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<h1> Iwato Hakurei</h1>

<h2>Thirty. Male. Iwagakure. Tsuchikage.</h2>

<h3>Skell. 28. UTC-3.</h3>

<div class="maincontent scroll">

[align=center]● YONDAIME TSUCHIKAGE ● [/align] <hr><br>

[align=center]Seeing clearer what's at stake<p>

And the things I have to change<p>

I just hope I can, it's not too late<p>

To get a chance to end this pain<p>[/align]

[align=center]● PERSONALITY ●[/align] <hr> <br>

[i]✓Calm ✓Comprehensive ✓Diplomatic ✓Polite ✓Practical [/i]

<p />

[i]×Cynical ×Distant ×Eccentric ×Pessimistic ×Untrusting [/i]<br><br>

[align=center]● APPEARANCE ● [/align] <hr><br>

Hakurei is far from an imposing figure. He seems too tall for how narrow his shoulders are
despite being no more than 5’7”. This, combined with his borderline pale complexion, give him
a somewhat gaunt, unhealthy appearance. His hair is long, wavy and black while his eyes are
grey - common, unremarkable characteristics on the Land of Earth. He wears round eyeglasses
with a rosary tied to the temples. <p>

He only dons the Tsuchigake traditional kimono during work, each day with a different festival
mask. During his free time, the man generally dresses in
[URL=] nagagi [/URL] over a button-up long-sleeved collared
shirt, and [URL=] hakama [/URL]. He prefers
[URL=]zōri [/URL] and
[URL=]tabi[/URL] over usual shinobi boots. Everything in cold,
discreet colors. <p>

Hakurei’s [URL=] battle attire [/URL] consists of black paints

under a deep blue [URL=] haori over a nagagi [/URL] tied with
a brown leather sword belt. covered by a cape of the same color. It keeps the long-sleeved
shirt, but under a gray jersey. The arms are covered with black leather
[URL=] han kote [/URL] and gloves. The feet with shoes and
buttoned socks. The hitai-ate (headband) are tied to the belt by a single end. <p>

[align=center]● HISTORY ●[/align] <hr> <br>

To Hakurei being a ninja was no more than an occupation. Born of a lower middle-class family
with no Shinobi tradition, he saw the path of a Iryonin as a good career. It was a specialty
sought by the Village and offered the possibility of advancing through the ranks even to one
who lacked combat abilities. The remuneration was more than fine and came without the
need of taking dangerous missions outside. His parents where fast to support the idea and
worked as much as possible to afford lessons on medicinal ninjutsu after his graduation on the

<p />

After two years he was competent enough to attract invitations from Elite Genin attempting
the Chūnin Exam. He was hard carried through the more practical stages of the selection
process and managed to be approved at the age of fourteen. Five months later, Iwato was
accepted on the Medic Corps and the future looked bright until the Third Shinobi World War
started. Under the almost certain risk of being sent to the frontlines, he started to invest his
money into battle instruction. <p>

Having no special ability of his own, Hakurei decided to train versatile techniques towards
which he could become attuned rapidly. As most on the Land of Earth, he had a natural affinity
with Doton and thanks to the refined chakra control acquired on his work he managed to learn
Keijūgan and Kajūgan before being deployed, six months into the conflict.


Through the first two years of the war, he served as a doctor. He saw hideous wounds –
external fractures, burns, defigurations. He watched men and women crying like little kids,
dying in excruciating pain, taken by terror. For duty, the commanders would say. For honor
and glory. To a shallow grave if they were lucky, he learned, becoming cynic, pessimistic and
developing an antisocial behavior. During this time and to increase his chances of survival,
Iwato kept training his jutsu. His theory was that by developing a variant of the weight altering
techniques, variants capable of working from a long range, he would become a force to be
reckon on the field of battle. A hypothesis that would be proved when Konoha and Suna stroke
Iwa’s supply lines. <p>
Amidst the supply lines was the field hospital where he was stationed.The attack was perfectly
orchestrated and Iwa troops were incapable to put a resistance. Amidst chaos, Hakurei used
his derivation of the Kajūgan no Jutsu on a large portion of the allied soldiers, achieving a
retreat and minimizing losses. When information of the event reach Head Quarters he was
relieved as Iryonin and sent to the frontlines under the condename of Shinso (Progenitor) to
enable an airborne unit for reconnaissance, something that ensured great tactical advantage
over the enemy troops. The number of shinobi he was capable to affect with his technique
exceeded command’s expectations, resulting in the use of his unit in air bombardment
missions that were devastating to enemy trenches and, in what seemed almost poetic justice,
supply lines.


