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Name Rajan kunar Gupla tapeumetf: 05

Regis hrahdo Number 121 09233

Sechon K 21 GX Date 5/10/ 2021

Ain: Determioxtian a4 He velociy o ultrasonic asaues using

ulthagonie fnter èrometer. Hence fi0d he
he given tiqud compress ibiliy

Appara tuS OltraSanie inter Aerometer, Sample tiquid high pregue


Learoing Gbjectives:
to understand about standing oawes to liquid col wmn
9) To perrorm he stimulated version of he actua uttrasanic
iotertero meter enperiment
9) o enhance he knguoledge at PIOduchan of ultra sanic tues
)To unders tand he dependance of he velacihy o ultasanic. wnwes
On he densi y e medium

frequeny Of he ulta sanic wave C)
) auelenh o he ltrasanic coawe Ca)
3 vetocihy o he utrasanic wawes in he given liquid Cu)= Ax
e) Compressibili
observahon able
Freguency of uave = 2 MHz Hedium=WatenC996-4Sg kg(m)
Adj-80 sain-45
Order af ictometer Reading tor mavimu
MaimaCn) MSR Cmm) c SD
22 O'19 0 68 S-36
2 O 5 O 8+ 0 93 S86
L08 0'5 L
5 3 58 '58 .16
2 9 2-s6 O 38 O'16
2 5 2 54 42
3 28 3-25 O46 92
95 24 3 71 O'64 L 34
9 9 38 a 38 '76
5 29 4.96

Calccdaho ns
Velocily f%A 2x1:17XI mls
V2340 Mls

Compressibil7 y
x(2340 )2
996 458
I.327X10 ms"/k9

9 Move the micro mekn slaoly in ei her cockoise or
II anode CUOnen t on he ammeer
anticlockwie direction he
prequencRnerahons ghauws a maximum)
on he high
Sure he Crain readings ane less han ADJ readings
Leauni Cukcomes
) from wis activi we are able to fînd he vetaciy op ukrasonic
twwe hrOugh
Cowe he given tiquid medium ie) 2 3HG ml
adiabahc Compressi bi liby
Alo, we ane able to calculak he
2) 18327xIO-10 m`(g
given tiquid Column re
Ofhe 9iven

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