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NCP 3.

Self-care Deficit: Feeding

ve findings: Decrease oxygen carrying STG: within 3 hour/s of NI the patient Dxtc: After 3 hr/s of NI, the pat
ard for me to feed myself capacity of haemoglobin— will be able to: able to
my shoulder hurts when I decreased nutrition in cells— name available resources to continue to 1. Vital signs taking -serves as baseline data name available resources t
y hand “ decreased ATP production improve building independence. and recording -Speech therapy can continue to improve buildi
ed by the patient since oxygen is needed for 2. Inquire about a assess the patient’s ability independence
oxidation of CHO/gliucose— As evidenced/manifested by: swallow screen and to swallow different types
decreased energy or muscle verbalize understanding of the evaluation before of liquids and foods and As evidenced/manifested
weakness—self care deficit. condition feeding the patient. also different consistency. verbalized understanding
-Patients are much more condition
ve findings: inclined to eat the food
3. Ask the patient they like. Nutrition is a
s assistance with self-care about food vital part of healing
ding ability limited preferences process. STG is fully MET.
oss -This increases
LTG: after 24 hrs of NI the patient independence in ADLs
will be able to: performance After 24 hr/s of NI, the pa
feed himself on his own recognizing 4. Assess patients was able to
when he needs assistance need for assistive feed himself on his own re
devices -Proper positioning can when he needs assistance
As evidenced/manifested by: make the task easier
Weight gain Txc: while also reducing the As evidenced/manifested
Self-feeding ability with little 1. Place the patient in risk for aspiration. Weight gain
assistance a comfortable -These things expand Self-feeding ability with li
Nursing Dx: (PE/S) position for feeding possibilities of success. assistance
2. Provide patient
e Deficit in feeding related with proper -It is possible that the
der injury utensils to aid in dominant hand will also LTG is fully MET.
self-feeding. be the affected hand if
3. Allow the patient to there is upper extremity
feed himself as soon involvement.
as possible. Assist
with set-up as -Deficits may be
needed. exaggerated if other
4. Ensure the patient senses or strengths are
wears dentures and not functioning optimally.
eyeglasses if
-Proper body mechanics
Edx: during eating is safer for
1. Educate the patient the patient. It helps
the use of proper prevent food from
body alignment and entering the wrong place.
mechanics -When assisting with
feeding, it is crucial to
adjust to the patients
2. Instruct the patient pace. If the patient feels
to allow enough rushed or senses that you
time between bites are in a hurry, it is more
likely for the patient not
to chew his or her food
-This demonstrated
caring and concern but
does not interfere with
3. Teach family and patients effort to achieve
caregivers to foster independence.
independence and
to intervene if the
patients become
fatigued, is unable
to perform task or
become excessively

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