Because of the altitude from which they attacked, he and his companions entered combat with
masks and glasses, which earned from the enemies the nickname of Kaonashi-tai (Faceless
Unit). At first the unit was discriminated as a special target, the defeat or capture of any of its
members being attached to rewards but thanks to the height advantage they were
exceptionally hard to even hit and soon became feared to the point that their very presence
was enough to warrant retreats. This resulted on his promotion to the rank of Jōnin.


With the end of the war, Hakurei was ordered by the Sandaime Tsuchikage to work in the
teaching of his personal techniques to other ninja. A project that ultimately failed, despite of
his full collaboration. As an alternative, the Village decided to fully document the theory
behind his techniques and further train him so his chances to die in action would be
minimized. To this end they arranged for his training by one of the Senin of the Land of Earth.
Understanding this training would prevent him from working on Iwa’s hospital and wanting to
avoid socialization, Iwato decided to ingress into the ANBU. <p>

His efficiency on capturing or exterminating increasingly stronger nukenin led to a reputation

as one of the strongest in Iwa. The strongest, by the time the Sandaime vacated office. A fact
that added to his war service and mastery over Senjutsu led to Hakurei being offered the seat
of Tsuchikage. Something he accepted because of his inability to trust that whoever took the
position would not start a new war against Kiri, Konoha or Suna. This, in turn, led him to realize
he did not want for any villager to experience what he experienced in battle. Protecting the
people became his priority – in a bout of irony the cynic embraced an idealistic cause.


<p />

[align=center]● IMPORTANT FACTS ●[/align] <hr> <br>[LIST]

[*] For the convenience of the reader all of the traditional clothing pieces mentioned on the
backstory are actually links to images of said pieces.

[*] For RP purposes he has the voice of Ono Daisuke.

[*] Because of his constant use of masks, most people do not know his face. A fact he uses to
walk the Village anonymously.
[*] He has a slight complex for not looking his age, preferring to be called "ojii-san" instead of

[*] His surname is written with the kanji 岩 (iwa, meaning stone) and 戸 (to, meaning door). It
is a reference to the Amanoiwato from Shinto legend, the cave where Amaterasu enclosed
herself <s>not to the Doors of Stone I am waiting for Patrick Rothfuss to finish since I was in
High School. I’m not salty, you are salty.</s>

[*] His given name is written with the kanji 白 (haku, meaning white) and 霊 (rei, meaning

[*] The katana he carries in battle was a gift received from his parents upon becoming
Tsuchikage and has no name or special feature beyond its beauty.

[*] The rosary tied to his glasses was a gift from his Senjutsu master, symbolizing the
completion of his Senin training.

[*] Icon art by Morabe Chisa (@ino_chisa on Twitter) and avatar by Sakupon (@X0Epk on
Twitter). The other artwork are official artwork.


[CODE][b]Touken Ranbu[/b], [i] Nankaitarou Chouson [/i] portrays Iwato Hakurei[/CODE]


<img src="" class="appimage">


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<h1>Iwato Hakurei</h1>

<h2> Male | Kage | Iwagakure </h2>

<div class="maincontent">

[b]Chakra Affinity:[/b] Doton (Earth).


[b]Chakra Nature(s):[/b] Katon (Fire), Suiton (Water), Fūton (Wind), Yin, Yang.<br> <br>

[b]Clan:[/b] N/A <br>

[b]Kekkei Genkai:[/b] N/A


[b](Average) Chakra Reserves:[/b] Hakurei’s Chakra reserve is average. It manifests on a

common light blue color and often feel silent and exudes certainty. An absence of doubt that is
neither arrogant nor over-confident.

