowed down. And said in a hard voice.

“A guild member in Sapieno sent a report.”

Then, Illenoa beckoned the personnel in the room to leave for a moment. With only the two of them
left, Darren bluntly corrected his speech.

“Isn’t the room too hot?”

Illenoa just grinned, and Darren shrugged and held out a pile of papers. Then he went to the wood stove
and picked up the kettle above it.

He skillfully brewed tea and placed it on Illenoa's desk, then continued, brewing his own tea.

“Sapieno has good crops, so grain shipments are expected to increase compared to the previous year. It
seems that the typhoon has eluded the south this year as well. All three neighboring countries are the
same, so even they think the price will plummet. The domestic channel won’t be able to digest
everything anyway, and they want to trade in their hearts.”
As Darren summarized what was written on the paper, Illenoa nodded briefly. Still, his eyes were quickly
scanning the contents of the report.

Illenoa was a person who had one major premise in trading before becoming a top-tier stock.

He knew that big capital never fails.

And that was the immutable truth that would penetrate human history for the next several hundred

Recently, after several successful voyages to the South Continent using small sailing ships, Schuberg
Upper Group was concentrating on investment in large galleons. It was for a full-scale large-scale long-
distance trade.

After reading all the reports from the South Continent, he thought for a moment and muttered to


He leaned his back on his chair as if he had made up his mind and looked at Darren.

“I will try to sell it to Impenon. Because of the war, the supply will be short, but the demand will be

The Impenon Civil War was already entering its third year. After the fall of the once supreme power of
the Impenon dynasty, the neighboring countries, the Kissen aristocratic society and the upper classes,
suffered a severe blow. Among them was Irina's father, the former Marquis Nodiac.

But the crisis was necessarily someone's opportunity.

The trade with impenon, which had stalled for a while, was reviving little by little, centering on military
supplies and food.
On the other hand, Illenoa seemed to be in another thought.

No one had seen Illenoa for as long as Darren, but conversations with Sang-ju Sang were always difficult.
There were many times when I didn't know what he was thinking or what he was preparing for.

After a while, Illenoa asked, looking at Darren with her characteristic dark blue eyes.

“Will the Royalists win or the Republicans win in the Impenon Civil War?”

who Who will win this civil war?

If I knew the answer, I would be able to exclusively sell things to them in the future.

However, no matter how much money and guild members were mobilized by Illenoa, there were
problems in the world that could not be foreseen.

In the end, he took a step back with a cautious stance.

“Look for the top of the impenon that has not yet stood on either side. This time, we have to leave the
choice to them.”

“It would be a lot less profitable than direct trading.”

Importing grain from Saffieno was a fairly elaborate deal for the Schuberg uppers.

Darren scratched his head and expressed his disappointment, but Illenoa's expression was relaxed.
“Although the political situation is unstable right now, Impenon has a larger population than Kissen and
in the long run it will be a bigger market. It's better to be careful just in case. There is no need to make
enemies of the future.”

Darren nodded in agreement, but the words of the young supremacist were not over.



“Once the deal goes well and we have an impact on impenon prices and market conditions in the future,
from then on we won't have to worry about who to trade with anymore.”

“… … .”

“Whether you’re a royalist or a republican, you can only win the civil war by joining hands with us.”

So, for that time, Illenoa smiled, saying that I was just waiting for another moment.

After that, he spent quite a long time and slowly turned over the bundle of papers that had crossed the
distant sea. Soon after, he returned to the front page and signed it, handed the report back to Darren
and said:


The voice that made a clear conclusion was refreshing.

It was earlier than usual for Illenoa to return to the Count's House.
When he had just crossed the gates of the splendid mansion, Irina was out in the garden and doing
something. And around her were three or four employees, including the butler.

Irina's behavior over the past few days has been dazzling. Since she got a job, she has been destroying
the Schuberg family.

Washing the dishes broke the dishes, dusting them shattered expensive pottery, and cutting them cut
the potatoes in half. People soon learned that Irina was a rare and cursed hand.

In fact, even Irina knew that she was not good at household chores.

Naturally, she was the eldest daughter of a former marquise who grew up precious without getting a
drop of water on her hand. He didn't know how to trim vegetables, couldn't sew, and his knives were

The reason she started teaching children instead of chores before getting a job at the Earl's was not
because she wanted to work, but because no one wanted to give her a job because she was clumsy.

However, despite her clumsiness, she had a very formidable personality. I tried to learn anything, and
whatever it was, I was curious and tried to do it all at least once.

That was the basis of Irina Nodiac. She always had a kind of passion that exceeded her abilities.

That was the biggest problem.

Whenever she passionately smashed the household, the butler politely dissuaded her.

- Lady, just let the skilled servants do it. I will show you how well Illenoa-sama is doing. No, even if you
know, the Lord will never say anything.
- Nonsense. Give it some time to get used to it. If everyone treats only experienced people like this,
where do I go to build my career?


It took less than three days for the butler and the maid to chime in with Irina.

Today, she cut the chef's precious potato in half, but this time she went outside and cut firewood.

Literally, it was all over the place. Everyone who looked at the ax blade that could not even hit the
center had a very strange face.

Illenoa, who had already approached, was also watching it from a distance. The butler, who found The
lord late, had a very bewildered face, but Ilenoa just looked at her without saying anything.

“No, miss. I think you should see the texture first. Does the firewood split by tapping anywhere like that?
Aim the grain and hit the ax, and feel like dropping the ax rather than hitting it with force. Hold on to the

One of the servants who couldn't see was frustrated, so he beat his chest and gave up.

Irina, who had listened to the explanation quite seriously with a raised eyebrow, nodded her head
several times as if she understood. Then he raised his ax again and put in his unique spirit.

"great. It’s a fight worth fighting for.”

Hearing that moment, Illenoa's expression changed somewhat strangely.

Some people saw The lord, who had been standing still, suddenly walking towards Irina. And when she
felt that calm gait became faster than ever before, Irina smashed the firewood with her axe.
The servant's advice was valid. The blade this time pointed exactly at the center of the block. However,
due to lack of strength, he could not go down to the end and stopped halfway through.

And the problem happened when she lifted it back up.

Irina took a few steps back and staggered while holding a wooden axe.

In the end, it was Illenoa, who was approaching with a quick pace, who grabbed the waist that was
about to lose focus and jump to the side.

He was holding the ax handle held by Irina with his other hand even for that brief moment. It was a
dangerous sight.

“Uh, huh?… … Illenoa?”

“Irina. What the hell did you want to do with the axe?”

Illenoa asked, pushing her face abruptly. It was a rare frown.

"uh? No, what did you want to do? … .”

You cut firewood, why don't you see it?

She looked bewildered and looked around to get people's sympathy, but the servants were staring down
with fearful faces.

In particular, the butler's face turned blue when he saw the headman holding someone close. It was the
first sight I had seen in four years since I had entered this mansion.

When Irina turned her gaze back with embarrassment, Illenoa's frown had become blurred. Instead, he
looked down at Irina's cheeks, chin, and nape with his characteristic still eyes.
“… … .”

The gaze remained persistent for a long time. By the time her face felt too close, she realized that
Illenoa was still grabbing her waist.

“Oh, I’m fine now… … Won't you get out of the way?"

But he had no answer.

It was finally time for her to place her hand on his finger to pull Ilenoa away. Illenoa made a strange

“Aren’t you coming to pick me up?”


"it can not?"

what kind of bullshit is this?

Irina rolled her eyes here and there. Ilenoa waited for her to answer, but when there was no answer,
she carefully removed her hand from her body. And politely retreated.

"it's nothing."

As he turned around, he seemed to hear a very small, hoarse laugh.

As the housekeeper entered the mansion and headed for his room, the butler carefully followed after
Let me do whatever you want me to do It was the governor's name. He didn't do anything particularly
wrong, but he had an anxious face as he felt that something was wrong.

Said Illenoa, who was unbuttoning her clothes to change.

“Don’t give Irina an ax or anything like that.”

“… … Yes."

“I made a mistake when I gave it my hand, and I don’t know whose foot will be cut off.”

“… … Yes?"

The butler was embarrassed and asked the question without knowing it, but Ilenoa gestured to the door
to leave, as if she had finished speaking.

“… … .”

I couldn't fathom the lord's feelings.

Originally, he was a person who was difficult to understand, but today it is more difficult to know
whether he is in a good mood or a bad mood, so the butler sweats even as he leaves.


A month later, Irina received her salary.

The butler, who appeared one morning with a yellow envelope, coughed with an awkward expression.
And Irina, who was washing the clothes of the employees, had a really surprised face.
Irina's family became like that, and there were too many people in the world who wanted to insult her.

Humans trying to do something about the eldest daughter of a former marquisist who could not be
taken care of, men who spit out rude voices, academy classmates who pretended to be sympathetic and
hurt them, and people who deliberately made them do worse things and trampled on their pride.

It was a heart that insulted people of noble status and wanted to be compensated for their inferiority

There were times when Irina was resentful and divided. However, there were times when I calmly
looked back on my past life.

Did I really live my life so badly? Do you deserve this kind of hatred?

The more Irina fell into the labyrinth. It was because she was a person with relatively little sense of
inferiority, and did not greatly empathize with the fact that some people are simply comforted by the
misfortunes of others.

In fact, if I had worked in another mansion, a similar situation would have occurred because of the
territoriality of the employees.

However, the people working at Count Schuberg's house were not particularly good.

The reason why Irina's daily life is so peaceful now is because the people of the countess recognized
Irina as a guest of California from the beginning.

Butlers and housemaids were people with heavy mouths. But it couldn't stop people's eyes. Irina never
came to work, nor was she an ordinary guest.

whoever looked at it He ate breakfast every day, which he hadn't eaten since someone came to his
house, and there was no way he was an ordinary guest.
However, the complexion of the butler, who had to work for such a person and now handed him a
paycheck, was not as good as it is today.

“Girl, take this. You worked hard for a month.”

Then Irina hesitated and wiped her wet hands on her white apron. Then he shyly held out his red palms.

At that moment, the butler, who had a dark aura, unknowingly revealed it and laughed, because it was
said that Irina was very moved now.

Her twinkling golden eyes were always full of courage to face the world. But today, she looked a little
cute and innocent.

Hans, who felt it for the first time, added a word without knowing it.

“Lady, I wish you all the best in the future.”

Then Irina shook her head and smiled mischievously.

The first thing Irina did as soon as she received a month's pay was to split the money in half exactly. And
the yellow envelope, which was noticeably thinner than when it was received, was returned to the
original owner.

Illenoa, who entered the dining area a little late today, greeted Irina as soon as she entered.

"Did you sleep well?"

The servants who were preparing the meal pretended to be Taeyeon on the outside, but they were
embarrassed on the inside. A month had passed and they were still unfamiliar with this sight.

The lord was a person who didn't like the hustle and bustle of things. To be honest, he seemed to hate
everyone other than himself.

Unless it was a top-notch job, he used to use his eyes or chin gestures to communicate to a certain

However, Irina did not respond to Ilenoa's warm greetings and offered what she had brought.

“… … What is it?”

Before even sitting down at the table, Illenoa gave a glance at the envelope that had been handed out.

He was a merchant with financial ties. Rather than just being handed the envelope, he slowly put the
glass of water in his mouth while waiting for Irina's answer.

Then Irina paused and slowly lowered the hand that held the envelope down on the table.

“Ah, huh. it's money to repay somehow. I actually got my pay yesterday.”

“… … .”

Illenoa knew it too. Such trivial matters were under the jurisdiction of the deacon, but they always
received reports.

However, even before breakfast, the manner in which the bag of money was brought in was a bit too
much for Illenoa's eyes. Even though he was a merchant to the bone.
Illenoa wiped her lips lightly and set the glass down. And he spoke softly as if to discourage her

“Just put it on top.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Irina nodded shyly and moved the envelope to the right of the table, about halfway between herself and
Illenoa. And although he felt that he was being a bit reckless, he scratched his cheek and continued. It
was an apology that showed off its unique sincerity.

"Sorry. I was very rude.”

“It’s not like that.”

When Ilenoa denied it, she said with a bright smile what was good.

“Actually, I wanted to give it to you sooner than yesterday.”



“Oh, did you?”

Seeing Irina speaking with a look of excitement somewhere, Illenoa asked in a subtle tone.

But he laughed like a habit, regardless of his mood. And the temperature of that smile grew cooler as
Irina looked at Irina's headband.
“… … .”

There was clearly a debt relationship between them. stated on paper.

After taking over all of the Nodiac's debts, Illenoa felt an undeniably elevated feeling. Because that was
the surest way to seize Irina and exercise her rights.

Every time he saw Irina walking, talking, and breathing right before his eyes, he had to tremble with the
satisfaction that came over him.

However, no matter how lowly he was, he didn't want to do bad things to the woman he had been
cherishing for a long time. I didn't want to be abused.

I didn't want to act like a debtor, and I didn't want to be handed an envelope as if this was the essence
of our relationship.

But even less self-confident to give unconditional love. A supreme and pure love that pays off all her
debts, gives her freedom, and prays for unconditional happiness. After giving such a noble thing, she
won't be by her side anyway.

So, for him, love was his possession. It was exploitation.

I will exploit you and exploit you and keep you from getting out of it. For the rest of my life, I keep it
within sight of my eyes, touch that hot skin every day, and roll on my bed with you, without a day's bed
linen drying up... … I will live like that.

I can't be the kind of good guy you'll let go of feeling embarrassed because you're like this.

Illenoa, who had a cold face, leaned against the table with her arms crossed and asked quietly.

“Do you hate being with me so much?”

“… … what?"

Irina was taken aback by the sudden question. Because I couldn't understand how it got to be so

However, Irina, who had spent a lot of time contemplating, soon noticed what Illenoa meant by her
actions. It was asking if I wanted to pay off the money quickly and get out.

She was very disgusted and clicked her tongue.

“… … It’s a skill to listen so crookedly.”

“What do you mean?”

“I just made money and it’s nice to be able to do anything. I just wanted to brag and brag, it wasn't that
complicated. No, and first of all, I'm not that planning or thoughtful."

Ilenoa frowned slightly. It wasn't a very good feeling, but as Irina understood herself more accurately
than she thought, a smile that had nothing to do with her will was about to leak out.

Irina looked at the strange expression and pursed her lips. It was a face that he didn't like very much.
But she didn't want to offend her, so she asked more cautiously than before.

“Do I have to worry about even saying a word like this to you?”

“… … .”

“How are you feeling?”

Ilenoa said while shaking her head.

“Irina has already been avoiding me. I hate it.”

That was really a thing of the past. In fact, it wasn't that I didn't like it. But Irina also remembered the
same thing, and for a moment, she was speechless.

Without further questioning, Illenoa shrugged her shoulders.

He stared intently at the neglected meal. It was a completely different indifferent gaze than when he
looked at Irina as if he had no appetite.

“Don’t do that this time.”

She tried to protest a little, but he spoke a little faster.

“I may be more tenacious than ordinary humans because I don’t have much.”

Irina blinked her eyes involuntarily. After several attempts to lick her lips, she could barely bite.

“… … what?"

Illenoa only smiled. And when a long time passed, it was he who recommended the delayed meal.

“Before, I was sensitive. I know it means nothing, so stop eating.”

“… … .”

“And you don’t have to worry about what to say.”

“… … Uh, yes.”

Even while holding a soup spoon, Irina had a suspicious expression on her face. It was a look of longing
for something, but the complexions of the servants serving the meal were not good at all.

It was a horrible breakfast that made many people's hearts drowsy.

It was later than usual, but when The lord showed signs of going out, nearby employees gathered one by
one. Among the crowd was Irina, who was crouching.

After receiving unexpected attention on the first day of work, Irina started avoiding seeing off her on her
way to work in The lord.

But every time Ilenoa went out, she looked openly at the servants. And after not seeing her for several
days, she later asked Irina to see her off and meet her.

Before Illenoa left the door, Irina walked towards her without fail, and Irina gave her a heartbreaking

Married men seemed to know what The lord wanted to feel. Even if you weren't married, you could
almost guess. However, it was difficult for them to accept that The lord had such a humanistic mindset.

“Don’t touch it, you bastard.”

When Illenoa reached out her hand, Irina raised her eyes, vigilant like a wildcat. His gaze was on the
white kerchief wrapped around his hair.

Illenoa calmly lowered her hand, but spoke quite calmly.

“It doesn’t fit.”

“What is he saying? What does that have to do with you?”

Irina asked with a frown. Nevertheless, Ilenoa's words seemed to be very offensive as a former dandy.

She untied the kerchief to rearrange her appearance.

“If you don’t, you’ll be inconvenient at work.”

As she put the towel in her mouth and pulled her bangs down to her jawline back, Illenoa looked at him
quietly. He took a step closer to her and removed Irina's hand from her head.

The wavy hair, this time, was entrusted to Ilenoa's white fingers. He held his mid-length bangs along
with his long hair. Then I started picking out shapes on the side.

The first attempt was unsuccessful. The bangs came out a little in the middle because the braid was too

He didn't show any signs of disappointment. And after two attempts, he grabbed the side hair in a more
delicate braid and the other hairs together.

Irina quickly tried to hand over the string she was holding. However, Illenoa showed the advanced
technique of tying knots with only hair without a string.

The finished hairstyle was neat. even came

“Is this okay?”

Illinoa asked Irina, who was looking at herself in the mirror on the wall behind her, to confirm.
Irina didn't answer, but Illenoa nodded as if she had found an answer in the silence.

“It’s pretty in my eyes too.”

“… … .”

“I will go.”

Today, he just said what he had to say and went to work. So, the people left behind were only glancing
at Irina today.

“… … Isn't that really a pervert?"

Irina shrugged her shoulders and put them down because the sensation of the scalp where her fingers
were touching was strange. Then he shook his head as he looked in the mirror once more at the
amazingly perfect hairstyle.

Unable to cover her painstakingly tied up hair, she eventually tucked a headband into her apron pocket.

The place Irina found with the other half of her salary was none other than the Viscount Fontern.

Ludwig, who came out to the sound of knocking on the door, looked at Irina's face with a surprised

After Irina entrusted herself to the Count's house, he greeted her with a completely different attitude
than before. Visits and meetings were no longer routine.

Irina was a little offended every time she saw such a reaction, as if it was surprising that you were here,
but it wasn't that she couldn't understand Ludwig's reaction.

She ended up committing herself to the house of a man who could pay her debts for her, and Illenoa
had control over how to pay for it.

“How did you get here?”

“How did you come? Well, actually today is a day off. The count still gave me a day off once a week. It’s
a very comfortable working environment.”

As Irina began to grunt and pout, Ludwig laughed like a sigh.

“Is it cold? come in once Would you like a cup of hot tea?”

“Wow. great."

Irina strode in and ran around the inside like my own house. Her steps toward the chair suddenly
stopped, and Ludwig smiled bitterly, noticing where her gaze was.

“There must be a leak somewhere.”

It was after a few days of non-stop rain. The wallpaper in the corner of the ceiling was greatly swollen. It
was filled with some water, and dark blue mold had grown around it, probably because of the moisture.

Said Irina, who was looking at the ceiling with a serious face.

“If I leave it alone, I think I’ll be hit by lightning later.”

“Yeah, I was still trying to call someone. Don’t worry too much.”

Ludwig spoke, but Irina walked into the kitchen as if she had not heard it. It looked quite enjoyable to
see him hum even to his hum. And when she came back, she had a small transient in her hand.

Irina was not short, but the ceiling was high. How many times she fluttered to gauge the height, I
wondered if she had a sense of it! He screamed and punched a hole in the wall.

Then, the stagnant water dripped down through the small crevice, and Ludwig, who was watching,
quickly grabbed a bucket and supported it.

right, again. The sound of metal and water droplets meeting was clear. But the regular sound was only a
mournful sound to Ludwig's ears, because it was the sound of life being sloppy. But to Irina, it sounded

Irina, who was still staring at the ceiling, murmured.

"want to dance."

“… … So suddenly?”

Ludwig asked with perplexity, but Irina began to move slowly, perhaps in a rhythm of her own. Ludwig
asked again.

“… … Reena. Is that a dance?”

Then Irina burst into laughter.

Wanting to cater to the taste of the one and only audience, she once again turned the end of the
transition toward the ceiling. She looked at Ludwig meaningfully and asked.
“A little more cheerful?”

As there were a few more holes, the sound of water drops began to be heard at a faster interval than
before. And in line with the sound, her movements also became intense.

Irina raised her hands upward as if in the shape of a water droplet, and repeated raising and lowering
them in a circle.

And Ludwig, watching the baseless water drop dance, finally burst into laughter. He begged her as he
hugged her and lowered her arms.

“Lina, please. Put down the knife and do it, I will get hurt.”

Reena. My lovely Irina. When I see you, all the hard work becomes nothing. How could you?

Ludwig stroked Irina's recalled cheek a couple of times with the back of his hand.

Irina also seemed happy when her boyfriend had a bright face after a long time. She hugged Ludwig and
smiled quietly, then grabbed his wrist and led him to the chair.

“Ruby, come here. I have something to give you.”

Ludwig sat next to her with a puzzled expression on his face. And what Irina pulled out from her arms
was a bundle of yellow-brown money.

“… … what's this?"

“I got paid. But, as you know, I'm not in that much of a situation.”
Irina handed the money directly into Ludwig's hand, looking at her still confused expression.

“Carol, let’s see a better doctor. Add and write.”

“… … .”

Carolina's drugs cost a lot of money. However, anyone who looked into her face even for a moment
knew that her condition was getting worse.

The amount of money required to show a patient to a doctor varied greatly depending on the doctor's
skill and reputation. A truly famous doctor went on to receive Irina's two months' wages for just one

A person who has the skills and love for the patient. It would have been nice if there was a kind doctor
who was ready to take care of the sick regardless of the amount, but there is no such doctor in the
world today.

So only money will prolong her life.

However… … .

“Irina. How do I get this?”

“Why can’t you take it? I'm not giving this to you. I'm giving it to Carol."

With a determined look on her face, Ludwig refused to hand the money back.

Wouldn't it be great if you had asked your father to call a doctor without hesitation when the family
situation was good?
Even so, I cannot guarantee that the condition will improve. If only I had thought about it just a few
more times, just like my mother said.

Growing up, Irina regretted her short thoughts.

At that time she was ignorant and immature.

The fact that people die more easily than expected, and that misfortunes come suddenly. There were
times when I could not have imagined such a natural possibility.

Because back then, her life was just so easy and uneasy.

Ludwig looked at the bundle of keysenflowers in his hand and said, It was a reminder of her condition.

"Reena. You're not in good shape either. debt… … There are many.”

Then, Irina had a face that asked why she was talking like that again. With a sullen face, she heard a

“Our house is like seawater.”

"What are you talking about?"

“They don’t reduce the seawater by scooping up a buck from there.”

“… … .”

“So, this time, I will use that one rip off opportunity to a more pressing need. The renowned zoologist of
Impenon, Lord Volttern, said something similar, didn't he? The beast suckles the surviving offspring.”
“… … .”

It was a habit-forming body. I wasn't even sure if it was really the same point. However, what he was
trying to say was also conveyed to him.

Irina's golden eyes, looking at Ludwig, were shining brightly. It was a warm and relaxed light that only
those who are optimistic in the present and not afraid of tomorrow can have.

“And Ludwig, that’s really short. As you said, the situation is not good, so there will be no such thing in
the future. So just take some Don’t make people feel too embarrassed.”

Ludwig's complicated gaze stayed on Irina, and then repeatedly stayed on the bundle of banknotes in
her hand.

The Nodiac Marquis fell politically and economically, and the condition of their vassal family, Viscount
Fontern, deteriorated rapidly. Even so, it would not have been as difficult as the Nodiac family, which is
in debt of astronomical amounts that ordinary people cannot even imagine.

Irina didn't mind doing the dirty work, and she borrowed money like a person whose pride was not
important, preventing rushed interest rates. Still, he did not say a single word of regret to Ludwig.

Ludwig was also of no help to her. The money he could give was too small, and there was nothing in
reality that could change with such a small thing.

The existence of a sick family did not allow him psychological relaxation. Maybe it was taken for granted.

But even at the moment when Irina was rushed like this, she looked at herself and held out her hand.

“… … .”

He suddenly felt himself being humbled. No, the truth is, I've never been humbled in front of the woman
I love. Because there has never been anything better than her.
I thought it was a problem of status, but it wasn't a problem of status, I thought it was a problem of
money, but it wasn't because of that.

I once thought so, but I found out after Irina lost everything that others envy. The difference between
her and herself was not in her status and wealth, but in the size of the vessel.

Shame, shame, inferiority, but love.

Ludwig, who looked at Irina silently for a while, asked.

“Does Ilenoa even know you do this?”

Then Irina shook her head.

“This is the money I earned from my work. I'm a little shy, but do I have to ask permission for this?"

Ludwig did not deny her words. But he still felt that Irina didn't know much about Illenoa.

After trying to put up with it a few times, he finally asked what he had been wanting to ask for a while.

“Irina, did Ilenoa do anything bad to you?”


“It means I’m not being mean to you.”

It was a gentle voice like an older brother who was concerned about his younger brother. He was very
polite, and his face was also calm. But there was a dark fire burning in his heart that no one could
imagine now.
He sometimes suffered from dark dreams. It was okay to make any choice, but sometimes it wasn't at

Thinking that the cold and arrogant man covets Irina's body every night, thinking that the two well-
developed bodies would roll on the bed as one, a wind blew in his heart.

Irina finally understood what Ludwig was talking about.

She averted her gaze, seemingly uncomfortable with the topic, but reluctantly opened her mouth as he
continued to wait for an answer.

“It’s not like that.”

“… … .”

“Nothing really happened.”

That was true. But is that enough?

Lovers should be able to promise a future. However, Irina lowered her head as she could not make any
further promises.

Then Ludwig, who misunderstood her intentions, grabbed her by the shoulders with both hands. Irina
frowned slightly at that strong grip.

“Are you really okay? What did that child do to you?”

“… … how do you do what Let’s talk about this.”

“Lina, don’t be like that and be honest.”

“I didn’t do anything. I just tied my hair up a bit.”

Her slender body fluttered as her thick hands shook it.

Irina looked at Ludwig's exasperated face with a puzzled expression.

Others would have bitten something hard, but Irina was surprisingly generous with her boyfriend. In
addition, Ludwig's attitude, which seemed more emotional than usual, strangely calmed Irina.

“It’s not really like that. And the bad thing is what you're doing to me right now, Ludwig."

Looking at his bewildered face, Irina sighed and murmured.

“I feel like my shoulder is going to fall off, so let go of this, you bandit.”

Irina sighed again and bowed her head as Ludwig, startled, took her hand off her shoulder and stepped

And he began to collect the bundles of banknotes that Ludwig had dropped on the floor, one by one.
Finally, after collecting all the bills and checking the number of sheets, she handed it back to Ludwig as if
nothing had happened. and said

“What? To be honest, it's kind of weird sometimes. I don't know what's weird. But he's not that bad
either. Don’t worry too much.”

The dull words reminded me of a long time ago. Has it been wrong since then? Then it was impossible to
know who had intervened in whose life.

But this time Irina also took hold of Ilenoa.

Ludwig still couldn't agree with Irina's words, just like then. And Irina, too, could not be fully convinced
of her own thoughts this time.


“Girl, please bring this to the lord.”

Irina, who was squatting on one side of the kitchen, slicing potatoes with a serious face, jumped up. And
he took the tray the other maid handed him.

Steaming tea and cookies were on the tray, and the young-looking girl was afraid that Irina could receive
it, bowed her head and ran away.

In fact, none of the Earl's servants wanted to enter Caju's room. It was their honest feelings that they did
not want to be noticed as much as possible.

And there was a good reason why the count's servants were so reluctant to leave. They had seen Ilenoa
killing people many times.

The affair began when Illenoa rebelled against his father, the former Count.

Before the current upper-level system was established, Illenoa, which had been taking over the upper-
level interior, suddenly pulled out all the key personnel and started operating the upper-level business
independently. The divided Schuberg upper had to suffer great chaos.

However, for a while, as the practitioners and experienced captains all followed Ilenoa at once, key
business partners began to walk the tightrope. They turned their lines of business one by one toward
Illenoa, and as a result, the supply deals that Illenoa had signed with the Count's seal were ghost
contracts with unknown counterparts.
No payment was made even though all items were delivered. And the former Earl, who was about to
delay the delivery, found out later that Illenoa was the real owner of the usury that they had been
borrowing money for.

The attack on the family where he grew up was something he had dedicated several years to preparing.
So it could be sophisticated and vulgar.

The former Count's sword point without hesitation turned to Illenoa when he found out that Sangdan
was on the verge of bankruptcy and finally found out that even the gambling house where his eldest son
was missing belonged to Ilenoa.

The fight between the rich and the rich was more intense and cruel than anyone could imagine, and at
one time the mansion was home to countless assassins sent by the former Count.

And Illenoa always made porridge for the intruders and threw them outside the bedroom. Most of them
had already lost their lives, and even if they were alive, most of them became half-bodied and could
only die.

Illenoa had run to the garden several times to follow the assassin trying to escape, but without
hesitation he threw a dagger to kill his breath, and he said a word to the servants with unfeeling eyes.

- Put it away.

Then, always quietly, he went back to his bedroom.

It was natural for the servants to avoid The lord.

However, Irina was not afraid or difficult at all, whether it was fearless or unaware that The lord was
such a human being. It was very cheerful to see them smashing The lord's collection one by one while

Before long, all the servants inevitably had something to say to the red-haired guest of California.
“Illenoa. Eat this while you do it.”

When Irina entered Illenoa's study, he was reviewing the list of Impenon tops to sell grain imported
from Sapieno.

Irina put the cookies and tea on his desk. Then Ilenoa reached for her fingertips and pushed the teacup
all the way toward Irina.

“Eat together.”

Irina shook her head as if she couldn't do it.

“I am at work.”

At that, Illenoa laughed silently.

“What have you been doing?”

“I am cutting potatoes.”

“Are you okay?”

“… … .”

Irina, who did not want to admit her mistake, shut her mouth, and Illenoa smiled involuntarily. It's
because what the academy madman is doing is somehow funny.

He looked at her quietly and asked quietly.

“Can I give you the trick?”

“Have you ever peeled potatoes?”

Irina asked with a surprised face.

"Sure. Where do you think I grew up?”

“Oh, really. right."

In the past, there were times when Illenoa felt embarrassed and uncomfortable when she said
something like that. But now it doesn't matter. Oh, yes, you can. It was because her current situation
was not very beautiful to show compassion for others.

Irina was suddenly absorbed in the old thoughts, and Ilenoa stood up first. And I looked at Irina as if she
was doing something.

"Go. To cut potatoes.”


“You say you don’t want to eat this.”

that's though. Irina said with a frown.

"done. I'll do it alone. People are uncomfortable when you cut potatoes.”

At those words, Illenoa put on a very different kind of cynicism than before.
“I am the owner of this mansion. He's the one who gives them money. Should I still care about their

“… … .”

Irina was originally a person who lacked logic in her words, but even more so, she had never defeated
Illenoa with her words. Even though he is much quieter than Irina.

Not having anything to say back, Irina finally took the lead, scratching her cheek.

When Irina returned to the kitchen, the chef, who was busy preparing the dishes, shouted.

“Girl, if you cut them all, peel some onion skins too!”

And soon the chef's complexion turned pale blue. It was because The lord with a cool face followed
Irina's back.

Seeing people's reactions, Irina scratched her head with an awkward expression, then leaned against a
wall and started slicing potatoes like before. And the head of the house, who was looking at her softly,
said briefly to the chef.


“… … Yes?"

“Bring me a knife.”

The chef trembled and offered the excess.

Since the guest of California, the Count's quiet daily life sometimes cracked. It was surprising, but no one
could have imagined that The lord would suddenly come into the kitchen one day and show off such
aristocratic and elegant potato slicing.

It was a rare sight, but everyone started to sneak away with a bad look on their faces. The only thing
that bothered me was the chef, peeling onions in one corner.

And seeing the thin potato skins Illenoa had peeled off, Irina was pure admiration.

“You are really good. Did you just eat and do this?”

“I’m usually good at anything with a knife.”

It was a creepy sound, but Irina did not understand it and nodded her head with longing eyes. Only the
chef who had sliced the onions left with a distasteful face.

For a while, the two were immersed in cutting the potatoes without talking. There was only an
intermittent rustling sound in the kitchen.

It was then that Ilenoa opened her mouth.

“Irina. Are there any other debts that I am not aware of?”


Irina looked at him and asked, but Ilenoa only peeled off the skin of the potato. As Irina was about to ask
another question, he added quietly.

“I’m a little curious about where you’re spending your money.”

“… … .”

“Is it rude to ask?”

Even though I said this was the only time, Irina gave half of the money back to the Viscount Fontern in
the next month as well. It was because of his desire to call the doctor of Imphenon, who had developed
medical skills at the earliest.

The other half went back to Ilenoa, the creditor. And he was well aware that Irina had no money to
spend on herself.

“I am also sending my father enough money with someone to look after him.”

“… … know."

Her expression darkened somewhat with the answer.

He knew how much kindness and consideration he was showing. However, the truth is that this kind of
favor was not taken for granted. While saying that he would pay off the debt, the debt of the heart
along with the financial debt was increasing day by day.

She was lost in thought with a slightly gloomy face, and soon forgot her answer.

“It’s not my dad. Someone needs more than me... … He was very sick, so I brought him some. I'm sorry if
I'm offended."

But he already knew everything. He was supporting the largest intelligence guild in Kisen, and at least he
didn't know anything about Irina's life.

“… … .”
I don't want to act like a debtor like this.

I'm letting you do these things to put your mind at ease, not to see you sacrifice for the man.

He continued looking at Irina quietly.

“I am patient, but I am not an understanding man.”

“… … .”

“Not even a good person.”

“… … .”

“So, don't forget how you came to this house. Even a grain of dust, a piece of grass, and even a handful
of soil left behind by the Marquis became the property of Count Schuberg. And Irina... … You too.”

Irina just stared blankly at his face and cypher resin eyes.

He was kind of weird.

He looked like a man who had something twisted in his accident, and a man with principles that should
never be violated. His words were full of obsessive emotions and deep possessiveness, but more than
that, he felt the logic of terrible power.

Irina, who was at a loss for words for a long time in her embarrassment, looked up into the air and

My opponent was pouring out his anger so calmly that I didn't even want to fight with him. She said,
grimacing in anger.
“But do you really have to say it that way? When people's plight is being crushed?"

Irina sighed once more and muttered.

“… … Even if you don't say that, I know now that you're not a good person."

Then Ilenoa grinned as if she had heard something funny.

“You found out too late, didn’t you? Others noticed right away.”

“I guess it’s because I have a warm gaze without any countermeasures.”

Irina responded with a bit of annoyance, but at those last words, Illenoa smiled even more inexplicably.
he said softly.

“Still, I didn’t want you to do well. Don't listen to me."

They turn away, gossip and point their fingers like everyone else. Still, I wouldn't have suffered any
injuries. I would have lived like that, thinking that all people are the same.

Why the hell did you come to me without fear and leave such a big mark?

At the words that sounded like she was blaming herself, Irina finally burst into tears and looked at

“So, are you going to repay your favor, you bastard without any measures?”

Illenoa calmly refuted her words without exerting much force.

"I am… … I didn't pay back. I paid you back.”

You were right, but Irina also pointed out an important point.

“… … It's not free."

“Because I need an excuse to be with a great person like you. I just used all the tools available to me.”

It was just like a childhood conversation.

The boy who returned the handkerchief and said that he needed an excuse to call him. Back then,
although it was a rare species, it looked like a pretty flower... … How did the boy become such a cold and
insidious person?

Irina looked at him with a really troubled face.

And Illenoa, who smiled lightly as she looked into her eyes, threw the last potato she had cut with her
skillful skills into the colander. and asked.

“Can I peel the onion now?”

Irina shook her head with a tired expression and pointed her hand somewhere. On the other side of the
kitchen, as if telling the age of the chef, there were piles of onions that he had peeled at his crazy speed.

She had been cleaning up behind the scenes. But Illenoa asked quietly, because he wanted to keep Irina
out of sight.

“When you’re done, will you clean up my room too?”

"OK got it."

Irina looked a little shaky, but then nodded her head.

But when she first entered The lord's bedroom, she was greatly perplexed. The bedroom was far more
serious than the study.



“… … How do you get more out of here?”

"is that so."

Illenoa spoke casually, but Irina asked worriedly.

“… … are you really okay It's no big deal, right?"

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sorry, but you are sick.”

Illenoa sat down on the chair and smiled. And then he chin on her as if to clean it up.


Darren, who visited the upper headquarters early in the morning, presented the reports prepared by the
guild members.
“The news is that the Royalists continue to win in the sporadic local battles. I think I got the win this

As he delivered the news, he looked relieved. Jeonse was different from yesterday and today, and it was
right to choose the upper-classism that it is too early to make a decision.

However, Ilenoa, who expected to be happy like him, has a strangely thought-provoking face.

The bulk of the grain to be imported from Sapieno was to flow into Impenon through the top of the
Impenon traded with the country. There was an opinion that a direct trading line should be opened for
profit, but the top stocks maintained a cautious stance. This was because they were afraid of economic
retaliation if the trading forces were defeated.

In the context of civil war, foreign trade was politics. No matter what camp the supplies go to, they will
serve as military funds and supplies for that camp.

The top of the Impenon, whom I contacted recently, has expressed its intention to do business with the

And the Republican faction, which had been dominant for several years, was recently being pushed out
by the royalist army that was on the verge of destruction.

The two camps were battling over the last line of republican detention, and guild informants had
reported that the royalist forces were preparing for a massive battle that would soon retake the castle.

The tide turns

But… … Will the royalists really win in this civil war?

Illenoa frowned and held up the report.

"what's the matter?"

I wondered if Darren felt anything strange, but Ilenoa just shook her head without saying a word.

It was to prepare for such a situation that he did not have direct contact with the Republican faction
who had won the victory.

So, was this really a prudent decision?

Habitually squeezing his temples, he was in deep thought until Darren left with a puzzled face.

It was a slightly different morning than usual.

Illenoa finished dressing up and came down to the dining area and waited for Irina, but Irina entered
after a long time and was exhausted.

She rubbed her eyes with a tired expression. He looked like someone who had just woken up.

Illenoa, who was observing her, did not find it difficult to find something different from usual.

Irina was wearing casual clothes. It was a white dress with a waistline that reached just below the chest,
and unlike the current fashion, it was modest, but from time to time it was seen one by one on the

“Why didn’t you wear that dreadful headgear?”

"Day off."
She tried to move on with a short answer, but it was also annoying, and the kerchief wasn't terrible, she

Illenoa has often tried to braid Irina's hair after previous incidents. However, Irina was very disgusted
with the threat, so she has politely stepped back these days.

A fashion outsider like you who only knew black was telling me not to fall for my style.

Outside of the discussion, the servants felt a tingling sensation in their stomachs whenever Irina spoke
to The lord like that. Irina even showed the recklessness of occasionally swearing at their headmaster,
saying, “This bastard, that bastard.”

“So what are you going to do today?”

“Whatever, you should rest. Do you know how hard I've been working these days? Did you see the
curtains in the drawing room changed? All you need to know is that I changed it and washed it.”

Irina grumbled, saying that the interior of the count's house was somehow gloomy. Isn't it a matter of
people, not of props? even muttered

The servants carrying the meal began to look at Ilenoa one by one, but he had a calm attitude. Rather, I
should pay more, he even smiled.

After a while, Illenoa, who was looking at Irina, who was starting to cut meat with a fierce momentum,
put her finger on the plate. And in front of her she pushed a salad plate full of lettuce.

Irina made an impression at once without cutting the meat.

“Ah, I hate grass so much.”

Still, she thought of his sincerity and gently took a bite and swallowed it. His expression was still bad.
“I feel so sorry for the rabbit who has to eat this every day.”

“Is that so?”

“But have you ever seen a brown rabbit in the garden?”

“I didn’t see it. But Irina.”


“Since you’ve been dressed up… … How about going out?”

It was a sudden offer. However, Irina was puzzled by something else.

Where is this dressed up? Embarrassed, she looked at her outfit.

She still thought she was going to be fashionable, but the clothes she had were shabby compared to the
clothes she wore when she was doing well. This is because the items in the famous dressing room that
were worth the price were already sold out.

Is he making another quirky joke? When Irina looked at him with suspicious eyes, he nodded as if
sincere. And quietly added.

“I’ll give you a tour of Schuberg Upper Headquarters.”

For a moment, Irina's eyes twinkled with curiosity.

Another crack occurred in Sang-ju's commute to work. The personnel at the top, who were waiting
outside to carry out Illenoa, looked at each other's eyes without saying a word, figuring out what was
going on.

As Irina reappeared, changing her clothes once more, Ilenoa gave a subtle expression. But he didn't take
it out of his mouth and ask. Because Irina often acts spontaneously.

Illenoa opened the wagon door for her, but Irina hesitated.

The truth is, I came out wearing this kind of clothes on purpose. She said fiddling with the front of her

“I want to ride a horse, not a carriage.”

Then Ilenoa, who had been silent for a while while holding the carriage door, persuaded with a soft

“It’s cold, Irina. The wind is much colder on the beach than here.”

People looked to see if this was something else, but as Irina continued to look sad as she looked at her
words, Illenoa finally chinked at her surroundings. The butler, who recognized it faster than anyone else,
ran to the stables to bring the horse.

“You are so excited!”

Irina, who had been laughing countless times as she came to the port, gave the horse to the steward
with a still happy face. The people at the top, following from behind, were picking their ear holes with
nervous faces, probably because the sound of laughter stinged a lot.
Her red hair, fluttering wildly in the wind, was as rich as flames. Illenoa tried to reach for her hair and
just stared.

“You are really good at horseback riding.”

The investigation that followed was very annoying, but Irina decided to stick with it just this one time.
The owner of that tough personality only compliments me today, but I didn't want to put a spit on it.

"Huh. i like to ride horses It’s fun.”

“I see.”

Illenoa looked at Irina with a pleasant smile on her face.

“Irina seems to enjoy everything.”

"I? is it. Well, I’ve heard a lot of people talking about me all the time.”

At that candid confession, Illenoa smiled involuntarily.

“Even if you change your mind, you learned it because it was fun. I said I was deceived by the impression
of the teacher, but if you like something, you get a vote.”

“Yeah, what… … right. I liked Japanese literature more than Japanese language back then.”

“Is that so?”

Recalling her academy days, she nodded. And the longing seemed to pass by her side face for a moment.
Ilenoa stared intently as her face, like a mischievous girl, slowly changed into a mature adult with a

I still wanted to touch you. Even at the end of that hair.

And I still wanted it. until your fingertips tingle.

It was the most difficult period of his life, but knowing a person made him miss that period just like Irina.

I was able to have one good memory in my life, and I learned that ordinary people have several such
memories. So Irina was the only point where he could become a normal human.

With a calm face, suppressing that longing, which had now become bitter, he spoke in a polite tone.

“By the way, you must have been to the port often. Did you teach children here?”

“Ugh, what was it?”

“Did you teach Japanese?”

Recalling the terrible incident she had experienced before coming to Count, she shook her head while
grimacing a little.

“No, Imphenon. Even with the porters, Ilse was not popular. Because everyone wants to learn
Imphenon. Actually, I am more fluent in Imphenon.”

“Many families of sailors and merchants live in the port, and Impenon is an important trading partner
for Kisen. Now, the civil war has shrunk trade a lot.”

“Yeah, I guess so. No, but at first, everyone said I wasn't suspicious. Do I look so ignorant? Does this face
look unreliable? Is it Illenoa?”
Rather than not being trustworthy, it was the tea that had grown too finely. It was obvious how strange
people would see her as an aristocratic girl who grew up in a greenhouse by anyone looking at her and
wants to make money.

However, Illenoa silently shook her head, ignoring her unresolved doubts.

“But even those people showed their academy diplomas, so they liked it back then. Actually, the
Imphenon language wasn't taught at the academy. It was a good use of an expensive diploma.”

Still, the Royal Academy only admitted to families with titles. Private schools were popping up here and
there, but none of them had the authority of the Royal Academy, and educational opportunities were
still limited.

Illinoa grinned at Irina, who grumbled that she did not know what era she was in and whether she still
adheres to such ancient principles.

“There are still many nobles in Kisen who are engrossed in their former glory and endure the present.
And people end up buying and selling titles, don't they follow the old principles? I agree that it's an
outdated school rule, but it's actually unusual to think like Irina."

As Illenoa answered honestly, she glanced at Illenoa. It was because it was strange that the conversation
was becoming more normal than I thought.

Contemplating, she brought up the story she had been thinking about for a while.

“So that’s it, Illenoa.”

"Please speak."

“Why don’t I go back to teaching a foreign language on my day off? I want to pay back a little more
money. Because I'm sorry that I'm indebted to him too."
Ilenoa was silent for a moment.

Irina was well aware that she was brave and resolute, but Irina was so brave that she seemed to have
forgotten what she had been through at the port. Of course they were usurpers, not porters.

“When you complain that you have few days off, when are you going to get more work?”

"Hey. That's just something I've done. Negotiating working conditions is not something only employers
can do!”

As Illenoa stared at her without answering, Irina quickly returned to Eul and added timidly.

“… … I know I'm getting more for what I've done."

A chilly wind from the sea swept through them.

Ilenoa smiled silently and took off her coat. Let me think about it, he answered and put a black coat over
Irina's shoulder.

Irina with round eyes asked.

"uh? I'm fine. Aren't you cold?"

"well. I like warm things, but I grew up so cold. I don't really care.”

"Oh yeah."

There were times when I was doing well, but I always ridiculed myself like that and rode a twisted line.
But, as I said before, Irina wasn't too shy now. It was partly because she had gone through a lot of
hardship, but at some point I realized that Illenoa wasn't too concerned with her unfortunate past.

They roamed the harbor for no particular purpose. The open beach was certainly a beautiful sight to
see, but it was quite familiar to her.

Illenoa, who had noticed Irina's boredom early on, suggested implicitly.

“Can I show you the cargo warehouse? I don't think you'll like it because there are only people who
work with paperwork when you go to headquarters anyway."


“Yeah, just a few days ago, a ship from Ils came into port, and I bought quite a lot of things from there.”

Her eyes twinkled once more.

For Irina, life was like an unknown island with hidden treasures.

But if there is a more substantial Treasure Island, wouldn't it be like this? A cargo warehouse at the top
of Kissen.

The bouncing footsteps and the hum of a hum signaled that she was now at the peak of her mood.

Although somewhat radical, Irina liked to look at luxury items, and she had a sophisticated sense of
humor with a talent for decorating herself. And the various items piled up in the warehouse perfectly
satisfied Irina's inclinations.

Looking around the warehouse with a curious face, she tilted her head and said.
"uh… … I don't think this is an Il's thing."

“Irina is right. These are things from the eastern continent.”

“Did you buy things from the East Continent at Ils?”

When she asked in amazement, Illenoa nodded.

“East trade is not very active. It was too far from Kissen, and the sea route was not developed properly
because of the high risk. Sometimes it's just about buying luxury items through Il's. Ills is also a distant
country, but it is not as close to the eastern continent as it is.”

"I see. But all of these have a very old antique feel.”

"Is that so?"

At Irina's review, Ilenoa asked softly. As she said, there were many antiques.

“It looks really expensive.”

And as she stared at exactly one pottery, Illenoa made a slightly subtle face. The ceramics said to have
been used by the imperial family in the East were the most expensive items in this warehouse.

He still did not lose his smile, but the eyes looking at Irina became a little sharper and sharper.

However, when Irina, who was constantly looking around, asked one more question, Illenoa had to
downgrade her evaluation of her eyes.

“Is this a drink?”

In an instant, all the old-fashioned glasses on the floor looked like Irina's glasses, so Illenoa looked at the
items she had purchased.

He answered quietly.

“It’s just a teacup.”

“… … Uh."

Irina nodded her head with a darkened face. Illenoa, who was looking at that gloomy face with a bright
smile, corrected her opinion as usual.

“But Irina. Ultimately, it is up to the person who uses the object to decide what purpose it is for.”

It was the most aristocratic way of speaking. Irina nodded her head several times and agreed with his

After that, they stayed in the warehouse for a long time. Irina was really talkative, and she had so many
useless questions that even Ilenoa, whose patience was beyond the level of a normal person, was silent
at times.

And while talking to him, Irina got to know him naturally. Illenoa is a quiet but very sharp thinker, and a
reasonable but cynical person.

“Anti-art works are worth calling. Rather, the more expensive and difficult to obtain, the more popular it
is. Because that satisfies the desire to show off the Kissen jolbu. Of course, I've never met a customer
with a keen eye to see what really expensive stuff is.”

“Ugh, hey. Illinois. What do you do if your child is cynical like this while you make a living because of
people like that?”
Even though Irina clenched her tongue and shook her head, Illenoa only smiled bitterly.

After a while, when they came out of the warehouse, the people on the top who were waiting outside
quickly approached and locked the door of the cargo warehouse.

They kept their mouths shut, but doubts arose in their gazes at the young men and women.

Adult men and women spent a long time in the closed warehouse. And that time caused a strange
misunderstanding among people. What the hell were you two doing inside for so long?

Irina and Illenoa's dressing was as flawless as when they entered, but it was just Illenoa itself that
mattered. Sang-joo Sang-joo, who is cold and has a strange dyslexia, was just shocking to see a woman
walking around while matching the mood of a woman.

Irina had a clear face that had no idea what kind of misunderstanding she was getting. He was still asking
Ilenoa with an innocent and anticipatory expression.

“What am I watching now? Are you going to the upper headquarters?”

"well. What do you want to see?”

When Illenoa turned to Irina, she was troubled.

"Well. Actually, I think it would be nice to just look at the sea.”

Her gaze naturally turned to the sea.

The endless sea was not a single color. Some seas were black, some were purple, and others were like
transparent emeralds. All kinds of colors were mixed in this wide place.

Irina, who was looking intently at it, suddenly wondered and asked.
“But why are the seas so different in color?”

Illenoa looked at her silently. It wasn't long before he returned the answer.

“The depth is different. So yes.”

“… … .”

“Each person has a different depth, so they emit different light. The sea is so deep that you cannot see

Irina looked down at Illenoa. He seemed to be talking about the sea, and he seemed to be talking about

At Irina's lingering gaze, Illenoa smiled.

So it's only you. that you can understand me

“When I was young, I looked at the sea and wondered the same thing as you.”

“When you were young?”

"Yes. Back then, I hated being at the Count's mansion, so I used to be here all day. I tried quite a bit, but
I couldn't enjoy it.”

“… … .”

A boy who was limp, but never lost his dignity. An unknown person who was able to smile elegantly
even with a scar on his face.
So did you end up thinking like that while looking at the dark sea? So, was it the right thing to say to you
to be honored?

Irina tried to say something, but ended up not saying anything and shutting her mouth.

"Never mind. Long before I was enlisted as a count, I was a strange person. It wasn’t really because of

“… … Is that what you call pride now?”

“No, it’s not bragging, it’s consolation. This is a petty consolation to you, who has a very uncomfortable
face after hearing my story.”

Illenoa smiled and led Irina to another place.

“I suddenly thought of something to show you. I like the sea, but I'll show you a boat. There are some
pretty good sailing ships at the top.”

“… … OK got it."

Irina couldn't shake off all her discomfort, and reluctantly nodded and followed him.

What Illenoa chose was a large galleon that would depart for Sapieno.

We had to wait for the wind, but the sailors were already loading one by one. And on the deck to see if
she had come to see her father, a young girl, barely reaching Irina's waist, was running frantically. She
was the youngest daughter of the helmsman.

When the ship owner suddenly appeared, the sailors showed a look of embarrassment.

This is because the shipowner was not the type of person who looked out for a ship to set sail or was
impatient because of bad weather. He did not bully them or treat them harshly, but neither did he
respect them as human beings.

It was known to all that he classified ships and crews as one of his many lists of wealth.

One of the sailors soon approached the little boy and sternly warned him not to make a fuss and to stay

Ilenoa glanced at it.

This ship belonged to Ilenoa. But he was only a shipowner, not a captain. It was technically a violation of
the rules to take an unauthorized person on a boat, but he did not point out that part because it was
outdated. Because there is an order on a ship, and that order belongs to the sailors.

And while Illenoa looked away for a moment, Irina was clinging to the railing of the ship.

She wasn't looking at anything big, but she was very engaged. With her upper body endangered out of
the boat, Irina was observing the waves crashing against the side of the boat and biting the foam.

And Ilenoa stared at the precarious figure without saying a word.

“… … .”

Humans have an inherent fear of danger. All normal humans were like that. It's not strange, it's just
human nature.

The boat was moored, but it swayed from time to time in the wind, and the only people on this boat
who were entrusted with the railing were Irina and a little child who couldn't tell the difference.
And whenever Irina's temperament popped up at such unexpected moments, and when it became clear
who she was, Illenoa tickled like ants crawling on her fingertips and her vision was dizzy.

He tried to reach for her hair, but he slyly put it down for the second time today. But in the end, he
couldn't stand it and stretched out his hand again.

When a hand suddenly came in from her side, Irina looked back with a bewildered face. But Ilenoa was
no longer concerned.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Her eyes, soft lips, and Illenoa's calm expression make it seem like she's a person who can never harm
anyone. In fact, even though he knew he wasn't such a gentle person, he had a soft face that didn't
allow boundaries.

It was when Irina moved her lips to say something.

Illenoa gently removed Irina's fingers, one by one, holding the railing. Then he carefully pulled her back
and pulled her away from the railing.

"like that… … If you lean on your body and the boat shakes, you fall into the sea.”

“… … .”

Is it really that way? Then why is he looking down at people so close? His breathing was so close that he
could barely stand.

The way she spoke without changing her face was as if the reason for this physical contact was the only
reason, but the eyes licking her cheeks and chin were undeniably fierce, so Irina avoided her gaze.
As Irina wiggled her fingers and pushed his shoulders away, he immediately let go of her waist and
hands. And he took a step away from her.

“It looks dangerous. Excuse me.”

The apology conveyed in a low voice was clear as usual.

“You said you excused me after you did everything you had to do.”

As Irina pointed sharply and frowned, Illenoa let out a low laugh. And his voice became a little softer and
more subtle.

“Did I?”

“… … .”

"sorry. I don't want to offend you.”

Good manners and behavior. A gentle and soft voice. Such a noble way of speaking. But he was not a
soft foxtail, but a poisonous flower.

When he came to his senses, the words he uttered were full of incongruity. How did he become such a
pretty trashy guy?

Irina stared blankly at the suspicious-looking man standing in front of her. As she shook her head, Illenoa
lowered her face and let out a laugh.

shall we stop? while doing.

“It looks like the ship will set sail soon.”

After that, Irina looked around. She was seldom aware of it, but Illenoa, who grew up in Cheyenne, felt
that the wind had changed direction.

And as if to prove his words, the movements of the sailors became inconsistent. Irina forgot that she
was blunt and watched the square sails and the triangular sails go up.

“If you want to see more, it’s okay. But once you leave, you won't be able to come back to Kissen for a
few months."

“… … How many months?”

Illenoa nodded her head.

“If the captain and helmsman had a good understanding of the new route, he might be back in three
months. But honestly I don't expect it. This ship is going to the South Continent.”

So shall we stop disembarking?

Irina did not respond to Illenoa's suggestion again. Still, he couldn't take his eyes off the sails that were
inflated by the wind.

Irina, who had barely set foot on land, watched for a long time as the three ships moved away. And I
asked the owner of the ship as if I couldn't stand it out of curiosity.

“How much money do you need to buy those big ships?”

Illenoa looked at Irina softly.

The businessman is herself, but Irina often speaks more directly than herself. Moreover, no matter how
much the world had changed, there were few nobles who were interested in such a worldly thing and
were not ashamed of it.

After thinking for a moment, he returned a straightforward answer, just like Irina.

“If Irina owes me a debt, I can dry it without too much trouble.”

Irina asked in surprise.

“Is that the only thing your stomach does?”

“Don’t you normally think that my debt was so high?”

“'Only positive thoughts will save your night.'”

As Illenoa looked at him, Irina added with a somewhat proud face.

“This is the preface to Sir Dairy’s 101 Habits to Make the Body and Mind Happy for the Japanese. It’s a
prestigious field.”

It was a habit-forming body. And it was half a joke.

Even though Irina said it herself, it was fun and she laughed.

“By the way, how many more ships do you have? You've been incredibly successful, you must be very

It did not stop at the level of only a few ships. However, he did not affirm or deny, and he was looking at
her excitedly chattering.
The intense curiosity did not stop after that.

“Then why is this ship going to the South Continent?”

“I’m going to buy something.”

“But do you need three ships this big?”

He laughed a little at the question.

“Because I’m going to buy some more this time.”


“Yes, I plan to buy a lot. And the truth is, you can't guarantee that all ships will return. Of course, I
sincerely hope that it will be a safe voyage.”

As they chatted, they watched the boat move away.

The sailing boat seemed to have met the wind properly. It got smaller and smaller and became the size
of the palm of my hand, and one day it will disappear from my eyes like the sun passing over my head.

Illenoa suddenly wanted to ask Irina. He was a man who never depended on the judgment of others to
make important decisions, but even for his cynical man, Irina was an interesting conversationalist.


“Do you think the Royalists will win the Impenon Civil War or the Republicans will win?”

It was a sensitive political question, but Irina was bored.

“Hey, I’m not even an astrologer, how do I know that?”

Illenoa grinned and retorted.

“Even an astrologer doesn’t know that. It's all a scam. What the constellations can tell us is not the path
of the ship, but the path of the ship.”

Irina quietly nodded her head as if to agree with his words. So Ilenoa wanted to tell Irina a little more.

“Recently, the Royalists have won the Impenon Civil War. It is unbelievable, but the prospect of a
restoration of the monarchy prevails.”

“… … okay?"

The rapidly changing civil war situation in neighboring countries was information that ordinary people
could not access so quickly. However, Ilenoa was the owner of Schuberg and the de facto owner of the
Kissen Information Guild.

“Impenon has historically been Kissen's most important market, and the top will have to deal with it at
some point in order to gain a slightly more favorable position in the future. And there are voices that it
should become a royalist army.”

“… … Really? Are you betting like that?”

I use the word bet because Irina also knows that this is an uncertain issue.

“Then would Irina live somewhere else?”

Irina tilted her head and hesitated. However, as Illenoa looked at her quietly, she opened her mouth
while contemplating.

“Battle is basically about winning and losing. The Imphenon Civil War has been going on for three years.”

“But once the fortunes decline, it is difficult to reverse the war.”

Irina had no special knowledge of warfare, and she had no knack for coherence than Illenoa. She nodded
and scratched her head.

“Of course, the royalists can be strong. I don't know much about strategic tactics. They could really take
back the royal castle.”

Illenoa nodded briefly. It was an expression of intention to keep talking.

She looked out to the sea. The ships that met the wind were getting smaller, leaving only a moment to
disappear from view.

Irina stretched out her hand like someone trying to catch something that was disappearing, or someone
trying to block something approaching.

“But Illenoa. You can't stop the flow. No matter how hard you try to block it with your palm, you can't
stop the waves coming in."

“… … .”

“People have what they want in their hearts.”

Ilenoa's face was as calm and expressionless as always, so it was impossible to tell how he had taken her
words. However, Irina didn't mind Illenoa's quiet reaction.
“You are a person who has definitely climbed into the flow of that time than anyone else. But why don't
you believe it?"

“… … .”

Illenoa, who was staring at her without saying a word, smiled when Irina added a small voice like a
disloyal child, 'Of course, my father died trying to keep pace with the flow of the times.'

And his smile grew deeper and deeper. Irina asked when Illenoa, who didn't want to laugh regardless of
her will, finally turned her head, stroking the corners of her mouth with a white finger.

“No matter how true you are, are you so funny when you talk about someone else’s house being
ruined? This child?”

“… … Did you feel bad? So I'm not laughing."

"what. Then why are you smiling? The rest are just making a serious noise.”

The reason he smiled was because he genuinely liked Irina.

There were many people in the world who rejected the values Irina expressed as the flow of the times
and wanted to stick to the past and the present. The Impenon Civil War was ultimately a clash of values
that she advocated, and some of the things she was thinking about were rather inconsistent with the

However, he likes the perspective of seeing her free thoughts, subjectivity, spirit, and circumstances,
which had not been gently melded into the times for a long time.

It was when Illenoa unwittingly took a step closer to her.

Irina's eyes widened as if she had found something over Ilenoa's shoulder. She tilted her head several
times as if doubting her own eyes and called out someone's name.


It was a voice full of doubt, but it was a clear pleasure to see it spread across her face. Illenoa also
turned her head towards where Irina was looking.

However, Ludwig, who was looking at Irina from a distance, had a very stiff face.

Behind him stood a strange man dressed a little differently from the Kisenites. An old man with gray
hair, he was a doctor who had crossed the sea from Imphenon to treat Carol.

And Ludwig's gaze moved slightly as he stared at the sight of Irina and Ilenoa standing together. He
stared intently at Illenoa's black cloak that covered Irina's slender body. He stood there as if he had
become a mang-bump, and there was no further movement or expression.

And strangely, at that moment, Irina felt a strange sense of guilt. why?

“… … What is he doing here?”

Instead of Ludwig, who was not approaching, Irina tried to run to him. But I couldn't.

Because Illenoa has grabbed her wrist.

His hand was soft. I'm afraid I might lose my balance and trip if I act rough. So I'm afraid the person in his
grasp will get scratched.

However, the dark blue eyes looking down at Irina were somehow terribly cool. Ilenoa said in a low,
gentle voice.
"It's not possible."

“… … what?"

“I can’t go.”

could have asked. Because he was a person who could plead and pretend to be submissive whenever
necessary. But at this moment, he asserts his right instead of a favor.

Irina. You, too, will pay for the help and favors you receive. You can't forsake me.

“Irina. I will not allow it.”

For a moment, Irina's face hardened. Looking into her yellow eyes wet with embarrassment, Illenoa
muttered once more.

“I can’t go.”

The hair of the three men and women fluttered wildly in the strong sea breeze.

And two of them were thinking about the same moment now.

When they went to the academy together and Illenoa helped Irina's swordsmanship.

Little Irina runs to Ludwig as if happily, Ludwig hugs her, caresses her, and takes her away as if it were
natural. The time when Illenoa laughed coldly while trampling on helpless insects.

Illenoa looked away from Irina for a moment and looked at Ludwig, who was standing at a distance. And
slowly raised the corners of his lips. It was a cold, crooked smile that trampled on the insects crawling
under her feet.
Ah, I'm sorry. I can't take you with me this time.

But you should also protect your precious things. you should have gained strength

Basically, the weak are all taken away.

He used a kind word and kept an appropriate distance all the time, but he disappeared from nowhere.
Illenoa looked like someone who had turned around as if the string had been broken.

Irina opened her mouth slightly. Her face grew red as if she was more insulted than she was surprised,
but she tried to convince him first.

"Wake. put this Are you crazy now? Why are you doing this?”

“I was just a reminder of our situation.”

“So you’re saying I can’t even say hello to myself if you don’t give me your permission?”

“… … .”

“… … Are you really going to be mean to me?”

As Illenoa responded with silence, Irina couldn't take it any longer and raised her hand.

It was Irina's childhood itself to use her skills when she couldn't communicate. As she grew older and
suffered, she sometimes killed her temper, but she was still a devotee of fists when she was not able to
communicate or was treated unfairly.
And when she made up her mind and started acting like a crazy bitch, no one could be mean to her,
even though everyone would gossip and avoid her. It was only with her people that Irina could suppress
her fiery temper and be generous.

But she was trembling and trying to slap her as hard as she could, but she stopped for a moment.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Illenoa stood defenseless, as if giving her a cheek. With an attitude that it doesn't matter if you're right.

However, as if nothing had changed, he was still holding Irina's wrist.

And Irina couldn't even slap him on the cheek.

Because he could hardly do any harm to him, who was still waiting for the moment to come. I couldn't
treat him like that, even weakly, at any moment.

Illenoa isn't the weak boy who almost got his fingers trampled when he was young.

I'm not the kind of child who had a detached face despite being babbled and pointed at.

And Illenoa looked at her carefully. Irina, who could neither lower nor swing her raised hand, still unable
to distinguish between the strong and the weak.

Joy passed through his eyes. He knew that there was a momentary weakness in her feelings. So I knew
exactly what hesitating and shaking.
I couldn't understand what it was like. It may be sympathy, it may be compassion, or it may be just a
brief moment of confusion. Perhaps, after hearing stories from my childhood, I subconsciously became

Whatever it was, it didn't matter. He seemed to have found a way to have the world as he found the

All right, that's enough.

I'll take care of the rest. You just have to allow me a little bit of that.

He looked at Irina with deep eyes. And he gave the collar of his coat that was draped over her shoulder a
little more delicately. As if to block the cold, but to claim possession.

Ludwig watched Irina being cared for, as if shocked by something. When their eyes met, he turned with
a hardened face and wrinkled his lips.

And Illenoa looked at the chased back with a cold face.


“Isn’t the meal unappealing?”

Irina put down her fork and asked, as Irina was distracted while eating.

“No, I just have no appetite.”

“Is Irina ever like that?”

His speech and expression made him seem like a kind man at first glance. However, Irina answered
somewhat bluntly and blocked her interest too deeply.
“You don’t know what kind of wild boar I am.”

But Ilenoa smiled unwaveringly.

“Is it possible? There is no other wild boar with pretty eyes like you. A wild boar as valiant as you may

“… … It sends people away pretending to praise it.”

“More than anything else, wild boars are omnivores. Unlike Irina, she eats grass well.”


Illenoa pushed the plate of fruit salad all the way to the side of Irina's meat plate.

Irina, who was staring in surprise, took a deep breath and shook her head. However, his hands
rummaging through the food as if he still had no appetite were dry.

Illenoa stared at her actions, expressions, and plates, then looked at the count's servants.

He pointed at Irina's glass of water with his chin at the startled servants. Then one of the servants took a
breath and poured water into Irina's empty glass.

After going to the port, Irina was more troubled than usual.

She seemed to be a little uncomfortable and wary of Ilenoa's kindness. When the tomboy girl, who
seemed to know nothing about being shy, treated the householder with estrangement, the servants
were only looking at the situation, wondering what was going on.
However, the real party, Illenoa, seemed calm. On the contrary, since that day, he has been tenaciously
affectionate to Irina and talking to her softly.

Illenoa knew more about Irina than Irina knew about her. He was good at fighting these emotions.

Not because he was a human with great empathy, but because he was good at observing people as
coldly as things.

Illenoa knew that day that he had dug into Irina's nerves and shook her a little.

There were such moments even when they were younger and weaker than they are now. As if she
understood herself.

I will not choose any means. I am ready to be a wicked person, and I am ready to be mean.

If you longed for something you couldn't have, you had to. If the starting point was unfavorable, it was
the rule of the world that one should put in more effort than others.

He was ready to use whatever hand he had, digging into her weak corners, grabbing every weak spot he
could grasp.

“Did you meet your father well last night?”

With those words, for the first time since Irina started eating, she looked at Illenoa in embarrassment.
His name for someone else's father was so warm and friendly that it was a bit difficult to hear him.

“Uh, that’s right.”

However, it was also true that he was considerate in many ways. Even if his intentions are not pure and
everything always comes with a price.
"Thank you so much."

Somewhere out of breath, but as she nodded her head to express her sincere thanks, Illenoa resumed
her meal with an incomprehensible smile.

The Earl's breakfast was also bizarre today.

Even today, the servants of the Schuberg family glanced at the two men and women who looked in
danger. The situation in which the extremely quiet and calm The lord led the conversation, and Irina's
short and blunt reply was the strangest of all mornings.

At some point, the number of servants to see off The lord on their way to work has decreased
significantly. Illenoa was originally a cold person who rarely received greetings from her servants, but
since Irina came to the mansion, the servants have learned that they really don't need to see them off.

The only people gathered were a young butler and a maid, some working nearby, and Irina. And before
leaving the house, Illenoa approached Irina as usual.

Ilenoa's head tilted to one side. Somehow I didn't understand it. But he soon smiled and asked.

“Is that towel that good?”

“… … .”

“Can I tie your hair again?”

It was a friendly voice like a child growing up.

Irina looked at Illenoa with a sullen expression that had a lot to say. because it was embarrassing. This
wasn't something he liked, but something Illenoa hated by anyone looking at it.

Why was his personality twisted so complicatedly? She eventually asked in a very arrogant tone.

“Isn’t it time for you to give up too?”

"well. I have endured what I want to do, but I have never given up.”

Illenoa spoke back with the sincere words of her regret. But contrary to what he said seriously, he
withdrew his hand without any regrets. Irina was relieved by that good-natured attitude, but was
immediately startled.

“He said he asked me to take a break this afternoon instead of working on a day off.”

No, how can a person have such a light mouth? Irina turned her head and looked to the side at her
coworker's betrayal too quickly. The momentum that had taken hold of many young people was still so
fierce that the young butler stopped his gaze and made a fuss about it.

Illenoa restrained her in a calm tone, as if it didn't matter.

“Do not ask the butler for such permission. If you want to rest, just rest.”

“No, I can’t do that again in my situation.”

But Ilenoa shook her head.

"no. You can do whatever you want. I am rather offended that you seek such permission from others.”

His words sounded kindly at first glance, but Irina did not listen at face value.
Didn't the man who told him not to ask for permission from the butler said his permission at the port
just a few days ago?

Can this crooked feeling be called love?

“Can I ask where you are going?”

When she was reluctant to answer, Illenoa bowed slightly. Then he looked at her face with a calm gaze
and asked again.

“Irina. Is there anything I shouldn't know about you?”

For a moment, Irina kept her mouth shut. It was embarrassing that he could look into his uncomfortable
inner feelings so easily. But in the end, she didn't avoid Illenoa's eyes and looked at her.

It was a challenging look. You just do it to me again, you motherfucker.

Unexpectedly, it was Ilenoa who retreated after a long silence. He nodded briefly as if he knew.

“I know what you mean. Go carefully. See you in the evening.”

Irina was stunned by her neat demeanor, but Illenoa had an expression on her face that didn't make any
sense. Instead, he reached out once more. And this time, he found Irina's hand and held it.

“… … .”

The dirty work she did every day broke her hands little by little. And Illenoa was staring at those rough
hands for a long time with an unknown expression.
He kissed his lips on the back of his hand before leaving. It was a brief moment, but it was an overly
polite and heavy kiss for a count to send to a worker.

It was after lunch that Irina headed to the Viscount Fontern. But as soon as she left the mansion, she ran
into strangers.

The men were exuding a suspicious atmosphere with their facial expressions and appearance. The
reason why Irina was not surprised was because the men's chests all wore familiar badges.

“The owner of the company told me to bring the author to myself.”

“… … .”

The reason Illenoa didn't ask for an answer was because he already knew the answer. And he just
decided to take a different approach.

As Irina looked at the man with a blank expression on her face, he quickly added what kind of
misunderstanding he had made.

“If you don’t like carriages, of course we have horses. He will probably ride a horse.”

He said, 'Am I wrong?' He asked and shrugged. Irina just smiled because it was ridiculous.

How long has it been since you got on the horse?

“My name is Darren. miss."

The brown-haired man approached the horse and introduced himself to Irina. Irina glanced at it.
“Yes, I am Irina.”

Irina gave a short answer and kept her mouth shut. His attitude seemed arrogant at first glance, but in
fact, unlike usual, he was unwilling to loosen his boundaries with others.

It won't be just people doing paperwork on the huge top. Illenoa also tampered with black money and, if
necessary, took political action casually. But all those who were moving with him on horseback were

People called a man named Darren Viscount. However, Irina, who grew up in a marquise, recognized
quickly. He was never a noble.

A soft look with brown hair, a sociable demeanor and a fluent speech. However, he had an atmosphere
unique to a person who had lived a rough and rough life.

Why do so many gloomy people gather around Illenoa?

Irina didn't want to talk for a long time, feeling that they were doing dangerous things, but Darren
brought up an unexpected topic.

“Isn’t the owner of the company a bit weird?”

She didn't respond either. But suddenly, 'something?' He thought and frowned. Then Darren laughed

“I know that it is not easy to be together because sometimes the cold wind blows.”

Irina what is this? looked at him with a It was not meant to belittle or demean Sang Sang-ju, but it
seemed to be an expression of intimacy.
As Irina looked at him curiously, he suddenly squinted his eyes with a grinning smile like that of a
neighborhood uncle.

“I know Illenoa's childhood. When I was young, I took a little care of myself.”

He didn't take care of them, but he taught them how to use a dagger and how to beat people without
killing them. However, in front of the woman Sang-joo had been in love with for a long time, he tried to

"Ah. Then you must have known him before he was enlisted in the count.”

“Yes, privately, it’s a no-nonsense relationship.”

If so, it means that they have a relationship since they lived in the back street. This person didn't seem
like a nobleman at all, Irina secretly nodded, understanding.

Darren was quite talkative for the people Illenoa had around him. Along the way, Irina was telling me
little by little about Ilenoa's childhood, which Irina didn't ask. It is said that she was prettier when she
was younger, but her personality was originally like that, and that she has a better side now.

It was a very private and intimate story. There were questions about whether it was right for him to hear
such stories, and there were also questions about whether subordinates were allowed to tell such
stories. But everyone didn't seem to care if Darren's chatter was familiar.

In fact, it was a story that all the top executives knew so much that no one would listen except for Irina.

Illenoa's childhood, heard through others, usually brought Irina's face a frown, but at times very

“Illenoa doesn’t like anyone touching her body?”

“Yeah, he finds it very offensive to come in contact with people, even by chance.”
“… … lie. There was no sign of that?”

“No, why would I lie like that? Really. There have been many times when the atmosphere has been
bleak because of it. Illenoa is a nobleman, but she always changes her clothes by herself.”

As Irina looked around with a suspicious face, each of them nodded briefly, as if the blunt-looking
people were affirming.

“You certainly seem to have a bit of hatred. I also have tuberculosis. Actually, I really don't know why.
It’s just been like that since I was a kid.”

Irina was about to nod, but suddenly looked at him with a suspicious expression. So it was a face that
asked what he wanted to say to me now.

Irina's expression was very venomous, so Darren smiled and spoke from the beginning.

“It means nothing. It is true that Illenoa has a lot of eccentricities, but I just wanted to say that she had a
more inhumane period of growth than the nobles imagined.”

Irina looked at him blankly.

Who among the people who came out of the academy with Ilenoa doesn't know that? He was always
the subject of gossip regardless of his intentions.

And Darren was right. There is no person in the world who is not affected by the environment.

Because even those around Irina used to find the source of her ignorant confidence and grit in her

Parental love and material abundance. That's why you can be so courageous even now that your house
is ruined.
However, Irina smiled and laughed, thankfully, and while agreeing, Irina became a little sharper when
she heard those words. And one day, I felt a deep-rooted antagonism that I wanted to deny.

Even if her childhood had been unspeakably unhappy, she would not have lived a life that justified
herself and acknowledged her limitations.

And Illenoa said the same thing. He said he was a strange person a long time ago.

It was not that he wanted to say that he was abnormal from birth, he wanted to say that the
environment could not harm him.

Irina couldn't always understand him for being cold, negative, and cruel, but for that moment, Irina
could understand his words accurately.

“I had a bad childhood… … You have no right to behave like a twin to others. But I don't mean to say that
Illenoa is a twin."

“… … .”

“It meant that I didn’t even have to say those depressing things to explain her to me.”

The words cut from the front and back sounded more like criticism rather than dudun. However, Irina,
as always, said what she wanted to say rather than persuade others.

“… … .”

Darren looked at Irina with a look of absurdity at the vulgar vocabulary that did not match her
appearance at all. However, Irina shrugged her shoulders with a fresh face as if to avenge her departure.
The shabby author had no place to put several horses. In the end, the party decided to wait near the
author while holding onto their reins.

"miss. We will be waiting here.”

"Hmm. It doesn't really matter if you go first."

Darren smiled as if he didn't feel the need to respond. It was a face that somehow reminded me of
Illenoa, who was full of a sense of incongruity even though he smiled kindly.

“Call me whenever you need anything.”

This time, Irina also waved her hand as if it was bothersome to mix her words, and stepped inside the

Ludwig had a towel in his hand as if he had just come out of caring for Carol. He noticed Irina, blinked for
a moment, and asked.

“… … How did you get here?”

“How did you come? I came here because you were worried about it.”

Irina answered and looked at his expression once. Ludwig didn't look very good either because he was
tired or for some other reason.

He glanced at the towel in his hand and laid it down on the table. The wet towel made a naked sound
even with light movements.
He brought a chair and sat down, and Irina also sat down and asked.

“Ruby, are you the doctor you saw at the port back then?”


“Are you an impenon?”

“Not that. He must have studied at Impenon.”

Although it was a civil war, Impenon's medicine was ahead of Kisen's. Irina, who was a little sad, asked
something more curious than that.

“How about Carol?”

“There was no way I could do something like this.”

“… … I see."

“… … .”

“It will get better.”

Irina tried to comfort her, but there was silence in the drawing room for quite some time. And when
Ludwig, who was looking at the end of the table, looked up and looked at Irina, Irina had been looking at
him for a long time.

The golden eyes were sincere without knowing the end.

“Ruby, are you mad at me?”


“You just left that day.”

Ludwig gave a self-helpful laugh. Are you angry? At first glance, that seemed right.

But do you have the right to be angry? It didn't seem like it.

With the sincerity shown by Irina, I was able to call a famous lawmaker. But that sincerity came from the
man standing next to her in the end. Because he let him do it. because he was condoned.

This sense of inferiority and shame. But how could I ever get to you on the spot?

Ludwig was silent, but his tightly clenched chin moved jaggedly, as if to reveal a rush of emotions.

"Ruby… … .”

Irina vaguely realized that she had touched the pride of this kind and gentle man. So I wanted to
apologize somehow.

“I offended you… … .”



“Go to Ilenoa. I think that suits everyone.”

Irina stopped at the cold falling words. Several sentences lingered in my mouth, but I couldn't easily get
any words out.

Eventually, she smiled awkwardly and uttered empty words that were neither joking nor serious.

"Whenever you say Illenoa is the bad guy, now you're telling me to go to the bad guy."

But those words made Ludwig explode again. He, who had always comforted her in a gentle and mature
manner, shouted.

“That bad boy! I can do to you what I cannot do!”

he can pull you up He can do things I can't do.

“Calm down and listen. It's what your father wants too. All of your brothers did the same. Do you know
what you're doing right now? People see that and say that they braid themselves when they sell them. If
you regret later, then it will be too late.”

Hearing those words, Irina's eyes were filled with a rebellious light. But if you look closely, it was filled
with tears that seemed to pour out at any moment.

I hated it, so I was able to accept that we should break up. It's heartbreaking to say that your feelings
have cooled, but you'll understand in the end.

But Irina couldn't accept the suggestion that you'll regret it later, and that's the way to make you happy.

She grabbed Ludwig's arm.

“What if I regret a little? how about that Basically, people live with regrets, big or small. I've never been
afraid of anything like that."
But he grinned. And soon he spoke with a face stained with anguish and remorse.

“… … okay?"

“… … .”

“But I’m afraid of that, Lina.”

Irina stared blankly at Ludwig. As if she finally understood his words, her face gradually changed to look
like a wounded person.

And when Ludwig saw it, he lowered his head deeply.

Don't make that face. This isn't me throwing you away

Irina asked, shaking her head as if in disbelief.

“Are you really going to stop?”

“… … .”


Irina stared at him for a long time as if waiting for his answer. But when he really showed signs of
opening his mouth, he jumped up from his seat like someone being chased by something.

“I just came Cool your head. I will come back later.”

“… … Reena."
Irina, who was about to leave, hesitated at Ludwig's call and turned around. It was still a wounded face.
However, his face was full of regret for his boyfriend rather than the wounds he had received.

“And that day… … I am really sorry.”

Ludwig contorted his face badly at those words.

Why do you always apologize to me when you didn't do anything wrong? Why do you always bend over
to me when not to others?

For a moment, even in his chest, an uncontrollable deterioration was intense.

In fact, it was his lover. It was a red flower that he had protected and cherished.

But apparently, the man who stood next to her and grabbed Irina's wrist like a predator and looked
down at him with cool eyes. The black clothes that covered her dry shoulders as if claiming possession.

As Ludwig strode closer, Irina made a slightly weeping face. It wasn't long before she noticed that
Ludwig's eyes had lost focus a bit.

Ludwig grabbed Irina's neck and cheek. And he kissed him like a swallow.

Irina reflexively opened her mouth, but she couldn't stand the rough, rough kiss and eventually pushed
him away.

“Why all of a sudden!”

But Ludwig was not pushed out. Rather, he hugged her and kissed her lips once more. The tongue
greedy for the mouth was blind, and it seemed as if a string of reason had been loosed.
“… … .”

It was a familiar body odor and a familiar shoulder. and… … He was a familiar person.

However, in a situation where nothing was resolved, I did not want to have a relationship with this anger
as if I was venting my anger.

Irina, unable to hold back the moment of sudden squealing, pounded on his chest and pushed him away.


Irina said as if screaming. But it was a sad face.

"You haven't answered my question properly yet! I hate doing things like this.”

And seeing Irina's face, Ludwig flinched as if struck by lightning. It was because she had endured the
anger and sorrow to the point of biting her lip.

“… … .”

“… … .”

What were you trying to do now? Ludwig felt embarrassed and, for the first time, that he was being

Not knowing what to do, he first woke up Irina. Then, as if trying to regain consciousness, he rubbed his
face roughly with his large hand.

He took in a few breaths, but he did not dare look at Irina and said with his head lowered.
“Go now. I don't think I'm crazy right now."

Irina glared at him with red eyes at those words.

“… … hey you bastard Aren't you going to apologize to me first?"

The people at the top who were looking around outside the mansion got on their horses one by one as
Irina trudged out. Then, seeing Irina's condition, she made an ambiguous face.

"what. why."

Puffy lips and frizzy hair. crumpled dress.

Irina's appearance was clearly different when she entered and when she came out. It was obvious what
they were doing because they had been to an old lover's house, but they were all from Illenoa. I was in
an awkward position to accept this situation comfortably.

But as Irina patted her lips and grimaced as if it stinged, Darren's complexion hardened. Irina was
shaking her hands a little.

"miss. What happened?”

“… … .”

“I’m going to go in and check it out.”

Darren tried to enter the mansion with the dagger in his arms. Irina hurriedly grabbed his forearm and
restrained it.

“… … miss."

“Nothing happened, so let’s go.”

However, after checking the bloodshot eyes and the red nose tip, Darren waved his arm as if to let it go.

“This is my job.”

"no? This is my job.”

“… … .”

“What is it, I’m so messed up? But it's true. Darren doesn't really have eyes for people. I'm honest and
I'm not good at lying."

“… … .”

“Please, let’s go.”

But as she spoke casually, her hands trembled slightly and her expression was not good. I knew it myself,
so I tried to calm myself down by saying vulgar swear words several times.

Darren couldn't overcome Irina's stubbornness in the end and let go of her strength.

Then one of the men who was watching the situation drove away and disappeared somewhere. I am
going to report to the top shareholder. Up to that point, Irina was unable to do anything.
She sighed and got on her horse. Those who were silent followed her and departed one by one. As no
one opened their mouths, the atmosphere of the party became heavy and cold compared to when they

Ludwig, who had been sitting there with his face covered, chased after her. It was to get down on his
knees and beg for forgiveness.

But when he came out of the house, Irina was riding horses with the people of Illenoa. And a dazzling
scarlet sunset was setting over it.

He looked at the back of his face with disbelief and had a foreboding of something. say you're far away

Darren, who felt his gaze with an extraordinary sense, looked back. And he gave Ludwig a sharp warning

It was late at night when Illenoa visited Irina's room.

As she sat on the bed, contemplating, she felt her gaze and turned to the door. He came in silently and
stood leaning against the wall.

“When did you come?”

Unlike in the morning, Illenoa wore light clothes.

It seemed that tuberculosis really did exist. Now Irina knew that when he went somewhere, he had to
wash his body first to have a more comfortable face.
“Aren't you locking the door? Control it.”

It wasn't something the person who came in without knocking would say. It was so ridiculous that she
didn't even want to respond, so she just laughed.

Illenoa looked at her for a moment, then slowly walked up to the bed. Then he sat next to her and
crossed his legs.

“… … .”

There was a deep, cool smell of bathing from him.

There is no more private and sexual space than a bed. So, it was not polite to sit on someone else's bed,
no matter how close they were. Unless the aristocratic etiquette has changed since Irina became a

However, Ilenoa had a calm attitude, as if nothing special happened. Rather, he was looking into Irina's
face with dark eyes.

He now reached out with a far more outspoken attitude than before. As his fingers ran across Irina's
plump lower lip, Irina shivered from the stinging sensation. Then Ilenoa's eyes darkened even more.

I wanted to lick those lips, which would bleed again if I touched them a little more.

“… … Did you take any medicine?”

“What kind of medicine do you have with a little blood?”

Irina tilted her head slightly as if avoiding his hand. Ilenoa's white fingers, which had stopped in mid-air,
turned towards her again. The touch that traced the slender cheeks was so gentle.
“Anyone will get angry if something they care about gets scratched.”

Irina was furious and raised her head and looked at him. But Ilenoa's eyes were cold. He was talking
about returning with a wounded face.

“Where are you dealing with stuff?”

“I don't mean to say that you are a thing. I just wanted to say that I love you.”

Ironically, however, the hand that caressed Irina's cheek was as detailed and sophisticated as a person
who appreciates expensive pottery. He noticed a blood clot on the nape of Irina's neck, looked at it
softly and spoke softly.

“So don’t hurt this body.”

mind too.

“I don’t care much, so I might be more angry than the average person.”

Irina, who was a little frozen, shook her head as if trying to shake off the tension.

“You can just say that it’s okay, don’t get hurt. Why are you talking so terribly? You know what's really
weird sometimes?"

Even if he said it was strange, he smiled. And as Ilenoa continued to look at her with her eyes closed,
Irina made an uncomfortable face. In the end, she openly pursued the person.

It was an attitude that violated the manners, but wouldn't Ilenoa, who entered someone else's room, do
it first?

“When you’re done talking, can you stop now?”

Actually, there is nothing to say. He had a lot of things he wanted to check.

You, what's with your lips, your neck, the deepest part of your chest, your slender waist, your armpits,
and even the most secret places between your legs.

You risked all your sparkling life to meet someone you like, but why are your eyes so red? What makes
you so upset?

Dark obsession and possessiveness grew, but he did not lose that pretentious smile until the end. And
just as Irina was about to kick him out once more, Ilenoa opened her mouth.


"what. Why again?”

“Even later… … So really later. Do you have any desire to try it with me at all?”

Irina doubted her ears. What else did I hear?

“… … What is this child?”

But Ilenoa didn't care.

“Once you do it, it might be better than you think. You might want to do it again. I’m going to make you
feel good all night long.”

“… … .”

"how is it? Would you like to sleep with me?”

Now, do I have to respond to these words one by one? Irina gave up after thinking about where to start
and how far to ask this garbage man. Because he recalled that he had consistently wished and insisted
on it from the beginning.

Irina let out a deep sigh as if the day was very difficult.

“Everyone leave. If you were born with a face like that, take some responsibility for your face. Make
some dirty noises like that. You pervert.”

Seeing Irina disliked the vulgar and poor quality of her work, Illenoa grinned. And nodded.

“Just consider it when you have free time.”

“… … It's noisy, you just turn off quickly."

Yes, okay, Illenoa answered and stood up.

He stood and looked at Irina for a long time. And said goodbye to the night

“Sleep well, Irina.”

“… … .”

“I hope you have a good dream.”

Irina threw the pillow hard at the door Illenoa had closed. It was as if he could hear his laughter, which
he had never heard properly, through the door.
After that day, Irina visited the Viscount Fonttern a couple of more times. It was because I had a feeling I
couldn't stand without having a conversation.

But he could not meet Ludwig. Only his younger brothers made troubled faces and announced his
brother's absence.

He was avoiding Irina with great votes.

Silly. dummy. So what are you going to do? Are you going to live without seeing me for the rest of your
life? First of all, I apologize. So that means there is something next.

Irina stepped on the quilt laundry very nervously.

It was a rare sight in itself to see a slender beauty stepping on the futon with power.

In fact, Irina caught the attention of others no matter what she did in the mansion. It was because of his
cool appearance and confidence that was hard to find evidence for.

Illenoa, who had just returned home, looked at her quietly. His gaze scanned Irina's slender ankles and
peach bones.

“… … .”

When he saw Irina, he used to feel very strange emotions. The desire to rip clothes and the desire to
give. On days when he wondered how such different minds could arise at the same time, he looked at
her as if observing her as if he just wanted to know the answer.

She contradicts him and makes him a human.

As if drawn to it, Illenoa approached her.

“Isn’t it cold?”

"uh? no, what... … .”

Of course it was cold. However, no matter how cold the day, I could not wash the duvet with hot water.
He's working, he's not here to enjoy luxury.

As Irina faltered in her answer, he said, looking at her face.

“Excuse me.”

It was a word he used very frequently when talking to Irina. Every time it happened, a really big
disrespect occurred, so Irina wrote her first impression.

Seeing Irina's expression, he simply bowed his head and put his hand behind Irina's knee.

“What, what!”

“Don’t struggle like that. I'm not going to drop you, but... … Isn’t it hard?”

No, this crazy bastard. As Irina glared at me with a force to slap her cheek, Illenoa smiled a little.

He walked very stably even with Irina, who was quite tall. He was a boy who tried to walk gracefully
even when he was injured, so it might not be natural.

He carefully laid down Irina, who was bewildered, on the wall of the flower bed. Then he knelt on one
knee in front of Irina and carefully touched her foamy feet.

His words were gentle and cool.

“Your feet are too cold.”

“… … .”

“Don’t do this.”

“… … .”

“You don’t answer.”

He once said he didn't mind, but Illenoa actually hated the cold. What has fallen in the cold for so long is

However, when Irina thought of being cold like herself, her eyes became dizzy as if dizzy. It reminded me
of Irina of those days, knowing that she rarely catches the cold and enjoys some days, but sometimes
snorted and fell asleep in a fever.

I couldn't sympathize with anyone's pain. He was sometimes a hitter in his own pain. So there have been
times when I thought that such a sense was absent.

However, when he looked at Irina's thin fabric or was deprived of her rough hands, he felt a distant
sensation as if he was not himself.

If Irina had to be cold, if she had to live like this, the world would be the wrong one. And in his eyes, the
world has long been a den of filthy humans and has been wrong for a long time.

He wanted to take off his clothes, but he kept taking off his coat to cover it because he wanted to
destroy everything and protect something.

He hid his dark heart and gently touched his frozen feet.
Ever since her circumstances got worse, she couldn't take good care of her feet. So, if you look closely at
the feet with long toes, there were blisters and dead skin cells. As Irina tried to step out of her
embarrassment, he smiled curiously.

“Irina. A child born with long toes like Irina. They say that when they grow up, they are likely to be

“… … .”

“This is a hypothesis that was recently published in an academic journal. I passed it because the number
of samples was insignificant, but looking at Irina, it seems to be true. I think I might even send a
donation to encourage them to study harder.”

“… … .”

“Why aren’t you answering? Are you ashamed?”

“… … what man?”

“Does Irina also ride something shameful?”

"you… … You seem to think of me as an ignorant wild boar for a long time.”

“I never said I was ignorant. Beautiful eyes and brave.”

“What is this child?”

The Academy Mad Bitch cried out and tried to kick, but the hand holding the ankle firmly did not allow
the attack.
He hung his head as he tried to say something with his ankles clasped. Because I didn't want to show my
feelings like this and laugh.

Illenoa, who had been bowing her head for a while, wrinkled her face a little, opened it, put her hand in
her arms, and took out a handkerchief. It was to clean her feet more delicately.

And Irina looked at it with a very displeased expression.

The angle of the folded edge of the pure white handkerchief was pathologically correct. Even the people
who work in the mansion wouldn't be able to do that. It was the product of the landlord's severe
insomnia and a slight paranoia.

But after a while she widened her eyes.

At first Irina did not recognize it. But the handkerchief was definitely hers. A long time ago, he handed
over to him, who had been beaten down by his classmates, to wipe his blood, and he didn't get it back.

Why do you still have this?

She looked at Illenoa as if embarrassed, but as he started to wipe Irina's feet as if he were touching a
precious thing, a little bit of sadness and anger came to him.

“… … .”

Ilenoa Schuberg. A man who circulated around her and proposed to her three times.

He never once asked out loud if he liked him. Words have power, and hearing the answers will give you
a sense of weight and responsibility.

Since I didn't ask, I didn't say that I loved Ilenoa too. Still, Irina knew that he yearned for her.
It seemed that he could not dare give the symbolic name of love to that longing. Because it was different
from the warm and gentle feelings she had ever received from her parents and from her lover. It was
dark, obsessive, tangled, and sometimes terribly cool.

And Irina could hardly respond to the dark emotions of which the depth was unknown. both in the past
and in the present.

Suddenly, I felt mean to my former self, who thought that I would ask for a job based on his kindness.
The reason he was obsessively looking for things to do was because of the debt that grew the more he
got to know him.

But in the end, this was nothing but deception for each other. What he longed for was something else,
and she knew it and couldn't give it.

Irina looked at the handkerchief with a stiff face.

I wanted to tell Illenoa that you too, let go of me and be comfortable. Stop living your life now. I wanted
to say that the heart that cannot receive an answer should rest.

So she decided to put an end to his old heart.

Chapter 5. Came To Ruin My Life

The weather was often cloudy in Kissen. One day, it rained continuously, and after the rain stopped, the
temperature dropped sharply, creating an eerie feeling.

But that morning, the sky was clear and the air was warm after a long time.
Although it was built with a sophisticated and balanced sense, the Countess, who sometimes created a
gloomy atmosphere, felt surrounded by the dazzling sunlight that day.

“Eat a lot, Irina.”

Is that so? Ilenoa's low voice echoed through the dining area, more gentle and softer than at any other

Actually, it wasn't just today. He often spoke kindly to Irina, handed him some surprising but joking
things, and kept an eye on her every move.

The servants were still unfamiliar with him when Caju was smiling like a soft blade of grass floating on
the brook.

However, Irina, who was eating meat from the other side, had a somewhat troubled face. The crooked
nose bridge and puffy lips were pretty cute, but she seemed to be a dissatisfied person or a person with
extreme concerns.

What else does she have a problem with? Irina was a carer of accidents and fuss, and when the countess
seemed uneasy about her, Illenoa asked.

“What are you doing today?”

"Well. I want to learn to do gardening. I do laundry, and I do other things when I have time.”

People stopped a little at the unexpected plan, but only Illenoa let out a relaxed smile.


As she raised her head with a puzzled expression, he glanced at the sunny scenery outside the window
and said,
“The sun is strong on a day like today. Be careful not to injure yourself while overdoing it. Be sure to
wear a wide-brimmed hat if you tell the maid.”

“Yeah, I see.”

Irina nodded obediently, but Illenoa continued to speak of her mistake for a long time after that, in a
tone that could not tell whether he was joking or serious. And then, in a low, gentle voice, he added the
main point.

“Don’t do anything too risky in the first place.”

“… … I'll take care of it myself."

Teasing words made Irina feel embarrassed. But the word of concern put her in a complicated mood
once again.

“… … .”

It was then that Irina, who was staring at Illenoa, opened her mouth.

“By the way, Ilenoa.”

“Yes, tell me.”

Recognizing that Irina had something to say, Illenoa put down the fork and knife she was holding. And
he nodded briefly towards her.

Irina remained silent for a moment, but after that brief moment, the words that came out of her mouth
were surprisingly concise.

“I want to marry Ludwig.”

Irina's face was soft and weak. However, as she was watching Illenoa without taking her eyes off her, it
felt like a provocation to everyone.

Ludwig eventually apologized in letters several times since then. She didn't want to leave behind the
memories of that day, but she often had a foreboding. With Ludwig, he might not be able to go back to
the way it used to be.

She was well aware that everything around her was slowly falling apart. The King of Kissen, the
aristocratic society of this country, the feudal society and wealth, her status, her family, and even her
friends. And what began to fall apart with him included her longtime love.

But, knowing all this, she said to Ilenoa,

Even if that were the case, I wanted to let you know that I still didn't have you in my life.

I've never considered the future with you for even a single moment. it will be so in the future.

“… … .”

After Irina's short words, silence fell on the peaceful breakfast.

The indoor air was warm and the sun was still bright. But the sunlight was now so terrifyingly bright that
people could see tiny particles floating in the air.

Ilenoa's eyes were still smiling thinly. And Irina stared with a firm expression on Ilenoa's lips drawing a
cool curve.

From his mouth, who smiled obliquely, a harsh, unrefined language flowed out of his mouth.

“With some kid… … What are you doing?”

The rapid volatilization of reason from the blue sparking eyes could be seen by everyone present. The
butler, who had been watching the situation with an anxious face, cautiously called him.

“… … Ilenoa.”

His voice was small and trembling badly. In the mansion, he could not go against the will of the
governor. However, Hans summons Illenoa as if to dissuade him because he knows that Irina is strong
against the temperamentally strong and weak against the weak.

Knowing this better than anyone in this room, Illenoa could hardly calm her raging heart. And Irina was
watching Illenoa reveal herself.

At times, he had a gentle face, and John Dae who only felt polite.

However, when one layer was removed, his porcelain face and cold tone of voice revealed the
stubbornness he could not hide and the logic of the power he had lived through.

“I think you may be mistaken, you didn't come to work for money, and we are no ordinary employment
relationship. So you can't do it on your own."

“… … Oh yeah?"

What he said was true. But no matter how true that may have been, Irina felt a deep-seated dislike for
others trying to wield her life in that way.

Irina, with her face red, asked with a force as if she was about to throw a fork in front of her at any
moment. Then, Illenoa attacked, this time stinging her guilt and indebtedness.

“I paid the debt on your behalf. You also brought your senile father. Just because you don't want to give
up, I let you do the maid job that doesn't suit you."
“… … .”

“I once told you. You don't like me, so I won't ask for your heart. So I let you go on seeing him and giving
him money. It's true that when I came back with a bad face, I honestly wanted to kill them all... … I
endured it too.”

So you are like me... … What compassion have you shown?

“But you’re telling me you’re going to marry that bastard right now? Do I have any favors for you, but
are there no petty considerations that you can give me?”

It was as if a storm was raging in the quiet space.

The meal was already behind everyone's back. It must have been a scene from a hearty breakfast just a
moment ago, but the sumptuous meals prepared for breakfast now seemed like scenes from a nasty

Irina was glaring at Illenoa, and Illenoa didn't take her eyes off Irina at all. Finally he got up from his seat
and slowly walked towards Irina.

Irina Nodiac. You are a pitiful person for not being mean.

If you had known that the goodwill you gave to others as a child would return in this way, you probably
wouldn't have helped me. I wouldn't have held out my handkerchief.

I'm sorry for what you meant to say this in front of me, but I know very well. I'm telling you to stop at
this point. But now I can't have the normal love of letting you go and wishing you happiness.

Illenoa traced her cheek with a white finger. And he said something like a sentence.

“… … .”

“I have a right to you.”

