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A story of a random guy/student named Chris Jonathan, who attended a late-

nightshift review class with four students trapped in a building and in the labyrinth
of a murdered female classmate. A story of thrill and mystery that will lead to a
rather more chaotic and complicated situation, influenced by two dark secret



NARRATOR: Noises of police car sirens and flashes of cameras are heard. Numbers of police
cars and reporters are seen in the vicinity.

A guy from the apartment is being ushered by two policemen.

POLICEMAN: Chris Jonathan (CJ), you are hereby under arrest by murdering 3 innocent
people, you have the right to remain silent.

CJ: Murdered? Wait …., what’s going on? What is this all about, I didn’t murder
anyone, it’s a big mistake!

NARRATOR: CJ was handcuffed and aided inside the police car. Inside the car, CJ was
uncomposed and totally disoriented. Still in the state of shock while looking
back at his apartment, wondering what was happening.

Things go black and fading

Flashback begins.

INT. - COFFEE SHOP - Afternoon

CJ (voice over/narrating) Chris Jonathan, that is my name or CJ as they call me. I am

supposed to be taking a late-night shift class at the National Review Center (NRC)
after a part time job in a well-known coffee shop.

JACKSON/co-worker: Dude, she’s here again. It’s cashiers’ time.

NARRATOR: Pointing out to a girl who used to drop by, in the coffee shop daily, wearing the
same attire, same ambiguous style. The no-talk girl with a fix 3:00 p.m. coffee
shop arrival.

CJ: Hoodies, face mask and shades. You always wear this kind of things all day,
what’s wrong with you… are you keeping some thing or hiding from someone?
You really don’t like talking huh?... Yeah… Okay… Next…. Alright I got it. Venti ice
macha green tea latte with… coke? Hindi coconut? Well, that’s weird. Take out?
Yeah… as always.

NARRATOR: The random girl, Mumei orders anything without a word, just a simple gesture
that only CJ can understand. Weird guest versus extra ordinary host.

Only CJ can read the silence and blankness of Mumei.

EXT. - National Review Center (NRC) - Night

NARRATOR: First night-session review class of CJ. The whole site was in total darkness,
except for the review class building, the only place the was light up.

CJ was just about to enter the buildings’ silver gate, when he got two emails in
his phone.

CJ: Hmmm, two emails on the row. From the National Review Center, “Your room is
located at Building C- 5th floor, room D-14. Nice, it’s 9:30 P.M. yet the school is
sending email. Impressive.

Another e-mail, from “V”, whose V? Weird name, let me see, “If I can trust you,
then you can trust me”, … what the… trust who, scammers plot…

NARRATOR CJ ignored the e-mail and just proceeded to his review class and went on to the
5th floor.

CJ: Ah, there you are, room D-14.

NARRATOR: Just as CJ entered the room, he saw his 4 classmates and written numbers at the
white board, 1476.

At CJ’s thought, just the 5 of us? Never mind, in late night shift, attendees may
be late in coming. Ah, just a normal night class for a student.

LISA: ugh!!! My cell phones’ hanging .. its’ lagging,

MISSY: Yeah girl, me too.

NARRATOR: While everyone’s minding their own business, the school electrical power was
shut down, …. Lights were all down. Their mobile phones were also down.

After a while, power’s back and the lights were on. Each four of them, were
standing at the four corners of the room, holding a blooded knife by their right
hand. And at the center, lying a blooded dead body of a woman, (one of their

They were all shocked and mind dead, of what was happened. They could not
remember anything, except for the block-out and then, this happened, a
blooded woman lying in front of them, each one was asking themselves, … did I,
did we? No, I couldn’t remember anything. There were just black out, and here
… what about the knife, the blood-stained knife, what the hell is happening?

MISSY: Umm, Should we call the police?