<p />

[b] Refined Chakra Control:[/b] Through the training and use of Iryoninjutsu, Hakurei
developed the highest level of chakra control. This ability allows him to utilize his jutsu with
particular efficiency, to the point that, despite having merely average chakra reserves, he is
capable of utilizing ninjutsu as if he had a large reserve.

<p />

[b]Taijutsu:[/b] Hakurei has a basic level of competence with standard taijutsu tehcniques and
is particularly adept to using kenjutsu, though not nearly as much as he is with Ninjutsu or
even Genjutsu.

[b]Genjutsu:[/b] As a way to increase his efficacy in capture missions, Hakurei trained

extensively the use of genjutsu. While his illusions are considerably effective, his greatest skill
with this kind of technique resides on resisting it.<p />

[b]Iryoninjutsu:[/b] As a former medical shinobi, Hakurei is versed in Medical Ninjutsu. He can

use his chakra to dull pain and heal up to moderate external wounds.<p />

[b]Senjutsu:[/b] Hakurei is able to balance his innate chakra with natural energy, that is to
create Senin Mode Chakra and utilize Senjutsu.<p />

<h3>E-Rank & D-Rank</h3>

Dynamic Entry


Strong Style: Elbow


Devastating Palm [/url]

Pressure Palm [/url]
Slamming Palm[/ url]

showtopic=12&view=findpost&p=14]Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement

Kakuremino no Jutsu (Cloak of Invisibility Technique)[/URL]<BR>

showtopic=12&view=findpost&p=14]Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique)[/URL]<BR>

showtopic=12&view=findpost&p=14]Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)[/URL]<BR>

Nawanuke no Jutsu (Rope Escape Technique)[/URL]<BR><BR>

showtopic=20&view=findpost&p=22]Hōtai no Jutsu (Bandage Technique)[/url]

[align=center][b]-----[/b][/align] <br>

Flicker Technique[/URL]<BR>

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=17]Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Double
Suicide Decapitation Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Kiryū Ranbu (Wind Release: Air Current Wild
Dance) [/url]
[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Mizugakure no Jutsu (Water Release: Hiding in
Water Technique) [/url]

<h3>C-Rank & B-Rank</h3>


[*] [url=]Genjutsu: Kai[/url]

Chakra Hankyō (Chakra Echo) [/url]

Chakra Kaifuku (Chakra Recovery) [/url]

Hōgō no Jutsu (Suture Technique) [/url]

Masui no Jutsu (Anesthesia Technique) [/url]

Fukuboku no Jutsu (Splint Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=

showtopic=20&view=findpost&p=107]Chakura no Mesu (Chrakra Scalpel) [/url]

[*] [url=]Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=18&view=findpost&p=103]Kori Shinchū no Jutsu (Sly Mind Affect Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=]
Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique)[/url]

[*] [url=]
Magen: Nijū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique)

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton Kekkai: Dorō Dōmu (Earth Release Barrier: Earth
Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu (Earth Style: Weighted Boulder
Technique) [/url]
[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu (Earth Release: Light-Weight
Rock Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Ganban Kyū (Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Doryūkatsu (Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide)

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Domu (Earth Release: Earth Spear) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Doryū Jōheki (Earth Release: Earth-Style Rampart)

[*] [url=]Iwa
Bunshin no Jutsu (Rock Clone Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Chidōkaku (Earth Release: Moving Earth Core)

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Release: Hiding
Like a Mole Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Kaido Shōkutsu (Earth Release: Opening Earth
Rising Excavation) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Iwayado Kuzushi (Earth Style: Rock Breaker) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Sando no Jutsu (Earth Release: Mountainous
Earth Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Dochū Senkō (Earth Release: Subterranean
Voyage) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Retsudo Tenshō (Earth Release: Tearing Earth
Turning Palm) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Earth Release: Tunnelling Technique[/url]
[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Iwa shita (Earth Release: Rock Shelter) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=97]Doton: Dochū Eigyo no Jutsu (Earth Release:
Underground Projection Fish Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=]Kuchiyose - Doton: Tsuiga no Jutsu (Summoning - Earth Release: Tracking Fang
Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Atsugai (Wind Release: Pressure Damage) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Reppūshō (Wind Release: Gale Palm) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Fūjin no Jutsu (Wind Release: Dust Cloud
Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Kazekiri no Jutsu (Wind Release: Wind Cutter
Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku (Wind Release: Vacuum Great
Sphere) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Shinkū Renpa (Wind Release: Vacuum Serial
Waves) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=14&view=findpost&p=95]Fūton: Shinkūgyoku (Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere)