So you can't marry someone other than me anymore.

“I will go to your room tonight. … … Don't lock the door."

When he left the room after saying those words, he heard a loud noise of something breaking through
the closed door.

I could feel the servants drying up Irina in the room, but Illenoa was silent for a moment, but with a wink
to the butler to follow, she moved towards her study.

Hans, who followed, looked at The lord with a very perplexed face. It was because there was a clear
displeasure on Ilenoa's face as he was pressing on his temple.

Even when The lord was disturbed by an assassin who infiltrated the mansion, the butler did not know
what to do because he did not make such an expression.

Then Ilenoa said.

“Call Ludwig Fontern. I want to see you.”

“Lord… … . What are you going to do?”

He didn't think it was a good idea, so he vomited The lord's horse for the second time today. Unless
you're determined to be hated, I don't think that's the case.

But that was wrong. Because I never thought that I could not be hated in the first place.
“I have to tell you. that I am a wicked person.”

He replied as if talking to himself, and for a while fell deep in thought.

It was late at night when Ilenoa returned to the mansion after completing all her schedules. Irina's door
was half-open when he came, taking quite a long time to wash himself as usual.

He had a knack for moving without a presence, but Irina let out a few footsteps and leaned against the
wall because Irina was too deep in thought. Irina, who found it quickly, made a slightly annoyed face.

“Hey, I didn’t tell you to come in yet.”

“This is the Countess. I am Count Schuberg. There doesn't seem to be any place in the Earl's Manor that
The lord cannot go to at this time."

He answered quietly, and walked to the bedside where Irina was sitting.

Is it because I just washed it? He smelled of a cool bath, and Illenoa looked strangely fresher than in the

Indeed it was. He was satisfied with solving complex tasks in an easy way. But at the same time, I felt a
very familiar disillusionment with humans.

Irina had a calmer look than in the morning.

Illenoa didn't think Irina would be sad or pity herself. She didn't cry often, and rather than being
pessimistic about life, biting the arm of the person who made it so was a far higher priority.
Ilenoa asked, who was examining her face.

“It’s true I said don’t lock it, but… … What if I leave the door wide open?”

“… … .”

Irina, who looked at Illenoa with a puzzled expression, turned her head and muttered.

“… … He's doing it again."

I was told to listen, but when Ilenoa didn't respond, Irina lamented.

“You piss me off once in a while, and strangely, sometimes I just don't have the motivation to hold on to
it. What if this isn’t even funny?”

But at some point, Irina knew another reason. It was very bad, but there were times when I felt he was
taking care of me.

The reason he just left the door open was because he didn't want to lose to him and he didn't want to
be discouraged by the situation. And, strangely enough, Irina was convinced that he was unlikely to
cause any physical harm to her.

Irina looked down on her anger and felt that life was exhausting, and finally just let out a deep sigh.

“I am a simple person who understands yes when you say yes and no when you say no. If you say yes on
the inside and say no on the outside, I don’t understand.”

Then, looking at her with a still gaze, he answered after a while.

“I know. That you are that kind of person.”

After that, the two didn't say anything.

Irina seemed to have been thinking for a while, and Illenoa was looking at her side face with longing

As Irina tilted her head and her hair cascaded down, Ilenoa stretched out her fingers familiarly.

The hand holding the hair in his ear was cautious. However, his fingers were delicate, and since the
space in which the action took place was on the bed, it was both a caress and a seduction. Irina
shrugged her shoulders back a little and gave a simple rejection, and looked at him quietly.

“Illenoa, I have something to tell you.”

His face, as if he had decided on something else, was determined. Illenoa nodded as if she had been

“Is that so? I'm sorry, but before that, I also want to say something to Irina."

His dark blue eyes gleamed coldly.

Illenoa didn't want to cut off any trivial things Irina was saying.

Her high-pitched voice, classical and accurate pronunciation, and light and pleasant jokes used to calm
his sharp nerves and chronic headaches.

However, he was rather cold-hearted as he wasted time on unnecessary and exhausting fights. Their
lives were finite, and he stayed around one person for too long to waste time arguing.
“Irina. Are you really going to Ludwig Fontern?”

“… … .”

“Were you serious?”

“… … .”


what did you do for him What did you want to protect as your whole life was thrown into the gutter?
And how did he treat you?

But is that guy thinking the same as you now?

Even in the morning, he acted like a human with something exploding inside. But now, he had returned
with a calm face. And his gaze on Irina was as if he were looking at an innocent child who could neither
calculate nor manage.

Ilenoa continued speaking quietly.

“I’m a filthy bastard too.”

“… … .”

“He’s not the kind of man you deserve to sacrifice and dedicate like that.”

Irina instantly felt a sense of discomfort in his words. she said, rolling her eyes.

“You, don’t touch Ruby.”

“… … .”

“Don’t be mean to him, you bastard. To be honest, he doesn't owe you anything, he doesn't do anything

Irina's words sounded justified somehow. But seeing her defending him right in front of her eyes,
Illenoa's reaction was cold.

“I never touched it. I don't want to put that much effort on him. It just gave me options.”

His words were ambiguous. And a cool wind blew and black waves rose in Ilenoa's chest, who found
anxiety and worry in her golden eyes.

Why can't you share with me a piece of the heart that you haven't been able to get even with such a

After a while he asked Irina.

“Even in this situation… … Are you worried about him?”

“… … .”

“You worry about yourself.”

But that would be Irina. She once went begging for money, but it could put her mockers to shame.

Illenoa smiled shyly with a slightly cold face.

“You probably don’t know, but that side of you sometimes makes people around you miserable. But
that's... … It's not your fault."

She grimaced with an expression of incomprehension, but he said no more and got up from the bed.

“Sleep. I will stop.”

Illenoa added briefly before leaving.

“Lock the door and go to sleep.”

“… … .”

Irina stared at the door he quietly closed and exited for a long time.

Breakfast was the driest and quietest since Irina came to the mansion. Neither Ilenoa nor Irina said
anything, silently concentrating on their meal.

Fresh youth was the greatest beauty allowed by the providence of nature. However, the two men and
women had special beauty besides just being young.

Born to an aristocratic father and a mother who was famous for her great beauty, Illenoa had the
arrogance of blue blood and decadent beauty at the same time. Even with classic features, she was the
owner of a sophisticated sense that could create a more modern atmosphere than anyone else.

However, these beautiful men and women were very fiery on one side and cold-hearted on the other,
which sometimes made viewers dazed.
Until yesterday morning, they were arguing fiercely as if completely different substances met and
caused a chemical reaction, and this morning they were quiet again. Such an attitude seemed strange to
others, but they remained silent until the end of their meal.

Illenoa spoke to Irina before leaving the mansion.

Irina, who did not want to have a conversation with Ilenoa, was washing the dishes without seeing him
off. And Ga-ju daringly wandered around the spacious mansion in search of her without a sound.

A black shadow fell over Irina, who was squatting and breaking the bowl. As Irina blinked and looked up,
Illenoa was watching the sheep she was doing.

He didn't really want to deal with it, but Irina reluctantly opened her mouth, because Illenoa was a
person who could be silent for much longer than Irina.

"what. Why again?”

“Are you going to the writer’s house?”

Irina put down the dish full of water and responded bluntly.

“I’ll tell you in advance, but the horse and the carriage are ready?”

In the end, I meant to go. Ilenoa was silent for a moment, then said.

“Not a very good idea.”

"what. walking?”

He shook his head quietly, as if he didn't mean it.

When they were much younger than they are now, when civil war broke out in Impenon and the
Marquis of Nodiak began searching for their daughters' wives, Ilenoa, the first to bring the proposal, said
to Irina from the patronage.

I'm going to help your family. Think I'm using my money if I'm not in your eyes.

At that time, Irina knew nothing of the world than she is now, but she had a much more lively and girly
face. There was something she said, smiling as brightly as a dahlia flower blooming in the backyard.

- Illenoa, you can't change people's hearts with money.

He suddenly wanted to ask. do you really think so

Illenoa spoke softly to Irina.


“… … .”

“Don’t trust people’s good will.”

But what a lowly human being who prepares everything and warns him like this. The dark shadow
looked at her for a long time, then turned and disappeared.


Irina and Ludwig met each other after a long time.

"Let's break up."

“… … what?"

Irina's mouth opened in embarrassment, even though she could no longer go back to the way it used to
be, and perhaps even had a foreboding of the end. The words came out of Ludwig's mouth first, because
Irina had never imagined the end of such a vile form.

“I got money from Illenoa. Continue to... … Until Carol gets better.”

“… … are you crazy Did I hear it wrong?”



“As long as he was alive, I wanted to do as much as I could.”

Irina, who was standing still, was startled and scratched her head violently. Over and over again, letting
out a cynical laugh, she looked at Ludwig.

how could you do that Anyway, how do you get that money?

How could you do that when you know why I'm working in that house and how we got here?

The desire to criticize quickly grew and grew. but.

“Okay. live well."

“… … .”
You don't know how dry the words you spit out while turning your back. But she clenched her clenched

Actually, I wanted to turn around and grab her by the neck and ask. The reason she was able to endure it
was because she knew it was all over anyway. In fact, from a long time ago.

Nevertheless, the reason the tears keep coming out is that he also knows that he has been betrayed.
Ludwig's voice pierced behind her back.

“I’m sorry, Lina.”

“… … .”

Tears welled up in Irina's eyes when she heard the nickname she had been called since childhood.

You were a very warm and kind person. Someone who has been by my side for so long. No matter what
you did, I could never separate you from my life so easily.

She stopped with her back to him and shook her head.

Actually, I wanted to turn around and show a face that wasn't hurt in the slightest. In the end, I couldn't
do it and walked back to the alley because tears were running down my cheeks.

While acknowledging that the solution is an invisible reality, he struggled because he could not betray
his lover. However, the lover betrayed her and decided to break up. For the family, for the money.

Ludwig, Illenoa, and no one had the right to give him such a dirty farewell.

A treasure island that once spread out before her eyes.

In that unknown and mysterious world, a stench that can only be found in a gutter suddenly comes out.
this crappy money. This miserable reality and the world that is falling apart.

She wiped the tears that flowed with the back of her hand.

In fact, she knew it too. It wasn't because of the money. He left just because he thinks so, and because
he is that kind of person. It made the time she had endured with her teeth so shabby that Irina stopped
in the street and covered her face and sobbed.

yes Ludwig.

When our house had the power to drop flying birds, people pointed out that we were young and
ignorant of playing with fire, but I was grateful that our house was a marquise and your house was a

If it were the other way around, you wouldn't have been able to forsake your parents' wishes in the end.
Then we wouldn't have been able to.

I thought it was fortunate that I was stubborn and that my father was so terrified of me that I lost in the
end. Because I couldn't give up on you because of some money and status.

“… … .”

I loved you with such a pure heart.

However, if this reckless love eventually turns people into a scoundrel, I'm afraid of you even in this kind
of situation.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that my house was ruined and I'm sorry that I made you make such a choice. You wanted to
quit and give up, but I'm sorry that I couldn't recognize your tired heart.
Even though I loved you so much, I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you in the end. Ludwig.

Irina, who was always strong even after her house collapsed, sat down in the middle of the main road
for the first time and cried.

"On a stormy night"

There is a pub with a long history in the port city of Cheyenne.

Merchants, sailors, travelers. The pub, which attracts geeks of all nationalities, was open all night and
was always noisy. And today, what caught my eye the most was a red-haired woman sitting in a corner
and sipping a few drinks.

The slender woman has been attracting people's attention little by little since she appeared, and now
she is attracting the attention of everyone in the store. And the charming young lady drank alcohol and
wiped the liquor flowing from her lips in a big, slightly less attractive look.

“Hey, how about drinking something while eating?”

“… … I'm not sure when I saw you."

“I want to be friends.”

“Stop being crazy. I'm not feeling well, so just quit."

The third man who was accusing Irina was fiercely rejected and shrugged. Kils and whistles could be
heard here and there, but Irina didn't mind and raised her hand toward the clerk.

She held out a finger, and the clerk nodded with a friendly face and brought out another large pint of
liquor. And out of nowhere, a fourth man was approaching with a burning heart.


Illenoa was quietly reading a book in her library. Even though it was late at night, the maid did not
return to her bedroom because the housemaid had not yet returned home.


The question she thought she hadn't heard since she entered the Count's House still often came out of
Ilenoa's mouth.

Hans carefully shared the information that the people at the top had brought.

“… … You are still at the bar.”

The butler, who had been repeating the same answer all evening, noticed, but Illenoa nodded her head
with an unexpectedly cool attitude.

“Tell me not to take my eyes off you.”

“… … .”

“Because I don’t have the personality to ignore other people’s quarrels.”

“… … Yes."
And it was when Illenoa looked down at the book again. Somewhere in the mansion, there was a roar
that should not have come out at night. If Hans guessed right, it was the sound of something like pottery

Illenoa closed the book as if waiting. Then he raised his head and looked at the doorway.

There were quite a number of employees on the first floor, except for Irina. It was a deep night when
everyone would have slept, but I came out surprised by the great sound that seemed to eat up

And Irina was staggering precariously in the middle of the chaos.

Irina squatted down and glanced at the debris scattered on the floor. I didn't break it on purpose, but it
was because it was somehow cool inside. Besides.

“I think it’s expensive. Pretty.”

As she drank heavily and tried to pick up the pieces of porcelain like pebbles, Ilenoa narrowed her brow.

“What are you doing?”

“… … .”

When even the headmaster appeared, the complexions of the employees became much worse than
before. But as much as Irina, who committed this mess, smiled and spoke as if arguing.

“Take it out of your paycheck.”

Illenoa didn't even frown anymore. He walked slowly to where Irina was, and grabbed her wrist and
lifted her up.
She stood up fresh, but with every breath she exhaled the stench of alcohol.

“You took a lot. Stop going in.”

“It’s my heart, you bastard.”

“… … .”

"Why. Are you going to decide if I should go in now?”

Illenoa calmly responded to the sharp quarrel.

“Because I can’t control myself. It is also entitlement to take your worries that way.”

“… … .”

At that, Irina suddenly looked around. Because I wanted to break something else.

Even though the intention was clearly read, Illenoa had an unmoved face. Rather, as Irina kept
staggering, she straightened her forearm up a little.

At that neat and unlucky attitude, Irina shed a smirk.

“Are you doing well?”

“… … .”

“Everything you said is true.”

No one in the world can be trusted, and I guess I should have taken a more calculated attitude towards
the world while hiding as much of my hand as possible.

So you are right and I am wrong. However.

"therefore… … Are you feeling cool now, you motherfucker?”

Irina swung her hand and pressed it hard against his cheek. Her golden eyes glared at her pretty face
with one cheek reddened with anger. It was a clear gaze that could not be seen as a drunken person.

When she raised her hand once more, Illenoa turned her head slightly as if giving her a cheek. it was
going to hit So Irina couldn't help but grab his shoulder instead of the cheek and wave it as if begging.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“… … .”

“Really why?”

“… … .”

“Do you love me? … … So what?”

It was the first time in seven years she had asked Ilenoa aloud. But Irina immediately shook her head as
if it was not possible and asked again.

“Is this and this and that and such a thing love?”

At that, Illenoa lowered her eyes.

Irina was right. There is no way love can be such a painful feeling for the person being hurt. So he
wouldn't refer to her as love.

I'm not going to justify it like that. This violent feeling, unable to let go of the other person, was just a
possession and a vulgar obsession that wanted to imitate love.

He answered with dark eyes with all the lights turned off.

“I don’t know of such a positive feeling.”

His calm words suddenly exploded her. Feeling as if she had encountered a huge barrier through which
emotions could not be conveyed, Irina could not bear it and shouted.

“Then why are you doing this!”

“… … .”

“You know what you did to me today?! Did you really have to tell me this way? what do you really want
from me Tell me. are you married? Or can I just live next to you as if a mouse died? Or is it my body? Can
I do it once like you said? Do you really like that?!”

After pouring out vulgar and naked words, Irina took a deep breath. And in the silence that echoed even
the sound of her breath, she thought.

right, transaction, consideration, possession.

She still didn't want to understand the words that came and went between people. But now he will do
whatever he wants. Instead, know that from now on you will not be able to take anything from me
other than what you spit out.

"lets do it."
Hearing those words, Illenoa's expression subtly collapsed. That fact made Irina both excited and angry.

She said arguing again.

“It means do whatever you want.”

“… … .”

“Sleep with me, you bastard.”

Those who watched were drenched in embarrassment and looked at Irina once, and then repeated to
look at The lord's expressionless face. how much time has passed

Ilena, who had been staring at Irina, finally opened her mouth and answered her words slowly.

“If you are a good man, you should say no at times like this. You shouldn't take advantage of the gaps in
which you collapse and sway."

“… … .”

People call this a mis-stitched button. But the button had already been misstitched countless times, and
he had never once tried to be a good man.

“Like Irina, I’m so glad I’m a bad bastard.”

Go to your room first.

Ilenoa added quietly.

When Ilenoa came in after organizing the people, Irina was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. With
her chin resting on it, she was staring out the dark window where she could not see anything.

Irina was a hot-tempered person, and her face seemed to have calmed down at first glance. But if you
look a little closer, for the first time her face looked depressed and tired.

After being silent for a moment, Illenoa asked.

“If you don’t like it, I’ll go back.”

“… … done. Are you kidding me?”

Alcohol paralyzed people and made them more emotional than necessary. Irina was a free-spirited
young man who, from the beginning, had the idea of being a dog or lord as a member of a well-known
aristocratic family, but did not take sex lightly.

I had a foreboding that what he was about to do would completely shake up their relationship.

But how can we calculate who is disadvantaged and who is favored by what equation? He lived his life
without even calculating the future one inch ahead.

Even though I knew it was something I couldn't handle, I didn't want to change it. It was because of the
strange sense of revenge that I had experienced for the first time in my life and the self-righteous feeling
of wanting to deal with my own life.

So I didn't want to have sweet sex. At this moment, she didn't want to be with anyone like that.

Illenoa sat a little further away from Irina and waited for the time to pass, but then she moved and sat
down. As he grabbed Irina's neck, a little goosebumps rose up on her forearm.
Illenoa stayed in the position where her lips touched for a long time, and then said with a smirk.

“Irina smells like alcohol.”

“… … Then don't kiss your mouth."

“You can just breathe.”

Irina forgot her nervousness and shut her mouth, and Illenoa grinned.

“I thought you wouldn’t mind.”

“… … .”

"it's okay. I am not very drunk.”

After saying those words, he buried his tongue in Irina's mouth. And, as if sharing alcohol, as he said, he
licked the saliva flowing down Irina's lips and swallowed it again.

Irina groaned in pain without realizing it.

I wanted to have sex with only penetration. If that was possible, I didn't want to do foreplay or foreplay.
But while he was acting so cold and ruthless, he kept looking at Irina's expression while kissing.

So I thought it was more of a bastard. I don't like to be careful and not be reckless.

“Why are you crying?”

“… … .”
“You don’t like me?”

At this moment, I had to admit that I was less lonely than being alone. How could that be? it's because
of you

This weak heart was unfair and angry, so Irina covered her eyes and quivered. He looked at Irina, then
stopped and tried to get up, but Irina grabbed his arm.

“I don’t want you to ask me about things like that.”

“Then don’t cry. I care a lot.”

“… … .”


I mean, he's such a piece of garbage. Irina wiped her eyes and said sharply.

“I feel really bad, so I’m going to be honest with you, but don’t come here pretending to give for your

Illenoa silently nodded without objecting.

Irina took off her clothes first. In fact, it was an aggressive attitude, not knowing whether to have a
relationship or a physical fight.

Then Illenoa, who was watching the scene, also began to unbutton her buttons one by one.

And Irina, who had seen Ilenoa's body involuntarily, was taken aback and backed away.
“Illenoa. … … why are you like this?"

Hearingly, Illenoa looked at Irina's gaze and responded calmly.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Irina felt the rest of her drinking energy being blown away.

His body was not normal. Countless scars had been placed on the upper body with fine muscles.

The scars that looked like crawling bugs were all old and looked like they had not been treated in time. It
was a sign of deliberate abuse.

“How is that not a big deal? Why are you doing this?”

“Really fine.”

“… … .”

“Are you embarrassed to look like that?”

“… … I didn't mean it that way.”

“If that’s not the case, it would be good if you could focus a little more on what you’re going to do in the

“… … .”
And seeing Irina's complicated expression constantly grinning at her scars, Illenoa smiled involuntarily.

Irina. That means you are constantly losing money in your life. If you come this far with a self-righteous
heart to punish and receive punishment, and look at people with those eyes again, you can't do what
you think.

Illenoa turned around while making Irina, who was crouching, half reclining on her pillow.

“Excuse me, but can I ask you something?”

His white fingers were gently caressing Irina's chest. I didn't mind the rude hand, though.


Illenoa asked, as she returned her words, much more relaxed than before.

“Did Irina do it alone?”

Irina doubted her ears and looked at Illenoa. It was a long time later that I asked.


“Have you ever masturbated?”

“… … .”

He answered very calmly. Realizing that she hadn't heard anything wrong, she looked around.

No matter how crazy I am today, I can't do it with a bastard like you.

As Irina found a pillow and held it in her hand, his hand came up and gently pressed her wrist down.

“Of course, that wouldn't have happened.”

Is this also entitlement? He was expressionless, but somehow he seemed to be smiling. His white face,
in contrast to his rough body, was still beautiful and reverent. He confessed with that priestly face.

“By the way, Irina. I've done it. thinking of you.”

“… … .”

“I’m sorry for being an unscrupulous person. But I have been wanting to do this with you for a very long

His long, slender fingers that were holding his wrist came down a little and touched between Irina's
fingers. Irina looked at him with a little bit of agitation as he made outright sounds without changing a
single expression on his face.

Illenoa was only gentlemanly until the moment of foreplay. In fact, foreplay was also entering the realm
of the beast from a certain moment. She licked everywhere, and the moment Irina withdrew even a
little, she became ravenous.

“Why are you licking your heels!”

“It’s just that you look cute here.”

He had a mouth that was tainted in a strange way.

Irina was also a person who would not go anywhere with a dirty mouth, but Ilenoa took a slightly
different direction from that. Irina, who first heard of obscene gossip in bed, was startled and wept
several times.

“Aren’t you going to stop spreading your legs?”

“… … .”

It was kind of a procedure. As Irina spread her legs apart, he sat a little bit between them and said,

“More on the inside… … open it up with your fingers.”

It was shameful and it was hard to hear more, so Irina stood up, half reclining on the bed.

It was more and more regrettable that I had asked him to sleep with excitement. She swung what she
could get her hands on, but it was so helplessly blocked in mid-air.

“… … .”

Unexpectedly, Illinoa apologized to Irina, who grabbed the pillow and threw it next to her.

"sorry. I'm out of my mind right now."

“… … .”

“If you want me to do it too much, slap me on the cheek.”

She pursed her lips to say something, but Irina just shut her mouth. And immediately smiled in dismay.
Because I really had nothing to say.
He is a very strange person. What she had always felt, Irina felt again at this moment. There were not
one or two strange things, but the strangest thing is that he himself recognizes that he is strange.

How consistent and reasonable is it to tell you that you will soon be rude even in bed?

Illenoa gently caressed the area around Irina's genitals, then moved and came to Irina's back. He laid her
back on the head of the bed and made her rest on her chest, then wiped the back of her neck with the
back of her hand, and immediately kissed her.

Cho-ok, the sound of embarrassment and shyness rang out. But his one hand was roaming her genitals
and pubic hair tenaciously.

Irina flinched and closed her legs, but the white fingers that had been caressing around the entrance
crawled into them.

It felt strange to be masturbated by someone else. Immorality like doing something that is more lewd
than sex, like doing something that shouldn't be done, a feeling of exaltation like being served by
someone, and shame like being harassed at the same time.

And Illenoa was watching Irina's face turn red, one by one, like a true volunteer.

He whispered in Irina's ear. Have you really never done it alone? There were also tools used by women.
Sometimes I bring it in from the top.

When Irina turned her head to stare at him, he smiled, closing her eyes slightly as if apologizing.

"It's a joke. I will do it for you.”

Something kept flowing from the inside, and the entrance loosened as time went on.

Illenoa did not rush as clear water was forming on the tip of the tip. His face, waving his hands in search
of a sensitive spot, was extremely restrained.
Irina wanted to block the finger, but couldn't tighten it that much.

And from time to time, the movements of the fingers back and forth between the entrances were
getting rougher. With a bang, pounding sound, she eventually began to push her body against his chest
several times.

Irina opened her tightly closed eyes and looked down. Like a work of art, thin, white fingers are half
buried in the valley.

“… … .”

There was a time when I thought it was a pity that that finger got hurt. Then I just had to put it on
Martin's cub, but I had to break the dripping. How am I supposed to help this bastard?

“Stop, inhale, stop, and put it in quickly… … .”

Even as she barely spoke, Irina trembled and panted. Then I felt Illenoa's low smile.


What do you leave out and what do you put in? Say it again. Yes?

Illenoa licked Irina's cheeks while whispering. As an animal licks its young, as a male licks his female. As
he calmed down and grew older, his eyes gradually became darker and his tears were wet with red joy.

“Even if you block it with your hand, it keeps leaking. Wet all the blankets.”

I wanted to say no, but I could clearly hear in her ears the feeling of her buttocks getting wet, as well as
the naked sound of bubbles breaking.
Irina looked between her legs with a frown on her face as she endured the irritation. As he said, the
white sheet was wet in a round shape.

“Are you a baby? I think I disrespected the futon.”

Ah, Mr. When Irina, who was too hard to hear, turned her head and looked away, he seemed to laugh a

He brushed Irina's curly hair with his left hand and met her yellow eyes. Izzy was still alive in her eyes,
but the smell of alcohol still mixed in her breath. I couldn't help but laugh at the bad smell of alcohol.

Our academy bastard, my academy princess.

“Irina, do you know that you are cute too?”

“… … .”

“When you were young, you laughed… … Even though I get angry and curse at my classmates because of
me, sometimes I find you cute. For a while, that feeling was so unfamiliar and uncomfortable.”

the day we graduated It was snowing and it was very cold that day, but for that day, he did not turn
away from me and greeted me.

- See you again when the opportunity arises.

I still remember that sometimes. So even though I know that this is excessive greed, I know that I will
never be understood for the rest of my life.

"sorry. coveting you.”

I scratched and ruined your love.

Illenoa couldn't bear it and put her tongue deep inside Irina's mouth. Irina wrinkled her face and
struggled, as the radical movement that wanted to run through her throat was now painful.

He was barely pushed away, but his blue eyes, which were bluer than usual, were like a wild beast, and
his reason and humanity were blown away.

I got what I wanted, but I'm locking her naked in my arms. His eyes were full of possessiveness and
obsession, and Irina was stunned by it, and her mind wandered.

“In front of other guys, ha, don’t take your underwear down.”

He grabbed Irina's slender ankles and lifted her legs high.

“You don’t have to show it to anyone other than me.”

He shoved his sinewy genitals hard with excitement.

"iced coffee… … !”

“If you want to, haha, I can keep doing it… … I'll make you feel better, so don't do it to other people... …

After that, it was a feast of garbage-like words that I couldn't even put in my mouth.

Lie down, I'll put you back, spread your legs a little bit more, it's a pretty color here, I've never seen it
before, it's like your hair color.

Irina was pierced from behind like a beast while doing her normal position, and later had to hold her
thighs and fold her body completely. I realized that if I repeatedly rub against the erogenous zone, a
strange feeling blooms, and if I cling to a non-genital area with sexual desire, it feels like a genital.
"haha… … .”

After ejaculation, Illenoa grabbed Irina's thigh for a while, preventing her from lowering it. A pussy
glistening with semen and love juice was an area his paranoia had never reached.

He had put down a lot of things about Illenoa while having intercourse, but he was uncomfortable as he
was staring at a part he had never seen properly, so Irina held her face all over and took a deep breath.

Then Ilenoa carefully removed the hand that covered her eyes and started stroking her shoulder and

“… … Ugh, stop it. it's okay."

“… … .”

Irina, realizing that he was trying to play after huh, quickly fell off with a painful sound. Illenoa let go of
her hand without much agitation, but her still eyes were interrogated. Why.

They were close physically, but emotionally, they didn't want to be any more affectionate than this. That
was the answer she wanted to hear.

But now she understood what his eyes were asking, even without a word. What if this isn't
psychologically close?

“You don’t even have to do that.”

Irina added it quite clearly, but her expression was somewhat vague. The truth is, it was difficult to look
at him with a bare mind because he had sex that he felt so dirty.

I thought it would be a dry, one-sided, maybe even violent relationship. He's always calm and seems like
someone who lacks emotion somewhere.
But I didn't know he could have sex with each other this far.

After looking at Ilenoa with a complicated face, she finally asked carefully.

“Illenoa. you… … Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

After the heat had subsided, he had returned to his characteristic cool and noble face. Instead of
answering, Irina tapped and tapped her head with her finger.

At the cute question of whether she is smart, Illenoa grinned.

“Mostly normal.”

“… … Oh yeah. I see. that is great. so be it.”

Irina, who felt more uncomfortable than before hearing the answer, made a depressed face. However,
she immediately shook her head and invited him to leave.

“I’m going to stop. You too, go to your room now.”

“… … .”

Feeling the subtle change in his expression for an instant, she looked at Illenoa a little strangely. So, are
you going to sleep together?

“I can’t sleep with anyone. Well, I have a bad sleeping habit.”

It was an extremely aristocratic habit. However, Irina wasn't that picky, and in fact, it was more like an
expression of her intention to let her be alone.

After sitting quietly for a while, Illenoa nodded and put on the clothes that were lying on the edge of the
bed. But didn't he feel too good?

He, who never forgot a polite greeting, left Irina's room without saying goodbye.

And Irina, who was looking at her back, sighed as the door closed. Along with a sense of relief came
extreme fatigue. It was a physical body, but it felt like a tremendous blow mentally.

And in her gaze came a pillow that was almost used as a weapon several times today. I'm going to put a
stone in that pillow.

She looked at the thick pillow meaningfully, and then started pounding it with her fists.

“Hey, drink… … Such a sibling, alcohol.”

Irina carefully scanned her body as if she had caught a contagious disease. And when he found the
semen that had dried hard on the side of his pubic area, he pulled the tip of his head in pain and struck
the pillow dozens of times with a much stronger force than before.

"What's wrong."

Illenoa came in silently, staring intently at what she was doing.

“… … uh. uh?"

“… … .”

“Since when have you been there? No, but this bastard doesn't always knock... … .”
Irina stuttered in surprise and soon realized that Ilenoa was holding something in her hand.

“But what is it?”

When Irina asked, Illenoa slowly approached Irina's bed. Irina just kept her eyes wide open until he took
hold of her ankle.

As he grabbed Irina's ankle and tried to spread her legs, she covered her center in surprise. She asked,
flexing her legs a little.

“What, what, why all of a sudden?”

What Ilenoa brought with him was a towel soaked in water. Irina shook her head as his hand on the
towel turned toward her crotch, where the semen was entangled.

“No, it’s okay. I have to wash.”

“Aren’t you just going to sleep?”

Irina kept her mouth shut. He was someone who knew Irina more closely than Irina herself. After a
moment's silence, she refused again.

"do not be like this. I don’t want to be treated like this.”

“… … .”

Illenoa paused for a moment at those words. So Irina also felt like she made a mistake and shut her
Sex wasn't meant to be a happy couple. I had no such thoughts before or after I slept. Maybe he knows
that too.

Before he slept, he thought he had done something terribly bad, but now he falls into the irony of being
a much worse person.

However, after thinking for a moment, Illenoa reached out again as soon as she had no intention of
changing her mind.

In the end, Irina slumped and spread her legs, and Illenoa was receiving a hand wiping meticulously
between them. It was very uncomfortable to look at, so Illenoa asked quietly as she stared at the pillow.

“It wasn’t that bad.”

Irina's face became more uncomfortable than before. This intimate conversation after the relationship
was more poisonous to her than the relationship.

“… … Why are you asking something like that?”

“Then didn’t you hate it?”

He came out much more tenacious than expected.

“No, what… … .”

“It’s okay, so just tell me.”

Irina had a troubled expression on her face. I hate to lie, but I had a strange feeling that it was difficult to
be honest.

Do we really need to have such a good sex right now? Why are you asking a question like that?
Irina scratched her cheek.

"what… … We didn’t do it individually, we did it together, so you don’t know either.”

It wasn't bad, Irina, who was disgusted by the situation of trying to compromise with something like this
and acting like a boss, finally answered honestly.

“It was fine. what… … It was good.”

After speaking, Irina looked at him, but he did not say a word and just quietly cleaned her undershirt.
The movement of wiping the inside with her fingers slightly apart was so delicate that it brought out a

And then he came to find Irina's underwear, which was buried in the corner of the bed. It was
embarrassing to see him hanging on his index finger, but he said as he put Irina's leg in his underwear
with a gentle attitude.


When Irina didn't understand for a moment, he lightly touched Irina's ass with his finger.

“… … .”

Irina's taste was perfect for her black lace underwear, which was cute and flashy. However, it was the
size of the palm of a hand and barely covered her pubic hair.

But without Irina's time to feel sorry for her, Illenoa started doing other things.

Illenoa, who was cleaning the blankets, was still expressionless. But at some point, Irina seemed to know
that he was feeling a bit annoyed with the messy bed and the tidy condition of the room, as he was tying
the folds of the duvet.
About the time Irina was perplexed by this, Ilenoa opened her mouth. It was a calm tone.

“I knew you drank a lot today and you may regret it tomorrow. … … Still, I wanted to. And I really liked

Illenoa pulled up the neatly arranged quilt. He said softly as he put the tip of it in her hand. good night.

It was still dark outside the window before dawn. Ilenoa's face was calm as she looked at some papers
and read the newspaper, but the minds of the servants who witnessed the night before were not.

As usual, Illenoa had come down to the dining area and waited for Irina.

“Hey, Illenoa. Miss Irina asked me to tell you that I will not be able to eat today.”

Hans spoke with a very uncomfortable face. However, Illenoa slowly nodded and stood up from her seat
without showing any signs of resentment.

“Put it away.”

The meal was grand, but there was no regret in his voice as he talked about the untouched food.

Illenoa was due to go out today to browse the main shops in the upper part of the capital. But before
leaving the mansion, he saw Irina pruning branches with the gardener in the flower bed.

“Is it okay to cut like this? how is it? Please take a look.”
"miss. … … As I said before, you really have an aesthetic sense. To be honest, I want to be better than an
old man in that regard.”

"a. No. Can you compare yourself to a professional in the first place?”

However, Irina, who was waving her hand, liked it very much, and finally asked honestly.

“But does this tree also like her hair style?”

“… … Are you going to make such strange noises again in the morning?”

The gardener gave him a pint cup, but he smirked without realizing it. Irina, who laughed with her seeing
this, complained with her clumsy scissors.

“Suddenly, I want to do my hair too. Gardener, do you have any daughters? Eastern continent women
apply oil from tree seeds to their hair. Are you curious?”

“What kind of tree is that? It's the first time I've heard of an old man."

“I don’t know either. Actually, it's been a long time since I didn't care about that. … … I'll give you all the
rabbits I cut today. But do you know where the rabbit went?”

Illenoa, who had been quietly listening to the confusing and friendly conversation, moved towards it.


Irina's voice, which had been joking around happily with the appearance of Illenoa, was cut off. Irina and
the gardener who had been talking hahaha shook their head and took a step back.
Illenoa looked at the landscaping shears in Irina's hand and asked.

“Weren’t you resting today?”

Irina looked at Illenoa with a slightly awkward expression on her face. Scratching her ear, she returned a
common-sense answer.

“I can’t do that on my own.”

“You said you wouldn’t eat, so I thought you were in the room.”

“Ah, yes. I just have no appetite.”

“Still, take it. You like to eat.”

"no. When will I eat again? … They seem to like it.”

As Irina faltered in her answer in a very awkward manner, Illenoa stared into her face. As he took a step
closer, Irina backed away embarrassed, but Ilenoa didn't mind and gently grabbed her by the waist.

“Are you all right?”

“… … .”

“You must have a sore back, but just lie down today.”

He simply placed his hand on her pelvis. However, the movement made a very deep impression on many
people. It was because the concentration of skinship had completely changed overnight.

Irina grimaced as she saw the butler and gardener exchange meaningful glances with embarrassment.
“… … Please spread the rumors around the neighborhood.”

He responded smoothly to Irina's ventriloquism.

“The rumor came from Irina yesterday. I was the one who brought the servants back in.”

“… … .”

Irina, who came out after punching the pillow forty-seven times all night at those straight words, kept
her mouth shut.

But she pouted her mouth and pulled her hand away, a little further away from him. Illenoa looked at
her like that for a long time and said.



“Go to my room and rest.”

“… … .”

“Irina’s room, it’s uncomfortable.”

It was felt by everyone that Illenoa wanted to talk, and Irina felt uncomfortable with him.

When people ask the time of the world, everyone will know. A physical relationship is not something
that can only be established through love. There are only a handful of ideal humans who strive to be
only with the person they love.
Even though they had been spending the same night of pleasure, it was also visible to other people that
they looked at each other with different emotions. Unlike Illenoa, who mourned strangely, Irina felt
burdened by her deepened obsession.

And they got to think about Miss Irina again.

You were a bad girl type than I thought.

Their headmaster did quite a lot of garbage as a child in order to survive, to be successful, and to steal a
woman. Still, if I had to classify him, he was pure garbage. It was because Irina had no interest in women
at all.

The reason Schuberg's upper-class master was rumored to have tuberculosis was not only his creepy
tidying wall, but also a blank sex life that never attracted people to his bed.

Irina answered as if giving her a pint glass.

"done. I'm afraid of getting wrinkled by the duvet, so where are you going to use your room?"

He did not deny his shortcomings. instead.

“Irina isn’t going to clean it up, is it?”

“It is. I can't do it that way.”

Irina, who had been scratching her cheek, finally shook her head as Illenoa stared at her despite her joke
and asked for an answer.

"it's okay. I'll do my job and take a break. you also… … You don’t have to worry too much about it.”
“… … .”

Now it seems that the business is over. When Ilenoa did not leave, Irina looked at him hesitantly. are
you not going

Then Ilenoa asked her.

“Are you going to keep doing this?”

“… … Shouldn't it be done now?"

No one really understood what the words had touched Irina. But with a frown on her face, she looked
very upset. Knowing this, Illenoa answered calmly.

“There are many workers in the mansion.”

Why don't you try to make life easier? love is over All that remains on the ashes is the snowballing debt.

But do you still have something you want to prove? If so, what is it? let me know. Irina. tell me a little

Illenoa stared at her intently, as if she wanted to know the answer.

And everyone who watched thought Irina was extremely stubborn.

Live the rest of your life comfortably as a countess. Even if they met for a few years like the government
and parted ways, it seemed that the lover of the top-tier owner would be treated better than the maid
or the debtor.

So what is she ultimately trying to achieve? Is it the liquidation of debt that seems to be a long way off
even if you dedicate your life to it? Then she was an idiot who couldn't count.
Irina did not appear to have a desire to rebuild the family, nor did it appear that she had a desire for
honor. Also, the wealthy men of this age considered it a disgrace to make their women do hard work.

The world is still full of trade-offs, the concentration of wealth, and the imbalance of power. Corrupted
materialism that has begun to fill the void that the class system is crumbling down little by little.

In such a world, there were not many people who could understand their independent values that did
not agree with the times. So, even when they attended the academy, even when a strong wind blew
through the world, they were always problematic people.

"still… … Can't you do it?"

At the difficult question, Illenoa stared at her for a long time. And, unable to meet those golden eyes, he
immediately lowered his eyes.

“You can.”

“… … Yes, thank you. really."

"no. That’s something I’m grateful for.”

He answered as dryly as usual, and an inexplicable silence fell between the two.

And Illenoa felt the waves slowly crashing in her still heart, and the storm was raging. He raised his eyes
and looked at Irina.

"therefore… … Are you at ease now?”

“… … .”
Irina saw something ferocious swirling in her dark blue eyes without stopping. It was the eyes that were
very sad and wanted her to be naked.

He took a step closer and grabbed Irina's thin wrist.

"what's the matter."

Irina, who was perplexed, looked around, but at some point, the people left their seats. Even though
Irina was embarrassed, she carefully removed the hand that was holding her wrist.

“Stop it, Ilenoa.”

“… … .”

“Didn’t you go out to see?”

When Illenoa didn't answer, she hesitated before turning around. And looking at her back, he couldn't
stand it and turned her around and pulled her back.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Breath was as close as last night. And his cold eyes were as hot as last night. His lips approached like a
man who couldn't stand something.

But when Irina closed her eyes tightly and turned her head, he stopped coming down further.

Irina barely opened her eyes, but was unable to do anything and crouched in his arms.
Oddly enough, he didn't get angry. It was only at this moment that he was a little concerned.

Confused, she asked in a whisper.

“… … it's okay? Why are you here?”

“I don’t know either.”

I thought you'd come out like this too, but as I kept drawing lines, suddenly a bitter wind blew inside.

“It’s out there, Ilenoa.”

“Then will you hang out with us somewhere other than outside?”

“… … .”

“Will you please?”

It was he who had the right. But I couldn't figure out why he kept giving her a choice.

It was obvious what he was thinking, looking at his thick, red lips. But when Irina gave her a small nod,
he eventually let her go and fell cautiously. There was still something unsettled on his face, which was
somewhat unstable.

And in the end, he couldn't control his emotions and turned to a face that was very different from his
usual one.

Before walking, he said, standing still.

“I will go. See you at night.”

Irina stood in the garden for a long time, covering her face with both hands.


“Illenoa, you want to receive an advance payment from the top of the Imphenon.”

Illenoa, who was looking through the documents, frowned slightly. He then responded by signing the
front page of the document.

“It has only been a month since the ship left for Sapieno.”

Then Darren said, scratching his head.

“The size of the deal is already outlined.”

“It’s just an outline. Whether all three ships will return, or one of them will never return, we do not
know yet.”

“… … .”

“It's a long voyage, Darren. Even if the crew becomes endemic, it is not certain that they will be able to
fill all the crew there. So it’s too early to judge until things arrive right.”

The mortality rate of sailors was high. Even excluding accidental deaths due to natural disasters, they
often suffered from rare diseases unlike those on land.

Bleeding from the skin for no reason, the skin peeling off, and teeth falling out one by one, leading to
death, were miraculously unique to sailors.
Meanwhile, when Sang-joo talked about an extremely negative future, Darren scratched his head once
more with a troubled face.

“By the way, the top of the impenon seems to want to spit on our things quickly. I'm at war, so I'm
running out of supplies. I'm afraid we're going to lose a big deal if we act too tight."

Illenoa put the pen down on the desk and fell in thought. His eyes were calm, but his head was spinning.

It is clear that the top of the Impenon had already made contact with the Royalists. And it would have
opened the door to the deal. The massive supply of supplies will in itself bring a victorious spirit to the
camp, and it's probably not the top of the Impenon, but the royal party behind them who are rushing to

He understood all of this, and the war was still going in their favor... … .

“If you can't wait there, just find another business partner. If the impenon does not work, you can
release it at a cheap price in the keysen. Prices will fluctuate for a while, but the king of this country will
not be able to hold us back anyway.”

“… … .”

“Make sure to delay paying upfront payments and signing contracts as much as possible.”

I couldn't understand the full meaning of the upper-classism, which doesn't show the insides well.
However, Darren, who had been distributing information and had a lot of dirt on his hands, was a quick-
witted person.

He knew at this moment that Illenoa was conflicting with something.

“… … Illenoa, have you changed your mind?”

Then Illenoa lifted her head and looked at Darren. A muffled voice ran through his mind.
- Illenoa. You can't stop the flow.

After a while he opened his mouth.

“I don’t know yet.”

With an answer that was neither affirmative nor negative, he fell into thought.

Deep in the night when everyone was asleep, Ilenoa and Irina were tangled on a white bed. He grabbed
Irina's cheek and licked her lips as she took a deep breath and eventually buried her head in the pillow,

“Illenoa, please stop.”

“… … no, I do not want?"

He caresses the bottom, huh? whispered. Then my body trembled again with excitement and

“It’s a bit difficult now. and… … You've done enough."


He stopped acting at Irina's words and sat a little further away. Her red hair, wet with sweat, was
clinging all over her forehead and nape of her neck.

He carefully removed the hair and flicked it back.

At some point, the two had a relationship not in Irina's room, but in Ilenoa's room.

Irina was reluctant to sleep with Illenoa, but she didn't hate it enough to risk the hassle of having to go

So, in the evening, Illenoa held her by the wrist and led her to her room. The superficial reason was that
it was a little wider and more comfortable.

After brushing her hair several times and looking at her face, Illenoa grabbed Irina's hair and grabbed a
handful of her hair.

I don't know why, but Illenoa braided her hair very well. To be honest, it took better shape than Irina's
nanny used to touch when she was young. In fact, Illenoa herself always wears monotonous black

Out of curiosity, I asked where he learned it, but he didn't answer as usual, only smiling.

But it was night, it was on the bed, and it was a waste of talent.

I couldn't figure out why he was doing this, but he was weird for a day or two? Irina just let Ilenoa play
with her hair.

Instead, she slowly closed her eyes because of the drowsiness of the love affair. Then Illenoa asked with
a soft laugh.

“Are you sleepy already?”

“… … Do you know how much work I have done today?”

His lips landed on her cheek and hovered around her lips. He whispered as he patted his white skinned
“Sleep first. I'll clean you up in a little while."

It was still dark when Irina, who had been sleeping without knowing the world, started to fidget. I
thought it was time to get up for a moment, but I could hear the faint sound of birds singing only at
night outside the window, so I could tell the time of day.

Irina carefully released her obsessive arms that were holding her, and sat up. He bowed his head and
looked all over his body, but his skin was only dry as if he had wiped it cleanly. Even the sheets looked
like new.

“… … He is very meticulous.”

Irina muttered while looking at the pretty face of the sleeping Illenoa.

As she sat down on the bed and looked around, she slowly leaned back again. It was a place farther
away from Illenoa than before.

She tried not to snatch his blanket, and then fell asleep, barely covering the ends. However, after a long
time passed, as if sleep did not come, he finally sighed and got out of bed.

Illenoa, who had been awake for a long time, opened her eyes only after hearing the sound of a creaking

He listened quietly to the sound of her footsteps getting farther away. Irina, who woke up from a sigh,
went back to her room, and could tell without having to check it with her own two eyes.

“… … .”

But is it because only disturbing things have always happened in his nights?
For a moment, Illenoa was gripped by a strange uneasiness that could not be understood rationally.
Even though she knew well that she wasn't that sophisticated and that there were always guards of the
mansion outside the building, his nerves became very sensitive at this moment.

And at the sound of footsteps outside the window and a familiar voice muttering to himself, he finally
got up from the bed with a smirk.

Irina was roaming the garden in light clothes that could only be worn in bed.

If Marquis Nodiac were alive, she would have been hit hard in the back, but she was a sloppy and free-
spirited woman, but conversely, when she was dressed like this, the number of people who could
approach her were limited. She always thought that way.

Irina wandered around the moonlit garden, waving the hem of her clothes, not realizing that Illenoa had
followed her.

As I tapped and touched the slender stem, the night dew rolled down from the petals. Go to the tree
you pruned a few days ago, and do you really like it? He asked with a serious face and smiled.

When I found the bug, I almost screamed in surprise, but after taking a breath, I apologized.

"It's not that you're ugly. It's just that my aesthetics aren't artistic enough to understand your

She laughed out loud, and seemed to have fun.

But after a while, Illenoa watched the loneliness pass over her face as she sat down on the flower bed
and gazed at the moon. Her white face, golden eyes, red hair, and arrogant features looked like a fairy
straight out of a fairy tale, but her expression showed human suffering and life's hardships.

“… … .”
After breaking up with her lover, Irina sometimes suffered from intense emotions. She was a cheerful
person who quickly forgets bad things and shakes off gloomy thoughts, but breaking up was stressful for
her as well.

As for what kind of person Irina was originally, she could not hate that person for a long time, even if she
was momentarily angry with someone. I didn't want to blame others. It wasn't her preference, and she
didn't think that an accident like that could change the situation.

Nevertheless, Irina very occasionally hated and disappointed Ludwig and resented Illenoa. On some
days, I made up my mind that I would definitely pay off all of this debt, and on other days I felt that
money was too dirty.

I felt disillusionment and emptiness in the world.

Suffering from such complex emotions, my whole face and top of my head heat up, and I've been
choking on my breath, wondering if I'm getting sick.

An unfamiliar feeling drove her down to hell, but Irina was always trying to shake off those negative

Shaking her head, she straightened her shoulders and tilted her head back. And while looking at the
constellations that embroidered the night sky, he said again and again. It was Dairy's sentence.

- 'No one can harm you without your permission. So we must always never stop being masters.'

- 'Be active, awake, always alive. Don't waste your precious time worrying that it won't be the way. Do
not tremble and walk Only positive thoughts at this moment will save your night.'

The roaring voice was the same as usual, but countless emotions passed through her face. loneliness,
anger, anguish.
Even the bright girl now had the negative emotions that humans exuded from life. But in the end, she
wanted to be strong. It seems that there are still beautiful things left in the world.

Illenoa was silently listening to the Ilse language echoing in her voice. It was a language that was
practically useless to him, but a language that only the two of them could share in this mansion.

He was the one who contributed to that loneliness and suffering. a lot. But at the same time, he was
also someone who could understand everything she said.

So he couldn't approach him for a while and just stood there.

It was Irina, on the other hand, who found and called such Ilenoa.


As if puzzled, she tilted her head slightly, and Ilenoa moved towards her as if drawn to it.

“Why are you here?”

After a moment of silence, he answered.

“You are not by my side.”

And I'm afraid there won't be any in the future. But he added bluntly.

“I thought you had gone too far.”

It wasn't a joke, but maybe I understood it as a joke? Or did you just want to pass it on like a joke? Irina
smiled at him as if it was funny.
“Where are you going? I don't have the money for that, Illenoa. I was just bored, so I came out to get
some air.”

Listening quietly, he grabbed Irina's hand and lifted her up from the flower bed.

I wanted you to get angry rather than jokes like this or a nice face. I didn't want to be forgiven and
shaken off in this way. So, I wanted to see a face that looked like it was about to break. I wanted to be a
trash can for her emotions.

He said, stroking her bare arms.

“You mean this late at night? Wasn't the weather too cold to breathe?"

“… … .”

“Why isn’t Irina so cold?”

“… … Ummm, okay?”

Irina rolled her eyes and tilted her head as if wondering about it too. Illenoa, who was looking at her
face, carefully pulled her back. And hugged her weak and strong body tightly.

I still couldn't understand him, who sometimes acted like someone who was driven into a situation more
desperate than he was. But after a while, Irina put her hand on his back.

Chapter 6. Wonderful New World

Illenoa had finished eating and was drinking tea in a leisurely manner. But as he savored the tea, he
glanced at Irina little by little.
Unlike the headmaster, he looked a little tired, but the servants were looking at Irina as well.

Without making a sound, Illenoa gently pushed the lettuce salad and fruit plate toward Irina.

A couple of times it went as a favor, but every time this happened, Irina put down her fork with a slightly
irritated face. The plate in front of her was loaded with meat that had not yet been slaughtered.

“I don’t want to be interfered with by a reporter like you.”

Then Ilenoa answered calmly.

“I just enjoy food a little less than Irina. I am not a picky eater like you.”

Then Irina looked at her with a really weird face, as if asking what it was. He looked okay.

“If there are people who enjoy eating in itself, there are people who are just surviving.”

“I find that strange. What are you doing for fun?”

Ilenoa didn't answer. However, Irina knew the answer because he was looking at her with a puzzled look
and avoided her gaze.

He grinned and put the fork in Irina's hand again.

“When the human body is put into a sensitive situation, it reacts much more delicately than you might
think. I don't know what nutritionists are researching these days to make money off of my donations,
but I'll agree with my guess that they shouldn't eat like you do. Eating a variety of foods in moderation is
the only study they've put out to the world in nearly a decade.”

It was a story that was so cynical that it discouraged the listener from refusing it.
Irina nodded her head with a sullen face and eventually took a few bites of the salad. And with a slight
frown, he raised a final objection appealing to emotions.

“Too bitter. Illinois.”

"Is that so."

He answered in a much milder tone than he did when he scolded the scholars. However, it didn't seem
like he was really listening to Irina's grievances.

“I feel so sorry for the rabbit who has to eat this every day. I’m so sorry I’m going to die.”

Illenoa didn't change her expression, but stopped her nonsense with a cynical joke.

“Is that so? Have you heard of the rabbit?”

“… … .”

As Irina shoved the grass into her mouth with a very dark face, she turned her head slightly and covered
her mouth with the teacup.

When he put down the teacup, the corners of his mouth, which had been torn with laughter, had
cleared up as usual. However, there was a slight smile in her eyes.

When Irina finished eating and started wiping her lips with a napkin, Ilenoa proposed.


“Would you like to go out with me today?”

“… … Are you not working?”

Illenoa nodded her head.

“I’m going to go see the investment places and shops at the top, and I think you’ll enjoy it.”

Even though Irina was very hesitant, in fact, anyone in the room could tell that she wanted to go. He was
an honest person who couldn't hide his original expression well.

Illenoa asked Irina again.

“Irina. Please give me some time. Unless this is too much of a hassle for your day.”

Irina was embarrassed and nodded her head slightly.

That's where Schuberg's top is investing.

I expected it to be a very interesting spectacle, but Irina was disappointed when she entered. There
were only fabrics where Ilenoa showed them.

Of course, Irina also liked pretty clothes, and also liked to see the fabric itself.

However, Irina, who grew up in a wealthy family, recognized it at a glance. There wasn't a single good
piece of fabric that was worth the price. How did you collect all the poor quality things like this?
Illenoa walked past Irina and walked somewhere. Forgetting that little disappointment, Irina, who was
quickly following Illenoa with excitement, saw a machine with a strange handle like a wheel and asked.

"What's this?"

“It’s called a sewing machine.”

“… … .”

Irina was very impressed by the unkind explanation, and then imitated Ilenoa's tone.

“Illenoa, what is a sewing machine? Aren't you going to explain?"

Then Ilenoa turned her head, half covering her face with one hand.

He, who doesn't laugh out loud, looked difficult this time. So Irina made a heartbroken face.

He just smiles when he wants to laugh, why does he do that sometimes?

Irina was puzzled about it and was actually most dissatisfied with it, but she didn't say anything about it.
Because if you ask me, I don't think I'll be smiling that much in the future.

Illenoa, who narrowed her brow and pushed away the energy of laughter, explained to her.

“It’s a machine that sews instead of people. Of course, this cannot be done without human hands.”

“Are you sewing with this?”

"Yes. It's not yet complete, but it's faster than a human's hand in its current state. It was published in an
academic journal not long ago, so I asked the person who invented it and brought it to the top. He was
also able to make a good deal with each other when his life was in danger.”

Then Irina opened her eyes and asked.

“Why is your life at risk? Where are you in a lot of pain?”

Then Ilenoa raised an eyebrow and smiled. It was a different kind of cynicism than before, but the eyes
that looked at Irina were as if they were looking at an innocent child.

“I think the seamstresses were worried that this would make their livelihood difficult. They said he set
his house on fire.”

“… … .”

Irina made a somber face. Because I immediately realized that this is a very sensitive issue.

“Are you uncomfortable with this topic?”

When Irina was speechless about the story of arson and life coming and going, Ilenoa asked calmly. As
Irina quietly shook her head, Illenoa nodded and continued.

“This is also a human task, so if the seamstresses learn how to handle the sewing machine, there will be
no difficulties. And I think that seamstresses are the people who can handle machines most sensibly. But
I don't think there will be any way to stop the price of clothing going down in the future.”

"Huh… … I really do.”

“And even if they get really hard, I don't really want to do it.”
He casually threw a garbage-like sound and looked at Irina. His attitude, which was usually considered
very crooked and bad, was not particularly unnatural when he thought he was a top-notch owner.

However, Irina nodded her head and looked at Ilenoa with a frown. It was an incomprehensible face.

“So what do you want to do?”

Illenoa nodded her head. He answered without hesitation.

“We are standardizing the body types of taller people who are most commonly seen on the streets. I
want to pre-make clothes in bulk, then spray them all at once and sell them. Clothes that people can buy
at a low price without having to wait for production.”

“… … .”

Irina was about to say something but shut her mouth. He said looking at Irina like that.

“I am not a sophisticated person like Irina. So, to be honest, I'm still not quite sure if this will convince

“… … .”

Irina and all the nobles of Kissen spent the days wearing only expensive fabrics and clothes made by
famous designers. Until now.

So, even for Irina, the concept of ready-to-wear did not fit her emotions well. There is only a qualitative
difference, but in fact, the common people were the same in making clothes.

Irina looked at the low-quality fabrics that were rolling inside. But for a moment, she seemed to know
what the future Illenoa envisioned.
Cotton is said to be plentiful in the southern continent. The loom and spinning machine invented by
Imphenon three years ago. And a sewing machine that caught his eye by chance. The numerous shops,
distribution channels, and people that Schuberg Upper has.

It was as if a world was being drawn in front of me. He was trading expensive luxury goods for the
wealthy of this country, but he was trying to lower the unit price by somehow making a large-scale trade
with the market.

But why is the world so cold? Why is the world you are talking about so scary? Is this really going to
happen? But you... … Are you really okay?

Irina was unable to speak for a moment and bowed her head. After thinking for a moment, she opened
her mouth.

“You won’t succeed, Illenoa.”

But Ilenoa nodded.

“I want to hear why.”

When asked for opinions, Irina had a serious face. Irina was hesitant but continued to speak for him who
was waiting.

“People are so… … I don't want to be like everyone else. It's special, it looks different... … My words may
sound childish, but everybody wants to look good. It’s strange, but that’s how ignorantly supported the
social world and class system in this country until now.”

Aspirations to superficially show off their position even in the smallest detail.

Irina, who had unintentionally talked too deeply, frowned and lowered her head. But despite hearing
the most negative comments, Illenoa looked at her with a blank look.
He strongly sympathized with Irina's opinion. That was the only thing he was worried about in this

Irina had such a thought based on her empathy for people, but Illenoa was drawing such a conclusion
through observations on humans.

He didn't really think this would necessarily work. But he judged by the skills and experience he had.
From a simple mechanical point of view, such an era will someday... … come. Then, the most important
thing in this turbulent time is to take the lead.

And Irina, who had her head bowed, suddenly spoke.

“Even if you standardize your body shape, it won’t be just one. Especially women's clothes. You don't
know, but the lines are important for women's clothes. It will cost a lot, but it's better to divide it into
three or four pieces. this is really I mean sincere. Or would it really be like a sack of sacks? Then no one
really will wear it. I can't even handle that, you idiot."

“… … Yes."

“Start with work clothes. There are some clothes that people who work in the mines wear even if they
get dirty. Like pajamas or winter coats where size doesn’t really matter.”

“… … .”

Illenoa let out a frantic speech and looked back at her, who was in trouble again. Irina thought seriously
for a long time, then hesitantly said.

“It’s my opinion, but Kissen is definitely going to change. I don't wear court dresses with a slim waist and
full bottom like before. That's because the royal family can't lead the trend because of taste, right? The
truth is, even now, people are wearing plain white dresses that are not inflated. Then it will definitely
help your business as well.”

Illenoa looked at Irina like that for a long time. Then, unconsciously, he turned his head and smiled.
Irina, who was pouting her lips not knowing why Illenoa was smiling, quickly showed interest in the
sewing machine.

“How are you doing this? Are you turning the handle?”

Then Illenoa walked up to her and gave her a demonstration. Irina's mouth quickly escaped with
exclamation. The needle moved vertically, and as Illenoa pushed the fabric little by little, closely spaced
stitches were left where the needle passed.

But Irina, who was looking at the scene with great interest, suddenly made a strange face.

She crouched and grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. Illenoa looked at Irina with a puzzled

“Hey, I think I’m going to get hurt.”

“Is it possible? It is not such a dangerous machine.”


“Are you worried about me?”

"Huh. The needle moves too frighteningly.”

“… … I don't get hurt in any way."

I'm not hurt. I know how many terrible scars you have on your body.

When Irina made a blunt face, Illenoa smiled.

“It really is. Unless you're deliberately trying to get hurt."

“… … Yes, if this was a finger that would get hurt in this way, I think the past me would be very unfair.”

Irina sighed deeply and shook her head. Illenoa, who had a hard time understanding what she meant,
looked at her for a long time.

One of Kissen's best top owners had a busy day. It was because he had so many things, and there were
so many places to look around and things to take care of.

The next place Illinoa and Irina visited was the capital city's Kisana Street.

“Since the Marquis’ House was nearby, you must have visited here often.”

“Yeah, I’ve been there a lot. But it has changed a bit.”

Stores closed and reopened repeatedly.

With the development of maritime trade, the fashion and the goods handled in the market changed
rapidly, and it was common for shops that could not keep up with the fashion to go out of business. And
it was none other than the stores at the top of Schuberg that began to fill the void at a frightening rate.

“Probably so. Thirty percent of the shop buildings on this street are already owned by the top. “About
half of us are dealing with even very little of our stuff.”

"I see."
His success has never been more exaggerated than it has been, no matter how often he hears it.
However, the place where Irina's eyes went crazy as she looked around the street with a curious face
was not the shop owned by the upper Schuberg, but a very old dressing room.

After the end of the era of the feudal aristocracy, the dressing room, which had only presented splendid
forms of attire, suffered major ups and downs in its management. However, in the world, there were
also craftsmanship that transcended time and fashion.

The dressing room, which Irina particularly liked, was still firmly in place, and she was somewhat pleased
with that fact.

Meanwhile, Illenoa asked as Irina smiled brightly as she looked at the dressing room she had set aside
from numerous shops.

“Do you want to make clothes there?”

Irina, who found the question interesting, asked with a slightly calm expression.

"Why. Will you buy me?”

Illenoa glanced at her as if to gauge her intentions, but then quietly nodded. But Irina chuckled and
laughed at what was funny.

“Are you allowed to sell other store items?”

I don't know where the joke started, so Illenoa kept her mouth shut, and Irina shook her head with a
smile on her face.

“So I didn’t see it. That's where I used to go when I was a kid. It was nice to see you.”

“Is that so?”

"Huh. And no more clothes. If you are as beautiful as I am, you can lead the trend no matter what you
wear! Unless it’s at the level of a sack bag.”

She said it as a joke, but Illenoa, the world's most sarcastic and cynical, nodded her head as if in
agreement, so she scratched her head in embarrassment.

Illenoa and Irina came to Cheyenne Harbor, where the upper headquarters was located, and were
looking at the sea. Illenoa took off his black cloak and the two laid them down and sat next to each

A ship was just entering the port. The shape of the ship was not that of Kissen, it was like a foreign
merchant ship. And from the anchored ship, the sailors came out on stretchers.

“… … .”

Their gossip was terrible. Not only were their skin peeling like an infectious disease patient, but they
were also showing signs of blue bruising and bleeding.

When Irina couldn't keep her mouth shut, Ilenoa calmly spoke to her.

“It’s a symptom of sailors.”

“… … Only for sailors?”

"Yes. Sailors think of it as a curse on the people of the sea. They are very sensitive to such superstitions.”

As Irina tried to nod her head, she felt a subtle sense of incongruity in his words. she asked, staring at
“You think you don’t.”

Illenoa smiled brightly.

He trusted scientific thinking and despised irrational superstitions. To some extent, it was the same for
Irina as well.

As the few academy graduates in Kissen, they were not well persuaded by fairy tales and ghost stories.

“There can be no such thing, is there?”

"is it."

“It’s just an undiscovered area.”

Irina sympathized with his words, but twisted her red hair with her fingers.

Just a hundred years ago, how many people in Kisen who looked ominously with red hair like this
existed. I heard that even her maternal grandmother, who was of high rank, was reluctant to go out with
her hair exposed.

When Irina first learned that her hair color had such a ridiculous history, Irina was still a child, and she
cried in her seat. Because I couldn't control my natural hair.

Illenoa nodded as if she knew what the grown-up Irina was trying to say.

“Your hair color suits you very well.”

“… … okay?"
"Yes. It’s pretty.”

“Ugh, huh. I like this color too... … I like you."

As Irina began to braid her hair with both hands now, Ilenoa stared intently at what she was doing.

A time when humans were more savage. She was framed as a witch who entices others, but if you look
closely, it's all about her red hair.

“It is said that long hair has been used as a material to symbolize sexual desire in literature for a long
time. Among them, red hair was treated that way only because it was rare and, in fact, very attractive to
their own eyes. So, instead of blaming the innocent hair, they just need to be honest and admit that
their ideas are trash.”

“… … .”

Irina forgot what to say for a moment. She opened her mouth a few times and then looked at Irina with
her head down, and when he looked at me curiously, she tapped the sand and said:

“I feel bad because I talk so well with you.”

Illenoa laughed silently at those words.

Before arriving at the port, they strolled through the streets of Kissana, browsing some of the shops.

Illenoa, the real owner of the store, didn't say much. Sometimes I just stare at the annoying points.

On the other hand, Irina talked a lot, and although the opinions were very straightforward, there were
quite a lot of valid things as she listened.

- In this weather, this feeling of the season is too much for you to think about.
- If you put a brooch made of white opal on a white garment, how good does it have to be to see?

- I'm so sad. I feel so sad right now because the color of the exterior wall is old.

Illenoa looked at her quietly, then brought up a story she had been thinking about for days.



“If you ever want to work at the top… … Are you there?”

Perhaps it was unexpected, Irina opened her eyes and looked at Ilenoa with a somewhat confused

“I have no other intentions. If you don't like it, you can do it."

Irina looked at her with a more puzzled expression, and Ilenoa added.

“I don’t want to talk like this in front of you, but… … From a financial standpoint, it would be much

“… … okay?"

Irina had never thought of such a thing before. I have no experience selling things, and I am not really
good at speaking skills.

But, as always, I never thought that I couldn't do it. The moment she heard the salary level, it was
already an attractive offer that she could not refuse.
But at this moment, what Irina was really curious about.

“But why are you introducing me to such a job now?”

When she asked a sharp question, Illenoa lowered her eyes for a moment. The long eyelashes cast
shadows on the face.

The shadow made him look like a handsome handsome man with a deep sense of humor, but in fact,
how cold and distorted his heart is now.

Then he raised his gaze and spoke in a rather cynical tone.

“Don’t nobles look down on business?”

Indeed it was. Many nobles have fallen and some have maintained their positions, but they tend to
leave the present and cling to the glory of the past. It was characteristic of blue bloods to show a
strangely double attitude toward commerce and industry and banking.

But Irina frowned as if this was some kind of bullshit.

“… … He's doing well, but why is he suddenly talking about old stuff?"

But the truth is, Illenoa didn't want to say that. Illenoa, who looked down at Irina's red hair, warned.

“Outside the Count, there must be a lot of human fugitives eager to laugh at you somehow.”

So when you get ridiculed and insulted again like you did when you went out to get money from people,
I'm not confident I'll let them live happily ever after. Why didn't you come to me right away? You
shouldn't be living like that.
“What the hell is he talking about? … … Illenoa. You are a merchant too.”

“I don’t mind, but you might not be.”

Then Irina smiled with a really absurd face.

Normally, she would be furious with her hasty personality, but now Irina knows it empirically. There
were times when Illenoa acted viciously, and there were times when she was really rude and mean, but
she didn't ignore her.

So she was able to tell without getting excited.

“Where is that? I'm fine too."

“… … .”

“I can do it, Illenoa.”

“… … .”

“Everything you can do, I can do.”

Then Ilenoa didn't say anything. As the expressionless face shut his mouth, he couldn't really tell what
he was thinking.

But after a while, he nodded slightly. And answered Irina in a quiet voice. Yes, I know.

Irina, who was scratching her cheek a little, glanced at Illenoa's eyes and asked.

“But don’t you hate me paying you back?”

“Did I?”

“Yeah, I… … I honestly thought so.”

He avoided a direct answer in an ambiguous tone that was neither positive nor negative, but Irina's
words were true.

When she repays any money and is excited, how nervous he was, saying that she wanted to get away
from him. With respectful language, he shoved documents and rights, shackled her with a mean shackle,
and used it as a shield for himself.

He was no longer the powerless, uncontrollable boy he used to be. I was able to realize my desires and
impulses in a more elegant way than anyone else.

However, the anxiety was worse than before, and even after he had had enough of a man named Irina,
he was still yearning for it.

I still hope for this moment. May she be in a safe prison.

Rather than saying ten words to another, I wish you to live a day in which you say one word to yourself.

To achieve perfect possessions rather than imperfect love, to live unhappily by your side rather than
happy away from you.

Now, if you ask me if I want to be a good person, it's not like that.

Still, it's unusual for him to act like this.

That night. You said you went outside because you were frustrated. You, looking at the night sky with
your shining eyes, wished for something so simple and grand.
Like you said, I want you to walk without trembling.

Illenoa looked at Irina with a lot of emotion in her eyes than usual. He said softly to Irina.

“Don't ask me why. Because I don’t know either.”

"What is it."

“Aren’t you a more capricious person than me anyway? Just think so.”

Saying things that didn't make sense, Illenoa threw her eyes at the deep sea. He picked up a pebble.
Then, indifferently, he threw it into the black sea that resembled him. Then, the small ripples on the
surface of the water spread out in a circular circle.

Illenoa sometimes acted horribly in bed. In fact, after the first love affair, he began to behave more and
more like a beast, and he did not try to hide his dark desires anymore.

Irina, who had been lying on all fours at the movement of being kicked up from behind, eventually fell
down as if she was collapsing forward.

It was already a few times. I tried to be annoyed and comforted by telling him to be a little gentle, but
that was the only time. Behind him, which had been quiet for a while, continued to hear a crackling

Irina somehow stretched her forearms and tried to stand up the collapsed body, but this time she gently
pressed her shoulders down. Her body, already weakened, collapsed so easily.

“You can just be comfortable.”

“Illenoa… … It's hard now... … .”

“… … I'll be holding you, so just lift your ass a little bit again. Huh?"

“… … .”

“I’ll give you a rest soon. Only this time.”

As Irina finally buried her face in the pillow and lifted her hips high, Illenoa stared at the sensational
figure for quite some time.

Irina shivered a little, feeling a chill as he licked her sore back.

"iced coffee… … .”

Contrary to the gentle enticement, the entry was rough. In the end, Irina was pushed forward little by
little with the pillow she embraced.

Each time, Ilenoa grabbed her pelvis and stubbornly dragged her towards her. And the popping,
popping, thumping sound continued persistently.

As he ejaculated and laid her body on her back, he wanted a kiss, and Irina turned her head slightly.

And the moment of eruption seems to have passed long ago, but Illenoa didn't want to fall, so Irina had
to keep her tongue intertwined in an uncomfortable position.

Raise your buttocks, grabbing him by the waist. The bottom is still connected to him and he only turns
his head slightly.
The saliva that flowed down the corners of his mouth with the sound of uh, uh, finally wetted the

"ha… … .”

Where the hell did he learn to have such naughty sex? She felt like she was being beaten all over her
body, and she also wanted to make a sound of pain in the rustling feeling.

Irina finally put her hand on his body and pushed him away, and Illenoa cautiously pulled out of her.

He took a deep breath and asked in a calm tone.

"it's okay?"

Irina, who had not yet cleared her breath, did not answer and only nodded her head a few times. Then
Ilenoa wiped the saliva from her mouth with her finger. It was a shimmering black thing.

Illenoa, barely clothed, disappeared for a moment, then returned with several wet towels. Wiping and
organizing her sensitive areas was part of sex for Illenoa, and seemed to be a set procedure.

“… … .”

No matter how much we saw or didn't see, it wasn't too difficult for someone to clean the middle. But
Irina, who is tired of the raging sex, washes and sleeps like Illenoa, let him do it again this time.

But when he suddenly turned over, Irina immediately looked at Ilenoa with a puzzled expression. Illenoa
apologized by placing a cold towel on her cheeky ass.

“It is very red. sorry."

“… … .”
“I guess I grabbed it too hard. I also got some grandchildren.”

It wasn't a problem to hold it a little tight in my hand. When and what are you belatedly apologizing for
when people push you from behind so you can't even focus?

Irina, who was a little awkward in this situation, shook her head and tried to remove the towel.

“Okay, what are you doing?”

Then Ilenoa grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

“Leave it. What do you do when it swells?”

But even while saying that, Illenoa remembered Irina's embarrassment.

How great would it be if you could not sit down because your lower back hurts, and you whine and hang
from my neck. If you ask me to hug you

He looked at Irina with dark eyes and opened his mouth.

“Hold your butt and say it hurts. … … Try fighting.”

“… … .”

It was a start again.

The lewd, animalistic position sometimes puzzled Irina, but it was the promiscuous and filthy words he
used on the bed that really puzzled her.
Can you lick me if it hurts too much? Sorry for being rough. But actually, I still want to hit you.

Unable to hear, Irina grabbed the hem of his robe and waved him to stop.

“Why is that, really. You are so weird.”

“How is it strange? Please tell me.”

“… … .”

“But why is your face red?”

Irina was about to throw the pillow, but as Illenoa was waiting, her heart weakened a bit, and she put it
down. Illenoa bowed her back with the back of her hand holding the pillow.

But as he kissed the back of his hand, he was smiling a little.

Is it because he's an immature man that he can't be kind to the girl he likes, and bullies him once in a
while, or is it because he's born with a bad temper?

Eventually he removed the towel and gently stroked the cheeks of the still published. The touch seemed
to apologize at first glance, but at the same time it was also taunting. Kind but sadistic like his sex.

And his white finger eventually slipped into the middle, unable to hide the bad intentions of his master.
Irina flinched as she held her thumb and forefinger together as if her genitals were split in the middle.

really… … Why are you doing this again?

Irina turned her head to stare at her, but her finger touched Irina's pussy several more times. Then the
entrance, which had been stimulated for a long time earlier, trembled and flinched.
Well wiped pussy was dry. But now, this hand that leads to pleasure is so familiar and comfortable that
it may pour out love liquid at any moment.

Irina rolled her thighs and turned forward.

"stop it. Are you really going to do it all night, you idiot?”

"still… … You liked it too.”

“… … .”

“You wet the blanket so much today.”

He said, staring at the still-soggy bed.

With such a pretty face and such a fresh tone of voice, you can say those kinds of things.

Irina couldn't even beat Illenoa, so she got up straight away and opened a few pillows with her fists. You
bastard, you bastard.

she asked, raising her eyes.

“It’s all in my head, you pervert.”

“I’m sorry for you, but… … Coincidentally, it is.”

“… … .”
Then, feeling a little burdened, Irina shut her mouth. He looked at it and smiled, turning his face slightly.

If you bother more here, fists will fly to you instead of the pillow next time.

It didn't really matter how many shots Irina got. However, seeing this, it seems like they are really mixing
bodies again, so Ilenoa put a sheet over her body as if blocking her view.

Irina pulled the sheet up to her chin and protruded her mouth. Illenoa lay down, lying next to her, about
two spans away.

As he combed his hair with his fingers, said Irina, who was resting her hair in her hand.

“… … No other people?”

“What do you mean?”

The answer, which removed the energy of sexual desire, was polite and gracious as usual. After being
silent for a moment, Irina sighed.

“Other people know that the level of vocabulary you speak in bed is at this level.”

Irina's words were half joking and half serious. And Ilenoa, who continued to fiddle with her hair,
answered calmly.

“You were the only woman I had. No one else knows what I say in bed.”

“… … .”

At those words, Irina seemed to feel even more emotionally burdened than before. Seeing that
uncomfortable face, Illenoa laughed bitterly.
Why. Do you want to keep your distance again?

“Still, you met some other people, didn’t you? … … After graduating, I would have had many

At those words, Ilenoa's white fingertips, who had been stroking Irina's hair as if to shape it, stopped for
a moment.

Illenoa didn't say anything and just looked at Irina, but Irina could feel what he wanted to say again this

She quickly averted her gaze and muttered.

“I didn’t know it was true. I think I'm good at it.”

“You can’t lie about where you grew up and where you came from.”

“… … .”

His response was rude. This kind of sarcastic tone is what he used often in the first place. His cynicism
was often directed toward the world and others, but more often than that, it was toward himself and his

And although Illenoa herself had never really thought about it, it was a habit from his very childhood.
Formed to defend yourself from those who point your finger at you.

When a boy with no power showed that he was attacking himself before attacking others, he was often
indifferent from people's sullen malice.

There were times when Irina felt sorry for Illenoa when she brought up her past in that way, and there
were times when Irina said that she was originally that kind of girl.
But this time, strangely enough, I felt a little unwell. She said, licking her lips several times.

“Illenoa. I didn't mean to say that to you with bad intentions."

Then Illenoa paused a little more than before. He lifted his fingers from her hair and looked into her

Irina couldn't figure out why she felt this way, but neither did Illenoa readily understand why Irina was
like this. Because no one was angry when he said this.

he said after a while.

“I didn't mean it with any bad intentions. And I really don't mind being raised there.”

However, Irina's face darkened even more than before. Realizing that her words did not go as she
intended, Illenoa simply apologized quietly.

“I’m sorry if you made me feel bad.”

“… … .”

“I don’t want to offend you.”

Irina shook her head.

“It’s not unpleasant. I didn't mean to bring you down."

Illenoa's face turned a little odd at those words. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Irina and
smiled bitterly.
“You never did that to me. Are you not judging yourself too much?”

“… … .”

“Honestly, I think you need to be a little more calculating and be mean to people. People like you can't
really hate others, and they only get angry on the outside. Such people are easy to target. But people
with really bad quality laugh outwardly, and even if they have a good relationship, they think about
going back and taking advantage of people or burying them.”

When Illenoa advises Hogu, a righteous man from a wealthy family, about the life of the dark alley,
Irina's face became very serious.

Illenoa waited patiently for her words, but the accident spun into a strange place. Said Irina, who had
rolled half a turn in bed.

“Hey, can I do business like this?”

Illenoa did not respond to the absurd remark. She was bold and seemed innocent, but in fact, she had a
face that was deeply troubled by whether she was concerned about the future.

And he smiled as he remembered what Irina had said a few days earlier. A strong energy that will not be
defeated by bad luck and malice. that you can


“Yeah, I was thinking… … .”

As Irina spoke while she was eating and drinking, Illenoa immediately put down her fork and knife.

“Say it.”
Irina spit out the main point without going far.

“Why don’t I learn to work at the general store on Kisana Street? The place we went to a few days ago.”

“… … .”

Ilenoa was speechless. He wiped his mouth with a napkin as if he didn't want to eat any more and laid it
down. But Irina was still holding her fork and knife while waiting for Illenoa's reply.

Looking at the eyes that seemed to be nervous and, on the other hand, seemed to be pounding, Illenoa

Last night, it was a bit strange to use the word business, but I did not know that you were thinking of a
literal business. This is because he actually intended to ask Irina to work at the headquarters rather than
run the store.

The jobs Illenoa had in mind were contracting, interpreting, and accounting. Of course, there are still
many people who are doing that job. However, the top was constantly growing in size, and Irina was a
high-level man who was fluent in foreign languages and capable of mathematical thinking.

Naturally, people thought the governor would be against it. And as expected, Illenoa calmly explained
the problem to Irina.

“The location is not very good there. There is a lot of bad inventory, and sales are mediocre. In many
ways, the top is not a place that is important right now.”

Having said that, Irina kept her mouth shut. The eyes looking at Ilenoa did not seem to agree.

I'm not confident I can beat you with words, but I still want to.

It was the eyes that revealed what he was thinking.

And contrary to the expectations of many who were watching, Ilenoa said.

“But I won’t stop.”

“… … .”

From the moment Irina asked if she wanted to work at the top, he may have guessed that this would
happen. Irina was sometimes unspeakably improvised, and at other times she had a tendency to be
reckless enough to appear like someone who jumped into a pit of fire.

The reason I visited the store was not because Illenoa was thinking about disposing of it.

However, if she had thought like others and pursued safety, she would not have left such a deep mark.

“I don't know what you're thinking. If you still want to do it, do it. Instead, I would like to ask you one

“… … What?"

“Always take care of yourself. Even if you think it's a bit unfair, buy yourself in a dangerous situation
first. No matter how cowardly it is, sometimes... … Even if it feels dishonorable.”

Irina put down all the dishes she was holding like Illenoa.

“… … .”

She thought she had no idea what was so serious. And it's impossible to say with certainty because I'm
not the type to think and act that deeply in the first place.
However, Irina felt that Ilenoa, who had been sensitive and suffocating, had taken a step back for a

He was putting up with something inside him. Sometimes he doesn't like it, so he constantly struggles
behind his expressionless face.

She nodded quietly.

The two moved together in the wagon of the Schuberg family. Illenoa was supposed to drop Irina down
on Kisana Street and then head to the upper headquarters.

Irina wanted to ride a horse, but this was also her way to work, and Darren's cautious advice was that
it's not a good idea to stand out so much in the capital.

The carriage stopped in an alley a little away from the downtown area, and Irina looked at Illenoa with a
blank look, not knowing if it was okay to get off here. Then Ilenoa, who was looking at her, asked.

“Can I excuse you for a moment?”

“… … .”

Now, if you ask me like that, I've heard from the beginning. Irina frowned reflexively, but Ilenoa reached
out a graceful hand.

Irina's eyes widened as the hand turned toward her chest. Are you crazy?

But, as if teasing Irina, the last place his fingers settled was on her collar adorned with black frills. He
wanted to put the badge on the top of the Schuberg in a place where people could see it.
The fingers and eyes looking for that point were so careful and serious that Irina felt sorry for her
impure thoughts.

Illenoa said as she glanced at her sweet badge.

“If something happens, run outside instead of trying to solve it inside. This street is always roamed by
top personnel hiding their identities. The Capital Guard will be friendly to you as long as you have this
badge on, but those at the top will be of more direct help than them.”

“… … Huh. thanks."

Then there was silence. Irina looked at Ilenoa with a blank look again.

He seemed to have nothing more to say. Let's go, Irina looked at the carriage door, and Illenoa gently
wrapped her arms around her.

Irina turned her head and looked at him curiously as his eyes were bluer than usual.

“… … Why?"

“… … .”

I do not know. I just didn't want Irina to open this door and get off. Even though it was none other than
myself who recommended all of this.

Then, at this moment, he is concerned about Irina's safety or Irina's success.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he lowered his gaze. Irina looked at Illenoa like that, and waved his
hand that was holding her wrist a couple of times.

“Illenoa, where are you hurting?”

“… … no."

“Then why all of a sudden?”

Instead of answering, he placed Irina's wrist and stretched out her arm. Irina looked at me curiously, but
her hand passed right past Irina.

The white finger moved as if it were locked with a lock, then pushed the carriage door as it was. As soon
as the door opened, a cold wind blew in from outside. And the people at the top who were waiting
outside the carriage looked at Sangju Sangju and Irina with a slightly bewildered face.

Illenoa blinked at one of them.

“Take me to the store.”

Apparently they were having a conversation, but Irina, who was kicked out at an unexpected moment,
looked at Ilenoa with a puzzled look. However, Illenoa did not look at her, and Irina crouched and got
out of the carriage, escorted by the superiors.

As she disappeared and the carriage door closed, Illenoa placed her hand on her forehead. It looks like a
bug crawling inside your head.

“… … .”

He had a chronic headache, and his thumbs pressed against his temples were a habit. It was when he
frowned slightly, trying to think as usual.

As the carriage door swung open, Illenoa quickly stepped back and put her hand in her arms. He was
about to take out the sharpened dagger and throw it, but he managed to stop his hand when red hair
poured out in front of him.

“… … .”

Irina, who was panting with her hands on the chair, shook her head a couple of times, wondering if the
flowing hair was bothering her. Behind her was the man who had been guiding whether or not she had
run with her, breathing heavily and making a troubled expression.

Illenoa, who was about to say something, first cleaned up her messy curly hair and hung it over her ears.
Then he asked quietly.

“I’m not going… … What are you doing?”

Then Irina asked in a muffled voice. His golden eyes were smiling a little.

“Would you like to have something delicious for dinner?”

“… … .”

“When you finish, I finish, and when the time is right for both of you.”

“… … .”

“I’ll buy you a commemorative job change. All of my money is the money I have to pay back to you
anyway, so it's a bit strange, but you're not going to make it so complicated, right?"

Will you make me feel right? Hey, are you really that flexible? Is not it? Yes?

“… … Yes. of course."
Irina, who had been pushing and forcing her answer, nodded her head as soon as Illenoa answered and
ran again.

See you later in the evening! I could hear Irina shouting from afar. What's your name after that? Can't
you run like this? I'm sorry, but did you eat a lot of breakfast?! … … If so, this is a fight worth fighting for!
A cry was also heard.

Illenoa stared at the wide open carriage door, staring at the place where Irina had disappeared for a
moment, and then closed the carriage door by hand.

He rubbed his forehead as before, but by the time the carriage left, his eyes were smiling a little.

Irina was not often surprised or embarrassed by nature. However, on her first trip to the general store,
she experienced a bit of embarrassment.

“My name is Susan.”

The store clerk, who wore her brown hair elegantly, was a stranger the last time I came. She was still
young, but she certainly looked older than Irina.

Susan greeted Irina with a bright and stable attitude like a merchant and bowed her head first.

But it wasn't hard for Irina to notice that Susan bent down to check her dress, and her head down fully,
checking her shoes.

The former Marquis of Nodiak, while pouring out great worries and nagging at Irina, trusted the eldest
of his three daughters the most. From a very young age, Irina knew from a very young age that when the
Marquis Nodiac took Irina to tailor men's clothes, the designer bowed and looked at her father's pocket
watch, belt, and shoes.
Irina understood it as just a professional spirit and laughed it off. I was just a little embarrassed about
my situation, where I couldn't show off an impressive dress and ask for an implied opinion.

“I am Irina.”

But something that puzzled Irina happened next.

“Yeah, I know it because I got it in advance. The top said they would send someone to manage the

Irina looked back slowly. However, the man who took Irina to the general store under Illenoa's
instructions had already disappeared. No, what are you going to do if you make such a grand
introduction without even talking about it?

No matter how much he thought about it, Irina scratched her neck, with no foundation or experience to
wrap herself in.

“It’s not like that… … Uh, hmm, I don't really know, but first of all, I was just here to learn.”

At those words, Susan's smile became more unnatural than before. But what kind of people are the
merchants? Susan narrowed her eyes for a moment and shook her head, then smiled brightly, right?

She did not believe Irina's words at face value.

The merchants on Kisana Street already knew that Schuberg had visited the shop with this lady a few
days ago. The fact that the horseless carriage standing at the end of the street this morning belonged to
the Schuberg family.

Even if Irina hadn't come to that position, nothing would change. If they had sent someone from the
upper headquarters, they couldn't do anything reprehensible.
Glancing and reconfirming her impressions with the badge, Susan smiled adeptly and encouraged Irina
to look around the store with a more sophisticated attitude than before.

She treated Irina like a guest, and sometimes like a senior manager. What is clear is that his attitude was
very kind and natural.

After a moment of confusion, Irina looked around the store with a bit of a bustle.

“Susan, what is this?”

“This is hair oil brought in from the East.”

"Five. is this it? What, the case is so cute.”

Irina placed the elegant and compact exotic jar right on her palm. Her eyes twinkled in wonder, she
thought. yes you should buy this

“It works really well.”

“Yes, I do. You're a young girl, do you know me well? The owner of Sang Sang didn’t say anything, but it
seems that he is deeply embarrassed about why he puts this on his hair.”

At that, Irina smiled with a clear voice. This is because the image of Illenoa, who must have turned coldly
while looking at things, was drawn.

“These days, there are people who are looking for information, so we want to bring in a lot, but it’s
difficult to bring in a few in remote stores like us. He said that it would be difficult to secure sufficient
supply even at the top because Eastern trade itself is so barren.”
Susan was complaining to the person who had left the headquarters because she wanted it to be this
time. Those words were an appeal to the store to push the stock a little more.

But Irina, who didn't feel like that, and didn't want to act like that, just laughed again this time.

After that, her curiosity and questions continued for a long time.

While Susan answered Irina's question kindly, she did not stop observing Irina closely. Even in the eyes
of her who has been in business for a long time, Irina looked a bit unusual.

There is a vague part about the clothes, the way of life, and the fingertips with varnishes. However, this
young lady was clearly of great nobility. Because the sense of the merchant was saying so.

“… … .”

But what kind of noble girl has so many miscellaneous words, and there are still so many questions left
in the world? Irina, who spoke with twinkling eyes, had a childish side even though she had a mature
and gloomy appearance.

There were times when Irina felt a little gloomy about things she didn't know. But there was never much
shame or shame about it.

There are more untapped lands than there are. There are far more people I haven't met than people I've
met. The world she lived in was a part and a handful. No matter how strict a perfectionist is, he will not
be able to completely conquer the unknown in his lifetime.

So, it is very, very, very natural that there are more things I am not familiar with than I am familiar with.

If you think about it like that, you have nothing to fear. Even when learning swords among the boys,
when the house was ruined and she had to do bad things, when she taught the children the Imphenon
language, even now that Irina was in business, Irina didn't mind.
And while continuing to ask a lot of questions, she noticed one characteristic of this general store.

“Why is this armor so old? I think the damage is too bad to sell.”

Susan broke the perfect facial expression management for the first time at Irina's question. She smiled
with a face of great shame and embarrassment, as if she was confronted with a topic she didn't want to
talk about.

"Perhaps… … Irina-sama, do you even know a people called Gircion?”

"no. Don't you know?"

When Irina answered so brightly, Susan nodded her head with a more perplexed look than before.

“It was a tribal nation in the southern continent, but now it is almost extinct. I heard this is the armor
worn by the soldiers in the last battle... … . This tree pattern here is said to be the symbol of the tribe.”

Irina looked at where Susan was pointing and nodded. Even though he did not know the history of
neighboring countries, there was nothing he could know about the situation of minority ethnic groups in
the southern continent.

But soon after, Irina tilted her head. When she had doubts, she was as straightforward as always.

“But why did you buy this?”

At those words, Susan was terrified and denied it.

“I didn’t buy it, but the previous boss bought it. Never, never, never bought it. I just picked up what he
had to say while drinking.”
Irina looked at Susan, who seemed a little embarrassed, and then quickly grinned. The former boss must
have been a very funny person, must have been a great geek, and she was happy at first, thinking about

- A potion that protects you from all kinds of curses when you take a sip. First of all, I'm trying to sell it to
sailors, but... … .

- It is a flower seed that is said to bring good luck to the house if planted. It was once very popular in
Impenon. I'm worried because there's too much stock... … The previous boss actually had big hands.

Susan became more and more candid as she opened her mouth, and Irina's face, who was responsible
for the sales of this store, grew darker. and.

“These are dragon claws, my lady.”

An introverted customer would have left the store with an ahahahahaha, awkward smile at this point,
but Irina couldn't stand it.

"Susan. Oh my god, dragons... … Where are you?”

Susan smiled as she couldn't be bothered to tell the staff that that was the reason why this general store
didn't work, and the reason why the rogue inventory was overflowing. It was a highly mechanical, highly
commercial smile.


On Ilenoa's commute to and from work, employees were always there to see off and meet them.
Because that was the courtesy of people of this era to The lord.

On the other hand, Irina was not in a position to receive such a reception.
However, Illenoa was always interested in Irina's whereabouts, and she often waited for her return
home, so she was not alone for the most part.

When Irina entered the mansion after finishing all her work, Ilenoa, reading a book, would quietly
appear with her butler.

“Are you coming now?”

“Yeah, were you there?”

“It was very late. How many days are you doing inventory checks?”

“That’s it. It's taking longer than expected. How can there be so many weird things in that small shop?”

At Irina's pointy grunt, Illenoa smiled brightly.

“I must have warned you, though.”

“If you’re going to dry it, shouldn’t you be more certain?”

Even though her lips were pouting, she had a cheerful face. And Illenoa knew that Irina had chosen the
store with a vague idea of the condition of the store.

I don't even know what you're thinking People at the top will also be puzzled. However, Illenoa knew
from an early age that Irina had eyes that were difficult to describe in words.

So what he wanted to say while waiting for Irina until this late hour was not the progress of things.

“You seem to be overdoing it.”

“Uh, no, not really.”

“It is already past midnight.”

The two looked at the long grandfather clock hanging on the wall, silently.

Irina wasn't a very industrious person. However, as her family becomes difficult and she has to earn
money from others, she has realized something. There are a lot of things I don't know, and it's natural
that I'm not good at it, but if I learn it quickly, I'm more comfortable with myself.

And since Irina began to hang on to the store's inventory and books, her return time started to be later
than the top week.

Illenoa said with a smile on her face. As usual, it was difficult to tell whether it was a joke or whether it
was harsh or refreshing.

“When will I be able to get dinner for you to buy?”

“… … .”

I didn't know how many times I had heard it already.

The day Irina first went to work at the general store, that is, the day they promised to have dinner
together. Illenoa finished work early and parked a wagon near the store.

He actually waited patiently for quite a long time. However, after hearing that Irina was obsessed with
something without knowing the sun was setting, she eventually turned the carriage quietly.

After hearing the truth of the incident, Irina was very sorry and promised the next one, but Sang-Joo
Sang-Joo was also not idle, and the time between the two just went out of time.
Irina scratching her neck carefully defended her.

“Hey, but to be honest, you just went.”

“… … .”

“No, I mean… … You said you'd keep buying it."

“You are so busy, when are you?”

“… … You have a lot of money, so you can't spend it like that, man. I didn't do that on purpose, are you
going to keep stumbling and falling like this?"

At that, Illenoa smiled and narrowed her eyes. Irina reflexively flinched and looked at her.

Illenoa was a much more coherent speaker than Irina. To put it bluntly, he was good at making jokes
while laughing.

“I don’t want to say this to you, though.”

If it's someone else, why not? But Irina couldn't do that due to her personality.

“… … Why. What else?”

“The pottery that Irina shattered while drunk the other day was a royal collection that the current king
sent as a gift to the Schuberg family. But I don't mind.”

“… … .”

“What part of me are you saying I’m petty?”

Irina muttered with a darkened face. No, I mean, I'll buy you food. to pay back the money

Illenoa's picturesque smile grew a little darker.

And the butler looked at them with a slightly strange expression.

The two men, who occasionally threw plates at the door and talked, were now having a rather
harmonious conversation. Even though that harmonious conversation was very trivial and somewhat
childish in the eyes of others.

After washing up, Irina returned to her room and was visited by Illenoa. Irina stared intently at Ilenoa,
who leaned against the door.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The relationship is getting used to. He did not feel embarrassed, nor did he indulge in self-pity. She, too,
can honestly enjoy the pleasures of bed.

However, if you try to say a word of rejection when your body is tired or unwilling, you will feel very
uncomfortable and reflect on your position. Do you have the right to reject him?

Slowly approaching Illenoa, she sat on the edge of the bed and met Irina's gaze.

Relationships with a bad start are always flawed. And whenever Irina made such a complicated face,
Illenoa felt the eternal distance between them.
He wanted to put his hand on the tip of his hair, but he shook his head with his hand on his lap, lest Irina

“I know you are tired. I just wanted to talk a little bit more.”

“… … Huh."

Irina, a little embarrassed, scratched her neck.

“But what are you talking about?”

“I think I didn’t properly ask if the job was worth it or if there was anything difficult.”

Ah, Irina nodded, hugged her legs and put her chin on her knees. It was her favorite sitting position.

Irina, who had blown up her cheeks with air, blew the air out and repeated the motion several times
before saying.

“I’m having fun, though. To be honest, I'm a little worried."

“What do you mean?”

“I want to do something right now, but I don’t know yet. So am I in a bad mood these days? Anyway,
what I do should benefit you and the top. You are the people who gathered for that purpose.”

I really want to do well.

As Irina added a little, Ilenoa smiled faintly. He whispered involuntarily.

“Do you think so too?”

What do you think? Irina asked with her eyes. His smile looking at her was refreshing and his voice was
calm, but the evaluation was rather mean.

“Such a feeble thought.”

thinking about the future. Worrying about whether I'll be able to do well, I'm anxious, and in fact, it's the
kind of thought that ordinary people have every night.

Irina looked down at Ilenoa at the hateful words and sighed. He seemed very tired because his reaction
speed was slower than usual.

"of course. You really think I'm an ignorant boar."

“Because I never said I was ignorant.”

“Yeah, you have pretty eyes and a brave temper. This child.”

Illenoa touched the corner of her mouth and bowed her head slightly, but when she raised her gaze
again, there was still a trace of something in his eyes. It was as if the laughter had just passed.

Irina stared intently at the trace, but he said in a calm voice, perhaps unaware of the fact.

“It's only been a few days. Don't you think your personality is a bit rushed too?"

She was really fiery. People only look at her from a few steps away because it looks like it will be too hot,
and it will burn. The fact is that it is strangely warm.

“I entered the top at the age of 18 under my father’s name.”

He habitually told Irina his story.

“And for the first three months, I was just cleaning like a dead mouse.”

“Why is a talented kid like you?”

“… … .”

Illenoa, who was going to say that it didn't happen right away and that the waiting time was necessary,
shut her mouth with a mysterious expression at Irina's words.

Irina tilted her head slightly.

“I don’t think there was anyone as smart as you at the top. no?"

“… … .”

So Irina doesn't know. What kind of point Irina is in his life.

that she herself is the one who constantly throws fire into the frozen sea.

"well. I'm not sure why you're asking like that. … … Then it just had to be.”

Unable to deliver the words she was about to say, Illenoa looked at Irina with a faint smile. he asked

“Can I touch your head a little?”

“… … .”
Irina made a slightly strange face, doubting her intentions, he added.

“Because it’s pretty. It’s so pretty, I want to touch it.”

Then Irina remembered something and laughed. She grabbed her hair in a bundle and held it out as if
she was sympathetic. yes, play with it

Irina, who had been tired from the beginning, seemed to be getting more and more drowsy as someone
gently touched her hair. Irina, who had been yawning with her mouth covered in no sincerity, asked.

“But why did you take over that general store?”

He was combing his hair, and suddenly he was braiding his hair. He answered, moving his hand

“It was in lieu of the transaction amount.”

“… … Transaction amount?”

“The person I used to work for died suddenly. There was no situation where I could get another one, so I
took over. The family has also agreed to dispose of it.”

"I see. iced coffee. Somehow, it feels like the books and things like this are cut off. I'm sure they cleaned
up like someone who will do business tomorrow. Ugh, how did that happen?”

“The cause is unclear, but that's why I naturally think he was murdered. Most people on this floor
probably think like me.”

When Irina shut her mouth at the bloody sound, Ilenoa asked her again.
“The merchants have a lot of grudges. There are people in and out of the store who can only say they
are crazy. So you too have to be more careful than before. Please do not forget the request I made

"OK got it. Don’t worry too much.”

Illenoa, who had already trimmed Irina's hair neatly, got up from the bed.

Irina thought that the way he looked at her head was strangely satisfying and arrogant. However,
without showing any further expression, he politely said hello and left the room.

And Ilenoa's fears were realized sooner than expected.

As soon as the inventory survey and financial flow were complete, Irina seemed to be on the brink of
something. I used to write or draw something hard on the paper.

