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1. Style of language yang digunakan dalam percakapan di atas adalah

berjenis percakapan informal dalam situasi yang casual atau santai.
Ini bisa kita lihat dari bahasa yang digunakan seperti:

• Hey, Jane! (Hei Jane!)

• Oh hey, I didn’t see you there. (Oh hey, aku tak melihatmu di situ.)
• So, what’s going on? (Gimana kabarnya?)
• Oh, not much. You? (Nggak banyak. Kamu?)

2. Topik percakapan di atas adalah antara sesama teman yang

membicarakan pengalaman Jane dalam mengikuti interview kerja


Welcome to my office, where i usually works in here using my computer. In

my desk, there is some drawer that i could use to store some documents
and other things like my family photo.
Its not that far from my home, just walk a few minutes, go to the elevator,
pressed floor 6, and were here.
There is some other interesting thing in my office. First of all, is bookshelf.
Sometimes, in my meantime, i read some of the book from the bookself.
Second of all, a pretty large window, so i can see the world from up here.
And the other things like a fresh plant, lightbulbs, and a painting.
the office is very comfortable for me. Clean floor, simple design,
comfortable chairs, and a good computer. And on my meantime, i could
read some of the books from the bookshelf.


Identify a memo
a. The sender: Jonathan Stewart, Manager
b. The receiver: All Employees
b. Content: Farewell Ceremony at 10 a.m. on the 25th of August in
Conference Room A
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Susi Tampubolon, I am a 17 year old female from Jakarta.
(isi/content/body email)
I am planning to enter the My City Got Talent competition and I went
through your website but could not locate the application forms to
download. Can you please send me the forms or maybe just let me know
where I can download from the website?
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Best Regards,
Susi Tampubolon

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