LIZA: No, you don’t! You will definitely not call anyone, especially the cops, not yet.
Those jerks will make this trouble worsen. My dad has to know this first. Look,
we’re all here,… someone is dead, we got blooded knives in our hands, everyone
here is a suspect. Oh my gosh! This is going to be big media scoop, the
governors’ daughter a murder suspect! Damn, no way. I’ll call daddy now.

Hey, what the…., my phone’s not responding, ……, my phone is hacked!

Somebody changed my password, damn! my password changed!
(shouting tensely and angrily)

Jeremy, check your phone! Check your phone now!

JEREMY: I’m checking now, relax…

NARRATOR: Jeremy looked blanked at Liza.

JEREMY: It’s dead, my cell phones’ dead, it’s not connecting. This isn’t funny anymore.
Someone’s playing with us.

MISSY: Oh, my God, my phone’s is hacked too. What is happening? What is happening,
Oh, my God. I’m so scared, I’m so scared!
(Missy is shouting crazy while trembling and crying)

LIZA: Shut up! Just shut up. Can you calm her down, she is such a no-good baby!
NARRATOR: Liza shouted at her best friend, while Jeremy, Liza’s boyfriends’ hugs her.
Everyone in the room were either tense or angry, except for one guy, CJ.

MISSY: What are we gonna do now? I’m really too scared here. I don’t want to die.

LIZA: Ahh, very simple, get out of this damn place.

Hey, you!

CJ: Huh .. me??

LIZA: No, it’s not you … I’m talking to a bird, a bird without a neck. Are you dumb or
something? You’re not even reacting.

Are you the killer? Or the mice killer?

CJ: Huh, I have nothing to do with all this. I’m just trying to attend classes.

LIZA: Whatever, look if you’re not a fool, then cooperate. I don’t care if you’re the
killer or something. Behave before I turn you into a mincemeat.

JEREMY: She will literally turn you into a mincemeat if you provoke her … I’m Jeremy.
The girl with an attitude, that’s Lisa , my girlfriend. The other one is Missy the
scaredy-cat. You?

CJ: Chris, Chris Jonathan

JEREMY: Nice to meet you Chris, that dead girl is..

LIZA: Jeremy, shut up!

JEREMY: Ah, don’t mind her. Let’s get out of here.

NARRATOR: They went out the room and decided to leave the review center, but when they
have reached Stair B, they were surprised to find that its’ gate was locked. They
realized that they were trapped. Missy started to panic, she trembled and
almost lost her breath because of fear. Until Chris remembered had

CJ: Wait, I remember the center has provided the school map in their fliers. There
should be another way out here. I.. I just kept it here, wait.. I know it’s here.
NARRATOR: Missy regained her strength and jump up near Chris, she had regained hope of
leaving the place. CJ gave her a comforting smile.

CJ: So, based on this map, there are 3 exits from here, stair A, stair B and the fire
exit. Another resort is the stair going to roof top. Stair B is out of the option
already, so we have stair A and the fire exit as our best option to get out from
this place. But if those are lock, then it’s the stair going to the roof top, and
then…. We will all jump? Oh, boy.

Let’s divide into two groups so we could check immediately the exits. If exit is
cleared and not lock, just shout “cleared” and then just go and leave, if the exits
are locked, then we will meet here and …. Have no other option, but to try the
possible way out at the roof top.

JEREMY: And then, what bro? Fly out there. This is ridiculous. (shaking his head)

CJ: If that will be the case, then it will be.

Now, whose joining me? I’ll be checking on with Stair A.


NARRATOR: No one joined CJ because they thought he’s the killer. They barely know him,
just a random guy attending the review class.

So, I’ll go alone, okay, okay… CJ thought to himself, and just as while he was
walking, his phone rang…

CJ: Wow! You’re back (while looking at his mobile phone)

NARRATOR: V is calling CJ

CJ: Who are you? Why do you call and what is your email all about?

V: Who am I? It doesn’t actually matter. Anyway, just call me V and answer my

question. “Do you trust me? Can I trust you?

CJ: That’s not actually a question, do I have a choice here?