In fact, there was nothing else to do other than that, the shop located in a remote place was not easily
visited by customers.

Of course, business was not always the same. Very rarely, there were days when several customers
gathered. At such times, Irina would hold onto another customer until Susan finished serving one
customer, asking questions or chatting.

He was no different than the owner of the store, but he didn't try to forcefully sell things he didn't know

And Susan highly appreciated Irina's attitude. It was faster than it looked.
The store was in a financial situation where it was impossible to increase the number of employees
beyond this just because of the occasional customer visit. However, she was also a merchant, so it was
only a pity that the customer missed the day when sales were not good.

Susan was able to focus on sales more leisurely just by letting Irina play the role of keeping customers in


Hearing Susan's gentle voice, Irina reflexively raised her head.

However, seeing the face of the man who entered the store, Irina frowned slightly. She called out his
name in a somewhat puzzled voice.

“… … Martin?”

“Has your face improved? When they came to borrow money from me, they all had a dying face.”

It was absurd from the start.

You said that the forearm bitten at that time looks okay, maybe it's because the arm is cumbersome to
carry around?

"uh. A long time."

Susan, who read something unusual, approached cautiously.

“Sir, can I guide you?”

Martin then looked down at Susan with a high-pressure look. Without speaking to Susan, he turned his
gaze again and said to Irina.
“Is the staff disrespectful? The nobility intervenes in their speech. Oh. Aren't you aristocrats too?"

It was a really suffocating grandma's way of speaking. Irina was ashamed that she was a noble like this,
and she felt goosebumps.

Irina was silent for a moment to calm her burning face. She soon reassured Susan, she said softly. It's ok,
take a look.

“… … you, why are you here? Are you here to buy something you need?”

he snorted.

“Is there anything I need in a store like this? I came to take a look at the rumor that you were doing
business out of the blue. You are really different.”

“… … .”

In other words, he came to filter the dispute. How could he still be so immature?

Martin, who was constantly harassing Illenoa as a student, had a deep-rooted malice after being bullied
by Irina and beaten down by Ilenoa as well. Unlucky Irina tried to borrow money from Martin, but the
result was an intense dog fight and medical bills.

After that, however, the financial condition of the Georg family deteriorated beyond words.

In fact, there was Illenoa behind it, and Martin was vaguely feeling it. There was just no evidence of this.

Irina, not aware of such circumstances, let out a short sigh. At some point, I thought that there are too
many tiring things in the world to be angry according to my personality.
But really, how can such a trashy personality get old no matter what?

Irina knew another scum around her.

A person who does not feel guilty about stepping on others like Martin and has no respect and
compassion for humans. A person who is accustomed to wielding what he has and is dark inside.

But, as strange as it sounds, the garbage had an elegant character. It felt like it was difficult to tie it
together with something like that.

After all, she has that great face, what is this?

Irina shook her head.

"okay. When you're done, go now."

Irina put up with more patience than expected, and he put on a surprised expression. However, I would
not have come this far if I had wanted to return to ask my regards like this.

“I think Illenoa is doing well.”

“… … .”

“Are you living with him? did you make a living? What about Ludwig?”

Irina paused, but without responding to the dispute, quietly pointed towards the door. meant to go out.

But he let out a mean laugh.

"Why. What if I leave a store like this to you and let her marry you? Would you like to repay the debt?”
“… … .”

“He is the same as his father when he pays money to buy a woman. I was born between such a father
and the crotch of a disgruntled bitch. Dirty bastard.”

“… … .”

Perhaps Irina thought she was speechless in shock, Martin sarcastic as if giving advice.

Calm down too, Irina Nodiak.

And why? At this moment, Irina actually remembered the words of Marquis Nodiac rather than Illenoa's

The saying that no matter what you do, think and act three times. The saying that you won't get hurt if
you suppress that personality.

But Irina also thought that she couldn't.

Recognition was quick and easy. If she could stand it in the first place, she wouldn't be Irina Nodiac.

Irina let out a short sigh.


She spoke in a very blunt tone. Her eyes were bright as she recalled the past, and those times were the
most precious time in Irina's life.
However, those times that once felt so beautiful were all heartbreaking when peeking through Illenoa's
eyes. No one took his side, everyone just attacked him.

Was there ever a time when he felt that those days were even a little bit beautiful?

Irina glared at Martin this time and continued to speak gently.

“When I was at the academy, I really couldn’t understand why Illenoa was putting up with all of your
frivolous quarrels.”

“… … what?"

“To be honest, you weren’t just sloppy back then… … it was like a climb That's why the person being
bullied by you is too much in my eyes... … He looked pathetic.”

The boy who was just silently listening to the unreasonable gossip and finger pointing. At that time, he
was pathetic and a little sympathetic, but… … Was that really right?

bad bastard. But why did you really do that to him?

Irina bowed her head for a moment to control her mind, then took a deep breath and said:

“But now I think I know why Illenoa did that.”

“… … .”

“As you said, I found out because I live under the same roof with him. He said he had tuberculosis. I
can't stand dirty things. didn't you know She expresses herself… … He was a bad boy.”

“… … .”
“Martin Georg.”

His golden eyes, which seemed calm, were now engulfed in anger that could not be concealed. Irina
clenched her teeth and trembled in anger.

“He was dirty with you. He didn't want something dirty like you to be buried in his life."

Susan felt an unusual force and ran outside to call people. Irina glanced at it, then turned her gaze and
looked at Martin again.

But what? Irina laughed as she asked the question artificially.

“I don’t have tuberculosis.”

“… … what?"

"So you're going to die today, you motherfucker."

Irina ran right in and bit Martin Georg's forearm.

At first glance, the people Susan summoned looked like ordinary people just wandering the streets. But
soon after, people in uniforms and badges that anyone could see were members of the Schuberg upper
class began to arrive.

Some of them were acquaintances with Irina.

However, this chaos was not settled for a while after the people arrived.
Irina kept her hair sparse and kept running, trying to rip Martin off. With a venomous face, she
continued to swear.

“Bad bastard, mean bastard, a bastard like you who is old and not able to serve as a human being should
be beaten in the dust!”

“I, I, I, crazy bastard… … .”

“Crazy? Even when this bastard gets beaten up, is he still sulking?!”

Those who did not know what to do with Martin at first, but later detained Irina's arms. Irina ended up
kicking while hanging among the strong men. While constantly exhaling double baths through his

It was truly a terrifying sight.

No, really, why are you doing this! Calm down! please stop!

People who first learned that Irina, who was always bright and smiling well even though she was a bit
selfish, actually had this kind of personality, gradually became whiter.

Sometimes I thought that the paranoia of upper-classism following Irina's path was pathological, but
that wasn't the case. Irina was a bomb that exploded really big once it exploded.

Martin, who was in a funny shape, flew away from a distance and fussed.

"you… … Can I do this to my guests? Do you think you can keep going?”

But Susan, who was quick-witted, had already closed the shop door and pulled the curtains as soon as
the people at the top came in.
Irina spat on the floor and spit in the mean behavior until the very end. People who saw blood mixed
with thick flesh as well as blood on the floor frowned.

It was obvious who the flesh was. It wasn't usually a bad person to bite and not let go until that

"Guest? Are you a guest?”

Irina smiled coldly, as if it was absurd.

“You are not a guest. I will set the level of customers who can come to my store. So, when you're done,
get out of here, you asshole."

She pointed to the door again to get out.

Even after the situation was settled to some extent, the top people did not leave their seats. They lined
up on one side of the store and stood still.

Its appearance seemed to be for protection, but it also seemed to be waiting for something.

The insane Irina didn't seem to have thought of that yet, but Susan quickly noticed. The top stock is
coming this way. It was a big deal.

“What should I do, really?”

As she wept, she caressed Irina's scarred cheeks and handprints on her shoulder.

No matter how suddenly Irina rushed in and people quickly ripped it off, it was a fight with a healthy
man. Irina, who was bruised in several places in a brief moment, sometimes had a bitter expression on
her face, but she spoke with a full face.
“I think I hit more, though.”

“… … What did you say?"

“Don’t do that too much. I should have won.”

“… … .”

“Still, you supported me more. is not it?"

That was an Irina-style joke.

Unwittingly and upset, Susan unknowingly slapped Irina on the back. No kid, what is this!

The two were not that close, and the difference was clear. But Irina shrugged her shoulders and let out
an exaggerated scream, just as if she had been beaten by the Marquis when she was young.

“Why are your hands so hot? You said Susan was married? Do you have children?”

“… … .”

there is, there is this is there Otherwise, wrist snaps like this wouldn't come out. I know because I got hit
a lot when I was young.

She was making a crazy noise, and then she smiled. He had a bold and casual face, as if nothing special.

“Actually, it wasn’t quite right. He's a bit shy, so he can't even hit him hard."
The people in the store looked at Irina with expressions that were hard to say.

It was then that the outside of the store became bustling. About an hour after the incident, Illenoa
entered the general store.

Illenoa, who was walking slowly, glanced over Irina's face with a blue gaze.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Manshinchang did not have such a manshinchang. His hair was still matted even after he had cleaned his
dusty clothes, his left cheek, and the handprints on the nape of his neck caught his eye.

Irina, who was only confident in front of Susan, averted her gaze when Illenoa appeared. It was a face
that had something to do with it.

Illenoa grabbed her chin and lifted her head toward her. He asked, scrutinizing her face with his dark
blue eyes.

“If something comes up, I’m telling you not to try to solve it inside the store, but to come out… … Did
you forget?”

“… … .”

“Then it was my fault.”

Otherwise, it was your fault. Irina carefully removed his fingers and lowered her head as if she had no

Uncomfortable with this atmosphere, she cautiously made excuses.

“No, so Susan… … .”

"you are."

“… … Susan went outside and quickly called people.”


The air inside became cold as Sangju Sang-ju threw away the gyeongeo and Irina shut her mouth, just
one step before reason flew away.

“I’ve always told you not to hit me according to your personality.”

But Illenoa couldn't make any such accusations that he really thought he could win. It was her
temperament, and she couldn't deny Irina.

Illenoa, who was smoking a chill, touched her forehead and pressed her thumb to her temple as if her
head was hurting.

He sighed lightly and asked. It was calmer than before, but it was an attitude of trying to suppress

“Why did you do that?”

“… … What, why?”

“Why did you fight?”

“… … .”
“You’re not the kind of person who does that for no reason.”

“… … .”

“Did he mock you?”

At those words, Irina suddenly had a sullen and sullen face.

no. It was you who insulted that bastard. And I won't be patient like you.

Illenoa bit her lip and watched the tears welling up in Irina's eyes. However, she shook her head without
finally releasing the condensed emotions inside her.

“I hate to talk.”

“… … .”

Illenoa looked down at the stubborn face. And after a while, he reached out again and grabbed Irina's
chin. He scanned his face and put his finger into his lips.

She opened her mouth slightly involuntarily. Then, the straight teeth were revealed between the lips.

It was strangely sensational to see the white fingers inside the red lips. The people who were watching
turned their heads, blushing, thinking something strange for nothing.

However, after examining her mouth closely and confirming that there were no injuries, Ilenoa pulled
out her finger and spoke bluntly.

“Why are you asking? Are you a dog?”

People wondered if they had heard the wrong word for a moment. Irina also asked with a puzzled face.

“… … what?"

“Nowadays, even dogs don’t bite anything if they’re properly trained.”

“… … what man?”

Illenoa, who normally would have smiled and passed on any swear words, had a really chill face this
time. It had a dirty look.

“Isn’t that bastard dirty?”

Irina, who had a blank expression on her face at those words, burst into laughter without realizing it.
However, Ilenoa's cool gaze quickly grasped the atmosphere and made a serious face.

But for those who had already seen the excited smile, that face didn't look serious anymore. He was a
really great tomboy.

“The way Martin Georg can come to this store in the future is a long way off, but I will advise you just in

“… … Uh."

“If you're close enough to bite, kick hard in the middle. It's filthy, too, but kicking is no worse than

“No, Illinoa, that’s a vital point… … That's too cowardly... … .”

At that, Illenoa smiled a very different kind of laughter than usual. It wasn't cynicism.

Everyone was a little surprised at the first face they saw, but now, with a smirk, he seems very absurd.

“Are you cowardly? In the first place, a grown man wants to fight a woman with you, but who would
consider you a coward if you hit a vital point? Are you really crazy?”

“I didn’t expect to hear you say that… … .”

However, seeing the terrifyingly cold Ilenoa's face, Irina grasped the atmosphere and quickly agreed.


「Kissana General Store」

Irina scribbled on the paper again and again. Biting the tip of her pen and contemplating something, she
raised her head at the sound of the door breaking the silence.

"Good morning. Did you come early?”


When I heard the gentle morning greeting, Irina smiled pretty.

After the last day, Susan seemed to be more friendly with Irina. Irina was sometimes embarrassed
because she used to express her feelings honestly enough to think that her actions up until now were
just a merchant's situation.

Irina's temperament was clearly visible even in Susan's eyes, who had lived a merchant's life while
wandering the market floor for a long time. He had a personality with no backwards.
Irina on that day was reckless enough to make the strong men at the top tremble, and to put it mildly,
she was just hot-blooded.

But the innocence of being angry enough to tremble for the sake of others. Its reckless innocence was
strangely enough to attract the hearts of worn-out people.

Irina didn't know, but Susan had to go to Schuberg's upper headquarters for that. And in the process of
facing the young Sang-joo's gaze, she became convinced.

- Irina, are you dating Sang Sang Lord?

- It's like that... … not at all

- So how are you two? I am a married woman. It feels good on this side. It's the first time I've seen Ilenoa
talk so much since everyone left.


We're not dating, but it seemed like a very decadent relationship to say that we're in a debt relationship
and sometimes doing naughty things in bed. Even from Irina's point of view, who was quite free-spirited,
it felt like a relationship to be criticized.

In the end, she couldn't answer Susan's twinkling eyes.

“But why did you suddenly write the name of the store there?”

Susan, who came to the area, looked at the letters Irina had written and asked curiously. Then Irina
looked at the top of the paper again and drew a line as if erasing the words 'Kissana General Store'.

It was a face that had a serious weight to it, but the facial features, which were in deep trouble, were
now trying to look a little cute in Susan's eyes.
“I want to change the name of the store.”

“… … Your name?”

"cellar. Yes. I have a few things in mind... … Is it okay if it's a little ridiculous?"


Irina tried to consult the expert's opinion, but the customers had just entered the store, so she glanced
at him to go quickly. The little girls ask Susan, 'Do you have oily hair?' A question was heard.

“… … .”

Oil from the eastern continent, said to be made from tree seeds, was a fad among Kisen women.

efficacy was there. But Irina felt like an instinct. The Kisen people are now trying to consume not a
product as a function, but a mysterious scent that they smell for the first time, a mystery that women
use in an unknown land.

There were cases where even a large store had no stock. Because of this, people sometimes walked to
Irina's remote shop in search of things. Then, if you secure the stock of the product, the sales of the
store will naturally increase.

However, Irina was the manager of this shop and an acquaintance of Illenoa, and now she was at the top
of Schuberg. I couldn't help but think about the position of the entire top.

It was too natural to give priority to stores with good business at the top, and to push supplies there. So,
she won't try to increase sales simply by relying on her contacts and popular items in the market.
And at that moment, a pretty interesting thought popped into Irina's head. Feeling something
refreshing, Irina hurriedly wrote letters on the paper and went down, but when another customer
entered the store, she quickly turned the paper over.


it's sad A lot of young girls are coming today.

Irina glanced at Susan. It looked a bit busy, as the customers started looking for something other than
hair oil. So Irina smiled with a friendly face and approached the customer.

“What are you looking for?”

Even on her first day in the store, she wasn't intimidated by dealing with customers. It's just because of
his natural personality.

“… … I'll just look around a bit."

“Yes, please take a look.”

And, surprisingly, Irina felt that there were so many different people in the world. It was rare to find a
place where one could intuitively observe such different inclinations and tastes.

The young lady seemed introverted, and it seemed a bit difficult to talk to someone she was seeing for
the first time. However, I glanced at Irina as if there was something I really wanted to ask.

"I… … Does this color work well, does this color work well?”

“… … Ah."
That's not really an important issue. Irina, who was a fashionable person in the capital, agreed to the
customer's curiosity. But there was something more important in her eyes.

“I don’t know that either.”

I've only been here two weeks.

When Irina, who had no intention of lying, answered too candidly, Susan made a face as if the business
had gone bankrupt from a distance. The customer also looked very embarrassed.

But Irina, who was looking at the red and blue hats the customer was holding, carefully pulled the red
hats out of her hands. And on top of the thin blonde hair, he put a hat on it obliquely.

“But the customer likes this color much better.”

Irina, who was full of confidence, smiled with great satisfaction, and the customer's face slowly began to
turn red. And Susan stared a little blankly at the sight of the guest leaving, paying the price without a
tantrum, with a face fully reminded.

The pale moonlight was streaming in through the window. Irina, who was lying in Moro, had her back
curled up.

Ilenoa clenched her arms behind her back and squeezed her chest tightly with one hand and released it.
Then, red handprints were engraved on her white chest, soft as dough, and then faded.

“… … .”

Irina, knowing that there are times when she's deliberately mischievous, turned her head to look at him,
but Ilenoa smiled softly, this time fiddling with the red plot.
“It’s dirty.”

Illenoa rubbed her fingers, enjoying the touch of the frizzy hair, and rubbed her vulva. Before the
lingering aftertaste of the climax hit earlier, Irina said, “Ahhhh,” and rounded her waist at the subtle
touch of her erogenous zone.

His eyes were relaxed as he watched her shiver, but at the same time, he was greedy.

Eleanor Enjoyed Masturbation He placed his hand on Irina's hand to comfort his own and ejaculated on
her palm, but more often than not, it bothered Irina's bottom.

He enjoyed watching it when Irina went away when he slipped his legs between hers, rubbed the vulva,
frolicked around only around the sensitive spots, and pressed down hard.

So his fingers resemble his master, so he looks pretty, but his personality is chaotic.

“Irina… … . Because you are such a good seller.”

Really? Illenoa whispered and breathed into the pinna of her ear. He whispered lowly, restraining Irina's
shoulder, who was unwittingly avoiding the irritating sensation.

“Do it to me as you tell your customers. I want to hear it too.”

No, I'm not good at it yet, Irina buried her head in the pillow and shook her head in denial. Adorable
enough to goosebumps, cute enough to chew on, he glanced at Irina with greedy eyes.

“Why say no? I love to brag.”

To be precise, you… … You like to joke around and pretend you're bragging. Right.
Illenoa let out a low laugh.

I was sent to manage the store, but I didn't mean to deal with people in person, but Irina, strangely,
seemed to sell things often. Illenoa was strange and curious about that. He must have been an honest
personality who hardly ever made a sound out of his mouth. How are you doing? I was curious and
wanted to know what Irina was babbling about when she wasn't there.

As she deliberately touched the points she felt well and continued to breathe through the nape of her
neck, Irina finally bent her back and moaned. Illinoa patted her immaculate legs with satisfaction as the
lewd fluid burned and ran through her fingers between her legs.

“Would you like to do it one more time?”

You like to be hit hard from behind. I'll just do it so it doesn't hurt too much. you can just relax

Irina shook her head in pain. Still, I wondered if there was any trust, so I covered him with a blanket and
stared at him sternly.

“Don’t do it today.”

"Yes. I don’t force it.”

The genitals were half way up, but Illenoa nodded her head warmly.

Illenoa, wiping between her shiny hands and legs with a dry towel next to her, lay on an angle next to
Irina. And hugged her by the shoulder.

His gaze turned to one place, the nape of his neck where his handprints had been left for several days.

Illenoa, who had been bothered by Irina from the moment she took off her clothes, looked at it carefully
once again. Eyes and delicate touches that look like they are digging into the skin. As always, he was
silently claiming possession.
Irina's stinging gaze felt like a rebuke, and Irina, who was trying to pretend she didn't know, was caught
in a strange anxiety at that moment. Although there is no basis, it is a strangely certain feeling.

Frowning her face, she quickly turned her gaze to look at Ilenoa.

“You, maybe… … What did you do to Martin?”

She asked with a questioning face, but Illenoa smiled. A smile that creates a sense of incongruity was
considered even more disturbing.

“Why are you curious about that? Are you worried that such a petty bastard is also a motive?”

“Hey, what are you worried about?”

“Then don’t worry about useless things. It is offensive to see another male name appearing all over the
bed like this.”

It was a blurry story. When Irina, who was bewildered, licked her lips to say something, he shook his
head and rarely interrupted Irina. He had a cold and determined face.

“Don’t ask.”


“Because I don’t want to offend you.”

“… … .”

Can I say that I didn't kill him? Wouldn't it be better not to say that at all? Can I be a little more trashy?
Ilenoa stared at Irina as if trying to gauge something.

Illenoa shrugged her shoulders with an expression to ask if she was still curious, but Irina finally shut her
mouth. And let out a deep sigh with a complicated face.

"done. I'm afraid I won't ask."

Irina shook her head as if trying to shake off the unpleasant thoughts. Illenoa watched Irina go into
emotional management on her own, as if it were fun.

But Illenoa's expression began to change slightly as she wriggled.

In the end, Irina slipped out under Illenoa's arm, rolled two laps on the bed, and reached out to the side
table. What she picked up was a book she had been reading for days.

「Girsion Passion Warrior」

“… … Are you not sleeping?”


“It’s late, please sleep. Then my eyes will get worse.”

“Actually, I read this because I want to get a good night’s sleep.”

But despite that, Irina opened her eyes like a person trying to chase sleep and made a funny expression.
Like a kid who doesn't like to read but is forced to read, she pouts.

“It’s been so long since I’ve read a book that I don’t even know what I’m reading right now. I guess it
doesn't fit the book."

Irina, who was hardly able to pull off the progress, glanced at the remaining thickness and made a sad
face. Illenoa was pretty cute with the heinous behavior she was doing.

“You didn’t even learn Japanese because you liked Japanese literature. Stop being humble in front of

“… … but i'm picky I mean, I read only the fun stuff. I can't read non-literary books like you."

“I don’t even read it because it’s really fun. I just read it because it helps.”

“… … .”

It wasn't that others didn't read it because they didn't know it. Irina, who was strangely unlucky, pursed
her lips and asked him as if to test him.

“It’s Illinoa.”


“Do you know what Gircion is?”

“Isn’t that the name of the people who lived on the periphery of the southern continent? I heard that
they are wandering aimlessly without a country now.”
“… … .”

Irina put the book she had opened on her face and hid her expression.

I feel bad. He went to the same school as me. I could hear her muttering in anger.

Ilenoa picked up a book that looked heavy and placed it on her chest. Then, yellow eyes that seemed to
embrace the morning star were revealed.

He asked, looking into her eyes with a smile on her face.

“So why are you suddenly curious about the history of exile?”

"just… … They said the store had items from Girsion. Still, you need to know something to be able to sell.
what is that... … I don't think it will sell anyway."

It wasn't a smirk, but Irina seemed to have such thoughts. In addition to store management and
accounting, she came to study each and every item she handles.

The problem, however, is that the previous owner's interests were too variegated to approach it that
way. Irina was often frustrated by her inconsistent taste.

Illenoa looked at her worriedly and said,

“You wouldn't have to do this. People who come to buy things are never smarter than you.”

His words made it clear what he thought of Irina and, conversely, of people.

He always looks down on people coldly. But if he only looked at the world from that perspective,
wouldn't he be too lonely and cold?
Irina smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“It’s not that, Ilenoa. Everyone knows.”

“… … .”

“If the seller doesn’t know about the product, people feel it. You can deceive at first, but you cannot
deceive everyone all the time.”

But while saying that, Irina closed the book on her chest.

It wasn't that he had changed his mind. It was because I had to honestly admit that Illenoa was much
more interesting than a boring history book.

Irina put the book aside and pulled up the blanket, he asked quietly.

“Did I get in the way?”

Irina shook her head. It's more fun just talking to you.

Then she suddenly ah! exclaimed. It was a face that had something to say.

“Yes. I changed the store name. If I go tomorrow, the signboard will change too, right?”

“I think it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of it.”

“… … uh, um. Should I have asked you for permission in advance?”

Irina took Ilenoa's words seriously.

"I'm sorry. I am motivated I must have skipped too many procedures.”

"no. That's not what I meant. Run the store as you please. What did you change to?”

However, contrary to how excited he was, Irina hesitated to answer. He wasn't sure that Illenoa would
sympathize with her humor. Irina also knew that she was a little chubby.

After hesitating, she proposed to Ilenoa.

“Would you like to go see me tomorrow? When I came, I went to see some shops. Actually, I'm going
to change the display too. I hope you listen to my thoughts. Still, talking with you is the best.”

“… … Yes, I understand."

Illenoa nodded her head a little late as she pondered Irina's words, even though she knew she didn't
mean it that way. He smirked and joked.

“If you listen, I will give you a cup of tea. Even if you don’t buy me rice.”

“… … Hey."

As Irina glanced at him, Illenoa put the book next to him on the side table and smiled.

The first salary was actually less than when I was working as a maid. This is because the profitability of
the store he personally selected was not good.
After paying Susan and Susan's salaries for an employee that was only on her days off, she didn't have
much money left in her hand.

But Irina was not disappointed. She was a bold and positive person, and her temperament resembled
that of the former Nodiac Marquis.

Although Irina lost a stable job unlike when she was working in the mansion, she recognized that she
had the opportunity to generate great profits. She knew instinctively that she had to be able to take
risks and anxieties for the greater good.

And after paying off some of the debt with the little money she had in hand, Irina replaced the sign first.

「Irina’s mysterious general store that I remember at least once before going to sleep」


“… … .”

It was a long, vulgar name. It was also a reflection of the personality of a cheerful and sometimes
distracted manager.

But unlike Irina, whose eyes were shining, Ilenoa did not speak. His expressionless face and sunken eyes
seemed a bit cold.

By the time the people standing behind them were stunned by the stark temperature difference, Illenoa
cooled the surrounding temperature even further.
“I don’t like it.”

"Ah… … Really? … … Why?"

“… … .”

"too long? I did that on purpose.”

The name, which was too long and full of playfulness, was unfamiliar to Kisana, which has a long history
as a shopping street. But Ilenoa shook her head.

“Long is fine.”


Then Irina looked at the sign and tilted her head as if she didn't know what the problem was, said

“Isn’t that too sensational?”

“… … .”

Irina's mystic general store that comes to mind at least once before going to sleep.

Irina, who had been muttering the name she had given her name several times, finally looked at Illenoa
as if in absurdity. She said it as if she was very embarrassed to say such a thing.

“It wasn’t me who meant it, it was a general store.”

“I know.”

“Who would take it that way? And it feels bad to say things like this with my mouth... … I'm not as
pretty as I remember before going to bed."

Irina had a more humble attitude about her appearance than I thought, even though she joked about
her beauty once in a while.

Illenoa shook her head.

“There must be some crazy bastards who think like that. And you are a beauty.”

Irina, who had been scratching her cheek with a bit of embarrassment at the added words, immediately
put aside her worries and spoke boldly. It was a surprisingly positive shift in thinking.

“Well, whatever you think, if you think of coming to the store one more time, I think it’s a success.”

“… … .”

“Sales is my personality.”

“… … .”

When Irina showed a much worse merchant temperament than expected, the people at the top were at
a loss for words. Illenoa, who was still looking at the sign, opened her mouth again.

“Can I be honest?”

“Yeah, talk. I'm not that cheap, but I desperately need your sober evaluation. You're still the smartest
person around me."
The people watching flinched, but Ilenoa didn't seem to care at all.

“I am a little confused about what I want to say. What are you selling?”

People became more and more silent at the gossip that came and went.

"done. Then it is a real success.”

“… … .”

Everyone, including Ilenoa, looked at Irina with a puzzled expression. But Irina seemed really satisfied.

Kisana General Store. Whenever she saw the honest name, Irina would lamentably say to Susan.

- I yawn every time I see the name of this store. The previous owner had so many interests, so why
didn't he pay any attention to the name of the store? This unfair man.

Irina said to Ilenoa, who was silently looking at her.

“Illenoa. have fun going this is real It's better if you're curious."

“… … .”

“The location of the store is not very good. If you don't come up with a unique concept, people won't
come here."

Illenoa nodded her head without saying a word. It meant agree.

He stopped talking about the name of the store and asked what had been bothering him for a while.

“What is it?”

What she was holding was several stacks of paper. And on top of it were the letters Irina had written
whenever she had time.

“Ah, this is to promote the store. I'm going to ask a pub or something and put some on it. But have you
ever been to a bar called 'On a Stormy Night'?"

“I haven’t been there.”

“You haven’t been? It tastes really good... … No, business is going well there.”

“… … .”

Illenoa silently looked at the paper she was holding. Maybe it was written crookedly on purpose, or the
handwriting was funny.

- Irina's mystic general store that comes to mind at least once before going to sleep

- Gifts will be given to the five people who purchase the most during the period.

Illenoa, who found the hair oil jar she had drawn cutely along with the location of the store, looked at
Irina for a long time without saying a word.

As Irina started running the store in earnest, strangely, sales began to pick up little by little.
Illenoa, who knew early on what Irina was good at, was not surprised, but the people at the top still
looked at Irina in amazement when she came to the warehouse to pick things up.

She never neglected to buy new things. He came to the top so often to pick up things that he looked like
a squirrel picking up acorns.

You couldn't give up items that were already popular on the market. She diligently brought in hair oil
and accessories that were trendy with her own eyes, but Irina could not rely on them alone.

There was a separate burial like the goose that lays golden eggs. It was truly unconscionable to expect
the top to leave such a place behind and push her own stores.

So Irina simply wanted to try something that didn't depend on fashion and items. Having experienced
aristocratic socialites, Irina was also well aware that fashion could be artificially created.

- I can sell potions too.

She had an ambitious dream of disposing of her bad stock in no time at all.

After washing and putting on her clothes, Illenoa looked down at the door when she heard a knock. The
one who pushed the door and appeared was Irina, who had not come home until now.

“Are you coming now?”

Woo-woong, Irina's answering voice was a little more slack than usual. As Irina approached, Illenoa, who
had been puzzled, sensitively sniffed the faint smell of alcohol.

“… … You are late. Where have you been?”

Irina didn't answer and sat down on Ilenoa's bed. It was rude to sit on someone else's bed, but Irina was
now used to this room and bed.
Illenoa, who was about to put on comfortable clothes after washing, suddenly stared at Irina.

"I'm sorry if I'm asking ignorantly."

“… … .”

“Are you here because you are lonely?”

Then Irina glanced at Ilenoa.

“You are the only one who thinks of it.”

As Irina frowned, he didn't bother to object, but sewed his arm around the clothes he was about to
wear. Then, dressed more than before, I sat down next to Irina.

Ilenoa's doubts were not exaggerated. She didn't come to Illenoa without business, and the two didn't
sleep in the same room unless it was time for a relationship. Even that, most of it was done at the
suggestion of Ilenoa.

There were no complaints. It was a one-sided mind that was coercive from the beginning.

If Irina could pay her debts to find a cause for her to stay in this house, that was all she had to pay. If you
have to have a physical relationship so that she sleeps next to you, then you have to have a relationship.

He could and will do anything at any time.

But Irina was a man. With a much more human and warm heart than himself.

Thinking she was complicated enough to drink alone, he felt cool and eventually asked.
“Have you been drinking?”

“… … uh? I only had one drink.”

“… … .”

“Am I smelling alcohol again?”

Irina, who drank a glass that couldn't be caught even with both hands, was very embarrassed and
covered her mouth and nose. So Ilenoa shook her head.

“I don’t.”

“… … .”

“Really, very little.”

“… … .”

What's with all these rude gentlemen?

Irina, with a frown on her nose, said this time holding her cheeks with both hands.

“The response has been good, so we will hold the event again. I came here to ask you to change the
paper and paste it. A cup of steamed rice… … drank.”

Ilenoa tilted her head. There was no expression on her face, but Irina could now read Illenoa's mood
well. was that he didn't like it.
“Don’t do that yourself.”

“Then what do you do?”

“Aren’t there employees in the store? I was hired to do that.”

“I feel at ease when I ask by looking at your face.”

“Aren’t you just going to have a drink?”

As Illenoa pointed out as sharply as usual, Irina bowed. Irina, who had been stabbed a lot, said
cautiously as if muttering.

“I won’t break the pottery anymore.”

Then he laughed absurdly.

I know that I don't laugh in a particularly good way, but it was fun for Irina when Illenoa made such an
unintentional expression from time to time. In fact, I even tasted a sense of victory.

She was excited and added quickly.

“I won’t even slap you on the cheek.”

Then Ilenoa grinned once more.

“You can break it or you can lose.”

“… … .”

“It’s just saying don’t eat to the point where you can’t control your body. It’s a dangerous and dirty

It was a kind and commonsense concern. But Irina seemed to have found something else she didn't like.
Irina, who looked at Ilenoa with a sad face, said.

“Don’t hit me anymore.”

“Why all of a sudden?”

"I do not know. Even if you do me wrong, I... … I won't. Even if I’m angry, I won’t do that.”

Ilenoa was silent for a moment. Irina sometimes thought Illinoa was a strange person, but it was the
same with Illenoa.

you idiot. You idiot who doesn't know how scary this world is. I hope other people don't know that you
are this kind of person. Do you know who you're talking to right now because you're drunk?

After a moment's silence, he opened his mouth.

“I did the right thing to you that day. I understand exactly what you are upset about. But I did know.
Even if the same thing happens again, it will happen again. I do not reflect on myself, so you should just
do what you want and live.”

Irina opened her mouth frankly at those words. It was a look of admiration.

“What an amazing sense of balance, you exact scumbag.”

As Ilenoa smiled as if she had repainted it, Irina sighed. I've been cursed, but he's got a more
comfortable face.

Originally, I didn't like to talk badly in front of others, but she told Illenoa honestly.

“I didn’t really drink much. They help me because I am a regular, but sometimes I have to go and sell
them to create a cause. That's why I came here to sell you a cup of tea."

Ilenoa knew what she was talking about. Because he was a merchant who started from the bottom.

But among the well-bred noble ladies, where else could there be such a person? Irina had a very unusual
tradesperson temperament. It was a virtue of a merchant to spare the necessary investment.

Her father also had that tendency, but Irina resembled the former Marquis of Nodiac, so even though
the distribution was large, it was much clearer and broader in terms of ties and ends.

After Irina didn't speak for a while, Ilenoa quietly laid her down. Irina was bewildered, and when Illenoa
pulled up the blanket as if she was really just sleeping, she was even more bewildered than at the

She had already sat on the bed without permission from the beginning, but she stuttered because it was
a sin to cover the same duvet in this state.

"uh… … I'm sorry, but I haven't washed yet."

"it's okay."

"you… … You hate that.”

Then he burst into laughter.

“I am just the same guy.”

“Oh, you are a man. Do I know? Why?”

“It means instinctively knowing that you are not in a great position to ask such a thing about an
obsessive woman. It seems you already saw me as a sensitive and tired person.”

“… … .”

Anyway, it seemed like he didn't want to go to bed without washing, so when Irina flinched, he gently
pressed Irina's shoulder down.

“Please just stay.”

Because you came to my room and I feel good now.

Swallowing his back, he pulled the blanket a little higher to cover her protruding shoulders.

It was now a habit to comb her hair and rub her cheeks and forehead all over the place. And as he
looked closely at her face, he noticed something different.

“You must have done something to your face.”

Then she made a surprised face.

"uh? Oh right. I really need to wash up and come home.”

Irina, who had a strong impression by nature, did not put on heavy makeup. Illenoa was curious and
looked at her face more carefully than before, but Irina had a troublesome face to wash.
She pursed her lips and said.

“In the past, my mother said it was polite to put something on your face when you meet someone. My
mother cared a lot about other people's opinions and was actually very gentle. So I went through a lot of
trouble with my dad. My dad had a hard time even thinking about it. But there are some things that I
don't like to do when other people tell me to do this or do that."

Irina was really honest about herself. When Illenoa unspokenly affirmed, Irina didn't deny it either,

“I like decorating quite a bit, but I actually liked it more than my mom, but because I had to do it for
that reason, I felt rebellious. But now, strangely, sometimes I don't want to go out with a bare face. Is it
because I am getting older?”

As Irina spoke with a hazy face, Illenoa, who had been quietly listening, said:

“It’s just that you have a new taste.”

“… … wow. I guess so.”

“Can I wipe it off?”

Then, as if it wasn't Irina, she smiled and shook her head.

“No, no. I'll wash up later."

And somehow feeling uncomfortable, she added. I'll do it when you sleep.

But Illenoa knew that Irina would fall asleep like that, so she smiled relaxedly. Okay.

Irina blinked for a while, staring at the ceiling. Then she suddenly turned her body to the side.
“Illenoa, what do sailors need?”

“… … .”

Irina, who had a lot of questions from the beginning, seemed to be springing up with new thoughts
every day. The transition was so fast that it was often difficult for other people to follow. But Irina was
always burned by a strange passion that others could not understand.

“How about a wide-brimmed hat because it gets a lot of sunlight? can be tied with string. It won't hurt
your skin a lot."

Illenoa, who was listening with concentration, smiled.

“You might think so, as I’ve never had a proper conversation with the crew.”

“… … Why?"

“I’m not the kind of person who cares about that.”

As Irina nodded with a serious face, Ilenoa added.

“I'd rather have a canteen or dried jerky in mind. Food is provided, but they always find themselves in
unexpected situations and live with anxiety. Even though they may seem arrogant, they are actually very
careful people.”

"Oh, I see."

“But why are you asking that?”

Irina did not answer Illenoa's questions. She smiled happily at the informative conversation and closed
her eyes.

"Afterwards… … I'll tell you later. I suddenly had an interesting thought.”

As she smiled brightly, yawned loudly, and slowly fell asleep, Illenoa looked into Irina's face. Then I left
the room to get towels and robes.

The gift event Irina envisioned played a huge role in attracting customers. It was a strange idea and a
little clumsy to bet a bait product instead of selling it at full price, but Illenoa knew from the start that it
was a very sophisticated and clever way.

People at the top are now starting to wonder how far this corner store can grow.

And Irina was not satisfied with that level. Decided to dispose of all the store's inventory, Irina planned a
visit to the monastery. It was to sell potions.

Knowing that the Kissen religion played a major role in her history of oppression and prejudice against
her red hair, Irina did not originally like the monastery. In fact, it shuddered.

Of course, that was a long time ago, her grandmother's history. However, the current monastic sermon
about not pursuing pleasure through food did not match my values and eating habits at all.

However, when she was so open-minded, there was no one who hated that fact more than her.

“You don't have to do that. Why do you go so far and say sorry? You don't have to do things you hate.
Did I put so much pressure on you for performance?”

Of course, that was never the case. But Irina was stubborn once more. It was because Ilenoa's words,
which were too sharp, touched her sensitive part.
“I will do it if necessary. Is it difficult to say sorry once? Actually, this is nothing. I have done more, and I
can still do it.”

Irina was doing that to go to the monastery and get a blessing.

Illenoa looked coldly at the boxes full of damn potions. what is that I wanted to buy it all and throw it
into the sea, but I knew how upset Irina would be.

“Selling a few is great. If it were me, I would just throw it away.”

“I can’t, Illenoa. This is the property of the store. If you put time and effort into it, you can turn it into

Irina seemed desperate for something. He calmly tried to persuade Irina.

“Irina. Time for people like you is not equivalent to money.”

But Irina bit her lip and looked at Illenoa as if she had something on it.

“Who knows that?”

“… … .”

“I mean, who knows now other than you. Who thinks of me like that?”

“… … .”

“My time and effort cannot be quantified. Proof is ultimately done with numbers and results. Illenoa.”
It was entirely an Illenoan way of thinking. But when Irina showed a cold and determined demeanor like
never before, he shut up.

Illenoa knew. The fact that the world was so cruel and that it must have felt even harsher for her who
had everything and lost it.

Nevertheless, at this moment, he realizes once again. The fact that she had suffered a lot in a world that
had been turned upside down and that no one had properly comforted her, who seemed to be brave.

Illenoa lowered her head and bit her lip in an unseen place.

“It’s money you don’t have to pay back. that you too... … You know that.”

That I just needed an excuse. I just wanted to blend into your life.

Irina suppressed her exasperated heart. There was no need to be so mad at him.

“Why are you being so serious all of a sudden? calm down too It's nothing. I don't mind.”

Illenoa nodded her head.

She was right. okay. But I hate that you endure such things.

Irina approached Illenoa and stroked his arm. So Illenoa raised her head and looked at her softly. Irina
looked really good. Much more than Ilenoa, who was always calm.

“Illenoa, I will.”

“… … .”
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I'll pay you back. I will repay you.”

“… … .”

I don't really need that, and you won't listen to me if I get down on my knees and beg not to pay you

Illenoa nodded her head slightly.

That day, she went to the monastery and received a prayer signed by the priest.

Irina thought the world was a really strange and interesting place.

She knew how sassy the monastery was for the powerless. However, the investigator, who was looking
at her suspiciously, changed his attitude the moment he saw the badge on the top.

Hey, this dirty world.

But it was not a subject to insult others. It was because Irina was also twisting her body and fiddling with
her badge. as if to ask you to find out.

In the absence of circumstances, the donation came in quite generously. But don't go into too much
detail because Illenoa might be offended if she finds out about that.

Irina began to decorate one side of the store by collecting items for the sailors to purchase. And Susan
came near and looked at him curiously.
The way Irina displayed things was different from before.

If most of the displays are stacked on the basis of the similarity between items, Irina set up a single
customer base and collected items that those people could buy. It was kind of an exhibition.

The clunky mannequin looked a little cute when she wore a blue striped T-shirt with a rather short hem
and brown trousers of ambiguous length.

Laughing mischievously, she carefully tied a red scarf around her neck as if she were a living sailor. It was
an attitude that breathed into inanimate objects.

After properly displaying ropes, gloves, and jerky on the table, and hanging a water bottle around the
mannequin's neck, Irina finally attached the prayer she received from the monastery.

- When the raging sea threatens your voyage, be the bow of God.

May the wind, the currents, the moon and the stars always be on your side.

Wow, the investigators are really good at writing. It didn't look like a sentence from the tip of a monk's
pen to reveal the money, so Irina admired it in a different way.

Irina immediately brought a box full of potions and a teacup in front of her. And I put a pretty teacup on
top. She said to Susan, who was puzzled.

“Let the sailors who come to buy jerky or canteen taste each sip. Let me tell you about that prayer.
Then there are people who live for fun. People sometimes spend money like that, don't they?"

“… … .”

“You shouldn’t be too serious about it instead. Let's just make it a fun superstition. Lower the price a
Susan, too, was a person who ate as much as she could on the floor. The source of the potion of
protection from curses was the local monastery. Even in the countryside, few believed, and in the
capital, a bottle was sometimes sold to sailors on long voyages.

The part that could appeal to the consumer of the product was too weak, so Irina went to the central
monastery and received a blessing.

Since it was just for matching the assortment, the prayer was written by a real monk and was plausible.

Susan, who was looking at Irina without a word, suddenly removed the teacup that Irina had brought.
And I brought a much smaller bronze cup than before.

The cup made of densely sized glass seemed more mysterious, but Irina quickly noticed Susan's hidden

This is to lower the volume of the tasting.

“… … .”

This is industry experience.

Irina quietly applauded Susan, who carefully pointed out the parts she hadn't thought of before. Then
Susan looked at Irina and smiled.

As the man pushed the door with a knock sound, Illenoa glanced over and closed the papers she was

The man bowed his head and put a brief report on the upper-level desk. It was one of the people Illenoa
had attached to Irina.
Before Irina entered the Count's House, he was informed of her every move for many years.

It was a time when Irina's family was in debt, and there was a reason that she was often in trouble.
Nevertheless, people couldn't shake the feeling that it was a eccentric hobby rather than a good

It's because Sangju Joo, who doesn't like to talk nonsense or talk loudly, was about Irina, and didn't stop
saying anything useless.

And after Irina entered the Count's house, his hobby, which had been interrupted for a while, resumed
after Martin came to the store. Again, the cause was protection.

But Illenoa was a man of thin conscience, and people gradually realized that the boss wanted to keep an
eye on her every move in addition to protection.

However, there was less and less to report. This is because Irina's work at the store was very
monotonous these days.

Even when she left the store, the place she went to was always decided. All I had to do was go to the
upper warehouse, a store in the same industry, and visit the former Marquis Nodiac.

Eventually, the focus of the report gradually shifted to a list of items she sold that day. And the man
making the report was feeling it himself now. The number of items for sale was increasing to the point
that it was difficult to list them all at once.

He knew very well that Sang Sang-ju didn't put it up to report something like that, but in the end he
scratched his neck and opened his mouth today.

"I… … You came to the warehouse today, and when you returned to the store, you were there all day.
He alone sold two hats, a travel book, an ointment, three pairs of gloves, and twenty-seven bottles of

The man, who was puzzled by not knowing which part was bothering him, carefully opened his mouth

“Two hats and a travel book… … .”

"done. I got it.”

Illenoa chinked her to get out, and the man carefully shook his head and walked away. Illenoa looked at
him as he left and turned to look at the paper the man had left.

At first glance, the items that were sold and bought throughout the day were plentiful. Even the desire
was now felt in the purchased item.

Illenoa, who was carefully checking the list, smiled absurdly.


He was such a cute salesman.


Irina came out to the garden of the earl's house for a long-determined holiday. The wide-brimmed hat
was provided by the maid, but it was actually Ilenoa's breath.

Irina, who ran out with a seedling shovel, had an ambitious face as always. However, the large ribbon
hanging from the brim made her look much younger than her age.

“Gardener, are the flowers blooming?”

A smile somehow leaked out of the flawless words, and the gardener smiled kindly. In front of them,
pale pink flowers were blooming modestly.

“Yes, miss. Fortunately, it is a pretty flower. It comes from Imphenon, but it is suitable for growing in
Kissen climates.”

The gardener talked about appearance, but Irina, who had something to think about, put her face to the
flower and said with a serious face.

“Hum. I think it smells good.”

“I feel the same way for old people. It’s good to leave this soft scent for a long time.”

Irina nodded and said to the gardener.

“Gardener, thank you for nurturing flowers so well.”

“… … You're welcome."

The wrinkles on the old man's face deepened.

The flower seed from Imphenon was one of the store's treasure troves.

A flower seed that is said to bring good luck to the house if planted. The former owner's taste for having
a lot of hair on his face and body was now somewhat cute.

In fact, Irina arbitrarily imagined that he might have been more of a traveler than a merchant.

But I also sold all the potions that prevent curses, and that's about it.
Irina looked up at the sky with a confident face and grinned.

The sky was bluer and higher than the other days. It rained often and the weather was gloomy in Kissen,
but on rare occasions it allowed people to have such a sunny sky.

The wind suddenly blew, and she lowered her eyes as if in a good mood. But soon, startled, he grabbed
his head with both hands.

The wind ironically took the big hat off her head. And the hat, which was rolling around, landed in
Illenoa's hand before it flew further.

“… … .”

Illenoa walked slowly and stood a little further away from her, flicking off her hat. He looked around
meticulously and held out a neat hat, but Irina, with her eyes wide open, asked without thinking of
receiving it.

“Are you resting today too?”


“… … okay?"

It wasn't until breakfast that I didn't say that. Somehow, thinking that he was resting after her, Irina
stared at Illenoa.

Meanwhile, Irina didn't seem to want to be handed the hat, so Illenoa gently tucked her hair back, which
was dripping down. He put on the hat he was holding, but soon took it off again.

“The hat is big. It can't be because it's too windy."

He handed the hat to a nearby gardener. Then the gardener took the hat and stepped back. He turned
his back and disappeared a little faster than his age, so this place seemed uncomfortable to him.

Illenoa, who was looking at her back, said to her.

“You are especially kind to the gardener.”

"Why. Thank you. In fact, he gave me something I should have brought up.”

Illenoa nodded numbly. It wasn't a face that agreed very much, and Irina wasn't expecting sympathy
either. Because he knows very well that he is not the owner of a very mild temper toward the servants
of the mansion.

He reached out to Irina, who was squatting. I meant grab it and get up. Irina took Ilenoa's hand without
any reluctance.

And now they stood shoulder to shoulder in the shade, looking down at the flowers the gardener had

“What are you going to do this time?”

“How are you?”

Irina was trying to be naive, but Illinoa kept waiting for an answer, and in the end she blew honestly.

“How are you going to sell this? Dry it well and make it into a scent bag. Actually, that's the fashion of
the real impenon ladies. Have you ever seen The gardener knew.”

“… … .”
Irina glanced at Sang-joo's reaction and added it quickly.

“It will cost a bit, but… … It's okay if you match the price. I'll try to get it right so it doesn't hurt. If you
make it pretty, it will sell much better than selling flower seeds. Hey, but honestly, pretty is the best. In
fact, sometimes that's all it's all about."

The store's sales were rising sharply. The increase in net profit was slower than that because Irina did
not spare money to sow and invest in bait products, but anyone in the big business would agree. Her
judgment is correct in the long run.

As a result, the amount Irina repaid to Illenoa was also gradually increasing. Of course, her debt was,
and still is, an amount that could not be paid in full. The store run by Irina and the business of the
Nodiac family were different in scale.

However, from the time she revitalized the failing store and the store's sales began to rise to the top of
Kissana Street, or to be precise, the store began to spread word of mouth, and people looked at Irina
from a slightly different perspective.

Her intense curiosity, interest in the world, and sparkling affection.

It would have seemed useless to others until Irina was confined to the narrow world of the wretched
reality and the marquis and the countess.

But now she has only stepped into the world a little wider. I only got a really small chance.

Illenoa muttered quietly what the mansion employees and upper-class people couldn't say.

“You are a great person.”

"cellar. I? … … is it?"
I wonder if it's a good time to play a prank at this point, or whether it's time for a prank, or whether she
felt embarrassed in the end, she scratched her neck and bruised Ilenoa.

“You too. People shouldn’t do that.”

“What else do you mean?”

“People say You should always treat others the same. When are people making fun of people because
they don't have money? It's not that I feel good when people praise me because I suddenly change my
attitude just because I'm earning some money. … It’s sad.”

Illinoa paused at Irina's mouth pouting. It started out like a joke, but it was because she seemed to be a
little choked up while she was talking. Was that sad?

Illenoa, who was looking at Irina with a mysterious expression, asked.

“Did you feel my praise like that?”

Then Irina, who had a worried expression on her face, shook her head after a while.

It would be a lie to say that I have never been hurt. A person who is not afraid to raise paper rights if
necessary. But he was also the one who gave her a chance.

Even though he felt it was unfair to have the resentment he could not shake off, he had no choice but to
say this to him because no one else understands her now.

Irina shook her head once again with a face regretting that she had spoken out. But it was like the reality
of the eternal distance between the two.

As Irina spoke quietly as usual, Illenoa held her wrist quietly. He shook his head.
no. It's true that I'm not a very good person, but that's what you're thinking wrong now.

“I’m sorry if you felt that way… … I swear I never made fun of you for no money. You have always been
the same to me.”

You have always been a difficult person for me, and I just decided to take advantage of the misfortune
that happened to you by chance. Fiercely, you can't even imagine. challenges in my life. Irina.

The young men and women in the sunlight were so beautiful. How dark and beautiful it was to see the
two of them together, the employees only occasionally looked at the two in captivity.

Has there ever been a time when the quiet and gloomy countess shined so brightly? Have you ever had
Ga-ju's eyes embracing such constant heat?

The two couldn't look at each other for a while, silently looking at only the beloved flowers that the
gardener had bloomed. After a while, Illenoa bent down and picked a small flower. It was dry and

I don't know how to express my feelings. You know better than anyone how to achieve your goals. For
too long, he has lived a life that excludes such things.

In the end, Illenoa just gave the flower to Irina's hand.

Irina was quietly handed over, but it seemed a little funny. She deliberately said bluntly, wanting to
relieve the serious atmosphere.

“I don’t like flowers, ma’am. They just want to sell it all.”

Illenoa didn't even laugh, knowing it was a joke. He spoke in a tone that sounded a lot drier than usual.

“I didn’t specifically tell you to like me.”

“… … okay?"

When Irina asked the question as if it was surprising, Illenoa nodded her head.

“I just gave it to you because I thought it would look good if you were holding a flower.”

“… … .”

“It suits you.”

Irina was so unexpectedly funny that she covered her mouth and laughed.

Chapter 7. Form of Love I

A lot of strange things happened that fall.

Irina's general store was recognized for her performance, and Susan was now able to secure enough
stock of popular items without being overly cautious as before. The store wiped out more than half of
the malicious inventory it had left behind.

Irina had a unique sense and idea.

But it is clear that luck was also with her. As if being compensated for the bad things in the past, good
energy overflowed around Irina, who started business for a while.

And around that time, as Irina said, straight style clothes began to become fashionable in Kissen.
The women of the royal family no longer led the fashion. Just a year or two ago, a monotonous white
dress stood out on the street, which was all about gorgeous dresses that emphasized volume.

Illenoa wasn't a big fan of clothes, but it felt like the trend was going in the direction of the times.

It seemed to be active. In other words, breathing, walking, and sitting seemed easier than before.

Strictly speaking, Irina was the one who sensed the spirit of the times, not the one who created it.
Nevertheless, Irina's shop at the top had no choice but to keep an eye on her because of her boldness to
prepare for fashion.

Irina was the first person to put a chemise dress on a mannequin before anyone else on Kisana Street,
which is lined with clothing rooms that are said to be narrow. Even though the dress isn't what she's

“It will be over soon, so please wait.”

“Yes, take it slow.”

Illenoa nodded and sat down on the chair. When he couldn't take his eyes off Irina's back, Susan blushed
and brought out the tea.

Sang-ju Sang-ju entered the store and waited for Irina to finish her work. The two men, who were going
to have dinner together nearby, seemed to Susan to be on a date.

Illenoa nodded at Susan and took a sip of tea. But soon he got up from his seat and walked over to Irina.

“What is that?”
Irina was originally interested in store display, and these days, she has changed the display of the show
window to the point that it seems excessive. Irina, who put a ribbon-shaped headband over the
mannequin's head, asked Illenoa's opinion.

"Strange? Shall we just wear a hat?”

Illenoa shook her head.

“I don’t know if you ask me like that.”

Irina burst out laughing involuntarily. I always thought it was a bit nasty to stick to black and monotone,
but this time it was a little cute.

Shall I give you one of the men's brooches later? Even if I give it as a gift, I won't do it anyway.

Irina glanced at Illenoa's attire and began to explain today's concept as he looked at her with a puzzled

“You know, clothes these days have a lot of necklines.”

She added a little more kindly to his eye level.

“When you wear clothes like that, people have their hair turned up to show the neckline or shoulder
line. So, it's only natural to look for a headdress to match it. Besides, the clothes themselves are
monotonous. After all, this is a garment that has no choice but to sell a lot of ribbons and hairpins.”

it will be fashionable As Irina came to a light conclusion, Ilenoa nodded her head briefly as if she
understood her intentions.

Look at the deep neckline and wear a headband.

Long shawls and gowns to see the thin muslin material.

Inflated but short sleeves and long gloves.

Irina's shop, which was originally rumored to be known because of the excellent sense of the young
owner, has been getting a lot of female customers these days.

In fact, if you have such a great sense of aesthetics, wouldn't it be right to run a dressing room?

The top people often thought about it, but she still had a lot of things to do and this mysterious general
store where she could try things out suited Irina well.

“Suzanne, I’m sorry… … I'll just ask you to close the door. See you tomorrow."

“Yes, don’t worry and enjoy your meal!”

After the settlement, Irina, who finished preparing for tomorrow's business, greeted Susan and sang
Lulu and hum. As she was walking lightly, she suddenly cried and ran out.

Susan watched Sang-ju Sang-joo, who followed him without a word, smile with a meaningful expression.
It was a cute face.

"Eat a lot!"

Irina, who guided Ilenoa to a nearby restaurant, smiled broadly. The restaurant was a bit noisy. In fact, it
was very commonplace, and most of the guests were grouped by men, boasting their thick talk.

But oddly enough, Irina with a bright and cheerful expression blended in well with the surrounding
landscape. The only foreign thing was Ilenoa, who was sitting cross-legged with a cold face.
When the clerk brought out ribs and rice wine, Irina clapped her hands and liked it.

“Eat and eat more. Understand? I have money.”

Then Ilenoa smiled softly, not lifting the fork.

“I think I will have to buy some food.”

"Why? … … Are you going to eat too much?”

At the unexpected words, Illenoa licked her lips. Then, in the end, he burst into laughter. After holding
down the tip of his mouth several times with his half-cleaved hand, he returned the answer to Irina, who
was puzzled.

“Because Irina has to be treated the same whether she has money or not. To that end, I think it would
be more consistent and better for me to live my life from the beginning. I always have a lot of money,
and I want to eat with you often.”

“… … .”

It was just joking around. Irina raised her eyes at the twisted joke.

In fact, was he somehow embarrassed? Irina seemed to know that the words she had uttered that day
were deeply etched in Ilenoa's heart.

"you… … Are you going to make people feel so uncomfortable again?”

Illenoa smiled and denied.

"just joke."

“… … .”

“I will eat well. thank you."

“… … uh. okay. Eat a lot.”

“Yes, not too much.”

“… … This is the end.”

Irina, as usual, boasted a thriving appetite. In the end, the menu that was mainly ordered with meat only
reflected Irina's appetite. However, Ilenoa, who boasts restrained eating manners, was also eating a
little more aggressively than usual.

Unfamiliar with him eating well, Irina often glanced at him. Still, she sips non-stop wine during the meal.

After drinking, she was immersed in thoughts with a face earning her money, and suddenly she opened
her mouth.



"uh? No, you can just listen while eating... … .”

Oh my gosh, that's not a big deal.

As Illenoa put down the fork, she waved her hand, but she scratched her neck and opened her mouth as
she looked down at her.

"I've been thinking about it, and I think you're right."

“What do you mean?”

“It’s about making ready-to-wear clothes. As I started doing business, I started to understand more and
more what you were thinking.”

Ilenoa smiled faintly.

She was a very fun woman. When I think of something interesting, I want to share it with others.

“In what way did you think that way?”


The opening of the era of ready-to-wear using sewing machines felt like the future to Irina in the near

There were still elements of anxiety. When she had two options, she wanted to wear tailored clothes
without thinking too much.

However, Illenoa was right about the future pointed to by the market's supply and demand. The more
he devoted himself to business, the more it felt like inevitable.

“There are a lot of commoners who have touched the money, but the supply is quite unstable
compared to people’s purchasing power. How can you make money if you are in business and it is so
difficult to secure things? Even though our shop has the top of the Schuberg in the back.”
What he was ultimately seeking was a continuous and overwhelming supply that could respond to
market demand.

Irina slowly blinked her drunken eyes and spoke as if muttering.

“Actually, it’s the same as investing in a large trading vessel.”

“… … .”

“Do you want to make a similar investment within Kissen? Because I don't want to rely solely on trade.
Time to ship... … It’s still too long.”

As he silently nodded, Irina smiled. It was because his thoughts, which I thought were cold and strange
at first, became more interesting the more I pondered them. But you're also a bit of a strange person.

Irina, who tilted her head back and smiled, said as if muttering. It seemed that the intoxication was
slowly rising.

“It’s so fun, Illenoa.”

“… … Is that so."

"Uh. It’s sudden, but that’s it.”

“… … What do you mean?”

He didn't get an answer, but Illenoa didn't ask any more questions and just looked at her. It was because
Irina, who was smiling brightly, felt the energy that overwhelms the surroundings. Originally, he was
such a brilliant person.
Her figure now seemed to slowly find her place. As if wearing clothes that fit her, it seemed that only a
dazzling future was left in front of her.

So Irina may have a comfortable face next to him as she is now, and he may have been frankly relieved.


The bad news came suddenly.

When Sangju Sang-ju, who had visited the store yesterday evening, suddenly appeared today, Susan
made a slightly puzzled face. Moreover, he had come with many people, and the store was in full swing.


When Sang-ju Sang-joo, who had been creating a good mood until yesterday, spit out a business with a
cool face, Susan flinched a little. She cautiously pointed to the side of the store.

While serving, Irina spotted a group of black people and showed it to them. 'what are you doing?'
Talking with her mouth, she asked the customer kindly.

“You don’t like it?”

“No, it’s a little awkward.”

“I have narrow wrists, so gloves fit well.”

Illenoa didn't come closer, but waited from a distance for her to finish her response. As the customer
left the store door, Irina, who trudged through, criticized Illenoa harshly.
“Hey, this child. Are you going to run around in hordes like this, chasing customers? You went because
it was uncomfortable! This is called business disruption. Darren, will you? Aren't we still in the same

Irina was half joking and half serious, but Illenoa's eyes looking at her were more gloomy than ever. So
did the top people standing behind him.

Seeing that even Darren, who was very friendly, kept her mouth shut with a stiff face, Irina realized what
had happened later.

“… … why are you like this?"

Illenoa grabbed her shoulders tightly. It's like you're dealing with someone who can't control your body.

“I don’t know how to say back. So I'll just tell you."

However, he opened his mouth only after being silent for a long time after that.

“Don’t be surprised.”

“… … .”

“Irina. Your father is dead.”

People groaned all over the place. It was because Irina, who had blinked her eyes, staggered.

Ilenoa, who quickly supported her waist with her other arm, said around her.

“Bring a chair.”
Susan, who was frozen in surprise, did not respond. Illenoa carefully sat Irina on the chair Darren had
brought from the corner.

“Calm down.”

“… … .”

He felt it was as if the world was testing how far she could stand.

The ironic world was already familiar to him. Now that didn't even give him any special inspiration. But
on behalf of her upright, he has long ridiculed the weights of this unfair world.

“Irina. Are you okay?”

She looked really happy until yesterday, but she looked a bit dazed. As if he had lost his sense of reality,
he did not recognize the many people in front of him and Illenoa.

Suddenly feeling impatient, Illenoa knelt in front of Irina on one knee and took her hand.

“I will always be by your side.”

At those words, Irina barely looked at him.


“… … .”

As if forced to speak, Irina reflexively lowered her eyes. He had a weak and wretched face.
The count's morning was more solemn than ever.

The employees on the first floor were all dressed in black today. Not everyone can attend the funeral,
but it was meant to express their own condolences.

Standing in the middle of it, Illenoa, who was pensive, looked up at the sound of footsteps. Irina was
holding the railing and slowly descending the stairs.

“Are you ready?”

Wearing a black dress and black lace gloves, Irina had a face with no makeup on. However, when she
pressed her surroundings with dark colors, her gorgeous features came to life.

A smiling face could change the impression of a person just by reducing the expression a little. There
was no talk of naivety, and there was a girl with a very aristocratic and arrogant impression.

But without hesitation, Illenoa went up the stairs a few steps and reached out.

“Catch it.”

“… … .”

“Come on.”

Then people flinched a little. It was because Irina, who looked at him expressionlessly, smiled a little.

She sighed quickly.

"I'm fine. So, don't do it too much."

Standing a few steps down, Illenoa looked into her face as if to determine the authenticity. Soon, he
nodded. However, instead of holding Irina's hand, she strangled her.

The hand leading down the stairs was careful, but there was a strange obsession.

Hector Nodiac.

The funeral of the man who was disgraced as the last marquis of the Nodiac family was bizarre. As the
head of one of the most prominent families in Kissen, he lost his status, honor, and money, but his final
path was grander than anyone else.

Few people came to the funeral of the fallen family. Nobles with enough trust and loyalty did not exist in
the world these days.

Nevertheless, the path of the former Marquis Nodiac was not lonely because it was the people of
Schuberg who went to deliver the obituary, and the funeral was held under the supervision of Count

The number of monks and mourners he summoned. A stone coffin with metal decorations that cannot
be used by anyone, marble to cover the cemetery.

It was a kind of show off and a mark of territory.

In fact, Irina seemed to feel burdened. You're probably thinking that this is also a debt. If he felt that
way, he would be grateful.

There was only one reason Illenoa was so devoted to the funeral of her father. It was because I wanted
to get closer to this woman by means of that.
I hope she, who has lost another place to lean on, completely collapses and leans on herself. However, I
didn't know that one day I would want to run away one day because there was no one to take
responsibility for it anymore.

He watched with cold eyes as Irina's sisters came to say hello to her sister and return to her husband.

“Are you dizzy? If you find it difficult to stand, grab your arm.”

“It’s okay.”

Illenoa easily noticed that Irina wasn't okay, she wanted to pretend she was okay.

She clenched her fists rather than crying when she was stressed, and said it was a game worth trying
when she wasn't confident enough to do well.

but i know you well

“You didn’t even eat yesterday and today. I know you cried in your room.”

“I didn’t cry, you bastard.”

“My eyes are swollen.”

“… … Are you very ugly?”

“No, it’s just cute. It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this.”

Irina burst out laughing.

Darren stood a few steps behind and glanced at Illenoa as he gently wrapped around Irina's waist.

It was a friendly look, but it didn't necessarily look like that in his eyes. It was felt that Illenoa was
consistently showing off the influence of the Schuberg family on the Nodiac family.

Illenoa was not a kind person for no reason. In fact, what a calculating and cold-hearted person he is.

Darren remembered the night he defeated his father and became Count Schuberg.

- Take over the count to me, not my brother. The king has already pledged not to engage in the
succession of the countess. If you stay quietly in the countryside, I won't even bother with the rest of
your and your wife's garbage.

- Of course, it's just a title. However, there is no need to spend money on things that famous merchants
can easily obtain. … … Shouldn't I be doing business that fits my budget now? Isn't that right, Father?

Illenoa, who escorted Irina and whispered softly, seemed like a completely different person from then.
However, it was impossible for a person to live by suppressing his or her character for the rest of his life.

Seeing Irina accepting him little by little while fighting each other made him somewhat disturbed, and
Darren sighed deeply.

It was then that a young girl with a fresh and youthful face approached Irina.

"Rest in peace."

Unknowingly, Irina made a sound and opened her eyes wide.

Third of Viscount Fontern, she was Ludwig's younger sister and Carol's older sister. For some reason,
Irina grabbed her hand in a snap.

“You came, thank you. Dad will be grateful too.”

Then Lorelina made a sullen face. Her family was a vassal family that had served the Nodiac family for a
long time.

"sorry. No other family members came.”

It was because the relationship between the two, which was almost as if they were engaged, was

Also, Irina knew that the Viscounts and their husbands had been terrified of them after the family was
completely destroyed.

The reality was harsh, and the sweet taste of love at the end was only bitter. But now, what's the point
of judging right and wrong?

Irina shook her head as if it was okay.

“No, I just wanted you to come. Say hello to your parents.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“Yeah, I’m serious.”

“… … Sister, it is true.”

“My brother… … .”

Lorelina, who was hesitating to say something, shut her mouth. It was because Illenoa, who had been
standing still like a beautiful sculpture, took one step closer.

“… … .”

He was warning the Fontern girl something clearly. Feeling threatened by that cold gaze, Lorelina
hesitated and then bowed her head.

“I sincerely thank you, Count, for the kindness you have shown Carol.”

“… … .”

“The whole family is very grateful.”

“… … .”

When Ilenoa did not answer, the atmosphere became even more awkward. After a while, he shook his
head briefly.

Lorelina, who had been hesitant for not knowing what to do, bowed once more and disappeared, and
Ilenoa turned her gaze to Irina.

Irina was looking at Illenoa with a face that she had lost her affection. She criticized fiercely.

“There is no law for you to do this to mourners. Aren't you thankful for coming?"

Illenoa had a dissatisfied face.

“Not at all. Considering the kindness that the Viscount Fontern had to the Nodiac family and the
countess, condolences are quite natural. It's a pity that the Viscount couple didn't come. I don't like that
word, but it's morally right. Why are you baking so softly like an idiot for anyone?”

“… … .”

Having nothing to say, Irina appealed for recognition.

“… … Illenoa. it's a kid Don’t ask me about it, just be kind to me.”

“Where do you see that kid?”

Then Irina frowned and looked at Laurel's back.

It was a girl who had not yet reached her coming-of-age ceremony. In the eyes of Irina, who played with
Laurel by handing out trinkets since she was very young, she looked more like a child.

As she continued to frown, Illenoa said.

“You used to beat up academy guys at that age.”

“… … .”

Irina, who had nothing to say this time too, scratched her forehead.

The ceremony proceeded while Illenoa and Irina were talking pointlessly. The tomb of Hector Nodiac
was built near the former marquis' mansion. It was right next to where his wife was first buried.
Illenoa actually wanted to build a cemetery near the Count's mansion. His wife also had plans to move. If
I do that, Irina might be able to put her heart into the Count's work a little more.

Irina also thought about how easy it would be to go back and forth, but she ultimately objected. Parents
will want to be near the marquis, proof of their glorious days.

The sarcophagus was so heavy that several workers could barely lift it. As the monk began to recite the
eulogy, the atmosphere became heavy and solemn. And soon the donations began.

Irina endured it better than expected. And it was quiet.

Life expectancy was not that long. The former Marquis of Nodiak was in poor health after his wife left
first. It hurt my heart to not see her death because it was so sudden, but thanks to the people who were
sent by the countess, she must have had a good time in the end. That was the only comfort.

It was all a debt that he had to pay back to Ilenoa in the end.

Red roses symbolize eternal life.

Irina, who placed a flower resembling herself on the sarcophagus, bit her lip as if she was crying, then
sat down, covering her face. I could hear people groaning all over the place.

Ilenoa came over and grabbed her arm and lifted her up. And gently removed Irina's hand, which kept
trying to cover her face.

“Are you crying?”

“… … .”

"Do not cry."

“… … Why?"

I knew I wasn't the kind of person who could give you warm and kind words of comfort.

“Because I care.”

At the strange words, Irina grinned with tears in her eyes.

“… … It'll be a thousand years away, you bastard."

As if he didn't care about her pin-zan, Illenoa just stared at Irina's face.

As he caressed Irina's tear-stained cheek and hugged her shoulder, the mourners held their breath and
glanced at it.

The count's servants have had a lot of trouble these days. After the funeral of her father, Irina was
sometimes depressed, and as a result, the nerves of The lord became more sensitive.

The biggest problem was the kitchen.

Unlike The lord, who did not respond to any delicacies, Irina was a person who enjoyed eating only
meat. When Irina, who had been like that, lost her appetite, not only the landlord but also the butler
was sensitive.

“Why aren’t you eating?”

Illenoa looked at Irina, who was flipping through food, and asked.
“The food doesn’t taste good.”

It sounded like a big deal. Irina shook her head.

“No, it’s delicious.”

However, she was forced to continue eating, but eventually put down her fork without taking a few

“I just have no idea.”

“… … .”

"Sorry. Because of me, you too will lose taste.”

Illenoa, who was looking at Irina, put down her fork and wiped her mouth with a napkin. She made a
sorry face, but Illenoa shook her head. He said to the servants standing nearby.

“Okay, let’s go.”

As Illenoa drove the men away, Irina looked at him puzzled. Illenoa, who was smiling at her, said in a
fresh voice.

“Take off your clothes.”

“… … what?"

“I’ll make you feel better.”

“… … Hey. this crazy bastard You scumbag.”

Irina was startled and spit out swear words. But Ilenoa came with a light footstep and began to
unbutton her dress behind her.

As she became more and more naked in the midst of bewilderment, Irina grabbed his wrist. There were
still uncooled food on the table.

“Hey, I don’t feel like this.”

“I am already standing.”

Taking a moment of embarrassment when he saw the bulging front of his pants, he pulled Irina up.
Then, ironically, the dress fell to the floor, and Irina suddenly appeared in her underwear.

Irina blushed a little, who had mixed her body countless times, but her son-in-law was bright and the
situation was too perverted.

"no. … … If you don't eat, what are you doing?"

“It’s because you don’t have an appetite anyway.”

He smiled and sat down on the chair first. And while still wearing the clothes, he took out only his
genitals from the pants dance. Irina, unable to find a place to put her gaze at her blatant appearance,
finally looked into the air and muttered as if lamenting.

“… … I must have misunderstood I feel like I'm just starting to feel hungry all of a sudden."

“If you lie, you get really pissed off. sit down please."

That's good. Actually, I like this more than the meal.

“… … I will do it by hand.”

After hesitating, Irina offered a compromise. But Illenoa grabbed her by the waist. Irina, who was sitting
on her knees, trembled a little as the hard erection touched her hip bone.

He asked quietly, rubbing his groin on purpose.

“It’s enticing, too, but I want to see what you feel.”

“… … .”

“Can’t we?”

“… … .”

“I’ll make you feel better.”

Irina couldn't find any words to answer, so she wrapped her arms around her face. Sex in front of the
table in the morning by kicking the servants out. Eventually, everyone will notice this obscene act.

But the sexual intercourse I had with Ilenoa was too stimulating. I've been mad at him not to say that
before, but maybe it's because of the street he grew up in and the environment he grew up in.

Irina bowed her head at the stimulating experiences that were hard to deny.

She had a candid personality, and conversations with her body were as enjoyable as those she had
verbally. And seeing how the tip of her slender chin moved up and down very little, Ilenoa gently kissed
her on the cheek.
Soft and warm skin, the smell of flesh, Irina.

I want to live with you in this mansion and watch you grow old.

He licked his lips like that for a while, savoring the subtle sensations.

Then, his long, slender fingers picked up the small pieces of fabric left over from Irina's body. The black
lace underwear barely covering the plump flesh of her pussy was familiar.

“You seem to like these underwear. Do you like it?”

When Illenoa pulled her underwear down and asked a little teasingly, Irina turned her head behind her
back. It was a look on his face that he really wanted to hit him.

“… … Can't you just shut your mouth and do it?"

Illenoa shrugged. Irina, now completely naked and sitting on Ilenoa's thigh, blamed herself. The morning
sun was shining brightly.

“I am a terrible illegitimate child. A foolish bastard like me should be condemned. How long has it been
since your father died? … .”

It was a little funny, but Illenoa said while licking her pointy eyes as if to appease her.

“Your father wants you to be as good as usual.”

How's this going! When Irina couldn't stand it and screamed, he finally burst into laughter.

Ilenoa whispered into her ear from behind.

“If you shout too loudly, you’ll think it’s weird outside. I don't mind.”

“… … If my dad found out, he would hit the ground in the basement and cry.”

“No. You liked me quite a bit. Among the candidates for son-in-law, you liked me the most.”

Illenoa responded leisurely and spread Irina's legs slightly apart. Then her body leaned forward, but he
gripped Irina's waist with his left hand. Irina put her knee on his knee as he was unsteady in his center,
said Irina.

“My dad liked your money, not you. You stupid bastard.”

That was an ineffective sound. However, Illenoa raised the corners of her lips at the piercing words.

He touched Irina's pussy with his hand. Find a gap that can be inserted and delicately.

“My father is like that… … Ha, you got along well with me.”

Insertion was rough without notice. Irina let out an uh-huh, but Ilenoa didn't care and raised her genitals
from the bottom up.

“Oh, it hurts!”

"I'm sorry… … .”

But words and actions did not match at all. He gripped Irina's pelvis and moved her waist a little harder,
and the wooden chair began to drag on the floor, making a creepy noise.

I was able to do it with enough release and caressing. He actually liked the way she wet the middle as
much as the penetration and ejaculation. But today, I want to shake her head so she can't think of
Did I go deeper than when I was in a normal position? Irina caressed her lower abdomen with an
embarrassed expression. It felt like a foreign body.

Strangely satisfied with the appearance, he moved more wildly than before.

The rattling sound of the chair was a little embarrassing and very annoying.

Illinoa narrowed her eyes, noticing that Irina was completely distracted and glanced behind her back
and glanced at the door. He seemed to be concerned about the noise of living outside the door and the
promiscuous noises coming out of the door.

He grabbed Irina by the armpits, pulled her away, and turned the chair upside down.

“Evil, what are you doing?!”

Irina's face turned red as she suddenly faced the door and spread her legs as if boasting. If someone
accidentally opens the door, they will show their shame face-to-face.

However, as if mockingly, Illenoa made her shrink her thighs wide open even more. And then he moved
his back again.

“You are, uh, really badass.”

"I know. Ha, so, don’t think about it.”

Is it because of the unstable posture? Is it because the stimulus is too strong?

The place where the tip of her genitals touched was as deep as ever, and Irina kept twitching and
twisting her body. After making a few round trips, he encountered a situation faster than usual.

Illenoa hugged Irina and took a deep breath. After holding his breath, he said to Irina.

“Why are you shaking like this?”

“… … It’s because your posture is uncomfortable, you idiot.”

“Did it just make you uncomfortable?”

“… … .”

Irina didn't answer aloud because of her embarrassment, but she shook her head a couple of times.
Illenoa smiled softly, and she, in embarrassment, gently removed his hand from his waist.

Irina immediately hurried to pick up the clothes that had fallen on the floor and put them on. It was
because he was dominant in such an inappropriate place.

But the bottom was so wet that he couldn't put on his underwear, so he tucked himself into a dress and
sewed his arms.

Illenoa, who was watching the scene, approached and drove Irina to the table. He didn't want to end
such a satisfying morning here.

Irina, who was being pushed back and forth, was once again embarrassed when Ilenoa grabbed her
hand and made her grab the edge of the table. I don't know how they all try such a perverted position.

As he rolled up the dress she had barely sewed up to her waist, she put her arms on the table and buried
her face as if to hide.
He remembered that he wasn't wearing his underwear, he was sticking his butt out in front of Illenoa,
and the food in front of him was now completely cold.

This kind of sex is too dangerous and very stimulating. But sharing this ravenous, beastly sex with this
man made her sometimes terrified.

But what kind of decent, savvy man could you share this kind of sex with? Illenoa was the most
dangerous man and the safest man to share secrets with.

He rolled up the hem of the dress and gently squeezed the end of the dress to Irina. Then, a scene that
was more embarrassing than before and excited each other unfolded.

“If that’s the case, go to bed.”

Irina muttered, but Ilenoa did not answer, and looked at Irina's body and traces of sex. He said, after
watching for a long time the plump ass and the pubic hair entangled in the viscous liquid.

“Don’t roll up your skirt in front of other men.”

“… … Don't say that. To be honest, every time you do this, you feel a little weird.”

Irina seemed to have reached her limit due to the obscene rumors that continued all morning. But
Illenoa was rubbing her ass and vulva like a man who lost his temper.

Irina let out a moan as her fingers kept trying to spread her flesh.

“Have you ever slept with someone else after you slept with me?”

“… … .”

“Aren’t you going to answer me?”

“Don’t say nonsense. Who am I going to do this crazy thing with again?”

“Yeah, it’s just me. I don't know how I'm going to get out if you're wallowing with someone else."

Irina glanced back at him, wondering if he was really crazy or embarrassed. But Ilenoa looked very

He brushed Irina's hair, kissed her on the cheek, and said.

“You will be fine. whatever you do... … It'll probably be fine. But the bastard who got you in the belly
won't be okay."

“… … .”

“So you don’t have to live someone else’s pitiful life, just do it with me.”

Illenoa pierced her erect penis again. After being pierced hard, it was a repetition of intense sex again.
Then a creaking sound came from the legs of the table, not the chairs this time.

After the funeral of the former Marquis Nodiac, Irina showed a somewhat gloomy look, but Ilenoa also
had a different part. He blatantly began to act like Irina's lover.

In fact, most of the merchants on Kisana Street knew that the mistress of the general store was the lover
of the Schuberg upper class. Susan was a representative person who believed so and contributed greatly
to the spread of rumors.

“Boss, there… … .”
Irina, who was cleaning out the books while there were no customers, opened her eyes at Susan's call.
And soon he made a face that said, "Uh-huh."

When he came, Illenoa was standing sternly and staring at her.

“The deadline is still far away.”

“Do your job. I will be watching.”

“… … .”

He leisurely walked around the store as if he had become the owner of the store. And strictly speaking,
the owner was actually right.

I really wanted to ask why you came again, but Ilena just scratched her cheek as Illenoa's attitude was so
calm and it felt like she was doing what she was supposed to.

He was looking at the interior display, which had changed significantly compared to a few days ago.

“Your clothes have changed from last week.”

“… … Do you know?”

What surprised Irina was that the waist line was fixed a little higher due to a really subtle design
difference. Ilenoa snorted.

“It’s just that there’s no aesthetics, it’s not that the eyes aren’t good enough.”

He nodded.

“You wore these clothes on the morning we went to the port together.”

Did you? Irina said she couldn't remember well, so she tilted her head over and over again.

“The muslin cloth was so popular that all tall women were frozen to death. It's going to be cold soon.
I'm a woman too, but it's scary when things like this happen."

“That’s why you’re selling more shawls and gloves than the dressing room, so it’s a good thing, isn’t

is it. But also... … That's scary.

The business story dispelled her doubts and made her feel more comfortable. Irina half agreed and said
in a pleasant way.

“Yeah, it’s just that we can’t sell because we’re out of stock. … … Want some tea?"

“Yes, if you treat me like that, I will drink regardless.”

What else did you say? As Irina tried to cover the ledger with a frown on her face, Susan waved her

“I will come. Talk to me.”

Irina looked at Susan's back, who looked somewhat excited, with an ambiguous face. Why are you

Illenoa smiled a little and looked at her like that.

“What are you doing tomorrow?”

“… … .”

Irina was silent this time. Because tomorrow was her day off, and somehow I thought that he knew and
asked questions.

In fact, Irina thought that there were few holidays when working at the count's house and receiving a
fixed salary. Even though I took more days off regularly than now.

However, I couldn't take a break from time to time because I thought that I could earn as much as I did,
and that if I neglected it, sales would suffer. Business was so difficult. It was a job that followed quite a
bit of psychological pressure than I expected.

And it was only then that Irina realized that Illenoa was a person who didn't even get to play a single day
in a month.

“… … nothing special just take a break All my younger brothers live far away, but I don’t have any
friends to meet.”

"Is that so. It’s just like me.”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m going to visit my mom and dad. … … I keep reminding you.”

Illenoa nodded her head.

“I will take you. But after all, wouldn't it be better to relocate it near the earl's house? Isn’t it difficult
to go there every time?”

"Well. No, but well, it's not that far off. You don't have to take me. I'm good at walking... … .”
“You speak well.”

The friendly joke was somehow awkward, so Irina scratched her cheek again. Meanwhile, Susan came
over for a cup of tea.

Illenoa glanced at it, then pushed it a little with her finger. It was the side where Irina was standing.

It was Susan, who brought the car, who noticed sooner than Irina.

“I’ll bring you another drink.”

Irina was forced to sit down next to Illenoa while looking at Susan's back, who also looked excited.
Illenoa secretly spoke to her like that.

“Still, if you serve it near the Count’s house, it will be good for the servants to keep it as they come and

“… … .”

It was a plausible story. But when Irina didn't answer in the end, he didn't say any more.

He now acted as if he was her only legal guardian, as if he were the only one who could intervene in her
private sphere. And Irina was a little confused as to how to react whenever Illenoa tried to cleverly
shake the distance between the two of them.

It was then that a traveler with a very exotic appearance broke the silence and entered the store. As
Irina glanced at Illenoa, he said calmly.

“I don’t mind.”
Illenoa was the actual owner of the store. The real boss is watching in front of the boss, is there any way
to do business properly?

Very gritty and nervous, Irina pursed her lips. However, that was the part where Irina had not yet been
able to objectify herself well. Because she was a much more passionate sales king than I thought.

The one who approached Irina before Irina was Susan, who had put down the other cup of tea in front
of Sangju. And Susan was the first to discover the strange thing.

"welcome. … … uh? What, I think I saw this pattern somewhere.”

Susan paid close attention to the wooden pattern of the white cloth the traveler was wearing on his

And Illenoa, who was savoring the scent of tea, looked at Irina with curious eyes. Irina stood up from her
seat as if possessed.

“Girsion… … .”

“… … Irina.”

Her eyes, muttering blankly, were burning with strange madness and passion. Ilenoa's call didn't seem
to be heard.

As Irina strode forward, as if possessed by something, she stood in the way between Susan and the

On that day, Irina sold the largest Aemul complex in front of Sang-ju Sang-ju.

It took quite a while, but the traveler was impressed by the Kissen merchant who was more familiar with
the history of their country than their own people. After exchanging fervor about the fight that took
place on the last day of Girsion, they shook hands at the end, and the Traveler took the leather
breastplate as a treasure.

Illenoa couldn't stand it and bowed her head, completely covering her face.

But Irina, feeling so much better, closed the store early, regardless of what others thought of her. And
bought a second dinner from Ilenoa.


It was late afternoon when Darren visited Sang-joo's office.

Darren was a high-ranking executive at the top and a key person running the intelligence guild. And
Illenoa was also the person with the most opinions.

People who were accustomed to his visit left the room one by one before Sang Joo even blinked.


Illenoa tilted her head to one side and smiled.

The deal with the impenon royalists was put on hold for a while, and Darren, who was ambitiously
pursuing a contract, also experienced a stagnant atmosphere. Although the Schuberg upper class was an
economic community and the final decision maker was the upper class, not all of them shared the same
beliefs about trade or politics.

And as the time for the return of the galleon approached, and the end of the Impenon Civil War began
to appear gradually, people's impatience grew.

Naturally, Illenoa, who thought it was a Saffieno-related case, readily accepted the paper, but the
contents were completely different from what he expected.
"What is this."

When Illenoa asked, Darren put on a puzzled expression. It wasn't the company's public affairs, it was
her private life, but he took the matter a little bit seriously.

“It was recorded by a doctor who went to his own writer. Flip the back page over there.”

“… … .”

“I think I should know.”

Darren was right. The corners of Ilenoa's lips, who had been wearing a habitual and meaningless smile,
gradually lowered. His expression finally turned completely cold.

However, Illenoa quickly folded the paper straight. The face that opened the desk drawer and pushed
the paper deep into the depths was just clear. As if there was no need for further thought, the meaning
of his act of removing it from his eyes was clear.

Ilenoa said to Darren.

“Don’t sting and let it go.”

“… … .”

“I will not take any action.”

“… … .”

Finally, he added the most important remarks.

"and… … Don't tell him.”

“… … Illenoa.”

Darren called out his name as if hesitantly in response to the somewhat expected reaction. Darren
shook his head as Illenoa's eyes grew cold.

“I am not presumptuous to advise you. I am not against your decision.”

“… … .”

“But, since I have been doing this kind of work for ten years and earning a living, I wondered if I could
tell you this much.”

Darren, who was worried, soon spoke.

“Illenoa, I honestly don’t think there are any secrets. In the end, there is only the difference between
knowing early and knowing late.”

“… … .”

But Illenoa didn't answer, and Darren finally sighed and walked out the door.

Sales of general stores stabilized as if they had peaked after a steep upward curve.

The store's main customer base was commoners who had touched the money in the new era, and Irina,
a once aristocrat, was good at scratching their itch. Because he was a very sophisticated person, it was
basic to recommend things well, and his honest personality that could not lie for a merchant was
consistently favored by people.
In the end, as she said, she proved it numerically and with an objective indicator of sales. However,
Illenoa sometimes showed her abilities that cannot be explained by just those numbers.

Irina was clearly different from ordinary merchants.

Instead of waiting for unsold items to sell, she knew how to create the atmosphere and conditions for
them to sell. It means that he was a person who knew that creating a fashion creates a demand.

As the store cleared most of the bad stock and the scent bags went all-out, Illenoa realized again that
she wasn't the only one running a store.

Irina also seemed to have a lot of trouble.

“I think sales are a bit stagnant.”

The two were enjoying tea time quietly after breakfast.

After the death of the former Marquis Nodiac, Irina was more passionate about her work than before. I
also frequently asked Illenoa to talk, but the topics of the conversation were almost all about running a
store and paying off debts.

Illenoa put down her teacup and calmly answered her concerns.

“That’s the maximum amount of revenue that can come from the size of the store.”

Irina also seemed to agree.

“I need to expand the store or buy a warehouse where I can stock up a bit more.”
It was a bit of a risky idea. However, Irina spoke to Ilenoa again as if her worries had already been

“As long as the items are secured, I can sell them as much as I want. I'm confident, Illenoa."

The assessment of self-confidence on a thin basis has followed Irina's childhood for quite some time. But
now, not as many people can say about her as there used to be.

Illenoa nodded her head.

“Try it. We will invest from the top.”

However, Irina looked embarrassed by Ilenoa's investment proposal, as she had not expected it at all.
Contemplating, she immediately shook her head.

“No, I don’t want to make you suffer like that.”

“… … .”

It was the right word, but the way he drew the line made him a little frustrated. Illenoa looked at Irina

So what are you going to do, don't you have money, Illenoa didn't say so rudely.

“The store is run by Irina, but it is also mine. I am a merchant. It is as natural as breathing for a trader
to invest where they can make money. If it goes well, you will get my money back faster.”

The last word was a little sloppy. But she was so troubled that she didn't even care. And the solution
that Irina suggested after a while was a little unfamiliar.

“Illenoa, how about this?”

“… … .”

“The analogy is a bit strange, but it is a kind of membership system like a social gathering for ladies and

“… … Please explain in more detail.”

In Irina's too serious attitude, Ilenoa also put off her resentment and fell in love.

“You’re getting an advance payment. You put money in advance so you can buy things in the store
until the money runs out. Instead, the customer should also benefit, right? If you deposit 100,000 Kisen,
you will be able to spend as much as 110,000 Kisen. We provide refreshments to customers who have
become members every time they come.”

“… … .”

“Then can I invest with that money or secure a more stable inventory?”

“… … .”

It was an unfamiliar concept as much as enticing customers by offering hair oil as a gift.

When Ilenoa made a speechless face, Irina, who interpreted it as a negative reaction, tried hard to
persuade him.

"uh… … You might think it's a loss, but of course it's a loss on the surface, but it's not that bad."

Irina frowned and cried, not knowing what to say. He seemed a little nervous because he was afraid that
the top stock would not work.
“Think about it, Illenoa. The customer who paid 100,000 Kissen was probably the customer who only
spent 50,000 Kise in our store. But once you pay the down payment, from then on, you'll want to buy
anything from our store. We also have daily necessities in our store.”

“… … .”

“This will not only secure investment, it will also make a lot of money for each customer to spend on
our store. … … ah true Can't I just try this? I'll do my best not to hurt you."

As Irina made a desperate face waiting for an answer, Ilenoa let out a short sigh. he said after a while.

“Have you ever cheated on me in the past?”


“It means it’s your first time doing business.”

Irina's face brightened, recognizing that it was just a compliment.

Irina, who went to work at the store, made a flyer on the same day. Irina's shop made a lot of special
promotional materials, but as the location conditions were not good, she risked her life to promote the

“I’m going to go to the bar to put up flyers again.”

I didn't know why he was humming Lulu while talking like it was annoying. Meanwhile, Susan, who was
looking at the paper with a mysterious face, asked.

“Sir, will customers understand this concept?”

Even Susan, who had been in the business for a long time, was unfamiliar with this method.

There were times when the young boss, the stone that rolled into the streets of Kisana, was just too
creative and innovative to think about. There was no way to follow the fixed laws of the market, and I
was alone on the cutting edge of fashion.

However, the strange thing was that the customers exceeded the expectations of existing merchants
and followed them so well.

Irina had a face that said she had nothing to worry about.

“Are you going to do well? People usually recognize it right away when it's beneficial to them, right?"

Susan nodded and started making a promotional material together. And it was then that an unexpected
customer came to the general store.

"welcome… … uh?"

Irina, who was about to say hello, tilted her head to one side.


It was Ludwig's younger sister whom he met at the funeral.

“Sister, how are you?”

“What have you been up to here? Thank you for coming back then.”

Irina was confused for a moment, but then smiled happily. As she suggested a chair, Laurel smiled shyly.
“It’s a pity I didn’t talk much back then. That was not the case.”

"I see."

“Actually, I wanted to take a look. People are talking about my sister a lot these days. The store is
doing very well.”

Irina smiled shyly. Originally, he had an honest personality that was weak in praise.

“I think my sister is really great. I don't think I could have done it like my sister... … it's awesome."

“Ah, no. When it happened, I did it all. And having someone to help made it a lot easier.”

Irina naturally thought of Ilenoa's face. And I remembered Ludwig's face again. Then my heart suddenly
ache as if cut by a knife.

They have been lovers for nearly ten years. And for a longer period of time than that, they were like
family and friends. It was a deep longing that followed along with the bitter resentment.

How is Ludwig doing? Words ran through her mouth countless times, but she swallowed it well.

It was Lorelina who brought up the uncomfortable topic.

“My brother is having a very difficult time.”

Irina shut her mouth. And after a while, he responded stiffly like someone who didn't understand.

“I think it’s because of Carol. You will be my strength by my side.”

Of course, Lorelina knew that Irina wanted to avoid this topic. However, with a dark face and only biting
her lips, she asked Irina once more as if she had made up her mind.

"sister. Can't I see you just once? … … We can be friends.”

“… … .”

“Actually, my brother… … .”

The words she spoke carefully were immediately stopped by Irina.

“Laurel. Ruby and I broke up. I can't tell you in detail, but actually we broke up not very well. Of course,
your brother is a good person, so I don't have bad feelings either, but it's good for each other not to see
each other."

“… … Irina's sister."

“Now, let’s stop talking about it.”

When Irina, who had always treated her like a good-natured older sister, showed a calm attitude like
never before, Laurel lowered her eyes as if embarrassed.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Can't we be friends? Those words felt harsh to Irina.

Apparently there are people like that in the world. Ex-lovers and people who remain friends.
Irina was also not only in love with Ludwig as a lover. There was also a friendship between them, and a
degree of family-like friendship.

However, as time went on, the boundaries between those feelings became blurred and mixed deeply.
She was so sad about that.

A person's heart is not water and oil, so how can you exclude the feelings of a lover and return to being
friends? How on earth do other people separate emotions so neatly and mechanically?

It seemed like he would never be able to do such a thing.

“Can I come over from time to time?”

Before going back, Laurel asked with a face left with some regret. There seemed to be something

Irina, who followed her to the front of the store to see her off, put aside her discomfort and smiled
brightly as usual.

"then. come play anytime If you need something, I'd be more grateful if you could buy it from our store.
You will make me especially cheap.”

Then Laurel smiled as if relieved.

The girl was still young in Irina's eyes, and the way she walked behind her reminded her of her

Laurel, who had gone that far, turned around and waved her hand before going around the alley. Then
Irina also smiled and waved her hand.

As Laurel disappeared from view, Irina tilted her head back and looked up at the sky as if she was trying
to shake off complicated thoughts. Kissen's sky was overcast today.
Well done, Irina. She cleared up her troubled mind.

However, of course, the meeting fell into the ears of Sang-joo, who was informed of Irina's daily routine.

The relationship between The lord and Irina has been very good these days. In fact, there were times
when I wondered if that was the right thing to do.

The love story that lasted for 7 years was not normal. It means that there were times when that one-
sided obsession was creepy in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, Illenoa was kind to Irina, even from an objective point of view. Contrary to my personality,
there were many times when I tried to treat him warmly and kindly.

It was felt by people that Irina didn't love Ga-ju and regarded her as just a good friend, but how common
are couples who fall in love with each other?

Illenoa was a nobleman representing the old era and a capitalist representing the new era, and had an
absolute influence on the Nodiac family.

The servants thought that he could take Irina as his wife if nothing else was going on. So the day-to-day
fight that took place in the middle of the night caused many people to panic.

“Why is the Fonterne family looking for you?”

As soon as she returned home, Irina had an absurd face. she asked with a puzzled face.

"you… … How did you know that?”

“… … .”

Illenoa didn't answer, but she seemed to have found something suspicious.

Irina, who was puzzled, asked with a slightly angry look.

“Are you spying on me?”

“Accidents are common, so we just increased the number of people we have on the street.”

His words were true, but he was cleverly telling the half-truth. Irina was still skeptical, and Ilenoa asked
without hesitation.

“What did Lorelina Fontern say?”

“What do you say? and what attitude are you I have been working so far. Laurel came to the store. Did
I do anything wrong there that made me question you like this?”

Illenoa was shivering as if Irina had done something terribly wrong. He shook his head despite Irina's
argument and repeated the question.

“I asked what Lorelina Fontern said to you.”

“… … .”

As the atmosphere got worse and worse, the people who had seen me and quietly left. Irina looked at
Illenoa with displeasure, and Illenoa asked coldly.

“Are you arrogantly asking you to meet your brother?”

“… … Yes, right.”

As Irina frankly affirmed, Illenoa's expression became colder than before.

"why. Ludwig Fontern was afflicted with some mortal disease.”

“It’s not like that.”

Irina shook her head helplessly. And at her answer, Ilenoa's eyes shone sharply. Irina sighed as if she was
tired, unaware of that fact.

She didn't know why she had to prove her innocence to Illenoa, but she explained that she didn't want
to fight in vain.

“I’m not going to see Ruby. I already said I can't.”


He ridiculed him as if he was annoyed at the nickname that came out like a habit.

“I didn’t let you go out of the mansion for that.”

“… … Are you going to say I don't like you and say that again?"

Irina was momentarily furious. But in the end, instead of getting angry, he asked earnestly.

"do not do that. Every time you say that, I get hurt too. I don't have money... … As long as you don't
ignore it."

“… … .”
“It’s hard for me to fight with you like this. And the truth is, my dad passed away and it was really hard.

Ilenoa shut her mouth at those words. I always thought I could be a bad person, but when the woman I
like said that it was really hurting and hard for me, I couldn't push it away for a moment.

For a moment he stiffened like a paralyzed person, and then he turned his head slightly to ignore her.

He also expressed his true feelings a little more honestly.

“I don’t want you to associate with that family.”

“… … .”

“Because you are a good person. We give unconditional love to others without speed.”

“… … I'm not that nice, Illenoa."

Illenoa shook her head.

“Aren’t they really shameless people? The marquis kept sufficient loyalty to the self-writers. It's not
just about financial support. Before and after the momentum, your father did not object and supported
your choice and the person. Even if there were enough reasons to oppose each time. So what did you
come back to? The man, after all, because of the money… … .”

Illenoa paused, unable to finish her speech.

It was all self-examination. What are you so proud of? In the end, he was the one who created an
advantageous situation by using it.
As Irina's clear eyes stared at her as if bitterly, Ilenoa felt her heart flutter. Unfamiliar with this feeling of
weakness, he turned away from Irina's gaze once more and spoke calmly.

“I don't want to say more. Don’t even come and see me.”

"What are you talking about."

“… … .”

“Then you mean to chase away children who come? You don't have to be so harsh. If you're offended, I
won't see Ludwig either. I was originally going to do that too. I told you before.”

I didn't like it when Illenoa allowed me to do this, but she said persuasively. She was very patient with
her. But Ilenoa's answer was terribly firm.

“If you don’t think you can get rid of them, close the store.”

“… … .”

Irina was shocked and shut her mouth. At first she was blushing and angry. Because I was so proud of

But soon I felt a much stronger emotion coming over me. it was sad

How can you say something so casually? Knowing how hard I worked. You know better than anyone how
desperately you hung on with your best.

Giving them a chance, and taking them away so easily. Looks like it didn't matter to you.

Irina then realized that she had trusted Ilenoa more than she had expected.
It seemed that her efforts were denied in an instant, so Irina put on a face that was severely wounded.
Confused by the rush of emotions, she grabbed Illenoa's sleeve with a trembling hand.

“Are you serious?”

“… … .”

“I know it was really little money to you… … .”

