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Fri Sep 9 19:38:23 CAT 2022 ( Fri Sep 9 17:38:23 UTC 2022 )

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Screenshot #1:

Screenshot #2:

C l i e n t Timezone s e t to Africa / Blantyre
Session started a t 2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 1 (CAT=UTC+0200) 474496 for IP : 1 9 3 . 3 2 . 1 2 7 . 1 6 2 to u r l : h t t p s : / / s o z l u k . gov .
tr /

2022−09−09 19:37:46 (CAT=UTC+0200) 231295 : U s e r c r e a t e d S c r e e n s h o t #1

2022−09−09 19:37:46 (CAT=UTC+0200) 231347 : User typed a
2022−09−09 19:37:48 (CAT=UTC+0200) 527305 : User typed l
2022−09−09 19:37:50 (CAT=UTC+0200) 677912 : Mousedown a t ( 2 9 2 , 4 8 8 )
2022−09−09 19:37:50 (CAT=UTC+0200) 773779 : Mouseup a t ( 2 9 2 , 4 8 8 )
2022−09−09 19:37:52 (CAT=UTC+0200) 206629 : User typed f
2022−09−09 19:37:53 (CAT=UTC+0200) 407432 : User typed t
2022−09−09 19:37:54 (CAT=UTC+0200) 238868 : User typed e
2022−09−09 19:37:57 (CAT=UTC+0200) 942001 : Mousedown a t ( 9 2 0 , 4 2 1 )
2022−09−09 19:37:58 (CAT=UTC+0200) 021463 : Mouseup a t ( 9 2 0 , 4 2 1 )
2022−09−09 19:38:03 (CAT=UTC+0200) 686003 : Mousedown a t ( 1 0 2 6 , 1 8 5 )
2022−09−09 19:38:03 (CAT=UTC+0200) 822439 : Mouseup a t ( 1 0 2 6 , 1 8 5 )
2022−09−09 19:38:05 (CAT=UTC+0200) 950122 : Mousedown a t ( 1 0 1 8 , 2 6 3 )
2022−09−09 19:38:06 (CAT=UTC+0200) 037496 : Mouseup a t ( 1 0 1 8 , 2 6 3 )
2022−09−09 19:38:07 (CAT=UTC+0200) 813936 : Mousedown a t ( 1 0 2 0 , 2 0 4 )
2022−09−09 19:38:08 (CAT=UTC+0200) 309484 : Mouseup a t ( 1 0 1 8 , 1 9 5 )
2022−09−09 19:38:08 (CAT=UTC+0200) 741951 : Mousedown a t ( 1 0 1 7 , 1 8 7 )
2022−09−09 19:38:08 (CAT=UTC+0200) 844737 : Mouseup a t ( 1 0 1 7 , 1 8 7 )
2022−09−09 19:38:10 (CAT=UTC+0200) 686144 : Mousedown a t ( 1 0 1 9 , 1 7 4 )
2022−09−09 19:38:10 (CAT=UTC+0200) 758008 : Mouseup a t ( 1 0 1 9 , 1 7 4 )
2022−09−09 19:38:13 (CAT=UTC+0200) 430186 : Mousedown a t ( 1 0 1 6 , 2 5 9 )
2022−09−09 19:38:13 (CAT=UTC+0200) 510350 : Mouseup a t ( 1 0 1 6 , 2 5 9 )
2022−09−09 19:38:17 (CAT=UTC+0200) 078236 : U s e r c r e a t e d S c r e e n s h o t #2
2022−09−09 19:38:19 (CAT=UTC+0200) 897294 : S e s s i o n shutdown s t a r t e d .

