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Negociación y Administración Intercultural

Negocios Internacionales

Sandra Itzel Camacho Guzmán

ID 20855

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Lic. Beatriz Díaz Reyna

The six models of Hofstede – compare countries
Germany - Mexico
Dimensions Differences
Germany is among the lower power distant countries, is
highly decentralized and supported by a strong middle
Power distance
class; meanwhile Mexico is a hierarchical society, in
which everybody has a place and responsibilities.
Germany has an individualist society, due to the degree
of interdependence a society maintains among its
Individualism members. Otherwise, by the degree of interdependence
a society maintains among its members, Mexico it is
considered a collectivist society.
Both of these countries have a high score on this
dimension, which means that the society will be driven
Masculinity by competition, achievement and success. People
rather “live in order to work” and draw a lot of self-
esteem from their tasks.
In this dimension both countries are slightly similar,
since both of them are uncertainty avoidant countries,
Uncertainty Avoidance this means that they maintain rigid codes of belief and
behavior and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and
Germany is consider a pragmatic country, they show an
ability to adapt traditions easily to changed conditions,
Long term orientation
by contrast, Mexico has a normative culture, and
therefore they are normative in their thinking.
The German culture is Restrained in nature; meanwhile
Mexico has a tendency toward Indulgence, and they
have impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life
and having fun.
Hong Kong - Mexico
Dimensions Differences
Both of these countries have a high score on this
dimension, some of their characteristics are
Power distance centralization is popular, subordinates expect to be told
what to do and inequalities amongst people are
Hong Kong and Mexico have a collectivist culture where
Individualism people act in the interests of the group and not
necessarily of themselves.
Both of these countries have a masculine society –
success oriented and driven; therefore, is a low
feminine score that means that the dominant values in
society are caring for others and quality of life.
Hong Kong society is comfortable with ambiguity; they
are adaptable and entrepreneurial. In comparison,
Mexico have a society that feel threatened by ambiguity
Uncertainty Avoidance
and there is an emotional need for rules, time is money,
and people have an inner urge to be busy and work
Hong Kong’s culture is pragmatic. They show an ability
to adapt traditions easily to changed conditions;
Long term orientation
meanwhile Mexico has a normative society, where
people exhibit great respect for traditions.
The score difference between these countries is huge;
Hong Kong has a Restrained society, which is
characterize by a tendency to cynicism and pessimism.
Mexico has a culture towards the indulgence, who
possess a positive attitude and have a tendency
towards optimism.
Brazil - Mexico
Dimensions Differences
Brazil and Mexico have a hierarchy society, where
different distribution of power justifies the fact that
Power distance power holders have more benefits than the less
powerful in society. Commonly in companies, one boss
takes complete responsibility.
Both countries are similarly in this dimension, which
means that people from birth onwards are integrated
Individualism into strong, cohesive groups and in business it is
important to build up trustworthy and long lasting
Brazil has an intermediate score on this dimension with
a score of 49. Instead Mexico has a masculine society,
where the value system that starts in school and
continues throughout organizational life.
Both countries have a high score, and so do the
majority of Latin American countries. In these countries
Uncertainty Avoidance
bureaucracy, laws and rules are very important to make
the world a safer place to live in.
At 44, Brazil scores as intermediate in this dimension,
meanwhile Mexico has a high score of 82, therefore
Long term orientation people a preference for avoiding uncertainty; they
encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a
way to prepare for the future.
Indulgence Brazil has an indulgent society, characterized by
possessing a positive attitude and have a tendency
towards optimism. Mexico also has an indulgent
society, but it has a very high score of 97, they place a
higher degree of importance on leisure time, act as they
please and spend money as they wish.

Indonesia - Mexico
Dimensions Differences
Indonesia has a score of 78 and Mexico 81 on this
dimension, so they are literally the same. Both of them
have a hierarchical society, which means they have
Power distance these characterizes: Being dependent on hierarchy,
unequal rights between power holders and non-power
holders, superiors in-accessible, leaders are directive,
management controls and delegates
Indonesia has a very slow score, which means is a
collective society in where there is a high preference for
Individualism a strongly defined social framework. Mexico is also a
collective society, where the commitment and strong
relationships are vital.
Indonesia is considered low masculine; in this country
the position that a person holds is more important to
them because of an Indonesian concept called “gengsi”
(outward appearances). Instead, Mexico has a
masculine society, where competition, performance,
and conflicts are resolved by fighting them out.
Indonesia has a low preference for avoiding uncertainty.
There is a strong preference toward the Javanese
culture of separation of internal self from external self, if
Uncertainty Avoidance a person gets mad, they will not show it, they will keep
being polite. Mexico has a high score, which shows a
high preference for avoiding uncertainty, maintaining
rigid codes of belief and behavior.
Long term orientation Indonesia has a pragmatic culture, where the truth
depends very much on situation, context and time;
instead, Mexican culture is normative, which means
people prefer to maintain time-honored traditions and
norms while viewing societal change with suspicion.
Indonesia has a culture of Restraint, these societies do
not put much emphasis on leisure time and control the
Indulgence gratification of their desires. Meanwhile Mexico has an
indulgence society who possess a positive attitude and
have a tendency towards optimism.

To conclude this analysis, it could be said that Mexico has many strengths but also
many areas of opportunity. As we could see, Mexico’s long-term orientation dimension
has one of the highest scores characterized by a preference for avoiding uncertainty; as
a society, we could be more opened minded and open to change, which will allow us to
be more innovated and have greater ideas and solutions.
Nonetheless, our country has a high level of indulgence dimension, that in comparison
with other countries give us an advantage because we are more optimistic and the
desire to keep improving and have a better future.


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