“… … .”

“Isn’t this really worth that much?”

Irina asked as if to confirm one last time. A lot of it was a face that had collapsed.


“… … .”

why not be sincere What Irina had said before was correct. He frankly hated that she was trying to repay
the money. I hated meeting people like this outside.

For the most part, Irina was not sensitive. In fact, he was becoming more tolerant of him. But
nevertheless, Irina was a person who had a line she couldn't touch.

Realizing that she had accidentally stepped on it, Illenoa shook her head belatedly.

“… … I lied.”
However, Irina was still unable to capture her emotions. Somehow exhausted, she went to a nearby sofa
and sat down.

Illenoa, who watched the scene nervously, approached him and knelt before him.

“Irina. I did not mean to disparage your efforts.”

“… … .”

When Irina, who covered her face with her hands, didn't answer, Ilenoa, who was impatient, carefully
removed her hands. As if not wanting to show her upset face, Irina turned her head.

"sorry. I made a really big mistake.”

“… … Even if I apologize now, I can't accept it, so don't apologize. You are a really bad person.”

“… … Yes. sorry."

“Really, why are you doing this to me?”

I'm anxious.

Irina said to Ilenoa, who could not answer.

“What are we talking about?”

Irina knew well that those words would once again upset Illenoa's stomach. But her anger and upset did
not subside, so she could not keep her words.
“What if you and I lie in bed with you countless times and then come back and ask what you are

That was a very shameful thing to say. It was amazing, but Irina laughed too, now to the point of being

“… … It was you who asked for only your body from the beginning.”

“So you're going to say it's all between us. I don't have any feelings. You are such a cold person... … You

cowardly Illenoa was well aware that she was being cowardly towards Irina.

But actually, I'm insecure because you're not that cool. I'm afraid you'll have pity on him other than me.
The only emotions I could expect of you were compassion and responsibility.

Illenoa caressed Irina's cheek, who looked confused.

“I can’t find another man.”

“… … .”

Now I don't know if it's coercion or begging. Irina turned her head to avoid the touch, thinking that it
would not be acceptable to accept it.

Illenoa, who had been rejected after a long time, smiled bitterly.

"why. Is it terrible?”

“… … .”
“Did I hate you more?”

Irina cried.

“When did I say that again! Don't take it a little bit crookedly. I never hated you, Illenoa.”

“But I don’t like it either.”

“… … .”

“I know what you think of me.”

Irina never denied it.

No, I could have told you that I really like you. However, the flawed beginning, the process, the unknown
future, and each other's still not exactly the same temperature made such trifles difficult.

Just as Irina looked up at the sky, very occasionally she looked into her own heart.

It wasn't as warm as when I was a kid. cloudy and cold There were times when the sandstorm blew, and
there were times when there was a storm on the beach. However, one day, when I suddenly looked into
my heart, I saw a light green sprout sticking out its head in the crevice of the rock, overcoming the
barren environment.

What is the name of this pool? Can I give you a name? Irina had a hard time with this.

After simply tidying up, Susan approached Irina, who was organizing the books.
“I’ll take care of the closing, so go in first today. You were late yesterday too.”

Irina was even busier with the issue of scaling up the store. He was a very healthy person, so he didn't
seem to have any major problems, but he was still concerned at times, so Susan gently suggested.

Irina smiled and shook her head.

“No, it’s because you’re waiting for someone.”

“Who are you?”

“Illinois. He asked me to go in for dinner.”

Irina was still a little less relieved of her upset over Illenoa last time. But I didn't want to be
uncomfortable with him either. Originally, I was not born with a personality that could be long-lost or
hate others.

Good things are good, Irina only nodded at his polite meal suggestion. But Susan had a sinister
expression on her face.

“Even if it’s not like that.”

Irina glanced up and checked Susan's expression, and when Irina was right, Susan was also colored.

“A man spends his time and money on a woman he has no relationship with? Why are you so young?
Boss, these days, tall men are weak. How calculated.”

"okay? I think Susan's husband bought me a lot of rice when we were dating.”
Then Susan laughed.

Her husband ran a greengrocer right across from Irina's shop. Occasionally, when there were no
customers, it seemed good to Irina to see the couple chatting across the street.

“It was like that when we were dating. It changed when I got married. What is eating out?”

Even though she is chubby, Irina burst out laughing because she seemed to get along well.

“My husband was very kind to Susan. Wasn't it your husband who cut fruit and brought it to you
during the day? Well, I'm sorry for breaking your expectations, but I'm going to buy today's rice."

Then Susan made a face that she didn't know about this. It seemed that she felt unfairly on behalf of

“Ask to buy it! Why is the boss of the top earning a lot of money so recklessly taking money from the

“Hum. To be consistent... … is just saying It's because I owe you a lot. If I don't show sincerity even
once in a while, I think I'm going to be a shameless person."

“But what did you do?”

Irina smiled bitterly when Susan was cautious but couldn't contain her curiosity. It's not even a beautiful
story to tell in detail, so she frowned.

“It’s just, I owe a lot of money financially.”

As Irina's face grew bitter, Susan felt that it was an uncomfortable topic and quickly turned away.

"Oh. The last time the boss was resting, that lady came to visit.”
“That girl?”

“Why is there a little girl who came to visit me before and talked with the boss for a while.”

“Oh, Laurel.”

Irina nodded and turned the book to the next page.

“I bought a tea from Lyon, which is good for the bronchial tubes. money... … I just got it all. That girl
said she would pay everything, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Um, yes.”

Susan looked at her slightly and spoke, and Irina touched the tip of her chin and then nodded.

I wish it was a little cheaper, but I can't help it. Well, Irina sighed, thinking that there was something
more fortunate than coming to visit when she wasn't there.

And when Susan found a stain on the floor, she frowned and wandered around looking for a mop.
Grasping the long stick with one hand, she murmured in a pitiful tone.

“But the little girl was really bad. My brother and my brother are very sick.”

Without entering the number, Irina raised her head.

“My brother… … hurt?"

“… … Yes?"
“… … Where?"

“Oh, you didn’t know? It seems like you know each other well... … My brother has been ill for a long
time. It is said that my brother recently fell ill with the same disease.”

As she put down the pen with a stiff face, Susan gave her a puzzled expression. And Illenoa pushed the
store door and entered.

It looked like it was suddenly raining outside. He had a black umbrella in his hand, but the tip of his
shoulder was slightly wet as he could not completely avoid the rain.

He said as he brushed off his collar with an indifferent face.

“Do you have an umbrella? If not, I'll take it with you."

“… … .”

Irina looked at him with a slightly blank face. With an umbrella in the corner of the shop, Illenoa smiled
kindly at her.

“I am a little late. Merchant ships are coming in more than usual.”

Did you wait long? Illenoa asked, but somehow it didn't feel real, so she didn't answer right away. And
Illenoa, who came closer, seemed to have noticed something strange about Irina too late.

“What are you doing? I have a bad complexion.”

Instead of waiting for an answer, Illenoa looked at Susan's face as if questioning. Then Susan shook her
head with a puzzled look as if she did not understand.
Irina's expression, which had been blinking, suddenly began to harden. I don't know why I suddenly
remembered that word.

- why. Because Ludwig Fontern had some sort of deathly disease.

"you… … Did you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“Something bad happened to Ludwig.”

In an instant, the expression on his face disappeared. However, Illenoa nodded her head in an instant.

“I recently found out.”

Then Irina contorted her face.

“… … But you didn't even tell me? Why?"

“… … .”

I'm afraid your heart will be shaken

Then I think I'll really want to kill that bastard.

Staring at Irina with a cold gaze, Illenoa took a few steps closer. The closer he got to her, the more
ferocious something came from within, and he asked sternly.

“Then what will be different?”

“… … what?"

“Once you know, what is the difference? Tell me.”

“… … .”

“Your heart… … Has anything changed?”

“… … .”

“… … Are you going to die of pity?”

At his question, Irina lowered her head. Biting her lip, she crouched down on the floor and covered her
face with her hands as if she wanted to ignore the situation.

Illenoa just stood there and looked at her endlessly.

Darren was right. The time the secret was kept was fleeting. Illenoa knew it a little earlier, and Irina only
knew it later.

Illenoa actually thought that Irina would ask for money. Although she is a person who is quite clear on
how to make and break, it is because she is a person who is infinitely weak to the weak.

If so, what should I do now? Do I have to save Irina's old man or something? Will I be able to pay off
debt to Irina again with that?

But the two of us are only now in this kind of relationship.

However, Irina only had a heartbroken face, and there was no mention of it after that day. He did not
beg Illenoa to help Ludwig, nor did he inquire about his condition.

She would just stare out the window from time to time, contemplating. Sometimes I was dumbfounded.

And that shady silence was making Ilenoa more and more anxious.

“How is the recruitment of customers going?”

“… … .”

Illenoa asked Irina, who was eating across the street. It was breakfast, but the meal was as grand as
always, and Irina was slicing the lobster flesh with butter to bring out the flavor.

However, since Irina, who was mechanically using a fork and knife, did not answer The lord's question,
the servants took notice. These days, this kind of thing has been happening.

Not surprisingly, even the fork and knife that were moving without a soul stopped. Irina was immersed
in other thoughts other than eating. And took a deep breath.


“… … .”

Illenoa's voice and expression felt colder than before would not be an illusion. The lord was still smiling
gracefully, but the servants could only feel the temperature of the air dropping.

As the voice resounded a little more clearly than before, Irina flinched and raised her gaze.

“Uh, huh? I'm sorry. I must have been thinking about something else for a second.”

“… … .”

“Hey, but what did you say?”

Illinoa, who was looking at Irina, raised one corner of her mouth crookedly.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“… … .”

He could see that it wasn't and that he had made his judgement unpleasant. Irina slowly put down the
tableware with a puzzled face.

Illenoa shook her head.

“Eat first.”

“… … Yes."

After finishing the meal in a pretentious atmosphere, Illenoa got up from her seat. Irina, who ate and
drank all the time, wiping her lips with a napkin, was startled when Ilenoa grabbed her wrist and pulled

"Come on?"
Contrary to her pretty appearance, the body hidden under her black clothes was actually agile and hard.
I knew this well, but Illinoa had never exerted such a grip on her, nor had she acted so hastily, so Irina
stumbled several times.

“Take it slow, okay? Illenoa.”

He stopped for a moment on the stairs. However, she didn't seem to want to go as slowly as she said.

Ilena put her hands behind her knees and hugged Irina forward. He also thought that the stairs were
dangerous, whispering to her, who was in an awkward position.

“Hold your neck.”

“… … .”

“Catch me.”

The place where he hastily moved and put Irina down was on his bed. Belatedly, she was able to grasp
Illenoa's intentions. Why did you act like a black-haired beast while coming all the way here?

At first, the hand to pull up the skirt was more impatient than usual, and Irina barely grabbed the hem
he was about to lift.

“… … Can't you do it at night?"

This wasn't the first time I've been mixing in the morning, but I also had to go to work. Above all else,
Irina's heart had calmed down a bit and she didn't feel like it.

The silence lengthened. Whenever Irina refused, he was always far away, but this time he neither
moved away nor closer.
The black eyes that sat on the bed and looked at Irina were far away. I could see that the emotion inside
it was all longing.

Is it because the words you want to say come up and then you repeat the swallowing several times?
Irina, who watched his neck go up and down, asked quietly.

“Do you want to do it now?”

Instead of speaking, he grabbed Irina's thin ankle.

ok then let's do it

As soon as the horse fell, Ilenoa pushed Irina down.

“Take it slow, ah, really, don’t do this… … .”

His clothes were barely half removed. Even that was hasty and there was a cracking sound everywhere.

Ilenoa, who made Irina's bare skin exposed, grabbed each of her ankles. The skin where the hand
touched did not pass blood well, so it quickly turned white and red again.

“Heh heh, so… … .”

Their sex wasn't even normative in the first place. was not polite He was like a beast, provoked shame,
and was always soggy. But she had never danced to this level, and Irina felt an instinctive rejection.

Illenoa was silent as if she had forgotten how to speak.

I tried to close my legs by applying strength to my thighs, but he is giving me strength in my hands, so I
can't quite get it to work.

Irina bit her hips behind her back and struggled to get her ankles out. Then Ilenoa lifted her slender
ankle a little higher. And on the contrary, it was wide open on both sides.

“… … .”

It was shameful to have legs spread out to the limit. They were not given the freedom to gather as they
please. Rather, as if to ask you to take a look, he secretly pushed his upper body to make him fold a little

The round buttocks exposed under the bright morning sun, and the body hair that had grown neatly.

Irina twisted her waist because it was difficult to forcibly see the tender flesh hidden beneath it, which is
usually difficult to see.

Moderate shame sometimes heightens excitement. But now he seems to have a little more purpose in
humiliating sex than in pleasure.

I was angry and I was expressing it. If you ask me how do you know that... … I can only say I know
because I slept with him a lot.

you wish Because when you don't like something, you can release that destructive feeling in this way.

Irina, who was somewhat upset, turned her head gently, and Illenoa whispered in her ear.


Where is it beautiful? She glanced at him, and he answered only with his mouth, without a sound.
yes below.

“It looks good, so don’t keep turning your head.”

“… … Illenoa.”

“I’m holding you so you can take a good look.”

“… … .”

This is probably the reason why he doesn't feel like a person of great character, no matter how politely
he treats himself and behaves aristocratically.

Your savagery disguised as elegance.

He restrained Irina and harassed and humiliated her to her heart's content until the bottom of her was

“Ahh… … .”

“… … .”

Can I go to work today? Will this act be over?

Irina looked up at the ceiling because the sensation of being licked was painful.

It was awful and long from the foreplay. If it seemed like he wanted to gather his legs, he opened it
wide, and if he covered his pubic area like a child who needed to urinate, he removed his hand without
fail. He was patient with repeatedly stroking his thick flesh, but he certainly wanted to slap him.
If a little pain can be turned into pleasure, then too much pleasure can be turned into pain. Sex has
always been exquisitely in-between.

“… … .”

“… … .”

How many times have we mixed our bodies, do we have eyes like that? Irina turned her head to the
corner and gently wiped the sweat from her face on the pillow.

It's been a long time since we've had sex face to face like this.

A relationship in which you lie face down on all fours in bed. When I moved my waist like an animal
while holding onto the corner of a wall or furniture, sometimes I felt like I was no longer human, and
dizzying sensations came to me that made me want to die.

If this is something everyone does, why can't you just say it in front of others? Why is it so secret like a
secret that only the two of us share in this world?

It would be better if it was committed backwards on a day like this.

Looking at his dark eyes as if he was constantly conveying something, Irina secretly raised her forearm
and covered her view. She remained there, waiting for the blunt insertion, but it was Illenoa who pulled
her hand away roughly.

“What do you keep thinking? … … Do you think of that bastard?”

Irina looked at Illenoa in surprise.

“Are you crazy about it?”

“… … Illenoa.”

“No matter how much you care, don’t even think of another bastard in bed. I can't eat, I can't even
talk, I'm distracted by other things all day... … Because if I look at it, I will really go back.”

He seemed angry, but strangely distressed.

Irina thought he was falling over herself. However, he supported Irina's sides with both arms and poured
out his words. The horse was rough and not a single one was perfectly polished.

“If you care about him that much, ask him for help. I mean, beg for me. I might want to help you if you
laugh and flirt without me begging!”

He had a face of self-blame as he spoke. Now, as if saying something that shouldn't be said.

“So what are you going to give me now? I stayed in the mansion, gave up my body, and even gave it to
people I didn't like, so what's next? What else are you going to sacrifice? Are you going to be the
countess now?”

contradictory face. He also had the face of a man lost in the dark. But the face, which had always been
smiling as if it had been painted, was stained with emotion and seemed like a proper person for the first

Irina looked at that strange and impressive face.

But he soon buried his face on Irina's shoulder and covered it. As if this fragile and broken heart could
not be shown to anyone.

After a long pause, he whispered.

“What more must I do here to make you okay? Say it with your mouth.”
I said it out loud as if forcing myself, but I don't want to hear a really honest answer.

However, when Irina was really silent, the words that started like a compulsion slowly turned into a

“I will treat you. It's not big money. … … In fact, it’s nothing to me.”

“… … .”

“It may be difficult to complete. Because there was no such case. I'll keep you alive though. I promise. ”

“… … .”

“So, to that person… … .”

Do not go.

The disease has a long incubation period, but it may actually be contagious. They say the symptoms are
the same as your brother's.

I'll send as many people as I need. So you… … You are Irina.

Ilenoa's words continued, little by little. These were words that were less clear than usual.

And Irina, who was quietly listening to those words, carefully grabbed his shoulder. Feeling the touch,
Illenoa immediately stopped talking.

When he lifted the face buried in Irina's shoulder, Irina had the same distressed expression on her face.
But she was smiling strangely even with a confused face.
The face was unfamiliar to him as well, so Ilenoa looked at him as if possessed.

She said as if determined as she looked into her swaying eyes.

"Sorry. You can't just pretend you don't know."

“… … .”

"but… … I will not go.”

“… … .”

“I told you last time I wasn’t going.”

I've felt this for a long time, but you're a kid who doesn't really listen to others either.

As Illenoa often does to her, Irina caressed his cheek, like a well-formed porcelain. Then he brushed the
flowing black hair behind his forehead.

“I don’t want to offend you anymore. … … Do you know what I mean?”

“… … .”

“You can do nothing. If I want to help, even if it's not enough, I have to do it on my own. First of all, I'll
just try sending a doctor. I'm earning that much now. I can work a little harder.”

And she smiled sadly.

“Anyway, all of my money is the money I have to pay back to you, so it’s a bit strange, but you’re not
going to make it so complicated, right?”

Those words were recreating the past that once existed between them. I thought life was cold and
harsh, but looking back, it was a dazzling day for both of them. There was hope as much as anxiety.

To react to that joke as before, you had to say yes, of course. But it didn't sound like a joke, so Ilenoa
didn't say anything.

Watching Illenoa's reaction, Irina continued.

“I wanted to ask you to understand me even if it was a little slow, but I thought you would hate it a

Irina bit her lip a little, watching him lower his eyes as if he didn't really have anything to say.

What I want to say now is a little difficult for her.

- So what are you going to give now? What else are you going to sacrifice?

- Know that you can't take anything from me other than what you spit out.

I couldn't say that I like you. Because those words didn't feel right for the relationship we had built up.
So we don't know if that future will come. But she took his hand with a trembling hand, as if to say
something important.

"Illenoa, let's not stake anything between us now."

“… … .”

Please don't attach any more deals and conditions.

Prepared to be rejected, Irina quietly waited for his reply. It was difficult for him too. But he looked at
the trembling hand and opened his mouth.

“… … Yes."

I don't know if I did well. You might regret it. Ludwig may die. Then what will we do again?

For the first time in her life, Irina's hands were trembling because she was afraid and anxious about the
future to come.

But after hearing his answer, strangely, tears came out.

Chapter 8. Form of Love Ⅱ(1)

That winter, Ludwig died. His body was buried in the arborvitae forest behind the monastery, because
there was no suitable place for a cemetery near the Viscount's house.

Irina, who refused to meet him, ended up reuniting with him at an unexpected time through the coffin.

The reason Ludwig went before his long-sleeved younger brother was probably because he was not a
soldier. He said he was found under a bridge across the river, on his way to his home from a pub in the

- It looks like you drank too much alcohol on your imperfect body. It is a family history. My condolences,

Darren, who gave the obituary on behalf of Illenoa, asked Irina excitedly.
- Ruby doesn't drink at all!

But as soon as she spoke, Irina realized.

you are gone on your own But why?

Her legs were loose and she fell to the floor.

On a winter day with very little snow, the funeral was held modestly with the consideration of the
Schuberg family. And the misfortune that befell Fonternand has disturbed many things since then.


Illenoa was out of the port without work. His eyes were as cold as winter, but he was constantly
searching for a woman.

People who recognized Sang Sang Joo bowed here and there, and many of them knew who Sang Sang Jo
was looking for.

“… … .”

The red hair stood out anyway. Irina has often come out to the port to catch some air these days, and
she used to sit in a secluded place not wanting to be noticed. However, Illenoa, who grew up in
Cheyenne, knew the geography of this beach better than anyone.

Having found Irina without difficulty, Ilenoa walked silently and placed her woolen coat on her shoulder.

“Did you hear the rumor again that I’m flirting?”

Illenoa shook her head.

“I came out in case you were cold.”

He sat down next to Irina.

At one time, Irina lived to the fullest. They recruited shoppers, received a deposit, bought a warehouse,
and expanded the shop to hire new employees. Through Darren, he supported the Fonterns' siblings,
and at times truly regretted their misfortunes.

Life often seemed hard to her, but Irina never once complained.

But the sudden news seemed to have cast doubt on her life. At some point, Irina became like a person
who had lost the reason to live hard.

Ludwig was also a hard-working man. He devoted the youngest years of his life to the care of his family,
and had to forsake the most brilliant love of his life because of him.

But he eventually proved it by death. The truth is that the choice was too heavy for him, and he didn't
want to be a burden to the woman he loved.

- I scratched and ruined your love.

Illenoa once thought she had bruised and ruined her love. I'm sorry I ruined your love.

However, seeing Irina, who had always acted bravely, sat down, Illenoa realized. That he had finally
completed this love by destroying her love.

Irina now lives with a terrible sense of guilt and will never be able to erase the person's existence.

“Indestructible… … .”
He listened to the song Irina was humming involuntarily. It was a song he didn't know well. This clever
woman always knows a lot of things she doesn't know.

“… … .”

Don't force yourself to overcome it. Nor should I beg you to end this sorrow quickly. How unscrupulous
would it be to ask him to live a hard life again?

But every time Irina came to the sea and sat with her back on the sea, Illenoa's heart pounded like a
raging wave.

Countless nights, when I was a child, I had to look up at the surface of the water until dawn. There were
times every night when I suppressed and ruled over a murderous intention that I could never control. So
he realized that people go to the sea more often when they are sad and lonely than when they are

Illenoa gently placed a hand on Irina's shoulder. Then, while stroking Irina's head, she carefully made her
lean on her shoulder.

As Irina looked at him puzzledly, he spoke as if making excuses.

“I’m afraid it will be cold.”

"okay? I don't know about cold."

But Irina just stayed quietly in her arms, just like Illenoa did. As Illenoa kept talking like a brainwashing, it
was as if the sea breeze was cold.

“Aren’t you going to the store?”

“Yeah, I don’t like it today. I'm sorry. I'm a little... … Isn’t it good?”

“It’s okay to be more lazy.”

Irina smiled as if she was embarrassed.

She lost interest in business. The negligent and ever-blinking eyes of ideas had long since lost their
curiosity. Whatever it was, it didn't matter.

What a capricious and spontaneous person Irina is. It burns easily and cools easily. Some people had a
hard time following her point of view.

But what made it difficult for him was the fact that Irina had lost interest in living as well as in business.

His frozen heart melts from time to time, and this person's heart is slowly scattering to the floor like the
sand in his hand and trying to disappear.

Irina soon started humming the song again. But it was expressionless.

Knowing that she was humming songs to control herself regardless of her mood, Illenoa finally couldn't
help but spit it out.

“Reproach me.”

“… … .”

“You blame me. You are not at fault.”

It's never your fault.

Blame me for not allowing you to meet that man and for trying to take control of your life.

Illenoa eventually bowed her head in front of her, but Irina shook her head and smiled bitterly. And he
only gently caressed his cheek.

There were so many documents to look at, Illenoa was still working until he came to the mansion.

At a time when most of the crew should have been asleep, he heard a rumbling sound from the
mansion, and he initially suspected the assassin. However, as he moved to find the source of the sound,
he was faced with an unexpected sight.

The servants surrounded something, and in the middle of it was Irina sleeping. On the floor of the
hallway where people pass, wearing a little loose-fitting pajamas, but with a very calm expression.

“What’s going on?”

When Ga-ju stared at him coldly, the people dispersed.

Illenoa reflexively touched the tip of her nose and checked her breathing. A warm feeling touched his
desperate hand.

The servants watched with an unfamiliar expression as the housekeeper took a deep breath and was
noticeably relieved.

After being silent, he took off his shirt. And it covered her chest, which looked narrow. He nodded as the
butler wandered around in embarrassment.

"Say it."
“Actually, we don’t even know. He was just sleeping here.”

“… … .”

The contrast between Ilenoa's serious face and Irina, who was sleeping peacefully, were contrasting. He
soon hugged Irina. And he headed to his room. It was to put Irina on the bed.

Then, while hesitating, Hans followed Ga-ju.

Laying her down and tidying up her hair and blankets was very sincere. Somehow I felt sober, so the
butler could not see each other and bowed his head.

Illenoa asked such a butler what he was going to follow briefly.


Hans looked a little embarrassed. As he hesitated, Ilenoa's eyes grew sharper. He persuaded the butler
to speak only with his facial expression.

"sorry. In fact, something similar happened a few days ago. Then he was lying in front of his room.”

Ilenoa's face grew serious.

every dream.

And if Illenoa was right, it was a symptom of very young children and people who were seriously

He asked the butler with a look of anger.

“Why are you talking like that now?”

“At the time, I thought I was just drinking a little too much. I was afraid they would feel embarrassed,
so I moved them myself and had them crack down on them.”

“… … .”

“At the time, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I'm really sorry."

The silence continued for quite some time. Illenoa looked at Irina's calm face with a thoughtful look, but
his eyes looked a little sad.

Are you so afflicted? is it very difficult I can listen to you all... … But it shouldn't hurt.

Someone to listen to is in a deep sleep, and he swallows painfully. After a while he gave instructions to
the butler.

“Don’t let Irina know.”

“… … .”

“Because I don’t want to hurt you any more.”

“… … Yes."

“Get other people involved too.”

“… … Yes. I will.”
There were many people who once doubted whether The lord was the kind of person who could fall in
love. There were many people who felt pity for Irina's situation, whether it was love because of her
abnormal and excessive obsession.

But what if this isn't love? Ga-ju can no longer hide her expression in everyday life.

Even if Irina showed a little interest, she smiled brightly as if she had met the light in the dark, and when
she kept her mouth shut because of lack of energy, she got nervous and tried to lead a conversation
somehow. His gaze was always on Irina.

“Hey, Illenoa. Wouldn't it be better to see a doctor?"

At the deacon's suggestion, Illenoa fell into a troubled face with a serious face.

He was a devotee of science and technology and a young entrepreneur who supported scholars who
publish decent papers in academic journals. However, the psychiatry of this era was barren in
recognition and treatment. He frowned as he recalled the contents of the papers that went back and
forth between folk remedies and superstitions.

“I can’t leave Irina to those pathetic people.”

“… … .”

“Stop leaving.”

For a long time even after the door closed, Illenoa stood there and stared at Irina.

He soon lay cautiously next to Irina. He looked at Irina with an anxious face, and grabbed her by one

Illenoa hugged Irina and fell asleep without missing a day after that day.

On the day the old moon appeared in the tall night sky, Irina, who had fallen asleep, woke up. Illenoa
was still stubbornly wrapping her arms around her body today.

It seemed a little frustrating at first, but now that I'm used to it, Irina quietly turned and looked at him.

“… … .”

That's a pretty face I must have had a lot of trouble because of this beauty. But honestly, in her eyes, she
was so pretty and pretty.

How beautiful was the person who gave birth to an unparalleled beauty like him? Irina said that her
mother was amazing, smiled a little and touched his face.

It's really fun. He sometimes behaves badly on purpose. It is also true that there are some really twisted
and ugly parts. But if you know it deeply, it's not that bad. Rather, he was a person who could talk more
than anyone else and had common sense.

So it would be nice if you could treat other people a little more warmly. How grateful it would have been
if the world had been a little more common-sense and gentle to you.

Irina suddenly burst into tears and burst into tears.

- Be nice to people, you bastard.

Illinoa asked Irina, who one day bit her tongue, with a smirk.

- I wonder why. Why should I?

- Even if you showed a little warmth to people... … Your reputation in Kissen would have been different.

Rumors of the cold-blooded Schuberg master were all over Kissen. He was a calculating and arrogant
man who offered only deals that were advantageous to the king of this country.

Illenoa, who had been in serious thought for a moment at Irina's words, responded cynically.

- well. My reputation would have improved a bit, but instead I wouldn't have been this successful.

- Well, that's honestly true.

No, what if you agree to that?! Irina giggled as she remembered Darren, who was listening, who was
yelling in annoyance and then received a cold stare from Illenoa.

But she soon let out a deep sigh.

It was a sleepless night.

Even Irina knew that her condition was strange these days. I could hardly fall asleep, but one day, my
memories of sleeping were cut off as if I had slept again.

It was proof that he was under tremendous psychological pressure even if he tried not to.

Irina was, in fact, vulnerable to this experience. It was even more so because he had lived his life
believing that his positive personality and activeness were his only strengths. The pessimism and
sadness that I couldn't shake off even if I tried to shake it off were terribly unfamiliar and disgusting.

But I'm really miserable these days. When I was younger too, living was more fun than anyone else.

Taking a deep breath, she finally got up from the bed. And when Irina opened the door and went out,
Ilenoa also opened her eyes and quietly got up from the bed.

"Eh. It's raining."

The moon was shining outside the window until I was in bed, but the old moon had disappeared before I
knew it.

She came out because she liked the night when the moon and stars were up, but she said cheerfully, as
if it was nothing special, as she watched the rain from time to time embroidered the earthen floor.

“Well, it doesn’t matter if you are right. Wow, Mr. It's really lucky and I'm so happy that it rains all of a
sudden. I never lose to the cold! Then I am already a winner!”

When Irina ran out of the mansion screaming the world bravely in the middle of the night, the people
who killed Ki-cheok and guarded Sang-ju’s mansion were buzzing as if they did not understand the
English language.

No one understood why he had to fight the cold at night. It was because they were all crouching under
the eaves or on trees to avoid the rain.

But honestly, everyone welcomed Irina like that. okay! right! You can get over it! At one point, the
people in the mansion were supporting Irina emotionally.

He was a good person.

She was such a wonderful person that I was sorry to think that she was a noble, a very strange person,
and that she was not polished. In fact, they were so different from each other that it was sinful to put
them together.
Now everyone who works in the mansion knew that she was very angry, but in some respects, she was
patient like a great person.

Although she seemed to be acting selfishly, she quickly noticed the difficult and uncomfortable parts of
people and took care of everything. At that time, she was rather aristocratic and was a person with a
large bowl by nature.

The first to praise Irina was the mansion's oldest and most respected gardener.

It wasn't just that she was gloomy over her successive obituary, but when she became a patient,
everyone who was gloomy with her smiled sweetly at Irina's behavior now.

But work was work. The person who was placed closest to the upper master's bedroom moved to
report, but quickly returned to its place.

Those who were puzzled looked ahead and realized why. It was because Illenoa had already appeared.

As always, he followed Irina in a dignified manner, to the point where people with professional training
stuck out their tongues. It was his unique footwork and eyes that didn't look like a living person.

The place Irina went to was the graveyard of the former Marquis Nodiac.

Irina has been fine since that day. Meaning he's never been out in the middle of the night. Illenoa
nevertheless doubted Irina's condition, but her consciousness was clearly awake. Hearing the voice, I
was convinced.

"mom and dad. I'm here."

Irina said shyly, "Hmm, that's great," and then stroked the stone.
“Mom, won’t you be lonely now? is not it? I'm tired of it, so my dad will come and hate it. Still, please
just be nice to your dad. You've been good to your mom. I was happy that mom and dad loved each
other. I really wanted to be like him. Thank you for that.”

The cemetery was very neat because the countess sent people constantly. Even so, Irina kept mopping
the grass and wiping the tombstone with her sleeve, as if there was something left to clean up. there's
nothing she can do So this is probably an act of love too much.

Irina said while plucking the grass, stroking the tombstone.

“Dad, I thought I would live a little longer because I could have a big accident. really so bad I wanted to
be successful... … . No matter what others say, I really thought I could do it. So I just wanted to tell you
that it wasn't Dad's fault. I wanted to show you. But now I don't know, I just miss Dad so much. dad… …
Actually, I really want to die. But after death, everything is so fleeting.”

The rain was getting thicker and thicker. Illenoa watched from afar as Irina was bathed in the rain. He
wanted to hold an umbrella, but he just stood silently at a distance for fear that she would horrify him
who came along.

Irina, who was about to return to the count's house, stopped for a moment. Illenoa watched as she
hesitated and changed the direction of her feet several times. In the end, Irina's steps headed towards
the monastery, and there... … Ludwig's tomb was there.

A woman with red hair, a saliva and only a chemise robe, sat down by the tomb in the rain. It was a bit
gloomy and bizarre.

But Irina touched the grave with a tender hand.

“… … .”

The upper people had sophisticated hands. Darren wrapped his death as a loss not only because of the
shock that Irina would receive, but also because of the belief of this age that those who take their own
lives will not be saved.
Irina did not believe in the doctrines or the afterlife promoted by the monastery, but she could not
reject the belief that was accepted as the truth of the world in front of her loved ones. She put her
hands together as if catching straw.

"Oh God. Please have mercy on me. He lived a good and good life by judging only based on the result,
and foretelling a moment of error. This is really unfair.”

Biting her lip hard, she soon began to question God straight up, according to her personality.

“If you are a god, if you are truly absolute, do not judge him according to your own taste by giving him
a misfortune beyond your control! Ruby has always been considerate of others! If you think this is not
the case, I will live my life in denial of you for the rest of my life!”

While praying, Irina was already in tears. She grabbed the tombstone and fell down.

Who is blaming whom now? Come and do it for him now.

The feelings that we have accumulated over a long period of over ten years are so deep and complex
that I thought that I could not have you as a friend. But now that I think about it, we may have actually
remained friends.

I could have listened to whatever you said. There would be no one around you like that except me. I
guess my life was too hard.

I think I'm going to turn into a stupid coward, because I don't know what the consequences of my words
and careless actions will be.

“I’m sorry, Ruby.”

Irina cried.
"Too… … sorry. I'm sorry I criticized you. You didn't want to either. You wouldn't have done it if things
were a little better. I knew you were that kind of person.”

There was no more grass to clean up, no more dust to wipe off, so there was nothing she could do, so
she wept.

When someone dies, it's over. After that, there's nothing you can do. No matter how much money I
make, I can't do it for you anymore. It was a very frightening and cold reality.

“Ruby, I was very lonely. I was so scared. But if it had been that hard, you would have come to see me
only once before that.”

Tears mixed with rainwater and flowed. Grabbing the grave, Irina wept. And Illenoa quietly came over
and put an umbrella over her.

The wind blew so hard that a faint sound echoed through the forest.

Irina lifted her head as the rain that had hit people in pain disappeared.

Illenoa looked down at her without expression. Dressed in black, he looked like a messenger from the
gods, but he also looked more like a human with more suffering than Irina.

he asked

“Is it sadder that he died than that he betrayed you?”

“… … .”

“Do you hate yourself for making him choose that rather than turning his back on you?”

“… … .”
“Why is no one complaining?”

“… … .”

“Irina, you really make me miserable.”

Illenoa eventually threw the black umbrella aside. And like Irina, she sat down on the floor and caressed
her eyes and face, which had been messed up with rainwater.

“How can I apologize to you?”

“… … .”

“How do I make you okay? … … Please tell me.”

How am I supposed to be by my side now?

Irina shook her head and hugged him. The two held each other's shoulders at the grave and wept.

One day Irina said.

“I think money is irritatingly dirty, Illenoa.”

Ilenoa said calmly, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

“I’m sorry, but did you know that now?”

“Be patient. … … Guess I'm ignorant and ignorant."

His sarcastic and sarcastic tone of voice resembles that of a kaju. People laughed inwardly, but she was
Irina after all.

“Illenoa, I’ve been thinking… … .”

“Yes, tell me.”

“I have to make money too. I still have to see the end.”

That was a good thing. And it was a good look I haven't seen in a long time. However, Illenoa looked at
Irina with a firm face, as if realizing the seriousness of the matter. Irina nodded her head.

“We have known each other for a long time.”

As she spoke, she finally admitted that it was a love affair.

It wasn't as sweet. Love could not be put into words, and they scratched each other's breasts several
times, and it was like a castle built on the sand by the waves. But it was definitely love.

After acknowledging that, Irina finally felt that her heart was a little more relaxed.

"I'm sorry. When I see you, I feel like I shouldn't be doing this.”

“… … What do you want to say?”

Say you want to be strong. Saying I don't want to give up life and possibilities.
“It’s childish, but I also want to achieve success that others recognize. I'm not sure what would change
that, but I still want to do something."

Illenoa nodded her head.

"do it. do anything I will support you till the end.”

“It’s not like that.”

Irina shook her head and frowned. Saying that I don't want to be swayed by others would hurt him too.
However, Irina is now frustrated and disillusioned with this kissen.

“For a moment I… … Why don’t you leave here and go abroad?”

Illenoa made a face like a man who was stunned for a moment.

“Honestly, I want to leave Kissen. I know I'm weird these days. I know it's nonsense too. But can you
please understand me? I am so frustrated.”

could be forced again. He was the right person to do it. But Ilenoa spoke as if begging for Irina.

“… … Why can’t you do that with me?”

“… … .”


Irina was silent, and despair fell on Ilenoa's face.

After the conversation that day, the two did not speak of the topic at all. Irina acted as if nothing had
happened, and was not unreasonably stubborn.

But she was much more thoughtful than before and looked out the window more often. And with each
lengthening of the silence, Ilenoa became noticeably more sensitive.

The mood of the day of Schuberg Upper Week depended solely on Irina's condition.

Come to think of it, their relationship was very strange from the beginning. Illenoa took over the Nodiac
family's debts and all rights, but at the decisive moment, she acted as if she were the underdog. She
tried to wield her life at all times, but sometimes showed a contradictory attitude as if Irina was in
control of this relationship.

It must have been because he was longing for more than a paper relationship after all.

He did not agree with Irina's words that money cannot buy people's hearts. However, he deeply
understood that Irina's heart, not anyone else's, was the same.

So, how shallow and advantageous was it to say that I didn't want your heart. He thought he was ready
to be hated, but in reality he didn't want to be hated.

He also wanted to receive the warm gaze she sends to the world. She constantly leaned on her weak

A relationship built on lies and contradictions was flawed from the start. So even a little wind and rain
can cause cracks.

Like a child who doesn't want to tear down the sand castle, Illenoa hugged her and looked at her and
read it carefully, but the sand keeps flowing through her fingers.
When Irina came home a little late and lay in her bed without changing clothes, Ilenoa quietly opened
the door and entered. Now, even if you don't knock, you do it.

As Irina smiled, hehehe, showing her teeth, Illenoa hurriedly approached her and sat down next to her.
He looked a little happy.

As I bowed my head to tidy up the hair that was hanging on the bed, the strong smell of alcohol came
from Irina.

“Irina, this is an addiction.”

I don't know if she agreed or if she took it as a joke, but Irina laughed a little. Somehow, he caressed her

Illenoa quickly braided her side hair. As she quietly received the touch, she asked something she had
been curious about for a long time.

“You have a really pretty haircut. Where did you learn?”

Ilenoa smiled. When I asked him before, he just smiled and moved on, but for some reason Illenoa
opened his mouth this time.

“Didn’t I grow up in a brothel?”

“… … Whoops.”

Irina answered vaguely, not knowing why she was saying that.

“When I was young, if I touched my sisters’ heads, they gave me food or money.”

“… … .”
“It was something I saw and learned, and everyone liked it because it was good workmanship. The
more I look at it, the better I get. I’m usually good at whatever I do technically.”

"I see."

“I was a little hesitant to speak of the skills I learned there, because I feared that you would be

"Huh? Why is that unpleasant?”

“Because you are a noble person.”

“… … hey, hey It sounds really old-fashioned.”

Illenoa smiles and says yes, I'm not really sophisticated, muttered. As Irina sighed deeply, as if tired,
Ilenoa stroked Irina's cheek once more. And asked sadly.

“What makes it so difficult?”

Irina muttered well, and asked as if it was nothing. She was like a child who was still unfamiliar with this

“Do you know how it feels to break people?”

“So much… … I know it all too well.”

And while answering, Ilenoa, whose heart was pounding for a moment, twisted her face and bowed her
I know, I know you very well, Irina. I always suffered from that feeling as a child. The truth is, I was so
unhappy that I pretended to be ignorant of those feelings. But then you held out a handkerchief to me.

There was a time when I had a wish close to a curse to be unhappy with me rather than being happy
with others. But the moment Irina makes an unhappy face, he is forced to realize. He never once wanted
this man to be unhappy.

not love This destructive emotion that shakes up people's lives and makes them unable to sustain
themselves should not be love.

Irina Nodiac. You are the flame that sweeps my entire life.

He decided to beg Irina once more.

"what's this?"

As Illenoa pulled out a piece of paper from her arms and held it out, Irina asked with a puzzled look. He
answered, holding the paper directly in her hand.

“This is a royal deed to recognize the marquise of the Nodiac family and reinstate it.”

“… … .”

Unable to lie down any longer, Irina slowly got up and sat down. And Irina, who was a nobleman,
recognized it immediately. What was stamped was undoubtedly the seal of King Kissen.

“I know you are not very interested in titles. Also, it has no meaning in today's world, but it was
originally owned by your family, so I wanted to give it back."

Irina didn't say anything for a while, as if she was very surprised. She touched the paper. It's like a single
piece of paper, but if Dad saw it, he would have liked it. But she soon had a dark face as if she was
thinking about something.
“… … but."

How much money did he pay to receive this certificate? This is a life where you only receive and take
care of yourself.

Illenoa shook her head as if she knew what Irina was thinking.

“It's a small amount for me. You know that.”

And because he couldn't pay that small sum without a price, he had to let her house fall apart.

But it wasn't just one piece of paper. Illinoa watched as Irina, noticing this, looked at the other piece of
paper as if puzzled.

“… … .”

He didn't even know why he was doing this now. Anxiety about the wrong choice kept overtaking him.
However, I kept thinking about her words that we should not put any more conditions between us.

That was the first moment they saw their relationship face to face. My heart trembled.

Illenoa carefully pulled the debt sheet out of her hand. It was a deed that the Schuberg family took over
all the debts and remaining rights of the Nodiac family, bearing the signatures of Illenoa and the former
Marquis of Nodiac while alive.

This was definitely Irina's way. That means it didn't fit with Illenoa. As a merchant, it was difficult for him
to put down the means. But without hesitation, Illenoa tore up the debt in front of Irina.

“… … Illenoa.”
“You are now free.”

The dark blue eyes were firm. And more than ever, there was a burning desire.

I want to have this woman's heart, so I unshackle it. Descends from the only hill he occupied. What a
contradictory situation this is.

“No debts, no paperwork, nothing binding you here.”

Illenoa knelt down on one knee by the bedside. Then he grabbed Irina's hand and shook her head.

“So now, please stay by my side with your will. Irina, please do not forsake me.”

The confession of letting go of everything was heartbreaking.

Volume 2

Chapter 8. Form of Love Ⅱ(2)

Irina began to organize the store. It would be more accurate to say that it is a handover rather than a
cleanup. She took over the management of the store to Susan and organized herself one by one.

The news that Irina was preparing to leave also spread to the top. Everyone was buzzing.

It's a pity if it's because the top-tier stock doesn't like it, but everyone could agree. Their boss was a
capable person, but emotionally, he felt distant from everyone.

But the reason is just to make money.

This was the sound of a man riding a boat even though he knew he would struggle to feed his family. In
fact, it was all difficult to understand.

Schuberg was wealthier than King Kissen, and he was a man of great influence not only in Kissen but also
in neighboring countries. But what do you mean by giving up your background and academic
background, which is the easiest way to earn money, and where you want to go?

If this was really for business, it was a very reckless act. But many have now come to believe that her
unfounded confidence is, in fact, grounded.

When no one in the world understood her ideas yet, the only person who believed in her was Sangju
Sang. And Irina responded to that belief with performance and results.

Illenoa strongly objected this time. And many times he clinged to her servilely.

Perhaps if Irina had acted a little more calmly, she would not have been able to do that. But Irina
seemed to think she was doing something wrong to Ilenoa.
He was so sorry and suffered more than Illenoa, but he repeated the words to give him a chance and

- I want to make money.

- Do it here. I'll give you more stores.

- I want to do it on my own. And now, even if you don't have any documents, I will definitely pay you

- … … I don't need any money, Irina.

- This is a must for me. It's a procedure. you are my heart... … I do not know.

So, how the hell do you want to be rich?

Illenoa just let out a sad laugh.

That afternoon, Irina packed up and left the mansion. Illenoa was looking out of the window in her
study, gazing at the figure.

He habitually raised the corners of his mouth. But the always cold snow looked lonely like never before.

look at that Without conditions and clues, you will leave me. You turn away from me like this and throw
me away you naughty liar Why did you give me such useless hope?

Asked the butler, who was more anxious than Illenoa and hovered next to him.
“Illenoa-sama, can I catch you? No, I'll just bring it to you."

“… … .”

Illenoa stood up without answering.

People panicked when Irina strode out of the mansion with a brown bag.

There were many people who worked in the sun at the Earl's House, but there were also many people
who hid their identities in the shadows and escorted the mansion. The people who saw Irina escaping
while hiding in a blind spot panicked.

Everyone was aware of the sharp disagreement between Sangju Sangju and Irina.

But soon afterwards, when Ilenoa appeared, everyone was relieved. And honestly, I started cheering for

Illenoa was an unpopular, cold employer, but people liked the hottest Irina Nodiac, not the top-tier
stock. And Sang-joo's unwavering sincerity towards Irina was supported.

Hold on.

Whether or not she knew everyone's aspirations, Illenoa followed her with an unknown face.

The first place Irina stopped was the grave of the former Marquis of Nodiac.

It is very strange that Irina was the most selfish child among the three daughters when she was young.
No matter how strict he tried to discipline his family, the accident could not be controlled.
However, when the family was in trouble, she was the most devoted daughter, and she was a member
of a conservative family who took care of her parents' graves until the end. Everyone found it odd, but
maybe it's her personality.

Irina took out a lot of crumpled paper from her bosom.

“Dad, I’m here to show you this. My house must have become a marquise again.”

As Illenoa said, it didn't really matter to her anymore. This was the past. In Kisen, titles will gradually
become insignificant.

For Irina, a future that others could not predict was clearly visible. This will eventually be a piece of
paper and will go down in history with only a few lines of text.

why no one knows this In Kissen, the class system will disappear sooner or later.

But to her, it was precious in a different way. It was not a piece of paper, but an irresistible favor that
someone had shown him.

“Illenoa did it. Daddy thank you too … … he's actually a good kid So I sincerely wish him all the best.
help the kid now… … I think I like him a lot.”

Irina adjusted her outfit. And stood up with a determined face.

Her footsteps were headed towards Cheyenne Harbor.

Irina really thought that life was a strange thing. When she was young, there were too many people
trying to look good on her. At that time, people who suddenly approached me were just stunned and
funny. She didn't hate them because she didn't know anything, but I don't think she was particularly
kind to them.
However, all such people stopped walking after Irina's family became difficult and pretended not to
know her.

there is no fuss People love themselves again now. be able to praise

They wondered what Irina would do when she cleared the store, but in fact she had no plans. I just
wanted to be in a place no one knew about.

In fact, she was very lonely. But I wanted to be more lonely than I am now. I just wanted to drop my life
in the harshest place and abuse it.

So when Illenoa stopped, she may have just pretended she didn't know and listened to him. Because
there is no solution for this.

“Uh, huh?”

Suddenly, someone snatched the bag and Irina thought she had been pickpocketed and jumped in great
bewilderment. But Illenoa walked ahead with her bag on her shoulder.

“Illenoa. you suddenly... … .”

Irina was so startled that she trotted after him with a trotter, but Illenoa said angrily.

“Don't say anything. I don't even know why I'm doing this now."

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … Huh."
The wind from the harbor blew fiercely. Ilenoa striding along had a terrifying face. But when Irina
glanced at her, she touched her temple several times and said:

“Are you going to Impenon?”

"Huh. first of all. I only know a thing or two about it.”

In fact, being able to speak the languages of the three kingdoms fluently in this era itself was a great
thing. But Ilenoa spoke as if advised.

“Impenon is in a civil war. No matter how proficient you are in the Imphenon language, it is difficult for
a woman from another country to live alone.”

“… … Huh."

“There are a lot of stores and tops in Impenon that are connected to the Schuberg top. I'll put all the
fumes. I'll do it today. so… … .”

Illenoa, who had been talking in anger, lowered her head without finishing her words.

"Sorry. Really I was wrong... … .”

In front of the ship, Illenoa had a very painful face. I didn't want to let Irina go like this.

Come to think of it, the meeting was short. During the three years of attending the academy, they had
very few conversations, and the exchange of emotions was one-sided only with Ilenoa.

“Irina, I know it was a really small favor to you. You must have just felt sorry for me or annoyed me.
I’ve gotten a lot of those views.”
“… … .”

“But since that day, I always feel that you have my heart.”

I don't know. Even though Illenoa thought it was a warm-hearted woman, it seemed that it was not a
special moment. Unfortunately, that brief meeting captivated him for the rest of his life.

In fact, I liked it so much that I wasn't even embarrassed. I'm sorry I just dared to like it.

“Do you remember what you said when you graduated?”

“… … .”

“I remember. He told me to see him if he had a chance.”

You won't know how long I've been looking at you only by relying on greetings that just kept the
courtesy. And how many more hours will I have to live longing for you?

“As I said before, it’s okay if you don’t love me.”

“… … .”

“But Irina. Please tell me that we will meet again.”

Irina, who had her head bowed, hugged Ilenoa. She, too, continued to grow smaller in the face of an
uncertain future, but the man taller than her at this moment was much more like a precarious child.

yes, definitely. Again... … Trust me.

As Irina spoke, he shrugged and hugged Irina face to face.

Illenoa rode Irina on the ferry and went up and down to her cabin. As always, with a gentle and calm
face, he arranged the bedding.

But as he watched the ship receding, he finally felt something hot run down his cheek. The tears were so
unfamiliar that I couldn't remember the last time I shed them.

I wanted to have perfect possessions rather than imperfect love. I lied to her that it was okay to be
unhappy because I wanted to be with her so much.

He said he did not know of such positive emotions. The truth is, I thought I was someone who didn't
really know that. But now it is a fact that cannot be denied.

"I… … Love you."

This distorted feeling could only come close to the form of love at that moment.

Chapter 9. Age of Discovery

Illenoa, who was rummaging through the documents in the upper headquarters, asked Darren. It was a
sensitive face.

“Is there any news from Impenon?”

“Yeah, no.”
“… … anything? Why?”

When Darren didn't answer, Illenoa contorted her face nervously.

He pretended to let him go, but Ilenoa wasn't that soft. What kind of world is it that you can leave Irina
alone like that?

Illenoa was going to provide support from behind if Irina came into contact with the top, whether it was
protected or monitored.

Impenon was a country that could be reached in two weeks by boat, no matter how bad the weather.
However, more than a month had passed since Irina had left, and there was no news. In fact, he couldn't
even find a trace.

The reason was very clear. Irina did not trust her body to the top where the kite was in contact with

“Send more people.”

“… … .”

“Find it.”

As Darren nodded with a burdened look on her face, Illenoa wrapped her forehead around her temple
as if she had a headache. It was then that Darren brought up another topic.

“Illenoa, what are you going to do with the items you brought from Sapieno?”

Not long ago, three galleons arrived at Cheyenne Port. The ships carried more grain than ever before.
The large merchant ship survived the severe storm, and fortunately, there was no damage from pirates.
However, it was unavoidable that the crew members suffered from chronic diseases due to long
voyages. Only about half of those who returned well were the first.

Illenoa, who was lost in thought with a frown, finally opened her mouth.



“I am not going to do business with the top of the royalist side. Now contact the Republicans directly,
not with the top. I will meet their chief.”

Darren, who had already anticipated Illenoa's decision to some extent, let out a sigh of relief. The
restoration of the royal family of the royalist forces was imminent. Although news had been heard that
the Republican faction was regrouping, the overwhelming consensus was that Seungwoon leaned
toward the royalist faction.

Darren cautiously objected.

“There is too much backlash even within our upper ranks. Illenoa.”

“… … .”

"lets think. There is some truth to the opinion that we should follow the trend rather than forcefully
overturn the board.”

The top is way too big. Dozens of branches were created, in which people saw and heard different
things, and they all had their own point of view.

However, Illenoa couldn't erase Irina's words that were engraved in her mind so strongly at one point.
- You can't stop the flow. No matter how hard you try to block it with your palms, you can't stop the
waves coming in.

- People have what they want in their hearts.

Ilenoa asked in a low voice.

“Is that really the trend?”

“… … .”

"Darren, there's a really big wave coming in now."

I couldn't see it at the time, but someone has already seen it.

Darren, who had been silent, sighed and nodded.

“I will try to silence the opposition. I will follow the opinion of the top state.”

Illenoa nodded her head.


The reason Irina evaporated after boarding the ship bound for Impenon was that she boarded another
ship shortly after she landed in port.

After disembarking, Irina's legs were shaking and she was sitting still on the bag.
Although brought up in a wealthy family, Irina was actually the first to travel by boat. Shortly after
boarding the boat, she learned one thing she didn't know, that she had seasickness.

After checking what she ate for the first few days, she gave the fish rice, and after that, I thought it was
all right, but just before arriving at Impenon, she became seriously motion sick again.

Feeling dizzy for some reason, Irina looked up at the sky.

“The sky is very clear in Impenon. Phew, at this point, I'm afraid to go back to Kisen."

I was worried about getting on the boat again. I thought motion sickness could be so terrifying.

However, a language with a unique pronunciation suddenly penetrated her ear, which was calming her

Oh my gosh. this should wake up Irina looked at her as if possessed.

“It must be hard to drop the anchor like this, you idiot.”

“Oh, why are you doing this to me again! You, too, made a mistake raising the sail last time!”

“These idiots, you are fighting over who else is more stupid.”

“You are both just stupid. Fools.”

Irina walked towards them as if led by them.

It was a really impulsive decision. Irina had a foreboding that she had to get this boat. As a result, there
were countless reasons to go to Ils.
Impenon had already been a trading country of Kissen for a long time, and there were too many high
ranks. There was nothing new, so what could be done was limited.

“Are you going to this ship?”

“… … Who are you?”

It was a place where people of various nationalities came and went, but even there, Irina's appearance
stood out. People were taken by surprise when a very beautiful foreign woman spoke her native

“I am Irina. I am a tall person.”

I didn't ask for your name. People looked at Irina with a wary expression on her face. Irina put her hands
together and politely asked the sailors.

“Can you drive me to Ils? I will pay enough wages.”

“… … no, hey This is a merchant ship, not a ship carrying customers. And I don’t know, but I see that
some trade ships don’t carry women.”

“… … why? Where is that?”

Sailors burst out laughing at the naive remark. And among them, there were also smiling faces, which
made Irina a little uncomfortable.

The sea was an untamed territory. Sailors sailing great distances have always been battling harsh, life-
threatening environments, meaning that ships have become quite masculine as a result.

The superstition that a woman on board a ship would overturn the ship to take her was absurd, but
sailors were also quite sensitive to such superstitions and jinxes.
And there was no guarantee that an unfortunate accident would not occur if a woman was loaded onto
a merchant ship, a den of starving men.

At first glance, Irina looked like a very finely grown lady. maybe aristocrats

A while ago, a sailor who had been accused of lowering the anchor by mistake came out. He looked a lot
younger than Irina, but he started to reject Irina with moderately good words, except for the last reason.

As the story continued to go negative, she slurped her mouth out, but she didn't agree with what others
had to say as usual.

Ils was a distant country. It meant that meeting a ship from Ils was like picking stars in the sky.

She didn't want to miss this opportunity, so she was determined and stubborn.

“It’s all superstition. I heard that Ils was the first progressive country to break down the class system,
so why are you making such a cliché?!”

“… … what?"

The sailor who was facing Irina flinched at the unexpected attack. It was more stubborn than I expected.
No, and why are foreigners so good at Japanese language?

“I can’t interfere. Cut those potatoes well! Thin skin! Cleans well too!”

“No, hey. … … Potatoes are difficult to preserve, so they are not loaded. And I'll do the cleaning better
than you."

The debate that started with the in-depth subject of the class system became more and more childish. It
was an old man with good looks who joined in the seemingly endless quarrel.
“What a fuss.”


At his appearance, the people who were watching the fluent conversation between a Korean and a
foreigner instantly became in harmony.

But Irina tilted her head. grandee? The title was strange because Ils was a country where the class
system had already collapsed and a republic was established long ago. However, even Irina could clearly
see that that old man was the decision maker of this ship.

Irina immediately turned to him.

“Duke, please take me on board. I will pay enough wages and be willing to work if necessary.”

The old man flatly refused.

“Take another boat.”

Irina's face turned pale. Listening to the sailor earlier, waiting for another ship was not going to solve the
problem. You will be rejected again.

Hesitating, she stared at the man's face without hesitation, and then suddenly began to do something
absurd. will kneel down

“Please burn it. Please."

It was a busy port, but when a woman knelt down, the son-in-law became quiet. Everyone looked at
them as if they were bewildered, but the old man had a calm face. He suddenly asked something
“Are you a taller person?”

As Irina raised her head with a puzzled expression, the old man shrugged.

“The accent sounds like that. I am not a commoner.”

“… … She is the eldest daughter of the Nodiac Marquis. This is Irina.”

Then he said in a stern voice, as if rebuking him.

“How can a son of a noble family kneel anywhere? It's dishonoring the family. Don't you have any

That was a bit painful. There were times when she also valued honor and pride very much. When I was
young, I thought that even if I lost, I wouldn't be cowardly.

But now we can do more than that. Is this because he has lost his innocence and has become a human
being who only pursues results?

Feeling sad, Irina bit her lip for a moment, then spoke with difficulty.

"no. I'm not down on my knees because honor doesn't matter. Just because it's more important to get
what you want right now. When I achieve my goals, my honor will follow naturally.”

The old man, who looked down at Irina for a long time with a heavy face, suddenly smiled as if it was
fun. Then, the serious-looking face became much more kind.

“Get up. I feel bad for the little girl to get down on her knees. Aren't I just losing my honor?"
“… … .”

But Irina, not sure what the situation was, couldn't get up or stay still, and looked at him with a puzzled
face. The old man nodded lightly.

“The departure is in three days. Nick, give me a cabin.”


At the voice of protest, the old man glared at the sailor with a bitter face, unlike when he looked at Irina.

"noisy! Isn't what that girl is talking about more succinctly than you, who can't even drop an anchor
properly? Like this ugly guy.”

The old man with his back tugged his tongue and disappeared into the crowd.

Sailing was difficult. When she got on the ship, Irina was burning with enthusiasm, as always. However,
she had a fatal flaw that the beginning was not always fresh compared to her overflowing will.

As soon as the ship departed, Irina began to suffer from terrifying motion sickness again.


The sailors frowned at the sound of vomiting up their organs. There was no business, no one who was ill,
and no one to ennoble vomiting, but it was a sound that didn't really go with the looks.

Irina didn't just drain gastric juice into the sea, she grabbed the arm of the man who was looking at him
as if it was dirty and stretched out. A few days ago, it was Nick who was arguing with Irina over the
problem of getting on the boat.
“Hmm, motion sickness medicine… … .”

“No, hey. The people here are people who have been on boats all their lives. Where the hell is a
motion sickness medicine here?”

He pointedly gave him a pint glass, but Irina was not discouraged.

“Then gently pat me on the back, you bastard.”

“… … What kind of foreigner are you so good at?”

The other crew members were admiring themselves. However, regardless of people's reactions, Irina
grabbed the railing and resolute her.

“This is a fight worth fighting for. I don't lose to motion sickness... … Kuwe eh eh!”

Sailors, who were looking at Irina in a bewildered way, immediately shook their heads as if it was not

“I think she must be a crazy woman.”

Irina's nickname became a crazy bitch here too. It was also a bad start.

The merchant ship Irina got on by chance was a ship on top of Serlioz.
The heavy man who allowed Irina to board was the ship's owner and upper class owner, Serlioz was his
middle name, and the name of the last dynasty of Ils was written at the end of his full name, which he
did not say well.

To put it simply, he was a member of the royal family before the republic was established in Ils, and was
a distant relative of the king. Although he had long since fled the royal family and devoted himself to
trade due to his eccentric personality, the sailors still called him the Grand Duke with respect.

- Did I say Irina? know you're lucky Young ambition is good, but honestly, don't you think it's too
reckless? If you have chosen the wrong boat, you must have been sold in a bad state by now, or you
must have been buried in the middle of the sea as a sacrifice. Have you ever heard of sailors saying it's
over when you get on the boat?


Feeling faint, Irina frowned for a moment. And Irina soon remembered that it was Illenoa's words when
she was about to be dragged away by the usurper. Regardless of their nationality, the people of the sea
thought the same thing.

Irina's face seemed a little dissatisfied, but the old man continued with a serious face.

- I'm not saying that's right. If you ask me what's right or wrong, I'm sure the answer is wrong. But sailors
are largely exclusive people. To be honest, most people don't even have a minimum education.


- You can't change them. There is order on the ship. Our ship is a bit strict, but the protection I can
provide is limited, and it is up to the lady to decide how to fit into this voyage. You seem like a smart
person, so you must have understood what I was saying, right?

- … … Yes.

Irina knew that the Archduke was giving her sincere advice. In fact, he is quite friendly with himself.
She was used to it. The reason is unknown, but there were times when older adults wanted to correct
Irina's recklessness, but also strangely liked it.

And, of course, Irina couldn't join the sailors' society from the beginning. She had a cool personality, and
although she communicated well with them, she could not soften the vigilance and territoriality of the

Sometimes the sailors seemed to be bothered by Irina's very existence.

A strangely different appearance from the Japanese, an unfamiliar accent that no matter how hard you
try to imitate, you can't hide that you're a foreigner, a gender you've never seen on this ship. On a
voyage that would last for several months, Irina was uncomfortable and anxious.

Although boarding was permitted by the shipowner, it was unreasonable from the beginning to expect
common sense from them.

And the unfortunate accident happened exactly one week after Irina got on the merchant ship.

“Let’s work, Irina! Let’s pay for the meal!”

Irina walked around like a squirrel while talking to herself.

Perhaps her body has now adapted, and she no longer has seasickness. But Irina was very quiet. It was
because he felt that the sailors did not like his existence.

They sometimes looked at Irina's body with very unpleasant eyes, and exchanged vulgar language
between them that they couldn't understand.

The family went through ruin and all sorts of injustice, but this was the first time I've ever been treated
like this.
“No, I hate what I said, damn it.”

Even as she muttered in an unpleasant way, she began to quietly clean all over the cabin. It was because
there was nothing else Irina could do with the experience of being on a boat.

I don't want to be the person everyone likes. Irina, who lived with self-satisfaction, was originally a
person who did not care about other people's thoughts.

However, there was a deep-rooted rebellious temperament that he never wanted to accept in the
preconceived notions of those who rejected him without knowing him properly.

She began to wipe every corner of the dining room and cabin with a mop.

It was then that the boat shook violently with the sound of quaang.

“What, what… … ?”

As she lay flat on the floor, she looked around her son-in-law as if embarrassed. But there was no one
nearby to explain.

After a single impact, the ship swung frantically from side to side, and she grabbed the wall and carefully
climbed onto the deck.

When I came out on the deck, a very different scene from the daytime was unfolding. As she watched
the helmsman frantically turn the rudder and watch a few more hastily clashed, she looked back to the
raging sea.

"Oh my gosh… … .”

When Irina has ever read, frankly, she did not understand how writers deify or personify the sea. It was
too simplistic and cliche. But now that I see it, it was an exact sentence that could only be expressed like
The sea seemed to be approaching with a great rage to devour everything, and the ship that had hit the
reef was struggling to make its way through the storm.

“I didn’t mean to put a woman on a boat. unlucky.”

Those words sounded very low because of the sound of the waves. However, Irina, who once again
clearly confirmed the antipathy that people have toward her, glared at Nick with a cry.


Angered, she strode towards it. and inquired.

“You stupid bastard. What the hell is that now!”

Then Irina was surrounded by other crew members, not Nick.

“Hey, this girl. You seem to have lost your fear because of the ship owner, but don't be shy."

“Okay, let’s just throw it into the sea.”

Annoyed by the tense situation, Nick hesitated and panicked when his words had a bigger repercussion
than expected among his co-workers.

I don't know if he really meant to throw it into the sea, or if he was just doing it to scare him. But when a
sailor pulled her arm, Irina felt her life threatened and struggled to survive.

Then he bit his charred forearm, wondering if he couldn't do it by force.

“Let go of this!!”

“Where are you biting? Are you crazy?”

“Are you crazy?! Do you want to do this to me in this situation?! You bastards!”

The chaos, which was like hell, barely calmed down at the same time as the old man's screams were

“What are you doing!”

“Great, great duke… … .”

The man who had bitten his arm stopped and dropped it violently, and Irina sat down on the deck.

“Violence on board, even in a situation like this! Can't you get out of your mind!"

The storm grew stronger and stronger. The boat continued to shake. However, she felt more relieved
than before, and was so upset that she was about to die, so Irina trembled and trembled.

“… … .”

But at that moment, Irina realized the fundamental fact that she would have to face these prejudices for
the rest of her life.

Just like the color of hair just a hundred years ago. Gender, hegemony, class, religion, belief. There were
too many unbreakable ideas that humans had created themselves.
The history in which she lives was, after all, an era of graceful barbarism, in which she constantly
struggled to overcome the limits of her thinking.

Irina, who was trembling with her arms clasped in her arms, glared at the people. It was a face that
seemed to run again at any moment.

But she asked the people looking at her if something else had caught her eye.

“Are you going to let that go?!”

“… … .”

What she pointed to was a sail that was about to tear. Irina didn't know how to navigate, and she didn't
even know whether to fold the sails or leave them as they were, but she seemed to know that a
headwind was pushing the ship back.

Then one of the sailors rushed out from among the people who were somehow bewildered and began
to steer the sail in the vertical direction of the wind.

Irina, who was staring at him with a scary face, immediately left her seat and stood up. And moving his
body frantically, he began to crack down on the open cabin doors. This was to prevent water from
entering and flooding as much as possible.

And after a while, she came with a bucket and started pumping out the water coming into the deck,
overflowing from time to time. Irina's eyes, as she was being hit by the waves on board, seemed to

She glanced at Nick, who was standing next to him, and said.

“If you don’t want to be left here too, do something quickly, you bastard.”

The sailors and Archduke Serlioz looked at Irina with impressive faces.
After that day, the battle of nerves between Irina and the crew went into a dormant period for a while.
No one was arguing, but that didn't change the crew's attitude particularly favorably.

And Irina also quietly did her own thing and spent a separate life with them. Both sides seemed to be
embarrassed by the opponent's formidable momentum.

The sailing ship, which was thought only to be large, looked too helpless on the life-threatening night
sea. The crew desperately depended on the ship to get out of the danger zone. If the size of the ship had
been a little smaller, it would have been buried in the middle of the sea.

Irina has always believed that the deification of the sea is due to human ignorance. But, in my
experience, it was because nature was huge enough to arouse awe. It was an experience so intense that
it changed a person's personality.

To be honest, after that day, Irina also understood to some extent why the sea people became such a
rough race. It's because they're so scary that I can't stand it if I don't pretend to be brave.

And yet, if you ask them why they keep sailing, it is because this is their livelihood.

However, all human beings have a weak heart, so many sailors were addicted to alcohol or drugs. After
reaching the land and grabbing their hard-earned money, they quickly squander the money at the pubs
and gambling houses, and after a while… … get on the boat again

“Why are you on a boat, Grand Duke?”

Without eating, Irina asked abruptly.

At some point, Archduke Serlioz often invited Irina to his dinner. He asked if all the tall young men were
like you, and he seemed to be very fond of Irina. Now, she was treating Irina like a granddaughter.
Although he did not have a family.
“Why are you on a boat by a sailor, where does that sound come from?”

“Strictly speaking, the Archduke is not a captain, but a supreme commander. Sangju-ju, I know, didn’t
move directly by boat.”

As the archduke looked at him puzzledly, Irina scratched her cheek.

"Well… … The person with the biggest top in Kissen is my… … Friends.”

Those words sounded a little awkward even for Irina to think about because of the hesitancy. The
dignified old man noticed that and made wrinkles around his eyes, but this time he pretended not to

“Well, isn’t it all about the difference in orientation? I was tired of money from a young age, and I
became a trader not because I wanted to make money, but simply because I wanted to see the world
out there. At that time, Ils was a more conservative country than it is now, so I was frustrated with the
royal family. The life of a royal family who cannot ascend to the throne even though they have the right
to succession has more restrictions than you think.”

If so, he was a very unique royal family. The royals Irina had seen were not like this. The royal family of
Kissen, her homeland, did not want to put an end to the waning power, so she prayed for the strength
of merchants like Illenoa.

But she nodded silently at Archduke Serlioz's words. Although she had a goal of making money, it was
because she was actually a person similar to the Archduke.

The meal, which had been briefly interrupted for conversation, resumed quickly. Irina savored the softly
grilled sea bream and gave an expression as if she was going to live a little.

The reason why Irina agreed to this dish that was supposed to be covered in ugly hair in a car she
couldn't get along with was various foods.
“Duke, the fish is delicious.”

"okay? Do you want to eat a lot?”

Even if I didn't say that, I was already making a harpoon. Although Irina liked all kinds of meat, Irina was
tired of looking at jerky, the staple food of sailors.

And another surprising fact.

“I want to stop eating grass now. I also want to eat fruit. I must have actually been a rabbit.”

Irina spoke gloomy and ate the dried fruit in front of her. The old man grinned like a grandfather facing
his granddaughter's aegyo.

“Be patient, the land is far away.”

Irina nodded her head with a gloomy face and this time drank a sweet drink made from candied fruit.

As she stepped out onto the deck after eating, she leaned against the wall for a moment and thought of
someone. A man who occasionally intervened while watching his meals.

“… … Illenoa has left everyone behind. I'm going to miss the grass."

Suddenly, a shadow suddenly fell in front of her. When I turned my gaze, there was Nick with a white
face that didn't look like a sailor.

Why. what. Irina didn't want to mix up the conversation, so she asked only with an expression on her

“Hey, sorry about last time.”

“… … .”

“I really didn’t know people would be so excited.”

After a long time, when he unexpectedly apologized, Irina made an uncomfortable face.

Irina, who had been leaning against the wall of the cabin without saying a word for a long time, strode
past him. It was to organize the ropes lying on the deck and clean the surroundings.

Then Nick, who was ignored, followed Irina with an indifferent face. Irina, who was squatting and rolling
the rope around, spat at him who was restless next to him.

"done. I recognized your ignorance from the very beginning.”

It sounded more like announcing the start of the second leg rather than accepting an apology. But Irina
glanced at him and nodded briefly.

“It’s okay. I apologize, so I'll move on. Because I also understood that I was arbitrarily interfering in
your voyage. I knew very well that I didn't like it. Of course, it's still a bit regrettable that I almost died in

“… … .”

"still… … I'll try not to offend you."

Nick was a little stunned, then closed his mouth with an ambiguous expression. He accepted the apology
with a wide heart, but it was because he was embarrassed by the words that were not allowed to come
any further.

She was the clearest person to join and cut when needed.
Irina went down to the deck after organizing all the scattered things. It was on the way to the dining
room. Almost all of the sailors had finished eating, and there were hardly any people left inside.

In fact, most of the sailors just gulped the dried jerky at their location.

As Irina was tidying up the chairs and tables, she picked up a wet mop and started wiping it.

“Are you cleaning better than you think? But are you noble? I heard that Kissen still has a class

“Yeah, what… … . right."

Irina wasn't happy, but when she answered anyway, he took the mop from Irina's hand at will. And she
began to wipe the table clean in her place.

“… … .”

Why is he here? I'm still not feeling well, ma'am.

Irina, who was more seriously injured than expected, frowned.

“Where did you learn Japanese? But you talk a little bit like a grandfather, you know?”

“What man?”

“Tell me honestly. The person who taught me is old or… … Did you learn from an old book?”

“… … .”
Irina, who was stabbed in the corner, kept her mouth shut for a moment with a dark face.

“Stop it, you bastard.”

When she groaned and took the mop, Nick scratched his head with an embarrassment.


It had been about a month and a half since the ship had left Impenon when a strange atmosphere was
sensed on board.

There was a strangely drowsy atmosphere in the ship, and Irina quickly fell into the peaceful

The ship, which had undergone one major storm and set sail, continued to sail steadily. At that time,
there were not many ways to spend time on the ship.

The Archduke often played chess with his lieutenant, and Irina, who had no interest in chess, often
climbed the deck. Then he would sit down on the floor, rest his chin on his lap, and gaze at the vast

It wasn't until a few days later that Irina learned that the peace that had seemed so boring was actually
not peace, but the eve of the storm. This is because people who had been walking normally since then
suddenly lost their pulse and collapsed.

“Why, why are you like this… … ! Hey! Someone has fallen!”

Irina was perplexed when the people who seemed healthier than anyone else suddenly sat down, but
everyone except her seemed familiar with this situation.
The ship's leaders, including the archduke and captain, soon began emptying a large cabin. It was to
accommodate and care for the sick.

Irina was busily moving to prepare their meals and wipe off the sweat, but soon found out. The fact that
no one on this ship has any hope of recovery.

They had weakened teeth, unable to properly chew the food Irina gave them, and sometimes bleed
from their mouths for no apparent reason. Dark blue spots also appeared on the skin.

And Irina soon remembered that she had seen this symptom before.

- This is a symptom of sailors.

- Sailors think of it as a curse on the people of the sea. They are very sensitive to such superstitions.

Irina had to watch the people die one by one. Now, even if someone thought it was a curse, there was
nothing to refute.

As the number of deck crews became scarce, many of those who worked as cooks had their positions
changed. Other deck crew members also changed positions from time to time. That's because fewer
people could keep their positions.

There are no doctors or cures on this vast sea. But even if we went to land, it didn't seem like it would
change much. Feeling helpless and hopeless, Irina bowed her head.

“Irina, why are you so pale?”

As Irina grabbed the railing and had a melancholy look on her face, someone approached and spoke to
her. Irina glanced to the side and said sullenly.

“People are sick, so how do you feel?”

“It’s common on ships. Everyone is ready to ride.”

“… … .”

She had a darker face because it was not comforting at all, but she looked at Nick to see if she suddenly
remembered something.

“… … You, but I told you not to talk nonsense.”

Nick, who wanted to look younger, turned out to be three years younger than Irina.

He would approach Irina, who was still at some point, and often argue. But it wasn't as malicious as
before. So Irina was also accepting the controversy little by little.

“Is Kisen the country of old men who question such things?”

“This child. Let’s not touch me as a human being.”

When Irina couldn't stand it and raised her fist to beat him, he laughed and exaggeratedly crouched to
block it. And Irina stopped at the suddenly exposed white forearm.

"Hey you… … What's with your arm?"

Nick lowered his sleeve as if in embarrassment, and quickly hid the bruise.

At first, the number of deaths, which was one or two, increased over time. The situation was so
desperate that it was impossible to tell whether this ship was a trading ship or a ghost ship.
It was impossible to sail with the body as it is, so sailors often threw the bodies of those who had been
colleagues until yesterday into the sea.

They were blunt and rough faces. However, Irina could feel that even in their seemingly strong minds,
there were similar insecurities and weaknesses.

The ship's atmosphere became more gloomy and ferocious as the days went by.

The ship was a world of their own that was not under the control of public authorities, and it was a place
where rebellion was easy to occur. Ship owners did not pay in advance to prevent such a situation, and
they tried to strictly follow discipline, but as the crisis reached its climax, rebellions on the ship broke

Around that time, Irina began to ponder the cause of this symptom, which only appeared on sailors. Of
course, I didn't think it was a curse.

- There can be no such thing, can it? It's just an undisclosed area.

Irina nodded, remembering Illenoa's words. It was just a disease.

“I want to know the identity of everyone aboard this ship. Even those who have already died. I think
the more detailed it is, the better.”

To be honest, Irina's request was too bold.

The archduke's aide made an openly disapproving expression. It was fine up to the things of ordinary
sailors. However, Irina was now requesting the details of the captain, as well as the navigator and
helmsman, of all the people aboard the ship. It was nothing more than a secret inside the top.

But again, it was Archduke Serlioz who gave permission.

“Duke, that lady is an outsider!”

Despite the fierce opposition of his long-time aide, the old man was indifferent.

“Yes, I am an outsider. Also, he wasn't a sailor. But what can't be seen from the inside can't be seen
clearly from the outside, isn't it? Irina, try it.”

“… … thank you. Really.”

Irina, who had met someone who believed in her for the first time since Illenoa, was unexpectedly
moved and bowed her head.

The answer did not come easily. A lot of information was obtained, but inferences were difficult.

The documentation was not perfect from the beginning. Most of the sailors were of unknown origin,
and they were often able to deceive themselves. Above all, the conditions required by the top of the
crew were not difficult. It was because there were no other qualifications required for the work he
risked his life for.

Irina eventually went around the ship herself and started asking people about things.

Her troubles only deepened.

What is the difference between those who are ill and those who are not?

What is the difference between the dead and the living?

The biggest difference to determine whether or not he is ill is whether he is a land man or a sailor.
However, not all sailors contracted this disease. Although the number of patients increased, there were
still healthy people.

So at first Irina suspected that this had something to do with the length of the ship. She, who is currently
healthy, also had little experience in boating, so that seemed to be a reasonable suspicion.

However, the archduke who did not get sick, his aides, and the chief of the ship were people who had
been on the ship longer than ordinary sailors. Patients usually only came from the side of ordinary

Irina soon began to write on paper the daily routines of herself, the archduke, the navigator, and a few
general sailors, from morning to evening in detail. What she was unfolding on paper was an inductive
way of thinking.

And after repeating that for about three days, Irina realized something.

She put down her pen and covered her face. A new trembling voice escaped her lips.

“… … It’s food.”

The sick sailors were different from the land people, and the most different from the ship's officers was
the food they ate.

She was so startled and her heart was pounding that Irina was frozen in her seat for a while. And she
soon remembered the conversation of one day.

- Eating a variety of foods in moderation is the only study they've put out to the world in nearly a

Have you been suspicious since then?

Irina opened the cabin door with a sad face and ran out.

As she was about to go to the Archduke, she turned and headed for the cabin where the patients were
lying. She approached Nick, who looked at her pale face and smiled, and knelt in front of him without
hesitation. And he spoke as if to reassure him.

“Nick, hold on. I'll make sure to save you Huh?"

Without even hearing an answer, she ran out again, and this time she headed to the Grand Duke's room.

He was having a serious conversation with the captain, who were looking for a country where they could
anchor before reaching Ils. The candidate site was, of course, a trading country around Ils, who had
extensive trading experience with them.

Irina took a deep breath and said.

“Your Majesty, we must anchor the ship.”

“Irina, at least one more month to do it.”

“Don’t do that, anywhere. Even on an uninhabited island, there are fruits and food to eat.”

“… … .”

“I have to eat other foods. A variety of foods eaten by the people of the land.”

The Archduke was also a clever man. The exact cause was unknown, but Irina was now saying that the
cause was the crew's diet.

he asked with a serious expression.

“Can you save me if I do that?”

“I'm not even sure. But you should try it. What if all the people die like this?”

However, contrary to Irina's thoughts, it was not an easy attempt.


Unlike before, when the Archduke refused, Irina looked at him in shock.

The map is not complete. I didn't know what danger lurked in the new place. In an unfamiliar land that
was thought to be untouched by humans, it turns out that there are cases where people who harbor
hostility to outsiders live. Even though it was a truly uninhabited island, no one knew what kind of
unknown creatures lived there, or what poisonous plants inhabited it.

The officers in charge of the operation of this ship had no intention of taking such an adventure for the
crew. Before they went to Ils, they decided to anchor in a neighboring country purely to recruit sailors
who were lacking there.

To Sang Sang and the shipowner, sailors were property, not human beings. It was simply a power source
to propel the ship forward, and it was a replaceable wooden paddle.

It's heartbreaking, but that's the hegemony and logic of all tops in this age of maritime trade.

The Archduke explained all of this with a cold tone of voice. And asked Irina's intentions.

“Can you still take responsibility for your actions?”

“… … .”
Irina's eyes fluttered, unable to respond readily.

Four days later, the Serlioz merchant ship discovered a small island in the sea.

The crew had already decreased by dozens compared to when they started.

Their bodies must have sank in the middle of the ocean, without names or buoys, without finding a way
back to their families. Irina, who was watching the anchor go down near an unfamiliar land, suddenly
wanted to ask the dead.

why did you get on a boat

It was the Archduke and his armed escorts who got off the ship first. And the strong sailors followed.
Irina also grabbed the ladder made of rope and carefully descended.

Following her, the people seemed a little perplexed, but Irina pretended not to know and looked around
the island with them.

For a long time people searched the island vigilantly.

The ecology of this island was too unfamiliar to Irina.

It has been two months since I came by boat from Impenon. There were fruits hanging from the tree,
but she did not know what was edible and what was not.

However, the people who finished the search, unlike Irina, began to gather edible things diligently. Some
of the dogs went hunting with knives.
Now the ship's position was much closer to Ils than to Kissen. They were not very familiar with the
ecology and climate of the island.

Irina, who watched the scene, carefully put the fruits collected by the sailors in a sack. And when one of
the sacks was full, he grabbed it and grunted and moved towards the boat.

the archduke asked. Can you take responsibility for your actions?

Why the hell did he ask that?

“… … .”

Actually, I don't know. It was difficult to make a choice in a situation where people's lives and the
interests of the superior were sharp, and she could no longer speak good and evil and justice like a child.

Irina has always made unrestrained choices in the direction of her heart. However, the dark clouds over
her life at some point and the death of those close to her made her wither.

I felt like I would sometimes become a coward now, not knowing what the consequences of my claims
and actions would lead to.

“… … .”

In the end, this may have been a mistake in guessing. The cause is not food, so people may continue to
die in the future.

Then ships will only delay time, and people may have to die more painfully at sea.

Without moving the sack, Irina looked up at the sky where an unfamiliar bird flew. Staring at the bird for
a long time, she thought.
But just because it's scary doesn't mean you can't do anything.

People are dying and I can't help but try because I'm afraid of being wrong.

Gently swallowing the fear, Irina clenched her teeth.


“Will it be candied?”

“… … Yes. I think it will hurt if I leave it alone.”

Irina stared blankly, as if asking why she was asking, and the chef took the fruit sack she was holding.
And tossed it to the cook under his command. leisurely you do it

He spoke bluntly to Irina, who was standing awkwardly.

“Go and rest.”

“… … .”

Irina, who had been scratching her head, had no choice but to turn around. The chef's voice pierced the
back of her head as she thought about cleaning it.

“Don’t clean the restaurant. Everyone here is full of filthy bastards, so no one cares about that.”

Irina scratched her head once more and left the kitchen.

The ship was much more lively than before. The dead did not come back alive, and a few more sailors
lost their lives after that, but the terrifyingly spreading disease was definitely entering a phase.
It was not known which of the food brought from the island defeated the disease. So, she tried to feed
people as many different foods as possible. But in my heart, I was wondering if it was more fruit than
fresh meat.

Irina, who was wandering the deck with nothing to do, soon found a pile of armor that the sailors had
taken off. It seemed like she was using yours without mine, but she dared to put them together again.
Actually, it was kind of pointless.

“You want to clean it up?”

She wondered if she would be deprived of her work again, and as the crew slumped down next to her
and began to organize together, she cautiously voiced her opinion.

“It’s okay to do it alone.”

“Then do it alone.”

But, contrary to the blunt words, they did not stop their hands. So, at some point, Irina felt that people
had become a little kinder to her.

It was that night that I became sure.

People with loose mouths and severely weakened teeth did not eat properly even though they had
airlifted food from the island. So the recovery was even slower.

Irina brought the juice made by squeezing the fruit for them. Then, one by one, they put them into their
Now it seemed to be starting to smell a little sour from squeezing too much, but for now there was no
other way. I'll make some jam in the kitchen, so I can hold on to it for a while.

As Irina was caring for those who had not yet recovered, she felt a huge deafness in her ears with the
small and large shaking of her stomach. It was the sound of a cannon that I wondered if there was
anything to write about.

As the people lying on the floor began to stir a little, Irina quickly robbed her seat and stood up. Then a
sailor with a pale face grabbed the edge of Irina's skirt.

“… … .”

He just shook his head without saying a word. It was an expression not to go. But if there was one thing
that could move her body properly in this cabin, it was Irina.

she whispered quietly.

“I’ll check it out soon.”

Then, perhaps because of lack of energy, he quickly let go of Irina's skirt.

Irina's eyes widened as she leaned over the deck while walking in silence. The son-in-law was incredibly
bright. It was because they were carrying torches on both ships.

And on the railing of the ship hung sharp hooks of rope. Sailors were frantically cutting it off, but the
distance between the two ships grew closer and closer.

Irina's stomach seemed to burn, but the pirates were finally jumping over this way.

To be honest, Irina thought that the appearance of the sailors also looked ugly. If it hadn't been for the
handsome old prince's face, the men of Il's would have thought that all looks were my taste.
However, the people on our ship were very nice and polite. The people who came over from the pirate
ship had strange paints on their faces, and they had rings pierced here and there in their noses and ears.

Irina, bewildered by the bizarre and overbearing appearance, looked at the situation on the deck.

The unfortunate thing is that this ship is a merchant ship of the former royal family. The number of
combat personnel in preparation for emergencies was incomparable to that of ordinary merchant ships.

The problem was the cabin where the patients were gathered. Irina thought that she had to quickly go
and lock the door and block the entrance with something, so she tried to hide herself down again.


A pirate with black paint on her face found Irina, a woman, and revealed it. It was a mischievous laugh
that was clear about what he was thinking.

As he pointed down the tip of the sword and pulled Irina's wrist, Irina shuddered as she was pulled out.
Irina couldn't even bite on such a dirty thing, so she unknowingly kicked the man in the middle.

As Irina, embarrassed by the sight of the pirate who had lost her sword and bowed down, stood tall,
there was a moment of silence, and shouts erupted from various places in an instant.

“Someone help him!”

The three sailors gathered at Irina in an instant.

“It’s dangerous, so hurry in! Lock the door!”

They surrounded Irina as if protecting her, and finally shoved her into the door.
“But the patients below… … I need help... … .”

“I got it, so don’t come out!”

For a long time, Irina had to move her feet while listening to the screams of people and the sound of
knives inside.

The battle was long. However, Serlioz's top team finally got the win. When all the pirates left on the ship
were cleared, it was about time to dawn.

And the first to come to Irina, who was locking the door, wasn't even the Archduke, it was just ordinary

They all gave Irina a pinzan first.

“Hey, you fearless girl. are you okay?”

“That’s a really crazy bitch. How are you going to get there in that situation?”

“He passed out and couldn’t even run away.”

Irina could not find an answer to the constant pouring of words, and as she stood still, a sailor tapped
her shoulder.

“No, it turned out well. Don't do that next time. then you really die Are you going to die in vain after
saving so many people?”

And that day Irina realized for the first time. That the sailors had already accepted themselves as a

The faces of the sailors, who had been dark for a while, began to noticeably brighten at some point.

Judging by the faces of the Japanese, she could have guessed it too. Their homeland, their hometown, is
getting closer.

The end of a voyage of more than three months was in sight. Irina was in a good mood and climbed onto
the railing of the ship to feel the sea breeze.

“Hey haha! It's a dolphin! You are so excited!”

Then the sailors trembled with a look of boredom.

“Try it before someone breaks that crazy bitch.”

Nick, who was closest, sighed and grabbed Irina's arm and pulled him down. He had already lost his
ailment and was in a healthy state.

Irina smiled brightly because she liked the way it looked, so she sat down on the deck. Then I hugged my
knees and started to appreciate the scenery in front of me.

As we passed the Mangmandae Sea, the scenery we could see little by little spread around us from time
to time.

A natural cliff formed by the sea. In the crevice of the black rock, a plant that overcame the harsh
environment was bearing flower buds. The yellow-green bud, whose name was not known, had grown
up like that.

What kind of flower will that budded plant look like? Irina stared still until the red buds disappeared
from sight.
Meanwhile, Nick, who sat next to Irina, glanced at her attire a little shakily.

At first, Irina only wore neat and well-equipped long-sleeved dresses, but at some point, she started
wearing thin clothes with a cut in the front and back. At times, it seemed to roll up the skirt and expose
the calves, as well as cut off the hem to fix it.

He had been to Impenon and knew him well. The closer I got to Ils, the hotter the weather would feel to

In fact, there were many women in Ils who wore much more revealing clothes than this. But these days,
for some reason, he's embarrassed to watch, so Nick went to the cabin and brought a shirt. Then he
threw it over Irina's shoulder.

Irina asked, seemingly absurd.


“… … Why are your clothes like this? Can't you just do that?"

Irina, who couldn't stand this, turned into a combative expression at once.

“Why is this all of a sudden again?”

“This is a place with only men. People don’t know where to look.”

Embarrassed, Irina looked around as if it was really the case, but the sailors just watched the game with
a funny face.

Some of them looked at Nick and made meaningful faces that they knew. Nick, whose feet were numb
at that expression, said as if making an excuse.
“I’m just a place where everyone lives together, so it meant that we should be considerate of each
other and be careful.”

Having nothing to say, Irina finally began to sew her arms into her shirt.

“… … Yeah, I got it. It’s a big deal.”

“… … .”

“Are you okay?”

Irina locked the button and asked Nick aggressively. Nick quietly nodded, but Irina slapped him hard in
the back of the head only after a while, as if there was something wrong with him.

Nick, who was accidentally beaten, shook his head and clutched it. He looked at Irina as if it was too

“… … Aren't all tall women rough and tough like you?"

“What man?”

“The tall men are really pitiful.”

“Hey, this child. I said I wasn't touching my country and my family."

When Irina was furious and tried to kick her, people giggled here and there. Some of them politely
disapproved. Irina, do not play with an innocent child.

Then laughter erupted from somewhere else.

Oddly enough, there were moments when everyone on board enjoyed it.

And a few days later, at the edge of the horizon, the land began to appear faintly.

Hearing the cheers of the sailors, Irina knew as well. She, too, was overcome with emotion and shouted
with them.

The land that gave birth to the poet Dairy was unfolding before his eyes.

at Las… … it was ils

Chapter 10. god of business

As the year changed, the Civil War of Impenon ended with a complete victory for the royalists.

The royal family restored the castle after three years and ushered in the era of restoration of the
monarchy. The young leader of the Republican Party hid in hiding, but it seemed difficult for them to
make a comeback as many people were executed.

It was once again a return to the era of authoritarianism.

That was the result many expected. However, as the results did not follow as anyone could have
expected, the top of Ilenoa and Schuberg suffered heavy blows.

King Impenon began to explicitly restrict the activities of the Schuberg ranks in his country.
- What would you like to do, Ilenoa?

- Just wait.

However, the upper-levelist's reaction was much calmer than expected. As if it was normal, Illenoa just
nodded calmly to the news of the Republican Party's defeat.

If only he had actively supported the Republicans during the civil war.

Illenoa was a person with enough power to affect the plate. Still, he was passively withdrawn, sparing
his support.

- Darren, you must not interfere now. This will create a bigger wave.


- They said they have something in their heart. Isn't it interesting that there are people under the
monarchy with such ideas? Gone are the days when a minority set the system.

It was an eerie story. Darren could hardly understand Illenoa's true intentions.

And the other executives at the top did not understand Illenoa as well.

Some of the upper branches were dissatisfied with the way they operated, and eventually fell apart as a
result of this incident. It was the same way Illenoa did to her father.

It was independence from their point of view, but division and betrayal from the top of Schuberg.

The appearance of Manuel's top.

Illenoa, who did not believe in people even in the first place, was not greatly disturbed.

It was King Kissen who wanted to take issue. Sensing that a new force had appeared in the market
structure dominated by the Schuberg upper class, the king was devising a plan to overthrow it.

“Illenoa. The king had a secret meeting with Juan Manuel.”

At Darren's words, Illenoa looked down at the edge of the desk and smiled. Raising his gaze to meet
Darren's hardened face, he said.

“He’s like a snake.”

He liked to use noble language, and he elegantly cursed at the king of this country. Darren sighed and

“I was trying to figure out the secret story, but it was difficult. Juan was on our side. It's not that easy
to dig up information. I know the personalities of the guild members relatively in detail.”

Illenoa nodded and rubbed her forehead.

He's been getting a lot of headaches lately, but it's not because of his upper-level work. Despite the
precarious top situation, he often seemed to enjoy a fun game.

However, after Irina disappeared from his world, Illenoa pressed her temples down more often than

“If you find out, what are you going to do? What we shared was obvious. The king will try to empower
them to keep us in check. He probably didn't like the fact that our top team had been playing solo for a
long time.”

After thinking for a moment, Ilenoa continued.

“It may be difficult to get out of customs for a while. If so, exporting to Impenon and importing goods
to Kise will become more difficult than it used to be.”

Darren's expression darkened even more than before. There has never been a situation so unsettling
since Illenoa seized supreme power from his father.

“Then what should I do now?”

Illenoa lowered her eyes. Then his face looked pitiful, but the smile on his lips was stern and unsettling.

“Please do not respond. Darren... … I really want to look a little in trouble. I want to put a huge debt on

“… … .”

“The Impenon Republicans are definitely back in line.”

I have no intention of making value judgments about what is right or wrong with the political system. So,
of course, there is no such thing as personal support.

Illenoa was a person who had neither affection nor anger deep in the history of mankind, enough to
fight the system with conviction.

But which one is the past and which one is the future? Now he saw it too.

“Nothing is over yet. People who commit themselves to things like political beliefs don’t give up so

Illenoa nodded, remembering the face of the young republican leader.

“Darren, please find a suitable site.”

As he made a puzzled face, Illenoa shrugged.

“You can’t play, can you? In the meantime, I will try to start a sewing business in Korea.”

“… … .”

“Don’t be too far from the capital, but don’t let others see you.”

He turned his head to the window after making a difficult request in an insignificant tone.

At some point, the world is breathing fast. There was a time when I thought waiting for an opportunity
was boring, but now sometimes Illenoa can feel the world go wild. Like that sea where a ferocious storm

When he saw the boat coming in out of the window, Ilenoa's gaze wandered around the area a bit dizzy.
It seemed like he couldn't help it, even as a calm person, to scan the people disembarking.

It was a deeply ingrained habit. But, savagely, the red hair was nowhere to be seen.


Irina got off the ship and helped the crew unload the cargo. The sailors dissuaded, but Irina was

For a long time, she churned among the people like a squirrel, but as soon as she felt overwhelmed, she
laid down the cargo box and sat down, and the sailors were fed up.

“Hey, Irina. Are you tired already?”

“Isn’t it easier than you think?”

“Still, I applaud you for that determination to win something bigger than the person next to you.”

“Oh, that’s a big applause for me too.”

As Irina glared at her with a slightly irritated face, a towel flew out of nowhere.

Someone was already drenched in sweat, but Irina did not care and wiped the back of her neck. To
refuse, she was already sweating profusely.

“… … .”

Irina sat on the wooden box and looked at something carefully. At the end of her gaze were Archduke
Serlioz and the customs officer, who were talking.

Even in a country where the status system was broken long ago, traces of it still remained.

Both of them had serious expressions on their faces, but the customs' attitude toward the archduke was
quite different from that of other traders. He was polite, and frankly, he crouched.

Ils seemed to be a society that had taken a step forward rather than Kissen, where the class system still
existed. However, the scene in front of her seemed to be the limit of human thinking that could not be
overcome even if the system was defeated, so Irina looked at it impressively for a while.

From the port to the unfamiliar country, there were many things that stimulated Irina's curiosity.

Irina's mood as she looked up at the sky while glancing at the large number of guards with long bayonets
started to get better from then on.
It was because I liked the weather here, which was quite different from Kisen. It's a little hot, but it's
clear and sunny.

More than anything… … .

“Wow! Wow!"

When Irina put on a really cool face as she looked at the intense attire of the women walking around,
the sailors shook their heads.

“Why is he doing this all of a sudden?”

“I wasn’t really talkative at first. Because of him, the country of Kissen became uncomfortable. I feel a
lot of distance.”

Then Irina smiled and said.

“But everyone! I’m feeling better now.”

Nick, who was quietly listening to the conversation, looked at her suspiciously. It's been less than an
hour since we arrived in Ils, and nothing has happened yet.

“So fast? why?"

“Nick, the girls here are really pretty. What is your skin color like? I get really good clothes.”

Irina had a moved face at the sight that properly stimulated her aesthetics after a long time. He had an
artist-like face, feeling the surge of inspiration.

And the crew, including Nick, all looked at Irina with pity.
Irina admired once again, without regard to the gazes of others.

“The clothes are really unique.”

Ils was the center of Eastern trade. The luxuries of the East that entered Impenon and Kissen were all
things that had gone through Ils once.

Maybe that's why, the clothes of the Ils people seemed to have been influenced by a lot of different

The environment ultimately dominates a person's consciousness. Irina was like that in her daily life, but
she was a person who did not hesitate to make bold attempts when decorating herself. Even when the
old fads covered the streets, she didn't hesitate to become a lonely minority.

However, he had to realize now that even that new attempt was eventually made under familiar

Why didn't I think of making clothes like that? And who was the first to come up with such a line?

The fabric itself was different, but it was a very cool and new line.

It wasn't just clothes. The more I looked around, the more new things were in the port, so Irina's face
continued to show excitement.

“Nick, Nick. From the port, I am so excited.”

When she couldn't hide her excitement and shook her body like a baby, in the end, people laughed a
little. Nick, who was crouching next to the cargo box, looked up at her like that and asked, as if he had a
“But Irina. What are you going to do now?”

Then the others looked at Irina as if curiously.

The voyage they had traveled was long, but Irina was a person who did not tell her story more than she

In fact, all sailors were like that. It was an unwritten rule not to ask about the past, and no one knew
why she was so eager to come to Ils.

Irina answered more readily and clearly than expected.


She added with a cheerful smile.

“I’m going to make money now.”

The people who had an ambiguous expression on their bold words looked at each other and turned
their backs. It was a face that everyone felt a deep sense of distance again.


Irina began to replicate what she had done on the streets of Kisana.

Experience was a great teacher, and Irina knew that any merchant would end up being nothing more
than a wanderer unless she had a giant top behind her. It sucks, but that was the reality.

She was very determined and entered the top of Serlioz.

- Grand Duke, please join me at the top of Serlioz. Whatever task you entrust me with, the Archduke will
not disappoint me.

- Irina, how can you say such a thing?

Irina bit her lip for a moment to see if she remembered a miserable memory in front of the Prince who
seemed to be asking for fun. But her eyes were vivid once more.

With so many eyes to say, Irina spoke the Japanese standard language that she had refined on the boat
for several months.

- I know how to do more than I look. I'm good at counting, and I'm fluent in Ilse, Imphenon, and, of
course, Kisen. It carries loads and can now lower anchors and raise sails like sailors. I know what they are
suffering and how to help. I am ready to learn more and do my best in the future. But, Grand Duke, what
I do best is… … Actually, it's a business.

So she entered the top of Serlioz, and first started looking around the top and doing paperwork.