[*] [url=
showtopic=13&view=findpost&p=93]Katon: Haisekishō (Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning)[/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=13&view=findpost&p=93]Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire
Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=13&view=findpost&p=93]Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire
Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=13&view=findpost&p=93]Katon: Endan (Fire Release: Fire Bullet) [/url]
[*] [url=
showtopic=13&view=findpost&p=93]Katon: Zukkoku (Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work)

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Bullet
Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Hahonryū (Water Release: Tearing Torrent)

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Formation
Wal) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Suishōha (Water Release: Water Colliding Wave)

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton Bakusui Shōha (Water Release: Exploding Water
Colliding Wave) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Release: Wild Water Wave)

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Suidanha (Water Release: Water Severing Wave)

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Teppōdama (Water Release: Gunshot) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=101]Suiton: Takitsubo no Jutsu (Water Release: Waterfall
Basin Technique) [/url]


<h3>A-Rank & S-Rank</h3>


[*] [url=
showtopic=20&view=findpost&p=107]Shōsen Jutsu: Daiipo (Mystical Palm Technique Step
One) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=20&view=findpost&p=107]Shōsen Jutsu: Dainipo (Mystical Palm Technique Step
Two) [/url]

[*] [url=]Meisaigakure no Jutsu (Hiding with Camouflage Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=98]Doton: Chōkajūgan no Jutsu (Earth Release: Ultra-Added-
Weight Rock Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=98]Doton: Chōkeijūgan no Jutsu (Earth Release: Ultralight-
Weight Rock Technique) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=98]Doton: Jūryoku-ha (Earth Release: Gravity Wave) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=98]Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth Release: Swamp of the
Underworld) [/url]

[*] [url=
showtopic=15&view=findpost&p=98]Doton: Gōremu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Golem
Technique) [/url]

showtopic=17&view=findpost&p=102]Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great
Waterfall Technique) [/url]



[*] Iwagakure Forehead Protector

[*] Wolf (Senin) Forehead Protector

[*] Kunai 15

[*] Shuriken 20
[*] 1 Katana



[b]Doton: Jūryoku-ha (重力波, Earth Release: Gravity Wave)[/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] S <br>

[i]Type:[/i] Ninjutsu <br>

[i]Nature:[/i] Earth <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Private <br>

[i]Description:[/i] Complementary technique that allows a ninja to use Keijūgan, Kajūgan and
its respective more advanced forms (Chōkeijūgan and Chōkajūgan) from long range. The jutsu
achieves that by employing refined chakra control to store, concentrate and then release at
once the energy of the originating Doton. The fast release of the chakra of the originating
techniques causes the air to vibrates and distort visible, being possible for enemies to actually
see Jūryoku-ha being activated and, potentially, evade it. <br><br>

[b] Kuchiyose: Doton: Tsuiga no Jutsu (Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang
Technique)[/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] B <br>

[i]Type:[/i] Ninjutsu <br>

[i]Nature:[/i] Earth <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] The user summon a pack of wolves underground. The wolves use their
superior sense of smell to track the target, converge on their location, and then all together
burst from the ground and take hold with their fangs. With the target captured in this way, the
summoner can easily locate them. Requires the summon of a canine-type creature. <br><br>

[b]Magen: Kagerou no Kiba (Demonic Illusion: Fang of the Shadow Wolf)[b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] B <br>

[i]Type:[/i] Genjutsu <br>

[i]Nature:[/i] Yin <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] The user creates the illusion of monstruous, covered
[url=]black wolf heads covered in red eyes[/url] emerging from
the enemy’s body and shadow who soon bite them into immobilization, being in practice an
illusory and faster version of Tsuiga no Jutsu. The pain inflicted by the illusory wolves is far
stronger than what normal wolves bite can cause, giving this genjutsu a high potential for
torture. <br><br>

Deep inside the Land of Earth, separated from Iwagakure by a journey no less than a month
long, exists the Kogaredani (木枯谷, Kogarashi Valley, Kogarashi being the name of the cold
north wind that blows through Japan at the start of winter). A elevated valley cold as if always
in winter that houses the (妖狼) yōrō, the lineage of wolf sages.