V: Don’t be a bummer, you don’t have time.

CUT TO INT. - 5th Floor highway building C - Night

NARRATOR: While Liza, Jeremy and Missy are heading the fire exit.

MISSY: Hey, Liza! Liza!!!

LIZA: What?!!

MISSY: This is not one of your child’s play, right?

LIZA: Did I told you already that……

MISSY Liza, I know who’s that girl in the room, ughh! I’m telling you now Liza, I don’t
want to be a sacrificial lamb of your trouble. Not anymore.

NARRATOR Liza slapped Missy, then hugged her and said something to her in a sweet tone,

LIZA Oh, I’m so sorry. I was just shocked and stressed. You know what I do when I’m
stressed, …., I can do anything.

MISSY Okay, okay Liza … sorry, I’m thinking so many things. (uttering with fear)

LIZA Forgiven. Now look… there’s the fire exit. Can you lead us there and open the
door for us. Since you just disappointed me earlier, you owe to pay me for that.

NARRATOR Missy couldn’t move, she’s worried that there could be a trap in the hallway.
What if, … if the door knob is electrified, what if … if there’s a trap waiting at the
back of the door. Missy couldn’t decide nor move, she was stunned as a dead

LIZA What the hell Missy. What are you waiting for. Missy! Missy!

MISSY Ahhh!!! God damn it Liza, God damn it. You don’t do this to me again, I am so
tired of your craziness, stop using me!

NARRATOR Missy is shouting crazy while pointing the knife with Liza. She had lost her
temper and burnout of anger with Liza, while Jeremy is just watching with the
two girls.

CUT TO: Phone conversation of V and CJ

CJ: So, what should I do now?

V: Don’t proceed to floor B anymore, it’s useless, gate is locked. Instead, go the
hallway at your left, at the end of the highway, there’s a room. There something
you need to see in that room.

CJ: What’s that room for me? I’m not looking for a room, I’m looking for an exit.

V: Trust me, you will need to see what’s in the room rather than the exit.

CJ: Okay, okay, … I’ll go now.

NARRATOR: CJ walked to the hallway. The hallway was full of darkness except for one room
which serve as the dead end. Just as when CJ is about to reach the doorknob,
his phone rang. V is on the line.

V: Be sure to be on watch. I’ll turn off the light so you would see the
interconnected electrical mice trap.

CJ: Son of …., are you trying to kill people here. Power is down in the building yet
there’s a lot of power to kill here. What are you really up to?

V: Just protecting the package, you will be surprised to find the truth. Just walk in
between those traps, as soon as you pass the mines, I’ll turn on the light. I’m
watching you, trust me and just go.

(V had set surveillance cam on the building)

NARRATOR: CJ did all the instructions of V. As he reached the safe part of the room, the
lights turned on, there were two tables set between him. The first one had a
laptop on top and a record book, and the other one, with a Yearbook. He
reached out for the Yearbook first and saw the pictures of Missy, Liza, Jeremy
and the girl with a dead body in the review class.

CJ: Hmmm…. so, they belong to the same school.

NARRATOR: Just as while CJ is browsing the Yearbook, the laptop turned on and activated. It
was automatically signed in, to an illegal site, “dark web”. He saw pictures and
videos of abused students, naked and blooded bodies of male and female,
beaten, sexually molested and horribly abuse.

CJ almost spit the food he has eaten, his stomach crumbled as if he could smell
in fresh, all the nasty and demonized things he had seen in the laptop monitor.
Only an insanely evil person could do such an indescribably terrible thing to
people. He controlled and composed himself and gain his logical consciousness,
knowing that he is into “a greater trouble” than he expected.
Afterwards, he checked on to see the other record book. The record book
contains countless complaints and records of terrible complaints with no merits,
there were no decisions which may have delivered justice to the complainants
and no records signifying police intervention.

NARRATOR: CJ called V.

CJ: Who are you really, and what is your real agenda?