The Archduke was particularly sympathetic to this foreign young man with a keen corner. I actually
loved it a lot.

He was very satisfied with Irina's joining, but Irina was not very interested in administrative work. It was
already revealed when I was in Kissen, because my natural temperament was much closer to being a
businessman than an administrator.

However, outsiders were unable to engage in commercial activities outside a certain distance from the
port. It was the same for Kisendo, Imphenon, and Ils as well. It was a measure to protect domestic

So, the reason Irina joined the top of Serlioz was because she wanted to wash her own team before the
big game in the end.
Irina, who was a member of the Serlioz upper ranks before being a foreign merchant, cleverly evaded
the law. Needing much more money than a salaried woman, she soon started working as a sidekick.

It wasn't that she started a great business from the start.

“Hey, Irina. business is good? I'm sorry to say this, but did you mean something?"

“How could such an unlucky cow from dawn... … ha. Don't you have any humanity?"

When Irina made a face that looked like she was going crazy from fever, the crew laughed.

“I want to be alone, so please stop everything now.”

“How can you come to Ils with nothing but insults? But I got really fluent, how do you learn so fast?”

“… … When it comes to this kind of thing, everyone is going to do it.”

“No, no, just tell me. Do you know how to do impenon? Why don't we go over there and have a drink?
There's a real killer pub over there."

“Don’t be like that, guys, and go quickly. … … Aren't you on the boat? No, everyone is not like that
these days?!”

As they were angry and worried with their strangely pointed faces, the sailors lowered their heads and

People put aside her lavish upper-level work and found her to be the first to start a street vendor to
earn pocket money. To say I was cute is actually a good expression, and if I said something bad, I joked
and ignored it a bit.

Irina didn't care anymore.

Ah, I'm a really distrustful face, I was a little annoyed, but it wasn't.

She was just a face that gave the impression that she was raised precious to anyone regardless of
nationality. If there was an appearance that had all the aristocratic features beaten, it was Irina.

But there was definitely a different temperament in her blood. That's why, when I couldn't meet my
luck, the world didn't understand me, and the overflowing talent that made my life both blunt and

Before long, Irina started selling the luxury goods she had brought from Kissen, as if in a frenzy, to
establish a business foundation.

The basic principles of business were actually the same everywhere. Cheap items are sold at high prices,
and common items are sold in rare places.

From the beginning, Irina has been selecting only her favorite jewels, which can only be obtained from
Kissen, and bargained with jewelers for items that were not understood by the public because they were
so rare and unfamiliar. In the process, he was also deeply aware of the gap between the pace of
development of his thoughts and the flow of the market.

And when three or four months passed, people no longer thought of her as cute. This is because Irina
opened a store with her name on it.

“Irina’s Mystic General Store from Kisen”

The name was still long. Because the store owner's personality was still lively.
However, in the past, the adjectives were changed by accepting the advice of someone who had a calm
personality and used sentences mathematically.

And around the time it had just been over a year since I came to Ils. Irina raised the store building to the
third floor and had become the undisputed owner of seven stores.


“Oh hey, you bastard. Why have you been so long?”

When Irina greeted me with a bright smile, Nick coughed hmm, hmm.

“Is the store okay?”

“You see it. It’s always the same.”

“You look busy. … … Take good care of it and do it. You are leaner now than when you suffered on a
boat. Not even a worker ant will do like you.”

“Where is a spider as smart as me?”

“… … Not a spider, but an ant, Irina.”

“… … Is there something wrong with my pronunciation now?”

Irina was proud of herself and had a gloomy face as if the business was over today, while Nick scratched
her neck and looked at her. And the clerks secretly laughed at the boss.
The foreign president had a strange desire for achievement, and he listened to learn and ponder things
that he was not familiar with.

She looked around and smiled casually, as if this was no big deal, but the store was bustling today and it
was thriving day by day.

In fact, Irina's shop had an unusual corner. This is because it was the first shop in Il's to introduce a
membership system.

She repeated the same way she did in Kissen the first time. In order to raise the necessary funds as
much as possible, an advance payment system was implemented.

However, after a certain period of time, she began to show a slightly different operating method. It was
because Ils felt that he had better money than Kissen and that the market was energized.

Irina's shop selected the best customers for the next quarter based on the purchases made in the
previous quarter.

They created a lounge exclusively for them on the top floor of the store, held invitations to them, and
even gave away tickets to famous opera performances. And popular theater actors and writers were

As a result, Irina's shop was always crowded at the end of the month. Due to customers asking how
much they have spent and how much more they can spend to become a good customer.

It is not an exaggeration to say that business is the best.

Irina was not selling things on horseback and in stock like ordinary merchants do. If it was simply a
matter of speaking skills, it would not have been possible to increase the size of the store to this extent.

She knew what tactics were, and those tactics were always based on a deep understanding of humans.
How Irina runs her shop. The way he treated his regular customers perfectly filled the sense of privilege
and intellectual vanity of those who felt a void in a society where the class system disappeared.

She was stimulating people's minds in a strange way.

“But what happened? Let's play a little while we're here. Would you like to have a cup of tea

At Irina's cheerful exhortation, Nick blushed and coughed again, hmm, hmm, fuss.

"no… … Well, I want to too. The boss asks if the time is okay.”

"Ah really? What's going on, Grand Duke?"

Nick, who only thought he was a sailor on a ship, turned out to be an employee of the upper division. He
was doing all sorts of chores without getting stuck here and there.

The truth is, that's why he was swearing all by himself.

Hearing Irina's worried question, he shook his head as if no.

“No, let’s have dinner together. See if you are hostile. You think of me like a real granddaughter. I’m
not really that kind of old man.”

Irina nodded her head with a big smile, agreeing a little.

“Can you tell me you got it? I'm just going to clean up and go."

“Go together. I will take you.”

“… … Huh?"

When Irina asked, he scratched his head and waited in the corner.

Irina looked at Nick with strange eyes. The upper headquarters was located too close to be escorted.

Archduke Serlioz enjoyed conversing with Irina.

Having devoted his youth to trading, he could not build an ordinary family because he traveled from
country to country. However, it was not because of such loneliness that he liked Irina, but because Irina
resembled the crude and passionate self of her youth.

As he got older, he became rounder and more savage, but he was not a fiery person at all when he was
young, after leaving the royal family.

“How do you know all about Sir Dairy?”

“I learned Japanese literature at the Kissen Royal Academy while studying Japanese literature. In fact, I
liked Il’s literature and wanted to learn it.”

"I see. Somehow, I thought that your words sometimes had a classic script.”

Then Irina pursed her lips a little.

Knowing that she is a foreigner, strangely proud of her Japanese language skills, the Archduke added
with a smile.

“It means elegant, Irina.”

Irina followed the Archduke and smiled flawlessly.

People who forgot that one was a former royal and the other was a current aristocrat would remember
their origins every time this happened. The level of conversation between Sang-ju Sang and a young
foreigner was noble enough to be recognized by those who watched.

said the foreigner.

“There are a lot of great writers in Ils, but the essence of Ils literature is that Dairy polished it all up.”

"okay? But that's too sad to say, Irina. Other poets would be embarrassed to hear it.”

Despite the gentle sanctions of the royal family, Irina did not seem to want to withdraw her remarks.

Irina, who was slicing the tenderloin of beef tenderloin with a knife, lifted her eyes and looked into the
eyes of the Grand Duke, and then revealed her beliefs.

“Duke, this is just my impression. Can I still tell you?”

"Of course."

“Daery is too great a writer to be confined within the framework of the Ilse language. And the truth is,
he wasn't just a good writer.”


“He was actually… … He was someone who could have written something a little more cynical. I could
pretend to be smarter, be smarter, and write sharp writing that was recognized by intellectuals. Reading
Dairy's description, the eyes of the world are so realistic that sometimes... … It hurts the heart of the
reader, too.”
“… … .”

“What I think is really great about Dairy is that he nevertheless was willing to devote all of his great
writing and intelligence to comforting people’s hearts.”

A person who had more visible contradictions than others. A person with great observation skills and an
extraordinary thinking.

Such people are bound to become problematic human beings in the end, and he, too, must have felt
disillusioned with the world at times. You may have thought it was like a gutter.

Still embracing the unsolved confusion, he burned the poet's soul to present a sentence that could be a
hope for others.

Maybe it's because he couldn't give up the world. In the end, I couldn't let go of my love for people.

Irina liked the way he fought fiercely and reached that conclusion.

“So, scholars still have different opinions.”

Irina gave a face that was in agreement with the Archduke's words. But soon she smiled confidently and
shook her head.

“Instead, he is loved and supported by the public. It must have been as valuable to a writer as it was to
be recognized by critics. Even as a human being.”

The Archduke raised one eyebrow and stared at Irina. It made me feel very honest and young.

The sentiment was so candid that it sounded blatant, but the Archduke couldn't help but stared at her
with warm eyes for a while.
Archduke Serlioz soon changed the subject with a smile. In fact, there was another reason why he called
Irina to the upper headquarters.

“Irina, why don’t you try increasing the number of stores a little more?”

“More here?”

Irina put her fork in her mouth and blinked bright yellow eyes.

"okay. A city with economic power in Ils is not just a capital and a port. Try to broaden your range of
movement to your heart's content. To you, sometimes these things seem too narrow.”

Even so, Irina was raking in the money of the wealthy in the capital. He showed a bold move that
surprised people.

However, when she, who had been expanding the store at an aggressive pace, tried to maintain the
status quo these days, the Grand Duke wondered why.

Irina was deeply troubled with a serious face.

Business was going well, but it was going very well. Regular customers liked the cheerful and bubbly
young boss, and Irina had many employees in charge.

That was a really good thing.

But, like this, I couldn't really take it out or beat it, and it looked like I was sitting on the table.

Irina finally shook her head.

“Sir, this is just right. I must return to Kissen soon.”

Then the Archduke clicked his tongue as if in disappointment.

“That sounds really sad, Irina. Are you tired of your daily life already? Don't do that, sit down right
now. Ils is always a warm place for you.”

This was his gist.

The Archduke wanted to keep this cute boss here.

Irina was also a member of Serlioz's upper division, but at the same time, she was the biggest buyer of
upper-class items. And he was a young businessman with a promising future.

If you stay, it will surely play a big role in the top and the market.

However, the Archduke left all of that and was first of all sad as a human being. It was because Irina's
quality as a merchant was more precious than her nature itself.

“… … .”

Irina scratched her neck as if a little embarrassed. It was because there were a lot of things that were
indebted to insisting on returning home recklessly, and his regrets were not well expressed.

The old man in front of her is the wisest man she knows.

After contemplating, she finally decided to openly disclose the situation in front of the Archduke.

“Duke, the truth is, there is someone I owe Kissen a great deal. When my family was in trouble, he paid
the debts left in our family.”
“Did that happen?”

The archduke tilted his head at the unexpected story. Yes, yes, Irina, who was saying yes, cut the meat
and continued talking as if it was nothing special.

“Yes, am I the first to say this? He had a deed to take over our family rights along with the debt.”

Not knowing what the story would be, the Archduke just looked at Irina silently. Without avoiding the
gaze with its depth and age, she continued.

“Duke. I was so young back then, I didn't really know anything, so I thought it was a paid deal. He tried
to wield me with that one piece of paper, and he even pushed me. So, thinking about how to repay this,
even when I was sleeping, my heart was frustrated and painful.”

“… … .”

“Actually, I was really, really embarrassed. I pretended it was okay, but I had never been in a position
like that before.”

As she calmly confessed her heart, Irina smiled, and that smile looked bitter, but also refreshing.

I felt like I was missing the past, and I felt like I was regretting the past.

It was a face that seemed to have been hurt by someone and seemed to have been comforted by that

“But that strange person was actually the only person who thought I could do something. I said that
my time and effort are valuable even when I really have nothing on hand. I'm a great person... … I was
really thinking about it.”
“… … .”

“After all, he… … They helped me without paying anything. I will give you a title, and I will pretend that
I have no debts or documents.”

With an anxious face, and distrusting humans to this extent, he tore the paper at the end. While having
a dark mindset that only paper contracts can be trusted. for the first time.

“So even if you don’t need him now… … I must pay it back.”

- Even a single piece of grass and a handful of soil left behind by the Marquis Count became the property
of Count Schuberg. Irina, you too.

- Please stay by my side with your will. Irina, please do not forsake me.

The calculated way you tried to possess me, yet the unconditional opportunity you gave me.

The contradiction that confuses your life.

If I don't do this, I can't ask you out loud about the deceptions and lies. Then we can't fix the wrong
button, and we won't be able to move forward.

As Irina put down the dishes and bowed her face, the Archduke looked at her.

Silence fell over the table.

However, the face of the Archduke who was looking at Irina was infinitely gentle and kind.

“… … .”
Honey, if you live like that, you will be broken.

The young soul, which had not yet been polished, was crashing into the world to the point of
foolishness. It was so reckless that I was afraid of getting hurt.

She was burning her life. To keep moving forward while keeping their own principles and justice.

The Archduke lightly tapped Irina's shoulder, who was embarrassed. And smiled warmly.

“Irina. If that's the case, I'll send someone from the top for me. When sending a ship to Impenon, it's
not a big deal if you stop by.”

The Archduke was a difficult person. I couldn't get over the situation with stern words.

In the end, Irina confided another hidden heart.

“Duke. He's actually waiting for me, not money. So I have to go myself.”

But this time the Grand Duke wasn't too happy.

He grinned and dug into Irina's heart once more.

“Are you really looking forward to that meeting too? And was Kissen a place that recognized you as
much as Ils to show off your abilities?”

“… … .”

Irina stared at the Archduke with a speechless face for a moment.

When Sang Sang-ju appeared in the port today, the people of the upper level noticed little by little.
Although he was busy moving the cargo, everyone was having a hard time with his existence.

Illenoa, whose main job was to sit at the headquarters and review documents with a picky face, has
been going out more often these days.

Although today was a day when a lot of foreign merchant ships entered the port, he was looking at the
distant sea without paying any attention to it.


Illenoa glanced behind him, checked Darren's face, and looked forward again.

“Have you met the miners well?”

“Yeah, just like you said. They were very happy with the deal, too.”

“It is fortunate.”

Illenoa had a bizarre side, but she had a natural brain for business.

As the impenon trade dwindled and a new competitor appeared in Kissen, he began to seek a way out of
nowhere. It was a clothing industry that used sewing machines.

The remaining top executives also harbored doubts this time. Of course, they have been keeping an eye
on the sewing machine for quite a long time with Sang Sang Joo, but it is because the concept of ready-
to-wear is still unfamiliar.

Nevertheless, Illenoa was convinced that one day the age of industrial products would come. The
invention of a machine can change the lives and consciousness of people as a whole.
Illenoa took full advantage of Irina's advice in the process of melting it into the market. The miner's work
clothes did not require fine fabrics or meticulous finishes. No miners could match the half price of work
clothes that would be dirty in an hour.

After successfully signing the contract, his next target was now the Kissen royal family.

“I’m going to make a military uniform. Except for knights. It would be understandable at the level of an
ordinary soldier. Ask the king for a drink.”

“Illenoa, but Manuel’s kids are so wild.”

To be precise, the problem was the king who was secretly protecting the top of Manuel.

Illenoa, who had been lost in thought for a moment, immediately shook her head.

“The king is a person who has no such thing as loyalty. He didn't like Juan Manuel, he didn't like that
there was a single force in Kissen that threatened him. We'll be nice to him and offer him good terms,
and he'll hold our hand again. I don't really like him either, but this deal has to be done.”

"OK got it. I'll try my hand at once."

Darren nodded seriously, but Ilenoa seemed to have another problem.

“Do not expose the location of the sewing factory as much as possible. As Darren said, there are no
absolute secrets, but nonetheless.”

“… … .”

“We must not forget how people reacted when the sewing machine was first published in an academic
Illenoa frowned for a moment, then looked back to the distant sea. Then, his expression and son-in-law,
who had given instructions with a sensitive face just before, became quiet.

“… … .”

Darren knew well what Illenoa was waiting for, occasionally coming here looking out to sea.

Sang-ju was just waiting for one person now.

As if he had lived his whole life like that since he was a boy who had nothing.

Many seasons have already passed since Irina disappeared.

Obsession was a habit, and now it has become a disease.

The upper-level informants had to search through the Imphenon in units of compartments on the
sensitive face of Sang-Joo. And Darren, the head of those agents, now even knew which city in Impenon
had the most redheads.

But even if you have had a bowel movement, how can there be no traces like this?

No matter how large the country of Impenon, if it were alive, it would not be possible.

Ominous words that I couldn't get out of my mouth ran through my mind. As if noticing Darren's
thoughts, Illenoa quietly shook her head.

“There is no Impenon. Darren.”

“… … .”
“He just wasn't there in the first place.”

"then… … .”

Ilenoa didn't answer.

And he looked at the eastern sea, where he could see nothing but the horizon, with his dark eyes. As if
someone was there.


Irina ate with a cheerful face. It was far from aristocratic manners to put the food in your mouth before
you even chewed it, but it had a cute side.

The Grand Duke noticed that the chef standing far away had a very happy expression on his face, and
smiled at Irina.

“Irina, dear. Have you decided on all the things you will be carrying in Kissen?”

Then the cheerful and playful face disappeared, and she turned serious and put the dishes down.

The Archduke was the highest authority in this field. Irina wiped her lips with a napkin and spoke to him

“First, we bought spices from the eastern continent.”

The archduke nodded his head as he looked at his eyes hanging on for advice like never before.

“It’s a good choice. The things that can become money are usually fixed.”
Recently, Irina has been more cautious than ever. Because now is the time to spend the biggest money
in her life.

There were limits to the business. To earn a lot of money, he had to go to and from the sea, even at the
risk of his life.

The reason she came to Ils and ran the shop was to take things to Kissen after all, and she had to pay for
the transaction.

And now Irina was slowly starting to prepare to return to her homeland. After she left, Kissen's seasons
had changed seven times.

“… … .”

I honestly don't know if I'll be able to come back to Ils again.

Irina perfectly understood why it is rare for Ils merchant ships to come to Kisen. Because I experienced it

Storms are the norm, and the sailors were rough, sick on board, and even met pirates at the end. It
means that in one voyage, it has crossed the threshold of death four times.

Ils accumulated wealth through brokerage trade, and no matter how expensive oriental goods were
traded in Kissen, Ils and Kissen were too far away. Long-distance voyages guaranteed great wealth and
fame when successful, but the risk was too great.

It was difficult for her to start recruiting sailors.

“Duke, please take good care of my shop. The store managers are so good at their work, you won’t
have to worry about it too much.”
The Archduke glanced at Irina, then grinned. It was an eye that criticized me for my modesty.

“These are the people you have chosen, Irina. Even if you seem like you're getting along well with
anyone, I know that you're hiding your bitter eyes."

Irina was shy and scratched her forehead.

She didn't completely clean up the store. The store was in business and was still showing significant
growth. It was a pity to close the door like this.

There were many people who coveted the store, but they did not want to threaten the employment of
the employees by selling the stores that they had hard-earned to the wrong person.

Above all, she had to have one last bulwark to start over when things didn't go well.

The Archduke noticed Irina's feelings early on and suggested one thing. It was a contract in which the
management was delegated to the top and part of the revenue generated during her absence was
transferred to the top.

That was the price for Irina to rent the Serlioz merchant ship. And it was also the Grand Duke's trick to
leave room for Irina to return.

The Grand Duke said with a smile.

“I am really sad to say that I am going. I've met a lot of people, but I've never seen a child as smart and
ambitious as you."

Irina bowed her head to apologize for the repeated compliments.

“Why are you like this, my dear? Are you too sad to leave this place?”
“… … It's natural. I know you helped me a lot. But I couldn’t repay you, so I’m also sorry.”

Archduke Serlioz asked her, offering to stay at Ils.

Was your country a gentle country to you? Was the land wide enough to accept your power?

The Archduke has only asked such difficult questions since the first time he met Irina. When she got
down on her knees, she asked if honor didn't matter, and when she tried to stop a ship to save people, if
she dared to take responsibility for the decision.

All of them were nasty questions that picked up painful places.

Irina paused and pondered each time, but after a brief thought, she was frighteningly honest.

- Grand Duke, please don't take my words too cocky. As the Archduke said, Kissen was not a place that
gave me as many opportunities as Il's. But from the beginning... … I did not pursue a path that was
favorable to me.

And the Archduke really liked Irina's qualities. It was a waste of wood to send to another country.

As if staring at her with warm eyes, he suddenly recalled the news of Imphenon to Irina.

“Irina, it seems that the royalists have won the Impenon Civil War.”

The merchant ship that had been sent to Impenon half a year ago recently returned to Ils. Although only
one of the two ships returned safely.

However, she was somewhat perplexed rather than delighted with the news of the neighboring country.

“… … Are you a royalist? Is that for real?”

“Yes, Irina. Human history is really interesting. Impenon went a different path than Il's.”

“… … .”

“But boy. That's actually not a good thing for a trader.”

When the Archduke spoke as if he was revealing a great secret, Irina asked with her eyes wide open.


The Grand Duke smiled at the innocent young man who still had a lot of curiosity about the world.

“Because the royal family wants complete control over all transactions in their country. But those who
hold absolute power usually don't understand the market very well. So strong controls often end up
shrinking the market. Isn't the current development of Ils a good example of that?”

Born with royal blood, but with merchant blood at the same time, the news seemed interesting. But he
soon clicked his tongue.

“Many smart young people must have been executed.”

And Irina's face, who had been quietly listening to the Archduke's words, gradually darkened. The
Archduke noticed it belatedly and asked worriedly.

“Why are you so gloomy? face is not good Did you know anyone there?”

- Impenon has historically been Kissen's most important market, and the top has to deal with to gain a
slightly more advantageous position.
Irina's mind flashed through the words of Ilenoa.

Perhaps the child was in a difficult situation. Her face was stained with anxiety and worry.


Irina made a notice recruiting sailors to go to Kisen.

Some of the notices were posted in the shops he owned, while others were distributed in bars near the
port. The pubs were all Irina's regular shops, and she was the second-largest porter after the Grand

However, as expected, crews were not easily recruited. In fact, it was much more difficult than

Irina was a promising businessman at Ils, but not a promising sailor.

The rough men going to and from the port could hardly admit that Irina was in charge of the voyage.
They were unwilling to entrust their safety to a young lady with little experience on board.

Irina was well aware of their properties.

Although Ils was an incomparably progressive country compared to his own, the sailors were different.

They were the most exclusive of all the professions Irina knew, regardless of nationality. They fall into
superstitions easily, and are reluctant to change the stereotypes they have once held.

Because once you get on the boat, that's it. A ship that has left land cannot be stopped easily, and no
one can turn the bow.
So they are bold yet timid, and radical but sensitive. He was easily agitated and sometimes violent, but
he was surprisingly sensitive and often cried.

The sea seemed to make people so passionate.

“Now what?”

Irina sat on one side of the store and wrapped her hair. He had a gloomy and worried face.

Time has allowed her a little calm. Now, as when she was a child, she didn't jump and jump, saying that
this was wrong. Rather than learning to compromise, it was because he had gone through all sorts of
odd things to get excited easily.

However, when she faced such high prejudice from people, she was still frustrated.

It was when she let out a deep sigh that the shop door opened and the tall men appeared.

“Hey, Irina. How are you?"

“… … uh? Hello?"

“It’s been a while, hey. But you... … Why is your face so pitiful? Is the store work very difficult?”

The beginning was a rant in direct speech. But she blinked her eyes, and soon showed a welcome sign.
Most of them were familiar faces.

They were sailors who came from Imphenon on the same boat as Irina.

“I heard the news. You said you were going back to Kissen.”
“Yes, that’s it.”

“What about all these stores?”

“Thankfully, the upper management decided to take care of it. They also gave me two of the best
boats. However… … .”

When Irina glanced at her without speaking, Dooet of them chuckled.

"Hey. Come with us.”

“… … .”

After Irina was silent for a moment, they immediately began to chat among themselves.

“I want to stop floating on this floor and live a normal life like everyone else. I swear this is really the
last time.”

“If you’re going to tell me about a normal life, don’t cut your stomach and stop taking your medicine.”

“That’s right, you really engraved it.”

“… … You and I stop drinking, you bastard.”

“Anyway, don’t hold both keys.”

Thick swear words came and went, and the atmosphere quickly became noisy. And taking advantage of
that opportunity, the man with the beard tried to negotiate the ransom.
“Are you going to give me a generous paycheck?”

The son-in-law became quiet. Everyone was looking at Irina as if having fun.

It was a bit of a snobbish joke, but she was stunned, and responded quickly.

"of course. I'm a man with a lot bigger hands than the Archduke. And I’m rich enough to follow the
archduke’s toes.”

The sailors cheered fiercely at the ambitious answer.

I like him that way! Crazy but cool!

Irina, who was laughing together, soon looked at their faces again slowly.

The man standing in the back with a grumpy face is the man in the kitchen who pickled fruit for Irina.

The man who told me about the pay was actually a loyal person who took the lead and pushed Irina into
the cabin when the ship was about to be looted.

And when the sick and the sailors die one by one, the faces of the people Irina took care of... … saw a lot

“… … .”

Irina definitely wanted to do anything on board at that time. No matter what small role it is.

However, at that time, the core of all the things that happened in Kissen still remained, and she seemed
to be angry about everything.
People who want to accept the misfortunes of life and accept the reality and settle for themselves.
Doubts around you as to why you keep trying to live a hard life leaving the easy road alone.

The desire to resist such a world. The desire to do something on your own.

No matter how hard the reality was, she was never able to put the flames to rest.

So, in the end, it was for his own convictions, not for others.

He wasn't trying to get the crew's approval. I've never done a good thing in such a way, expecting
someone to reciprocate.

Still, the sight unfolding before my eyes. In this situation, she felt a very deep resonance.

Irina. You're right. The world was actually an unknown treasure island.

Let's no longer doubt that fact.

The man in front of him said with a smirk.

“We’ll gather some of our acquaintances. Don’t worry too much.”

People laughed at Irina, who was not sure what to do with the unexpected help.

“We’ll take you home.”

“… … .”

“You also brought us home safely.”

Irina pouted a little and twisted her body awkwardly.

The sailors laughed, knowing that it was because they didn't want to show their weakness in front of
others. Now, even that low self-esteem was about to look cute.

They patted Irina on the shoulder with their crude hands and left the store one by one.


Preparations for departure were final. But even these days, Irina is sometimes in trouble.

A lot of spices traded at a high price in Kisen were loaded onto the ship. He also bought small amounts
of ceramics and precious metals according to his high point of view.

- It's a good choice. Things that can be money are usually fixed.

That's what the Grand Duke, who is well-respected as a trader, said so, this must be the right choice.
Even so, Irina was taking the most cautious step since she was born.

To raise this money, she had to work day and night in her business. It was an opportunity that was
prepared through a lot of difficulties. Can I use that one chance just like everyone else?

The preparations were complete, and Irina poured all her fortunes on this voyage, except for the shop
and the site. Now there was no money to buy any more.

However, until the very end, Irina was constantly doubting and agonizing over her decision.
Around that time, a huge amount of goods suddenly poured in from the eastern continent.

“Sir, there are a lot of trade ships in the port right now. It must have come from the East.”

“… … really?"

Irina looked a little embarrassed and looked at the clerk. Ships from the eastern continent mainly had a
fixed arrival time. This is because sailing ships use currents and winds to move.

Ships from the East departed only a month or two ago, and now was not the time to enter.
Nevertheless, the merchant ships that entered the port boasted the largest scale ever. Because they
succeeded in pioneering a new route.

The moment Irina was embarrassed, she ran out to the port without anyone stopping her.

It was full of people who looked far more foreign than Irina.

Mild skin, dense facial features.

Observing the clothes of people with unique patterns and materials, Irina approached them.

The amount of cargo the sailors were unloading on land was more overwhelming than usual, but that
didn't mean they weren't completely different. Pottery, silver, spices, tea leaves, and silk and cotton.

They were all familiar, but Irina walked through the cargo gap, scrutinizing them. His gaze was sharper
than ever.

She immediately stopped at a point. Without anyone stopping her, Irina reached out and touched the
fabric. and sighed briefly.

“… … .”
Oriental silk and cotton were originally well-known. Although the quality is excellent, the price is low.

It was entirely because of the looms and spinning machines of the neighboring country Imphenon that
Oriental cotton was not as popular as spices in Kissen. Although the quality was slightly lower than that
of Dongbang, it was possible to deliver it at a lower price.

But these fabrics are a superior product never seen before.

As Irina couldn't take her eyes off her and continued to stare at it, a person who appeared to be a top
official approached her. He was looking at the golden badge proving Irina's affiliation.

“Are you from Serlioz?”

It was Japanese However, it was also strangely different from the Japanese and Irina the Kissen.

As Irina nodded, he glanced at Irina with a subtle expression. It was the habit of merchants observing

They noticed that they were confident in the things they were carrying, and that this young woman
recognized the value. The merchant, who had a delicate appearance as if he was made of porcelain,
immediately offered Irina a unit price.

It was an attitude to start bargaining without delay.

“… … .”

But Irina did not respond. Rather, he looked at the fabric again with a more serious face than before.
There is no longer enough money on hand to be useful. However… … .

'what's this? The price is much lower than the market price. Still, the quality is better than before.'
And thoughts flashing through Irina's head like lightning strikes.

sewing industry.

Illenoa said that the fall in the price of clothes could no longer be stopped by any means.

In fact, he was convinced that eventually the price of everything would fall. So, they always took the
lead in price competition through cost reduction and tried to realize economies of scale with huge

Irina frowned and shook her head.

Anyway, this was too much of an adventure. Because she doesn't know which way the Kissen fashion
and market is going right now.

Actually, I don't know if it's too early. Irina's home country was a particularly conservative country that
could hardly accept change. The monarchy and class system still exist, and people's thinking is
authoritative and rigid.

How many people once believed that marrying into a good family was the only way she could get out of
debt. At that time, the wall of reality seemed very strong to Irina, and Kissen would not have changed
much there.

However, there were times when Irina had such a reckless and clear foreboding about the future.

If it's Illenoa, that clever kid is definitely... … .

As Irina was in trouble with a serious face, the merchant who had crossed the sea tilted her head with a
strange expression.
Irina's great distribution and habit of relying on intuition came entirely from her father, the Marquis

However, her father's business failed, and in the end it caused trouble for the family as well, so her
mother, Marquis Nodiac, would have ripped it off if she had seen the sight.

- My daughter. You resemble your father too much. Before you do anything, think and act three times.
so you don't get hurt

At some point, Irina also realized what she was afraid of. She also knew now that she could fail and
regret it.

However, in the end, she was the eldest daughter of the Nodiac Marquis, who could not suppress her
temper even if she was scared or not.

She eventually nodded quietly to the trader. It was to put saliva on the object first, verbally.

Irina decided to try the most attractive business in her life.

“Duke, are you busy?”

As Irina poked her face out the doorway, Archduke Serlioz, who was working in the office, tilted his head

“It’s okay. But that's a big deal. I'm too busy with your work, so if you don't call me, you won't come."

Irina scratched her neck at those words. Even thinking about it, it seemed that he lived a life chasing
money all over at Il's. In fact, I didn't even have a day off because I was so busy with my business.
However, she soon put aside her incompetence and brought out the main point.

“Yesterday, ships from the Eastern Continent entered the port. There were a lot of cheap and good
quality fabrics. Although production has increased, I think we were able to significantly reduce the
incidental cost by finding a faster route.”

Of course, the Archduke knew that too. I also knew well that Irina ran like the soles of her feet on fire
and was the first to go through things.

And Irina brought up a completely unexpected story to the Archduke.

“So that’s it, Grand Duke. The truth is, I need money.”

“… … .”

The store had a good flow of money. With a little more effort, you might be able to raise a lot of money
again. But Irina did not want to delay any longer. Kissen was a far away country even if he left now.

The Archduke, who was listening to her with one eyebrow raised, grinned in surprise. This young
merchant was undeniably unique in his flow of thought, was quick-tempered and outspoken.

“Are you going to ask me a favor now?”

He was a colossus that could not be compared with Irina. And the blood of the Ils royal family was shed.
The Archduke was smiling, but as he tried to clarify what he meant, the atmosphere became extremely

But Irina did not hesitate and shook her head.

“No, I dare ask the Archduke to make a deal.”

She spoke with an unusually serious face.

“I will give you all of my humble store and land. There are employees who worked hard together, but I
don't want to hand over the store to anyone. So I came to the Archduke first.”

“… … .”

“Instead, just give me the price to buy something and one more boat. I think my stores are worth that
much. I'm sure the Archduke will appreciate the value of it. However, if you tell me that it is not enough,
I will definitely come back and pay you back.”

How can I make a request without payment or condition?

Irina, who once went to beg for money, felt that the idea she was thinking was unfamiliar.

However, there are certainly computational worlds where no one can expect favors from others. At that
time, people, like themselves, were willing to use whatever means they had in their hands.

A trader's mindset that is clear to give and take. The way was reminiscent of a certain man in Kissen.

Even though she thought this was right, she frowned a little because she was suddenly unfamiliar with

Meanwhile, when Irina had a dark face despite the bold offer of a deal, the Archduke smiled. He's smart
and smart, but the difference that human heart shows is always interesting to him.

After stroking his chin for a while and immersed in trouble, he finally relaxed his expression completely
and said:

“You have made me an ugly old man by getting down on your knees the other day, and you are making
me a villain again this time. How far do you need to go?”
“… … .”

Not sure what that meant, Irina hesitated. The Archduke looked at her like that, and said with a relaxed

“Isn’t there a noble concept of investment in our world of merchants? Now that my senses are gone, I
want to lean on the judgments of young people like you. I'll give you an investment, so where do you
want to play bigger?"

He was an adult and an adult.

Irina lowered her head, unable to control her guilt.

The Archduke looked at her like that and smiled kindly. The iron-like recklessness that still slammed into
anywhere was both glad and sad.

He eventually clicked his tongue out, adding a few more words to Irina.

“Son, you must have made the people around you uncomfortable and humble sometimes, contrary to
your intentions. But you don't know how to compromise... … It's definitely not your fault."

A problematic person who cannot easily integrate with the times. But if such humans cherish the world,
the world can surely change for the better.

As Irina made a tearful face, the wrinkles around his eyes deepened a little.

“When life is hard, you can take a break from time to time, and it’s okay to use other people’s excuses.
live your age If you keep trying to fight like that, you will be ruined.”

After giving warm advice with affection, he quickly settled the situation with a relaxed face.
“I have no more money to pay. I will also leave the shop as yours, as I said earlier. Isn't the revenue
from that alone enough? Like you said, I have eyes like that. Now I see that you really looked down on

“… … .”

“Instead, Irina.”

“… … Yes."

“If you think you owe me and Ils something, please come to this country again anytime.”

Irina didn't answer and just shook her head several times.

She stared at her with a pouting mouth for a while, then scratched her head. It was because the
atmosphere that had become so serious was embarrassing and I didn't like it.

Alright, now let's see what else to say, the Archduke put down the pen he was holding and quietly
folded his arms.

Then Irina smiled and said.

“I’m going to make and sell more expensive things out of the fabric.”

“I will make and sell more expensive clothes with the fabric. You are also a famous merchant, so should
you sell at a loss?”

It seemed that he was willing to put out a large investment, but the Archduke had a rather sullen face.
But Irina smiled confidently.
“There must be more interesting things in Kissen than you think. Shall I hold a business briefing here?”

As Irina began to babble in a bright light, she motioned for her to leave, now that she has become the
Grand Duke. Still, he couldn't hide his happy smile for a long time.

Chapter 11. Nodiac Top

Darren wandered the harbor in search of Sangju. He soon found a familiar back face and hurriedly
moved on.

“Are you with me again?”

Even though Illenoa was smiling, she wasn't a very gentle person. However, when even that artificial
smile was not there, it was a cooler impression.

Darren scratched his head as Illenoa glanced at her once and then turned her gaze back to the surface. It
was natural for people to avoid top-tier stocks. There must be a corner to rub it somewhere.

In the past, there was one exception who jumped in fearlessly... … . He was a man of few words, with
the exception of Irina. In fact, it seems to have gotten colder and more gloomy lately.

Darren, who had been scratching his head, could not say goodbye in the end and took out the business

“Illenoa, the royal family accepted the deal. I paid some money along with the contract.”

Then Illenoa finally turned to face Darren's gaze.

"Is that so."

“Yeah, you were right.”

The king eventually accepted the deal from Schuberg Upper. This, too, was beyond the expectations of
the top executives.

When the king cleverly began to favor the new upper class, they thought the king had turned his back on
Ilenoa, but the royal family was not completely on the side of Manuel's upper hand.

Illenoa nodded her head coldly and instructed.

“Then let’s get to work. Let's try to increase the size of the factory. We need to increase the number of
sewing machines. A lot.”

As always, he placed an order for scale.

But despite the heaps of work to do, Darren's expression brightened.

“Now that I’ve made a big deal, I can breathe a little.”

“… … .”

At that moment, Ilenoa lost her business-like expression and glanced at Darren. The middle-aged man
had a clear face that was drowsy.

Illenoa grinned.

But is it really that optimistic? Illenoa patted the tip of her chin and pondered.
The competition between Schuberg and Manuel now showed signs of intensifying. Because the king is
weighing the scales behind him.

The direction of the business pursued by the two top companies was clearly different. Illenoa was
experiencing disruptions in its trade with Imphenon, and was trying to find a way out through industrial
products and domestic waters. It was Manuel's top who took advantage of that opportunity to engage
in maritime trade.

But ultimately what they were looking for was the same. It was a winner in this market.

The king was a politician. The reason he doesn't completely grab either hand is because he doesn't want
anyone to win in the end. He was wary of capital overpowering political power.

Seeing that crafty insider, Illenoa smiled sternly.

“Once you have more land and you're ready, deploy an escort. It seems difficult to keep it a secret

“… … .”

“If the king had been a reliable human being, he could have asked for military cooperation, but it must
be difficult.”

“… … Shall we hit the back of the head?”

Darren, who now knew the king's true intentions like Illenoa, had a slightly worried face. "Well, I don't
know," said Illenoa, lowering her eyes. But it was probable enough.

“He is a man with a long political life. Is the world slow, or is the king tired? Sometimes I wonder too.”

“… … .”
“Well, in order to hold a position in such a rotten country, that person must have that level of

Darren scratched his head in embarrassment as Illenoa spit elegant swear words at the king today as
well. In fact, he also partially agreed with that evaluation. Thinking that not only the king, but Illenoa
was really clever with her head.

Illenoa looked at Darren like that and smirked, then turned around again.

“… … .”

If only the domestic market was a little bigger.

Kisen was a country lacking in population and supplies compared to Impenon, and there were many
weaknesses in this project.

But Illenoa was sure to survive this fierce competition. He has always been fighting to survive.

Although he harbors infinite possibilities, he looked at the sea with deep blue eyes, which had always
given him only solitude and loneliness since childhood.

"I… … If you know where it is, will you send me a ship?”

Hesitating, Darren asked cautiously. Illenoa seems to know where she is, even while neglecting the
people at the top looking for Irina.

But Ilenoa, who had been thinking quietly, immediately shook her head.

“The man is coming. Darren.”

“… … .”

How can you be sure of that?

Most people thought that Irina was hiding. It could have been an escape from reality, or it could have
been a really strong desire for success. One thing is certain: she sincerely wanted to leave Kissen.

Darren looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Slowly, with a faint smile, Ilenoa's face was a little unfamiliar. Illenoa looked at the distant sea as if
missing something.

“He is a person who rarely does things that are not in accordance with his original temperament. You
may not be able to lie to others, but the thing he or she doesn’t want to deceive the most is actually

That person said that we should meet again with his own mouth.

So Irina is going to keep her promise... … will definitely come

His face, full of confidence and trust, was more positive and human than ever. It was then that Darren
realized that the cold Illenoa had changed slightly compared to before.

Darren stared at the strange face for a while.


Irina wrote something in Kisen's letters.

[When the raging sea threatens your voyage, be the bow of God.
May the wind, the currents, the moon and the stars always be on your side.]

It was a sentence written by a monk when he was doing business in Kisen. Irina put it in the largest cabin
on the ship.

Irina was not a monk with religious authority, and in fact, she was a person who thought that all things
like Chuksumun were fake. But for this moment, she also wanted to pray for everyone's safety.

In fact, she knew the hearts of people who now want to depend on something. Whether it was a
superstition, a piece of equipment, or herself like Irina, those facing great danger would need something
to depend on.

So there is no single justice in the world.

Irina came out of the cabin and watched the people in the galley load a lot of fruit. Some of them would
be thrown away during the voyage due to difficult storage, but those were valuable food that was
absolutely necessary.

“… … .”

Irina nodded her head and checked all over the ship. And her vision began to scatter further and further

She looked at the upper headquarters, looked at the direction of her shop with longing eyes, and
glanced at the red flowers blooming on the cliff.

And Irina immediately stood facing the magnificent sea with her whole body.

A strong sea breeze swept over her body once, but the sea seemed quite calm before departure. But I
can't be relieved. Because that's not all that the sea is hiding.

Some days it's gracefully calm, and some days it's so wild and savage.
Irina thought of Illenoa while fiddling with the black spinel brooch she had in her arms.

“… … .”

She was now an undeniable merchant. I was able to fully understand their speech and methods.

If it's their way of giving and receiving what's on paper.

Contracts, Rights, Obligations and Performance.

That would have been the only solution for Ilenoa. It is because he has little experience in the human
world in which he can expect favors.

But if you put down the truth that you have only believed in in your life.

If you ripped the papers for me and laid down the means for me for the first time in your life.

I will say that there has always been more to us, even when we were bound by paperwork, and now free
from all those obligations. This is my answer to the fact that you believed in me to the end even when
you gave up your way.

Fierce and harsh times came rushing in, and Irina looked up at the sky for a moment. It was to manage a
complicated mind.

The sky over Ils was clearer than Kissen, as always.

Was Kissen a warm place for you?

Irina answered no to the Grand Duke's question, but there was a time when she thought so. A time
when you could do whatever you wanted, and you could not imagine any misfortune.

But in my life, that wasn't always the case, and as a result, the idea became immature. For Ilenoa, who
had an unhappy childhood, it must have been even colder and harsher.

And even when the world was so cruel, the boy took off his coat with a cold face.

Ilenoa Schuberg. The sea called you is always lonely and lonely because there is no one to find it.

I can't leave you alone in that cold world any longer.

When Irina looked around with a determined expression on her face, the people who had finished
preparing were already gathering in three or three and looking at Irina.

“… … .”

Irina could see the fear and excitement in the eyes of the sailors. Perhaps there is a fear and excitement
of the same size in his own eyes.

As always, Irina suppressed her fears and smiled cheerfully, enjoying only the excitement.

“Shall we depart now?”

by Kissen.

Then Irina watched the crew burst into laughter with an excited face.

Raise the sails somewhere! A loud shout was heard.

A few days before the merchant ship reached Kisen, Irina suddenly started to get motion sickness.

The sailors circled around and scratched their heads as she clinged to the railing, pale-faced. To them,
motion sickness was a strange thing they had experienced too long ago.

But they took care of Irina, creating a cluttered atmosphere with their blunt faces.

“Why are you all fine all the time and then you all come and get motion sickness?”

Nick approached Irina with a frown on his face.

A number of Serlioz members were on board the ship. Unlike Irina, who will remain in Kissen, merchant
ships and sailors had to return to Ils.

To prepare for that time, the top people who would lead the ship had to board together.

“Are you stressed? … … Is your body not feeling well? So Impenon said not to stop by. Why are you so

Sailing was hard work even for sailors who had been on ships for decades. It's been a long time since I
left my hometown, so I'd like to go home quickly, but Irina dared to go via Imphenon.

The reason was that luxury goods were traded more expensively in Impenon.

Irina sold most of the ceramics and precious metals to Imphenon, and purchased Imphenon marble,
which can be sold at a high price in Kissen. It was possible because she was a merchant from Kissen, who
was able to gauge the prices of both countries to some extent.

Irina was demonstrating the merchant spirit of picking up money from limit to limit.
“… … .”

But even if you don't do this, I think you're already rich enough.

Nick made a somewhat shaky face as he felt like he was watching the birth process of the dreadful

“Don’t just look at me like that… … pat me on the back wow... … .”

Then Nick clearly shook his head.

“No, I have a weak stomach.”

At those words, Irina grinned while holding onto the railing. what is that

After taking a deep breath, Nick finally took a step closer and rubbed her back.

“Hold on a little bit. Now it's all really coming. The navigator said he had a few days left.”

As Irina shook her head while grimacing as if she was upset, Nick looked at her a little sadly.

“… … .”

I don't know him well, but he was a very special and outstanding person.

The rough and uneducated sailors, the eccentric like the Archduke, and the picky customers in the shop.
Regardless of the person, Irina was not shy about dealing with everyone.
Although she was ferocious about what she believed was right, now everyone could sense that she had
a basic affection for people. So, she always tries to embrace her surroundings without losing herself.

But, why did she live so desperately so hard for herself? Exclusive sailor society, still high market wall for
foreigners. Why did you want to succeed while challenging even the impossible? because of money?

To the extent that she understands people, herself cannot understand her.

As if to prove the hard times, he looked at her skinny body and gave her a brief message of consolation
in the end.

“Irina. You’ve been through so much.”

Then Irina paused, but answered softly.

“… … Huh. thanks."

After entering the port, Irina came out to the port and looked around.

Over the past two years, the harbor landscape has changed slightly. The same was true of the
surrounding buildings, and customs clearance and inspection procedures were stricter.

Nevertheless, Irina believed that the first merchants she met were naturally those of the upper

This is because Schuberg was the largest platform in Kiessen, and the number of people traveling to and
from the port itself was overwhelming.

However, it was unexpected people who approached Irina first.

“This is Juan Manuel.”

Irina did not answer first, but glanced at the man's attire.

Her face darkened a little. It was because the pattern of the badge on the man's chest was unfamiliar. Of
course, she didn't know all the tops of my Kissen, though.

“… … Yes, I am Irina Nodiac. What's going on?”

As the short but unfamiliar languages came and went, I could hear the sailors coming and going from
behind. Then Irina looked back as if pathetic, and spoke in Ilse again.

“This is my mother tongue, you lads. Why are you admiring me?!”

Then the sailors giggled and laughed.

You were so good at Japanese that I forgot.

When Irina glanced at the crew with displeasure and then turned her head again, Juan Manuel had a
calm face.

“I think it’s the first time I’ve greeted you in person. Miss Irina.”

“… … Do you know me?"

“It was once at the top of Schuberg.”

"Ah yes. That was it.”

None of the top executives knew Irina. This is because the history of love and hatred between Sangju
Sang-ju and Irina was long, and Irina was a person who caused a lot of commotion for an individual to

It was surprising that she had come to Kissen on her own again, but this could be an opportunity for
him. At the same time, he sensed sensitively that he could be a threat.

“I think you came on the Ils merchant ship. Serlioz merchant ship.”

“… … .”

“I am interested in the things you brought. Who can I talk to?”

However, this item was not from Serlioz's top.

She made clear the ownership of the object.

“This is my thing. And this thing already owns it.”

Then, the man with a calm face made a subtle expression in many ways.

“… … Count Schuberg?”

“… … .”

"why… … .”

“… … .”
“The lady… … You are trying to pay off your debt.”

“… … .”

“Whatever it is, we can pay more. Aren't you supposed to just pay back the money anyway?"

It really seemed like he was from a top executive. He was well aware of Irina's circumstances. And his
words sounded like they were right.

However, the merchants do not sign hastily. She was no longer an innocent aristocratic lady, but a
trader who ate as much as she could.

While smiling brightly, Irina clearly pointed out the blind spots in his words.

“Of course it is, but that's something you'll have to hear from both sides. It may come out that
Schuberg will pay more than this one... … Don't you know?"

In a market, there must be a share. That's why merchants sometimes make loss-making contracts. This is
because there are situations in which short-term profits must be given up and trading volume can be
overwhelming to become the last winner to dominate the market.

But Illenoa, how do you still have so many enemies?

It had been a long time since her arms had been bent inward, and Irina spoke bitterly, but clearly
rejected the man.

“I am sorry. See you next time with a good deal.”

Juan Manuel looked at Irina's face for a while. But then he politely bowed his head and said. It was a
word with a deep sense of regret and allusion.
“Like that… … We look forward to seeing you again.”

“… … .”

Judging by this insidiousness, Kisen was also right here. Irina laughed sadly at the thought that I had
really returned to Kisen.

After staring at the man's back for a long time, she quickly captured his expression and turned towards
the people.

“Isn’t it better to have a drink nearby than to be on the boat? Until then, I will find a place to stay.”

However, the sailors had faces that were somehow greatly shocked.

"Strange. People… … It's more normal than I thought. What is this, you are so gentle.”

“The Kisen people were, in fact, common sense and kind people.”

“Hey, I told you before, he’s just weird. How did such a mutant come to this gentlemanly country... … .”

Then Irina quickly became furious.

“Do you know what I said?! Even the uncles couldn’t understand Kisen, and all of them cursed behind
my back for saying I had a weird pronunciation!”

When Irina became angry, the people flinched and playfully tried to cover it up.

“Irina. You haven't touched my country or my family. Why are you so angry?”
“Now you can do whatever you want to kissen! Now that I'm back, I'm not a patriot either! Everyone,
don’t just curse at me.”

Then the sailors giggled and rubbed Irina's curly hair. Wu Xing, why are you doing this, Irina, who
avoided her hand, looked at the sailors and said.

“There are many pubs nearby. You can go anywhere. But I'd recommend a place called 'On a Stormy
Night' right around the corner. The owner doesn't speak Japanese, but he speaks Imphenon. Does
anyone know how to speak Imphenon?”

“Yeah, quite a bit.”

“Then I will let you and the ship know when I get a dorm, so please have a drink at a time. If you drink
one drink, will everyone want to live in Kisen? However… … Honestly, is it really delicious?”

Irina, who spoke softly, finally chuckled and laughed.


Illenoa was having a busy time. This is because in the morning, guards were attached one after another,
and the inventor of the sewing machine went there.

The young inventor continued to improve his designs under the protection and patronage of Schuberg

To be honest, the man who brought various materials and models and showed them off seemed a bit
crazy. However, Illenoaman, who listened to his explanation with a cold expression, soon nodded in
agreement with the direction of improvement.

Then, thinking that he had been recognized, the top executives looked at him with a strange face as he
disappeared with a very happy face.
Few people understood why the spirit of invention was burned to the point where life was threatened
and freedom of residence was violated. But Illenoa, considered a cold and inhuman businessman, got
along well with some strangely insane scientists.

After a commotion, Illenoa was reviewing the documents.

Work clothes were in good demand. Although the quality was intentionally dropped little by little, there
were definitely vendors who preferred a lower price to a higher quality.

As Illenoa was in deep thought, it was Darren who slipped through the door of the headquarters office
this time.

“Illenoa. The Serlioz merchant ship came from Ils.”

Ilenoa tilted her head to one side.

“… … You mean in Ils?”

It was rare for Ils merchant ships to come directly to Kisen leaving the adjacent Impenon.

Darren nodded seriously.

"okay. It's a large galleon. wash."

“… … .”

“By the way, it seems that customs leaked information to the top of Manuel first. I think the guys on
Manuel’s side contacted us before we did.”

Illenoa closed her eyes and just smiled softly, but Darren read what he was thinking.
snake-like human. The king was a really smart man.

Although it was common for foreign merchant ships to enter the port, there were deals that should not
be missed. So was the ship from Ils. The upper part didn't need the items of Ils, but the items from the
East that came through them.

“Contact us right away. We must meet.”

His eyes grew even colder.

Hearing that the ship had been sent from the top of Schuberg, Irina nodded as if waiting.

She entered the cabin to bring the necessary documents.

However, when Irina entered and exited the cabin, her appearance was not the same as usual, and
people all looked puzzled.

Irina was hiding her hair and face in a large gown with a hat.

In the end, Nick asked the question.

“Why are you doing this again?”

"just… … It's been a while, so I want to surprise you. Actually, I know someone there.”

Irina scratched her cheek while making a playful face. It seemed something humbling.
She hurriedly turned around.

“But where can I go?”

“I want you to come to the upper headquarters. Someone is waiting outside.”

"okay? Let's go, I know the way."

Irina cheerfully stepped forward in front of the people of Ils.

Both sides were in an awkward mood.

When Irina's people entered one by one, the Schubergers were already seated. There was only one
empty seat in the middle. It must have been the seat of Ilenoa.

If Illenoa was the subject of this contract, then Irina was also the subject of this contract. The reason the
people of Illus were in trouble was that such Irina was located in the very corner.

Why is he doing such crazy things again without saying a word?

On the other hand, the people on the Schuberg side were perplexed because they felt that the Japanese
were constantly looking at them. Even while glancing at that suspicious-looking person.

However, their middle seat was empty, and a heavy silence fell in the room, as the top representative
had not yet arrived.

The silence was broken by the click of a small doorknob. Together with the people in the room, Irina
glanced over and looked over there.
Illenoa was coming in with Darren.

“… … .”

An unchangingly white face. cool eyes. Slow but graceful gait.

Our pretty trash, how are you? That beauty is still there.

Irina let out a silent laugh involuntarily. However, Irina, who had been observing him secretly, was
startled and bowed her head again.

It was because Illenoa's gaze, who had been stalking people like a habit, suddenly turned to her.

Darren and others saw Ilenoa hesitating as he entered. He paused for quite some time, but soon moved
slowly and sat down in his own seat.

However, Illenoa had been staring at one side from a certain moment. It was a strange-looking man
crouching in the corner.

“… … .”

The behavior over there was also strange, but it was also not polite here, so the people at the top of
Schuberg were embarrassed. It is a famous fact that Sang-Joo Sang-joo is a person who sometimes
behaves strangely, so everyone looked at him with a firm face.

It was only the two of them who could fully guess the reason at this place.

Irina could hardly raise her head, only wiggling her hands under the table.
To be honest, she was a little embarrassed.

No, did he really recognize me already?

- It's just that there's no aesthetics, it's not that you don't have a good eye.

Unknowingly, Irina scratched her head with her hood. Then, Illenoa opened her eyes sharper than
before and smiled.

He looked into the air for a moment and then looked at Irina with a cold gaze.

The atmosphere was eventually settled by Nick, who was in charge of the chores.

“I, does anyone know how to speak Imphenon? I'm sorry, but no one can speak Kisen."

Of course, the Schuberg executives there knew how to speak Imphenon without leaving out a single
one. Darren tried to answer, but Illenoa smiled sarcastically and gracefully spoke the Kissen standard.

“You must not have forgotten about Kissen.”

“… … .”

“A smart person like you.”

He was also a ghost man. She knew Illenoa wasn't usually a keen person, but Irina was frankly admiring
his eyes at this moment.

When her plan to surprise her went in vain, Irina bowed her head with a sad expression on her face.

She blamed herself and pulled the hood down, and the hidden red curls spilled out.
Irina raised her head and smiled sweetly.

"long time no see. Illenoa.”

The sound of gasps was heard all over the place. In particular, Darren's expression, who had been
looking for Irina's whereabouts until recently, was a spectacle.

Where are you now?!

The only thing that didn't surprise them was the top share.

“… … .”

Illenoa didn't answer, just stared at her. And as the top owner kept silence, the atmosphere became a
little awkward.

When Illenoa did not accept her greeting, Irina was a little embarrassed, but quickly agreed.

Yeah, you might not like me that much.

Irina, who had been scratching her neck, quickly pulled out a quilt.

“I have brought spices. And I stopped by the Impenon and brought some Impenon items. … … I thought
it might help.”

Irina knew Illenoa was having trouble with the Imphenon trade. Because he made a deal with the
Imphenon Republicans.
She handed the papers to Nick, turned and pushed them all the way toward Illenoa. It was the details of
the contract and the goods they wanted to trade.

However, Illenoa did not even look at the paper in front of her, and continued to stare at Irina. The gaze
was so intense that it stabbed Irina, scratching her neck a little.

In the end, it was Darren who checked the contract on behalf of Sang-joo Sang, who was staring at Irina.
Other top executives took turns checking the documents.

And they all became silent.

I knew that I was a person with big hands.

This is a scale that has never been traded before.

Now, the spices of the East had to be purchased through Kisen even in Imphenon.

"uh… … I just wrote down the price, but you can adjust it as you like if you have the amount you want.
You can lower it further. I really don't care.”

Irina said calmly.

But if there were people at the top of Serlioz who could understand the Kisen, they would have asked if
you were sane. Did you go through that crazy hardship just to sell it at a low price?

He may have cried instead of Irina while holding on to the end of the shoe and tearing it to dry.

But Irina really didn't care. It was because there was still something that had to be returned to him
anyway, either in money or in goods.

And to that, Illenoa was the first to react.

Ha, he smiled coldly and reached out to Darren. Darren took a pen out of his pocket and handed it to

Illenoa looked silently at the modest amount of paperwork, then added one more zero to the end. After
that, he silently signed the last pages of the documents one after another, and Irina, who received the
contract back, also signed each document.

Ilenoa Schuberg.

Irina Nodiac.

Irina looked at Illenoa again, watching the people on both sides hand out the signed documents one by
one. Illenoa was also looking at her.

But his dark eyes somehow looked sadder than before, and he looked colder. Of course, that may be an
illusion. There was no one here but her who found traces of sadness in that expressionless, smooth face.

However, Irina has always felt a feeling that he did not express from time to time.

She drew out a note and spoke in a calm but cheerful tone. It was the amount her family had to repay.

“… … Illenoa, did I finally pay the money back?”

“… … .”

“I know you don't need it. Still, I feel like I must pay you back. Actually, I wanted to be more helpful
than that. … … You honestly don't understand me either, do you?"

As Illenoa was silent, Irina smiled bitterly.

know. I'm a body nerd

I knew my nickname was Mad Bitch.

Irina awkwardly offered something like a joke, trying to lighten his mood. And from that moment on,
Illenoa's hands trembled little by little.

The people at the top of Schuberg, who understood the atmosphere, started to get up one by one with
their documents. They beckoned the Illisans to leave as well.

Embarrassed, Nick looked at Irina, but Irina smiled and nodded, saying it was okay.

In the end, only the two of them were left in the room where the people hurriedly left.

Irina, who was ignored after talking to her several times, kept her mouth shut this time and only looked
at her.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Illenoa turned away from her for a moment and grabbed her forehead. It felt like something was passing
through my fingertips, and it felt like insects were infesting my head.

However, in the end, he looks at Irina again as if led by an unavoidable instinct. From the moment he
saw his sullen, tanned face, a gust of wind blew constantly in his heart, and ferocious waves crashed.

I want to ask you what it was, and why did you have to do this? But as he seeks the answer, he will
surely have to arrive at another question.

Then why did you do that to that woman?

I didn't think it would be easy to fix a button that was stitched wrong. Of course, I did not have such
hopeful expectations.

But the cost of starting wrong was so great.

But why... … You have to pay, not me.

In so much pain, Illenoa bowed her contorted face.

Meanwhile, Irina was very awkward when Illenoa didn't respond at all, despite trying to loosen the
mood. She thought she was not feeling well, waited a little longer, and eventually got up from her seat.

“Then I will go and see.”

And when Irina was about to open the door, it was Ilenoa who was following her, who gently grabbed
her hand.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The two of them stood still, holding the doorknob like that for a moment.

It was Illenoa who moved first. He carefully hugged Irina's waist. Then, she bowed her head slightly and
placed the tip of her nose on the nape of Irina's neck.

When a tickling breath touched her skin, she flinched in surprise.

“… … Just stay.”
“… … .”

I didn't push him away. Illenoa gave the arm around her waist a little more force, as if Irina had pushed
her away.

Irina wiggled awkwardly while locked in her arms. If I had licked my neck, I would have been able to
shake it off by surprise.

But to be honest with myself, I don't think I could have pushed him out at any moment. Rather, I would
have held out my hand. Just like when I was a kid when I handed a handkerchief.

How many other people in the world can imagine that this hot breath belongs to this man.

Illenoa, who was breathing in a familiar scent, looked into Irina's eyes when she seemed to be struggling
in her arms. and said quietly.

“Because I won’t do anything bad, because I won’t… … You stay here for a second.”

“… … Yes."

that's bad What the hell is such a thing

Irina's face heated up a little, but she nodded and patted his arm that grabbed her waist. Then he buried
his face completely in Irina's neck.

“Where are you going?”

Even though he had already said goodbye several times, Illenoa kept walking after Irina.

After that, the people at the top and Schuberg, who had come to visit me, were walking one after
another, and Irina was unable to find the point of parting.

Hello, hey, long time no see.

I missed you so much too.

Grandfather the gardener and Susan kept crying, so the courageous Irina felt like crying together.

Illenoa was staring at the figure with an expressionless expression. Irina noticed this and said

“Ah, I want to take a look at the crew’s dormitories. I think the people who came with me were
competent enough to catch it, but I'm a native here, so I'll have to take a look. What if I get scammed?”

“… … Do you even take them to their accommodation?”

In fact, it had already been caught. In this destruction of common sense, everyone at the top was silent.

That's wrong. After entering the port, Irina's duty was to pay a portion of the promised money.

Whether the money was spent at the pub or gambling house, in the dormitory, on the boat, or even on
the roadside, it wasn't Irina's concern. If you do it this way, the crew will only look down on Irina.

But in fact, it was already a destruction of common sense.

In the first place, it was strange that the crew of Ils came to this distant country with Irina, a foreign
woman, in charge of the voyage. Some of the sailors were still around, wondering if Irina was worried.
Illenoa felt all those gazes sensitively.

“Actually, no one has ever been to Kisen. No one on our ship can speak Kisen. Everyone, this is the first

“… … .”

Irina scratched her head.

“Isn’t that a bit strange? But I'm not in a situation where I'm being so picky about it. And I've had
enough of this and I'm grateful. Just because people said they would come with me... … I suddenly liked
the world that day. So you have to take care of it until I go.”

Ilenoa was silent for a long time. But he nodded.

“I knew what you were talking about.”

“… … Huh."

But even after that, Illenoa, who had no regrets, continued to follow Irina. It was a companion that
made many people uncomfortable.

When Irina finally checked the condition of the crew's quarters spread out in various places, he opened
his mouth as if he had been waiting.

“Where will Irina sleep?”

“… … Huh?"
“I’ll take you to the Countess.”

Then Irina made a troubled face. It was a worried face, but she said as if she had made up her mind

“Still, we have to take care of our family. Today is the first day, and I will sleep at the inn.”

"family… … .”

Illenoa muttered as if pondering.

You may think that it is too much to risk and fall over such a sensitive thing. However, not only Illenoa,
but the personnel at the top of Schuberg who stood behind them all had prickly faces at this moment. At
one time, Miss Irina's family was us.

Irina, who appeared in Kisen after a long time, was still a person who had not lost her warmth and
passion, but the situation had changed so much.

Illenoa, who was looking at Irina, was much more polite than before. But he was more anxious than

Irina also didn't want to offend him, in fact she wanted to be nice to him. She gathered around the
missing horse and explained it to him.

“I think you should still be around people. Ehyo, I'm afraid those guys will drink and do useless things
again. There are drug addicts.”

“… … .”

“It’s a bit strange to say this, but they are still naive people.”
As Irina let out a sigh as she thought of the wrecked crew, Illenoa tilted her head to one side. It was an
expression that I really didn't like.

But Illenoa finally nodded.

He glanced coldly at the upper ranks of Serlioz lining up around Irina. Among them, Nick has been
watching for the longest time.

Everyone flinched, because even though he was a foreigner who could not speak at all, he could read
the hostility.

Illenoa looked at them slowly and took a step closer to Irina.

“Please don’t be surprised.”

“… … uh?"

Without a long explanation, he wrapped Irina's neck. But lest Irina be offended, he paused to watch her

“… … .”

“… … .”

The moment our lips met was shy. However, as Irina grabbed Illenoa's arm, the movement of her tongue
became thick and dense.

The people at Serlioz were looking at them in deep shock. Kissen was a more open country than we

In particular, Nick's shock was so great that even his face turned blue.
Illenoa's face, with her lips removed, was full of regret and regret. He wiped Irina's shiny lips with his

"I am… … I will come tomorrow. Irina.”

“… … Huh. okay. We'll see you tomorrow."

Then he nodded his head as if he could bear all these regrets.

“I’m sorry for being like this all of a sudden. … … Have a nice dream.”

Illenoa turned her back and disappeared. The upper ranks and the count's servants followed him with a
look of shame.

Irina broke her childhood habit of not locking the door. From sailing on a ship full of men, it was natural
to do so.

So she was puzzled by the man sitting casually on the other side of her room now.

“… … I locked the door.”

Irina blinked and rubbed her eyes, which were not yet awake. Illenoa, who was sitting in her chair
watching her wake up, nodded.

"I know. I don't want to wake you up, but waiting for you to wake up is painful, so I came in on my own. I
am sorry for the great disrespect.”
He has dark talents that ordinary nobles do not have. Instead of getting angry, Irina looked at me
curiously, as if she had known this for the first time, and he burst into laughter.

“Grabs like this are common on the streets. So, don't sleep in such a poor place. The clasp will not
protect you.”

Then Irina covered her eyes and smiled uncontrollably.

As I always thought, these were not the words of Ilenoa, who came in through the door. But Irina was
now tolerant of him. Because he knows he won't harm him.

Irina couldn't hide her mischievous smile and grabbed the edge of the duvet, while Illinoa watched as if
engraved in her eyes.

He quietly opened his mouth.

“Can I lie down next to you?”

“… … .”

He asked bluntly, but in the end he smiled sadly.

“Now I can’t.”

In the end, all receivables and debts remaining between them were completely gone. Illenoa's rights on
paper were dissolved the moment she tore the paper herself, and Irina's responsibilities disappeared
the moment she paid off the money.

Irina asked yesterday, you don't understand me either. But it really is.
He honestly doesn't know whether she wanted to solve all these things and start from scratch with him,
or if she wanted to live a separate life from him.

He is confident that he knows her the best in the world, but he is always anxious in front of her and
cannot give an answer about her.

As Ilenoa waited for an answer with the face of a martyr who was about to be judged, Irina, who was
scratching her forehead, lifted one side of the blanket. After bowing her head for a while, Illenoa went
to Irina's side and lay down at an angle.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Ilenoa clenched her chin and looked at Irina softly. And I just stared at it for a really long time.

At first, Irina, who felt quite affectionate, became more and more embarrassed.

No, I just woke up. I didn't even wear makeup. I don't think I would have been so embarrassed if I had
just asked to mix my body.

Irina looked up at the ceiling and was blindfolded, then pulled up the blanket little by little so that it was
not noticeable. The blanket pulled up to the end of his chin covered his nose, and in the end, only his
bright yellow eyes and a round forehead were left behind.

As she kept pulling up the blanket, Illenoa finally said.

“Can’t you stop covering your face?”

“No, that’s… … .”
The truth is... … I think I drooled. Were you tired yesterday? It's a little far away, you bastard.

Swallowing the words she couldn't bear, Irina made a sad face. Then Ilenoa said to her.

“You see it every day in the mirror, but I only see it in two years. Still, you can't show me that kind of

“… … .”

Originally, there was a bit of a brazen side, but how could he say such a thing?

I do not know.

Having nothing to say, Irina finally put the blanket down on her chest.

“… … .”

“… … .”

There was no conversation between the two of them for a while, and Irina lowered her eyes. Illenoa was
originally a man of extreme paranoia.

I can feel his tenacious gaze.

Forehead, eyebrows, spots under the eyes, tanned skin, the bridge of the nose, lean cheeks, lips.

The sunlight at Il and the beach was intense, and the time she passed was never easy.

A person's face always asks for age. And she liked to laugh. I liked healthy people, and I liked people who
were alive, confident and natural in front of time. i thought it was cool
But why? For someone with a sensitive nerve like Illenoa, it is embarrassing to see his face, which is
completely covered in years, transparently.

Irina finally covered her face with both hands instead of a blanket.

“I am very old. The sea breeze is bad for your skin. Il’s sunlight is strong.”

After a while, Illenoa paused and smiled bitterly at those words.

There are some things that smart people like you don't know.

are you old To me, who has only been around you for ten years, you... … are you old

If you really know my heart, you can never say that to me.

He carefully pulled Irina's hand down. And met her golden eyes.

His eyes were constantly trying to appeal to something.


“… … .”

“Time does not damage you.”

Nothing in this world can harm you.

I'm afraid of running away again. Because she's a free spirit who can't stand anyone controlling her. So I
wanted to keep my distance for her and be a little more respectful.

But Illenoa couldn't stand it anymore and hugged her without permission. Irina held him face to face and
stroked his back and hair.

It had been a long time since the two of us greeted each other in the morning.

Illenoa looked at Irina's face for a long time after that. Even though she was quite uncomfortable at first,
she smiled without hesitation as if she had gotten used to it.

And Irina soon rolled on the bed and hummed. It was bright and high-pitched.

Ilenoa, who was looking at him with a smile on her face, asked quietly.

“Aren’t you hungry? It’s a meal.”

“… … Well, is it?”

She replied bitterly, but as Illenoa said that, she seemed to be getting more and more hungry. She was
originally a person who liked to eat raw meat.

As Irina suddenly stroked her flat stomach with a serious expression on her face, Ilenoa placed her hand
on the tip of her mouth and pressed it gently. Because it looked like it was going to burst into laughter.

“I will serve you a meal at the Count’s house.”

“… … .”
Irina had work to do. It was necessary to find a place to store the textiles, and to discuss the departure
schedule of the sailors with the people of Serlioz.

When Irina did not readily answer, he added calmly.

“The Countess wants to see you a lot.”

Since when did you say you were a kind housekeeper who cared about such things? Irina glanced at
Illenoa a little at the obvious trick.

But it was also a word that exquisitely touched her weak point. In the end, Irina knew everything, but
she suffered. She also wanted to see them after a long time.

When Irina arrived at the Count's mansion, all the servants were on the first floor. Among them, the joy
of the butler and gardener who shared human interaction with Irina was especially great.

"We will serve with all sincerity."

Hans had a stern angle somewhere. But Irina was embarrassed and waved her hand.

“Ah, no. Please don't be too uncomfortable. I'm the one who worked here. I only have breakfast... …
Will you take care of me?”

Even after recovering her identity, Irina's attitude was still there, and people's gazes became
complicated. The gardener who had already seen Irina yesterday was holding down the tip of her eye
with a handkerchief.
When working as a maid in the mansion, Irina was proud of herself and looked a bit immature. However,
the moment she appears with her status and wealth, her attitude seems humble and gentle compared
to what she has.

She's just behaving the same way.

Therefore, the evaluation of an individual is ultimately determined largely by the background. A person
cannot see an individual as that person completely.

When the gloomy Countess seemed to become a sea of tears, the maid guided Irina to the dining area
instead of the butler. Ilenoa quietly followed behind.

How you doing? Your face seems to have gotten better.

Irina's joyful chatter echoed through the wide earl's house.

"eat a lot."

Illenoa watched Irina raise her fork, then added.

“I have been excited since last night that the chef will bring you.”

“… … okay?"

Irina widened her eyes and looked at the chef who was watching from one side. As if to prove his words,
the chef nodded with a smile on his face.

And in front of Irina, a meat-filled meal that reflected her appetite was spread out.
“Yeah, people who cook probably like people like you more than people like me.”

Then Irina quickly realized the cause and burst into laughter.

That's not natural. If he ate food with an Illenoa-like expression, the cook seemed to have lower self-
esteem in his food skills. I understood so much.

If that's the case, I'll have to eat it happily again.

Irina had a happy face at the authentic homeland food she had not seen in a long time.

Illenoa didn't stop staring at her while she ate her meal. And watching her eat closely, he soon noticed
something strange.

Irina had always preferred meat, but unlike before, she had her hands on every dish at least once.
Illenoa paused and pointed it out quietly.

“Your eating habits have changed.”

"me? okay?"

"Yes. I didn't really like vegetables. Did you not tell me that rabbits are pitiful?”

Irina realized what she meant and nodded her head. She said while poking the grilled asparagus with a

“It’s still pitiful. However, you should eat evenly. Your saying that eating is survival... … I understand
At those words, Illenoa looked at Irina with a blank look. Because during the time I was away from her, I
felt that another world had opened up to her.

“… … .”

Whenever you come up with new ideas, new habits and learn new things, I always wanted to be by your
side. Always, always want to know what you're thinking.

Illenoa felt sorry for the time that had already been destroyed. Nevertheless, he smiled faintly. And

“But Irina is also correct that eating is a pleasure. Now that you have embraced different values, I will
try to learn gastronomy from now on.”

“… … .”

At that, Irina stopped eating and glanced at Ilenoa. It was because he understood what he was saying
very accurately. He was a really good conversationalist.

And Irina, who somehow felt Illenoa's wrath, pouted her lips and carefully pushed one of the plates.

“Would you like some more of this? I like this the best.”

“… … .”

Irina joked with Illenoa, who was still hesitant.

“This is a wonderful combination of sweet and salty taste.”

Then Ilenoa grinned.

“Yes, I will.”

Satisfied with Illenoa's smile, Irina looked at him with satisfaction as well. He didn't seem to think it was
very tasty, but he was eating diligently. After staring at it for a while, she immediately thought.

I think I've gotten better. Well, he wasn't a bad kid at first, was he? It's just a little twisted.

A little was a positive measure as much as her personality.

Irina smiled and held the knife to the meat in front of her. A difficult problem came right in front of her,
who was happily eating meat.

“Irina, are you dating a man right now?”

Irina, who had food stuck in her throat at an unexpected question, made a kek sound. Illenoa waited
silently for an answer, but she covered her mouth in pain for quite some time.

Eventually he winked at one of the servants behind him. Irina took the glass of water from the servant
and drank it in a hurry.

At this moment, the count's servants had no choice but to concentrate on their conversation, even
though they were in a hurry.

Irina, who barely managed to pass the food into her esophagus, looked at him with a frown on her face,
as if trying to understand the intent of the question. She was frankly stunned.

then… … Do you think there will be?

"What is that. … … I haven't met any women."

Irina denied it, but after that, much more was said.

“Then the person who warmed your bed.”

“… … .”

The servants looked with pity as Irina, who had been squeaking, was now smiling like a madman.

She wrapped her arms around her forehead and placed her elbows on the table. I haven't met anyone,
so I didn't know why the next question was like that. The flow of thought was worse than others.

Also, this was a very inappropriate topic to share at a meal. That means it was hot.

our pretty trash. you are really still

Irina stared at him and eventually became angry.

“This is really… … What the hell are you talking about?! No, and why are you asking that?”

However, unlike Irina, who showed a sign of embarrassment, Illenoa was calm.

“It has eased your loneliness, so I would like to say a special thank you to him.”

“… … .”

His face was calm, and his tone was not particularly stern.

However, they would be amazed if the count's servants could look into Irina's inner heart, who thought
Illenoa had become kind a while ago.
At this moment, everyone looked at Irina with puzzled faces.

Are you really going to be deceived by such pretentious words? Isn't it within a day or two?

Say yes or no Otherwise, he will surely die.

Irina sighed and sighed.

“Stop being crazy.”

“… … .”

“… … It's not like that. You are really strange once in a while.”

“… … .”


Denied repeatedly, Illenoa just stared at her. Irina kept trying to go beyond the absurd and start to

Why is he really like this? Were you just making fun of me?

However, Irina was silent, noticing that she was attracting the attention of all the servants, not just
Ilenoa. Instead, she shoved a plate of food to Ilenoa.

“Eat, let’s eat and talk.”

Countless food plates were soon laid out in front of Ilenoa.

Illenoa was able to read Irina's cute thoughts. Covering my mouth with food was just the idea at my eye
level. It was morning, and he had no appetite, but he nodded willingly, as he had promised.

“Yes, I will.”

He raised his fork again and smiled like a painting. Seeing that face, Irina became even more
embarrassed. I didn't know how much was sincere and how much was a joke.

After eating and having tea time, Irina started looking around the mansion. Because it felt pretty good.

When Irina came out to the garden while looking around her room and kitchen, Illenoa, who had been
watching her from a distance, approached her.

He held her hand still. And without a word, he began to lead somewhere.

The structure of this mansion is actually very familiar to Irina. The moment he stepped on the dark
marble steps with his shoelaces, Irina could read which direction they were headed.

his bedroom.

The whole process of walking up to here was a sexual signal.

Illenoa placed her on her bed.

Irina scanned his still morbidly clean room and the pure white bed. We all remember what happened
here. I remember what postures I took and what kind of outrageous conversations we had.
Ilenoa knelt before her on one knee and took her hand. Irina shakes her hand and caressed her cheek.
Then he caressed the back of her hand, stroking his cheek.

“It’s been a while, but… … Can I do it?"

“… … .”

“I miss you so much.”

Four-year-old smell, body temperature, humidity. Your habits and gestures. Even a different voice than

Instead of answering, Irina tapped the seat next to her a couple of times. Don't stay down, come this

Illenoa was a man familiar with her. Although they sometimes acted out of sync with each other's
thoughts, Irina knew very well what kind of person he was in bed.

Illenoa stripped her clothes off, leaving her underwear behind, and sat down behind her. Then she
spread Irina's legs apart and rubbed her pussy with her underwear.

Wrapping his slender waist, he whispered. It seemed to be impatient, but it was a refreshing voice that
seemed to make fun of him.

“Is there really no one there?”

Irina was shocked.

“You’re a kid who doesn’t really listen to others. Fundamentally, there is no such thing as trust in
“Aren’t you lonely? Living abroad must have been difficult... … .”

“Then, when you’re lonely, what do you do with anyone?”

When she returned the most common-sense answer, Ilenoa burst into laughter. But pulling down his
underwear, he asked again tenaciously.

“Who is that Nick?”

Irina looked back at Illenoa with a blank expression on her face, and finally burst into laughter as if she
had lost consciousness again. After covering her face with both hands for a moment, she sat down with
a pillow on the head of the bed.

Just come quickly, you don't say anything anymore.

But Illenoa seemed to have taken her silence in a different way.

He took a seat between Irina's legs, stroking her thigh. Then he slowly moved his hand toward the vulva
and asked subtly.

"that's right? It’s okay to just say it.”

“… … I know why you're asking, but I'm trying to get weird, Illenoa."

Irina cried.

If you remember the last conversation we had, if you knew how I came back here, you'd never be able
to tell me that.
she asked a little sharply.

“So, did you have another woman? I'm not good with things like you I'm important, so if you do, tell
me coolly now."

As Irina frowned, Illenoa made a mysterious expression.

"of course… … Of course I wasn't either. why are you asking I am with you... … The position is very

He couldn't share his body temperature with anyone other than her before and now. Because from the
moment we first met, I have always longed for her. Because I've always longed for only one person.

On the other hand, Irina became more and more uncomfortable as Illenoa grabbed her thighs and just
stared at her endlessly. In fact, it seemed to be exhausted already.

After waiting awkwardly with her back twisted, she finally spoke frankly.

“If you want to have a deep conversation with me, let me close my legs a little. Are you ashamed of
being like this when you speak?”

Then Ilenoa burst into laughter. He bowed his head for a moment and asked as if he was really puzzled.

“You’re doing this with me, so why is this embarrassing?”

So you're not embarrassed?

As Irina muttered, as if she couldn't understand, he stroked her body as if to soothe her, then kissed the
inside of her thigh. Then, where the lips stayed for a long time, a reddish mark remained.
“I like how you spread your legs. If you put out all of your undergarments and show it to me, you get
excited... … Honestly, it's so cute."

“… … .”

Irina put up with the obscene rumors. But seeing her blush and staring into the air, Illenoa grinned and
spread her legs even wider. Then, while joking around the middle, they flirted with their thumb and
forefinger while flirting.

“Isn’t this empty?”

“… … .”

When Irina, who had been silent, fumbled to the side and checked the strength of the pillow, he bowed
his head and smiled.

“I’m really going to stop.”

“… … .”

“It’s true that you were concerned about who might be next to you, but honestly, it was only half a

“… … Yo.”

Irina's bright yellow eyes glanced at him, but she soon buried her side face in the pillow and laughed.

Illenoa, who looked at her with trembling in her chest, grabbed her chin. And he burried his tongue
violently with new lips.
The kiss was as long and deep as the longing time. Illenoa patted Irina's lips and cut off the saliva, raising
her upper body. His eyes as he watched her panting were distant and aesthetically pleasing.

“Below… … May I do it with your mouth?”

The tired yellow eyes seemed to have become a little clearer. As Irina shook her head silently, Illenoa let
out a small laugh.

“Yeah, I don’t like it. But I hope you like it next time.”

Glancing at Irina's forearm, he slid his hand to his left chest. As I grabbed the round lower part, my
breasts made me want to lick them. The thumb, who was fumbling for the areola, gently touches the
center as if it was a mistake.

However, his dark eyes looking at the sharpened projection could not hide his intentions.

“Then, what about breasts? Are you okay here?”

Yeah, I like it too, the muttering Irina was cute, so he smiled involuntarily and buried his lips in his chest.

As if questioning or teasing, he continued to whisper while caressing.

Here, I want to bite. just suck it

The words he poured into his ears were so blatant that Irina closed and opened her eyes again and
again. But in the meantime, the bottom of her butt kept getting wet, and she twisted her waist and
twisted her body in pain.

Illenoa was a man who only used honorifics with her mouth, and actually had sex like a wild beast. Even
that polite respect was often thrown from the bed when reason flew away.
But the insertion was careful this time. The moment the blunt end was buried in the flesh, Irina
grimaced a little.

it looks sick

The moment I caressed her forehead and the back of her nose, Illenoa realized that she was also making
a similar expression to her. Because she also caressed her face.

“Ha, just do it.”

As Irina wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him in, he pushed the tip of her genitals in at
once. And without a moment to catch her breath, he grabbed her under her armpits and pulled her up.

“Ugh… … .”

Irina, who was sitting on Ilenoa's thigh, trembled as she moaned at the deep penetration. As he looked
for a place to grab it, the hand he gently placed on his shoulder looked dangerous.

Looking at the corners of her eyes, which seemed wetter than usual, Illenoa slowly pushed a long finger
into her lips.

“… … Lick it.”

As Irina's red lips licked her white fingers, he felt the blood rushing down. Imagine that those lip birds
are not your fingers, but your genitals.

I'm sorry I'm such a bad person. But what do you do? I just want to see you

Illenoa, who felt that her reason was gradually flying away, immediately hit her from the bottom up.
Irina almost fell backwards with a groaning sound, but the tenacious hand that supported her back lifted
her body up in a stable manner.
The movement of rubbing the crotch against the vagina was slow and subtle. But he was suppressing the
urge to hit him right away. His black eyes looked like a dangerous person.

“Wrap your arms around your neck. ha… … Wear it.”

Irina crossed her legs behind his waist and hugged her neck tightly. Then the insertion deepened, and
she let out an indistinct moan of 'wow'.

Illinoa whispered while wiping down Irina's hair that was clinging to her and hanging all over her body.

“It’s still morning.”

“Ah, yes… … .”

“I’m really happy.”

The voice was gentle. But from then on, he couldn't stand it any longer, and he began to pound him
rough from the bottom up. Irina's voice was sharper and higher than when she spoke. Alas, listening to
the groans of ahheuk, a little ulmeokyineun to his ear, he indulged more and more like a beast, a man in

The action went on for a long time and was repeated many times. Ilenoa took a deep breath and wiped
the sweat from her forehead. Sweat that had not been wiped off ran down his eyes, and while he
frowned, he caught the sensational sight of Irina's red hair getting messed up.


“… … Huh."
“Irina, look at me. … … Why are you, are you sick?”

“No, ha, Illenoa, I like it.”

"me too… … Me too, Irina.”

He called her name several times.

Why is it that some hearts don't turn to ashes no matter how much they light a fire?

Why is this heart not fully oxidized even after receiving enough heat from her?

But he doesn't know that the cool blue flame has the hottest temperature.

Illenoa constantly licked her body, inhaled her body scent, and continued to bury herself in her, and,
immorally, spewed here and there.

And at some point, Irina drooped like a person who had exhausted all the energy in her body.

Illenoa noticed that she, who had been moving her waist with her a while ago, couldn't push her away,
nor could she cling to her anymore. Just like a buoy on a raging sea, it just swayed up and down

He stopped and looked over Irina's condition, and then cautiously got out. He fiddled with Irina's arms
and shoulders.

And as soon as she took a deep breath without lifting a finger, she immediately apologized.

"sorry. I never thought that you would suffer from poisoning.”

“… … .”

“It is my negligence. I'm really sorry."

Irina was a person who had crossed the sea by boat for four months. This was similar to exhaustion.
Irina was also thinking that if she did a little more, she would lose her mind.

but… … .

“No, I did it because I really liked it.”

Irina smiled even with a tired face.

“The blanket is all wet.”

“… … .”

It was really a joke between the two of them. And it was Irina's way of saying not to worry.

But Ilenoa didn't smile at all, and sewed her clothes on with a dry face. After the relationship, he went
out of the room as usual.

But after a while, what he brought was not a towel, but water. Putting some sugar in the long glass, he
asked cautiously.

“Can you drink this?”

Well then, of course. Irina nodded eagerly, but in reality, it was a very terrifying face to wake up.
“… … .”

Illenoa thought for a moment, then drank the water and put her lips on hers.

Irina was actually very tired. He was lying on the bed with a face that he didn't know why his body was
doing this. After that, she drank the water she gave her mouth, and later looked at it with regretful eyes
as to whether it was not enough, Ilenoa was silent.

The longing and clinging gaze made him dizzy. But he calmly handed the water over again. Then he
wiped the water running down Irina's lips with his thumb.

“Isn’t your body getting weak somewhere? Before you leave, your health... … It wasn’t very good.”

Irina laughed bitterly. Because I knew what you meant.

But it wasn't the body that was bad back then, it was the mind.

She shook her head and denied.

“I’m a naturally healthy person, why are you treating me like a patient?”

In this case, it would be better to treat him as a brave wild boar.

Irina muttered.

“It was just that sailing was harder than I thought. I'm really tired. You have a lot to take care of both
physically and mentally, Illenoa. But hey, that's normal. How easy would that be? And I would say this to
you or anyone else.”

“… … .”
“I’m so sleepy right now, can I sleep here for a second?”

"sure. It makes sense.”

Illenoa nodded her head several times. Irina fell asleep and mumbled her true feelings.

“I hated Kissen so much. In fact, I think I still have a little bit of hate.”

Seeing Irina grimacing, Ilenoa bowed her head. Because he knows that he is also the one who
contributed to the situation.

“Still, the place where I was born and raised seems to be a relief to me. I think the countess is

“… … Is that so?”

“But without you, I wouldn’t be back.”

“… … .”

Irina, who could not let go of her mind even though she said this place was comfortable, opened her
eyes hazy and said.

“… … Wake me up in a little while.”

"Yes. But why… … .”

“If you want the boat to go out, you have to watch the wind. I have to schedule a departure.”
At those words, Ilenoa's heart sank.

I can't say no. It is now bound and cannot be coerced. 'cause you don't belong to me

But maybe I can say that I don't like it either.

how far will you go I'm always curious about your answer.

“No, Irina. I wish you were by my side.”

Illenoa hugged her, who was asleep without knowing the world.

It was the next day that she met the top people of Serlioz, as Illenoa didn't wake Irina from a faint sleep.

Irina summoned the people to the Count's house, and Illenoa was proudly present.

People were uncomfortable with that tall man. He was expressionless and did not interrupt the
conversation, but he was leaning against the wall and staring at Irina the whole time.

Even people who were not involved were concerned about that gaze, but Irina didn't seem to care at all.

“Then let’s do it in five days. I'll have to go back and check the weather again, but for now, tell the
crew to do the same. When I leave, I'll see you off too."

Nick nodded.

And Ilenoa's expression became strange. As he listened to the conversation, he got to know him more
and more.

That Irina intends to remain in Kisen.

“If anything happens, you have to let me know right away.”

“Yeah, but are you going to stay here?”

At that question, Irina immediately realized something. Come to think of it, I don't have a home.

Irina suddenly turned her head toward Ilenoa and asked.

“Should I buy the marquis again? Illinois, do you know who has it now? Are there people living there?”

Hans, who came in to serve tea to the guests, looked at Irina with a puzzled expression.

The Marquis House was a historic building, and although not as large as the Earl's House. This means
that the purchase price is very high. However, Irina was talking casually as if she was just buying a
hairpin at the market.

Not understanding Hans' expression, Nick made a puzzled face. If he could understand the meaning of
that expression and the Kisen language, he would probably have told him.

He is a wealthy real estate agent who already owns three mansions in Ils. In fact, it has a pub in addition
to the shops.

On the other hand, at Irina's question, Illenoa quietly nodded her head.
“The owners are aware. We'll talk about that separately later."

"Huh? Why?"

“Weren’t you talking to those people?”

“Ah, what. All important things are over.”

However, while scratching her head, Irina turned her gaze back to the people. After that, small chatter

Her face, which recommends Kissen's attractions and restaurants to people, looked happy. Although not
shy by nature, Illenoa could tell that they were closer than expected and that they trusted each other.

Irina was being recognized by the people of Ils. So, her choice made her even more curious.

After tea time and the people at the top left their seats, Ilenoa slowly walked towards Irina. As he sat
down next to him, Irina said as if giving a pint glass.

“Come and drink with me, so why are you standing there?”

“You are not my guest.”

At the strangely common-sense remark, she burst into laughter.

“How are you? You are the owner of the house.”

Illenoa, who was looking at her smiling face without a wrinkle, asked.
“A deep story that I couldn’t tell you yesterday… … Shall we do it now?”

At that, Irina was a little startled. The reason I said that was because he had been persistently
questioning himself yesterday.

Besides, among the people Irina had just met, there was Nick, whom Illenoa had arbitrarily entangled
with her.

Irina was wary, but Illenoa asked something completely different.

“Aren’t you going back to work?”

"uh? ils? I have to go one day, but I'll be staying in Kissen for a while.”

“… … .”

“Why did you think that way?”

Irina, who was scratching her head, soon found the answer herself.

He seemed to have misunderstood his statement that he had to schedule a departure with that of
returning. Well, you might think so.

Irina shook her head and said clearly.

“I will be in Kissen. That’s what I came here for.”

Illenoa, who felt a tingling pain last night at that affirmation, had to be immersed in an undeniable sense
of relief. He hesitated, then gently grabbed Irina's shoulder.
As Irina held her still, he habitually stroked her red hair and whispered.

“I am very curious about you.”

Irina pursed her lips.

“What, again? Who is as clear and transparent as me?”

But you know what's really not transparent? My stomach is dark, you bastard.

Illenoa laughed in agreement with the evaluation of herself. But he soon asked a little more specific.

“Why did you have to do that? Even doing a maid job that doesn’t suit you.”

Even when her sisters were getting married like her sisters were being sold into wealthy families, Irina
never gave up and did the dirty work. Even after Ludwig's divorce and no more loyalty to her lover, she
was willing to continue.

Irina, who understood what she was saying, let out a bitter smile.

Marriage recommended by her father from the beginning of the decline. impeccable horns.

The day after my first night with Illenoa. She couldn't forget how strangely people looked at her as she
pruned with landscaping shears and cut potatoes.

If Illenoa had been an ordinary, savvy man, she wouldn't have said such a thing.

But he wasn't that obvious, so Irina opened her mouth.

The identity of the simple and grand wind that has always been in her heart.
One of the values she did not want to let go even in the difficult reality.

“Can’t I just live my life on my own?”

Irina looked at Ilenoa with twinkling eyes. His golden eyes were as bright as when he was a child who
told him to be cool, and he caressed her as if he was stroking her eyes.

He shook his head quietly.

“It can’t be possible, is there?”

She doesn't care what the world thinks of her. Just live according to your beliefs. So you're not lonely

But at that moment, Irina cried a little. He is a very different person from Irina, but his understanding is
strangely comforting once in a while.

While looking at her, who looked sad somewhere, Illenoa kissed her pretty cheek. He had a rather
gentle attitude, as if he wanted to relieve the pain.

Irina smirked at the action, and Ilenoa said.

“The marquis will ask the owner if he wants to sell. It was originally owned by your family, so we will
try to make this deal as close as possible.”

“Can you please? Well, if the doctor says he doesn't like it, I'll have to look elsewhere."

“Is the Countess very uncomfortable?”

That wasn't the problem. Irina shook her head.

“If I’m going to live in Kisen, I need a house too. I can't keep living with you."

She was speaking in a very common sense. But after being silent for a long time, Illenoa finally decided
to be honest.

When conversing with Irina, honesty was best, and he now knew that begging rather than coercion was
more effective.

“If it’s not because it’s uncomfortable, could you please do me a favor?”

"Like what?"

Irina asked curiously.

“You have already decided to stay in Kissen, but I know you are not asking for more. But please be a
little more merciful to me.”

“… … .”

“Even if you recover the marquis, please stay here.”

Illenoa whispered to her with a puzzled face.

I want to be close to you.

When Illenoa came home from an outing, Irina was in bed wrestling with the newspaper. He could read
her thoughts clearly. Since I had been away from Kisen for a long time, I was curious about what the
world would be like.

But it would be ok to do it a little slower. Irina was always impatient.

Illenoa sneakily picked up the newspapers and journals she was reading. What is Irina? Turning to his
face, he said.

“Get some sleep. It's only been four days since you came back. This makes me really sick.”

“I think I said it yesterday, but I am naturally healthy. It’s one of my few strengths.”

But Ilenoa silently put the newspaper on the side table. Then, sitting by the bed, he smelled a cool bath
after washing. Illenoa said, brushing Irina's hair up.

“Health is something to be managed, not guaranteed.”

At those straight words, Irina smirked. “Come on?” she said and took off the pillow.

After looking at newspapers and journals all day, she gave him a brief impression.

“Kissen doesn’t seem to have changed much.”

“Yeah, it’s like that. Everything is deadlocked.”

Illenoa nodded in agreement. But as soon as the imprisoned dam bursts, the world will change.

Irina rolled around on the bed.

When the two were together, they often talked about business and politics. Illenoa and Irina were both
people with unique ideas, so it was difficult to meet people who could communicate well with each

Irina marveled at the fact that Illenoa had already started a ready-to-wear business and signed contracts
with the royal family as well as work clothes for the workers.

“Actually, I knew you had already started.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, there are very few people around me who can smell money as well as you. What else are you
interested in?”

At those words, Illenoa patted her chin and pondered for a moment.

“The Kisendo weaving facility should be equipped. It is not easy to do business with Impenon, and the
southern continent is too far to bring in cheap fabrics right away.”

As Irina nodded her head broadly, Illenoa smiled faintly.

“And there is one more thing I am interested in.”


Irina's eyes twinkled, showing curiosity. Again, Illenoa was better than newspapers and academic
journals. How many entrepreneurs can observe the market so calmly?

“Isn’t there a steam engine used for coal mines and weaving machines?”

“… … .”
However, when such an answer came back to a lightly posed question, Irina had a sullen face. Machinery
and science were areas where Irina was weak.

“Yeah, I don’t know… … Why?”

Illenoa then uttered words that Irina had never thought of.

“I’m thinking about whether it can be applied to ships.”

After Irina was silent for a moment, he smiled.

“It will not be easy. It will cost a lot to develop, and a sailing boat can go with just the wind, but the
boat I am thinking of will have a separate operating cost.”

“… … .”

“Instead, you can definitely go faster. I am a businessman, and there are times when time is more
valuable than money to entrepreneurs.”

Domestic demand is expanding day by day, but Kissen is highly dependent on impenon trade, and sailing
ships are slow. He never doubted that technological innovation is the only way out, and could
completely change the future of the market.

“I'm going to do both a weaving machine and a steamer. It’s just a matter of deciding which one to do

“… … You are a really strange person.”

Hearing what Irina murmured, he smiled softly.

But despite the pinzan, she understood Illenoa's thoughts quite well.

He was talking about expanding the ready-to-wear business and starting a cotton industry. Since the
supply and demand of cloth is not easy due to the impenon crisis, it was a story about introducing textile
facilities in Korea and reducing the movement speed for another supply source, the southern continent.

It was a long-term, but very fundamental solution.

But Irina could give him a short-term solution. Because she has some of the things she brought from Il's
that haven't been sold yet.

“You mean, why don’t you start a business with me? Please show me the sewing factory.”

At those words, Illenoa looked at Irina with a blank look. Another unexpected word came out of his

“What else are you thinking about?”

what is this

Because I heard from a kid with really weird thoughts that he has weird thoughts... … You seem to be
very recognized!

Irina chuckled and laughed.

On the day the merchant ship departed, Irina said that she would go out as scheduled, and Illenoa
showed a rather chilly look.

he said softly.
“Don’t be too kind to the sailors.”

“… … why?"

At best, I thought I would get an answer that was distasteful, but Ilenoa had a different answer.

“You paid a fair price and hired them. If so, then your duty and role are already over by paying the

“… … .”

“Irina. If you try to be nice, they just ask for more.”

For the upper class, the boat was the basis of business and a tool. Sailors were no different.

Even if you give them human affection, they are indestructible beings, and if you give them more rights,
what comes back is just a rebellion on board.

Eleanor added calmly.

“Think of a sailor as a means of moving a ship. That way you won't get hurt and you won't have trouble
with each other."

Then Irina stared at Ilenoa. I thought he would not agree because he was a warm-hearted person, but
when the depressed woman suddenly made a hum, Illenoa stopped.

“Don’t say that too much, Illenoa, huh?”

“… … .”
"I know what you're thinking, but those people aren't the kind of throwaway wooden oars."

“… … .”

“Everyone is risking their lives on a ship. Yes, it's because of the money. You're right, but there's more
to people than that. Really. Please don't be so cold."

There is no one to protect you in such a difficult situation, and you only trust your luck and your own

Lonely and afraid, they depend on alcohol and drugs, but because there is only one world they can
return to, they always say that this is the last time and get on the ship.

Some may consider them pathetic, but Irina didn't think so.

Meanwhile, Illenoa looked at Irina with a slightly mysterious face. Although he was originally an
emotional person, what had happened in the past two years seemed to have made him more
emotionally ups and downs.

In fact, what he was doing was a little like sailors. It seems that he met people with similar
temperaments and moved there.

However, Irina looked at Ilenoa sadly. She grabbed Ilenoa's sleeve and waved it slightly.

“Do you think I care about the sailors now?”

“… … .”

“You idiot, it’s you that I care about.”

why are you always so cold Why is the world you see so dark?

Is your heart really okay now?

After making a strange face for a while at Irina's words, who was truly upset, he turned his head away as
if to avoid his gaze. Because it felt weird.

But in the end he couldn't help but smile a little, which was a pretty natural smile.

Illenoa's face, who met her gaze again, had more emotions than usual.

He said, brushing Irina's hair with a soft hand.

“What are you even worried about me for?”

“… … .”

“Irina, you must not be a good person anymore.”

The world is so bad and bleak, why are you trying to be a good person by yourself? Don't do that.

But even as he said that, Illenoa felt that something inside of her was torn apart and melted away
because of Irina.

“I will take you. Come with me.”

He reached out to grab it.

Irina had some habits. He was such a distracted and improvised person that few people understood the
regularity of his habits.

It's a sad story, but most people who knew it had already passed away.

So Illenoa is now the person who knows her best in the world.

Irina has a habit of saying, when she's not confident she can do well, this is a fight worth trying.

