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Nur Rizki Aimanan


Read Ch 8 and Ch 20 of the Larry book, write your taught about Quality aspects in
your company (as is) and Q manager role in your company (should be) 

Quality Aspect
PT. Albea Rigid Packaging Surabaya is a company engaged in manufacturing
cosmetic packaging. The products produced include Compact, Lipstick, Lip Cream,
Bottle, Tube, Jars, Face Powder Case, Pump, Beauty Accessories packaging,
packaging with formulas and many more.
With so many variations of products produced, of course the quality of the product is the
most important thing that must be considered. Good product quality will make
consumers satisfied so that cooperation will continue. PT Albea uses several aspects to
get good product quality :
1. Performance, is the operating characteristics and core products purchased. For
example speed, relates to how long the product can continue to be used. This
dimension includes the technical life and economic life of the product.
2. Durability, which means durability shows the age of the product, namely the
amount of use of a product before the product is replaced or damaged.
Durability, is related to how long the product can continue to be used. This
dimension includes the technical life and economic life of the product.
3. Conformance to specifications, Standard operational characteristics is the
conformity of product performance with the stated standard of a product. This is a
kind of “promise” that the product must fulfill. Products that have the quality of
these dimensions are in accordance with the standards.
4. Reliability, which is less likely to be damaged or fail to use. For example, quality
control and design, standard operating characteristics conformance to
5. Aesthetics, namely the attractiveness of products to the five senses, for example
physical form, artistic models or designs, colors and so on. Because it is
engaged in the beauty sector, aesthetic product design is a special
consideration. have attractive designs and colors that can attract customers.
6. Perceived quality, this dimension talks about quality in terms of consumer
perceptions. The consumer's perception can be related to the big name or
reputation of the company, or brand. Of these dimensions, quality is the largest
part of the customer's impression of products and services
Of the 8 quality aspects, only 6 are applied by the company. The features and
serviceability aspects are not applied because the products produced are all made of
plastic so they are only used once and cannot be repaired after being damaged. All
products also do not have certain characteristics, which are almost the same as
packaging product designs in general.

Quality Manager Role

A Quality Manager sets standards for policies and often works with production
managers to ensure that production standards are up to the mark. They also review
past records of production quality to check whether current standards are suitable
enough to maintain good customer relationships.
Quality managers need to have the following skills, that is :
- Excellent analytical skills so that they can distill important points from complex
details and develop appropriate plans.
- Effective communicator and excellent motivator.
- Good negotiation skills.
- Good report writing skills.
- They should be familiar with the methodological tools and concepts of quality
- They should be able to interpret statistical data with the help of software
- Good planning skills and able to lead projects to completion.
- They must be customer oriented.
There are several roles of quality manager at PT Albea that should be implemented so
that quality is maintained, including:
- Plan, direct, or coordinate quality assurance programs.
- Formulate quality control policies and control the quality of laboratory and
production efforts.
- Collect and analyze production samples to evaluate quality
- Analyze quality control test results and provide feedback and interpretation to
management or production staff
- Stop production if there is a serious product defect
- Monitor the performance of the quality control system to ensure work
effectiveness and efficiency
- Communicating quality control information to all relevant organizational

An example when producing one of the compact product, in the assembly

process it was found that more than 1 percent of the product was defective. The
defective product cannot be properly assembled because the locking part cannot be
closed tightly. Seeing this finding, the Q manager immediately stopped the previous
production process, namely the injection and stamping process. Then together with the
quality team, the Q manager conducts an inspection to find out the cause of the defect.
From the inspection data it was found that the lock could not be closed properly
because during the injection process the mold used experienced a slight shift. After
knowing the cause, Q manager coordinates with the relevant department and performs
re-maintenance. The mold maintenance process takes 1 day, then the production
process is resumed. Q manager also always reminds his team to be more careful during
the inspection process. In order for all of this to run smoothly, good cooperation
between departments is needed.

Until now the Q manager is still carrying out his role very well, this is evident
from several quality certificates obtained by the company, including the Certificate of
Approval for ISO 9001: 2015 by LRQA in 2018 and the Charter of Appreciation for
Success, Hard work and commitment in implementing Concept 5 R of Housekeeping
Management as the Foundation for Increasing Company Quality and Productivity for
the Creation of Work Culture and Corporate Culture in 2018.
However, this achievement cannot be separated from the role of all employees of the

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