V: There’s a key in the gate of the 2nd stair of the fifth floor, it will help you later.

CJ: What the…, I’m not..

NARRATOR: Just a about CJ would say a word in the phone, he heard a scream of a woman.
He immediately run to the place where the scream came from.

CJ and Jeremy arrived almost at the same time, (Jeremy came from the other
corridor). They saw dead body of Missy, lying in front of the fire exit door.
Jeremy got into his feet while looking at the dead body of Missy.

CJ: Jeremy, where is Liza?

JEREMY: Huh, Liza? She was just with me, in the comfort room.

CJ: Where is your jacket?

JEREMY: I’d gave it to Liza, she’s cold.

CJ: Missy had a bruise in her face.

JEREMY: The girls have some misunderstanding earlier, you know Missy, she’s terribly
nervous and uncontrolled. She even pointed a knife to Liza, so Liza had to
slapped her. And then, she went on to the comfort room to get distance from
Missy and I followed her. After, that … here, Missy is dead now.

NARRATOR: While they were talking, a blast was heard somewhere inside the fire exit. When
they opened the door, there were debris blocking the way below.

CJ: We will not be able to make it here now, ways’ blocked.

JEREMY: What’s this, a briefcase?

NARRATOR: While they were talking, Liza came rushing as she heard the blast. But as she
was rushing, she noticed immediately the dead body of Missy.

LIZA: Missy, Missy …..

NARRATOR: As Liza got nearer to Missy, Jeremy tried to stop her, by CJ stopped Jeremy so
Liza was able to reach Missy and touched her while crying.

CJ: We need to move now. There’s no point of stopping here. The fire exit is
already blocked. Let’s go back to our room and check on this brief case and
discuss our next step. Something big is not right in this place.

JEREMY: It’s not something, it’s everything. Everything is not right here.

CJ: Yes, almost. Something is going to be right here. Something will be fixed here.

NARRATOR: Jeremy and Liza didn’t know about the videos in the laptop and the records that
CJ had discovered. They didn’t understand what CJ is talking. They thought CJ
was saying random things.

When, they’re back in their review room class, they checked on with the brief

CJ: Hmmm, it has two locks. A padlock needing a key and a pin lock. Something
must be special inside.

LIZA: The numbers on the white board could be the pin number!

CJ: let’s try.

NARRATOR: CJ tried the to use the numbers in the white board as pin, and the pin lock was

JEREMY: Now, what… if the pin number work, then what now? We need a key to finally
open the briefcase.

CJ: I have a feeling that this key will work. I got it in the stair B, I was hoping it was
the key for the stair gate, but it didn’t fit. It seems, something really left this key
for a purpose.

NARRATOR: Everyone have shared same emotion of relief as the brief case opened. Inside
the briefcase, is a piece of paper with a riddle note, each one read every part of
the note.

CJ: Paganahin ang isip, buksan ang mga mata

LIZA: Tumingin sa paligid, baka ako’y katabi mo na

JEREMY: Gustong mong makawala, ako’y hanapin mo muna

CJ: Siguraduhin mo lang na hindi ako ang biktima

JEREMY: What the hell, I don’t get the point … it has no meaning to us, it cannot take us
out, it’s a nonsense poem, damn!

CJ: No, it’s not nonsense. We need to find out the killer, for us to leave. And I think
I know who’s the killer.

NARRATOR: CJ went to the table, to where the knife is placed. The knife he was holding in
the first place when they have discovered a dead body after the blackout.

CJ: To be honest, there are two killers and they’re both inside this room.

JEREMY: Are you telling us that Liza and I are the murderers?

CJ: Yes and no.

LIZA: Is it because of Missy, you’re out of your mind. This is nonsense. You’re a crazy

NARRATOR: CJ didn’t mind Liza and Jeremy reactions. He continued saying on,

CJ: The first murderer is the clue master, V?