That's what you say to yourself, not others. It was because of his pride and tenacity that he never
wanted to admit that he was withdrawn.

But as Irina climbed up the mast without saying a word, Ilenoa's brow furrowed slightly.

That was proof that he had that much confidence and that he had done a lot. In fact, Irina was moving
as quickly as a squirrel.

“… … .”

The people on the top of Serlioz glanced at Ilenoa and stopped.

It was very strange. They exchanged no verbal cues at all, and the people of Serlioz felt that the upper-
class master was subtly offended.

The lively Ils people actually had something they wanted to say to that tall man.

My hobby is actually climbing on masts and railings. He is inexperienced in swordsmanship and doesn't
know much about bayonet, but he has great talent in chess. Kick it well, bite it, hit it, and dodge it well.
In fact, it doesn't die as well as you think.
But speaking in Imphenon, they knew well that they could not accurately convey each other's feelings in
the clumsy language of the three kingdoms.

They had no idea that Ilenoa could speak Japanese. It's not good for each other to tell each other things
like that, so it was fortunate that we didn't know about it.

As Irina, who climbed up to the top and descended, skillfully adjusted the direction of the sail, Illenoa let
out a cold laugh.

It wouldn't have been this bad if anyone had looked at it strangely, but the Japanese people on board all
had familiar faces.

He couldn't understand the profanity, but at some point, Irina and the sailors could hear the Ilse
language exchanged in Ilenoa's ears.

“Irina, don’t you think something is wrong?”

One of the sailors asked suspiciously. Irina was annoyed.

“What is it, this old man? Are you doubting my skills now? Wow, I’m stunned.”

“But are you sure there is such a thing as skill? Can I trust you?”

"I beg your pardon? … … Do you want to fight again?”

Then the bearded sailor, who was watching, added a word.

Illenoa noticed right away. Zei is the de facto head of this crew.

“Irina, to be honest, I think it’s a bit twisted. Why don't you try to the left a little bit?"
"Oh yeah? ah, true. tell me right away sorry."

Irina's face grew colder as Irina quickly reversed her position with a brazen smile.

“Hey, who do you dare talk like that to now… … .”

When Ilenoa couldn't stand the rudeness of the crew and laughed bitterly, the people of Schuberg and
Serlioz only looked at each other.

After finishing preparations for departure, Irina began to say goodbye to people. Since Nick had
indicated his intention to remain in Kissen, Irina had to appoint another sailor among the top men.

She handed him a letter in front of the crew watching.

“When you return to Ils, give this to the Archduke. Thank you, I wrote it. Oh, and the Archduke will
have the crew's wages. I told you before I came to Kissen.”

"Yes, I understand."

It is false. It was after she handed him all the money he had left yesterday.

Nevertheless, the reason they do these plays in front of sailors is that there might be other sailors on the

Illenoa seemed worried that she was too soft on the sailors, but alas, she was no longer so naive. It
means that he was a merchant who went through everything before birth.
Irina knows. There are not only good things in life, and terrible things can happen on ships.

Irina and the top representative exchanged meaningful glances and shook hands.

Suddenly, Irina was surrounded by sailors who had a special relationship with her. Unable to greet
everyone one by one, she just smiled and looked at people with warm eyes.

And then, a man who looked particularly dry and tired came into her eyes. Before leaving for Kisen, he
was one of the sailors who came to Irina's shop.

- I want to stop floating on this floor and live a normal life like everyone else. I swear this is really the last

“… … .”

Irina pondered for a moment what she could say to him, who seemed to be living without a tomorrow.

Even if you tell him to stop living the normal life he wanted so much on land, he'll be on the boat again
next time anyway.

We met on the ship anyway.

If so, let's say the most just and sailor-like greeting.

“Thank you for taking me home. I was happy to be on the same boat. Thank you so much for sailing
with me.”

When Irina held out her hand and bravely asked for a handshake, he bit her dark blue lips and held
Irina's hand while shaking her hand. The sailors looked at it with smirk and laughter.

Disembarkation was swift. Irina took the lead, followed by Ilenoa, the people of Schuberg, and Nick.
When they all set foot on land, the sailors pulled up the anchor.

Three large merchant ships sway, and the calm sea is rumbling. Everyone watched as they made their
way into the vast sea.

When someone on the boat raised a hand toward Kisen, Irina also waved a big hand.

And Illenoa watched as Irina, who had no religious faith, put her hands together. Her earnest mouth
shape, moving her lips small, repeats over and over again.

- When the raging sea threatens your voyage, be the bow of God. May the wind, the currents, the moon
and the stars always be on your side.

After making a small prayer, Irina raised her head and looked at the ship going away. Her golden eyes,
constantly longing for something, fluttered like the sea.

“What are you really going to do?”

Early in the morning, Nick was at the Earl's house.

Irina, who was sitting on the sofa in a relaxed posture, had a worried face. She looked serious, but
Ilenoa, who was leaning against the wall, was expressionless today.

Nick scratched his head.

“You can barely speak Imphenon?”

“Idiot, that’s just in the harbor. There are far more people in Kissen who do not speak the Imphenon

“Isn’t it enough to learn? You are there again.”

Irina made a face of eating astringent food.

“Should I sit with your interpreter?”

“Ah, then what to do! The Archduke told me to come and work with you. I want to learn a lot from

“… … Did the Grand Duchess say such a thing?”

As Irina, who had never heard of it, made a suspicious face, Nick scratched his head.

“Yeah, I can’t do anything better than you.”

"Well. That's honestly true a hundred times a thousand times. The Archduke only said the right things.”

When Irina positively affirmed, Nick was a little furious. But when Nick gets excited, Irina doesn't lose.
What, why? responded more aggressively.

It was said as a joke, but Irina read the Grand Duke's thoughts.

The Grand Duke is basically a person who values humanity. There were times when he scolded Nick
harshly, but his true heart was caring for him. He wants Nick to gain various experiences and raise him
as a top executive.

As Irina was immersed in her thoughts, Nick, who was watching, whispered.
“But, why is that man doing that all the time?”

really gloomy... … . Nick muttered, and Irina grinned.

He's a bit cold.

Irina glanced at Illenoa.

As was the case last time, Ilenoa didn't change her expression no matter what she said. I just cross my
arms and look out the window, or Irina occasionally.

But she knew more about Illenoa than others. He pretends not to hear because he doesn't want to
reveal that he speaks Japanese.

why is that

Taking a deep breath, Irina turned her gaze back to Nick. and proposed.

“I’m going to let you go. If it's okay, let's do it together. I will tell you the detailed plans soon.”

“… … okay. okay."

After chatting for a bit more, as Nick left the room, Illenoa approached her as if she had been waiting.
He said, sitting at an angle next to Irina.

“You look friendly.”

“… … .”
Irina made an ambiguous expression without reacting hastily. Accepting it at face value, he was the
owner of a highly relatable narration.

Scratching her head, she turned her words around.

“But why do you pretend you can’t stand up? bewilderedly. Actually, you are better than me.”

“Is it possible?”

“What are you talking about when you get better grades than me throughout your school days? Do
you feel bad if you come and tremble in humility?”

Ilenoa smiled.

“Language is not learned that way. I learn like you.”

The Ilse language used by the sailors was also mixed with profanity, but it also contained many technical
terms between them. That's not what the academy taught me. It was purely what Irina learned by
throwing herself into their society.

“By the way, Irina.”


“Why are you talking softly? You look close to that man.”

“… … .”

“Doesn’t that guy like you?”

When Illenoa insisted on asking, Irina flinched.

“Hey, aren’t you really like that?”

She felt a little tired now, so she narrowed her brows. How the hell can you not trust people like this?

But Ilenoa shook her head and spoke calmly.

"I didn't ask what's going on. I know it's not like that. But it seems to me that he has a different heart for

It wasn't because he was suspicious of Irina that he was listening to their conversation every time. Just
because of undeniable jealousy.

I have a twisted feeling of wanting to cut off the buds and trample on them before anything even starts.

Someone who knows the time of this person I don't know. A person who has experienced the same
weather and the same sky.

Illenoa listened to their conversation and used to follow the traces of that vanished time.

When Ilenoa glanced at Irina, her expression was quite bad. It was clear that he was getting a little

He smiled and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Are you mad? This time, it was half a joke.”

Contrary to her tenacious and dark heart, the words and touch towards Irina were refreshing.

The fabrics Irina bought from the East were loaded into a warehouse located near a sewing factory in
Illenoa. On the first day that we proposed a partnership, Irina, who was rolling around in bed, said:

- You really don't want to end this business with work clothes or military uniforms. I like to be big, too,
but honestly, it's the same with you.

- I know that no matter how big my hands are, I can't get enough of your distribution.

Irina smirked.

- Hey, when you say that, the competitive spirit kicks in.

- well. I don't want to compete with you. Because I don't want to win against you.

It was kind of kind, yet arrogant. But Irina laughed.

- Yeah, so let's not compete, let's do something that both of us can do well.

Irina had an ambitious plan to expand the ready-to-wear business started by Illenoa throughout the
market. Illenoa pointed out an important problem.

- We were able to supply work clothes and military uniforms because cost reduction and unity are
important fields. Ordinary people usually have a reluctance to wear ready-to-wear.

- Sure. But if there is a sense of rejection, you just have to get rid of that rejection. I think it's enough to
make you want to buy it. Do you know what I mean?

With a face brimming with ideas, she was confident as always.

Irina opened a dressing room on Kissana Street in the capital.

For a few days, she pondered over the name. And the direction Irina pursued was completely different
from when she ran a general store.

It should be short, it should be easy to call. So it should be talked about.

In the dressing room, a sign with the word “Irina” was posted in elegant cursive writing.

Irina brought Nick and Susan as staff.

The dressing room boasted a very sophisticated interior, but compared to what she had done at Il's, the
scale was shabby. However, that shabby person eventually became the starting point for the Kissen-
based Nodiac top.

From then on, Irina repeated several attempts.

“Irina, why are you wearing such a short dress?”

Illenoa mentioned a part she had been concerned about before.

The two were walking down the streets of Kisana together. Illenoa was a person whose job was to look
around the upper-owned stores, and for Irina, the reason was that she wanted to do market research.

To Ilenoa's question, Irina answered sternly.

“This is Il’s fad.”

The design of the clothes was somewhat unfamiliar to Kisen. Although it was short, the opening was also
quite deep.

As she walked silently, she glanced at Ilenoa and asked. I didn't trust his aesthetics, I was just curious.

“Why do you look so uncomfortable?”

He didn't think he was the type of man who puts his head on a lady's attire, but when everyone on the
street looked at Irina, it got a little uncomfortable.

But he quietly shook his head.

“Hmm, Kissen’s fashion has hardly developed. It's still conservative."

The clothes of the Ils people are far more liberal than that of the Kissen people. The climate had a big
impact. Because it is much hotter.

However, Kissen also had thin chemise dresses in fashion even in the middle of winter, so a lot of people
didn't get pneumonia.

Irina added.

“Even if it bothers you, be patient, I don’t really like revealing clothes either. As I get older, my tastes
become more and more sophisticated.”

“But why… … .”

“I’m just experimenting with this and that. I want to see the possibilities. Like Ils, this style is
fashionable, so how much does it cost tall women to buy just one?”
“… … .”

“Kissen has a worse trading position than Ils, but domestic demand is a much bigger market.”

The public thinks they are making fashion. In fact, there is such a case.

However, the opposite case also exists.

A particular color became fashionable that year because a merchant brought in a large quantity of fabric
of that color at an affordable price.

A merchant can create a new business by creating a new fashion and attracting people.

“Illenoa, if people feel distant from ready-to-wear, just make them want to buy it. It has to be
irreplaceable. A little cheaper is not enough. There are weaknesses in terms of dimensions and quality.
In this situation, if we follow the existing fashion as it is, will we be nothing more than latecomers?”

If Illenoa was a believer in mechanical civilization, Irina was the possessor of humanistic sensibility. And
he correctly understood Irina's hidden intentions.

A unique design that traditional dressing rooms do not try. It was that they had to lead a new fashion
that they had no choice but to follow.

Illenoa is equipped with facilities that can rapidly mass-supply, so by the time the fashion swept the
streets, it must have already dominated the market.

“… … .”

As always, it was a unique and creative idea. But Illenoa looked at Irina with a curious expression.
She didn't wear any clothes anymore. I was thinking of everything related to money and business. That's
when Illenoa finally realized. Irina had become a much more serious handicap than expected.

Irina hired two designers for her wardrobe. Although she had an aesthetic sense, she was not a
professional design student.

However, the process of creating a new fashion was not as easy as Irina thought.

Irina certainly stood out. When she dresses up and walks out on the streets, people will look at her at
least once.

However, sales of commercial products printed at a sewing factory in Illenoa were disastrous.

Irina muttered with a heartbroken face.

“I don’t think I’m a vessel worthy of a new fashion.”

“Please. She’s just a beauty that other people don’t even dare to imitate.”

Frustrated with the result, Irina blushed at his words.

"you… … To be honest, I'm a little shy."

"Is that so? It’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

In fact, it was only natural that their attempts were not easily accepted.
To lead a trend, you had to have that kind of influence. In the past, parties held by the royal family or
feudal aristocrats played such a role, but the aristocratic society had long since collapsed. The title was
no longer an honorary post.

Faced with difficulties, Irina opened another menswear store. It was to sell shirts. Men's clothes were
easier to standardize compared to women's clothes, just as workers' full-fledged work clothes were not
significantly affected by size.

In the process, Irina continued to use Ilenoa as her own mannequin. It might be annoying, but Illenoa
responded every night without showing any distaste.

Yes, got it.

He didn't like anyone rubbing his body, but he always responded kindly to Irina.

Even late at night, when Hans brought refreshments for the bustling The lord and Irina, Irina was looking
up and down as if praising Illenoa.

“You don’t just look black or white, you look good with this sky blue. But honestly, there are not many
men in Kissen who are as good at this kind of color as you.”

Not that it wasn't, but the light blue shirt on the butler's eyes went well with The lord's white, fine face.

But Illenoa lowered her eyes without answering anything.

In fact, Irina subtly enjoyed Illenoa's reaction like that. It's embarrassing, but it's because he seemed like
someone who didn't know how to express it.

Irina smiled and picked up a cookie that Hans had brought and chewed it.

He even gave a sneak peek to Ilenoa, but he shook his head quietly. He said he would enjoy gourmet
food, but he didn't seem to like snacks at all.
Illenoa, who had two shirt buttons unbuttoned, came to sit next to Irina. He took a sip of the tea the
butler had brought, put it down, and fixed his posture at an angle.

Irina, staring at her drowsy figure, asked something she had been curious about for a long time.

“But why do you only wear the same color?”

As Illenoa glanced at her, she stammered.

“They wear only white and black shirts, and all their coats are black.”

To be honest, Illinoa and I got along well, but in the eyes of Irina, who has a great sense of color, every
day was just a funeral.

Besides, the only accessory he had on his body was a pocket watch. It was a plain appearance that
strongly insisted that it was not for fancy purposes, but only to check the time.

He doesn't know that this dryness is making him even more difficult to reach.

She lamented that she grew up watching Marquis Nodiak, who was a unique fashionista from a young

How do you use that face like that?

Illenoa calmly answered Irina, who was very sorry.

“It’s just that I don’t like to show my feelings.”

"what do you mean?"

“On days when you are in a good mood, don’t you dress more brightly than usual?”

Irina was momentarily at a loss for words. Observing himself so far was tenacity and tenacity, but his
eyesight was far greater than I had expected.

He added in a calm tone.

“I don’t like anyone guessing how I feel like that.”

Irina later realized why Illenoa turned her head every time she smiled because she was genuinely happy.

After a brief moment of absurdity, she suddenly became frustrated.

Why? How about showing it off, huh? If you guess a little bit, what is it?

Those words rose to the tip of her throat, but Irina swallowed it well.

If that figure was a mask he made up, she didn't have the right to ask her to take it off. It was only pitiful
that the mask was a way of survival that he had created as a child.

Countless scars engraved on his body. traces of misfortune.

The people who treated him that way hated him, and he regrets not being able to strengthen him a little
more during his time at the academy.

Illinoa asked as Irina had a gloomy face.

“Did I offend you again?”

"no. It’s not like that.”

“Your emotions are reflected in your facial expressions. Relax.”

“… … .”

“I don’t want to offend you, but I can’t.”

I want to build a better relationship with you. I don't want to bother you anymore, and now I want to
convey only positive emotions. So to you... … I want to tell you about love.

Illenoa habitually reached out to Irina's hair. It was to braid my hair.

It was just part of her hobby, but to Irina, it felt like she wanted to relax her mind.

“I, braid only the side hair and tie it.”

“Yes, I will.”

As Illenoa nodded with a serious face, Irina burst into a cheerful smile.

At the earl's house, the headmaster braids the guest's hair, and the guest of the housekeeper changes
her clothes from time to time.

It seemed to the servants that they were just playing dolls with each other. I mean, it was cute, but
honestly, it was also funny.

Why the hell are these nobles doing that?

But they all looked at each other at an angle and often pretended to be ignorant.
The smell of people lingering in the earl's house for a long time is refreshing their breath, so it was
something to just be grateful for.

Irina, who had been silently receiving Illenoa's touch for a while, fell into thoughts more and more. She
said as if muttering to herself.

“How can we get people to wear our clothes?”

It was a concern that dominates Irina's daily life these days. Affordable shirts were quite in demand, but
Irina wanted to do more than that.


Illenoa didn't have a solution either, so she gathered Irina's hair together and gave an unclear answer.

And at that moment, an interesting thought popped into Irina's mind.

Illenoa, who was looking at the finished hairstyle with satisfaction, stopped when Irina turned her head.
Her eyes were shining again and again.

“Illenoaya, what is the most popular opera or play in Kissen these days?”

“… … Sorry. I am not very interested in art.”

While answering calmly, he observed Irina's expression closely. He looked a little excited and seemed to
be thinking about something else.

Irina made a sudden offer.

“Hmm, would you like to go to a concert with us?”

“… … .”

Illenoa was momentarily speechless.

Of course, he knew very well that this was not such a date request. Her only interest these days is

But even if that were the case, there was no way Illenoa could refuse. He nodded immediately.

"Yes. I'll take a look."

From then on, the tour of the concert halls of the two began.

Illenoa and Irina were both people whose work was judged above the average. Irina was very artistically
sensitive and had a deep knowledge of literature. On the other hand, Illenoa was a cold-hearted person,
so she was not impressed or moved by the subject matter of the work.

Although their tastes and causes were clearly different, what they had in common was that they
received a high level of education and had a rather picky eye for art.

Illenoa initially sought tickets for classical plays popular with the upper classes and intellectuals. It was a
work loved by critics.

And one day after watching several kinds of plays, Irina shouted solemnly in the middle of the street.

- Why classics are classics! Illenoa, do you know!


In front of Illenoa, who was speechless, Irina continued her speech in a theatrical style.

- Because it contains immortal values that transcend generations! But we must not forget the other side
of the word! Can you guess what it is? That's right... … It means obvious and boring.

Ilenoa agreed with her. It's because it's much funnier than the plays they've seen.

I thought it would be better to have Irina do a one-man play since paying money to see a performance
like this. It will definitely be a big hit.

And from then on, Irina began to ask for tickets herself. It was because he thought he was more
sensitive to this than Illenoa.

She wanted to see an easy and popular performance. Performance venues were not limited to the
capital. A performance that is popular with a wider audience and has ripple effect by touring as many
regions as possible.

So, the performance she chose this time was an opera called "The Ordinary Life of Sandra Meyer".

There was no particular reason for choosing the show. Just because I heard Susan said that it's popular
these days.

The moment she heard word of mouth spreading, especially among commoners and young women,
Irina went out without hesitation and asked for two tickets. I was planning to watch it with Ilenoa.

Schuberg Sangju used to spend most of his free time reading newspapers and academic journals.
In fact, unless you are a scholar, it was rare to read such a journal. It was the same with other merchants
who said they hang out in Kissen.

Even scholars did not peruse all papers that were not in their field.

However, he has continued to pursue his few hobbies since he rose to the top position, and he has not
spared support and investment in the fields he is paying attention to.

As a result, he has a weapon that other competitors do not have. It was a link with young inventors.

Goods are bought from merchants through trade. But the source of knowledge and skills is ultimately
derived from scientists.

If the technology could be imported from Impenon, would the process be a little easier?

However, Impenon was once again carrying out strong protection trade under the monarchy, and the
cotton industry was now an industry that became the mainstay of Impenon. The king was obviously not
going to let it go.

“How are you?”

"Well. This looks really cool, Illenoa.”

Irina and Illenoa had been at the site demonstrating the weaving machine since early morning. It seems
that the person who looked into Sang-ju's eyes with the above-mentioned face was the person who
made this machine.

On the other hand, Illenoa, who heard Irina's answer, grinned as if it was interesting.

"Is that so. You are saying something completely different from your expression.”
Irina's reaction was completely different from when she first saw the sewing machine. It was the face
that he did not want to know the details of how this machine works. At first glance, it seemed

She sighed heavily.

“You are doing it.”

“Yes, but technically it is still too early to put it into practice. We need to improve a little bit more.”

Looking at Irina, who seemed tired of something, Illenoa smiled and nodded her head to leave.

“Shall we go?”

But Irina hesitated, not knowing why. Illenoa's reaction was not as good as expected, so the inventor
with a sullen face was concerned.

In the end, Irina approached him on behalf of the inhumane Illenoa.

“You’ve been through a lot. I look forward to a lot in the future.”

The people at the top looked at it with smiles. Everyone had to admit that working with Sangju Sangju
was less difficult because Irina was there.

Meanwhile, Illenoa, who had been staring at Irina's sheep, asked when she came back.

“Are you all done?”

Irina pursed her lips a little. Because his intentions were guessed.
You're probably thinking it's just kindness.

“Yeah, you cold bastard.”

He grinned at the sullen reaction.

“Then go now. to see the show.”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

Irina nodded and quickly took a step closer to him.

The two headed to the theater with several of the top people.

As she walked down the street, Irina constantly looked at people's attire. It was a pretty serious face.

The ambitious dressing room was struggling, and she had a lot of trouble these days.

Irina, who was looking around the street, glanced at Illenoa, who was walking next to her.

“… … .”

Today, as always, he is dressed in dry and monotonous clothes. But it also fits well.

Illenoa was a very nice guy. He didn't feel strong, but he had long arms and legs, giving off an elegant
atmosphere and was tall.
Above all, he had a unique face. So no matter what you wear, it will look good on you.

Irina, who looked at her for a while, let out her honest feelings.

“The mannequins are great.”

Illenoa, who had stopped, looked at her and asked quietly.

“… … Is that what you mean?”

“Yeah, to be honest, you never represent tall men.”

It was an obvious compliment. But Illenoa lowered her eyes without saying a word. It was a face that
didn't know what to say.

Irina burst out laughing at that lukewarm reaction. And I asked him something he had been curious
about for a while.

“You mean, are you shy about this?”

Irina's tone was cheerful, but after being silent for a moment, Illenoa's tone was only calm.

"well. Rather, I am not used to such words.”


Irina felt Illenoa was never a shy person. In fact, he was a man with a brazen corner.

He said that he had a lot of money and that he could do anything with a knife, but honestly, he stayed
there until he was disgusting.

However, he often tries to hide his smiling face, and he feels uncomfortable when others touch his

Irina could guess why. It was because his handsome appearance was often ridiculed for being entangled
with his origin.

Instead of making a sad face, Irina smiled a little. Because now I just wanted to share good stories with

She grabbed the edge of Ilenoa's sleeve and shook it slightly.

"know? I mean in a really, really good way. You can’t listen to me twisted again.”

Illenoa nodded her head.

"I know. If you had bad intentions, you'd just be cool and swear."

“… … Are you fighting this novelty? Are you surprised?”

As Irina shed it, Illenoa smirked. Then, unconsciously, he reached out and rubbed her cheek with the
back of his hand a couple of times. Because it was cute.

“I don’t get it wrong.”

“… … .”
“You are a person who hides bad intentions and cannot say good things.”

After that, Irina, who had been glaring at him playfully, finally smiled brightly. The man in front of him
was undeniably stern, but it was good to tell him that he would not misunderstand what he was saying.

Irina suddenly shook her shoulders and hummed, and Illenoa made a somewhat bewildered face.
Although he was originally an emotional and capricious person, he seemed to have noticeably improved
his mood.

“Irina, what makes you feel so good?”

"me? Ah… … just."


When Illenoa insisted on asking, she, who was only smiling, faltered.

“Yeah, what. I am looking forward to seeing the show.”

Irina hummed Lulu and took the lead as she walked. Illenoa, who had been staring at her back for a
moment, also moved.

The people in the upper ranks who followed looked at him with warm smiles. Although the two were
walking apart without much contact, they nevertheless seemed to get along very well.

When they arrived at the concert hall and reached the seat that Irina had guided, Ilenoa was silent for a
moment. The people at the top, who were standing by the doorway, also showed a bewildered reaction
before leaving.
Although Ilenoa didn't say much, she asked cautiously, reading his mood.

"Why? Don't you like it?"

“… … .”

In fact, even Irina knew the reason for this silence.

The best seats in theaters are usually located on the second or third floor. It was because of the deep-
rooted custom of the establishment that wanted to look down on people without mixing with the
common people.

When Illenoa came to get a ticket, they would always sit there. A place where the seats are separated
independently and you can look down on everyone.

But Irina wanted to see people's reactions up close. I also wanted to see the facial expressions and
clothes of the actors in detail. Isn't that what a really good place is?

But looking at Ilenoa's reaction, it seemed that he had acted selfishly.

He was much more demanding than himself. Moreover, upon arrival, it seemed that the seats were so
close that it was impossible to avoid rubbing with the person next to them.

Irina looked up and scratched her head.

“If you are very uncomfortable, your seat… … Would you like to change it now?”

At that, Illenoa looked around once more.

He didn't really care where he was. Growing up tougher than anyone else in the back alleys of the
capital, he barely cared about his seat. He was someone who could stand all the time if needed.

He only wanted to treat Irina well.

A courtesy that is worthy of his heart towards her.

But strangely enough, the faces of other nobles besides them were visible in the nearby seats. Illenoa
confirmed that side and shook her head without saying a word.

seated, he said.

“They said the playwright was from Imphenon. It is said that Impenon is already performing with great


“Yes, the setting of the work is the capital of Impenon.”

Irina sat down with Ilenoa and nodded her head. It was an eye opener to listen to.

In fact, the two have completely different habits of viewing works.

Unlike Irina, who wants to feel art as it is, Ilenoa did a thorough research beforehand. With a somewhat
academic and entrepreneurial side, he seemed to be able to enter only after acquiring all the
background knowledge.

Even after sitting down, Illenoa glanced at the surroundings, which seemed unclean. He immediately
turned his gaze forward, for it seemed that he would only feel reluctant to look further.

However, this shabbyness caught her heart, and Ilenoa asked Irina with utmost respect.
“If you have any discomfort, please tell me.”

"Okay, I get it. It's okay, so please take a look."


Irina, who had been sitting in peace, wondering if she had done anything wrong, glanced at Illenoa.

"However… … hey man I didn't mean to say such rude words."

“What else do you mean?”

“Did I buy this? If there is such a thing, you should tell me.”

“… … .”

“If you feel uncomfortable, don’t be patient and tell me honestly.”

As Irina made some cute noises, Illenoa laughed briefly. Yet he answered clearly.

“Yes, I will tell you if there is such a thing.”

The two looked at the stage with similar expressions. It was a face with a soft smile.

Sandra Meyer's ordinary life.

The dark red curtain was lifted, and Irina watched the play with a calm face.

It was a show I chose without much thought. But as the play progressed, her face became more and
more bizarre.

It has been a long time since such musical plays were no longer reserved for the upper class. This is
because performances that were only held in royal palaces or noble residences have been open to
everyone since the theater was established.

Nevertheless, most of the protagonists in the plays so far have been nobles or knights. Occasionally,
there was a case of depicting love that transcends status.

The commoners longed for the nobility enough to buy a title that was not of much use, and the nobility
had a sense of superiority to them.

Most of the writers were upper class, and it was also nobles who supported them. It was a natural logic
of power that the narrator in the work belonged to the established elite.

However, this performance only dealt with the lives of Sandra Meyer and commoners from beginning to
end. Just by breaking that frame once, the view of society in the play was completely overturned.

monarchy and social status.

The emergence of commoners wealthier than the nobility, or the life of commoners getting poorer than

The cotton industry is changing the lives of the people of Impenon.

The world Irina once thought was falling apart and the world they saw through their eyes was different.
Although she experienced ups and downs once, Irina was still a vested class. How much can you really
empathize with this?

- Sandra, there must have been a hole in the sky. I have to go home, what is this?

- Yeah.

- It's a sign of the world's ruin.

- is it? But Maya. I'll just hit the rain for now.

Irina twisted her face and bowed her head, while Illenoa looked at her from the seat next to her.

After the actors applauded and everyone in the audience left the theater, Illenoa and Irina sat down.

When they didn't come out, the top people worried about their safety and went, but Ilenoa quietly bit

Irina, who was pensive in thought, opened her mouth immediately. Because he was very curious about
his feelings.

"how was it?"

"well. What you are trying to convey is far more radical than I thought.”

“… … .”

“It’s dangerous.”
“… … What do you think?”

The content of the performance depicts the life of a very ordinary person. But Sandra Meyer's ordinary
life was unfair and unhappy. Cunningly, it contained class contradictions and social satire.

And the newly formed working environment in Impenon was fueling people's dissatisfaction.

If Ilenoa and Irina were nobles who had lived a smooth life without any hardships, they might have felt
extremely uncomfortable with the content of the play.

However, Illenoa was a noble who had a harder childhood than most commoners, and Irina was a noble
who had grown up and suffered severe storms.

They were able to have a fairly reasonable conversation.

“I don’t think the writer is a republican ideologically.”

"Yeah. But it’s a bit embarrassing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Impenon, there was a civil war, so say so. But this is Kissen. I think I looked down on Kissen so much
that things like this were trendy.”

In fact, Irina felt a certain omen. It was the same with Ilenoa.

Waves, inflection points, upheavals are coming. Slower than Irina thought, faster than Ilenoa thought.

The two exchanged glances that only each other could understand.
Suddenly, Irina was a little worried and asked.

“Can you really afford this?”

When she asked, Illenoa now turned her body to her side and sat down. This conversation looked

Irina sighed heavily.

“It’s the textile industry. Do you even think about it when you see it?”

If that was the case, it was not strange for the Imphenon to riot at any time or with any content.

Irina's world was turned upside down once, long ago.

While the representatives of power in the old age were the royal family and feudal aristocrats, the rulers
in the new age were capitalists. We will continue to move forward in that direction.

And she had thought that it was none other than the merchants who made up the main axis of the

Probably everyone thought so. But that was too simplistic.

The world was preparing to turn upside down once more. The true future power lies with the capitalist
who owns the machine.

Seeing Irina looking at her worriedly, Illenoa made a strange face.

“Did you think of that when you saw that?”

“… … So what were you thinking?”

“I had the idea to build a steamer as soon as possible. The cotton industry has developed to that
extent, and if we don’t hurry, the steamer will start at Impenon first.”

“… … .”

“Anything is the first thing that matters. We are already behind in so many ways.”

Irina was momentarily at a loss for words. Apparently they saw the same performance, but their
impressions were very different from those of you.

You know, I was a little sad to see that. Actually I almost cried

However, even looking at Irina with a tired face, Illenoa only calmed down.

“Why do you look like that?”

“… … To be honest, sometimes I'm afraid of you."

"Is that so. That's similar to me. I am also afraid of you sometimes.”

Even though Illenoa joked about it, Irina's expression was not easily resolved. With a complicated face,
she only sighed.

Irina was just worried about Illenoa.

They were always a lonely minority, and they did not hesitate to try new things. But the attempt was
much more rejected than welcomed.
Irina was deeply concerned that he might be offended in the chaotic world to come.

Illenoa looked down at her complicated face, and slowly brushed her wavy hair up. With a gentle touch,
Irina's yellow eyes turned towards him.

He had something to say to her at this moment.

“Irina, in fact, I knew that the Republicans would be defeated in the Civil War of Impenon.”

Irina's eyes fluttered at his words.

“The difference in power cannot be easily overcome. At that time, the top was all against my decision.”

“… … .”

“But do you know why I dealt with them?”

As Irina shook her head silently, Illenoa smiled faintly.

“Because I couldn’t refute your statement that it was the flow of the times.”

“… … .”

“There is a future that is coming, regardless of our will. I think that's unavoidable. So, as always, be
prepared and prepared. I have to win.”

“… … .”
“I know what your concerns are. But Irina, we cannot go the other way. Didn't Sandra Meier even say
it? Without avoiding the rain, I will try to hit it first.”

Irina couldn't take her eyes off his faintly smiling face. His voice, which contained subtle convictions, also
continued to ring in his ears.

That's weird. There are still times when I still feel cold as a human being. But Irina now knew better than
anyone that that was not all of him. It wasn't just a business story.

When he shares his deep feelings like this, he realizes that his thinking is actually very right and normal.

Ilenoa's words left a deep impression on Irina.

After that, the silence continued, as Irina had been thinking for a long time.

Illenoa was a busy man, but he didn't rush and left her alone. I could only appreciate Irina's serious

It was thanks to Illenoa's words that the old silence was broken.

“By the way, Irina. It’s just the two of us here.”

Confused by those words, she looked around. Uh, go ahead, Irina scratched her head.

“I am very excited.”

“… … .”

Irina instantly froze.

As she looked around more fiercely than before, her face turned red and blue, and she slapped Illenoa's
thigh. I was just asking you to calm down.

It was tickling because there was no energy applied, but Ilenoa said as if teasing him.

“Now that you don’t hit me.”

“Hey, where did you see this hit me!”

However, Irina gently caressed his thigh as if she was concerned even after expressing her anger.

She muttered softly, as if indifferent.

“You didn’t hurt.”

But Irina didn't seem to know that the touch made him even more bizarre.

He tucked Irina's flowing hair behind her ear and touched her slender chin. Every touch was obscene.

“Can’t we just kiss?”

“… … go home.”

After much deliberation, the rejection that flowed out, he fell cleanly. But, with his chin resting on the
backrest, he stared at her and spit out.

“Irina seems to be surprisingly conservative from time to time.”

“Conservative? I?"
Irina asked with her chin on her chest, looking very embarrassed.

“Aren’t you too impure in your thoughts?”

“I never said no.”

That said, it is true that I am also impure, but you are also conservative.

Irina smiled as if she had lost heart, then put up with the embarrassment and explained it.

"You're the first in my life that anyone said I was conservative. Illenoa, when people see this place, they
say it's a public place. So, it is correct to say that my actions are not conservative, but cultured.”

It was a straight word. But Ilenoa made a face that it was the first time she had ever heard of such a

“You mean culture? Have you ever heard such evaluations?”

When Irina couldn't hold back and clenched her fist, he quickly grabbed Irina's wrist. And with the other
hand, he half-covered his face. It was to hold back the laughter.

Today, the dressing room was quiet all day.

After leaving the employees home early, Irina was tying her hair alone. In front of her was a pile of paper
and clothes, which she thought were improved by a professional designer.

Irina looked at the paper with a serious face and remembered what Illenoa had said a few days ago.
- Because I couldn't refute your statement that it was the flow of the times.

'Maybe I'm going in the wrong direction right now?'

Irina began to draw something on the paper. The clothes that were popular when the aristocratic social
circle was active, and the clothes that were popular in Kisen recently.

Dresses that had a rich hem and a tight waist became flat. The seam of the waist rises upwards, making
it easier to breathe.

Pants that women used to wear when riding horses in the past are no longer boring on the streets.
Because there are more women working.

Then, the clothes in the future should be more monotonous and comfortable, rather than aesthetic and

“… … .”

Irina glanced at the clothes she was trying to sell.

She finally realized that she had been trying too hard. This design did not match the significance of
introducing a sewing facility.

She was an aristocrat who grew up more gorgeously than anyone else, and her aesthetic sense was also
unique, but now was not the time to show off her senses. It was time to understand people.

Be practical, be active.

Yes, Irina. Let's read the direction the times are going and get on the waves.
With a face full of enthusiasm, Irina began to draw a simple dress on paper.

“Hmm, I still can't give up some lines. Can't you wear a sack? I bet everyone will agree on this.”

Irina, who was muttering, looked out the window when it was getting dark outside. Irina furrowed her
brows, worried about the shadows flickering from before.

“What, why do you keep coming and going? … … Are you a robber?”

Now that lockdown has become a habit, the door to the store has been locked before, but Irina sneaks
around and starts looking for something that could be used as a weapon. It was because I had well
remembered Illenoa's words that opening the door was nothing.

And finally, she picked up a long iron stick and her eyes lit up.

just come in I'm going to have to smack you with this.

As soon as Irina, who had killed the footsteps, approached the door, she heard a very polite voice,
contrary to her expectations.

“Lady, this is Hans.”

Irina, who had bloody eyes, was confused, eh? made a sound

She hurriedly opened the door.

“… … Butler, what are you doing here?”

“I came to pick you up because you don’t seem to be coming back too late. The road at night is
"Oh really? thank you so much."

Impressed by her kind words, Irina politely put her hands together. Only then did Hans realize that Irina
was holding something in her hand, and Hans shuddered and stepped back.

“Why are you holding such a thing?!”

"Yes? Ah, this one. Well. Well, just… … .”

Irina secretly hid her weapon behind her back and smiled awkwardly. Looking at the butler's pale
complexion, he looked like a robber.

Returning to the count, Irina started looking for Ilenoa.

It was late, but he was also rummaging through the journals in his library. It was to find someone who
could do the job of powering the boat.

“Are you coming now?”

As Irina boldly walked in, Illenoa smiled. She said, "Come on?" and sat down on the sofa in a relaxed
posture, just like at home.

She said to Ilenoa, who was looking at her with a cute look even like that.

“Yes. Don't let the butler do that, Ilenoa."

At that, Illenoa smiled.

Normally, he would have said that he paid for it and hired him, but he kept his mouth shut. The two
often quarreled over similar issues. And Irina also took a different approach this time.

“You’re not the kind of person who does such trifles. It must be very busy to manage such a large
mansion. send someone else No, I just get in early, huh?”

But Ilenoa also had a prepared word.

“I never did. He said he would go on his own.”

“… … okay?"

Illenoa nodded her head.

“Yes, I think I like you very much.”

It was a gentle tone, but Irina had a stern face. Because he knew very well that he was obsessed with
strange things.

Even now, Illenoa trips over Nick from time to time and asks if there was any guy in Il's who liked you in
passing. Each time, the servants hired by the Count's house looked anxious, fearing that Irina would
blow frankly.

And since Irina wasn't there, I just honestly said that there really wasn't.

Irina wasn't really funny. It seemed that he knew what kind of demonic woman he was. Because of her
strong personality, she was closer to the object of avoidance than the object of affection for men.

you idiot. I like you and my character. you are actually… … i love you it's not like that?
Swallowing the question that still could not come out of her mouth, Irina shook her head.

"He's talking weird again. What else do you like? I thought there was a robber and almost beat me.”

At those words, Illenoa frowned slightly.

“Don't be alone in the store. It’s dangerous.”

“Yes, I see.”

Answering dryly, Irina got up from the sofa. I thought I was going to sleep, but she hummed and walked
towards Illenoa.

She clicked her tongue as she looked at the journals laid out in an orderly manner on the desk. How is he
holding on to something he hates to see like this every day?

“Sleep early, don’t you sleep?”

"Yes. In fact, not much.”

At the inhuman reply, she shuddered.

In fact, she knew well that Illenoa didn't sleep. Because they shared the same bed very often. Moreover,
the degree of his sensitivity was unspeakably serious.

“You get a headache every time because you don’t sleep well.”

I don't know if it's related, but Irina cried and looked at it. She knew Illenoa would often press on her
"Hmm," she said with her arms crossed quite seriously, then suddenly went behind Illenoa's back. Then
he began to squeeze his temples, just like Illenoa does.

He was somehow speechless. Looking at him, he had no expression on his face, but he seemed a little
embarrassed. It's just Irina's feeling.

“Are you cool?”

As he quietly nodded, Irina let out a clear laugh.


Illenoa and Irina were at the same theater as last time. The performance we wanted to see was also the
same as last time.

Unlike Irina, who reads the book she likes over and over, Illenoa does not have a hobby of reading the
same book twice. But when Irina asked me to go with her, I followed her without a sound.

This time Irina, thinking of Illenoa and finding the best seat, had a very triumphant face.

“How is your seat?”

Illenoa smiled at the face that she wanted to die because she wanted to be embarrassed. Nodding his
head in a positive way, he asked what he had been very concerned about before.

“Why are you holding flowers?”

“Ah, this. Well, a secret.”

“It looks good when you are holding it.”

“… … .”

“It means pretty.”

It sounded unfamiliar, but to them, it was a conversation entangled with memories.

At that time, Irina thought that her life had become a bit unhappy. But after thinking about it, it wasn't
just that. Because that day remains a very good memory for Irina.

Irina, recalling the past, said belatedly as Ilenoa was staring at her.

“Uh, um. It’s not mine.”

“It would be.”

“Sorry, not yours.”

“I know. Because you're not romantic enough to give me flowers."

“What, why are you saying something strange?”

Irina glanced at him, but if Ilenoa wants to hit him, just hit him coolly, as he said with a sullen face.

Seeing that expression on her face, Illenoa secretly smiled.

The performance was much more crowded than the last time.
But Irina knew. This performance will attract more audiences in the future. This is because it is a true
popular art that has broken the frame of classical literature.

The characters and plot were overly realistic and reflected the spirit of the times. And when reality is
tough, people tend to find a voice that can represent them.

Many people here were proof of that. People sympathize with Sandra Meyer's life.

And this performance gave Irina a direction as well.

After the show ended and before the applause was gone, she jumped up from her seat, and Illenoa
followed her to her feet. But Irina then brought up a story that Ilenoa had never expected.

“Illenoa, let’s go to those people.”

“… … Do you want to meet actors?”

"Huh. If you can't get in, I'll borrow some of your fame."

"Yes. Well, use it comfortably.”

However, contrary to Irina's expectations, there were no people blocking their entry. However, the
actors were very wary. It was because Ilenoa and Irina were accompanied by the upper ranks.

They only wore the top badge, but their main purpose was to escort, and they had a unique aura. The
actors seemed to feel that way too.

"What's going on?"

"Hello. My name is Irina Nodiac. There are two dressing rooms in the capital. Oh, and here, this guy
Schuberg, please.”
When doing this and that bastard, the people on the top who were standing behind suddenly burst into
laughter at the abomination that raised the top pole.

“I’m sorry for being rude to you. I just want to say that I really enjoyed the performance. In fact, I saw
it for the second time today.”

People's faces softened a little at the sincere praise. Because for them, this was business.

Illenoa, who was watching, also smirked. I don't know if she knows, but Irina has a talent for melting
people's hearts like that sometimes.

“I couldn’t prepare a present because I was in a hurry. I will give you this as a representative.”

Irina put a bouquet of flowers in the arms of the actress who played the role of Sandra Meyer. Then,
smiling brightly was not a bad reaction.

Irina didn't stop there. He started talking to several people and expressing his appreciation for the work.

She was a lover of poetry and art, and had a high level of understanding of her work that anyone could

The actors now thought of Irina as just a rich young man who loved art.

However, Irina, who was showing affinity, suddenly cleared her voice by coughing. Because now it was
my turn to speak.

“You’re not going to finish this performance in the capital, are you?”

Then people's faces became somewhat serious.

Of course, they didn't plan to end it in the capital either. Only a few practical problems remained.

Irina nodded as if she knew.

“The Nodiac family will do everything in their power to support this performance.”

She added with a confident face.

“Instead, when you perform in the future, please wear only my clothes from the dressing room. I'm
good. You will have no regrets.”

There was silence inside the room. Not only the actors, but even Ilenoa stared at Irina.

As I walked down the street, Illenoa was thoughtful.

He could guess Irina's intentions. Although the environment he grew up in was unique, it was because
he was also a person with experience in aristocratic social circles.

It was impossible for nobles or royal families to suddenly wear ready-made clothes. Besides, they are no
longer trending like they used to.

While looking for a person who could influence the market, Irina turned her gaze to the other side.

And he thought Irina had set up her clientele quite wisely.

Purchasing power cannot be accurately calculated. But anyway, the number of commoners was
overwhelming, and the clothes made by Ilenoa and Irina were cheap.
he asked in a stern tone.

“How did you go to the academy?”

What about Irina? smiling face.

“What else do you mean?”

“You must have felt that the things you learned there were worthwhile.”

Illenoa beautifully wrapped the sound of you being a bit weird.

Irina giggled and shook her head.

“No, it wasn’t. Actually, I really enjoyed it.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, it sounds like a blessing to you, but I grew up really pretty. Well, most of the nobles in those
days did.”

After speaking, Irina glanced at her, feeling a little sorry for her. Illenoa nodded calmly. It meant to keep

“My mom used to worry a lot. I was thinking of getting a good tutor for the academy. But that's it. If I
were at home, honestly, would I have been able to learn something like swordsmanship? He grew up
without even getting a drop of water on his hand. Not only my mom but also my dad ripped it off... …
When I was younger, I was far more selfish than I am now, and I was a little chubby.”

As Illenoa affirmed with a silent smile, Irina pouted her lips. But in the end, he laughed as he couldn't
deny the words he had said out of his mouth.
“It’s just that my mom and dad lost because I couldn’t be stubborn.”

“No, they understand you and allow you.”

“… … Yes, right, right.”

Irina nodded her head several times in agreement with his words. And she suddenly felt a distant
longing for her.

She said with her eyes twinkling like a morning star.

“Everything I experienced at the academy was new. So it was always fun.”

Ilenoa smirked.

“You seem to really enjoy everything.”

It was generally like that. Maybe it's because of Irina's nature.

Illenoa gently brushed her hair up, and she stared at her.

Actually, there are some things I want to ask you.

Did you have any fun back then? Have you ever had a moment like that?

But asking such a question would be disrespectful for his fierce life.
Irina stretched out her hand without saying a word. Then he stroked his hair as he was doing it to

“… … .”

She took a sudden step. Strangely, it was heartbreaking.

I wanted to give him a gentle hug, but Irina changed the topic as if nothing had happened.

“Illenoa, there are newspapers you read.”


Illenoa didn't even read a single newspaper in the midst of her busy schedule. He was not an ordinary
person in many ways.

“Can I know the location of that newspaper?”

“It’s not difficult, but… … May I ask why?”

“Ah, because of the performance.”

Irina was supposed to go to a newspaper and ask them to post an article promoting the performance.

I don't know if such a request is common, but it's probably possible. Because there is nothing that Kisen
can't do with money.

Irina added more for Illenoa, who tilted her head slightly in doubt.
“I wanted to do some publicity. If you're going to push it, you have to push it right. I'm a big girl Do you

“Yes, I know very well.”

Illenoa sighed and laughed. Touching the corner of his mouth, he hesitated a little, then let out an
honest impression.

“You look very much like your father.”

The words that flowed out of his mouth also made Irina burst into laughter. It's a word I've been hearing
since I was a kid.

Her father was also a man with enormous hands. So, even when Irina's family collapsed, it had to be
destroyed more than others. But she never had any resentment.

What he had enjoyed in the past did not come from his own strength.

Irina scratched her head.

“Why are you here, really? I miss you because I keep talking about the past. I'll have to visit my mom
and dad sometime soon. It's been a while since I've been to Kissen, but I haven't been there."

“Are you very busy?”

Illenoa comforted her, but Irina shook her head.

“I am a terrible illegitimate child. A ruthless bitch like me should be condemned.”

He was pretending to be solemn, but obviously it was a joke. Because I remember hearing the same
thing. Anyway, the serious thing was that he couldn't stand it for long.
Ilenoa said with a smile.

“It is not. It's only for people like me, not for you. Your father was always proud of you.”

“… … .”

Irina doesn't know what happened to the former Earl's couple. It may be that he, not his half-brother,
could have succeeded to the count.

Because there was no way Illenoa could come forward and talk, and it wasn't even a topic worth asking

It seemed that the people at the top were also shivering. However, judging from his personality, it
certainly didn't seem like a beautiful ending.

Irina was a person who did not like negative emotions such as revenge. But that didn't mean I wanted to
criticize him in the slightest.

If anyone calls him cold-blooded or says he has sinned against the family, it feels somewhat unfair. At
some point, Irina could not accept such a thing, so she stubbornly shook her head.

“You are not like that, Illenoa. That's what those people... … bad."

Irina's words were very childish, probably because it was difficult to use the vulgar language she used to
use at her biological father.

But Ilenoa turned her head. Because I can't hold back the laughter that keeps coming out.

“… … .”
And now she could feel it clearly. His expression is much softer than before. His face, which seemed to
be wearing a cold mask, now sometimes shows even human emotions.

Her heart was pounding again, and Irina looked down at her beautiful face.

Do you know what kind of expression you are making now?

“Would you like to go together with Kim?”

“… … Huh?"

When Irina asked a question, Illenoa answered.

“Where your parents are. I should have brought you here often, but I couldn't understand your heart.”

"no… … aren't you busy? Hmm. I guess I'm taking too much of your time these days."

“Please. It is just an honor to be able to dedicate my time to you.”

Irina, who was looking at the white hand held out in front of her, held it tightly. I thought that if he
reached out his hand, he would hold it anytime.


Irina published several articles guiding the performance. After the clothes were completed, a portrait of
the actor wearing the clothes was also included.

There were times when I wore the same clothes to work, and I gave several presents to the people who
worked at the Count's house.
However, her one-piece dress was initially ridiculed by other dressing rooms and upper classes. It was
monotonous and comfortable, but there was no aesthetic corner enough to satisfy them.

Irina pouted her heart out.

huh. I didn't make it for you to wear it, am I? Yes, laugh to your heart's content.

Let's see who's right until the end.

However, Irina engraved the industry's evaluation quite a bit. It was decided to make a hat that could be
a point together.

However, the hat she made was also different from the existing stiff hats. Whereas the old hat was used
for stylish wear with a wide brim, Irina made a soft cloth bonnet.

Wearing a bonnet that covers the entire head and tying a ribbon under the chin could create a pretty
cute atmosphere, but she had another purpose.

“There are some people who can’t afford to have their hair trimmed. It’s easy to wash and how nice.”

She hoped that this hat would not only be decorative, but also provide convenience to people. So in the
end it's all about understanding people.

Irina believed in her own business philosophy.

The response came more slowly than expected.

But for merchants, there is no clear indicator like sales. Her dressing room, which had no apparent sales
other than men's shirts, finally sold women's wear as well.
Irina and the store's staff now felt the possibility.

“Boss, it was sold today! Many more today!”

“Irina, you are the best.”

Susan, who had been dubious after selling two dresses yesterday, burst into tears, and Nick clapped

“What, I sold yesterday, so why is everyone reacting like this? Susan, are you crying?”

Irina smiled broadly, but the reaction was much more blunt than expected. Because I thought it was just
the beginning.

But she couldn't help but be happy, so Irina boldly decided to leave work early.

“Let’s stop closing the shop today. You should drink a glass of wine on a day like this. Nick, I'll just ask
you to finish."

"uh? pub shop? Then go with me. I will do it soon.”

Nick, who was now able to use basic conversational skills, made an offer, but Irina waved her hand. It
was a black face.

“If you drink just one cup, your face will turn red.”

“… … Then why don't we drink together?"

“Okay, ma’am. I don't drink with people who don't drink. It’s just torture for each other.”
Irina, who said that the water we play in is different, whistled and left the store door. After a long time, I
was thinking of going to 'On a Stormy Night' and saying hello to the owner.

People drinking in the pub glanced at Irina. As always, it was because of his striking appearance.

But there are other reasons as well. Without realizing it, Irina was becoming more and more famous.

The pub was mainly visited by sailors and nearby merchants. Among the sailors, Irina was famous as the
lover of the Schuberg upper class.

And the merchants were particularly interested in the actions of this wealthy young man who made
every break in the market.

“Long time no see.”

“Yeah, I’m a little late, haven’t I? How you doing?"

Even before ordering, the well-groomed owner placed a pint on Irina's table. It was the same as Irina
drank every time.

She was great, admired. The regulars were for this taste.

“Can I give you something to eat? Do you like puff pastry?”

“… … Do you know anything about that? Heh, but boss, I'm sorry. I'm not hungry today. I’ll just have a
little drink.”
And Irina, who was hesitating, held out what she had prepared. It was a promotional material for a show
she was sponsoring.

“Hey, can you put some of this in the store?”

Irina couldn't have just come to drink. She was such a terrifying merchant that people around her even
thought about things like that, and she has a clear sense of purpose these days.

Irina had a look of embarrassment, probably because she had no conscience, but the shopkeeper readily
accepted the paper.

He, too, was indebted to Irina. Not long ago, Irina induced sailors from Ils to come here, so it was able to
raise sales significantly.

Saying thanks to the owner, she started sipping alcohol from then on.

At first, I looked around and observed people, but there was nothing particularly interesting. Since there
was no one to talk to, Irina naturally fell into thoughts of her own.

“… … .”

A good thing happened. There are clear possibilities. But she honestly thought it was a little hard.
Because it was so difficult to break people's stereotypes.

This is only the beginning, and even the process of getting to this point was not easy.

But Irina instinctively felt that now was the time to expand her business.

After a few more performances in the capital, the troupe will tour other regions. Irina had to help with
that, and if the business went well, she would no doubt need a few more stores based in other areas.
“… … .”

The era of mass production and industrial products opens. However, Irina sometimes felt afraid of the

Now I'm not afraid of failure. It doesn't matter if someone laughs She simply couldn't foresee what kind
of consequences this would have on the world.

Same-looking clothes from a sewing factory. Watching people put on the clothes one by one, Irina felt
strangely drawn into a contradiction.

To be honest, she doesn't know if this is progress or regression. Isn't this uniformity and de-individuality
too cold? What will the world be like in the future?

After drinking a lot of alcohol, Irina returned to the count's house and found Ilenoa. He stood in the
middle of the bedroom as if he was just about to rest.

As Ilenoa stared at her, Irina flinched. Knowing that he was a creepy observer, she confessed.

“Um, I drank it because I had a good job.”

“Even if something bad happens, don’t you eat it?”

“… … .”

When there was no logic to refute, Irina put on a dark face.

“I sold a lot of clothes today.”

“Is that so? Of course I thought it would. But don't eat too much. You become addicted.”

“… … He treats me like a kid.”

Irina scratched her head.

In fact, he did not actively dissuade Irina.

Irina was usually too strong, so there were times when she was like a big brother. However, when
alcohol was added, strangely, people would become softer little by little.

After having a drink, he would open the door and run to him if he wanted to chat with Illenoa. This
expression was rude, but in Illenoa's eyes, it sometimes looked like a puppy asking to play with him.


“Yes, tell me.”

“We were in the same boat.”

Illenoa nodded her head.

“Do you know what it means to be in the same boat as you?”

“Yes, I know.”

"Nope! Say you don't know!"

“Yes, I don’t know.”

“Ugh, Guchi.”

It looked like he was going to talk about business again.

He sat down on the bed and recommended Irina to sit down as well. Irina continued to speak as she
took a seat next to her.

"I'll tell you. Getting on a boat means you can't get off until you reach your destination. So, as long as
you're on the ship, you have to work together and communicate with the person next to you. That way
you can reach your destination safely. The serious worries of the person next to you may become your
worries tomorrow.”

I had no idea what I was trying to say. As Illenoa tilted her head, Irina made her conclusions.

“Hum, so please listen to my concerns.”

“… … Would that be so verbose?”

He said it as if it was absurd, but Illenoa turned her head slightly and turned away from her. It's because
what Irina was doing was pretty funny.

At first glance, seeing him hold back his laughter, Irina continued to play pranks.

"Why why. won't you listen? Were you a traitor? Did I hit the back of the head?”

As Irina grabbed Illenoa's sleeve and shook it, he eventually turned his head back toward Irina. This time,
it was a smiling face.

“Why are you doing this, really?”

As Illenoa gently brushed her hair, Irina smiled mischievously. And soon she started pouring out what
she thought in the bar.

There was no confusion in the words, but Illenoa quickly understood. It was simply anxiety about the
future, anxiety about the world.

I don't want to take her troubles lightly. But he honestly wanted to say that he didn't have to.

Don't worry about this trashy world, and worry about yourself.

“How do you make money if you put your mind to such things? Of course, you’ve made a lot of money
so far.”

"is it."

Illenoa nodded her head.

“You are surprisingly thoughtful.”

“What, what else is that surprising? you really make me... … .”

“I didn’t say wild boar.”

“… … Do you keep crossing the line because I use my heart kindly these days?”

Irina glanced at Illenoa, but it didn't last long. Because it was funny to me too.

She muttered as she was fed up.

“It’s so strange.”

“What else do you mean?”

“There are times when you are very mean, but strangely, you don’t really hate it.”

Illenoa didn't answer, but Irina seemed to know the answer to her question.

It's because you try to forgive me even when I'm mean.

I'm a bad guy because you're a good guy, Irina.

The two did not speak for a while after that. It was late enough. Illenoa, who was about to say stop
growing up, looked at Irina with a puzzled look as she moved her hips to the side.

When she reached the desired position, she lay flat on the bed. And when Irina put her head on her lap,
he paused.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Despite the unprecedented behavior, Irina's face remained calm. Even though he drank quite a bit, the
eyes staring at him were clear and clear.

She asked, who had been looking at Illenoa for a long time.

“I can’t do this to you.”

“… … Why not?”

“You don’t like this. Someone suddenly touched your body and did that.”

After mixing her body countless times, why is she asking this? Knowing well that it can't be done.

Illenoa shook her head.

“There is nothing wrong with it. you are… … You can do anything for me.”

A gentle smile spread across Irina's face. The expression on his face was so warm that he caressed her

Irina, who had left Kissen after leaving his pleas behind, returned with her own will. Nevertheless, he
could not shake the deep-seated anxiety for a while.

I thought I never knew when I would leave again. Is it because Irina is a free person like a bird, or is it
because Illenoa is a person who is accustomed to being abandoned and neglected?

But it was only at this moment that Illenoa realized.

that she wants to come a little closer to her.

That at some point he had suffered because he wanted to give his warm heart to him.

So know that you won't even give up on yourself.

Illenoa didn't say anything and looked at Irina without a word.

Then, Irina, who wanted to put a smile on her face and be intoxicated with a sense of victory, started to
play pranks.

She rubbed her cheek against Ilenoa's thigh. You can't tickle someone who doesn't think a drop of blood
will come out even if you stab them, so try something like this.

But when Illenoa didn't respond, she rubbed her face more violently, ying, ying, ying.

In the end, Illenoa spoke in a sultry voice.

“Why are you doing this, really?”

"Why? what?"

Irina asked as if she did not understand English. The brazenness was cute, and he said while stroking
Irina's lips.

“I wouldn’t be naive enough to know that you shouldn’t do this to a man’s thigh.”

“… … .”

“I’m the type of person who tells me to do it if I want to, so I don’t think that means anything like

“… … .”

“Does Irina just want to make fun of me?”

Irina, who was stabbed in the corner, buried her face in his thigh and grinned. Gently raising her to hide
her face, he lay down next to Irina.
“I must have been very mean to you.”

He wrapped Irina's neck and slowly approached her. At the familiar action, she opened her mouth
without hesitation.

But instead of kissing, Ilenoa let out a low laugh. He said to Irina, who had a puzzled face.

“You ate a lot today. It tastes like alcohol.”

Irina was so embarrassed that she covered her mouth and turned around. Then Ilenoa laid her straight
down and grabbed her chin.

"it's okay. He drinks well.”

The kiss that began again was intense.

As many people have heard of, Irina closely resembles her father's temperament. So, considering the
trajectory of her life, Marquis Nodiac, she must have been a failure in business.

But her dressing room was a smash hit in the end.

Irina felt that the chemise dress, which originated in Imphenon, was not suitable for wearing in Kissen.
She was not a cold person, but objectively, Kisen's climate was gloomy and chilly.

Her clothes, which were warm, comfortable, and inexpensive, began to sell to commoners.
While Irina opened a few more dressing rooms in other areas, Illenoa started a trial run of a textile mill.
This is because it was judged that the performance of the weaving machine had risen to a level similar to
that of the Imphenon.

The future they both envisioned at the same time was just beginning.

And around that time, Irina was visited by Manuel Sangju.

"Long time no see."

“Yes, it is.”

Irina was greeted with a slightly vague expression on her face. It was because he was well aware that his
top was at an angle with Illenoa.

Irina was Illenoa's business partner, and this picture of Juan Manuel in her dressing room was rather

“I wanted to come when you were alone, but these days, you come home early.”

He said looking at Susan, who was glancing at the two of them. It was a mild request to leave.

Irina nodded to Susan, and she hurried out of the store with Nick. Irina, who had been looking at her
back, turned her gaze back to Manuel.

“What are you up to here?”

“I heard rumors that you are doing something interesting these days. Besides, you are doing very well.”

His tone was polite enough to remind him of Illenoa. The smile on his face was also gentle and friendly.
But Irina couldn't smile along, so she scratched her head with an awkward expression.

“Um, yes, what. I earn enough to live on.”

The conversation did not go smoothly. It was because the two did not have a close relationship with
Saddam, and Irina did not have the will to continue the conversation.

Manuel Sang-ju smiled bitterly as if he felt that way.

“It seems that you are uncomfortable with me coming here, so I will only tell you what is going on.”

"Yes… … . Guests may come. sorry."

He nodded as if it was okay. And he told Irina why he had come here.

“How about working hand in hand with me?”

“… … .”

“I cut a deal with the top of Schuberg.”

Irina looked at him blankly.

Illenoa was Irina's academy classmate and the one who paid off her debts. Above all else, it was precious
to her now.

There was no way Manuel Sang-ju was unaware of that fact. If it had been before starting a business,
she would have been irritable because of her personality, but she was careful and sparing her words.
What kind of confidence did this offer come from?

“The core of my business is the sewing machine.”

She euphemistically expressed her refusal. However, Manuel Sangju shook his head.

“You can make a sewing machine, but no one can trade with Imphenon. Count Schuberg made a grave
mistake in his relationship with the Imphenon. Aren't you going to finish what you're doing at Kisen?"

“… … .”

And this time Irina became really uncomfortable.

If the Schuberg top can't make a deal with the Imphenon, I'll make that deal. Why do I have to borrow
your power?

She had the idea of establishing a top in the long run. He also had in mind the next best thing to take
advantage of being a member of Serlioz. This is because, as Juan Manuel said, the Imphenon royal family
had a negative attitude towards the top of Schuberg.

But if I had told Illenoa's competitor of such a plan, there was no advantage, so he kept silent once


“We can treat you a lot better on our part.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear it. No matter how good money is, I want to do business while keeping my
faith in people.”

“… … You are pure.”

It usually meant a good thing, but to say that it was pure to a merchant was an insult.

This guy is really naughty.

Irina persevered and let him go with an open mind until the end.

Seeing Juan Manuel coming out, Nick rushed inside and asked Irina. He had a face full of curiosity.

“Irina, is that person Manuel Sang-Joo? What did you come here for?”

“… … It’s no big deal.”

She smirked, and soon fell into deep thought.

- I wanted to come when you were alone, but these days, you come home early.

I don't know why you care about that.

Irina remembered the black shadow that had been lingering in front of her shop not long ago. For the
first time, I thought that the person I thought was the butler may not actually be the butler.

And Irina, who returned to the count's house that day, heard the news that there was a problem in the
sewing factory. it was arson


“Illenoya, the textile mill will be fine. I don’t want to rush it, but now the fabric is running out and it’s
Illinoa answered Irina's question as she roamed around the bed.

“It should be up and running within a month.”

When delivering work clothes to the mines, they were not heavily restrained. Because the customer
base is special.

However, the clothes that Irina made fashionable were everyday clothes. After a fire broke out in a
sewing factory and one seamstress was seriously injured, she realized the seriousness of the situation.

“Who did that?”

“Aren’t they seamstresses?”

Ilenoa's conjecture was reasonable.

Machines make human life easier. However, it was also true that the convenience hurt the pride of the
artisan and threatened someone's livelihood.

Irina nodded, but it was a face that could not shake off her doubts.

Ilenoa had too many enemies. The king of this country is also holding him in check, and the other top
officials are trying to bring him down. Even he had an uncomfortable relationship with the Imphenon
royal family.

“Why do you have so many enemies?”

Illenoa, who was watching Irina sighing, spoke softly.

“You must be careful now.”

“… … .”

“People don’t usually see things going well.”

His cynical remarks cannot be denied. Irina quietly nodded her head.

But that didn't reassure him, he added.

“Don’t ask people. Then you could be seriously injured. It only works for a little bastard like Martin.”

“Yeah, kicking in the middle is much better. I learned something good from you.”

However, Ilenoa's eyes grew cold at the thoughtless talk.

“Have you ever had anything like that? What the hell were you doing in Ils?”

“… … No, I just worked hard to make money.”

“… … .”

“What are you talking about, that’s too harsh. It's sad that my sincerity seems to be questioned. It’s

Irina, unable to say that she had met a pirate, began to babble.

Instinct and intuition were sending the signal. To be honest, the moment you blow, the boat ride is over.
It can't be.
However, Ilenoa's cold face could not be relieved.

“How was that bastard? Where are you now."


Irina, who could not be honest this time too, had a very pale face. He was trying to get out of this
unfavorable situation by pretending to be pitiful.

However, Ilenoa, who knew Irina better than anyone, was not deceived.

“I asked where he was. Aren't you going to tell me?"

He had the momentum to find out where he was and do some jogging.

In the end, Irina could not stand his stinging gaze and confessed.

“I was punished. it's dead I am not like that.”

Then Ilenoa wrapped her arms around her forehead. As he began to press down on his temples as if he
had a headache, Irina noticed.

"Head hurts? Shall I press you?”

“… … .”

"Are you mad? Sorry."

She didn't even know why she had to apologize. I didn't even think there was anything wrong with it.
But I didn't want to hurt Illenoa, so I just apologized and watched it.

He took a deep breath and grabbed her shoulder.

“Are you okay? special day... … Wasn't it?"

Now that I saw it, Ilenoa seemed to think she was about to do something horribly wrong. In fact, it
wasn't an entirely wrong guess, but Irina spoke cheerfully to ease his worries.

"then. What else would be wrong?”

“… … Irina.”

"I think I know what you're thinking, but it's not what you're thinking at all."

But he didn't seem to be able to easily control his mind. He seemed angry, and he seemed worried
about her.

As Ilenoa hugged her, Irina patted him on the back as if comforting her.

“Why are you so scared?”

"Yeah. I'm very sorry that I'm a brave and pretty wild boar."

“… … Do you want to joke about making people feel like this?”

“If you keep saying crazy things, it will become a habit.”

Irina, who gently pushed Ilenoa away, looked at his expression. He seemed to be much better than
before, but he still had a worried face.

Contemplating on how to relieve her heart, she spit it out.

“Illenoa, can you teach me self-defense?”

It was an impulsive story, but when I said it, it seemed like a very good idea. She loved to learn things,
and there was nothing wrong with learning these things.

“You also taught me swordsmanship when I was young. how?"

When Irina asked with an ambitious face, Illenoa, who had been silent, smirked.

I asked him why he was so fearless, and he asked me to teach him how to fight. I don't know how the
thought was bouncing there, but Illenoa eventually nodded.

Because he came to a similar conclusion. There was nothing wrong with learning.

On a clear afternoon, a good spectacle unfolded at the Countess. Because The lord and Irina were out
with swords.

The employees were gathering three or three and watching the scene.

Normally, they would not have been able to even get close to them to keep an eye on The lord, but Irina
grabbed them and made strange complaints, so the viewing was tolerated.

To Irina, who raised her confidence to the limit, Illenoa spoke calmly.
“I know what I'm saying won't make sense to you. But, Irina, the best self-defense is to not fight at all
or to walk away.”

“… … .”

“The most dangerous thing is to have only gained self-confidence by learning poorly.”

“… … .”

“I’m worried that you will only be filled with confidence, not your skills.”

It had not even started yet, but Ilenoa's words were bitter.

Employers resented The lord in their hearts. Irina was also an exaggerated person at times, but the
headdresser was too.

But, to be honest, Illenoa thought that it would be impossible for Irina to defeat professionally trained
men no matter what skill Irina learned.

After hitting the long sword a few times, his thoughts hardened. He planned to use this as an excuse to
attach a bunch of people to Irina.

“Can I be honest with you?”

“There is nothing more hurt here. Just say it coolly.”

Illenoa thought for a moment.

“I will admit that you are above average in health. It was a long time ago, but you remember the
theory well. But Irina doesn’t have the strength to wield a long sword in real life.”

But Irina's face wasn't particularly hurt. Rather, he nodded his head as if in agreement with his words.

“Then what should I do? Don't just say it's too bad, help me. Ilenoa, please grant me some

Despite the ridiculous jokes, Ilenoa was serious. He suggested with a smile on his face.

“First, try the dagger. It's not like you're going to serve guests with a long sword anyway. If it's for self-
defense, it makes the most sense right now. It’s also what I’m best at.”

In that way, a target was suddenly prepared for the earl's house.

Without further ado, Illenoa showed the demonstration firsthand. The appearance of the dagger
sticking in the center of the target, maintaining a certain distance, and hitting the left and right sides in
turn drew admiration.

Irina was clapping unwittingly.

“Wow, that’s awesome. Illinois, is this a talent or an effort?”

“To be honest, to get to this level, you have to have both.”

“… … You are really me.”

It was true that Illenoa said that it was the field she was best at. It was also his favorite weapon, because
he was a person who did not like to get dirty things like other people's blood on his body.
Of course, close combat could not be avoided in dangerous situations. There was no way the opponent
would wait for Irina to throw the dagger.

But physically, long swordsmanship seemed impossible, so Illenoa took the next best thing.

Irina looked curiously at Illenoa's face and target for a while. Then, out of curiosity, I stepped forward.

“I’ll try.”

Although he had an ambitious face, the beginning was not as beautiful as always. It was because his
skills were lacking compared to his great confidence.

When the dagger jumped over the target and landed on the grass, Irina made an empty face. And Ilenoa
made it easy for me to give a cold evaluation that no other person would have dared to do.

“Irina, do something called aim and throw it.”

“… … .”

“You are too quick-tempered.”

“… … Does it even come out of character?”

When Irina asked the question with great resentment, Ilenoa let out a faint smile.

But the sword really reflects the personality of the person who uses it. Even when Irina was young, Irina
had a habit of striking the sword first and looking at it. He must have been well aware that if he
competed with boys his age by force, he would inevitably lose. So, if this isn't personality, then what is

“I’ve become very careful.”

“Yes, I know that.”

Irina had a hard time, and it has definitely changed since she started doing business.

Knowing this better than anyone else, Illenoa nodded and threw the dagger again. Then, the dagger was
stabbed again at regular intervals above and below the center of the target.

“Originally, when you hold a knife in your hand, you are most likely to get excited. Even when you are
scared, you become exasperated, and even when you are overconfident, it is the same. You are not

“… … Huh."

“But when people get excited, the accuracy goes down. You need to be able to hit the target and
eventually move it. In fact, that's the ultimate goal. The opponent is not a target, but a living person.”

He uttered a rather stern word and looked around. His eyes seemed to be looking for something that
could be a target.

At that moment, both of them saw a brown rabbit running around the garden at the same time. Irina
was so startled that she clung to one of his arms.

"No! Save my rabbit!”

“… … .”

The onlookers were startled by the sudden physical contact, but Ilenoa showed an unexpected reaction.
He was looking at Irina, who shook her head with a stubborn expression, as if cute.

He asked with a soft smile.

“Since when did the rabbit in my mansion become yours?”

"uh? Ah… … Well."

Illenoa nodded and waited for the next word, but Irina was speechless. Because his opinion was true.

Illenoa said, looking intently at Irina hanging on her arm.

“Well, if you marry me, then that will be the case. Neither this mansion, nor my property, nor the

Irina rolled her eyes, feeling a little embarrassed. But she soon looked at him with a sullen face.

Although this was already the fourth time, the proposal for a rabbit hostage was new and novel. It was
really bad.

“… … .”

I've never heard the word love, let alone love. When asked aloud for the first time, he denied that he
was unaware of those feelings. I understand a little that it had to be.

But what is this? You don't talk about that part until the end, and you propose again?

Meanwhile, reading the answer from the temperature of Irina's expression, he smiled.

“Well, that’s the truth.”

“… … .”
He tried to turn his body to the front, but when Irina was still grabbing him, he waited for a while before

“Would you mind leaving this for a moment? I am afraid you will get hurt.”

"uh? Ah… … I'm sorry, hey."

As Irina fell a little, he said, throwing the dagger at the target, not the rabbit.

“I didn’t mean to kill him in the first place. Believe it or not, I am not one who sees blood for no

And the employees who heard it all felt cool. On the contrary, it meant that blood could be seen for a
reason, and The lord always had his own legitimate reason.

Illenoa grabbed the back of the remaining dagger and held out the handle to Irina.

“Do it. Instead, try this time with your shoulders back a little more. You have to give it a kick. put
yourself on It’s not just about throwing with your arms.”

Illenoa was a sharp-eyed man, and his advice was accurate. It's just that the level of the person receiving
it didn't fully digest it.

Irina's shoulders were bent much further back than before, but because of that, she couldn't keep the
correct angle. The dagger was now completely off the target and stuck in a nearby tree.

The servants who were watching were more terrified than before and trembled. They thought that they
did not know when they would fly into the middle of their foreheads. That was a blind sword.

Whether or not the onlookers knew that they had turned blue, Irina stomped her feet and ran to the
tree studded with swords.
“Oh, my tree, it hurts. I'm really, really sorry.”

Irina hugged the wooden pole and struggled to draw her sword, and Illenoa quietly removed her hand.

He drew the dagger without difficulty, but he was worried about whether he could hand it over to her

He said rubbing his chin.

“Have I never told you before that I was afraid?”

“Yeah, at the theater. Why all of a sudden?”

“We will continue the story. I'm usually scared of you, but I think it's the scariest, especially when
you're holding an ax or a sword."

With an innocent face, Irina lowered her head.

He let out a silent laugh and held out the knife handle again to her. He said as Irina was handed it coldly.

“Practice and you will get better. You're good at anything and you're persistent."

“… … Yes, thank you for the belated consolation. Does your heart get warmer?”

When Irina made a shaky expression on her face, he smiled. And he said what he had been thinking
about for a few days.

“First of all, I will attach people. We will place them around the store as before. It's for you and those
around you, so don't be offended this time."
“Yes, if you do, our staff will be grateful.”

He said very elegantly that there is no prospect of development right now. A smile that achieved what
he wanted was like a painting.

Irina sold things really well. Everyone wanted to respect the boss who was thinking carefully with his
hair tied up alone, but in fact, Irina did the best in customer service.

"Ah… … I don’t think it suits him very well.”

Irina got up from her seat, looking at Susan involuntarily as she put on the representative dress of the
dressing room. Even though everyone flinched at her too direct words, her candor was unstoppable.

“Wow, that shoulder line is really pretty.”

She approached me as if possessed. And the guests were ashamed.

“No, it’s ugly.”

“… … Where are you going?”

Irina, who was staring at this in confusion, at some point noticed that a customer was glancing at a
Japanese-style dress with a lot of exposure.

Oh, you know what suits you. In fact, if someone was interested in me, it was a natural thing to do.

She eventually spoke a little more frankly.

“Actually, it’s not even sold in our store.”

“… … okay?"

“Yeah, it’s fashionable at Il’s. I picked it up and put it all away once. I thought it was pretty too, so I
made a model of it, um, was it too bold to be honest? It didn't suit me either. I've never seen anyone
wear it at Kissen, but I would like to try it on at least once if I have a body like a customer. Well, no
matter how much you want to try, there are things you are born with.”

Irina, excited about dressing the customer, smiled hahaha. However, I thought it was too burdensome,
so I added a small amount.

“Actually, you can wear whatever you want.”

"that's right. I think so."

“But why did you think it was ugly? Don't say things like that, even if you're humble. So pretty. His
posture is really straight.”

It seemed that the clothes had found their owner, so Irina had a happy expression on her face.
Eventually, she found out the customer's date schedule and smiled.

“Then I can wear it when I meet my boyfriend. Maybe you'll tell me it's really pretty? It's only natural if
you have eyes. But customers must find this boring fashion difficult. Actually, I'm having a hard time
right now."

Irina laughed hehehehe. The guests laughed along and felt a sense of unity, so her words kept getting

Nick and Susan were in tears as Irina quickly sold a few clothes and turned around.
“Irina, I think you are a bit of a strange person.”

She wrinkled her face.

“What else? I hear things like that so often that I get annoyed.”

“You were always tickling me. Why are you doing that? Do you like me?”

“What do you mean, you idiot?”

Irina, who was waving her hands, suddenly got an inspiration and ran back and forth and wrote
something on a piece of paper.

Nick thought. Let's not disturb our boss.

But Irina soon grabbed Nick's arm.

“Nick, let’s go to the textile mill with me.”


"Huh! I'll have to take a look at the fabric situation. Susan, can you take a look at the store for a

“Okay, don’t worry and go carefully!”

As Irina and Nick left the dressing room, a few people from the crowd followed.

She was very concerned, but she pretended not to know because I had an agreement with Illenoa
beforehand. It was the same with Nick, who glanced back for a moment.
It was a natural measure for safety. Irina and Schuberg's top lord were being held in check, and she
hasn't moved alone these days.

As Irina was walking, she told Nick why she was visiting the textile factory.

“I wonder if I can try making something new now.”


“Yeah, since the dressing room has become quite famous, won’t it be accepted more easily than

“But that… … Give the world some time to adjust to you.”

“Am I in too much of a hurry?”

When Irina made a slightly darker face, Nick grinned.

“No, I was talking about enjoying this success a little more leisurely.”

When he suddenly rubbed her head, Irina shuddered. It was a grim expression.

“Wow, Mr. It's creepy. Do you treat children? younger than me.”

“Is that entitlement?”

When the enraged Irina started to kick, Nick exaggeratedly avoided it. The two of them quarreled
frantically, so the textile factory was quickly over.
And Irina stopped for a moment.

"what… … that?”

Illenoa's factory was under attack. The guards that had been placed in advance were fighting, but there
were a lot of assailants. It seemed to be much more than the number of escorts.

How can this happen in broad daylight? The people of Schuberg who followed to protect Irina, who
were stunned by the unrealistic situation, ran out.

Irina woke up late and looked around her son-in-law. And I found the guards belonging to the royal
family watching the situation a little further away.


“… … .”

“Can’t you hear me? Please protect me.”

But the guards remained silent. When Irina grabbed her arm and hung it, she just avoided her gaze with
a troubled face.

So she realized it easily.

You guys are deliberately neglecting me right now.

He seemed to know who gave the order. Irina wanted to spit at King Kissen.

Her body was trembling, but she held back her anger and begged once more. It was a human appeal.
“I won’t tell you to fight on our side. Just let the weavers avoid them. They don't even have weapons."

“… … .”

“Can’t you see who is the perpetrator and who is the victim now?”

The guards were immovable, and Irina suddenly became sad.

Why do people pay taxes to the royal family if they are not confident that the country will protect them
from innocent harm? If this is the case, who should those powerless people trust to live?

People are pitiful, and the situation is so unfair that she clenched her teeth.

“You must be punished. You bastards.”

Irina pulled out the sword that the guard in front of her was holding. When the woman with flaming hair
raised her sword and stared fiercely, the people backed down and warned them, but Irina turned her
back on them and ran through the weavers and the bandits.

Nick took a deep breath as he watched Irina wielding her sword and making a mess. He seemed to
understand very well why Schuberg Sangju often puts his forehead on his forehead.

He apologized in advance to one of the crew members. It was a pronunciation reminiscent of foreign

"Excuse me. I'm not normally a person like this... … .”

“… … .”
“If something happens to him, I’m in trouble too.”

“… … what."

“If he gets hurt, it just makes me feel uncomfortable.”

Nick kicked the guard's shin and took his sword. Then he ran towards Irina and blocked her.

“You really fix your temper that hits you at any time!”

“What man?”

“If you wait a little while, the people at the top will come to help, so why do you even have to go out
there! I can't even fight well!"

“Hey, bastard, do you know that people die waiting for something like that?!”

She cried out in tears, and then immediately opened her eyes. Because Nick's swordsmanship was more
flashy than anyone she had ever seen.

“Nick… … ?”

“Don’t call me when you’re fighting! Because I care!”

Dazed watching him quickly subdue the scene, she immediately came to her senses.

Irina turned her gaze to the other side. People with Schuberg top badges were coming in.

In recognition of his aid to Irina, Nick was recuperating at the Countss of Schuberg. When the doctor
Illenoa called had left, Irina clicked her tongue.

“Isn’t it you, not me, who is really mean?”

“Who was the first to run out and say that?”

“I meant what else was going to hurt. People have come to help, don't you think there's no one as
talented as you?"

Giving a pint glass, Irina looked sadly at Nick's bandaged leg.

“The Archduke must have had another reason to love you.”

I thought it was because of personality. Of course, toughness is one of the reasons. However, Nick was a
talented person who deserved recognition for his swordsmanship and physical skills alone.

Why is he being insulted by sailors while having this level of skill?

"okay? Does the Archduke like me?”

Nick was pleased with Irina's words. He seemed quite happy to hear that the Archduke loved him.

The blushing was so disgusting that Irina frowned and trembled at the moment.

“Shut up, turn it off.”

“Oh, Mr. I do not know. It’s a little creepy now.”

“Isn’t it too creepy? cancel it Please explain.”

As Irina and Nick quarreled in Ilse, Illenoa just watched.

Nick suddenly noticed a little bit, and it was entirely Illenoa's fault. He didn't say a word, but it was
because he was hostile to Nick.

Nick was well aware that the source of the man's hostility was jealousy.

“Nick, when you’re well, go back to Ils.”

“… … Why?"

“Kissen is dangerous. It will become more dangerous in the future. If you get hurt, I have no respect for
the Archduke.”

“I believed in you and followed you to a country where you didn’t even make sense, are you kicking me

There was no end to Irina and Nick's war of words. Because neither of them seldom gave up their

And it was at that time that the silent Ilenoa's mouth opened.

“Irina, would you mind taking a break for a moment?”

"Huh? Why?"
“I have something to say.”

Nick's face, now able to understand the Kissen, became contemplative.

After working with Irina for quite some time and meeting Illenoa, Nick got to know him somewhat. He
was a man who was likely to kill himself without a mouse or a bird and throw away his body.

“Irina, please don’t go! Don't leave them alone! I am so uncomfortable and awkward, please.”

But Irina was getting farther away. Opening the door, she apologized.

"I'm sorry. If we're together, somehow I feel like I'll be too uncomfortable. I don't want to fight him."

"Hey… … Why am I lying here! You traitor!”

As the door closed, there was a terrifying silence in the room.

Illenoa was a person who could do that for a long time, and Nick, who was so uncomfortable with this
silence, spoke first. It was Kisen with an awkward accent.

“Ah, why are you doing this… … . Thank you for allowing me to heal.”

And Nick was immediately startled. It was because a smooth Japanese word flowed out of the tall man's
mouth. Illenoa said.

Thank you for protecting Irina.

Irina, who had been mingling with Illenoa just before, was lying on the bed. After waiting for a while, the
door opened. It was Ilenoa who had wet the towel.

As he began to wipe himself as usual, Irina said.

“Illenoa, you don’t have to do this. I feel like I'm being served, so I'm sorry sometimes. I'll get used to it,

“Please don’t take my joy away.”

“Are you happy with this? Aren't you a little pervert sometimes?"

Illenoa nodded her head without denying it. Irina laughed at that cool acknowledgment.

As she was receiving his hand well, she suddenly had a question.

“But why do you always treat me with respect?”

Illenoa looked at Irina with a sudden question. I was curious about it so quickly, I thought.

Irina, scratching her head, confessed frankly.

“Actually, I got into the academy a year earlier than everyone else. My dad had a lot of money back

Announcing the donation admission, she glanced at her.

There was no motive for not knowing. At that time, the aristocratic society was much more active than it
is now. Of course, Illenoa knew, too, and he knew even more details than others.
“I've known you for years and you don't think I know that? I know you were born in the morning.”

“… … Why do you know that? After speaking, you, stop observing me.”

At Irina's heartfelt murmuring, Illenoa grinned. But once her doubts began, she never stopped.

Irina tried to match all her classmates regardless of the high or low of the title, and the Academy was a
society where that was possible.

This is because they had a pretentious founding ideology that all those who seek the truth are equal on
the subject of admitting only nobles.

However, he seldom got along with his classmates, and he always maintained a polite tone and attitude
toward Irina.

At first, I thought it was because of his past, where he lived in the back alleys. It was a time when
commoners were swayed by the nobility.

However, his demeanor did not change significantly when his upper ranks succeeded and Irina's family
lost their titles.

“You told me to use honorifics when I was a maid in the mansion, and not to me.”

Then Ilenoa smiled faintly. He also had a face that recalled something. He thought deeply, and
immediately gave Irina the answer.

“I've said that to you before. I've never been fooled by it. With or without money, you were always the
same to me.”

“… … .”
“I guess I just wanted to be nice to you. I'm sorry if you didn't feel well."

I always wanted to treat a person like you with respect.

I hated the world that didn't recognize you, and I didn't want you to do anything like a maid. I wanted to
give you everything you wanted, but every time I see you struggling, my heart always hurts.

If your heart hurts at the pain of others, this feeling is true love. Irina, I want to know.

Irina wanted to ask more about his heart, but I liked the expression he was making now, so I only looked
at it for a while. Then, after wiping off her body, Illenoa brought a saliva and handed it to Irina.

Irina, who was too bothered to move, shook her head, but he grabbed her by the shoulder and gently
lifted her up.

“Wear it and go to sleep. I have a cold.”

Irina had a sad face.

“I’ve never had a cold or anything like that since I was born.”

“I got caught once when I was in the academy.”

“Wow, your memory is really good.”

“If you don’t want this to be the second time, wear it.”

He had a knack for making the same words so absurd. Yes Yes. Illenoa, I see.

Irina smiled and sewed her clothes on.

Irina was lying on the bed again, rolling over it. At first, he looked at him like he was cute, but then he
smiled as if he was embarrassed.

"Do not sleep?"

“I can’t sleep.”

“Are you still going to sleep?”

It was a straight word. Irina, who was laughing out loud, stopped listening to his advice and began to
think deeply about something.

I didn't want to disturb the seriousness, but Irina was the first to speak up.

“Illenoa, about the last textile mill.”


“The king has overlooked it. The guards just stared blankly.”

Illenoa was also well aware of the report. He nodded.

“I am such a calculating human being. It’s only natural to keep it that way.”

Although he suffered property damage, he was speaking very objectively.

Irina, who was sticking her tongue out at that coldness, felt a certain doubt blooming in her heart. It was
a case of arson at a sewing factory not long ago.
“Yes. Juan Manuel came to the store a while ago. He told me to work with him instead of you, and he
said bullshit like that.”

He immediately hardened his expression.

“Why are you talking about that now?”

“Because I refused on the spot. Other than that, nothing special.”

“… … .”

“But that day the sewing factory caught fire. I mean, it's weird. … … Were the seamstresses really like
that? Of course, we know they feel sorry for us.”

There is only heart attack. But now Irina felt these doubts becoming more and more certain.

“It was not ordinary people who attacked the textile factory. They were all trained, and you can't
usually hire so many people at once unless you're really wealthy.”

Illenoa nodded her head. Because Irina's guess was reasonable.

And this time she uttered a sound he didn't expect at all.

“I have to establish the top. Nodiac top. That’s cool.”

After speaking, Irina glanced at Illenoa's eyes. Because I thought he wouldn't like it very much.

However, Irina noticed that Manuel's top had grown too large. They were faced with a battle they must
win, and the market will be left with only the final winner.
Illenoa shook her head with a firm expression.

“It's dangerous to come forward like that. You are still attracting people’s attention.”

“It’s the same with you.”

“… … .”

“Manuel Sangju Sang-ju said that. A sewing machine can be made, but no one can trade with the

“… … .”

“What you can’t do, I’ll try. I should go to Impenon once.”

Illenoa couldn't agree to the end. I didn't like Irina going to the front, but I hated getting on the boat

“You will soon find out that you are working with me. The impenon dynasty is not that incompetent.”

“It’s okay though. I'm a Nodiac My dad also made a deal with the royal family, so he won't be able to
put such a political standard on me."

“… … Why don't you just stay until you build a steamship?"

Irina smiled and shook her head.

It was nonsense. I didn't know when it would be finished, and it wasn't as simple as Illenoa said.
Moreover, she could have guessed that just as a sewing machine won the antagonism of seamstresses,
so the steamship would be antagonized by sailors.
“I can’t wait that long. you did too Time is important to entrepreneurs.”

“… … .”

"do not worry. If you follow the weather, you will be able to visit in a full moon. Let's see if we can
deliver work clothes. There are more mines in Impenon.”

The cotton industry started first in Impenon, but ready-to-wear was the first business started in Kissen.

As Irina continued to persuade with a confident look on her face, Illenoa was forced to nod her head. He
didn't even have the right to stop him from doing it.

Taking a deep breath, Illenoa recalled the past.

“Sometimes I regret tearing up my debt papers.”

“It’s tiny.”

Irina grinned.

She made up her mind and started putting it into practice the very next day. Established the top and
began to recruit sailors.

The first person to join the top was Nick, who warned her half-jokingly and half-seriously. It was because
I was worried that Nick would naturally sit down on Kissen.

- You're a double signup. you will be criticized

- While belonging to Map Serlioz. Do you even have a Schuberg badge? Double standard for triple
signup. Great.


Irina had no choice but to keep her mouth shut and allow her to join the club.

However, unlike Irina's execution ability, not everything went smoothly. Recruiting crew members was a
difficult task.

Kissen was a far more unfair society than Ils. It was common for titles to be inherited by male lineage
rather than female direct lineage, and even here, it was not easy to carry women on trading ships.

She knew that sailing was difficult. I was also well aware that I was not of much help to them physically.

But I have a lot of other things I can do. I can take full responsibility for you. Why are people's
perceptions not improving like this?

It was Nick who felt this situation more unfair than her and comforted her.

“All the Kisen people are weird except you. Can't you be the voyage chief? Everyone has an empty

Even though the motherland was being cursed in front of her eyes, Irina grinned.

“I have a problem too, but you too are you. Don't you remember what you said when I was about to
hop on a boat in Impenon? Haven't you ever told me you're unlucky?"

“… … Forget about the past, because I am very sorry.”

Seeing the careless face, Irina smiled. There is no such thing as regrets about the past. Rather, Nick was
the person who supported Irina the most on board.

“I forgot everything, you idiot. I was well compensated for the work. Actually, I got more than that.
Because I know they are good people. I understand the sailors, and they understand me.”

The crew of Ils showed Irina what trust and loyalty between people were. So I want to believe that the
world is beautiful even if I keep getting frustrated.

Prejudice can be broken down, and people can jump over the strong fences they have built.

She seemed to know by now that the world was chaos, and that in the end it was the pain of moving in
the right direction.

Chapter 12. Tell Me Love

The problem of recruiting sailors was solved more easily than expected. When Irina, who was struggling,
set her pay at a ridiculously high level compared to the market price, the sailors naturally flocked in.

The performances and dressing rooms that Irina invested in have already achieved great success.

Despite the disapproval of some people, Irina became one of the richest men in Kissen as the
performance of the general stores it acquired one after another improved.

So it was not worth the penny now.

But she felt a deep bitterness in her heart. Does this mean money buys people's hearts?
Irina grumbled.

“Do I have to bear a bigger burden than others every time I sail a ship in Kissen?”

Anyway, this is a bit embarrassing.

Seeing that disgruntled face, Illenoa grinned.

“Did you not know? Life is inherently unfair.”

“You are a very consistent person today… … Are you stupid?”

Irina spoke softly, and Ilenoa smiled.

“It meant that the world is like that, so don't expect too much from people. Disappointment is because
we expect it, isn’t it?”

“Hold on, yes. I get it."

He grumbled to the end, but the truth is, he just wanted to tell the person closest to him.

Everyone's starting line is always different. She came from a long-established aristocratic family, and she
had no intention of denying that she, too, had often started from a higher position than others.

As Irina covered her face with a shattering pain in her head, Illenoa paused a bit.

Making the top and preparing to set off, Irina became extremely sensitive. It was the first time Illinoa
had ever seen such a sharp figure, so she didn't know how to comfort her, so she just sat quietly next to
It was then that there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Darren was the one who opened the door as soon as the words to come in came in.

“Illenoa, the textile mill has been attacked again. There was no damage to be prepared... … .”

Irina looked at the grandfather clock. It was a little past two in the morning.

She was the first to spit out abusive language that was hard to put into words.

Early in the morning, Irina headed to the upper headquarters of Manuel, not the dressing room. It was
kind of a protest visit.

Nick, as well as the people of Nodiac and Schuberg, dissuaded her.

- Irina, what if this suddenly happens? There's no evidence that Manuel did that.

- Just cry.

- … … what?

- Let's say it's rainy season.


- If you stab it, what will come out?

- She looked casual, but she was quite angry, and no one could handle her temper at that time.

As Irina and the crew came in from the morning, Juan Manuel gave a very interesting expression.

“Have you changed your mind?”

“… … .”

It was a prayerless word. Although he is a merchant himself, is it that merchants are basically born with
all that brazenness?

Irina was very excited and fired.

“If you, too, are a merchant who makes a living by selling things, you should fight with your
achievements instead of using these dirty tricks. What are you doing now?”

“On what basis do you say that?”

Looking at the smiling face, Irina also had a deep smile.

"Evidence? Do you think you heard what I was talking about? It was early in the morning, so no one had
seen it.”

“… … well. I don't know what you're talking about."

However, the smile on Manuel Sangju's face temporarily disappeared.

Nick glanced at Irina, both astonished at the fact that such a recklessness had worked, and feared that
Irina was over-excited.
After staring at Juan Manuel for a while, she said.

“If you’re trying to do anything with this old trick, you’re doing it the wrong way. Do you really think
the king is on your side?”

An old way of parasitizing political power and using illegal force to control the market.

However, contrary to Irina's idea, it was a way of survival that would be valid for a long time in the
future of human history.

Manuel Sang-ju looked at Irina and smiled. It was a very innocent look.

“I understand that the young lady has been in Ils for quite some time. It's a good country. But this is

“… … So you want to say that this shortcut still works in Kisen?”

“Even Count Schuberg would agree with this opinion.”

He shrugged. Then he turned back quietly with her back.

It was an unspoken expression to stop going now.

Irina, who was flirting, couldn't help it any more and turned around like him. But as she was about to
walk out, she couldn't hold back and kicked the leg of a table in the middle of the room.

There was a loud noise as the object on top fell, but Sang-ju did not look back.

she said to the back of the head.

“Take it from the price of a weaving machine and a sewing machine. If you are not confident in paying
compensation, just claim this.”

“… … .”

Irina kicked the door open and came out of her seat. The people following her looked at Irina's eyes and
kept silence.

And not long after, Irina wept and took off her shoes. She said after examining her little claws for a long

“Oh, Thing. my feet hurt to death I must have used good wood. Has anyone seen it?”

People had a hard time saying anything. I really wanted to go there, but it was because Irina couldn't
help but feel cool about what Irina had done.

Irina continued to rub her feet, worried Nick asked.

“Irina, are you okay?”

"it's okay. I have really strong bones.”

“Tell me only the places that are not strong. where are you?"

“It’s really me, that’s fine.”

As Irina smiled, Nick took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry for saying this over and over, can you fix that temper?”
"does not exist. Accept it. It's time to get used to it, right?"

She said brazenly, putting her shoes back on.

“Let’s go to Impenon.”

“… … .”

“We need to normalize the deal.”

Irina thought that the only solution was to overwhelm her with capital and trading volume.

She nodded her head with a determined expression, and decided to hurry the departure a little more.


Early in the morning, a large number of people were gathered in Cheyenne Port.

Irina was talking to Susan, just to give her a word of advice before she left.

“Please. Susan is the only person I can trust to run the store.”

“Don’t worry, boss.”

“If you come across a situation that you can't solve on your own, talk to Ilenoa. Even if he looks so cold,
I will always help him.”

“Yes, I know it well.”

Irina gently hugged Susan as a token of her gratitude.

Illenoa watched from a distance as Irina greeted the people.

The last turn was also Ilenoa.

When she came back to him, he gave him a faint smile.

The two stood side by side and watched the people board the boat. The ship had as many combat
personnel as there were sailors on board, but this was due to the use of the hands of the Schuberg

Irina acquiesced to his interference, but as she checked the scene, she had no choice but to complain.

“Am I going to conquer Impenon now?”

He laughed, but his heart was complicated.

Among the countless men, there was only one woman, Irina.

There is no rule that the danger must be outside. It's his choice for safety, but he can't trust anyone in
the end.

“If you ever encounter pirates, do not fight them yourself. You are not yet able to do that.”

“Yeah, I can tell when I’m wearing it and when I’m not wearing it.”

It sounded completely unbelievable, but Ilenoa nodded.

Needless to say, no one was listening anyway.

When the sails finally went up, Irina turned to look into his eyes. He also stood facing Irina.

As he caressed her cheek, he couldn't contain his waving heart and asked again.

“Can’t we go?”

“Are you saying that again now?”

“There are plenty of people to send instead.”

Irina laughed like a sigh.

“You don’t trust people.”

“… … .”

“Illenoa, I have a habit of believing with my own eyes and experiencing it with my own body.”

He lowered his eyes as if he understood.

He was arrogant, but he was so ruthless. Why do we always have to wait for something like this?

He was a lackluster, and his love may have misplaced him. Or is love really like this?

No matter how much Irina warmed her up, this deficiency was not completely filled. I always long for
and miss you.

Irina Nodiac. Why did you appear in my life and tell me these feelings?
I was a person who was not lonely even when I was alone. If I didn't know love, I certainly could have
been more perfect.

But this imperfection was human. It was only when he was with Irina that he recognized this deficiency
and was able to become a human.

“Are you coming back?”

“… … .”

Irina's heart weakened at the words that sounded like hanging.

It was really weird. He wasn't as pitiful as he was when he was young. He has acquired his family and
upper rank, and has come to a point where he can no longer endure the insults of the people of the

But why do I still often feel pity for you? No, actually much better than when I was a kid.

The more I get to know you, the more I feel that you are cold.

She decided to express her feelings, at least indirectly.

“Illenoa, as long as you are in Kissen, I will always be back. If you're not in Kissen, I'll go to where you
are. I'll promise. Wherever it is, I will come back to you.”

Illenoa nodded her head. If I had that promise, I could send it to you at any time.

"I'll wait. I will miss you.”

Irina laughed at that.

Impenon was one of the countries closest to Kissen, and it was clear that it wouldn't take much time. So,
seeing off like this was actually very unusual.

But she too was feeling the same way as Illenoa, so Irina patted the back of his hand that covered her

Illenoa, who was still feeling the touch, bowed her head and approached. As her yellow eyes
disappeared under her eyelids, Illenoa pursed her lips as if it was a signal.