[b] [URL=] Byakuya[/url] [/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] [i]S[/i] <br>

[i]Animal:[/i] Wolf <br>

[i]Size:[/i] Gargantuan <br>

[i]Nature(s):[/i] N/A <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] A large male white wolf with golden eyes, a flowing tail and a fur covered
snout. His eyes and forehead carry the marks of the wolf sages. Byakuya is the oldest amongst
the wolves and the only one currently capable of fusing with a human sage. The younger
wolves affectionately call him Jii-chan. He likes to pretend to be a grumpy elder, extensively
using sarcasm to this end, but is in fact soft-hearted and hates seeing anyone sad or in
suffering. His wisdom is admired and he is well respected amongst his race despite, because of
his advanced age, no longer being able to fight independently. Outside of combat, Byakuya is
able to see into the future, although to a limited extend. He can only be summoned by
someone already in Senin Mode. [Requires Summon Yorou]


[b] [URL=] Haizuki[/url] [/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] [i]A[/i] <br>

[i]Animal:[/i] Wolf <br>

[i]Size:[/i] Gargantuan <br>

[i]Nature(s):[/i] N/A. <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] A large male grey wolf with golden eyes. Haizuki is a gentle soul, always
polite and often trying to see and show the best on people. He is knowledgeable about swords
and sword fighting and if allowed will talk at length about the subject. In combat he is a master
in taijutsu and, surprisingly enough considering he is a quadruped, bukijutsu. He is the
physically strongest and fastest of the wolves summon. [Requires Summon Yorou]

[b] [URL=] Hinako [/url][/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] [i]A[/i] <br>

[i]Animal:[/i] Wolf <br>

[i]Size:[/i]Gargantuan <br>

[i]Nature(s):[/i] Katon (Fire). <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] A large female red wolf with equally red eyes. Hinako uses several piercings
on her left ear and contrary to her appearance and destructive ability she is kind and friendly,
although not particularly smart but somewhat hyperactive. She does have a distaste for being
compared to a fox. Physically she is not that strong compared to other wolves of her size, but
is quite agile. [Requires Summon Yorou]

[u][i]Techniques[/i][/u] <br>

Katon Chakra Mōdo (Fire Release Chakra Mode)


[b][url=]Kokuyou [/url][/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] [i]A[/i] <br>

[i]Animal:[/i] Wolf <br>

[i]Size:[/i] Gargantuan <br>

[i]Nature(s):[/i] Yin <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] A large male black wolf with brown eyes. Kokuyou is a timid pacifist that
fears the idea of hurting anyone. Because of that he tries to dissuade others from fighting by
acting intimidating, resuming his communication to growls and howls and going as far as using
a transformation technique to assume an [url=]unnatural
appearance - red eyes and chains dangling from his body[/url].

[u][i]Techniques[/i][/u] <br>

Henge no Jutsu

Magen: Kagerou no Kiba (Demonic Illusion: Fang of the Shadow Wolf)

[b][url=]Yorou [/url][/b] <br>

[i]Rank:[/i] [i]B[/i] <br>

[i]Animal:[/i] Wolf. <br>

[i]Size:[/i] Medium. <br>

[i]Nature(s):[/i] N/A <br>

[i]Usage:[/i] Public <br>

[i]Description:[/i] The common summon of the wolf contract. By utilizing it a shinobi summons
up to five young wolves. Different wolves are called each time the jutsu is used. Such
youngsters do not know any jutsu of their own and are trackers first and foremost, possessing
innately good agility and a sense of smell comparable to the ninken of Konoha. Their only way
of attack is through bites that by themselves have power comparable to a C-Rank Taijutsu.
When this summoning technique fails a single wolf cub is summoned. Alternatively, the ninja
can choose to intentionally summon the wolf cub. They wouldn’t be useful in battle or for
tracking, but are cute and can be petted. <br><br>

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