NARRATOR: CJ throw the knife at the thought dead body lying in the ground. The supposedly
dead woman had perfectly maneuver to catch the knife in between the palm of
her hands.

CJ: The killer that killed herself. Veronica, right?

VERONICA: Ha, ha, ha, ha (calm herself). Dude, that’s dangerous. Yeah, well guess .. I came
back to life. But seriously, how did you know it was me, how did you know that
I’m alive?
CJ: Dead people don’t sweat. I knew there’s s really something here in the very first
place. That’s why I’m quite.

Next is the second murderer. It’s you Liza. The killer that killed her best friend.
Jeremy, you told me that you gave your jacket to Liza because she’s cold. How
can she be cold if she already wearing her own jacket. She changed her jacket,
using yours Jeremy because there’s blood stain in her jacket. Besides, there’s no
comfort room in the 5th floor, it’s in the 3rd floor. Remember the map in the
fliers? There’s so much lies and mistakes in your claim. Only a born stupid judge
will believe the two of you in court!

LIZA: Okay, okay! You have some kind of brain machine. Very good calculations!

JEREMY: Liza, what are doing?

LIZA: It’s no time keeping here Jeremy. I think we need to silence them. I think we
need to take care of them now, these two jerks know something, they don’t
know who’s they are messing up here. Anyway, daddy will take care of
everything, right?

NARRATOR: Veronica gets near with CJ and whispered,

VERONICA: We need to run, follow me.

CJ: What? No way…

VERONICA: Just trust me … Jeremy’s a quarter back star player. You can’t bit him square.
Trust me I have a plan for him. These people are real blooded killers.

NARRATOR CJ run and followed Veronica, they headed to a corridor leading to a dead end.
And just as they reached the dead end…

CJ So, what’s the great plan now V? Shall I kick now the wall, it’s a dead end.

VERONICA Just stay with my side, you handsome idiot.

JEREMY Ohhh, ha, ha, I thought you guys are smart and quick. But look at this, it’s a dead
end. Ha ha ah, Don’t worry guys, we’re going to break that wall with your heads.

NARRATOR Liza is walking slow, while laughing with sarcasm

LIZA Go ahead Jeremy, throw their bodies to the wall. I’m itching to grill their bodies
into the woods, ‘will have barbeque party! Yehey! Whoo!
NARRATOR Just as Jeremy and Liza are sounding crazy evil, Jeremy stepped into the trap.
Jeremy stepped in to a ground with a circle mark.

JEREMY What the … ?

VERONICA Too late now Jeremy, time to meet your papa in hell.

NARRATOR Veronica just lifted and pressed the remote button in her hands with a smile,
and the area where Jeremy stood collapsed. Kabuuum! Jeremy fell into the 4th
floor and had his knee broken. He couldn’t stand anymore. He’s groaning with

JEREMY Ah, Liza help…. ah,..ohhhh.

LIZA What the hell Jeremy, that’s so stupid of you.

JEREMY Ohhh, no. CJ help!

VERONICA You tried to kill us and have killed many of the students, and now you’re asking
us to help you live. You got the nerve!

NARRATOR Veronica pulled out a small revolver gun in her pocket and fired at Jeremy.

CJ Why did you kill him?

VERONICA What do you think these people will do, if they live. They will kill and victimize
more people, the way we can’t imagine. You saw the videos, and my sister is
one of them. If I were just as evil as them, I would eat them alive. But I’m no
evil. I’m just asking for a pay.

NARRATOR CJ just got silence. He understood the suffering of pain and the anger of
Veronica. He can’t even find a word to counter her, the horrible things he has
seen in the videos and pictures are terrible unbearable. And he pitied Veronica
for that, for keeping a terrible memory of her sister.

VERONICA Now is the time for the master of all evil, (shouting at Liza)

NARRATOR Liza got so scared, she knew she had no one to defend her. So, she just ran to a
dark corridor and bump into a seemed to be close door, but actually unlocked
and was heading towards to a staircase, with file of fly woods. It was set by
Veronica, if plan for Jeremy will succeed. She doesn’t want Liza to die easy.