The two men and women exchanged a deep kiss in the harbor, ignoring people's gaze.

Irina was enjoying the proper sea breeze after a long time.

Looking at the open sea, wow, wow, looking at Irina who was very excited, Nick clicked his tongue. Even
when she was seasick for the first time, no one would have known that Irina was such a sailor.

She was fundamentally an active person and enjoyed experiencing different cultures.

In fact, there were times when Kissen felt a little stuffy even for Nick. The temperament of the Kisen
people was also generally gloomy.

“Is it that good?”

“Why are you fighting again? If you're going to be nagging, get out of there."

“… … Why are you bringing up the finished story again?”

Nick quickly turned away, and Irina looked at him dissatisfied.

Irina's heart was complicated when she saw Nick who eventually joined the top team and came all the
way here. However, when the continuous persuasion did not work, she had also given up halfway.

“Are you really a kid who doesn’t listen?”


There was nothing to say, so she just smiled. Seeing that clear, carefree face, Nick sighed deeply.

“It’s because I feel pity for Sangju Schuberg, who will wait forever.”

As a man, Illenoa's complicated feelings for such a woman were understandable.

Irina's inclination to jump into the pit of fire without hesitation, although she could not and should not
be controlled, was definitely a danger at times.

“Schuberg Sang-ju seems to love you very much.”

Irina's ears perked up at the inadvertent words.

“Do you see it in your eyes?”

“If you can’t see like that, maybe your eyes are a little wrong?”

It was funny to ask such a question after directing a passionate spectacle until recently.
“Can’t you see when you look at me? I mean, sometimes I'm scared. Don't leave me and that person
alone like last time. It’s really uncomfortable.”

Schuberg's top lord was a rather strange person. He was kind to Irina, but the aura he exuded was
somehow cool and cruel. In fact, there were a number of obstacles to saying that he was a good-natured

Irina, who was listening carefully to Nick, tilted her head.

“But it’s strange.”


“Why doesn't he say that to me? It's something that can be expressed in words at least once. Even if I
think about it, she's not the kind of person who's generous enough to do this to someone she doesn't

Irina started dating Nick, and Nick made a somewhat absurd face.

“Do I have to put it into words? Were you such an old-fashioned person?”

“Hum, there are things that you can feel even if you don’t say them in the first place. That's right... … .”

Irina blurted out her words. She wasn't really a person who took that seriously, and in fact, she could say
it herself. But she wanted to hear from him at least once.

A relationship they once built up incorrectly. I no longer want to say that the essence of the act, which I
thought was an infinitely dark emotion, was obsession.

Illenoa said she was unaware of such positive emotions, but in retrospect, it was definitely love.
So I wanted to hear him say that he acknowledged the past and the present.

It was not because I wanted to glorify the distorted past, but because I wanted to use it as a springboard
for a better relationship.

At times, he also wanted to be honest and humble about his feelings.

Irina looked at the Kisen land, which had become as small as a fingernail, with deep eyes.

The past was stained with deception and contradiction, but on some days, I was able to stop resenting
the world because of the past. It was a very sad situation because he was pushed to the limit, but he
was not alone because he was on his side.

She spent too much time overcoming the barren environment and giving the name love to the buds that
sprouted from the rocks to blossom.

I am very curious as to whether you too had no choice but to come to the same conclusion as me after
walking away from that long and arduous road.

“… … .”

It had only been a few hours since we left, but Irina was already thinking of Illenoa, and Irina laughed.


Before long, the land of Impenon was in sight.

It had only been six days since I left Kissen. The sea breeze helped Irina, and her navigation skills were
improving day by day.
As she was wasting time by throwing daggers on board, she started looking at the documents from a
certain moment. It was to organize the list of items.

Irina said to Nick, who was next to him looking through the papers.

“Nick, you can prove that you belong to Serlioz.”

“Uh, yes.”

He pulled out a badge and identification card that he always carried with him.

“But why?”

“There are a few places in Impenon where I did business with my dad. How are you going to do it with
the nodiac name there? Let's trade the rest in the name of Serlioz. I think it would be less complicated.
The relationship between the Imphenon and Illenoa is a bit sensitive, so I want to be careful even on

Nick nodded as if he understood, but Irina was worried about something else.

Irina asked with a worried expression.

“Won’t the Archduke take me seriously?”

It was true that both were still with Serlioz, but the will of the upper-classism was not involved.

But Nick, who had been working under the Archduke for quite some time, shook his head.

“I am not an old man who is upset about this. Would you rather have fun? It's not a bad purpose
either. From the beginning, he told me to help you with anything you do.”
“Well, I’m glad.”

“But can’t you prove that you belong to Serlioz?”

“I am a tall person whoever sees me. It's not even the local pronunciation. So, that's where the trust
fell. How can I not get better with my pronunciation overnight?”

Irina, who was concentrating on the documents again, suddenly looked up as if she had remembered
something. It was a face full of doubt.

“But you are. Are you sure you were born in Ils? I'm Kisen, but no matter how much I listen, your
pronunciation isn't standard Japanese. Does it happen when things like dialect and intonation are

“… … Can you feel it?”

It was a very subtle difference, and if you really noticed it with your ears, it was an excellent sense of

Irina had a triumphant expression on her face.

"of course. But now I see... … So, do you know my pronunciation?”

As Irina jumped up and tried to kick her shin, Nick screamed and ran away.

After half a day, they were able to enter Impenon.

When the ship arrived from Kisen, small merchants as well as top officials flocked in, but Irina left the
place to Nick and moved on. It was to find the upper headquarters where the Marquis Nodiak invested
and traded.

But once again she was in trouble.

It was an era in which numerous tops were repeatedly created and disappeared. Moreover, Impenon
was a country that had suffered severe political ups and downs in the past few years. As a result of that,
just as the Nodiac Marquis fell, many top performers ran out of luck while the political system was
overthrown twice.

The top list that Irina had culled was not many. This is because most of the documents were incinerated
when the marquis fell into the hands of others.

After confirming that there was barely one top left, Irina was able to meet Sangju Sangju without
difficulty, and she explained the purpose of her visit in fluent Imphenon.

“My name is Irina Nodiac. I came here to deliver work clothes in bulk to Impenon. Kissen already
distributes to several miners. More than half of them have been replaced.”

She shoved the contract and the items she had brought as a sample.

Merchants with strong bones do not readily show interest in goods when they trade. This is because it
opens the possibility of buying at a lower unit price by making the other person nervous.

It was the same with the merchant in front of me, who was still maintaining the tax even after the
Impenon Civil War. The blunt and stubborn impression seemed like an unfriendly person.

But nevertheless, Irina could sense that he was interested in Illenoa's things. It was a natural thing for a
merchant who could read even a little bit of current and had a sense of unit price.

Now the world is moving in this standardized direction.

“I will only buy one-third of the suggested quantity. I also have to test my marketability.”

“If you buy it all, I will exclusively deliver it to this place for half a year. Even if you don't buy it all, I'm
confident that I'll sell the rest of the quantity to other places. The marketability of my products has
already been sufficiently proven in Kissen. I am a busy person, so I just want to save time.”

Then the old man grinned. It wasn't as easy as Irina looked.

He added, eventually signing the deal.

“I think your daughter resembles her father a lot.”

“Do you remember my father? … … Yes, I hear that a lot.”

He nodded, and if the merchant doesn't remember the customer, he should retire... … murmured.

Although he came here with the intention of doing so, Irina's expression softened when he really talked
about her father.

Irina, having managed to deal with Ilenoa and the fabrics needed for her own business, stood up with a
light mind.

“Before we go, let me ask you one more thing. Where is the biggest shopping street in Impenon?”

Then he glanced at Irina.

“There must be restrictions on the transaction.”

“Oh, I just want to look around.”

"I don't know if he's a useless meddle, but you'd better not go too deep into the capital."


Irina, who was doing market research to see if she could sell her clothes to Imphenon, made a troubled

“The weavers started a riot yesterday. They set fire to the factory and drove all the way to the royal
castle, causing a riot.”

She was the first to hear of the unrest in Impenon before anyone else in Kissen.

Seeing her in great shock, the man added bluntly.

“It was better.”

“… … Are you okay?”

“The royal family is trying to control the merchants while controlling the supply of cotton. Simbo-ji who
only wants to live a good life. He's him, but business was much better when the Republic came into
power. Impenon merchants probably think so.”

It was the same for Kissen, who had no reverence for the royal family.

In the case of Imphenon, who had experienced a change in the system once, he could have guessed that
it would be even worse.

However, the merchant's words were not too harsh, so Irina took a closer look. Even so, in a
monarchical state, the offense of contempt of the royal family was a provision that existed.

She whispered worriedly.

“Hey, shouldn’t you be careful? And if you get caught, what are you going to do?”

“Catch him. In fact, the royals can't afford to do that now."

“… … .”

Irina realized that the impenon people's hatred towards the royal family was more serious than she

Contrary to Irina's expectation that a full week would be enough, it took her over three weeks to return
home. It was because the wind was not as good when we returned from the departure.

Illenoa, who was watching the ship coming in, noticed the merchant ship Irina was on and smiled faintly.

Irina waved her hand from afar, and was the first to disembark as she was afraid to lower the anchor.

Running swiftly, she grabbed the end of his sleeve and shook it. Illenoa seemed to be very welcome.

"How are you? What were you out for? How do I know if I'm coming today?"

Irina was still unconscious. He had been quietly listening to her babbling in a high voice, and asked Irina
as she calmed down a bit.

“There are no injuries or pain anywhere.”

“Yeah, are you?”

“What can I do to get sick?”

“Hey, you are human too. Of course it can hurt!”

Illenoa didn't answer, just smiled. She smiled and smiled, and she had a playful expression on her face.



“You didn’t want to see me.”

As Irina behaved warmly, Illenoa looked a little puzzled.

“What are you asking about? Even if I beg you, when will you kindly leave me behind?”

“… … Are you saying that? When did I leave you again? If you say it like that, I feel sad too.”

Ilenoa smirked. But he didn't seem to want to correct his expression.

He didn't want her to be upset, but if he felt a slight sense of guilt, he wanted it. It was because I wanted
to refrain from being in the same situation again.

But Irina was an enterprising person, and after all, this will happen often in the future.

Because of this, Illenoa devoted herself to the development of the steamship while she was away. Also,
if they had to leave for another country, they wanted to shorten the time even a little.

“Even if you are sad, there is nothing you can do. You always left me.”
“It’s all about making our business prosper, so don’t do it too much, just forgive me.”

She never owned anyone, so why are there people who claim to be abandoned?

There were some contradictions and a sense of victimization in his words, but Irina happily passed on.

“Didn’t you have any bastards that flirt with you?”

“You really… … where is such a person Are you introducing yourself right now?”

Roughly blocking the absurd sound, she grabbed the end of his sleeve and led him. Then, Illenoa was
dragged and moved forward.

“Shall we go out to eat after a long time?”

“Aren’t you even tired?”

"Huh. Imphenon is right in front of you. i'm strong Did you keep practicing throwing daggers from the
boat? You weren't there, so Nick helped me this time."

“Is that so? Did you feel a lot?”


A few daggers were buried in the deep sea, but the story was left out. She had a face that was going
crazy because she wanted to brag right now.

He touched his lips as he looked at his youthful expression, and he burst into laughter for the first time
“Where shall we eat? Are you familiar with it?”

“The chef must be upset. Get thirsty every day, only you are waiting.”

It wasn't a bad thing, so Irina laughed. But she eventually shook her head.

“I’m going to eat at the Count’s house tomorrow too, huh? Let's eat out today. Actually, I have
something to say to you.”

“… … .”

Illenoa looked down at Irina and nodded her head.

Illenoa didn't have any favorite restaurants, and in the end the choice was given to Irina. She led Ilenoa
to 'A Stormy Night'.

When Schuberg Sangju and Nodiak Sangju, who just returned to Korea, appeared at the same time,
people's attention was focused. Both were famous figures in the capital and port.

Illenoa stared at the pub's owner as she set the pint down in front of Irina before she could even place
her order. Instead of Illenoa, who doesn't like to talk to people, Irina ordered the rest.

“You drink the same. this is delicious Are you fine?"

"Yes. I don’t mind anything.”

“Boss, give me another cup of the same thing, and give me some ribs.”
“Yeah, I’ll get it right away.”

It was a habit that Illenoa had to take a glance around her surroundings. Because the risk is familiar.

Unable to find anything very strange, he took a sip of the liquor the store owner had brought him and
asked Irina.

“Did you do what you were trying to do?”

“Oh, I couldn’t sell them all. Still, I robbed all of my work clothes in stock. I also bought some fabrics
just in case.”

This is because, if something else happens to the textile factory, we cannot guarantee a stable supply
and demand.

Illenoa nodded her head.

“Yes, that’s a smart idea.”

“I was thinking of meeting a miner and looking for a way to trade directly, but first I put on an impenon
top. I think it would be better to make a stable business partner even if it leaves a little less profit.
Wouldn’t they also be able to keep doing other deals with us only if there was a profit?”

Illenoa smiled faintly.

Irina certainly had nothing to criticize about her business sense. But, for some reason, she had a face full
of doubt.

“Illenoa. yes It seems that rumors will spread soon... … .”

Ilenoa tilted her head. Irina looked around and whispered while lowering her voice.

“There is a riot in Impenon.”

“… … .”

“It looks like the weavers set the factory on fire, um. that is… … After that, I think they went all the way
to the royal castle.”

Illenoa and Irina had sensed the unusual atmosphere of the Imphenon from the beginning, but it felt
somewhat embarrassed that the arrow was aimed at the royal family.

However, the cotton industry was a business that developed under the leadership of the Impenon royal
family, and the royal family was regarded as a symbol of class contradiction and inequality in the
turbulent working environment.

“I don’t know the details either. I couldn't check it myself because I thought the situation in the capital
would be too bloody.”

“Yes, you did well. In the future, please be aware of such dangerous places and avoid them.”

However, even after hearing that she did well, Irina had a deeply regretful expression on her face.

“I wanted to see a little bit of everyday clothes as well as work clothes. If it's trendy in Impenon, how
much does it cost? But again, the situation seems to be too chaotic, so I didn’t want to cause any fuss.”

It's usually a bit strange to hear that the things a merchant sells become a riot. However, she was well
aware that the business she and Illenoa had engaged in could shake the market order as well as the
social atmosphere.

Irina gulped the drink and said with a serious face.

“The Impenon royal family couldn’t even suppress it even that much. There is an army that has led the
civil war to victory. But I had a feeling that the Impenon dynasty might suffer quite a bit from this. what
do you think?"

“Maybe the Republicans are trying to use it politically.”

“… … You are very strange at times, but when you talk like this, you seem to get along well with me.”

He grinned and nodded his head.

“There's nothing like an angry crowd. To tell you the story I've met, the Republican leader is a very
smart person.”

The Republican Party was defeated in the three-year civil war in Impenon because it was a battle
between thinkers and politicians only.

There was a time when that was possible. However, the world was changing at a rapid pace, and
overthrowing the system required popular support.

Gone are the days when a minority decided the system without people realizing it.

"Yes, you."

As Ilenoa's dark blue eyes stared at her, Irina asked.

“Are you going to continue the textile business?”

“… … .”
“I made a deal with Impenon, do we really need to make our own cotton fabric?”

Irina seemed to be in a dilemma once again. In fact, she felt a deep sense of crisis when she heard of the
incident in Impenon.

However, Ilenoa's thoughts were unchanging and firm.

He shook his head.

“A merchant cannot give up his immediate profits. You and I can do it, so why pay a higher unit price to
buy it? Giving up more profit is like a loss to the merchant.”

“… … .”

“Didn’t you tell me? Irina, it's the future that will come anyway. It cannot be avoided.”

His answer was not unexpected. Taking a deep breath, she continued.

“Illenoa, if you’re really going to keep doing this, you should pay more attention to the way people
treat you and your reputation. Once a bad mood is established, it is really hard to get over it.”

“Yes, I know what you mean.”

“Actually, I would like the steamer to be delayed a bit. I'm not sure how it came to be, but it would
definitely hurt the pride of sailors."

“I will keep quiet.”

“… … It’s the size that can’t be done quietly.”

Because it was a correct point, Illenoa kept her mouth shut.

“I’m not saying don’t do it. I don't mean to say that you're wrong. i think you are right too But what if
we could just delay it for a little while? I'm worried because you seem to be doing too many things at
once that you're going to hate."

As Irina spoke persuasively, he fell into deep thought.

There was certainly a valid point in her opinion not to make enemies at the same time. But Illenoa finally
shook her head.

“Irina, if we don’t take the lead, we lose this competition.”

“… … .”

Is that really the only way to win the competition? They had other cards to play, and they could certainly
please people in other ways.

Isn't there a way for us to normalize business with Impenon now? Now that the sewing business is on a
stable track, there is a way to diversify the types of everyday wear even more.

But Irina nodded her head with a sullen look on her face, knowing that he was starting with a far more
distant future.

The casual clothes Irina made were slowly changing the costume culture of the Kisen people. It was
pretty stable.

However, it was during breakfast the next day after returning home that she found out that she had a
minor problem.
- I couldn't tell you yesterday because I was talking about something else, but I also have something to
tell you.

- What?

- Other dressing rooms are starting to imitate your clothes.

Irina nodded her head.

That was pretty much what I expected. Wasn't the original intention to create a fashion that other
dressing rooms couldn't help but follow?

- We're cheaper, Illenoa. what's the problem?

- There is a movement to start a sewing business, too. Then it will catch up with price competitiveness
sooner or later.

- … … That guy is really annoying in many ways.

One day Nick told Irina to take it easy and enjoy this success. However, it was not a problem that could
be approached with such a relaxed attitude.

How valid is Illenoa's logic that if it doesn't take the lead, it loses the competition?

Even if they took the lead, the moment they took a breath in relief, they were bound to catch up. That
was the fierceness of the market place.
Today, Irina was sitting in her seat in the corner of the dressing room and tying her hair.

All hospitality was left to the staff, but they often glanced at the boss. It was because Irina was very
concerned about the sound of Irina whispering without her knowing.

“What, I can’t even put my name on my design.”

Eventually Nick came up to Irina and talked to her.

“How about going and complaining? It is against morals.”

“Hum. Well."

Irina had an unwilling face. If that was a society that was truly accepted as the realm of morality,
chemise dresses with similar designs could not have been fashionable all over Kissen.

And there was another reason why she was really unwilling.

“I mean, I don’t want to fight with the small merchants who barely eat.”

“… … .”

The temperature was in contrast to that of chasing after the giant upper headquarters and kicking the

When Irina suddenly appeared soft, Nick asked, confused.

“Then what are you going to do? Are you really going to write your name on your clothes?”
“… … Well, name.”

In fact, I felt like I wanted to put all of them together. Because it needed to be differentiated in some

However, speed was vital to the ready-to-wear, and it did not seem to be very aesthetically pleasing.

Irina, who was worried, suddenly blinked her eyes. She drew a dress on a piece of paper.

Curious about what they were doing, Nick and Susan came closer and looked at her painting. Perhaps
because of repeating such a thing, his sketching skills have improved remarkably.

Irina made a mark on her left sleeve and bit the tip of the pen. She soon marked the back lining and
looked up at the staff.

“Come on, let’s label it here or here with the name of the dressing room. It feels as luxurious as

“What the hell is that?”

“The sign that this is the original. No matter how much the world has changed, human psychology is
more original than fake, right?”

“… … .”

“I can’t see the back very well, so I think it’s okay to mark the dimensions. Then it will be much easier
for the working people to tell them apart.”

Irina, who was satisfied with her thoughts, smiled brightly.

"What do you think? Susan, how are you?”

It was a much easier way than embroidering the finished clothes directly. This is because when there is
no work, it can be made in bulk and used.

But Nick and Susan were unwilling to answer. For some reason, it reminded me of the numbering
animals were assigned at slaughterhouses.

Nick shook his head cautiously.

“Honestly, I don’t know.”

Irina smirked.

“Actually, I don’t even think it’s going to work. It's not like there's a big crowd. It's not a bad thing to
try... … Let’s do it first.”

As if she had already made up her mind, Irina put the paper and pen aside.

It was clearly a threat to start a sewing business at other tops as well. But Irina didn't think it was an
unconditional bad news.

When the supply and demand for ready-to-wear overwhelms the tailor-made, people end up wearing
ready-to-wear even if they don't want to wear it. One day, we will be able to change the perception that
ready-to-wear is cheap and cheap.

“Now I think I can try making something a little more luxurious. People will definitely accept it.”

Seeing the boss who had all his thoughts on business in his head, the employees laughed bitterly. Irina
was so engrossed in business.

Hans said that Irina had come home early for some reason and was resting, so Ilenoa headed to her

Irina was sitting in the middle of the bed, hugging her knees. Illenoa looked at her softly and tilted her
head to one side.

“Your complexion is not very good.”

“… … okay?"

"Yes. Where are you feeling uncomfortable?”

“Ah, no.”

But Ilenoa wasn't really listening. I walked slowly, sat down on the bedside, and looked into Irina's face.

Irina, who was uncomfortable with observing her eyes openly, suddenly turned away.

“It’s a general store.”

The attitude seemed rather strange, but Ilenoa quietly nodded her head.

“I’m thinking of doing an extension. A branch in the middle of Kisana Street.”

“It takes time. Wouldn’t it be better to buy a few more stores in that case?”

“No, it has to be there. I mean, it's one of the best performing general stores I've ever had."
Because the location conditions were good. And when the location conditions were similar, it was
common sense that store area had a big impact on sales.

However, the store was a two-story building that had already secured a large lot, and it didn't look like it
needed much expansion work.

Instead of pointing it out, Illenoa asked about her hidden intentions. Because there was no way Irina
could not have thought of that.

“So what do you want to do?”

Irina burst into laughter as she digs right into the core.

“It was a general store when I first started in Kissen. Actually, I was in a general store when I was in Ils.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, handling a variety of things suits my personality very well. But looking around, I noticed that
there are times when the reasons people go to general stores are similar to mine. It was convenient to
have everything I needed in one place.”

“… … .”

“So I mean… … The most important thing in a general store is the assortment.”

Illenoa nodded her head in agreement.

“But Illenoa, after all, I am a person with limited tastes and interests. I couldn't satisfy every customer's
taste by myself. If you deal with various items, your professionalism will decrease.”
Irina put her chin between the knees she was hugging. She confided to him the conclusions she had
reached after much experience and intense thought.

“I don’t think my store has to sell only my stuff. I don't think I need to go all the way. I'm going to
expand the building and put other stores in it."

“… … .”

“I’m moving Kisana-dori from a shrinkage into my shop. No need for customers to wander around
selling their feet. To do that, we need a lot more space than we have now.”

As always, it was an idea that challenged social norms.

Ilenoa asked.

“What do you get out of it?”

“What is it? shop tax. There is also a plan to receive commissions from merchants in proportion to
sales, but that's something to think about after things go well. If you approach it that way from the
beginning, no one will try to enter the store. Because they think I'm trying to put a fork on their plate.”

Illenoa thought with a calm face. He soon pointed out the problem carefully.

“If you get commissions in proportion to sales, you can create a new revenue structure. However, if
customers only flock to the store you are in, the sales of the products you handle may drop as much as
the profit. Wouldn't a little more detailed calculations be needed? Irina, this could be a good thing.”

His point was sharp. But Irina shook her head.

“Illenoa, wherever you go, there are shopping streets. I don't think it's just something that happens.
Why do you think only the land on Kissana Street is expensive when the competition is so fierce?”
“… … .”

“When we gather together, there are strengths of our own. People who come to the general store
come to buy hair oil and unintentionally pick up gloves. Contrary to your concerns, you may not be
interested in my things and then buy them.”

It was Irina's intuition that customers attract customers, and that consumption leads to another
consumption. And she was confident that she would put in a store that did not overlap with her
products, even in the same product group.

Irina actually wanted to completely press the top of Manuel right now. It was only because she was far
from her temper.

But I didn't want to approach them in the same mean way.

So she came up with new ideas every time she squeezed it.

If Illenoa has overwhelming capital and technology, she has unique senses and ideas. She wanted to use
it as a weapon. It was as if they were trying to pacify the Kissen domestic market.

Irina glanced at her and waited for Illenoa's opinion. But he made an odd impression.

“You are such a strange person.”

Then she was relieved and smiled broadly. Every time he calls himself weird, it's because it's a good

Irina quickly got excited and started talking.

“I'm going to increase the number of floors, but I don't know if the building will bear the load because I
don't have the knowledge there. Actually, that's my problem."

“Let’s call in a contractor and we’ll talk.”

“Yeah, thanks for your help.”

"You're welcome. Aren't you and I on the same boat? Irina's major concerns are mine."

Paranoid of not listening to a single word, Irina made a gloomy face for a moment, but in the end smiled

She hugged her knees tighter and habitually turned her gaze to the window. The moon, as pale as Irina's
complexion, was radiating a crafty light.

Illenoa, who was looking at it, opened her mouth.

“Are you finished talking about business?”

Irina opened her eyes and looked at him.

Though puzzled, she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I think I've said all the important things. You too, go get some rest. … … Have I been too chatty

Illenoa shook her head without saying a word. He lifted one of the blankets and sat down next to her.

uh? uh? Irina was scratching her head.

“I, yes. I'm fine today."

“Yes, I will just sleep.”

“… … .”

However, Irina was somewhat troubled. Apart from the complexion, he said, clearly feeling a different
look than usual.

“It’s hard to believe if you come back and say that you can’t sleep with others. I know I'm not that

“… … .”

“I know that saying that my sleeping habits were bad was an excuse.”

“… … you are so far behind That was a couple of years ago, and I’m still talking about it.”

“Yeah, I’m usually like that.”

Recognizing it calmly, he brushed up his rich red hair.

“How are you doing this because you are sick?”

Irina, who had been putting up with it all the time, was it difficult to take off the shichimi anymore, Tina?
asked. As Illenoa nodded silently, she fell down, clutching Mr. A.'s stomach.

Illenoa stopped at the reaction more violent than expected, but Irina felt like everything was ruined.
she mumbled.

“It’s really nothing. My stomach hurts a bit.”

There was blood on the bottom since yesterday morning. It happened once a month, so I didn't think it
was a big deal, but there was a stabbing pain unlike usual. It felt like my lower pelvis was falling out.

“Why are you hungry? What did you eat wrong?”

“No, it’s not like that… … I've never been this sick before, so why am I in so much pain this month?"

“… … .”

“Your body has changed.”

No matter how much Irina was just leaving, it was embarrassing to say this directly to him.

As Illenoa remained silent, she became even more embarrassed.

So, if you don't like to talk, just pretend you don't know, why are you so obsessive about this?

Irina, who had been shivering all the time while talking about business, got nervous at first.

“You mean, the human body is like that when you get older, just say things like this.”

“… … I haven't said anything yet."

Of course, she didn't say anything, but her usual tone was exactly what Irina had copied. Hesitating, he
grabbed her shoulder as she was bowing, and lifted her up slowly.
“I heard that there are people who do not have pain in the first place and then develop it. Some people
stay all the time and then get better. It’s not always the same.”

Irina burst out laughing because she wanted to know everything. But seeing a slight frown on his face,
he carefully put his hand through the slit in her nightgown.

“What, why? Embarrassed.”

“Isn’t it better if you warm up your stomach?”

“… … How the hell do you know all that? Will this also be published in an academic journal?”

Irina now had a strange feeling beyond the pain and irritation.

“I think it is an area that needs research, but it is not published.”

Rather, it was more like a folk remedy.

To Irina, who was puzzled, Ilenoa said calmly.

“When I was young, I heard my sisters talk. I thought it was okay because you never showed any signs
of doing that to me.”

“… … .”

Illenoa is still pretty like that, so she must have been a much prettier child when she was younger. But
no matter how much he was a boy, Irina clicked her tongue inwardly thinking that she had done
everything in front of him.
Suddenly, he felt that he was brought up in a very different environment from his own.

“Can I bring some warm towels?”

Irina, who was a little worried, shook her head without saying a word. Then Ilenoa laid her down slowly
and placed her arms behind her head.

“Then let’s sleep like this first.”

“… … .”

Irina closed her eyes without saying a word. But, unlike usual, he seemed to be unable to fall asleep

He looked into Irina's face, which could only be recognized by the sound of her breathing. Whether it's
because of pain or irritation, there are fine wrinkles on the forehead, and the lips are puffy.

“Are you so unwell?”

"no. It’s a little bit better.”

“Then why are you so grumpy?”

He lifted his closed eyelids, revealing star-like eyes.

Irina grunted.

“Because it’s a shame.”

“… … Why is that embarrassing? It's not because you made a mistake."

“… … .”

It was difficult for Illenoa to understand that he was not ashamed of fighting while holding onto his male
mate when he had grown up, but that this was embarrassing.

it's stupid It's stupid.

“Even if you did something wrong, you don't have to hide it from me. Are you, a child, suffering from
pain alone?”

“… … Illenoa, little children don't get sick from these things."

It wasn't wrong, so Illenoa laughed involuntarily.

But he soon shook his head.

“If you are sick, just tell me. Isn’t Irina a person whose honesty is both a weakness and an advantage?”

“It sounds like a great compliment, but it’s hard to hear something like a curse.”

“It’s a compliment.”

Irina smirked.

Because it was a little ridiculous. He had been wrong for a long time.
It wasn't that I wanted to hide the pain, but it was a bit difficult to tell the truth behind the pain. It
wasn't that I wanted to hide something, it wasn't that I wanted to flirt with anyone, so it was closer to
the side where I wanted to be alone.

He didn't know anything about the world, but it seemed that he didn't know as much as the complex
and subtle psychology. you are a man too

But oddly enough, the irritation gradually subsided, so Irina did not bother to argue.

There were still people who were clogged up as if something big was going to happen when a man and
woman talked like that. Illenoa's thinking, who couldn't understand the gritty feelings, was much better
than those people.

I didn't feel it before, but it was a little cute for him to use the title of sister to someone.

Irina struggled to swallow her laughter and grumbled.

“Okay, so stop talking. I mean, it's insane. Let’s just go to sleep.”


“… … .”

“Wake me up if it hurts too much.”

Looking down at Irina, who was trying to sleep without answering, he caressed her flat stomach.


The general store began the extension work, and Irina's clothes began to be shipped with labels
Irina wanted to attach some value to her name. That wasn't what started it, but she was eventually
branding her own clothes.

Meanwhile, Illenoa sold new land in the southern provinces. It was to expand the textile mill.

The textile factory, which had already been attacked twice, had to stop the process for a while each
time. Illenoa decided to decentralize its facilities to minimize such anxieties.

Irina was initially opposed to the textile business of Ilenoa. It was because they judged that the unrest in
Impenon was not serious.

But she soon changed her mind. This is because he started a sewing business at another top and saw
them imitating his own clothes in a small dressing room.

If competitors were chasing fast, they had to get ahead faster.

Besides, Illenoa was her business partner. Once he made up his mind, he wanted to push him as hard as
he could.

However, because of the way Irina had chosen, they once again quarreled.

“What did you come here for?”

"I… … It's not a big deal, but I wanted to share, so I brought some bread. I also want to gift some of the
clothes I made. I think my wife will like it.”

“It’s over, so let’s go.”

As the door slammed shut in front of her, Irina turned around, exclaiming, ego, startled.
The reaction of the local people was cold. Needless to say, there were many artisans weaving weaving in
the South. Kissen had an unsuitable climate for cotton growing, but the South was the only area where
cotton grew, albeit on a small scale.

The invention of the weaving machine and spinning machine in Impenon, and the development of
maritime trade, suffered a great blow to the craftsmen of the South. Naturally, there was no interest in
the textile business.

Irina was reluctant to choose a site, but Illenoa felt that moving away from the capital and port should
have its advantages. It was a raw material that could be airlifted in Korea.

Irina wanted to soften people's boundaries and win favors. I also wanted to offer them new jobs and
induce them to work in a factory in Illenoa.

Even if Ilenoa did not start a textile business, the decline of the handicraft industry was now almost
certain as long as there was Imphenon.

But it was hard for Illenoa to endure to see people being rude to her.

Seeing Irina doing it again, Illenoa grabbed her wrist and dragged her along.

“Irina, do you really have to do this? Don't deal with those people."

Illenoa had a face that was holding back something. But she just kept quiet.

Sit down in the alleyway, Irina ate a piece of bread. Chewing what was in her mouth, she said

“Not everyone in the world likes me. You know why, so why are you like this?”

But Illenoa shook her head strongly.

“Being disliked and being rude are two different things. I will never see you treated like that.”

Irina chuckled, laughing.

I've been treated a lot better, bastard. And you don't know what, you've always been nice to me.

Irina, who looked up at the sky for a moment, seemed to organize her thoughts. She immediately asked

“You mean What do you think business is?”

It was a random question, and it didn't fit the mood. But Illenoa faithfully returned the answer.

“You make a profit by selling cheap things at high prices.”

It was such a thought. And like a businessman, it was a cold thought.

Irina nodded her head.

"Is not it. That's right. But I think differently. Business is fundamentally about winning people's hearts.
Are you going to sell only to people you like?”

“… … .”

“Illenoa, I understand your thoughts. But there are still far more people in the world who think
differently than us. Us… … You've been through a lot of stuff like that."

When they were young, they were much more immature and brittle than they are now, so it was their
common past that they did not blend in smoothly with the times and were pointed at by people.
Illenoa lowered her head for a moment, then grabbed her and lifted her up. and hugged him softly.

Holding the bread in one hand and blinking, Irina smiled broadly.

I never meant to tell a sad story.

Patting him on the back a couple of times with her other hand, she gently pushed him away.

“But, Illenoa, people are stupid, so we don’t have a different opinion. I've always felt that way since I
was doing business and boarding ships. Everyone has the right to spend their money as they please. You
can buy things you like. Then it is up to the merchant to move it.”

“… … .”

“You are running a business called the cotton industry with these people. You have to convince them
that you have no bad intentions and that you will give people decent jobs. I want people who work to
get paid a lot. Working in a textile mill should be an object of envy. Do you understand me?”

The unrest in Impenon taught her a deep lesson and gave her a direction.

Ilenoa didn't answer, but Irina smiled and grabbed his hand. It was a smile as wide as the sea.

After staying in the South for a few days, Irina started working on something else right away. The
general store extension was in full swing, but she decided to contact the owners of the stores she
wanted to enter.

Unexpectedly, the first place Irina visited was the dressing room, which is her main business. As a child,
the Marquis Nodiac and her frequent visits.
It was also the shop where Illenoa and I shared memories of the first time I went to Kisana Street

As Irina bravely pushed the door into the store, a gentle bell rang.

The old man, the owner and chief designer of the dressing room, had a startled look on his face.

“Isn’t it Miss Irina? Long time no see. I have heard the good news that you are doing great.”

It was the first time in almost 10 years that he had not visited the house since the collapse of the house.
Her face, which had many years of age, was sad, but Irina smiled brightly.

“Do you remember me?”

"sure. Didn't you come when I was about the size of my waist?"

"Yes that's right. My dad often brought me here since I was little because the clothes here suit me.”

“Your father’s job wasn’t very good. But she must be happy that she has grown up so well.”

“… … Yes, thank you for saying that.”

When he talked about his father, his heart became weak, so Irina coughed in vain.

She looked around the dressing room with a longing expression on her face.

The inside was still there. Whether it was possible to ignore the fashion at all or it was the work of
another designer, clothes with a modern sensibility stood out, but still the splendor and elegance of the
feudal era were felt.
“How is the store?”

“It’s not as much as before, but there are still people who like it, so we’re maintaining the status quo.”

The gray-haired old man came down a cup of tea for Irina and offered a seat. Waiting for Irina to take a
few sips of tea, she asked curiously as Irina put down her glass.

“What are you doing up to here? You have work to do, but you probably didn’t even come to me to
match your clothes.”

“Can’t you just think that I’m here just to see the boss?”

Irina asked in a slightly charming way, but she shook her head.

“I have been sitting on this street for over 30 years. It was picked up by rumors that the young lady was
not free enough to come for that reason.”

Anyway, all the people who had been in business for a long time were ghosts.

Irina let out an embarrassing laugh, and finally asked directly.

“Sir, don’t you want to open a branch? I'm reorganizing the general store, so please put some in there.
To put it simply, I want to sell the boss’s clothes in my store.”

“… … .”

“A general store is not a place that sells junk or antiques. It's going to be really luxurious. It will go very
well with the clothes the boss makes.”
Irina persuaded me quite hard by suggesting various conditions that had been prepared. But the old
man, who had been silent for quite some time, shook his head.

“The lady and I have different ways to go.”

“… … Because the clothes I make and the path to go are different, I want to do it together.”

Although popularized, Irina's clothes were mainly sold to commoners. It means that the upper classes
have been neglected.

Irina looked around the store again.

In fact, she admired it. What this dressing room was guarding was not mere clothes or outdated values.
It was an art in itself, and that's why I felt my soul.

There were clearly people in the world who still recognized the value of each stitch and preferred them.

Irina wanted to handle her clothes along with her own at the refurbished general store.

That way you can undoubtedly diversify your customer base. It was decided that it would be able to
attract even people who spend a lot of money and do not agree with the current fashion trends to the

But she shook her head again.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you the answer you were looking for."

It was an outright rejection.

The stubborn obstinacy was going backwards, but Irina didn't find it frustrating. That craftsmanship and
frivolous pride forced her to admit that she had survived these chaotic times.
“I will come again. Please do not chase me away.”

“He's not a tough old man to kick out the cute little customer who once fed our dressing room. Take a

Irina walked out of the store with a kick and smile. I was rejected, but somehow I had a foreboding that
it would turn out well.


While the dressing room was a bit quiet, Irina pulled Nick out of the store. Nick got a little nervous as
she dragged him into the secluded alley behind the store.

“Why, why? In words."

“Don’t bother, just follow me.”

Nick was even more nervous than before because his speech was so bad.

However, the unimaginable scenery unfolded where she followed her. A target and various types of
swords were placed there.

She glanced at Nick's eyes and picked up the dagger. And Nick threw it away without a moment to say

He blinked as he saw the dagger in the center of the target.

“How is it, have you grown a lot?”

“… … Did you practice?”

“Yeah, keep it a secret from Illenoa. Well, you may already know.”

She smiled bitterly as she recalled the people Illenoa had placed around the store.

They had no idea where they were hiding, but when Irina stepped out of the store door, they would
quickly appear and catch up behind them.

“You learn faster than you think. It's poisonous, what is it?"

The words at the back were a bit harsh, but Irina was happy to receive the compliment, so Irina gave her
a triumphant expression.

"Is not it? are you pretty good? Then I will teach you the sword technique now.”


“The dagger is over once you have blown everything you have. What has already been thrown cannot
be brought back.”

“… … what?"

Nick asked a few times as if absurdly, but Irina ran again and came with a long sword.

“I bought a light knife!”

“… … When did you buy that again?”

“I bought it when I went to Impenon. The specimen is thin, but the strength is better than it looks.”

“… … .”

“But is this a good knife? I don't have that kind of perspective. I bought it because it was light, but have
I been scammed? I bought this for a very high price.”

Nick was silent for a moment. It was because I thought again that people might not know about giving
up like that.

In fact, it was quite a bad thing to see that he even came to Ils to pay off such a lot of debt.

He sighed, took Irina's sword and glanced around. It was a thin sword with a blade close to the shape of
a rapier.

Looking at Irina with her ears pricked up, he said as if confused.

“Irina, this is a sword suitable for stabbing rather than cutting. And most of the Kisen people use
swordsmanship based on slashing.”


Contrary to asking if she had been scammed, Irina did not show any signs of resentment. She sprinted
again and ripped through the pile of swords.

“Then how about this?”

“… … .”

Nick was silent again when she asked, drawing another sword. It looked like he was going to learn.
Nick also watched the atrocities that took place in the Count's Garden that day.

He was also a person who had touched the sword for a long time, so he could guess the extent of
Schuberg's upper-classism. In an emergency, Illenoa decided that it was most reasonable for Irina to
take an opportunity and avoid herself.

The reason I gave you a dagger is because it is the most useful weapon in that case.

Even a man with good basic stamina and a strong physique is difficult to subdue if his opponent has
been professionally trained. In fact, it was close to impossible.

It was even more so for a woman with inexperienced swordsmanship like Irina.

It was real, but Nick was silent. As sensitive to expressions that reflect only reality, Irina often had to go
through unfair things because she was a woman.

Nick tried to pass this troublesome task on to someone else.

“Why don’t you just learn from Schuberg Sangju?”

But Irina had a sad face. She pursed her lips and shook her head.

“I won’t. He sneaks up on my skills. I'm not that serious. I mean, I have quite a bit of athleticism.”

“… … Did you know?”

“You think I’m stupid, don’t you?”

Irina smiled as if it was plastic.

“Illenoa isn’t the kind of kid who ignores me. 걘 I'm just worried that I'll take the lead. that's dangerous
But what can I learn if the teacher is so passive?”

“Are you smarter than you think?”

Irina snorted and laughed.

He looked at him silently and scratched his head in embarrassment. It was a very sorry face to say such a

“Irina, I actually think… … .”

But she interrupted him.

"I know."

“… … .”

“I know that in the first place, the fight itself is at a level that cannot be established.”

There is a difference between physical conditions and basic skills that cannot be overcome.

The swordsmanship I learned during my academy days was not a real battle risking my life. He was
literally educated, and he was well aware that even then, the boys took a sneak peek at him.

Everyone has a disadvantageous area. I didn't mean to deny it, and I didn't want to feel embarrassed
either. I have no intention of sitting down with an excuse or just wanting to be protected by someone.

Then there was always one thing she had to do.

“If you let go, there will be no progress in the end.”

“… … .”

“So I want to try. Can't you, though?"

Irina glanced at Nick's eyes. It was because Nick had no one to learn from if he came out negatively.

But in the end, he nodded his head even though he smiled sadly.

“Okay, then let’s try it.”

Her expression brightened quickly, and Irina, whom I liked, was as bright as a child. But it also felt
strangely grown-up.

Nick rubbed her curly hair with complex emotions. Then Irina jumped up and said not to do this

Ilenoa and Irina often spent time in the South. It was because of the problem of running a textile mill.

The reaction of the local people was still cold, but Irina was tenacious enough to sometimes make
people sick.

Seeing her humming while still being treated poorly today, Illenoa tilted her head at an angle.

In the eyes of others, it was just a cold face as usual. But Irina could sense that he was annoyed again.
She pretended not to know.

“Is the steamer going well?”

Illenoa nodded her head without saying a word.

“Where are you doing?”

“It's pretty close to the coast.”

"I see."

Irina, who gave a rough answer, glanced at his eyes to gauge his mood.

“Why do you look like that?”

"uh? I just saw it. Why?"

As she flinched, Illenoa let out a short sigh.

He had a lot to say, but he didn't want to argue with Irina, and he wasn't the kind of person who would
break his stubbornness by saying it. In the end, he also moderately sympathized with Irina's efforts to
change the subject.

“As you said, I avoided the capital city because I thought it would be better not to stand out. If you're
curious, let's go see it together later. It's still drying, though."

"Huh! great!"

Irina answered lightly, this time he asked.

“How is the general store? I heard that it was soon to be completed.”

“Yeah, the contract for the store is almost over. Rather, I am having a hard time rejecting it.”

There was a lot of talk inside the upper Nodiac about the unfamiliar shape of the store. It was only
Illenoa and Susan, who had worked for a long time in a general store, who responded positively.

Contrary to concerns, however, the merchants of the capital began to come into contact with Irina
before she even visited.

She has hit a jackpot in every business she touches and stores she takes over, and she is a person with a
good sense of humor. No one thought that what she had accomplished as a merchant was simply luck.

“Illenoa, when the general store is complete, I will leave the overall operation to Susan.”

“Yeah, that’s up to you.”

However, while nodding her head, Illenoa gave a somewhat surprising expression. Naturally, I thought
that Irina would go to work there for a while and be involved in the operation.

“You seem to trust him a lot.”

Irina grinned.

“And that too… … Susan is actually a person who has a sense of things rather than clothes. I followed
him from the general store to the dressing room because of me. They even signed me up, but I also
want to give them a chance.”

Irina and Illenoa continued to exchange opinions.

And at some point, a shabby child crawled towards them. His already shabby attire made it even dirty
from what he had been doing all day.

Illenoa had a cold gaze, but Irina had a kind side to children.

“Kid, how old are you?”

However, the boy was furious at the friendly question.

“Not kid! I am seven years old!”

He almost laughed, but Irina barely managed to overcome it. Even if he smiles because he's cute, that
young gentleman can hurt his pride.

"Ah really? Are you seven years old already? nice? But do you have anything to say to your sister?”

“… … .”

Irina soon noticed what the little boy was glancing at. It was the food basket he was still holding because
he had been sternly rejected at the house he had just visited.

Ah, Irina, who had achieved enlightenment, asked with a smile.

“Do you like fruit?”


“… … okay?"

Irina paused for a moment, and the child who looked at her said:
“I like candy.”

“Wow, really? I like it too!”

She responded with applause, and without speaking any longer, she grabbed a handful of candy from
the basket and held it out to the child. Then Irina smiled bitterly as she saw the child who just received it
and shoved it into her pocket.

The sleeves were worn out, and the tips of the nails were black. Looking at it, I could feel the collapse of
the southern economy as well as the gap with the capital.

When the child did not leave her face, Irina asked cautiously.

“… … Do you like bread too? Would you like to eat this too?”


“Yeah, come on. But what's our seven-year-old friend's name?"

"Thomas. You can call me Tommy.”

“That’s right, my sister is Irina.”

Seeing that even a nickname was allowed, it seemed that Irina liked it quite a bit.

As she stroked her hair, the child shared a long loaf of bread with her kinky hands. And after a lot of
thought, in the end, he held out the slightly larger side to Irina.

Irina asked with her eyes wide open.

“Am I giving it back?”

“Yeah, let’s eat together.”

“Doesn’t he know how to share and Tommy was a really cool kid?”

"really? Am I cool?”

“Yeah, I’m totally in love with it.”

“But I have a girlfriend.”

Irina couldn't hold back this time and burst into laughter.

You are better than most adults, man.

After chewing for a while, she returned the half of the bread to Tommy and said.

“Then, wouldn’t it be nice to share this with my girlfriend? Noona has some fruit here, and these days,
her stomach keeps coming out and she’s trying to control it.”

The boy quickly turned bright. How fiercely did you think with that tiny head before you handed Irina
the bread?

Irina turns to the back of the child's head with a light step, goodbye, let's meet again! and greeted Then
the boy turned around and waved at her.

Illenoa was watching the absurd process without saying a word. When the child's back had completely
disappeared, he let out a belated sentiment.
“You’re playing really well with a child who can’t speak well yet.”

“… … .”

There were times when the same words sounded like a curse when Ilenoa said them. Irina, who felt a
subtle tone, responded with a sullen face.

“I guess they are of the same mental age.”

“I didn’t mean to talk like that.”

"okay? So, I guess it's a matter of entitlement. Am I a bit immature?”

The intensity of self-criticism was getting stronger. In the end, Illenoa laughed and said.

“Why are you losing weight? When I touched it the other day, it didn't look like that at all. None of
them came out.”

Illenoa glanced at Irina's stomach blatantly.

“You like to eat.”

And this time his gaze went down a little further than the ship.

Hurriedly covering her stomach with a fruit basket, she later made a face of shame.

He always hits like this if he has a good heart.

"Yes, you. What happens in bed is just finished in bed. Burying them is a courtesy to each other.”

I knew it was a metaphorical expression. But in a fresh voice, he once again told a dirty story.

“Then what happened out of bed? We did it at the chair and at the table.”

“… … Is it fun to play like that?”

As Irina clenched her fists, he burst into laughter, then shook his head and apologised.

"sorry. Your reaction was funny. Now, at any rate, you don’t even get angry with me, so I keep crossing
the line.”

Irina was not able to distrust even his apology.

She muttered over and over again, but she returned to the starting point relatively docilely.

“I don’t lose weight.”

“… … .”

“I can’t take a child’s food at this age and eat it. But if you say that, your child's self-esteem may be
hurt, so be careful. Don't you even know that?"

Originally, he was a kind person who was especially kind to weak people. Her arrogance was limited to
when the other party tried to suppress her or felt it was unfair.

The reason Irina cared for Illenoa while attending the academy was probably because she believed that
he was weak.
Illenoa stroked her hair as Irina had done to the boy earlier.

“How was Irina at that age? Did you learn things like speaking and writing faster than others?”

"me? cellar. I learned relatively quickly... … I was just a bunch of troublemakers, well. The nanny kept
chasing after me because I kept breaking things down. Even though my father loved me very much, he
was terrified that everything would be ruined if he touched me.”


“Is that cute? I always feel it, but your tastes are very perverted.”

Irina laughed while criticizing him.

“But Illenoa. I'm sorry for interrupting you, but I suddenly had a new idea."

“What is it?”

Irina was concerned that Illenoa was starting too many new things at the same time. But for that matter,
she was also constantly pouring out new ideas.

“I was originally trying to diversify the womenswear line. Well, even if it goes that way, I wonder what
it would be like to make ready-to-wear for children.”

“… … .”

“Children grow up quickly, so how burdensome it would be for those who don’t have money to have
them tailor-made every time. Why didn't I ever think of that?”

Seeing Irina tilting her head as if she was genuinely puzzled, Illenoa smiled bitterly. He nodded as he
hung the flowing red hair around his ear.
“You do whatever you want. Instead, don't overdo it. Business and dealing with villagers.”

He added, unable to hold back the words he was trying to keep in his mind today. It was because Irina
was concerned about being treated coldly.

But you can't spit on a smiling face, so Irina could really change the minds of some people. When the
factory was completed, we were able to get a promise to work together.

The process required money, but also sincerity. Illenoa could have spent money on those people. But
she couldn't pour her heart into it like Irina.

“I do it for fun. Do you still not know me?”

“… … .”

“If I was really offended or not wanting to do it, I wouldn’t have done it if someone pushed me on the

Illenoa smiled bitterly, but nodded.

“Yeah, your life would have been a little easier if you weren’t like that, but I’m sorry.”

“How could it not have been such a huge success instead?”

“Yeah, that’s honestly true.”

The two smiled as they exchanged words that only each other in the world could understand.
Hearing that a guest from Impenon was looking for Nodiak Sangju, Irina rushed to the upper office. It
was the top that had bought all of Ilenoa's work clothes the other day.

It was rare for Sang-ju Sang to travel by boat, but Irina was unexpectedly able to meet a familiar middle-
aged man.

“Oh, my lord. How did you get here in person?”

“I came here because I thought it would be better to talk face to face.”

“You have come a long way.”

“What a long way.”

The man who answered bluntly was funny, so Irina chuckled.

“I’ll be busy, so let’s talk about it. The clothes you delivered are doing well in the mines. Even though
the initial supply has already been exhausted, requests are still coming in. However, there was a request
to lower the unit price because the quality is okay. Even if it is made well, it is not possible to wear it for
a long time anyway due to the nature of the workplace.”

“Yes, I will consider it carefully and make it.”

Irina nodded her head with a remorseful expression on her face.

Kisen was a weak country in many ways compared to Imphenon. The population was small and the
economy was small. So, in order to be more successful, they had to enter a larger market.

However, unlike Irina's excited look, the Imphenon merchant had a serious face.
He took a piece of paper from his pocket and held it to the center of the table. The list of items was
written in Imphenon on the paper. It was the list he wanted to deal.

“Actually, Impenon’s situation isn’t good right now.”

Irina, who had a corner for straw, asked cautiously.

“Then that… … Is it still not suppressed?”

“It got worse. Republican politicians are giving the citizens arms and food.”

Irina, who took in a momentary breath, sighed heavily.

That's how things go.

It was much more radical than Irina had expected.

“In the worst case, it may be difficult to enter and leave the port for a while, so I want to trade as many
items as possible with you this time. We want enough volume to fit five ships, is that possible?”

He looked around the Nodiac upper office and looked a bit skeptical. This is because the number of
people working or the size of the headquarters did not meet expectations.

Irina's main industries were clothing stores and stores that spread like webs all over Kissen, not foreign
trade. But she nodded her head several times with a confident face.

“It’s possible because I have a partner.”

Even if it was impossible, I had to make it possible somehow. Irina strongly affirmed, thinking that such a
great deal could not be missed.
“The production period is required, so please give it a few days. I will do everything else for you as
much as possible.”

“In case you didn’t know, I even brought fabric with me. Most of the textile factories are in a state of
paralysis, but not many.”

Irina expressed her gratitude and quickly went down the inventory. It was a much larger amount than
what Irina had been carrying from Ils before.

Not many Schuberg tops have ever done such a big deal. Use this money as your capital to expand your
sewing factory and invest in the steamship business of Illenoa.

In Irina's mind, several plans stood up in an instant.

It was a good opportunity to touch such a large amount of money.

The two of them verbally promised to make a deal, and after that, they exchanged greetings and minor

Irina suddenly became curious about him and asked.

“Are you on the Republican side?”

He cursed the impenon royal family and said that the republican era was much better for business, so
maybe that's the case.

But the middle-aged man unexpectedly shook his head.

“I am not on any side.”

Seeing Irina puzzled, he grinned and answered.

“The merchant is only on the side of money. Other beliefs only make the merchant suffer.”

Irina nodded her head with a heavy face.

The world is a far more complex place than she had imagined as a child, and the once sharp lines of
good and evil have long since blurred.

At some point, it was difficult for Irina to deny that she was also a person similar to the man in front of


Having signed a big deal, Irina was very busy. We discussed the quality of work clothes in consultation
with Illenoa, and the general store was also in the middle of last-minute work before opening.

But even in the midst of such a busy schedule, there were places she stopped by from time to time. As a
child, it was Little Irina's regular dressing room.

Irina said while watching the old woman wrinkled in the stiff fabric.

“It would be convenient if I brought in a sewing machine. It is very easy to use.”

“It wouldn’t be possible to do such delicate work with it.”

“Huh, that’s right. Still, it doesn’t always have to be a lot of work.”

To be honest, Irina coveted the clothes in this dressing room. This was the place that best embodies the
clothes of classical beauty in Kissen, and it had a symbolic meaning to that extent.
But it wasn't the only reason she took her busy time to visit this place.

From a young age, Irina had a crush and thirst for upright adults. So, I really liked the Japanese teacher
who had no mercy on grades, and I also respected Archduke Serlioz, who was a bit eccentric.

Even if she is courageous, when she meets people with such a straight heart, she wants to lean on her.

And the old woman who kept the dressing room was also not bothered by Irina, who had such a
perfume, and greeted her quite warmly.

“… … miss."

When Irina, who was sitting on the sofa, began to doze off, her escort and attendants were perplexed.

I tried calling at least a little, but she didn't hear it because the schedule these days was too much. It
seemed very arduous.

The old man who was immersed in his work noticed Irina sleeping and smiled kindly, found a cozy
blanket from somewhere and gently covered her with it. And he handed out a cup of hot tea to the
people who stood quietly in the corner of the store.

She said while looking at Irina who was sleeping.

“You were such a cute person when you were little.”

“… … .”

Of course, it was true that there were times when that was the case. But he wasn't the only one who
was so cute.
People all had awkward expressions on their faces, but only the old man had warm eyes. It was the gaze
of a child, and it was the gaze that was immersed in the past.

“The Marquis really liked the young lady, so she often chose the fabric and color herself. Then, she
insisted on wearing the color she liked. She used to play pranks like she didn't hear that she was cute,
but then Miss Irina just cried saying she wanted to wear the one she chose.”

Eventually, a smile began to spread among the people. It was natural that a person's personality could
not change in an instant, but it was a stubbornness with a history.

“But from one day on, he stopped expressing his opinions in front of the Marquis. I was curious about
that, so when I was in Gabon, I implicitly asked. So he said he wanted to wear what he picked out for

“… … .”

“She was such a lovely girl.”

The old man, who once again arranged Irina's spilled blanket, went back to his seat. And I started sewing
with my rough hands.

As people began to worry about when to wake up, Irina woke up with a blink of an eye.

Contrary to the embarrassment of those around her, she didn't seem to have any qualms about sleeping
in an unfamiliar place. Rather, he yawned loudly and pulled the blanket up to his shoulders.

“… … .”

She woke up feeling exhausted and her mind cleared a bit.

Illenoa's headaches must be due to a lack of sleep.

Irina continued to blink. Dressing rooms and sewing factories are usually dusty. This is because every
time you cut the fabric, it scatters fine dust from the fabric.

Irina, who was trying to open her dry eyes right away, unintentionally stared at the old woman who was
preoccupied with her work.

Suddenly, she had completely pulled out the folds of her dress and had countless beadings on it. It was a
fine workmanship, but her fingertips were trembling a little, and she was struggling to get the correct

My eyes didn't seem to be seeing as well as before.

Irina quietly pulled up the blanket covering her body. And he approached her as if drawn to something.

“… … .”

Bead decorations that looked like silver or transparent azure were forming waves. It was like a
constellation that embroidered the night sky.

Irina, who was unable to speak for a while, tried to express her feelings as politely as possible.

“You have gotten better.”

“You are saying everything. The old man is ashamed.”

“It’s really pretty. It’s like the Milky Way.”

And at that honest admiration, the old woman smiled broadly. It was the happiest expression on Irina's
face since visiting the dressing room.

A wrinkled face like a child. My fingertips turned white from touching the fabric countless times.

In that moment, Irina felt something pounding and pounding in her chest.

Irina was greedy for this old woman's clothes. So, I made a lot of suggestions.

At first, he said that he would reduce the shop tax, and later he asked if he could decide what to do next,
since he would exempt the shop tax for three months.

The conditions were good, and the level of escort was the same, but the old man's refusal was the same.

And Irina actually knows why. Because this person doesn't need money.

The minds of such people cannot be turned by any means.

“… … .”

How confident was she when she was young that there are hearts that money cannot buy? But how
many hearts are you trying to buy with money now?

Irina finally started to shed tears. Because I felt a reaction against this self-contradiction.

Even so, I want to ask, what is the value of clothes that no one will wear? Sometimes I want to question
what kind of musical value is a song that others don't listen to, and what is the significance of a
performance that the audience doesn't see.

All those words swelled in his mouth, but he couldn't afford to say it that way. Because the creator
knows it better than anyone.
Because people who know but do it will be the loneliest than anyone else.

It was because he felt like he would become a broken human the moment he uttered those words in
front of him.

With tears streaming in her heart, she took the old man's wrinkled hand. After choosing and choosing
words countless times, there was only one expression I could use now.

It was a sincere apology without asking for any means or conditions.

“I just… … I did it because I wanted more people to wear the boss's clothes. sorry."

The bewildered old man looked at her sadly when Irina suddenly cried. With a sad expression on her
face, she hugged the crouched Irina and exhorted her.

“I’m still so weak, what should I do?”

In the old man's arms, she wept like a child.

Illenoa and Irina's business was expanding at an alarming rate.

The harmony of capital, technology, and ideas was successful, and after receiving an interim payment
from the Imphenon merchant, the Nodiac upper part gained momentum in its growth.

“I didn’t know you were so talented in sales.”

Illinoa joked about Irina's asking for a big deal.

She just laughed, but it was actually quite impressive.

It was not Impenon that was highly dependent on trade, but Kisen, and it was rare to come to Kisen to
purchase goods from Impenon.

Irina bought a few more stores with the newly inflowed capital, and invested in the expansion of a
sewing factory and steamship business.

Because of this, Ilenoa and Irina have been away from the capital more often these days. This is because
the bases of the core business were gradually expanding throughout the country.

Irina, who was walking along the shore and enjoying the sea scenery very different from Cheyenne,
started looking for a place to sit. Then Ilenoa took off her cloak and laid it on the black rock.

"sit down please."

“Ugh, you sit here too.”

Irina, worried about him sitting on the floor, gave up a little bit of her seat, but Illenoa smiled and shook
her head. He said as he sat down on a bare rock.

“The general store will open soon.”

“Yeah, three days later.”

The elder designer, who had consistently rejected all of Irina's proposals, suddenly changed his mind for
some reason.
It was good news, but Irina struggled for a while because she could not be happy. And she was
determined to treat her with the craftsmanship of a craftsman and a wonderful treatment
commensurate with life.

Irina created a showroom-like space in the general store. Only a few expensive designs were to be
exhibited there, and only five pieces of clothing were to be ordered per month.

Unlike Irina's clothes, which compete based on quantity and price, it was a strategy to differentiate
them through rarity and luxury.

The Kissen aristocratic society had already collapsed, leaving only traces of it, but Irina remembered that
people responded enthusiastically to the excellent customer system even in Ils, where the class system
was completely abolished.

If the quantity is limited, profitability will decrease. But more symbolism can be guaranteed.

Illenoa thought it was a good idea, but Irina didn't seem to be in a good mood, so I asked.

“Does it still bother you that much?”

"Well. I do not know."

“Sometimes it seems that you are trying to be too righteous.”

"is it?"

Irina tilted her head.

“It’s really not a big deal. You seem to think differently, but he's also a merchant after all. You changed
your attitude because you scratched the itch. I think I fully understand what it was.”
Illenoa couldn't say that everything was right, but somehow I felt more at ease and Irina shook her head.

“How do you feel about seeing the steamship?”

“Um, I still don’t know how it works.”

Irina had a much gloomy face than before.

Scientists have a talent for making easy things difficult. As Irina, who was not at all interested in applied
science, it was often difficult to understand what they were saying.

“How do scientists make a living if they understand all such detailed principles? Please protect their
territory as well.”

Looking back, those words made me more proud of myself. That's because Illenoa got along very well
with the engineers.

They used to listen very seriously to the opinions of Ilenoa, their patron and holding the money chain. In
fact, it was at a level that could be debated.

“The engineers were expecting three times the speed of a sailboat, but I asked for four.”

“Are you that fast? I can't imagine But don't stir too hard. It was pity that everyone had a pale

Irina clicked her tongue. Illenoa smiled at the sight and threw a small stone into the sea.


“I decided to build a steamship for three or so reasons.”

“… … Are those three?”

He is a very talkative man, but he keeps talking in front of Irina.

In fact, from the first time we met, he may have intuited that Irina was the only person who could
understand his thoughts.

“Yes, the first one, as you know, was for business reasons.”

“Yeah, I have to win. What is the second one?”

Irina had the most curious face she had heard today. He grinned and threw another stone into the sea.

“If you go out of Kissen again, then I hoped that you could come back as soon as possible.”

“… … .”

Ilenoa glanced at Irina, who was speechless.

“Due to his personality, there is no way he will be in Kisen for the rest of his life. is not it?"

“… … .”

“Don’t look like that. I don’t have such optimistic expectations either.”
You put people at ease in a very unique way. But it was true that I had to go to Ils at least once to clean
up the store.

Irina asked, scratching her head.

“So what is the third purpose?”

“I can’t tell you that yet.”

Irina opened her mouth in shock.

“… … You thought I wouldn't ask if I said that?"

"Yes. You like being honest, so I thought I wouldn't force you to tell the truth.”

“… … .”

Irina, who was at a loss for words for a moment, said with a sad smile.

“Are you really bad?”

“Yes, I know.”

“Good, really.”

Irina sighed and followed Illenoa to the beach, dropping fondant stones.

Irina was also a very savvy person, so she knew that this was Illenoa's habit.
“Sometimes you throw stones at the sea. Why are you doing that?”

"well. It’s a meaningless habit.”

Obviously it was However, after throwing the pebble once more and pondering, he soon changed his

“It’s nice to see the waves in the sea.”

“Are you that sentimental too?”

Somehow, Irina smiled mischievously.

Did you have such a pure taste too? Then I have to make several more.

She abruptly got up and went to pick up stones. Irina finally found a flat, round stone and threw it at an
angle toward the water surface.

Pong pong pong pong, the stone that protruded exactly four times created a lot more concentric circles
than before.

Irina turned around with a bashful smile and asked Ilenoa.

"Can you do this?"

He shook his head quietly.

“I’m not good at it.”

Normally, he would have had a triumphant expression on his face.

You have to choose the stones carefully, because they are flat so they have less resistance. Angle is life
may have squealed

But now Irina was not deceived either.

Illenoa was a man of many talents, and unlike his slow gait, he was very agile. Everything I did with my
body was useless.

Irina came over to Ilenoa's side, squatted down, and clung to her arms.

“I hate losing, Ilenoa.”

“… … .”

Ilenoa, who silently looked at the arm she was holding, couldn't help but got up and was dragged by

“Would you like to bet?”

“What bet are you talking about?”

“Let’s make the wish of the winner come true.”

“I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want to put too many conditions on it.”

"Huh? It's just fun. If you don't like it, ask him to buy you rice at least once. I have a lot of money now,
and you are the only one who can do anything for me.”

Illenoa, who was silent for a moment, nodded briefly.

Irina threw the stone first. As if it had been practice before, the stones Irina picked formed seven
concentric circles and disappeared below the surface of the water.

Like Irina, Illenoa didn't even choose the stone with the utmost care. He just picked up a suitable one
under his feet and flew it over the water without a big deal.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Round waves appeared one by one, and when it finally crossed ten, Irina's face turned into a very absurd

“… … Did you say you're not good enough? Aren't you being too harsh on me? So what can I do now?
Yes? curious."

Contrary to the sad expression on her face, she seemed to be a little excited. There was excitement in
the chirping voice. However, Illenoa dryly returned Irina's proposal.

“Please buy me dinner or something later.”

“What, what if it turns out to be so boring? Can you only play with me like this? It's really
disappointing, and it seems like the meaning of our bet has faded in this way... … .”

Having fun, she tried to embarrass Illenoa over and over with her exaggerated tone. Illenoa, who had
been listening to the continuous sound without knowing the end, cut off her words after a long time.

He said, stroking Irina's cheek.

“Then Irina.”
"Huh! What?"

“If I apologize to you later, please accept it only once.”

Irina flinched at the words heavier than expected.

“What are you… … Did I do anything wrong? Why are you so terrifying?”

Illenoa shook her head slightly. What he was talking about was the past, not the present.

They succeeded because it touched their sensitive past when they said that they were the only ones left
to do something for them.

I wanted to apologize for having once ruined Irina's love in a mean way and tried to take over her body.

However, the apology may have already lost its value, as she forgave herself long ago, even though she
never properly asked for it.

"what's the matter?"

Irina asked with a puzzled face, but Ilenoa only shook her head with a faint smile.

Illenoa turned to the sea without saying a word.

Irina tilted her head and squatted on the floor, choosing a stone with a pretty shape. Because I wanted
to make a lot of things Illenoa liked.

When she found a handful of stones she liked and started tossing them over the water, countless ripples
arose in the still sea.
Illenoa and Irina then decided to visit the textile factory. This is because the official operation was soon
to come.

However, the utilization rate was expected to be less than half of the initial plan. It was because the
antipathy of the local people did not go away easily.

It was thanks to Irina's thick face that she was able to come this far.

By the time they arrived at the factory, it was already getting dark. Ilenoa, who had glanced at her son-
in-law, asked.

“Do you have a busy schedule?”

“… … .”

Busy, always busy. Because it wasn't just one or two things that happened.

However, the roads in the South are not as well maintained as in the capital, and riding horses late at
night was hard work for anyone.

Irina shook her head.

“It’s too late. Let’s just leave early tomorrow.”

As Illenoa turned and looked at Darren, he nodded and glanced at the person standing next to him. It
meant finding a place to stay.
With most of the personnel waiting in front of the factory, Illenoa and Irina entered the room with two

“… … .”

Irina looked at the vast space with impressive eyes.

Black machines fill the entire area, which is three times larger than in the capital. Countless round
wheels hung from the ceiling, and between them were connected by a tight belt.

Although it had already been seen a few times in the capital, Irina could not shake the feeling that it was
lively every time she saw it.

But the factory was usually like this. It was because of the cold nature of the machine itself.

Illenoa looked at Irina who was standing there and smiled.

In fact, even Illenoa had the impression that she did not fit well with this kind of scenery. Although only
an abstract expression, to him Irina was the sum total of all human and hot things.

Ilenoa passed Irina and headed somewhere.

She followed closely behind him, but when he opened the door, a different space opened up this time. It
was not very spacious, but it was a room where the weavers could rest.

Irina asked as she sat down on the chair.

“Is there a rest area?”

“You made a strong claim.”

Irina smiled brightly and said.

“You made a good decision, Illenoa. A pleasant working environment guarantees a high operating

It was difficult to tell if she really agreed with her words just by looking at her expression. But anyway,
Illenoa nodded briefly.

“Whatever the outcome is, if you like it, that’s it.”

Irina pursed her lips at the response that did not meet expectations.

It was not long after that the upper-class members who were waiting outside noticed something

The person who sent them to prepare a place to stay has not yet returned. However, there were subtle
signs of people being felt.

“… … .”

Darren looked around and noticed that there were a few faces he couldn't see. Meanwhile, the people
surrounding the textile factory were gradually closing the gap.

Darren said softly with a firm expression on his face.

“Nelson, go and tell the boss. … … It is an attack.”

The members of the upper ranks all drew their swords and formed a rank. A fight broke out right in front
of the factory.

Before long, I noticed a strange look inside.

The first one to look towards the door was Ilenoa. A moment later, Irina did the same, for there was an
intermittent metallic sound accompanied by a murmur.

“… … what?"

Irina fearlessly opened the door, but Ilenoa blocked her way. He shook his head and motioned for

Illenoa narrowed her eyes.

The sound of hasty footsteps and footsteps that killed the footsteps. two people

The door suddenly swung open.

“Lord, we are under attack!”

The man with the Schuberg badge shouted.

Irina made a startled face. It wasn't because of the attack. Because someone was aiming behind him.


But he went back before he even tried to attack.

Approaching the dead, Illenoa drew the dagger stuck in his forehead and took the long sword in his
hand. Kicking the body out the door, he brought Nelson inside and locked the door.

“Come on, the Viscount is blocking you in front.”

Illenoa nodded briefly and looked around the room once more. He was surprisingly calm.

“… … .”

There is one very small window on the side of the room. It was a window designed purely for daylighting
and could not be opened. But there is no other way out.

Without hesitation, Illenoa blasted the dagger through the window and broke it. After shaking the glass
and staring outside for a while, he suddenly began to take off his black overcoat. And he put the clothes
on Irina as it was.

Irina had a bewildered face not knowing why Illenoa was doing this, but the reason was very simple. Her
attire and hair color made it easy to stand out.

He said as if pleading with his front hem and tucking his red hair into his clothes as much as possible.


“… … Huh."

“Listen to me.”

Excitedly, she nodded her head. My heart was pounding, but I was ready to do anything I could do.

“An hour southwest of here. On horseback, there is a province called Lyon.”

Irina knew it well. It was a place where various kinds of tea leaves, a specialty product of Kisen, were

“There is an upper branch in Schuberg. Go and explain the situation and ask for assistance.”

“… … Is that okay?”


"Hang in there. I'll be right back."

But Illenoa slowly shook her head. He clasped Irina's shoulder and made eye contact.

“That’s not it. you are there Until it is completely cleared up.”

“… … .”

“Do you understand what I mean?”

She didn't want to agree, but Irina nodded. The metal castle was closer than before, and that was proof
that the defense line was being pushed at a high speed.

There was no time for petty quarrels. The other members of the upper ranks were gazing at the door
and ready to fight.

Irina was convinced, and Ilenoa nodded her head. And he instructed the man who had just run to report
the attack.

“Take them safely to the branch.”

Having identified the body, Illenoa was convinced that there was a traitor inside. It was because the
deceased was clearly familiar and belonged to Schuberg.

I don't know how many more there are.

Illenoa didn't completely trust even Darren. Man was originally an animal that could betray any number
of things.

However, this man almost lost his life unexpectedly, so perhaps the most unlikely of these.

Illenoa was planning to evacuate Irina completely from this space in the end.

However, Irina squealed and protested at those words.

"no! Then there's no need for me to go with you! me… … I can go alone.”

It was a crisis situation. I don't know how the situation was going on outside, but I could have taken
away valuable combat personnel.

But Illenoa's tone of voice was infinitely cold.

“Irina. I am not relaxed enough to accept your insistence.”

“… … what?"

Irina groaned, but Ilenoa turned her back on her without saying any more.

It was Nelson who moved first. As he crumpled through the narrow spear and jumped over, he reached
out to Irina, and she bit her lip, staring only at Ilenoa's back.
After hesitating for a while, Irina finally hung on the window sill, refused Nelson's hand and threw

Illenoa looked at it for a moment, but had to suddenly look away. A sound he knew well came from the

It was the sound of breaking the lock.

At that moment, Ilenoa rushed towards the people who were approaching. I had to stop chasing them.

Tak, tak, tadak, the sound of two men and women slamming the ground echoed through the night air.

Irina ran her best. Once I got as far away from this place as possible, I was thinking of finding a horse and
riding it.

But as she rushed through the cotton fields, she noticed a strange thing.

'The one who died earlier... … I think he was wearing a Schuberg badge.'

Of course, the possibility of theft or counterfeiting cannot be ruled out. However, as I began to doubt,
there were not one or two strange things.

Illenoa was a tycoon trader in Kissen, and it was impossible to keep his schedule with dozens of people
in complete secrecy. However, the visit to the textile mill was definitely an improvisational decision this

She slowed down and eventually came to a complete stop.

“… … .”

That's right, Illinoa. you have been betrayed

There is someone inside me who has been bought. Irina wasn't the only person Juan Manuel came into
contact with.

And then, fire began to soar from the exterior wall of the factory.

The flame that seemed to fade away quickly burns again without any relief. Those who wanted to evolve
and those who wanted to rekindle the fire were in a desperate confrontation.

A considerable number of people, both friends and enemies, had already entered the factory. To put out
the fire in such a state was the intention that we would all die together in the end.

No, at least it was the will to kill someone inside.

Irina bit her lip and began to roll her head.

- Lyon is about an hour's ride from here.

If so, that means it will take about two hours for support to arrive.

Can Ilenoa really survive that long?

And can the people of the branch be sure that they are on the side of impeccable Ilenoa?

… … this person is?

“Lady, you must hurry. One o’clock is urgent.”

The man urged Irina with an anxious look.

“… … .”

Sometimes the moment of choice is just heavy. But Irina said with a determined face in the end.

“Go to the branch. You don't have to go to both anyway. You must go quickly. Can you?”

“… … Irina-sama.”

“I have to ask other people for help.”

Leaving the man looking at her in despair, Irina turned away.

Had that man been a traitor, he wouldn't have left him alone by now. Convinced that he was on Illenoa's
side, she started running as hard as she could.

It was an approved direction.

Irina started knocking on the nearest house in a hurry. Bang, bang, knock on the door, an annoying
shout came from inside.

“Who are you at this hour!”

“This is Irina Nodiac. just a second… … .”

Before she could finish speaking, the door swung open. He had a very angry face.

“Aren’t rich people having no manners?”

But Irina pushed herself into the house without looking back and forth.

"uh? Candy sister.”

The child waved, but Irina was not in a position to accept it.

She grabbed the man's sleeve and hung it.

“The textile mill is under attack. Please help us.”

The man looked a little startled, then quickly hardened his face.

“I don’t know!”

“People die. Help."

But as Irina spoke, she felt her voice fading away.

These people are powerless people who can't even guarantee a single day's livelihood. He was not a
member of the upper ranks, nor was he a soldier.

Is it possible to tell such people to fight on their side? What kind of loyalty and duty do you have with
each other?

“So you’re saying you’re going to die looking at me now?! Don't put us in your troubles."
It was the right thing to say, and I couldn't even refute the man's words. But Irina held on desperately.

“Then please help me put out the fire outside. The people inside do not know that the fire is still

“Oh, well, I told you I didn’t know!”

He got Irina up and shoved her out of the door, pushing her roughly.

His face as he slammed the door shut and locked it was full of memories. Surprised by the extreme
situation, the child immediately began to cry.

“Dad, why don’t you help me? That older sister is a good older sister.”

“… … "Don't make a fuss, go to sleep, Tommy."

The man pushed the child's back toward the room with his trembling hands.

She also knocked on other houses frantically. But the reaction was the same. When they heard Irina's
name, there were many houses that did not open the door at all.

I tried to go to the houses of the people who had promised to work in the factory, but the result was the
same. that and this are separate.

The only thing she could get in this village was an old, old sword.

“… … .”
Irina, who was wandering around the empty night street like a crazy person, looked towards the textile

She wiped her tears and started running towards the factory, following the way she had come. Now, all
they could expect was the people of the branch.

Irina clenched her teeth.

Kisen has a saying like this.

[Do not help people carelessly]

It was a word that reflected the precarious and cold reality that was about to collapse.

However, when Irina was a child, she had some objection to the maxim. It was because he had never
experienced injustice at that time, and was filled with only justice and courage.

But now that I live, I know. There is really no such thing as an obligation for a person to help others.

Even though she knew it, she was saddened by that fact, so Irina continued to wipe away her tears with
her small fist.

“… … .”

As a child, Illenoa lived a life of constant persecution. And people still hate him and betray him.

Excluding financial calculations and promotion of positions, how many people would reach out to him in
a humane way? So, as a result, he was always alone before and after he succeeded.
I didn't think there was any fault with Ilenoa.

I also know that he's not vaguely a good person. It can also be said that it is a natural result since he
obtained the family and the top in an unclean way.

But Irina still couldn't shake the feeling of being unfair. I hoped that at least one person would give him a
slightly more fair evaluation of the life he had lived.

Irina ran as hard as she could and ran across the cotton field.

The fire on the outer wall had been suppressed, but it had already moved to the textile facility.

Not a single ant was seen at the entrance. It was impossible to tell from the outside whether it was
evolving inside or fighting while trapped in the flames.

You have to come out first.

Irina went back to the back of the factory to announce this fact, hid herself against the wall and peered
through the small window. And she sighed silently.

“… … .”

Several people had already entered the room, and bodies were lined up on the floor. Did they come in
before the fire broke out?

There were four people on Schuberg's side, but at first glance, the number of opponents was ten.

Their goals seemed clear. Most of the swords pointed towards Illenoa.
Irina put the long sword borrowed from the village on the floor for a while and took off Ilenoa's cloak.
The hand that took the dagger out of his arms trembled slightly.

- When you hold a knife in your hand, you are bound to get excited.

- When a person gets excited, the accuracy decreases.

Calm down, Irina.

Irina took a deep breath and stared at the head of the man who was fighting the sword with Ilenoa.

I thought I could fit it. But risking the safety of Ilenoa, he could not easily venture out.

She eventually turned to the man who was holding her breath in the back.

I didn't think more deeply. Irina just threw the dagger.

'You got it right!'

After confirming that the man had fallen, Irina quickly hid herself against the wall.

This was the first time I had killed a person. Still, rather than thinking that I killed someone, I feel the
relief that I succeeded.

I don't feel guilty, but strangely, a few tears fell.

After taking a few breaths, Irina looked inside again.

It was a riot. The sobered people didn't seem to know yet that the dagger flew from the window.

Irina quietly held the long sword in her arms. And this time, he looked at the man who was holding the
sword against Ilenoa once again.

I couldn't make a mistake here. Biting her lip hard, she fired the dagger as she aimed.


After confirming that it had been hit, Irina threw the long sword she was holding into the room.

There was still one more dagger left in the arms. However, it was clear that the chances of success
against those who had already recognized him were slim.

Without hesitation, Irina sat completely on the window sill.

"you… … !”

When the red-haired woman almost crawled over the spear and tried to fall, both sides were agitated.

Illenoa was the first to move, and the people from Schuberg, who were facing the door, hurriedly ran to
the window.

While Irina was passing over, sharp shurikens flew towards her.

At the same time, there was a sharp chirping sound. It was because Illenoa removed the commendation
with a long sword.

Irina, who had completely fallen in the gap, picked up the long sword she had dropped on the floor.
“You, what are you doing now! I told you to go!”

Irina grinned with tears on her face. It was because I suddenly thought that he had lost a lot of reason
when he saw him talking nonsense.

“Illenoa, are you okay?”

“… … .”

“I set a fire outside. I think it's already moved inside. You have to get out of here quickly.”

But she knew it was impossible.

The opponent had his back to the door, and Schuberg was outnumbered. Even if the door is opened, it
will be difficult to break through the fire that started from the entrance of the factory, and the moment
they turn their backs to escape through the window, they cannot guarantee their safety.

The only hopeful thing was that Illenoa and the individual members' abilities were superior to them.
However, this was also a glimmer of hope.

“… … When you're blocking now, get out again. Irina, please.”

“… … .”

“When someone speaks, please listen!”

Illenoa became angry while begging. But Irina did not answer in the end.

She picked up the shuriken that had fallen on the floor and put it in her arms. And he looked at the
sword he had borrowed expressionlessly.
She gripped the sword's handle with both hands.

After all, in Lyon's branch, if people don't come on time, they all die here. if so… … .

“Illenoa, die with me.”

“… … .”

Irina stood next to him and said calmly. Ilenoa's dark blue eyes fluttered.

It smells stinky from before. It seems that the temperature inside the room is as hot as a furnace.

But seeing that the breath continues to breathe, is this just a simple feeling?

Shortly after joining, Irina started getting cuts in her arms and legs.

Ilenoa's condition was even worse. He killed close to half of the people by himself, but nevertheless, the
people's swords were constantly heading towards Schuberg's upper state.

Irina, unable to hold the sword with both hands due to the bleeding in her left arm, eventually retreated
behind the Schuberg members. The tip of the sword was pointed toward the ground.

Although it was a sword that could be wielded with one hand, Irina, who was relatively weak in strength,
was unable to strike the opponent's sword with one hand.

Is this the limit, she wanted to admit for the first time in her life.
“Illenoa… … !”

But Irina screamed as she saw Ilenoa, surrounded by four men, being kicked hard in the chest.

She reflexively threw the shuriken she had hidden. It was an unfamiliar feeling of weight, but it could
still hurt.

As one of the members ran towards Illenoa, she looked around. The dagger he threw out of the window
was still stuck in the body's temple.

She crawled towards it and approached it.

“I’ll turn, really… … . Dad, I must go to hell. But it's okay.”

Irina pressed the neck of the hardening corpse with her feet and drew the dagger with her right hand. It
was a bit terrifying, but I thought it was fortunate that my right arm was still intact.

Irina, trying not to shake her hand, threw the dagger once more.

The dagger thrown in the state of weakness drew a gentle parabola. However, the man with the sword
stuck in his stomach could not get up again, and while the upper-class members blocked it, Irina dragged
Illenoa who had fallen down backwards.

In the meantime, blood was dripping from his left arm, which had become more fleshed out.

“Illenoa. can you answer Are you okay?”

“… … .”

He tried to stand up straight away, but he couldn't stand up because of a broken bone. Thin blood
flowed from his lips. It looked like he was seriously injured.
Irina stared intently at Ilenoa's face and the door blocked by people with pitiful eyes.

“… … .”

Are they all dead outside? Or is it that the fire has not been extinguished yet? Doesn't it come from

I didn't even realize how much time had passed.

Meanwhile, the three members had become two. There were only four opponents left, but none of
Schuberg's side, including Ilenoa and Irina, had a strong body.

“I’m sorry, miss.”

One member looked back once and said. It was a sign that he couldn't stand it any longer.

“… … .”

I couldn't understand why he was apologizing to himself and not to the top owner, but Irina shook her

I was rather sorry for not doing my part.

Irina, who was brimming with tears, gently embraced Illenoa and lay down. If he couldn't save him, at
least he shouldn't have let him die alone.

Her pale face looked so cold that Irina burst into tears. Then he let out a shallow sigh with a bloodless
“Why are you crying? That's it, why are you like this... … Are you not listening to people?”

I should have gone when I was given a chance to get out. I shouldn't have come back even if I had
noticed something strange. Why can't you use your clever head like that, you?

I can't fully understand her, who throws herself into the gutter every time she takes her life.

Irina, who was still the same after all the hardships, just because of people and because of God, was so
good and hated.

“You said you would come back no matter where you are.”

“… … .”

“I will never leave you. Illenoa.”

Illenoa looked at Irina with sad eyes. There was not a single word of regret in the tearful gold eyes. So
this moment was brighter than ever.

Ilenoa wasn't afraid to die. Since I have already passed the threshold of death several times, I thought
that life would not be strange at any time.

But for fear that Irina would be humiliated in a situation where he could not do anything, he suddenly
feared it. I didn't want to give that last to her, who lived her life to protect her honor.

As I moved, I felt pain as if my ribs were piercing through my flesh.

"ha… … .”

"Come on!"
He paused for a moment, but he squeezed the rest of his strength and turned over.

"I am… … I want to die first.”

He embraced Irina's body as if to hide it from people's view.

I could feel Irina crying. I'm so sorry that Illenoa's body started to tremble a little.

“Irina, I’m sorry.”

“… … what."

just sorry for everything

What wasn't a better way, what you did even though you knew you would definitely get hurt, what
makes you unhappy even at this very moment.

But what was most disappointing.

“I loved you… … I am very sorry.”

“… … .”

“In our morning… … Didn't you bet? Accept an apology.”

Forgive me just once, for constantly wanting to blend into your life without your permission, without
your consent.
Irina shook her head and hugged Ilenoa tightly. I wanted to say what's wrong with that, but I was choked
up and couldn't get the words out.

At that moment, a blunt, muffled sound echoed across the floor. It was the sound of a person, no, a
corpse collapsing.

Irina reflexively turned her head to look at it.

They too were looking at Irina and Ilenoa. I guess everyone was tired of this fight, so they looked tired

A man who wiped his lips finally began to approach this way with a long sword.

But Irina suddenly remembered that she had one more dagger left. Of the three daggers, only two were
obviously used.

When he came close, there might be a chance if he stabbed him in the leg.

But what about the three remaining people after that?

“… … .”

Her personality of not giving up until just before she died made her laugh now. That's why I wondered if
people thought of me as so jingling.

Irina finally removed her hand from the dagger in her arms and wrapped her arms around Ilenoa's back

bang! It was then that the sound was heard.

Someone was trying to open the door outside. They were almost ripping the door open when the door
that had been broken by the lock didn't open at all.

People were confused by the sudden sound, but it didn't take long for them to understand the situation.

The man with the sword bit his lip and started running towards Irina and Illenoa.

As Irina was about to twist and hug Ilenoa, drops of blood suddenly splashed across her face.

The running man slumped down, and behind him was Darren, who had just fired a dagger, breathing


Then, the upper ranks rushed in at high speed, and the remaining three in turn threw their weapons on
the floor.

The members grabbed them and put a cloth in their mouth. The purpose was to prevent suicide.

Irina, who had stared blankly at him, turned her gaze back to the door.

It didn't look very good, but Darren was definitely right. And the people behind him were full.

People came from Lyon.

Irina thought so at first.

However, less than an hour has passed since Irina entered the room. She had lost her sense of time.
Irina blinked as she wiped the blood around her eyes. Once her vision was secured, she was finally able
to see the people's faces in a little more detail.

Standing behind Darren was not the people of the upper branch, but the villagers with black soot on
their faces. They all had one thing in their hand, a knife, but mostly pickaxes and buckets of water.

Irina was speechless and looked at them.

Darren hurried over to Illenoa and Irina.

“Illenoa, are you hurt? Oh my gosh, are you okay?”

“Okay, okay… … .”

Darren asked, but Irina didn't answer as often as she used to. It was because he started to cry little by
little while watching the villagers blankly.

With her lips raised, she finally began to cry bitterly.

Seeing Irina injured here and there, the people of the village avoided that gaze the whole time, probably
because her mind was complicated. However, she was overcome with emotion and eventually threw
away her shame and pride and cried.

“Uh-huh, thank you everyone, I’m so sorry… … . Ugh, I really didn't think it would come... … .”

“… … .”

“I lived… … . My trash, not dead... … Uh-huh.”

Seeing Irina running down to a runny nose, Darren scratched her head and backed away.
Illenoa closed her eyes and grinned.

Her thin, white fingers gently stroked Irina's messed up top of her head.

Irina. You're right.


After meeting with the king, Irina stopped by a flower shop on her way back to the count's residence.

At first, I wanted to buy a peony, but the rose I unintentionally saw was pretty. According to the flower
shop owner, it is a recently improved variety and is very popular.

Irina, who was sensitive to fashion, made a large bouquet by mixing roses with peony.

After returning home with greetings from the employees, she headed for Illenoa's bedroom without

“I, miss.”

"Yes? What do you have to say?”

The butler who followed had a somewhat troubled expression on his face.

"that is… … The headmaster is not feeling well today.”

“Are you Illinois? why?"

“I’m fine with that… … .”

“Hum, are you having a sore throat because you’re only in the room?”

Hans made a face that there was no way, and Irina quickly agreed.

Well, Illenoa isn't that dynamic.

“By the way, the flower is… … Illinoa-sama, to give you... … .”

"Ah yes. I don't think you'll like it very much, but I just bought it to make you feel better."

But Hans was displeased.

“I will prepare a vase.”

Irina burst into laughter as she watched the butler disappearing quickly and knocked on the door. There
was no reply, but she pushed the door without hesitation.


“Where are you going?”

“Yeah, I have some business to do.”

Oh man, he's in a really bad mood.

Ilenoa's face was just expressionless. So, this was a state of feeling that could only be recognized by the
count butler.
But Irina seemed to even know why he was annoyed.

Illenoa sat upright on the bed with bandages wrapped around her upper body. Irina, who looked at the
towel he had thrown on the side table, went out without a word.

Moments later, she returned with a wet towel and a vase. Illenoa looked at it blankly.

“I bought it to show you. Are you pretty?”

“… … .”

“Illenoa, what you said before is wrong. I was romantic enough to give you flowers.”

He smirked and laughed. Irina's smirk was cute, but she knew well that it was her way of speaking to
please others.

Irina arranged the flowers well and placed the vase on the side table. Then she picked up a wet towel.

Illenoa stared at it again this time.

“… … .”

The expressionless expression made people flinch, but Irina boldly went behind him. But behind him, he
secretly laughed like a naughty boy.

It has been exactly half a month since the accident in the South. Illenoa was now able to move without
any problems, but if the affected part came in contact with water, the recovery would be slow.
I am annoyed because I can't wash my face as thoroughly as I want due to her neat personality.
However, begging the servants' hands, he doesn't like anyone touching his body.

Without hesitation, Irina wiped his neck and the area around his waist with a wet towel.

“Irina, why are you here?”

“Aren’t you annoyed by this?”

“It’s not like that.”

“… … Isn't it real?"

Illenoa let out a low laugh without answering.

Irina, who was nervous, but quite funny, did not stop her hand. So I just wanted to keep doing it.

“Illenoa, I’m actually on my way to meet the king.”

“Is that so?”

"Huh. I just asked him to allow a fair judgment to be made, but I don’t know because he is a very
different person from the outside.”

Schuberg Sang and Nodiac Sang have formally accused Manuel Sang.

Three people were captured, and a traitor was also identified. The internal affairs of Schuberg were
resolved unsportsmanly according to the bylaws, but the problem of erasing one giant top from the
country was complicated.
Evidence abounds. However, it was difficult to expect independence of the judiciary under the

The king's will often leads to a judge's decision. Without the king's cooperation, his tail would have been
cut off in the middle, and in the end there was no solution other than an all-out armed conflict.

But isn't that what the king wants?

“I will see you soon.”

“What are you going to do?”

"well. See you soon.”

Illenoa let out a faint laugh, making an unfamiliar sound. Irina, who looked carefully at that smile, said
with sincerity.

“Still, hey, I’m glad I didn’t have any injuries on my face.”

“… … .”

“They also have a conscience. It was a beauty that could not be tampered with.”

Illenoa laughed again this time. However, Irina, who felt that the direction of her lips was chapped, tilted
her head.

It's been a long time since that look?

“Why are you laughing so much?”

“But my face is not to your liking, is it?”

“… … Huh?"

“You like a face with thicker lines. To be honest... … They look like sailors.”

Irina was a little perplexed. In fact, there was a tendency for that.

“… … How do you know that?”

Irina's ex-lovers and sailors had the same style of painting if they were to be expressed in pictures. It was
strange not knowing, but Illenoa just laughed. She was embarrassed, she added, as if making an excuse.

“There is a beauty in the world that transcends taste.”

“Yes, I will listen as a compliment.”

“… … Yes, yes.”

Irina felt a bit lost, but Irina came back in front of Illenoa even though her mouth was grinning.

Irina, who had been observing him for a while blinking her eyes, raised her upper body abruptly and

“Would you like me to clean it somewhere else?”

“… … .”

Ilenoa was silent for a moment.

Irina had a somewhat expectant face, but he took the towel from her hand and placed it on the side
table. It was a good sign.

However, Irina was particularly active and caring today.

“Is it that bad? I do this to you, so it’s like a very good couple and I like it.”

He was silent this time for quite some time.

Like his honest personality, there was no hesitation in his aegyo that only appeared when he felt

After staring for a moment at the flower she had brought, Ilenoa tilted her head at an angle.

“What do you want to say?”

Irina didn't think it would be cool to come here and ask why. However, if the opportunity is missed, it
will be difficult to hear the heart of such a rare person.

She didn't dare refuse the seat that Illenoa had given her.

“Yeah, Illenoa.”

“Yes, tell me.”

“I love you, right?”

“… … .”

“You said so then.”

Illenoa nodded her head.

“But why didn’t you say that in the first place?”

“… … .”

“You could have told me later. Of course, if I said I didn't know that, it would be a blatant lie... … .”

As he spoke, it seemed that he was the one who was deceived, not him.

She knows his heart well enough, because he still doesn't know her well. It was not Illenoa, but herself
who had left Kissen at one time and was not convinced by it.

Sad and upset, her voice gradually subsided.

Illenoa just sat still without answering. But Irina waited patiently for his mouth to open.

After a while, the voice that came out was dull, but the words made her a little sad.

“I didn’t want to get an indulgence by saying that.”

If I said I did it out of love, would I really be able to ask everything?

If that were possible, love would be the most self-righteous and selfish emotion in the world as far as
Illinoa knew.
But Irina, who was wiggling her hands, sat a little closer to Illenoa. After licking her lips a few times, she
carefully grabbed his hand on her lap.

"you… … Do you still feel sorry for me so much?”

“… … .”

“Don’t do that, Illenoa.”

“… … .”

“I was all right when you ripped the papers. I'm serious."

She hated a love that had to feel guilty. Such love is just so sad.

If love is a voyage just like life is, she wanted to have a love that can overcome all weather. I wanted to
express this feeling proudly without hiding in the face of rain and wind and storms.

Illenoa lowered her eyes and looked at Irina's small hand that was holding her own.

It was rougher than before, and a small wound remained. But it was a testament to the time she lived to
the fullest, and in his eyes, her hands were more noble and dignified than anyone else.

And when Illenoa finally stared at her, his eyes gleamed a deeper blue than usual. It was because she
fully understood what she was trying to say, even though she had never been convinced that she could
be loved.

Feeling a tooth veil in his heart, he asked.

“Irina, are you?”

“… … .”

“So how are you feeling now? You never really spoke to me properly.”

She finally became a little brighter.

Irina took something out of her arms and held it to Ilenoa.

It was the black spinel brooch she had brought with her from Ils. It wasn't an expensive jewel, but seeing
the pure natural stone gleaming reminded me of Illenoa.

As Ilenoa watched, Irina grabbed his wrist and put it directly into her hand.

“I wanted to put it on myself, but now can’t I?”

Irina said playfully as she looked at his upper body wrapped in white bandages. However, he couldn't
control his emotions and soon burst into tears.

“I also wanted to add at least one shiny thing to your life. … … It always felt like that.”

“… … .”

“Illenoa, I love you so much. Much more than you think.”

He hugged Irina's shoulder, smiling brightly even with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. Irina
rubbed her cheek against his flesh.
Faced with an uncomfortable and difficult past, only the present and future remain. And now they could
say love out loud.

Chapter 13. Throwing Fire into The Frozen Sea

News from neighboring countries flew into Cheyenne Port.

It was information that the Second Impenon Revolution was successful, and that the Imphenon royal
family was trying to flee to another country.

The autocratic monarchy came to an end in 489, the year of the Impenon calendar, and the republican
government declared the legal abolition of the class system.

The situation of a great power had a considerable impact on neighboring countries as well. In some
countries, large and small uprisings continued, and discussions about the class system continued.

However, the face of Kissen was a little different from that of other Western continental countries.

The intellectuals, led by the Academy jurists, were developing new theories. It was argued that it was
necessary to enact a law that inherits the orthodoxy of the royal family, but which is above all, including
the royal family.

That argument seemed to be out of tune with the Imphenon and Ills, and it seemed relatively moderate.
However, these two are only the same, in fact, they were pursuing the same value.

It was a movement to deny the existence of the Absolute and bring everyone down to human beings.


Irina stopped by the sewing factory to check the ready-to-wear for children and turned to the general
Her store has been a hot topic since the first day of its opening. Among them, the most talked about
were the clothes of the elder designers.

Her clothes, which were supposed to be commissioned to produce only five pieces a month, were
already fully booked for a year, and reservations were temporarily suspended. This is because, no
matter how retro design is, it cannot ignore the trends that change every year.

Then people flocked to the main store, this time with the old woman.

A work of art that no one can own has its own value. It was the intrinsic value of the work and the
artificial value that Irina gave strategically.

“Hello, my lord!”

Recognizing Irina wandering around the store amidst the crowds, the employees greeted them
everywhere. But she waved her hand and covered her face.

What are you doing to make your customers uncomfortable?

We had to create a dedicated passage for the staff, but she said it was a short thought.

Irina was on her way to the top floor to hear about sales from Susan. As she habitually looked around
the store, she soon found a familiar face. it was nick

“Hey, where is Susan?”

“I went to the upper office to check stock. Did you not see it?”

“Ah, because I am coming from another place. Are you ruined?”

Embarrassed, Irina scratched her neck. Then Nick looked at his left arm and asked. A red sword
remained on the white flesh.

“Are you okay with your arm?”

“Yeah, are you all right? I'm fine."

Irina swung her arms and showed them. Nick took a deep breath and grabbed her arm. It was because it
seemed that even the shoulder blade, which had been intact, would be dislocated.

“Don’t be shy and keep going to the doctor. Even though it seems like it's fine now, a bad cut hurts
once in a while. Until I die.”

“… … .”

Irina avoided her gaze and gently pushed her hand away.

While younger than him, he sometimes acted like an older brother to his sister.

Irina, who was a bit unfamiliar, said bluntly, although she knew that the root was worry and love.

“When are you leaving?”

“I’ll go when I’ve cleaned up a bit.”

"Huh? Really? Do you still have the heart to go?”

It was a completely different attitude from what he had endured not to go.
“But I don’t know if I will be able to board the boat because of your worries. How can you have such an
accident if you take your eyes off it?”

"what. did i hit Anyway, if you're going, wait a bit. There is no ship going to Ils in Kissen right now.”

“You can’t go through. You can apply as a sailor at Impenon.”

But Irina shook her head. Now the steamship test run was just around the corner.

“I don’t know a lot of people yet, but I think there will be a fast ferry soon. Delaying your departure by
just one month will save you two months in the end. I'll take you to Manuel when things are sorted out."

“… … Are you going too?”

“Yeah, I have to dispose of my mansion and shop in Ils. Keep the promise you made to the Archduke.”

It seemed that Serlioz's next cadre to study abroad ended here. The Archduke was a person with high
standards, and he had an eccentric hobby of putting people he liked to the test. So Nick's life isn't going
to be easy.