Accesslog (reqxxx and repxxx refer to the logfiles):
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 1 (CAT=UTC+0200) 5 9 0 5 7 9 repLEraYZ reqdT6VL7 CONNECT s o z l u k . gov . t r : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 0 9 9 0 5 r e p R b I o 8 g reqDK5Ruq CONNECT s o z l u k . gov . t r : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 1 3 2 6 3 r e p D 9 i r R z reqTQcAAS CONNECT s o z l u k . gov . t r : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 1 6 5 4 0 repHuD0dJ reqd179W1 CONNECT www . g o o g l e t a g m a n a g e r . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 2 2 5 7 5 repXAIYjb reqpR0NGk CONNECT s o z l u k . gov . t r : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 2 5 4 1 0 r e p r 7 w 8 3 t r e q 7 4 E t r D CONNECT s o z l u k . gov . t r : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 2 8 0 9 1 repTLpgQM reqD2O3eW CONNECT s o z l u k . gov . t r : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 0 3 1 1 6 6 rep9DhYF5 reqzMeT6e CONNECT f i r e f o x . s e t t i n g s . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 1 6 1 6 8 0 repVA3m2o reqZtERXy CONNECT c o n t e n t −s i g n a t u r e −2. cdn . m o z i l l a . n e t : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 357568 rep3JSwCJ reqdSVchU CONNECT www . g o o g l e −a n a l y t i c s . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 364188 replFsnX4 reqJRWyDf CONNECT www . y o u t u b e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 610348 repTMfwer req1bkuPC CONNECT s t a t s . g . d o u b l e c l i c k . n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 698224 rephCzCvc reqTUsPqo CONNECT www . y o u t u b e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 701985 rep3KsimA reqnVeMhM CONNECT www . y o u t u b e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 704844 repj90hdY req3AcV89 CONNECT www . y o u t u b e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 2 (CAT=UTC+0200) 807958 repj3WWHO reqJ7hqA0 CONNECT f o n t s . g s t a t i c . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 020104 repVQqngn reqHcwQnA CONNECT g o o g l e a d s . g . d o u b l e c l i c k . n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 023997 repDgQTvN reqzZCZD0 CONNECT s t a t i c . d o u b l e c l i c k . n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 070191 repHS2JWd reqlQRvfr CONNECT j n n−pa . g o o g l e a p i s . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 118745 repftXIJE reqXVRWdS CONNECT www . g o o g l e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 135158 rep1WDWL5 reqdH6Wjj CONNECT y t 3 . g g p h t . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 139009 repHG9jSw reqfpTHqK CONNECT i . y t i m g . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 7 (CAT=UTC+0200) 656899 repZhaBNe reqztGvaJ CONNECT push . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 459601 repF99kxI reqvOdZBj CONNECT f i r e f o x . s e t t i n g s . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 462862 r e p L u i 7 P 6 reqXz7RUH CONNECT f i r e f o x . s e t t i n g s . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 467903 rep5O07nw reqtBCHs7 CONNECT f i r e f o x . s e t t i n g s . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 473820 repXakj0i reqhhvL5T CONNECT f i r e f o x −s e t t i n g s −a t t a c h m e n t s . cdn . m o z i l l a .
n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 476554 repD8U1ek reqRO0yjV CONNECT f i r e f o x . s e t t i n g s . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 479234 replIRFGU req1wVmLv CONNECT f i r e f o x . s e t t i n g s . s e r v i c e s . m o z i l l a . com : 4 4 3
HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 482651 repVQkfev reqNGZJm6 CONNECT f i r e f o x −s e t t i n g s −a t t a c h m e n t s . cdn . m o z i l l a .
n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 490781 reptVjByH r e q x Q r t K i CONNECT f i r e f o x −s e t t i n g s −a t t a c h m e n t s . cdn . m o z i l l a .
n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 590942 rep740TcU req3kZOLv CONNECT f i r e f o x −s e t t i n g s −a t t a c h m e n t s . cdn . m o z i l l a .
n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 5 9 3 9 9 3 repHXRKk7 reqVM6GTI CONNECT f i r e f o x −s e t t i n g s −a t t a c h m e n t s . cdn . m o z i l l a .
n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 7 : 4 9 (CAT=UTC+0200) 596979 repzDdHsk r e q 1 H e I 1 V CONNECT f i r e f o x −s e t t i n g s −a t t a c h m e n t s . cdn . m o z i l l a .
n e t : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 8 : 1 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 3 3 3 1 2 2 r e p f e Q 2 F 1 reqD6bTy3 CONNECT p l a y . g o o g l e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1
2022−09−09 1 9 : 3 8 : 1 3 (CAT=UTC+0200) 4 7 7 7 7 7 rep9T8rUX r e q z 9 3 c N Z CONNECT p l a y . g o o g l e . com : 4 4 3 HTTP/ 1 . 1