CUT TO: Roof top - Late after mid night

LIZA Where am I? uhh,

NARRATOR Liza just back into her senses, with body pain and quite disoriented. She’s sitting
and tied up in a chair.

VERONICA You’re at the roof top Liza, you’re way away from hell. See, we’re all up here,
near heaven.

LIZA What do you want?

VERONICA What do I want? I want the hell out you to tell what you did to these people.
(in a loud manner)

NARRATOR Veronica showed to Liza the file of videos in her cellphone, the horrible things
that she did to many of the victim-students including her sister. But Liza, turned
her face to the side but Veronica held her face to make her see everything she

VERONICA Don’t tell me you’re afraid of what you did, you’re a living monsters and the
mother of all evil. You have no heart, how can you feel fear!

Now, recite all that you did, who did you kill and how did you kill them. How did
you tortured them, undressed them, sexually abused them, and humiliated

You don’t want to speak?

NARRATOR Veronica pointed a gun in Liza head, press it in her forehead. Liza started to
collapse and admitted each crime she did one by one. While CJ is taking the
video, covering all that was happening.

VERONICA Wow, I didn’t expect that you have a scare in you, I thought you’re an iron evil
with no pain and fear.

But since you admitted all your dirty works, I’ll be showing you some kindness.
I’ll roll this revolver, if it’s suck, then you live. If not, you will join Jeremy in hell,
to where you guys belong.

NARRATOR Veronica did as she said. She fired at Liza, but the gun just sucked.

VERONICA So, you’re lucky. But sorry girl, it’s the gun to decide if you will live or what. It’s

NARRATOR Veronica kicked the chair where Liza is seated and Liza fell to the ground.
CJ Do you think she’s dead.

VERONICA Do you think she will survive this height, I know she’s evil, but she’s no immortal.

Everyone… Ate, it’s already done. I’ve fulfilled my promise.

CJ You really care about those commoners…., especially Sylvia.

VERONICA You knew?

CJ Holographic Deepfake Mask, only the Mu family have that kind of technology.
There is no reason to hide your identity,…. Mumei.

CUT TO - CJs bedroom - 9:00 AM (The following day)

CJ What the hell, my neck’s pain … what time is it? Oh, boy.. what day is today?
It’s Wednesday? What happened yesterday? I don’t remember. I am supposed
to be attending classes yesterday, was I absent. What the… I can’t remember

What’s that noise, what the police car doing outside? Huh, so many reporters?
What’s up outside?

NARRATOR CJ turned on the television and the incident in the review class was telecast. CJ
just continued brushing his head, until he saw his face flushed on tv.

CJ What?!!!!!!!

NARRATOR CJ got the shock of his life, he has no single clue of what was happening. He was
completely out of memory.

CUT TO - INT. Governors’ Office

(Gov. Saturday with his assistant, Mr. Vince Williams)

MS. LYEN: Sir, we got the package, we’re ready to contact at the center post, China Sea.
Ms. Mu is still unsearched. The Mu family have step in already.

GOV. SATURDAY: The pet keeper will always find ways to find her pet. It is not for us to find
her, we will just prepare for her coming and for the whole underground society.

MR. VINCE: The whole underground society, sir?

GOV. SATURDAY: The boy, Chris Jonathan … is no ordinary package. He is Jonathan Lee.

MR. VINCE: Jonathan Lee, the son of Edmond Lee? (with trembling voice)

NARRATOR: Gov. Saturday didn’t answer, he stood up in front of his mirrored

window, and whispered ..

GOV. SATURDAY: A lot of things are happening lately, and such events are very interesting.

Bring it on, Edmond Lee…., bring it on.



Diza, Shawn Ulrich

Calbonero, Allijah Samantha
Calbonero, Angela Nicole
Acson, Glaze Ann Bella
Carmona, Lance

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