“The Grand Duchess is not a bubbly person, but try to climb as high as you can. Let's meet at the top

Irina uttered some stilted words, but Nick dismissed it as nonsense.

"I'm asking this just in case, Count Schuberg says he can go?"

“Am I her subordinate?”

“No, rather than… … Aren't lovers supposed to discuss things like that?"
Irina smiled and nodded her head.

“Well, you should discuss it with your lover. But I told you to be careful. The boat we'll take is provided
by Ilenoa. I know I am indebted to the Archduke.”

Illenoa once said something like that. As long as there is a promise that we will meet again, I can send it
to you at any time.

However, after this voyage, Irina was not planning to board the ship any more.

What her lover needed was not a promise to return, but a promise that she would never leave you

Irina smiled as Illenoa sat down. He had been eating in his bedroom for a while, but since yesterday he
came down to the dining room and ate.

Through the black shirt, which had been unbuttoned by a couple of buttons, a bandage that had not yet
been untied could be seen.

“Eat a lot, Ilenoa.”

“Irina too.”


But when Irina didn't take her eyes off her, he let out a silent laugh.
“Don’t worry about me, let’s eat.”

"Okay, I get it."

The lord's smile was no longer rare.

So the servants glanced at Irina more than the servant. It was because she, who was always preoccupied
with her own meal, was staring at Illenoa warmly all the time.

Since Irina returned to Kisen, the two have always been good. However, as if proving that there was an
invisible line in the past, she has now revealed her affection openly.

And whenever she said a kind word, Illenoa smiled while turning her head a little.

“Hey, I sent a present to the South. It's a bit of a reciprocation, but thank you anyway."

“Is that so? What did you send?”

“Wheat, fruit, and children’s clothes. I made a new one this time. Are you so cute?”

In fact, it was not sent, but brought directly. Of course the Southerners were still blunt.

- You don't need this. Our home is on fire, so we just put it out with our own hands.

- Yes, I know. Still, I lived because of it, so please accept it.

This may also be biased, but the further away from the capital, the more closed to outsiders.

But Irina was not sad either. In fact, I have come to really like them.
And as she was immersed in pleasant reminiscences, Illenoa made an unexpected statement.

“That’s fine, but how about adding more infrastructure?”

“… … uh?"

Irina was a little startled and asked back in a hoarse voice, but he explained calmly.

“For such people, building a bridge along the river or repairing the water supply would be of much
more fundamental help.”

“… … .”

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s kind of like you, no, I think it’s a good idea.”

“… … .”

"Well. thanks. Well, I mean that.”

Irina frowned awkwardly, but Illenoa, who was staring at her, seemed to notice something.

He stopped eating, shrugged his chin and grinned.

“Irina, your face is a little red right now.”

“… … You don't lie."

“It’s real.”

“… … .”

“I didn't know you would like it this much. But why did Irina thank the villagers for that?”

“… … .”

“I think you have to do philanthropy to see you rejoice.”

“If you do that, will you stop?”

Illenoa was making fun of her, but Irina didn't say anything. It is true that I was very upset, and it was
also true that I was grateful for the unfavorable way of thinking.

I just couldn't get over it, and it was just disgusting to see the simbo that had to be teased like that in
order to get rid of the intuition.

But after a while, Ilenoa's voice faded. Because Darren popped up at the dining room.

“Illenoa, I have something to tell you. Lady, I'm sorry you're having dinner."

Darren apologized only to Irina, leaving Illenoa aside.

However, Irina also did not pay much attention to meal etiquette. She smiled warmly and suggested.

“Have you eaten? Would you like to eat with Darren too?”
But Darren looked at Ilenoa with a slightly perplexed look. The atmosphere seems to have been good for
a while now, because I didn't want to be between the two.

“Hey, miss. I am really grateful for your words, but I will only accept that heart. I have a lot of work to
do behind the scenes.”

He handed Ilenoa the sealed paper and hurriedly disappeared.

Before leaving the room, Irina saw Darren whisper to Illenoa and could guess that it was a secret.

She seemed to have to pretend she didn't know, so she quietly resumed her meal.

But when Illenoa had finished reading the contents, she burst into a subtle smile, and she quickly
admitted it. He was a person who could never stand his questions, and today's meal ended here.

“Illenoa, what is that?”

“This is a letter from the government of the Republic of Impenon.”

“… … From the Republican Party?”

"Yes. I want to close the deal I made the other day.”

It was an unkind explanation, but she quickly understood.

Illenoa was the only merchant who opened the deal when the Republicans were on the defensive during
the First Impenon Revolution. How much persecution did the Schuberg upper ranks have to suffer for

Ilenoa, who folded the letter and placed it on the table, stood up. Irina looked at him with a puzzled
expression, but he narrowed the distance as he sat down next to her.
Ilenoa, holding her shoulders, asked, staring into her golden eyes.

“Irina, do you think a revolution will happen in Kissen just like the Imphenon?”

It's a hard question.

World history was moving in a similar direction, but their homeland was particularly reluctant to change.

There were times when a step as a merchant, which was light in Ils, was especially heavy in Kisen.

"Well. maybe someday The royal family and the status system are all just façades.”

“I don’t know. There still seems to be no fuse in this country. Maybe it’s because I’m a pessimistic
person about everything.”

Irina shook her head without saying a word. It wasn't because he was a pessimistic person, but because
he had a more cool mind than anyone else.

He stroked her fiery hair.

“I don’t think the general sentiment of the Kisen people is as hot as yours. I don't mean to hold you by
your ankle every time, but... … Irina is honestly not the kind of person to be here.”

Breathing out his honest feelings, he smiled.

Irina laughed along too, because his face looked relaxed and everything he said touched my heart.

“I have to meet the king.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Everyone has what they want, so we have to make a deal.”

Illenoa smiled softly at Irina.

Early in the morning, the Count was busier than ever. It was because of his outing.

Illenoa, who had spent a close time as a chipmunk, stood in front of people dressed up for the first time
in a long time.

As usual, she was dressed neatly and calmly. However, Irina could not hide her disappointment, seeing
Ilenoa's still plain clothes.

Considering that dark taste, I bought it as inconspicuous as possible. Also do you not like it?

Illenoa held out a spinel brooch to Irina, who had a rather gloomy expression on her face.

what! There's nothing to give it back though.

To Irina, who raised her eyes as if resentful, Ilenoa said calmly.

“Do it.”

“… … .”

“He said he wanted to put it on himself.”

"That's right!"

Irina, who took a step away with the decoration on the pointed left lapel, was smiling. He couldn't hide
his expression, and he didn't seem to have any intention of hiding it.

“Your face lives, Illenoa.”

“… … .”

“Oh, it’s really rewarding. It’s also a face worth adorning.”

As Irina muttered about her beauty again, he frowned slightly.

Come to think of it, every time Irina complimented Irina, she always had a similar reaction. Even when
they went to the academy, to say that a man was pretty was an insult, so is it natural?

But the Count's employees smiled secretly at them. It was true that Ga-joo was a good fit, and Ga-joo,
who had a frown on her face, immediately looked at Irina as if she was cute.

“I like you.”

He tapped Irina's cheek with his finger and moved slowly. Irina asked, following closely next to him.

“Are you going to be single?”

“I would like to, but I don't think the king would like it. He doesn't trust me.”

Irina was worried about Illenoa's safety, but he was very arrogant. Still, unable to stop worrying, Irina
asked him sensibly.
“Shall I go with you?”

Illenoa paused for a moment and looked down at Irina's forearm.

“Are you going to fight again? I've checked your skills enough last time, so I'm not curious anymore."

"no… … . I just wanted to add some words. I don’t have logic, so I’m better at crying than you.”

Then Ilenoa smiled and shook her head.

“Irina, that person is not the kind you deserve.”

“… … Why?"

Because you don't know how to compromise.

She's gone for the rest of her life, and opportunists won't understand.

Ilenoa caressed Irina's cheek.

“I will go. See you in the evening.”

He kissed her lightly on the cheek and walked out the door.

Irina dared to walk out the door and watch him get into the carriage.

It was the scene of the commute to work in the upper part of Schuberg after a long time. She was
worried, but also happy, so she smiled pretty.
The sea was windless and the waves were calm. It was a good day to test the steamship's performance.

Illenoa and Irina boarded the ship and completed the test run, and they were confident that the project
would succeed. The most important thing is that the speed of the ship was overwhelming, and there
were no safety flaws.

Satisfaction flowed on the faces of the technicians.

However, Irina had been preoccupied with something else from before.

Because last night Juan Manuel was suddenly imprisoned.

Darren told me that Manuel's top is due to be disassembled in mid-air, and that he is unlikely to see
sunlight while he is alive.

Irina fondantly threw the pebble into the sea.

She stared intently at the sea level, and soon began to talk loudly.

"Yes, you. Are you really not going to tell me how you did it? Can you still say we're on the same boat?
Yes? Yes? Yes?"

“… … Irina.”

"It's really disappointing, I'm so sad, we're lovers before we're business partners, but I wonder if this is
all I can do to you... … .”
“Why are you doing this, really?”

As Irina clung to Ilenoa's arm, he held her other hand halfway around her face. When she was
determined and clinging to him, he could never shake it off.

Illenoa sighed and let out a sigh.

“I just gave the king some stabs where it hurts.”

“Did you stab me? a king?”

“Irina, this is just a metaphor.”

“I know, you idiot.”

Irina glanced at him while smiling lightly. The vague answer was proof that he didn't want to say

Irina instinctively sensed that he had a rather shady deal, and that he wanted to hide the dirty
backstory. But she was a man who couldn't give up, and she wasn't as innocent as Illenoa thought.

As she blinked and glared at her, Illenoa finally opened her mouth.

“Irina, the king is more afraid of a side story than a revolution.”


“Because the Impenon Republicans will undoubtedly go to war once they have established their
system. I do not know where it will be, but the kings of the Western Continent must all think so.”
"Why… … Are you doing that?”

“No system can completely satisfy a human being.”

The public's support was a double-edged sword, and the people of Impenon already had memories of
victories that they had built with their own hands.

Before internal dissatisfaction erupted, turning the public's gaze outward was an old political tactic.

Therefore, even if the system changes, power does not completely disappear. Only handed over or
fortunately distributed.

“I was going to demand that tariffs be lowered once the Impenon Republicans come to power. Because
they owe me and they hurt me. But because of this, I changed my mind to mediate the non-aggression
pact with Kissen.”

“… … .”

“Instead, the assets from the sale of the Manuel top will belong to the Schuberg family. Because it was
originally mine. Juan Manuel's life would also end. And King Kissen will not accept the impenon's
request for asylum.”

“… … .”

“As the interests of the three parties are aligned, the transaction has only been established.”

He said as if it wasn't really a big deal. But Irina didn't feel that way at all. She looked at Ilenoa with great

“Illenoa, as you said, even the people of the Republican government are politicians after all. do you
believe in them What if I change my mind later?”
Irina knew that she was talking too timely. However, it was surprising that he, who distrusts people
more than anyone else, transacted through the promise of a politician.

Illenoa nodded her head.

“So I added one more proviso clause to the king.”

“… … .”

“If the Imphenon breaks its promise… … Then I will cooperate with you to use the steamer for military

At the same time, they looked at the steamship emitting gray smoke.

Irina, who was at a loss for words for a moment, let out a heavy sigh. Because I was a little afraid.

She never thought that the new technology would be used that way.

“… … Is that your third purpose?”


“… … Even if you built the textile factory yourself, it would have been very well built.”

It was a story that was scary because the design was not meticulous.

Illenoa seemed to understand the lamentable joke.

“I didn't even think it was going to be like this from the beginning. But the more cards you use, the

“Illenoa, though, this is such a scary idea. You have to know that it is dangerous to start using
technology that way.”

Ilenoa did not answer, but his silence was consent.

However, research on steamships did not start only with Kiessen, and sooner or later all countries will
jump into the field to have faster and more powerful ships.

“Irina, in the future, the country that owns steamships will seize power.”

“… … .”

“That day will surely come.”

Irina silently nodded her head. And he looked at the overbearing steamship floating on the water.

Suddenly, in her mind, points that changed her life passed one by one.

A feudal aristocratic society in which Irina's family reigned supreme.

There was a time when people stepped on people's backs and got off the wagon. The eldest daughter of
a marquise should not marry the eldest son of a viscount, and even if he had the ability, the bastard
could not continue the family. Women who gracefully spoke fan language were revered, but women
who tried to learn the sword were pointed at.

The blue blood they eat and play is respected, but the butchers who live well are disrespected.
An era in which nobles are divided according to status, roles are limited by gender, and someone's
livelihood is recklessly despised.

Irina thought all of them were barbarism in the guise of elegance. So, when this graceful era of
barbarism was over, I thought then that a better civilization would follow.

But will the next era be civilized or still savage?

It seemed that the history of power would not end for a long time in the future.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Irina looked somewhat lonely. Illenoa, who was looking at her side face softly, spoke in a calm tone.

“Are you very sad?”


"well. But that’s the look.”


She was looking at the part where the sea and the sky meet, and then she closed her eyes. After fully
feeling the sea breeze and the smell of the sea, she immediately opened her eyes and looked at Illenoa.

He knows himself better than anyone else, so if he sees him like that, he must be sad now.

But she shook her head and answered calmly. Because we don't know yet.
“Without living… … .”

“… … .”

“How can you be pessimistic?”

Irina started walking slowly along the beach. The sudden wind blew her hair in a frenzy in the air. Ilenoa,
who was quietly following her, asked.

“How can you always say that?”

“Originally, if you don’t have iron, people become unnecessarily bright, and that’s it.”

“If that’s the case, I hope I never grow old.”

Irina just laughed. And Illenoa grabbed her arm and stopped her.



“When you come back from Ils. Would you like to organize everything and travel by boat with me?”

She tilted her head at the unexpected words.

“Why did you suddenly think of that?”

“You didn’t like being in Kissen.”

"Well. It's more than I don't like Kisen... … .”

“There is a wanderlust.”

Unable to refute, Irina made a dark face for a moment.

He was planning the complete opposite of Irina.

She no longer wanted to board the ship. Rather, without leaving any room, he was going to Ils to sit
down in Kisen forever.

But, as always, they turned around and ended up telling the same story. Whatever it was, it sounded like
we were together.

“You, what are you going to do with the top?”

“Give me Darren, what?”

Irina grinned.

It was because I wanted to say that it is easy to say even though I have been focusing on business for ten

“What if you throw away money so easily when you only have that great face and money to brag

“Isn’t there still one left?”

“… … .”
“A great face that transcends the walls of your taste.”

Irina opened her eyes and looked at Illenoa. Embarrassed, she immediately turned her back and smiled.

The sound of chirping laughter echoed across the wide beach.

“You are really funny sometimes. Do you know that?”

Irina was about to fall to the floor, so he grabbed her arm and carefully pulled it up. Irina could not take
her hand off her side for a while, as the lingering laughter did not go away easily.

“I’m okay with Kisen. As long as I'm with you, everything's fine."

"is that so."

“Yeah, so let’s think about that a little bit slowly.”

"Yes it is."

They held hands and walked again on the sandy beach.


The office of Schuberg Sangju was silent.

To his right was a cup of tea as usual, and to his left were stacks of various academic journals.

The document he had been looking at for a long time was the establishment of a private academy.
It was Darren's knock that broke the long silence. Illenoa looked at him and tilted her head slightly.


It was a question that lacked humanity because it was too cold, but Darren grinned. It was because his
facial expression was expected to change in the future.

“Illenoa, you see a ship coming in.”

He reflexively looked out the window.

It was impossible to see the shape of the ship, which had been confirmed with a telescope, with the
naked eye. Nevertheless, there was warmth and a smile on his face, which was like a piece of glass.

When Sang Sang-ju came out to the port, the members all had puzzled faces. Illenoa and Darren stood
side by side facing the deep blue sea.

“Two months?”

“It’s been two months and ten days.”

“Almost accurate.”

The game of sailing has completely changed since the Illenoan steamship appeared in the world.

People were now able to estimate arrival dates relatively accurately in proportion to distance. As such,
the steamship was not greatly affected by the weather.
Illenoa, who was staring at the sea, soon narrowed her eyes. A black boat was coming over the horizon.

And the members and crew, who confirmed that it was a steamship, gathered behind Ilenoa one by one.
It was only then that he realized why the top stock was outside.

There was only one person in the world who could call him to the seaside this morning.

And when the ship and their distance got a little closer, Ilenoa frowned slightly.

"this. You are still.”

“… … Ha, Irina.”

Irina was jumping and waving at the player. It was a gesture that radiated happiness from his body like a
full-fledged fisherman.

It was a dangerous sight, but a gentle aura spread among those who were rigid. That's because everyone
is so used to it now.

Illenoa and Darren couldn't help but let out a low laugh. It was clear that he was a man of great
enthusiasm and spirit in many ways.

The ship cuts through the calm sea even at this moment, and is moving forward with a strong current.

A world where machines cover the land, and strange ships spewing black smoke haunt the sea.

Firearms, which used to be only a cannon and bayonet, will soon be miniaturized and replace swords.

As a result, many say that the era of romance is over.

Illenoa had agreed with that prediction for a long time, and still could only see the world from that

“… … .”

But very rarely, there are mutants in the world who say that's not all.

A poet from Ils, whom his lover liked, said of such people:

A reckless person who causes a storm in the sea in the morning and sets fire to the sea in the middle of

A person who walks without trembling.

Riding on the waves, Irina put her hand to her lips and shouted something hard. Although her voice
could not be heard on land, Ilenoa smiled faintly as she prepared to meet Irina.

While cheering that one day that cry will reach a little more people.

Exodus 1. Love Sickness

Irina was sitting in the corner of the dressing room, biting the tip of her pen.

Nodiac top was in a fairly large state compared to the early days of its establishment. A branch was
created and the headquarters moved to a more pleasant place, but she still used to stay in a small
dressing room on Kissana Street.
Because there was a lot of work here, and it was much easier to concentrate.

But before long, her dressing room became noisy.

“Boss, what are you going to do? He's here again."

A staff member came up behind Irina's back and whispered, she gave a slight impression. There was a
nervousness that could not be hidden from the hand that put the pen down.

When Irina turned her head, there was already a tall, muscular man behind the staff smiling.

“Irina, how are you?”

“Yes, yes. But I think we saw it too.”

Joshua Jefferson.

He was a merchant based in Ils, focusing on Eastern trade. When Irina returned to Ils to dispose of the
shop, they first met in the Grand Duke's office.

Joshua Jefferson was a man on the road to success as a trader. In addition, it was Honam, where the tea
grown in a good family was intact.

He was well versed in the Imphenon language as well as the Kissen literature. It is said that he and Irina
got along quite well, both for business and personal interests.

Then one day, Jefferson Sangju appeared in Cheyenne Port with a somewhat suspicious sound that he
had visited for business.
Irina was blinded by spices from the East. At first she welcomed him, but his demeanor was somehow
getting worse as the days went on. It was because his actions were suspicious to anyone who looked at

Asking a woman with a lover for tea or asking for a dinner schedule from time to time was definitely
over the line.

"Yes. I wanted to see you every day, but he wasn't at the store yesterday because he was busy.”

"Well… … .”

“How is your time today? Could you give me a chance to ask for a cup of tea?”

"no! No. I was just about to leave work.”

Irina, who answered at the speed of a knife, immediately scratched her cheek and looked at her desk.

On the desk were not only piles of papers, but also shards of bread that had left teeth marks from one

Anyway, it didn't look like he was just about to leave work.

“Then give me the honor of taking Lady home with me.”

She had a very shaky expression on her face.

Ten years ago, it was a phrase I had only heard from the knights who worked as marquis. Of course,
even now, the count's elderly employees habitually used such tones.

However, the intention of the young foreign merchant was not a habit, but an obvious task.
Irina finally took a deep breath. It was a face that was quite embarrassing to say this again.

“Lord, I think I told you yesterday, I have a very handsome lover. He makes good money and has a
personality... … It seems normal, but he's really nice to me anyway. No, and leaving all of this aside, why
am I showing my house to an outsider?”

When she asked the question openly, his expression became quite serious.

“I have been thinking of you ever since I talked to you at Ils. Especially since I came to Kissen. Give me a
fair chance to get to know you too.”

But Irina, who was listening to him with a mysterious face, asked.

“Lord Jefferson. Why should I do that?”

“… … .”

“I don’t want to give anyone an equal chance with my lover, no matter what.”

Love for a lover was not philanthropy. So the opportunity was originally exclusive, and Irina would
always favor Illenoa.

What's so unfair about that?

“I hope we can continue to do good deals in the future. Seriously. But if you keep doing this, you can't
work with Jefferson. So, I ask you not to make it any more uncomfortable.”

“… … Irina.”
"I'm sorry if I've been too direct, but honestly, I'm starting to get a little annoyed now."

The staff looked at Irina with anxious faces. It was because she felt that she had suffered greatly in the
past few days and was giving her a warning.

And when the warning didn't work, it was almost obvious what their boss would follow.


Irina had been restless on the bed before. Because Ilenoa had been beside her for thirty minutes,
looking at a single piece of paper.

In a letter from Joshua Jefferson to the dressing room, Irina swears she had never seen it before.

Irina sighed heavily.

“Why did you read it for so long?”

“… … .”

Even after Juan Manuel was executed, Illenoa did not evacuate the dressing room and the people she
had attached around Irina. The threat was still there, and Irina was well aware of it.

Although he was concerned about the presence of a man coming and going to the store recently, Illenoa
had apparently not shown any sign of sympathy to her until yesterday.

But as soon as she saw the letter that should have come to her was in Ilenoa's hands, Irina realized that
he knew it all and was in fact very annoying.

“No, what is written on it… … .”

Irina tried to steal the letter, but Ilenoa silently avoided the hand.

I mean, to be honest, it came before me, so I wanted to ask if I deserved to see it too. However, his
mood seemed very unpleasant, and Irina could understand the discomfort, so she was just keeping an
eye on it.

Illenoa, who had avoided her hand, brought the paper back in front of her eyes and just stared at it for a
long time.

It would have been better if you said something, but it was very uncomfortable for Irina to be doing that
without changing her expression.

“… … .”

When I glanced sideways, it seemed that all the letters were written in Japanese except for the recipient
and the greeting.

But Illenoa was also uselessly smart, and she still remembered the foreign language she had learned ten
years ago. Although not as good as Irina, she could read and pronounce it fluently.

He finally recited a verse of the letter aloud. His voice was smooth and cool.

“Taeyang I met again in Kissen… … .”

Irina put on a look that said, "Oh my gosh."

what the hell is that After reading a lot of books, she shuddered because the expression that this is why
people shouldn't learn love through writing was so disgusting.

"Sun… … .”
“Hey, why are you thinking about that!”

"ha… … . I’m not funny.”

“I feel very bad. But it seemed like he had an exaggerated personality in the first place. Don't put too
much... … .”

“He has eyes for a crazy pervert bastard… … .”

“… … .”

Irina looked at Illenoa with a much worse face than before. Coughing awkwardly, she quickly snatched
the letter while Illenoa was staring into the air.

Now I didn't even care about anything. She tore the paper to pieces and threw it on the floor.

It was a seed of calamity and strife that had nothing better to hold.

But this time, Illenoa looked at the pieces of paper scattered on the floor with a cool gaze.

“I just can’t let it go.”

Irina sighed and looked at Ilenoa.

Because it sounded to her as if I should kill you or make you unhappy.

Illenoa was a cynical, but quite joking man. But in this matter, there was never a way to say empty
She sat clinging to Illenoa, shuddering, and looking into his face.

“Illenoa, that person is a foreigner. When there are a lot of diplomatic disputes like these days, if you
touch foreign merchants carelessly, it will be a big deal.”

“… … .”

“Are you talking about that too? Is not it?"

“… … .”


Irina took his hand and asked several times. It looked like they were forcing an answer, but in fact, it was
an earnest request not to do anything dangerous.

However, Ilenoa, unable to control her displeasure and jealousy, was even more silent today.

“Why don’t you answer me?”

“… … .”

"you… … You don't believe me, do you?"

“… … .”

“What is it, is it true? I've seen it a few times at Il's, when I signed a contract, and when I came to the
store, I drank tea a couple of times. Really. I said that I had a girlfriend, and I refused enough... … .”
When Irina muffled her words, he finally responded with a sigh.

“I never doubted you. I didn't even say it that way.”

“Okay, then, relax a little. I really didn't do anything embarrassing to you. I understand how bad it
feels, but when you stand up like that, I keep looking at you.”

The day was good enough. But when Irina tried to somehow put the situation into good terms, he
nodded reluctantly.

Irina had a face with a soul lost, after doing something similar to an errand.

She was so exhausted that she stared at the floor for a while.

“… … .”

Those discarded pieces of letters were the culprit behind this tiring situation. She suddenly started using
her feet to push the paper under the bed.

However, seeing the trash going under the bed, Illenoa frowned as it was.

Even Irina knew that he couldn't stand it. I just decided that this side would be much better than leaving
it in a place where his eyes could reach.

Besides, this was Irina's room.

“I’ll tell you to clean it up tomorrow morning. I think I'll have nightmares if I watch it before going to
bed. Just be patient today.”

Putting the paper completely out of sight, she saw Illenoa's expression and smiled involuntarily.
Sometimes it was funny in a strange way.
Irina glanced at Illenoa and checked her mood, then sat up on his lap.

Illenoa stared at her actions, and when Irina made up her mind and put her arms around her neck, she
smiled crookedly.

I am well aware that this cruel aegyo only comes out when I feel like it or when it is necessary. But I
couldn't shake it off, and I couldn't stop my mind from being relaxed.

He supported Irina's waist and whispered reproachfully.

“They said there were no men in Ils, it was all lies.”

“That and this are very different in chronological order, Illinois.”

It was a bit of a thorny joke, but Irina could clearly see that he was feeling better than before. But no
matter what, I must have been the type to work more at Ils than Kissen, so I shouldn't be making jokes
like this.

Irina grasped the atmosphere and sat down a little deeper from his thigh. He was deliberately touching
sensitive areas.

His expression was so honest and accurate that he laughed out loud.

"want to do?"


“Aren’t you doing this to make me feel better?”

“… … .”

Irina paused what she was doing and fell into thoughts.

“Why can’t you answer me?”

“Because I can’t say it’s not completely.”

"is that so."

As Ilenoa smiled low and tried to pull her away, Irina shook her head and hugged his neck tightly.

“But I’m not the kind of person who asks me to do it on days I don’t want to do it. It means that what
you want to do is right.”

“It’s a bit daunting, but… … .”

Illenoa narrowed her eyes.

“It doesn’t happen often that you tell me to do it first, so I won’t take any time off.”

He grabbed Irina and went out of bed.

As Illenoa made her stand leaning against the wall, she blinked because she didn't understand English.

He put his hand under the skirt, pulled Irina's underwear down, and lifted one leg up, and the dress,
which had a fluttering hem, rolled up as it was.

Irina grabbed one of her white thighs by Illenoa, turned her body to avoid her gaze, and whispered as if
giving a pint glass.
“Can’t we do it with a normal posture?”

It was the first time I had been in this position.

“You don’t like it?”

“More than that… … It’s kind of like a beast.”

“Originally, they are all beasts. Do you want me to be a gentleman in bed?”

Illenoa laughed and licked Irina's neck more explicitly.

“Ugh… … .”

Breathing along the neckline, Irina made a squeaky sound. Illenoa watched with her darkened eyes
goosebumps on her neck and shoulders.

Irina bit her lip and tried to bear the stimulation, but when his lips reached her ear along the neckline,
she finally pushed her shoulder a little.

“… … Take it slow.”

"I'm sorry… … .”

Irina glanced at Illenoa slightly.

He is lying. If I was even a little sorry or had the heart to do it slowly, I wouldn't have rubbed her lower
body and rubbed her ass even at this moment.
“I’m not sorry at all.”

"that's right. I'm not really sorry... … .”

Irina, who was both funny and stunned, bit Ilenoa's forearm with her entire shirt. He quickly opened his
mouth to avoid any pain, but he let out a low laugh as if it was surprisingly fun.

“Are you going to bite me now? Or is this your sexual orientation?”

“… … what is this again is this a door? Did you bring it?”

“I wish I had informed you in advance.”

In fact, there were many times when he wanted to push Irina rougher in bed. I always felt the urge to
bite, chew and swallow.

Ilenoa bit her half-naked white shoulders. When he felt the familiar body odor on his skin, he became
confused and wanted to bite it off, but in the end he buried only his lips and grinned.

“I can’t.”

I'm afraid you won't like it

When she turned away from him, Illenoa was a person who took it for granted that he was hated. She
could do anything she didn't like, if necessary.

But from the moment Irina cared for his mood, valued him most, and laid down her own life, Illenoa
seldom did what she truly hated.

So he was a naked stranger who opened his coat in front of the cold, but revealed himself hidden from
the sun.
After burying her face in her shoulder and laughing for a long time, Illenoa finally came back to bed with

Irina frowned, not knowing why he was doing this.

“I do it again in bed.”

“… … .”

“If you go from there to the end, I think you will get sick tomorrow.”

After laying Irina on her bed and brushing her hair for a while, he gently clasped her lips.

The dressing room staff were looking at Irina with anxious eyes.

For a while, she only went to the branch, and did not go to the clothing room or general store. This is
because the upper office had much more restricted access to outsiders.

After a fuss over a letter she hadn't read, she realized that it was for everyone to not run into any Ils
merchants at all.

However, Irina could not hide her embarrassment when she met Jefferson Sang-ju again in the dressing
room, where she had been to work for a long time.

Yesterday afternoon, I clearly heard that the ship on top of Jefferson had departed... … Why is this man
“… … .”

The usual display of affection between young men and women was clearly crossing the line. And Irina,
who thought she looked funny, felt very bad.

She was literally just doing business. I was meeting a business partner for business reasons.

Would this have happened if I had been Illeno or Juan Manuel?

In her early years, Irina, who was ignorant of even a young woman doing business, pouted her lips.

“Did you read the letter I sent you?”

The man spoke politely, but Irina didn't respond and organized the hangers.

All the staff knew they were messing around with something they didn't need to clean up. But no one
dissuaded him. There was a fine vein on the store manager's neck.

“I'm used to what I'm saying, but my writing skills aren't the best. I wrote it in Japanese without fear of
getting hurt.”

“… … .”

Irina kept walking around the store avoiding him. Because I didn't want to mix things up.

The next day, even Illenoa, who had regained her composure, said that it would be better to just ignore
it. It is said that there are idiots in the world who think that mixing words gives room.

But even in the midst of this, Irina felt the heat rising on her crown. She didn't have the personality to
just listen to what she wanted to say.
Eventually, Irina turned towards him.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t actually read it. I'm upset that my lover cares. Illenoa has a very delicate and
sensitive personality. She also has such a pretty flower-like charm.”

“… … Did you?”

"Yes. Don't send me anything like that anymore."

The staff glanced at Irina and the man hovering around her with perplexed eyes.

Even though his attitude was polite, this was enough bullying. Above all else, Irina was a person of
affection. In the past, it was a situation where there was nothing to say even if we received a duel

But people just can't say it out loud, but in fact, Count Schuberg has a similar history. Isn't it a famous
rumor that Sang-ju Sang-ju proposed to Irina, who had a fiancee, three times?

However, Irina seemed to have forgotten all of her past, and even though she was tickling with other
men, Ilenoa loved her terribly. It was proof that it was possible to refer to the Schuberg upper pole as a
pretty flower.

“I feel very bad today. So please go away.”

“Why are you in a bad mood?”

Ilenoa was absolutely right. Once the words were shuffled, the conversation continued.

“You said it. That letter you sent me a few days ago caused unnecessary emotional exhaustion with my
"It's sad to feel bad for you, but it could be good news for me."

“… … What are you talking about now?”

Irina felt the ties of reason gradually being severed.

“Why aren’t you going to Ils?”

“We couldn’t return without a promise like this, so only a few people were sent first.”

“It was just one go. There is no ship to Ils in Kissen.”

“That’s it. It's because of you, so if you're worried about me, please take responsibility."

He was a wealthy man who could want any number of ships or sailors, but he joked about Irina. And that
pointless joke made Irina explode.

“No, why am I responsible for that?! Why can't you understand what I'm saying? Is my native language
proficiency wrong? Can you speak Japanese?”

The man was taken aback when she suddenly burst into tears, who had always maintained a cold
attitude. But that was all I thought was sudden, and those who knew Irina well thought that she had
endured this for quite some time.

It seems that a seat makes a person, and when a person rises to a high position, his patience increases
and he tries to keep his dignity.

“Irina, have I been very rude?”

When the man grabbed her wrist and asked, Irina clenched her teeth.

“Put this down.”

“… … .”

“Let me tell you.”

When he did not let go of herself, Irina had a very embarrassed face. But even for a moment, she said in
a gloomy voice.

“I am a person.”

“… … .”

“It sounds like a joke, but I'm not joking. Really put this down.”

Irina has changed her mind and is living a good life, but she is sending a signal to me not to provoke me.

And when the store manager, who seems to have reached a critical point, blew his ultimatum, the
employees were bustling. Those who read their will to never let it go, secretly began to remove things
that could become weapons.

However, Irina regained her sanity sooner than expected.

It is not easy to lose reason, but at the moment of loss, a person who does much more harm than you
do appears.

“… … Illenoa.”
Darren, who followed him as soon as he received the report, had a dismayed face. He shook his head
quietly at Irina.

The situation everyone was worried about happened just like that.

In fact, everyone may have been certain of this situation. Illenoa was a person who closely watched and
remembered her daily routine, which Irina herself often forgets.

Slowly walking towards Irina, he paused for a moment. His gaze was on only one place, and that was
Irina's wrist, which Joshua was holding.

Look, Illenoa, who was looking at it, turned her gaze into the air and smiled haha.

And without hesitation, his hand went into his arms.

Irina, knowing what was in her arms, was terrified. Startled, she threw her hands away and ran. Then he
hugged Ilenoa tightly.

It was as if he was almost imprisoned, wanting to make both hands paralyzed.

“I was just thinking of your position, but… … .”

“… … .”

“It wasn’t supposed to be like that from the beginning.”

He pulled his arm out of Irina without difficulty and put his hand back into his arms.

“I will kill you.”

"Hey! Are you crazy now?! no way!"

Irina was so startled that she continued to cling to Ilenoa's arm.

Having a fist fight and using a knife with the intent to kill were two completely different issues. Now
even the king had laws, and if he behaved like he used to, even Schuberg couldn't be completely safe.

Irina gave an urgent chin to Darren and the Schuberg members. I meant to put it somewhere out of
sight. However, the members were unable to move against the will of the upper class.

Irina eventually spoke to the Ils merchant.

“Joshua, just go. I don’t want to see anything worse in the foreign land.”

For the first and last time, she called his first and last name instead of his first and last name. It was a
sign that I was giving a sincere warning, so I had to figure it out.

But she didn't know that it was hurting Illenoa even more.

Illenoa, who had been watching Jefferson's boss leave with a cold eye, asked Irina. His voice was just

“Why are you blocking it?”

“Why are you blocking it, what do you mean, it’s natural.”

However, he shook his head and denied Irina's words.

“I know you hate to be disturbed. So it was just there. But we are not officially dating.”
“… … .”

“Then I don’t even have the right to meddle.”

He spit out the word right and made a slight impression.

Irina didn't know how to react, but Illenoa seemed to be offended by her words.

“I don't see any other bastards beating my girl. If my standards are different from yours... … ha."

“… … .”

“I’m sorry for that, but I still can’t tolerate this kind of situation.”

Irina looked up at Illenoa, not knowing what to say. She licked her lips several times and hesitated.

I never said that you shouldn't meddle in this. It wasn't meant to be a big legal problem.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't interfere. So it looks like it's drying out? Why are you still talking so sadly?”

“… … .”

“I’m sorry if I made you feel that way, but it really has to be your mistake.”

Irina looked at him with a clinging gaze. Her eyes were desperate to convey something, but after seeing
it, Ilenoa turned her head slightly.

“… … Leave this on for a second.”


“… … .”

Irina spoke bluntly, like a grumpy person. But he hesitated and eventually pushed her away.

Irina grabbed her arm once more, but she shrugged it off and ran out of the dressing room at a quick

“… … .”

There was an extremely awkward atmosphere inside the store.

Those who witnessed the fight between men and women transparently from the morning were
embarrassed. It was bloody, but it was also childish, and even though neither of them had ordinary
personalities, I thought that they loved it a lot because it was hard to be patient.

Darren, worried about Irina standing there, approached her.


“… … Did he possibly follow him now?”

Darren paused a bit. I thought I was shocked, so I came here to comfort him, because Irina unexpectedly
pointed out the most important issue.

Coughing, he replied.

“Don’t worry too much, the upperclassmen followed.”

“… … .”

“It will be nothing special. Perhaps.”

“You call that a horse?”

Irina raised her eyes in response to the carefree answer.

You have to trust people you trust. The members of the upper class were not following common sense
and justice, but following the orders of the upper class.

“Go and dry yourself. All go! No, seriously, why did you come so many times just to watch!”

Irina muttered as she pushed the people out the door.

Ilenoa and Irina sat silently. It had only been three days since that happened.

He didn't look at Irina, but Irina continued to glance at Ilenoa from earlier. In the end, Illenoa, conscious
of the stinging gaze, helped her a little.

“If you have something you want to say, do anything.”

Irina, startled, immediately glanced up and down Illenoa as if arguing. What the hell was she trying to
say, she asked in a whisper.

“How did you not do that?”

“… … .”

The fact-check had already been received by Darren.

- Be honest, Darren.

- It really wasn't a big deal. He walks very well.

- It's true. No matter how much Darren belongs to Schuberg, he can't even lie to me.

- Really. Why are you so stubborn? Are you worried about that man?

- I didn't even see Darren like that, but... … makes it awesome I need to know what happened so I can fix
it too! Protect Ilenoa! Aren't you going to do anything?!

However, Irina, unable to abandon her doubts in the end, looked at Ilenoa with interrogative eyes.

"really… … Isn't it?"


“… … .”

“I couldn’t make up my mind until the very end and started talking bullshit, so I put three or four of
them in.”

It wasn't a fatal injury, but it wasn't even to the level of being cute enough to say that it was squashed.
However, it was a clear fact that they were three or four, and it was also true that they endured a lot.
Illenoa didn't look at Irina while she was saying that. She said as if she didn't really care, constantly
examining his face.

"Illenoa, if it's a lie, then I'll be really hurt."

“… … .”

“Really not?”

He finally took a deep breath and met her gaze.

“If you don’t believe me, why ask?”

"It's because you're gorgeous no matter what. recite everything? But are you going to keep talking?”

“That’s all there is, Irina.”

“… … OK got it."

“… … .”

“It’s late, but thank you so much for sticking with me for me.”

And the two of them did not speak for a long time.

Irina was now looking out the window at the moon. It seemed like he would spend the night in such
endless silence, but Illenoa unexpectedly opened his mouth again.

“I’m sorry that I talked too much that day.”

At the sudden words, Irina opened her eyes and asked.


“Did I get angry and throw you away?”

What is Irina? While I was laughing,

It wasn't that she was offended by her standards. It was just self-assertion. But he also knew that the
anger suppressed by such a calm person was scarier.

“In that situation, it could be, huh? You… … I really care about everything.”

Irina smiled lightly and said.

But that she went to the bar that night and returned home late that night was known to everyone in the
Schuberg family.

Even though she pretended to be okay, Irina was really upset that day.

- If my standards are different from yours, I'm sorry... … .

- I don't have that kind of right.

Everything else was fine, but at first glance, his heart seems to be still poor... … . It was because it
seemed like he couldn't fill it, and it kept running around in her head.

Was my love really lacking so much?

“Illenoa, I love you so much.”

“… … .”

“… … know?"

“Yes, I know.”

Irina stared at him and smiled slightly. The complex emotions that were cast on that humble smile were
conveyed to him.

Illenoa, who also thought she was offended, apologized once again.

“I was being rude. sorry."

"what. no. If you weren't hurt, that's it."

“I guess I wanted to monopolize you too much.”

Then she said as she was fiddling with her fingers.

“You can do it.”

“… … .”

“You have the right and the right to do that.”

“… … .”
“Tell me a little bit about my heart.”

Irina, who deliberately mixed up the words Illenoa had used, glanced at him.

As she poured out unfamiliar words, she had a look of embarrassment. The cheeks were slowly being
recalled, but Illenoa didn't make fun of her this time.

“… … Why are you so sleepy? I need to stop sleeping.”

After speaking in a very awkward tone, Irina covered her with a blanket. Even with her eyes closed,
Illenoa could tell by the sound of her breathing that her mind was very clear.

He looked at Irina endlessly, then bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

“I like you so much.”

“… … .”

"Love it."

Then Irina closed her eyes and smiled.


In the 423 year of the Kisen calendar, a huge clock tower was built in the capital. The large clock tower
had a symbolic meaning that time was equal to all, and the square was opened to all Kisenites in

Irina was thinking of going on a date with Ilenoa after a long time.
She also wanted to spend time with him, and the public reaction to new things was something she was
always thirsty for.

Irina, who was supposed to meet Ilenoa at the square, had arrived earlier than the scheduled time. He is
also a time-conscious person, so he will arrive soon.

But Illenoa doesn't know I'll be hiding like this.

Irina hid her hair in the bonnet and sat crouching in the corner of the car stairs with great anticipation.

“… … .”

The Clock Tower Square was nothing special. It was built in a hurry, so there was nothing to see and only
a large clock stood tall with a few flowers.

Still, the square was full of people. Because of that big clock, the square was perceived as a small place.

Not long after, Ilenoa in a black suit appeared in the square.

Irina looked at him with a smile on her face and then burst into laughter. It was because he took out his
pocket watch and checked the time even though there was a watch right in front of him.

Checking the time, he looked around the square looking for Irina. No matter how smart he is, it won't be
easy to find her in such a crowded place.

But as she lowered her body with a smile, an unexpected sight unfolded before her eyes.

“… … What is that?”

Irina rubbed her eyes in embarrassment and opened her eyes again.
It was like a blue sky power. Because his boyfriend was doing what he paid for in front of her.

In front of Ilenoa, two young-looking girls approached.

The standards of beauty really change. Obviously, unlike when I was at the academy, handsome men are
popular in Kissen these days.

Irina, who looked at the scene with a smirk and laughter, soon became curious about what they were
talking about.

“Hey, why can’t you hear me like this, I’m annoyed.”

She eventually began to move, at the risk of being caught. I don't know if it's fortunate or unfortunate,
but Illenoa didn't know that she was approaching because of the girls in front of her.

But Darren, who was attached like a shadow near Illenoa, seemed to have found Irina. It was because
when her eyes met, she narrowed her eyes as if to check her face, and then put on a bewildered

And the moment Irina saw Darren's bewildered face, she felt an incident that had been completely
forgotten flashed through her mind.

Ahh, that's what happened.

okay. revenge

Irina immediately put her finger to her lips and signaled to be quiet. And reading the deep resentment
and playfulness on her face, Darren sighed with a troubled expression on her face.

“Could you please tell me your name?”

“… … .”

“I want to serve you a meal later.”

Wow, it's like that these days.

Irina frankly admired it. She also insisted on a love marriage in an era when arranged marriages between
families were rampant, and she was criticized for wanting it back at that time. But among young girls
these days, such a thing is very common.

"How old are you?"

“… … .”

However, what was surprising in another sense was Illenoa, who did not even take her lips off her lips.

He stared at the girls for a while, and Irina knew what that meant. It was a warning to stop.

But when the signal didn't work for the little girls who didn't know what the world was afraid of, and
who didn't even know who he was, he turned his gaze away.

Illenoa started looking around the square once more, as if looking for Irina. Startled, she bowed her
head and lowered herself. Still, I learned a new lesson in my heart.

To tell Illenoa that she's proud, you have to block her reason to that level. He had no match at all. I have
to say that I have a lover though!

The more interesting it got, the more she raised her head. And Irina jumped up from her seat.
The girl with her cheeks recalled was holding Ilenoa's forearm. Still, he kept saying something.

But for Irina, only Illenoa's face, which was starting to get annoyed, caught her eye.

Guys, don't do that!

If he touches him like that, he'll be in big trouble.

The situation was different, but it was the same as they couldn't communicate now.

Irina untied the ribbon, took off the bonnet, and ran back towards it.

"Hello! oops, hold your breath Are you friends?”

She folded her arms at Illenoa and gently pulled them apart. Ilenoa paused and looked at Irina.

“Where are you from now?”

Illenoa asked as if puzzled, but Irina pretended not to hear and spoke to the girls in front of her.

“I’m a lover, but I was curious because they didn’t introduce me to my friends.”

Irina couldn't shake the feeling of self-help even as she spoke.

It was a one-way life with no friends to introduce to either Ileno or her or to each other. To be honest,
Illenoa was much worse.

And from the moment Irina said those words, the atmosphere became very uncomfortable.
The hesitant girls disappeared after giving an awkward greeting, and Irina, who had maintained a
friendly face until the end, turned around and glanced at Illenoa with a fresh look as soon as she turned

Her voice was hoarse.

“Is it popular?”

“… … .”

“This was not a clock tower square, it was a meeting and love square. I think this is very decadent.”

But as she turned her back on Illenoa, Irina smiled secretly.

This is because the positions and viewpoints that change countless times in life were suddenly
interesting. World history and love were so much fun.

They settled in a pretty shop selling black tea and impenon desserts.

Illenoa would usually make fun of Irina whenever she had a chance. However, Irina never had a chance
to tease Illenoa.

Even though she kept playing pranks on the blade, he didn't say anything and just sat there quietly.

“It looked pretty.”

“… … .”
who is this? If you ask, the answer is undoubtedly someone you don't know. Even though I tried to roll
her head quite a bit, Illenoa, who was cautious, did not respond, so Irina put on a sad expression on her

“You’re so mean, why are you like that?”


There must be a lot to say and there are parts that are unfair, but when Illenoa apologized first, she


“Because I offended you.”

It was an answer that broke the will of the speaker.

Irina scratched the tip of her lip and said.

“I was just kidding. … … What else are you sorry for here?”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, I guess I’m a little excited because we don’t have a lot of time to meet once we’ve decided on a
place. I wanted to surprise you. I sat down and watched it all.”

Illenoa smirked. I saw this face in the morning, but I was very curious as to when and how it would
surprise me.

Had it not been for the unexpected intruder, he would have found her eventually.
“Anyway, I had no idea. It's true I'm a little annoyed, but I was just waiting for you to come."

“Yeah, I know.”

“I have no interest in anyone but you.”

Irina just smiled because she didn't even want to play more pranks. Illenoa stared at that smile and
glanced at the dessert in front of her.

Even though Irina had something to eat these days, she used to forget her appetite because she was
playing with Illenoa.

Irina's face was very moved when he slightly scooped out the tart and handed it to her with a whole

“Illenoa, yes. When I'm reborn, I want to meet you again then. It’s not because you take care of what
you need to eat.”

Irina spoke solemnly, and it sounded quite romantic, not like her. However, Illenoa was drier than Irina,
and even this moment was cynical.

“Do you believe in that?”

Kisen was a country with a state religion, and reincarnation was a story handed down only in some
indigenous religions.

“It is as unfounded as the monastic doctrine.”

"uh. right."
In fact, she was well aware that this was nonsense.

But do we have to have a scientific discussion in the dessert shop too?

Seeing Irina's empty face, Illenoa smiled. It was then that Irina realized later that he was making fun of
her again.

“If you still have to ask.”

“… … .”

“I don’t want to be born.”


“Irina, an opportunity in a person’s life really comes only once in a while. Luck is much rarer. I will
never be lucky enough to meet you twice.”

“… … .”

He's really doing this on purpose.

It was truly a talent to move people's hearts while maintaining such a cynical point of view.

And Irina just liked Illenoa like that.

A person that others know well and all the parts he never shows to others.

She smiled brightly and responded to his somewhat crooked joke.

“But can’t you be born again for me?”

“… … .”

"Illenoa, I'm really lucky, so I'm sure I'll be lucky enough to meet you."

Irina spoke bravely, and after a while he grinned and poured the tart to her again.

Elegant Savage Sea Gaiden

●Table of Contents●

Side Stories

Apocrypha 2. Don't look back with an angry face

Gaiden 3. My Pleasant Home

Apocrypha 2. Don't look back with an angry face

Irina was lying on the bed. It may have been a natural result since I had been tormented all night long.
Illenoa tried to wipe herself, but she shook her head. Irina rolled over and walked away from the edge of
the bed.

In the place where she disappeared, round wet marks remained. Illenoa stared at the damp sheet
without a word.

Irina also noticed what Illenoa was looking at. Approaching her on her knees, she took the towel from
his hand and covered the shameful marks. The above-mentioned face was prickly.

“Don’t make fun of me, it’s natural. If you keep making fun of things like this, you are a bad person.”
“Irina, I was still.”

He replied calmly and laid Irina down, but she shook her head again and again.

“Your eyes are a little off sometimes.”

“What is it?”

The happy eyes are bad. She kept her mouth shut, because she couldn't be confident to express that
sultry face in a gentle way.

“I like it.”


“It’s good that you’re excited about me and it’s good that you shed it, and it’s good that it twitches… …

“… … .”

“It’s better to have a squeaky sound.”

“… … My pretty trash. What should I really do?”

Irina shook her head and fell down, kissing him. She looked out the window, but Illenoa grabbed her
chin again and licked her lips for a while before letting go.

“Where do you keep looking? What do we have in our garden?”

“Ah, nothing.”

“You haven’t looked at me since before, you only look out the window.”

But when Illenoa began to follow her into the night sky, Irina smiled brightly. She said, holding his finger
tight against his plump chest.

“I am trying to feel the rotation and revolution of the earth, as Sir Norton said.”

He raised the corners of his lips.

“So how did you feel?”

“If it felt this easy, would he have been nicknamed a maniac?”

Having a nickname similar to Sir Norton, Irina had an inner affinity with the scholar. Illenoa, who was
watching her laugh and laugh, asked.

“Can I help you with some research?”

“Why are you interested in things that don’t even cost you money?”

Irina tilted her head back and looked at him. Ilenoa ruffled her hair and kissed her on the cheek once

“Aren’t you my best adviser?”

Then, while shaking her head, Irina chuckled and smiled.

“If you invest everything according to my stream of consciousness, you too will end up getting
frustrated someday.”

“Would you like to bet? Whether or not my fortune is in jeopardy.”

Irina burst out laughing and stared at the night sky again.

Does the dark night sky seem beautiful to her?

“Would you like to go for a walk?”


"Yes. Night walk. It's late, but if it's a garden, it'll be fine."

Irina seemed tempting. But she hesitated a bit, and then shook her head.

“I think I should just sleep. I have to leave early tomorrow.”

“Okay, then.”

Illenoa nodded softly, but Irina scratched her cheek. It's because he's been listening to me ever since.

In fact, he's been particularly skinny these days. It's like someone who's anxious for not being able to do
anything more.

“Can’t you give me an arm pillow instead?”

He let out a silent laugh.

“Why not?”

Under the back of her head, Ilenoa's arm was placed. Holding her in his chest, smiling brightly, he
whispered in his ear.

“What else can I do? Yes? Just tell me.”

“Stroke your hair.”

He immediately rubbed the top of his head softly.

“Can I braid it?”

“No, it’s inconvenient to do that while sleeping.”

“… … Did you?”

“Yeah, a little bit.”

She gets angry when someone treats her like a child, and she becomes a child in front of the people she
likes. Illenoa felt an unbearable feeling whenever Irina was entangled in her and sulking around. I
wanted to beg for more.

"In addition? What else can I do?”

“Give me a kiss. a lot."


“… … No, don’t kiss me, just kiss me.”

She had her eyes closed as he pressed his lips against her cheeks, tip of lips, and clavicle several times. It
must have been because it was tickling at first, but Irina soon began to make regular breathing sounds.

“Irina, are you sleeping?”

“… … .”

She had no answer.

Her white thighs, which had been tossing and turning in frustration, came out of the blanket. But he
hugged Irina even tighter.

“Sleep well, Irina.”

Illenoa looked out the window. And Irina stared endlessly at the night sky she had been looking at a
while ago.

He wasn't a very sensitive man, but maybe it was because the person he loved was watching. Now the
night sky looked a little more beautiful to him. In fact, what was even more beautiful than that was her
eyes shining like stars.

Once upon a time, the countess was furious. It was because the lover of Ga-ju, who had always come to
the house at the latest, did not return home. Irina has been giving me an unexpected stay-out.

Not only her escorts, but also the employees of the mansion rolled their feet, but The lord did not. Irina
was such a person in the first place, and Illenoa ordered things with a calm attitude. It was mainly about
her safety.

Irina frowned at the tickling sunlight and felt someone caressing her forearm.

The touch that touched the deep scar was softer than the sunlight, and it was obvious whose hand it
belonged to.

Since when have you been here?

When Irina, who was rubbing her sleepy eyes, pulled back the blanket, Illenoa burst into laughter.
Pulling down the blanket, he asked in a whisper.

“Are you on a memory trip?”

At the unfamiliar word, Irina opened her eyes with a bashful smile.

This was the mansion used by the Nodiac family. He asked, who had been meticulously examining the
room before she woke up.

“I think this was your room.”

"That's right."
“It’s gorgeous. Just like you.”


“Yes, I think I understand why you called the Count’s gloomy.”

Although it was owned by someone else for a while, Irina's room was almost the same.

Illenoa could easily guess the reason. I wouldn't have been able to get my hands on it easily. It was an
interior with a strong self-assertion.

“Isn’t it scary?”


“Sleeping alone in a house without people.”

“Actually, the scariest thing is that you come in through the door so easily. And you must have parked
all the Schubergers around you anyway.”

Irina rolled her eyes as if she was laughing. But Illenoa, as always, had more room than her. he
whispered scornfully.

“I waited all night and he didn’t come.”

“… … .”

“You left me again.”

The corners of Ilenoa's lips drew an arc at the end of those words. Because Irina jumped up.

In fact, she had some sort of neurosis in those words. It may sound like a joke, but Illenoa was a man
who knew how to put a knife into jokes.

“Why again? You know it's not.”


“… … Illenoa.”

“I don’t know.”

“Too much, really.”

Irina has been struggling since morning after all. She scratched her head as she looked around Illenoa's
strangely crooked face.

“It’s not like that, the last time I went to Ils… … .”

“… … .”

Ah, Ils? ils again.

Illenoa, who had been just teasing, this time was really upset. He knew well that Irina saw Ils as her
spiritual home.

He wanted to respect him, but it was also true that he felt like he was being taken away, so he only had
a fake smile.
Irina, who watched a little, continued.

“The store was in good condition, but the mansions were all old. You must have forgotten that I had a

“Is that so? You forgot something so important.”

“Yeah, back then, I was full of thoughts of loading things up and going to Kisen. I wanted to see you.”

“… … .”

“But the house was not destroyed by human hands. If you don't get people's hands on it, it's going to

Illenoa nodded as if to understand what he was saying.

An uninhabited house naturally becomes a waste house. Irina was probably worried about the status of
the marquis. Because I have a love for my childhood.

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t you have been able to come when the sun was shining?”

“You know my personality that I have to get rid of when I think of it. Otherwise, I might forget it again.”

“This place regularly sends people from Schuberg. I didn't say it because I didn't care about you, so I
guess I just said it."

“It was.”

Irina smiled in embarrassment. This mansion was the legacy of the Nodiac family, and in its original
state, it was of course something she had to take care of.
“You are a very meticulous person. The work is done flawlessly.”

"is that so."

“When I think of my cuties sold at low prices, I can’t sleep because I feel sad and resentful.”

“… … The ending of the story is really cute. I can buy you any number of mansions, so forget that.”

She smiled shyly and gently embraced Illenoa.

Irina actually missed her parents a few days ago. Normally I would have gone to the cemetery, but my
footsteps headed towards a warmer place. In the eyes of others, it was a spontaneous move, but it
means that she had her own reasons.

And even though she wasn't ready at all, she spoke. The gentle voice that came along with the morning
sun made her open her mouth.

“Illenoa, yes. I have something to discuss.”

“Yes, tell me.”

“I still have a long way to go. It's too hard for me to wait until it's clear."

“… … .”

"Well. However, it may not be so, so should you consider it and listen?”

The introduction was too long. But, feeling Irina being very serious now, Illenoa pushed her away. And
Irina, who looked at his dark blue eyes, said.
“I want to have a child.”

“… … .”

I was not sure about contraception because I was always careful, but when I saw the condition of my
body, it seemed to be right. Never had I skipped a monthly event for so long.

And Irina soon saw a strange sight.

She had never seen him startled. He paused a bit and stepped back, then it must have been

And it wasn't long before Irina was even more embarrassed than Ilenoa. It was because he, who had
hardened his face, knelt down in front of Irina.

Illenoa gripped Irina's fingertips eagerly, as if she was going to shake it off.

“I will take responsibility and nurture in the Schuberg family.”

“… … .”

“I will take care of everything. You have nothing to worry about.”

After nodding her head, Irina quietly waited for her next words. It was an important story, but it
shouldn't be the end. But he seemed to be waiting as well. The eyes that looked at her endlessly were
waiting for Irina to say something.

Is it really over? Aside from that, don't you have something more to say?
She tilted her head in thought and made an ambiguous expression on her face.

Irina ate the cookie little by little. Darren, who had been caught in the morning wind and sat across from
him, had a somewhat annoyed face.

“I think Illenoa is really hard to understand.”

“What would it be, a day or two?”

And you're sometimes a lot weirder than Illenoa.

Darren had a lot to say to Irina. But the pregnant woman needed stability, and he decided to take care
of her. Irina, unaware of Darren's consideration, slowly began to complain.

“Darren said he had seen him since he was a kid. Then it's like growing up. Isn’t that enough for your
parents, Darren?”

Darren looked very upset and embarrassed.

"miss. I am single. It's called a bachelor. Parents, aren’t you too harsh on me?!”

“I’m also single.”

There was no logic. It wasn't that Irina didn't know that she was talking nonsense, she was just

Irina and Darren actually had something in common. It was because they were relatively familiar with
Illenoa. The count's butler, Hans, also had the same consensus, but he was too straight and gentle, so it
took a little more time to get involved in this gossip.
“Isn't this the time to say let's get married? Maybe it's not that you've lost your thoughts of getting
married? And you made the child together, so why do you take responsibility for yourself?”

Irina continued to eat while muttering. Originally, I ate without paying attention to other people's eyes,
but I was planning to eat better with this excuse.

Darren clicked his tongue as he watched Irina sipped the cold tea.

“Lady, isn’t that the story after all? Responsibility seems to include everything.”

"is it."

“As far as I know, Illenoa only sent her three marriage proposals… … .”

“If you add up the words, four times.”

“But do you really need to hear it again?”

“Originally, there is a sense of timeliness in all words. Is it the same as the proposal you made a few
years ago?”

Darren shook his head.

“It’s difficult, it’s difficult. What makes it so complicated? I never want to be in a relationship like that
in my life.”

Then Irina looked at Darren up and down with a very strange expression. He had a face full of things to
“Can I excuse you just once?”

"no. Don't do it.”

"no, I do not want. I will.”

“… … .”

“It’s love. It's something you can't do if you decide not to, but it's not something you can do again,

It was a reasonable doubt that he wasn't doing it, not that he wasn't doing it. Then Darren looked Irina
up and down.

“I didn’t really see people like that… … Why are you doing this to me, holding on to a busy person in
the morning?”

After that, the two giggled and beat Ilenoa with excitement. Someone lowered their voices, but they
were very happy.

But there was also a love that could not be hidden from their words.

“Still, I feel more comfortable than before. There must be a sense of stability. Before, it was definitely
more difficult to deal with.”

“I know, I know.”

Darren nodded and continued.

“It's time for Illenoa to put an end to it. Well, it won't be without her virtue."
"is it."

However, Irina, who was turning her curly hair in circles with her fingers, protruded her mouth.

“… … Anyway, I’m upset.”

“… … .”

"Upset! Something is not right!”

When the boss shouted out of the blue, the people working in the distance flinched. Darren was equally
surprised, but he was Irina's uncle, and he was much more experienced.

“Hey, miss. That shouldn't be the case. My doctor told me to take it easy.”

“Oh, right. right. Whoa.”

Darren laughed, even after he calmed it down.

“It’s also frustrating. I'll ask you in the evening."

“… … yes it is I think you are worrying about something.”

“No, you just want me to get married right now? Oh my gosh, there was such a way, right?”

Irina blinked in an abominable tone, and people wanted to deter them. Because it wasn't common. It
was a rare sight especially for nobles.
But for that reason, he was a more flamboyant person, and his father wasn't particularly respectful of

“Did you say that you just wanted to get married from the beginning?”

Irina laughed bashfully.

“I wanted to chat with Darren. Then go play more slowly. I have to go buy a ring.”

She shot through the store. His steps seemed very light.

Darren, a little puzzled, looked around. The dressing room staff were all looking at him. Recalling the
president's recalled face, they laughed together.

While eating dinner, Irina looked at Ilenoa. He was a person who couldn't hide anything.

Thinking that she had something to say or had something to say, Ilenoa took a sip of water and put it

“What’s going on?”


“It’s uncomfortable… … .”


She hurriedly denied it. It was even more strange to be surprised.

“Who else is bothering you?”


Not understanding at all, she asked.

“Have crazy perverts come and go to the store again?”

She had a puzzled expression on her face.

“Where is such a person?”

Then Ilenoa wiped her mouth with a napkin. It seemed that his taste had disappeared, and it was a
protest that he had already forgotten. Belatedly, stingy, she resented her own mouth, which moved
before her head.

“No, I meant there could be no such thing as two strange people. Isn't that right?"

“You also look at the world with a very hopeful gaze.”

“… … .”

“Irina. There are countless crazy people in the world. And the most serious problem you face is dealing
with them one by one.”

The Count's servants listened to Ilenoa's words with a sense of inspiration. Before, I didn't know that
The lord was such a common-sense person. Because I haven't had a chance to hear what you think.

"okay. But isn't it really like that?"

“Then what is it?”

“Yeah, I mean kid.”

Illenoa, who had been sitting slightly crooked, straightened up her posture. He winked at the servants. It
meant going out. As they walked out of the dining room, Illenoa turned her gaze back to Irina.

“Tell me, Irina.”


But even though Illenoa laid a seat for her, she hesitated for quite a long time.

“Isn’t it possible that you are only responsible for your children and have no intention of getting
married or anything like that?”

“… … .”

“I still want to create a stable environment for the child.”

Irina glanced up and looked at his face.

Illenoa had a slightly disappointed expression on her face. It seemed a bit absurd.

“Are my words very vague? So your expression didn't look good that day?"

"no? Wasn't it bad? I was a little curious about your doctor, but... … I think I need to make a plan, but I
don't know what to say."
As Irina began to gibberish, he frowned slightly and smiled.

“To what extent do you think of me as garbage? Of course I want to marry you. Have you already
forgotten how many times I proposed to you? Please stop chasing me and slap me on the cheek.”

“… … Can't you just forget about it now? I apologized over and over again.”

Looking at the past, Illenoa was much more at a loss. Nevertheless, he often mentions the past because
Irina wasn't that sensitive.

He grinned for a moment, choosing what to say.

“Irina, when I was young. When I grew up on the street.”


“I have seen too many adults who do not take responsibility for their children. I have seen many
women and children who have become unhappy because of it.”

“… … .”

“So I think that word came first reflexively. I'm sorry if I misunderstood. I knew he had a lot of
imagination, but I never thought he would come up with such an idea.”

Ilenoa smiled faintly. According to Irina's expression, he was a man with nothing but money and a face
to be proud of. He was preparing a large mansion and country villas for his wedding proposal.

But it was rude to say nothing to the woman she loved.

Illenoa got up from her seat and walked over to Irina and bent one knee once more. As she flinched a
little, he grinned.

“As I said in advance, it’s okay if you refuse again.”

“… … .”

“I am a person who never gives up, and you are a generous person who deals with any crazy person.
The next opportunity will definitely come for me.”

It sounds like a compliment, but it was a curse when I heard it well. No, what do you do if you make a
proposal like this in a sarcastic way? Irina couldn't help but smirked.

Illenoa was still thinking about something else. With a curious look on her face, she waited for his mouth
to open again.

“Irina, if you marry me, at least the rabbit in this mansion will be yours.”

She burst into laughter at the words filled with memories. Illenoa followed her and smiled.

“You have all my money. I didn't like this mansion. You can decorate it however you like here. Even if
it's not my taste, I won't say anything. If you hate me a lot in life, you can break even the ceramics again.
We will fill it every day.”

Me, what is this?

“What are you doing right now, like a gift ceremony?”

Irina giggled and laughed.

“I don’t need money or a mansion. You know, Illenoa.”

“Then what do you need? My life has already been given to you, so all I can bet is money. I want to
have the opportunity to take responsibility for both you and our children.”

At that, Irina laughed silently. She needed nothing but Ilenoa's heart.

Irina immediately stood up from her seat. Illenoa gave him a puzzled look, but she sat him down in a
chair. And I bent one knee and looked up, just like he did before.

“… … Irina.”

She also thought that the world was a place to live and see. Because there has never been a history of
seeing Ilenoa panic as often as it is today.

Irina smiled and took out a small box from her arms.

“I want to pick a ring and put it on. I don't think you have much interest in this. Right?"

Accessories were the ones who were full of themselves, but Illenoa wasn't. Therefore, she chose the ring
considering only Ilenoa's preferences. As a result, the ring had a monotonous design, and it was quite far
from Irina's taste.

“You didn’t even buy it, did you?”

“… … .”

“Tell me about that.”

Of course, he had ordered it, but Illenoa shook her head. What is the importance of that at this
“Not yet.”

Enthusiasm during the day, she scratched her neck several times because she was shy when it came
time to do it. But taking a deep breath, she put the ring on Ilenoa's finger.

“Originally, you could say no. I was about to kick myself four times because I did something.”

Illenoa grinned.

“It’s not cool to do it like this, but I also want to speak with my own mouth.”

“… … .”

“… … Illenoa, marry me. I want to live with you for the rest of my life.”

He couldn't raise his head for a while. Irina was impatient, but she waited patiently.

And when Illenoa finally raised her head, Irina looked into her face for a long time. She thought she
would never forget that smile for the rest of her life.

Illenoa raised Irina to her feet. He brushed off her clothes with a delicate touch, sat her on her lap and
kissed her on the cheek.

“I didn’t know you could do this.”


“Yes, where did you learn such cute things?”

“… … .”

“Tell me. When did you come up with such a cute plan?”

I was thinking hours ago, but unable to say, she scratched her cheek.

“Still, never bend your knees in front of others again.”

“… … .”

“I will never let you do that in your lifetime. I see?"


Thank you for doing this. Love it. The voice whispered in her ear without stopping, and she smiled softly
on her face.


The Schubergs were busy preparing for their wedding. Illenoa, who decided to take a day off for
discussion, was enjoying tea time with Irina. Sitting at an angle by the window, he asked Irina.

“Irina, is there a wedding you would like to have too?”

"Well? there is no such thing Aren’t all weddings the same?”

She smiled and looked very happy.

“Actually, I’m satisfied if I only wear pretty clothes. I just want to do it as soon as possible for the sake
of my clothes.”

“I’ll put you on, pretty clothes. Anything else?”

Illenoa acted as if she was going to buy a piece of work with a little exaggeration these days. Even when
Irina served as a maid, she hated getting her hands wet. After she had children, she seemed to have
found an excuse to overprotect.

"Well. there's nothing else Don't push too hard. I'm good enough with the abbreviation."

“In which prestigious family do you get married that way? I'm not a rich guy, I can't even slash your

The problem was that even Irina was increasingly doing that. Irina, finding something she didn't like very
much in his words, put down her teacup.

“Is it very strange? Why aren’t you prosperous?”


“Does anyone still talk to you like that?”

“… … .”

“Bring it if you have it. I'll rip all your hair out for you."
There were no words that could come out of a pregnant woman's mouth. Illenoa, who was absurd, tried
to laugh.

But when she suddenly burst into tears, indignant alone, he stopped.

“Irina, why are you suddenly crying? It's not about crying."

Illenoa, who looked at her with a perplexed face, jumped down from the window.

“Saying, what if you talk like that again while you know my personality? Are you doing this on purpose
to piss me off right now?”

“… … sorry."

“And where the hell is the face I’m going to shave?”

He almost laughed out loud for a moment, but he kept his mouth shut. Irina's anger and patience point
was sometimes unusual.

“Aren’t you really wealthy?”

“No, I was wrong.”

“You are the most handsome, capable, and good-natured person I know… … .”

He couldn't stand it anymore and smiled.

“I don’t want to vomit, but I can’t do this. Do I have a good personality? Think again.”
“… … .”


“Don’t talk like that.”

"Okay. I'm sorry."

However, while smiling, Illenoa suddenly felt her heart sink.

“Illenoa, I don’t really have to have dinner with you.”

He quickly closed the distance, grabbed Irina's cheek and met their eyes. Because it sounded like it
didn't matter if they overturned the marriage.

“What do you mean, Irina? I have really made a mistake. I'm sorry if I offended you."

“… … .”

“I’m all wrong, so please relax.”

“… … .”

"Huh? I want to live together for the rest of my life.”

As he asked, Irina frowned slightly. Because I didn't quite understand what you meant. Then there was
even more impatience in Ilenoa's eyes.

After a while, realizing that he had misunderstood, Irina shook her head in surprise.
“No, it doesn’t matter if you just submit your marriage certificate without a ceremony. It means you
don't have to worry too much about doing it all. You are busy too.”

“… … .”

"surprised? I have a child, but what if you are so sensitive?”

Illenoa took a deep breath, clasping her forehead. For a short time, he had gone to hell and his
expression was not good. Sorry for that, Irina gently stroked his arm.

“Irina, I’m so sorry, but that’s not possible.”


"Yes. I want everyone in the world to know that you are my woman. So, if you don’t know about
anything else, I have to make it glamorous and grand.”

After speaking, Illenoa hugged Irina tightly. It was to calm the mind that seemed to have a hole in it for a

When Illenoa, who had been told that it was a holiday, suddenly decided to go out, Irina felt a little sad.
Because I thought we would be together all day.

Illenoa spoke to her fiance, who was closely following her.

“Have you written all the letters?”

“No, not yet. Are you halfway done?”

Irina, who refrained from going out on the recommendation of her neighbors, was writing a letter to her
family and acquaintances. It was to inform him of the changes in his life.

Illenoa did not stop her actions. But he didn't seem to like it very much.

“Write only that much and write the rest.”

“… … .”

“Irina, if you overdo it now, it’s bad for your health.”

“If writing is difficult, how do you breathe? I don't have anything special to do these days and I'm just

Illenoa smiled as she walked away. Glancing down at Irina, he tapped her cheek with his finger.

“You are a liar. Aren't you accepting all kinds of documents here as well? It’s only selected when I’m
not there and secretly.”

“Are you talking weird again? I'm not the kind of person who never does anything secretly. I did it
frankly... … .”

But Irina did not finish what she was saying.

She twitched the tip of her nose and let out a loud, uh eh chwi. The hand caressing her cheek was
careful, but a shallow wrinkle was forming between Ilenoa's forehead.

"you… … Did you catch a cold?”

At those words, all the employees who were seeing off The lord had perplexed faces. Because it was
clearly a time to be careful. The theory that medicines should not be taken carelessly during pregnancy
was now an orthodoxy.

Fortunately, however, Irina desperately denied it.

“This is what you call a sneeze, Illenoa.”

“… … .”

“It was because my nose was itchy. Really. I mean, I've only had one cold in my life."

He looked at Irina suspiciously for a long time, but eventually nodded. And he held out a handkerchief to
her, who did not know what to do with this terrible overprotection.

“No, I didn’t spill anything, so what should I clean with this? Am I dirty now?”

“Is that possible?”

Illenoa laughed and let it go, but it didn't sound like a joke to those who knew the seriousness of
California tuberculosis.

However, Irina, who was only pretending to polish her hair, suddenly started making an impression. As
she scanned the handkerchief, she said with full sincerity.

“Now, change your handkerchief, too.”

“… … .”
“It’s very expensive, but… … There are many other good things these days.”

However, Illenoa held out her hand without saying anything in return. It meant that I had to stop
returning my handkerchief when the tour was over. she asked with a smirk.

“Are you really going to keep pampering me like this?”

“Why not?”

“… … it's old Fashion has passed. No one in the world spends so long on consumables.”

“If you don’t like it, I won’t take it out in front of you.”

He made it very clear that he would not change.

Hmm, Irina pondered for a moment and then asked Ilenoa.

“Then can I give you another handkerchief? If you have a favorite pattern, let me know in advance.”

“You don’t like it that much. You know. I don’t know about that.”

“You say The customers your employees hate the most are customers like you. You have to tell me
your likes and dislikes.”

However, even while giving a pin, Irina was smirking. He seemed already excited to do something for
him. She said, looking at Ilenoa with a happy face.

“Well, what does the pattern mean? This superior beauty goes well with anything you wear.”
Then Ilenoa made a slightly subtle expression. Eventually, she knew exactly what that expression meant.
It wasn't embarrassing or unfamiliar.

“You really don’t like that word, do you?”

Irina, who found it funny that he tried so hard not to give tea, laughed. In the end, Illenoa admitted it
frankly after a long trial.

“Irina, not many men like that kind of thing. I can assure you, it is certainly rare in Kissen.”

Then Irina made a face that said, "Well done." She had her index finger open and her eyes wide open
before anyone could see her.

“Illenoa, how could you have such a sleazy idea? Beauty is not based on gender.”

“Is that so?”

"Yeah, don't go anywhere and tell your girlfriend that she's in the clothing business."

Ilenoa tilted her head and looked down at her. It looked very cute, because Irina had been intentionally
interfering with her outings.

It was like a puppy asking to play and not to go out.

“You are right, Irina.”

“… … okay?"

"Yes. So, I'm going to change this old-fashioned way of thinking. If I want to marry a lover in the clothing
business, I have to work as hard as I can.”
As Illenoa agreed too easily, she made a confused face.

I was arrogant, but I was strangely sad because he answered without being sarcastic. She had already
absorbed too much into the humor of a highly educated person with a bad personality.

Illenoa, who was laughing out loud, moved her body at that moment. It was an instant before he took
the handkerchief from Irina and kissed her on the cheek.

Yes? Irina stared at her empty hands. Meanwhile, Illenoa put the handkerchief in her arms and kissed
Irina's cheek for a little longer.

“I will take this back. To me, it’s more precious than my top.”

“… … .”

“Don’t overdo it, just rest. It's okay to give other gifts slowly... … Please give me time to wait with joy.”

"Yes. I will.”

“It may be a little late, but I will come as soon as possible.”

Whispering quietly, he turned his back on her and walked out of the mansion. Watching the scene to the
end, Irina muttered after seeing off.

“… … We should start by registering the marriage as soon as possible.”

Irina's face brightened as she walked towards the room. She hummed involuntarily.
Irina waited all day for Ilenoa. In the meantime, she had written all the correspondence, shivering from

Everyone told me to take it easy, but she was a person who couldn't be more stable if she stayed still.
When Irina started slicing potatoes like an emotionally unstable person, the people in the mansion put
on a lot of expression on their faces.

It was fortunate that coal was popularized and there was no need to burn firewood.

Illenoa returned home late at night and for some reason led Irina to the study.

“Why are you doing this? Talk to me.”

“Come here for a second.”

“You always spared no words when it was strange.”

She grunted dissatisfied, but Ilenoa remained silent. And when he entered the study, he placed a sheet
of thick paper on the desk.

After examining Irina's face for a moment, he began to write something on the tip of the paper. It was
his name and signature. He turned the paper and held it to Irina along with the pen.

“What is this?”

“Read it, sign it.”

Only then could she take a closer look at the paper.

“… … This is a marriage certificate. Did you leave for this?”


Irina smiled brightly. Because it was fun to think the same thing.

As Illenoa did, she wrote her name in her place without hesitation.

“Irina, we need to review. What about a lover in the clothing business, and the businessman signs it
without even reading it?”

“Illenoa, this is one copy.”

It was already their third contract. However, there was no gap in these documents, and they no longer
had to share the documents.

“I know you are the one who doesn’t sign unfavorable contracts.”

“… … .”

“And he’s the kind of person who wouldn’t even make a contract against me.”

He said, stroking his chin and laughing.

“You sometimes have a knack for rocking and melting people. How much more are you going to do for

Laughing like a mischievous girl, Irina started looking at the deeds belatedly. If you submit this, you will
become a couple.
The marriage certificate was much simpler than expected. After looking at the paper for a long time and
enjoying herself, she soon noticed something that stood out. As Irina put her finger on the blank, Illenoa

It was a place where witnesses had to sign.

“There the king will put his seal. 'cause I'm going to do it Perhaps he wants to show off his health.”

Irina pursed her lips a little.

“I don’t want my marriage to be recognized by the king as much as I do.”

“Just let it go.”

"uh. I didn't know what I was going to do."

Illenoa seemed to be calming her down, so she quickly agreed. But he grinned.

“I don’t have anything to do, but I have to do something like that.”

Irina was speechless for a moment. Scratching her cheek in embarrassment, she asked in a whisper.

“Are you talking like that even in front of the king these days?”

“Isn’t it?”

Irina was startled and covered her face and smiled.

“That’s why the king feels uncomfortable talking to you alone.”

Every time Ilenoa went to see the king, Irina wanted to go with him. Because I wanted to add a word
from the side. But now that I see it, it wasn't an add-on, it was a plate I had to go to tear it down.

Ilenoa's black machines continued to cover the world. He also built railroad tracks on land and put
locomotives there. So, after all, it was Ilenoa, not the king, who was running his own kingdom.

“Still, I’m not a very incompetent person.”

“Are you sure it’s a compliment?”

Hee hee, why are you doing that, really? Laughing with complicated emotions, she eventually fell on her

As Irina shuddered to the point of weeping, Illenoa carefully lifted her up.

“Irina, please breathe and smile. I'm worried."

“Yeah, okay, okay.”

“Let’s go to the room. We will sleep together.”


The two walked down the hallway holding hands. Irina tilted her head left and right and asked Illenoa as
if curious.

“But why did you do this all of a sudden? I was wondering where you were going.”

Ilenoa patted her chin and smiled faintly. That smile looked more embarrassed than usual.
“I used to think I had a knack for waiting patiently. After talking to you in the morning, I feel strangely
impatient. It's boring, but I wanted to submit it quickly so you wouldn't run away."

“… … .”

“Even though I have waited 10 years, I am unfamiliar with the feeling of not being able to endure just a
few days.”

When Irina was silent, he added jokingly.

“Of course, I now know that paper like this doesn’t mean much.”

“No, it makes sense, why doesn’t it make sense? I know."

Even after arriving in the room, Irina had to be alone for a while. Because Illenoa headed straight to the

And Illenoa, who appeared after wiping her water completely, looked at her and sighed.

“Cover me with a blanket.”

“Even if it’s not a cold.”

“Who said what?”

The room was already too hot. It's because Illenoa's sensitive reaction to a sneeze has made people go

Illenoa lay down next to Irina and placed the back of her hand on the nape of her neck.
“It’s definitely a body with a lot of heat.”

"Is not it. So, your husband should cover all the blankets. The room is hotter than Il's, so she'll have to
cool down a bit."

Irina, who replied playfully, was still busy looking out the window today. I was looking at the

But she soon had to look back with a suspicious face. It was because I felt a slight tremor in the bed.


“… … .”

“… … Are you smiling right now?”

“… … .”

"Hey. When you laugh, make a little noise and laugh. Send a signal! I want to see your smiling face!”

eh, sorry

Irina reluctantly removed the forearm that was covering her eyes. After laughing for a while, he asked,
squinting his eyes a little because of the afterglow.

“Are you an actor? How many times a day do you do one-person plays?”

Irina laughed as if it was nonsense.

“Did you justify your talent like this?”

“It will be enough. No play was as fun as you. If there is such a play, I will unconditionally invest.”

“I’m not a stage person.”

“Besides, Irina is also good at singing.”

She was a little shy, so she didn't say anything. But in the end, that reaction was her own expression that
she also acknowledged it.

He clenched his chin and looked carefully at Irina.

“Tomorrow, like you said, we can become husband and wife. Legally.”


“Are you okay?”

“What’s wrong with that? In fact, I thought I wanted to do it quickly.”

He seemed to be contemplating something, and he looked down at Irina's stomach.

“Actually, Irina. I used to think that you wouldn't like a child.”

"I? not you? Why?"

“Is it accurate to say that you didn’t want it?”

It was the first time he had heard such an evaluation. She grew up in a homely environment, and was
fond of small, shiny things. Isn't that kind of sentiment only suitable for a man like Illenoa?

When she gave her a puzzled look, he nodded.

“Because you are a person who has too many things to do.”

Irina shut her mouth. Surely, there were still many things in her world that were unfair, there were still
many things that she wanted to see, and there were many beautiful things. There were many things I
liked and disliked, and there were many things I wanted to do.

No one understood it as deeply as Ilenoa.

“So I will try harder. Then you might be a better father than your expectations.”

“… … .”

“What I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to worry about anything and just live as you are now.”

“… … .”

“If you have a business you want to do, do it, and if you want to give your fortune to the people of the
South, do it. I will fill it without any shortage. I wouldn't be surprised at all if one day you suddenly said
you wanted to be on stage."

Illenoa stroked her cheek with the back of her hand.

“Do whatever you want to do. If there is something you want to check with your own eyes, then if it
seems that your intuition will be released... … Go abroad too. Because I can build a faster ship. I can't
tolerate places that aren't even on the map, but I can understand the Imphenon and Ils."
Irina frowned and smiled. What, I thought of doing that. Because it sounded like he was going to
sacrifice everything on his own.

But in the end, she shook her head with tears in her eyes. I knew what he wanted to say. The man who
told me to be unhappy by my side was convincing me that he could be happy by my side now.

Raising her red hair, he said. It was a face with a faint playfulness.

“Instead, Irina. From now on, I will be the only man in your life. There may be at least one other person
in my life who will step on my eyes like me... … .”

“… … .”

“Never give me a heart, never give me a glance.”

“… … .”

“You only love me as you do now.”

Irina covered her eyes with her forearm, just like Illenoa did. No matter how honest she was, she
couldn't show this expression.

“You idiot, that’s so obvious… … .”

The man who had asked him to promise that he would not love him and that he would only see him
again had an eternal love in his mouth. Irina felt ecstatic about that fact.

No marriage proposal or confession seemed to be so close.

“Illenoa. i have only you I… … How could I love anyone else but you?”
He smiled serenely.

“Yeah, okay, don’t cry.”

As he quietly removed her arm, a long stream of water flowed down from her dazzling golden eyes.

Illenoa painted the meteor shower by hand. Then he held her in his arms and gently stroked her back.

Gaiden 3. My Pleasant Home

Last winter, it snowed a lot in Kisen. The scenery of snow piled up along the roadside during winter was
unfamiliar to the Kise people.

But Irina said it was cool and was happy, and she was excited to be able to sell a lot of woolen coats in
the long-awaited cold wave. People were being influenced every day by Irina's terrific merchant
temperament and positive energy.

And when the snow on the roadside melted and spring began, Irina gave birth to a child as healthy as

“Stop sleeping, Irina.”

Irina was watching the baby sleeping in front of the cradle. The squatting position looked
uncomfortable, but it had the momentum to stay like that all night long.

In the end, Illenoa gave up putting her to sleep and dragged the chair down and sat Irina down.

As soon as she sat down on the chair, she said.

“It was surprisingly not like me.”

“… … .”

Ilenoa was silent. The only thing they had to agree on was that their son looked exactly like Ilenoa's.

“Red hair is a rare thing. The cause is unknown, but statistics prove it. Didn't Irina say that she only saw
her maternal grandmother?"

“I know that, but it’s not just the hair, it’s all the features that look like you.”

He shut his mouth for a moment and looked at Damian, who was sleeping softly.

“Still, your eyes are the same color as yours.”

“Yeah, right.”

“I think Irina is still sad because she resembles me.”

“No, no, it’s not like that. It's strange that I felt like I lost to you."

“How is that different from being sad?”

“In the end, only the strong survived, what kind of feeling?”

As Illenoa looked at her in amazement, she smirked.

"I'm kidding. I'm glad I'm like you It’s like a gift.”
It didn't seem like she would get up any time soon, so Illenoa pulled another chair. Sitting next to each
other, he said.

“I wish I had a personality like you.”


Irina made a worried expression for a moment. It wasn't easy to admit.

“You really love me a lot. Don't be like my personality. Then you have to give up on the path of an
educated intellectual. It’s a lonely road.”

Illenoa pressed the corners of her lips together and held back her laughter.

"no. You will find that there are many different ways to express your inner culture. I'm Damian... … I
hope you know that.”

When Illenoa paused while talking, Irina looked at him puzzledly.

"what's the matter?"

“It’s strange that you already have something you want from a child.”

She nodded in empathy.

“Me too, but let’s grow up healthy. What more you want is greed.”


Illenoa also nodded, and Irina smiled.

Meanwhile, when Illenoa and Irina, who are now new parents, talked about Dorando, the child began to
whimper. Irina made a face saying "Oops," but Ilenoa immediately reached out into the cradle.

“I must have been too loud.”

As Irina spoke with an embarrassment, Ilenoa chuckled.

“Your tone of voice is a little high.”

Irina looked at Illenoa growing up as a baby with a face much more embarrassed than before.

There was also a nanny in the mansion, and there were plenty of employees to look after Damian. When
Illenoa said that she would take care of everything, Irina said, of course, that she was referring to them.

Because Illenoa wasn't the kind of man who felt like a homely person who would take good care of a

But he surprised many people from the start. Because he held the baby very well. The little boy was still
holding his father's clothes with hands like maple leaves.

Irina asked what she had been curious about.

“I don’t think there is really anything you can’t do. Is it because you are doing this with your body?”

As if understanding what he meant, Illenoa grinned.

“I have done it often. Even where I grew up, there were sometimes children.”

"I see."
Suddenly, she lifted her legs up on the chair and hugged her. It was time to start appreciating the
masterpieces in earnest. Because it was so fantastic to see him holding a child.

Irina wasn't the only one who thought so. When Illenoa held the baby's neck with her delicate fingers
and lowered her eyes, the sight would have been mesmerizing even the servants.

“… … .”

Damian's small hand fell as if he was falling asleep. There were wrinkles on the shirt the baby was
holding, but even this morbidly neat man didn't seem to notice it after the birth of his child.

Irina, who was looking at it with a smile, thought that she had done a very big job.

It deserves applause that this artistic face is passed down from generation to generation. In that sense,
it can be said that Ilenoa's mother did a great job. Shouldn't Kissen also give me a reward for this?

Irina used her previous mistake as a stepping stone and this time whispered.

“People’s aesthetics are very subjective.”

“… … .”

“Still, it’s our job to figure out the general tastes of the public.”

“Say what you want to say.”

Irina looked desperate. Unable to bear the desire to speak, she nodded as if thanking her for the
“It is true that you are objectively pretty.”

“Is that Damian?”


At some point, Irina praised Illenoa's beauty like a river with a broken dam.

yes I want you to stop acknowledging your beauty.

And Illenoa, who was grumpy, eventually permeated. That's what I did. Laying the child in the cradle, he
nodded very coolly.

“Illenoa, I’m always serious.”

“As I always say, I hope you like it.”

“If you know, take good care of me. Your face is not yours.”

"Yes it is. It’s all yours.”

“No, it belongs to all the Kisen people who live in the harsh modern era.”

“… … ha."

Irina spoke majestic with her hands outstretched, and he tilted his head sternly.

Irina, who witnessed a sullen smile after a long time, covered her mouth and smirked.

Early in the morning, there was a small argument going on in the dining room.

Irina had a very dissatisfied face, and in front of the two of them was a rather overpriced meal prepared
for breakfast.

It was because of her ferocious appetite, which was rarely reduced.

“Illenoa, Damian is only seven years old. How do you get up so early? Kids need to sleep a lot and get
plenty of rest.”

“I never forced it.”

She frowned and shook her head.

“You can hear it like that when an adult speaks. If you're in love, I sometimes sound like that too."

“You seem to get up early, so I said that we should have dinner together when that happens. You don't
look at me too badly, don't you?"

“… … .”

“I’m a little sad. I did not do anything that could be criticized by Irina.”
Illenoa responded calmly, but her frown brow couldn't straighten. Not to mention, Irina had never
woken up at this hour before, swearing, until she became an adult.

Moreover, Damian's parents, themselves, were the busiest businessmen in Kiesen.

Irina asked, not understanding at all.

“How do you know you wake up early?”

“Why don’t you know that? Doesn't Damian come out to see us off from time to time these days?"

“… … .”

“No one ever woke me up, so if I wake up I will come, or I will sleep. But he will be up.”

At those words, Irina's face turned serious. Because Ilenoa's words sounded plausible. Besides, her
husband was originally a very observant person.

Irina was about to say something, but just then Damian appeared quietly at the table and embarrassed
her mother.

“… … did you wake up did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Mother."

“If you are sleepy, you can go and sleep a little more.”

“I’m not sleepy.”

“… … ok then eat it Do I have to eat a lot?”

In front of children, Irina, who only speaks extremely soft words, kindly suggested. But the child sat still
and looked at them, then lowered his eyes.

Illenoa, who was watching it, made the soup first. And he sent a glance to Irina to eat as well.

Irina, who received the secret signal between the couple, reached out to the meat in the freezing cold,
and Damian raised the glass of water just then.

“… … .”

Who taught my son, who is still imprecise in pronunciation, already such perfect dining etiquette? Irina
was startled and laughed, heh heh.

Who the hell does my son look like, so he's already so polite and lacks humanity?

But the answer was clear. A man with the same pretty face was sitting in front of Irina. The appearance
of the rich man eating his meal overflowing with dignity was exactly the same.

Irina was so lonely.


Damian was very fond of his mother.

When Irina had free time, she would hold the child's hand and go to see a children's play together.

However, the child actually liked children's books much more than the children's plays.

No matter what line he uttered, his emotions overflowed, and he felt like this person and that person.
Rich red hair and sparkling eyes are more beautiful than the fairy in picture books. Besides, he was alive
because he wasn't a painting.

Irina, who came home late at night, was still in tears while reading a children's book at the child's

“No, how can children read a book with such a sad ending… … .”

haha, wipe some tears

She sharpened her teeth, knowing the author's name without Damian's knowledge. Irina, who roughly
threw the book on the side table, pressed her lips to her son's fine forehead. As her curly red hair tickled
her face, the child grimaced and smiled.

“Mom has a lot of work today… … I'm so sorry for coming home late."

As the child shook her head like a grown-up, she gave a sullen expression.

“Sleep well, my angel.”

Irina kissed Damian's forehead once more, waved her hand and left the room.

The next visit to the son's room was Ilenoa, who came home a little later.
Damian, who was lying down, tried to get up, but Illenoa motioned her to stay still.

Guess it was this today.

As Irina looked through the books that Irina had thrown on the side table, Illenoa grinned.

She must have been a child who read a lot of children's books when she was young. But my son doesn't
seem to be very interested in children's books. Illenoa knew that when Damian was bored, he played
while drawing objects such as wheels and locomotives.

With the children's book in place, Illenoa sat at an angle in the chair where Irina had been sitting before.

“If anything happens, tell me. Don't be too hard on your mother."

“Yes, Father.”

“Because any story is fine.”

Your mother has a softer heart than you think.

If Irina had heard that, she would have cried. He might have grabbed Ilenoa's collar and shook it

She was always sad because her young son seemed as cold as her husband's school days. Even when the
child started to use honorific words little by little, Irina was sobbing and resenting Illenoa.

It's because of you! It's all because of you! I learned by watching your way of speaking! I wanted to hear
my mother at least until I was ten... … .
Illenoa grinned at the old thoughts and stroked Damian's black hair.

He had a good memory, but he couldn't remember what he was thinking at this age. It was clear that he
was precocious, and Damian was also different from ordinary children.

Illenoa got up from her seat and walked over to the child's desk. On the desk were drawings that
Damian had drawn.

He stood at an angle and looked at the paintings carefully for a long time. Illenoa didn't clean up that
much and left it as it was.

He stroked Damian's hair and kissed her forehead lightly. It was the place where Irina's lips touched.

When Ilenoa, who had washed herself thoroughly, entered the bedroom, Irina was exuding a gloomy

As she sat at the simple table and sipping wine, she looked at Illenoa.

"I'm here?"

"Yes. What kind of drink is it?”

“I just got it as a gift and checked it out.”

“Because you shouldn’t eat that kind of thing.”

“It’s not without a source, it was given to me by Susan while she was on vacation.”
Illenoa shrugged and walked over to her. He lifted the bottle and took a look, then asked Irina.

“One more drink?”

“No, stop drinking.”

“It’s a great idea.”

He immediately closed the lid and put it in the showcase. After aligning the lines, Illenoa, who sat across
from Irina, grinned. It was because of the sad expression on his face.

“Tell me. Why are you doing that again?”

As if waiting, Irina grabbed Illenoa's hand.

“What are we doing wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“I think Damian took the test today. Ha, I didn't hire a tutor to get me to take the exam already."

Irina clasped her head as if in pain.

“But there is nothing wrong with it. It’s perfect!”

“Well, I guess it wasn’t difficult. Your tutor must have noticed you.”

“… … You don't even know what's weird anymore."

Irina shook her head as if exasperated.

“Damian just turned eight. Of course, I'm at an age when I don't want to do boring things like studying.
How could this be?”

The tutor knew that Irina, who had hired him, would like him, so he came to her office to tell the news.
But Irina became very serious.

In fact, she had a special determination to raise children. Irina knew that she was special when she was
young, and she thought that it would be impossible for her to be modest if it was her own son. It
couldn't have been more exemplary.

Even the ex-Marquis Nodiac, who was arguing with her eldest daughter, sometimes exploded because
of Irina.

However, as Damian grew up, it was different from Irina's childhood. She gripped her head, making it
even more painful.

“Are you really a genius? My son couldn't study so well."

“Irina, doing well on the test doesn’t prove that you are good at studying. It's not even a proof that
you're smart. Besides, Damian is still too young to decide that.”

Irina raised her eyes at the clean words that fell just right.

“It would be great to be able to be so objective with my son.”

Illenoa grinned.

“Damian just resembles me.”

“… … Yes, it certainly seems like that.”

“I think the regular course could be boring in this way… … Give me a few simple drawings, and I’ll be
looking at it for three months or ten days.”

Irina seemed to know that there was no reply. She let out a shallow sigh as if she was worried about that

“What if Damian grows up later and doesn’t care about people like you and is only obsessed with
things like steam engines?”

“Please. When Damian grows up, there will be a new power engine.”

“… … Oh my gosh. Illenoa. Are you saying that's a joke?"

Irina glanced at him and smiled as if it was ridiculous. As Illenoa brushed her hair up, she sighed,
revealing her honest thoughts.

“I’m sorry, yes. Is it because we're too busy to be honest? I'm worried because he seems to be
premature and talk less compared to his peers... … .”

“It’s just because you look like me. When I was young, I didn't even talk. And Irina, you only need to be
kind and kind to your own woman later. Everything else is useless.”

How is that useless? Irina knew something was wrong, but she didn't bother to ask. Still, I felt a sense of
relief that I was fortunate to be the two of them, not alone.

It is such a big event to watch a person grow up, so it must have been difficult for her without Illenoa.

Illenoa got up from her seat and covered her blushing cheeks.
“Damian will be much bigger than me. You weren't there when I was a kid, but Damian has you now."

“… … .”

“Irina, you are doing so well.”

“… … Huh."

“Then leave it that way and come over here.”

Ilenoa grabbed Irina's wrist and led her to bed. Irina's cheeks grew even more red as Illenoa loosened
her nightgown to the side.

He asked, clenching his chest tightly once and releasing it.

“Now, let’s talk about you. Did anything go wrong today?”

“Yeah, are you?”

He smiled silently because he wanted to ask a question too early. Since the birth of the child, Irina has
devoted a lot of attention to it.

Sometimes, too much attention and worry pushed Ilenoa back. I thought that the former Marquis
Nodiac was particularly stupid, but now that I see it, it was just a family history.

“I didn’t have any. They said they had hired new employees at the headquarters.”

“Ugh, I was called out by myself, but because I didn’t have enough hands, everyone was having a hard
Biting Irina's collarbone and leaving a couple of traces, he watched with satisfaction. This time his hand
went between his legs. Illenoa, who was gently navigating through the bushes, asked with a soft voice.

“Didn’t anyone show interest in you?”

“… … if there is?"

“Tomorrow, I will make the world a lesser place.”

It wasn't a joke, but Irina covered her mouth and laughed. He asked, narrowing his eyes.

“So you mean there?”

“… … .”

“Tell me with your mouth before I find out for myself.”

Irina just laughed. Illenoa stared at her as if to determine the truth. But when Irina didn't answer, she
poked her finger that had been hovering around the clitoris as it was.

Until I answered, I didn't know if he meant to harass me or if I wanted to check it out myself.

Irina, terrified of being stuck with a thin thing, crawled away and ran away. She shouted, half ridiculous,
half teasing Ilenoa.

“Is it common sense?! uh? Who likes married women, idiot! Isn't it time to stop asking that question?
Aren't you bored?!"

“Your problem is that you only look at the world through common-sense eyes. How many times have I
told you there are such bastards in the world. Where are you going?”
Illenoa smiled and grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her up. He bit his ankle hard and licked the floor.

"Oh really! Why are you licking your heels again! Let go of this!”

“You still don’t know? You look especially cute here.”

“Crazy, really.”

The couple's bedroom was noisy until late at night. Irina smirked even after screaming sharply, and the
laughter eventually turned into a sob, which could only subside.


Even before Illenoa came down, Damian was the first to sit at the table. Irina looked at her pretty face as
if she was very lovely and proud. When the meal was all ready, she said in a friendly voice.

“Eat a lot, my angel.”

But the unusually precocious child did not touch the dishes until his father arrived. As soon as she
entered the dining room, Illenoa saw the scene and smiled. He approached the table and asked Irina.

“Damian looks just like me, my son is an angel and my husband, why am I trash?”

Irina flinched enough that everyone could feel it. She hid her rough past like a sailor, and in front of her
son, she was only using nice and pretty words.
But what if I embarrass myself by talking like that now?

The moment she appealed to Illenoa with a very resentful expression, Irina flinched once more. Because
there was a clear sound of laughter right in front of them. She blinked and looked at Damian. The child
was smiling happily as she listened to the conversation between her father and mother.

Ilenoa, who was looking at him with a gentle gaze, approached his son. He stroked his hair a couple of
times, he said.

“If your mother recommends it, you can eat it first. Because sometimes I can't be on time."

Damian nodded his head in response slightly. The golden eyes that still lingered in laughter resembled
Irina. Ilenoa's face, staring at it, was also infinitely soft.

Irina, who was silently admiring the friendly scenery, burst into a small smile.

When it seemed like a storm was coming in her mind, she wanted to find a mysterious treasure island. I
had imagined that the treasures of gold and silver were hidden somewhere across the sea.

However, the overflowing indigo sea was not necessarily seen only in the port. She also had someone
she loved. The wonderful sea and Treasure Island were now spread out before her eyes.

<Complete side story>

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