HASHes of zipped Logfiles,Downloads and unmodified Screenshots (stored separately):

MD5( a4f7b7788f8cf68d7a82e1227481d2e9

SHA512( 5df4de1138818f4e3a7e8c53e8fddb75eebb74c72cfd8b8ba700f836bded74c192ec8b3fb1b9c01c00de3090782f5f03b4a8e6f4e2b58f01023c5b54abc2057b

MD5( 04c537e978bd4bb1471c4347d6fb4065

SHA512( 55280ec924af9d7c6bb3cc87f72ed533fab1c510461d2b40a63e059664e619f7bdbc8504c94a0831af9e1b5f3d43e63126d767e9c0856bd479b3f65419e69d5b

MD5( a5c11cc6038c873995247f6f1dd4ca3f

SHA512( 1fe2f829c081052ef50331288ef5fba3bbdf27a57d6f67dcfabf7f8f82d0f7ed6e7dc592e106b1e06c1c71d825a90e33ac097d1b7f0b5867122f724438b6823f

Why should I believe that these screenshots are authentic?
These screenshots have been created by a remote controlled To verify this you must check, that the embedded signature is
browser that immediately digitally signed this document. Af- valid and belongs to The following
ter signing the document became immutable so the party that sections will guide you through this process.
sent you this document had no opportunity to modify them.

What is a digitally signed Document?

A digitally signed document contains an additional informa- The equation is so complicated that finding a new adapted
tion: A digital signature. This is a mathematical construct signature is so difficult that one needs some secret information
so tightly interwoven with the document that it is destroyed (the private key held by the signer) to do so. The certification
if the document is modified. The digital signature is a se- authorities choose the equations (parametrized the equations)
quence of numbers that including the name of the signer and in a way that solving them is virtually impossible without a
a so called hash-value constitutes a solution to a complicated “secret private key” only held by the authrorized signers. For
mathematical equation. The hash-value is the result of a checking the validity the parameters defining the equation
mathematical function using all parts of the document as its can either be obtained from the signer’s website or are in-
input. This function has been designed to map small changes cluded and signed by another party, and so on constituting
of the document to very different values. So modifying any the so called “chain of trust” that usually ist anchored with
part of the document will change this hash-value invalidating an equation built into your operating system, your browser
the aforementioned equation. To make this valid again the or has been obtained manually.
name of the signer and/or the signature have to be adapted.

How do I recognize digitally signed documents ?

Many PDF viewers e.g. AdobeReader⃝ R

verify and display
digital signatures. A PDF-file signed by looks
like the picture to the right:
More Information can be obtained by clicking on the ICan-
Prove logo or choosing the “signatures” tab. You should check
that the document is marked as “unchanged” and “LTV en-
abled”. If in doubt have this information checked by an expert
for digital signatures and public key infrastructures (PKI).

reports a digital signature but flags it UNKNOWN.

pany that cooperates with many operating system vendors.

Therefore certificates stored by the operating system have to
be applied for verification. To enable these (using Microsoft
Windows⃝ R
) choose Edit - Preferences - Signatures - Verifica-
tion - More - Windows-Integration and check the two boxes.

AdobeReader⃝ R
can use certificates for digital signatures from
different sources. The certificate used by has
not been commissioned by Adobe⃝ R
but by a different com-

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