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Reference: IM 15

First Copy Approval:

Name Position Date Signature

Approved by S.V.Desai IC- Head 01.07.2018

Review & Approval:

Name Position Date Signature

Prepared by G Divakar 13.01.2021
Compliance Head

Michael William
Reviewed by IC-EHS Head 13.01.2021

Revision History:

Revision Date Change Summary

00 11.07.2011 First Issue
01 01.07.2018 Information transformed into new Template with detailing ISO 45001.
Periodic updates with the Change
02 13.01.2021
required changes Approved by

IM-15-Plant & Equipment Rev.02, Dt: 13.01.2021 Page 1 of 14

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15


1 Introduction

2 Purpose

3 Scope

4 Definitions

5 Responsibilities

6 Procedure

7 Associated Forms & Templates:

IM-15A Equipment Fitness Report for Cranes

IM-15B Equipment Fitness Report for Vehicle & Earth Moving Equipment

A Attachments/Appendices


B Abbreviations


IM-15-Plant & Equipment Rev.02, Dt: 13.01.2021 Page 2 of 14

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15

As L&T Heavy Civil Infrastructure IC moves towards a zero harm vision through the
L&T L.I.F.E. program, there requires a management game changing shift and a
complete gradual overhaul of what was done in the past so as to meet the current
business model.

L&T Heavy Civil & Infrastructure IC, engage Plant & Equipment in-house and
outsourced from contractors for the project execution works across HCI-IC. This
procedure is designed to ensure all Cranes, Vehicles & Earth Moving
Equipment(including own, hired and sub-contractor’s) and comply with L&T HCI-IC
IM Procedures, CHESS, Client’s and Legal requirements during project execution.


This procedure is intended to define the EHS requirements and expectations that
shall be attained and implemented by our L&T and Sub-Contractor’s Plant &
Equipment and Electrical Installations, the main objectives are:
• To engage suitable L&T and Sub-contractors P&M Vehicles on the projects.
• Monitor & Evaluate equipment fitness of L&T & Sub-Contractor’s regularly.
• Allow and Reject those equipment which is fit and unfit respectively.


This procedure shall be applicable to L&T Heavy Civil & Infra IC Project Site’s all
Cranes, Vehicles & Earth Moving Equipment (including Own, hired and sub-
contractor’s) and all Electrical Installations at site.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15

Plant and Equipment:

All machinery, tools, appliances and equipment. Plant and Equipment cover a diverse range
of items from office/workshop equipment to industrial machinery/equipment. Examples of
plant and equipment include Excavators, lifts, forklifts and power tools etc.

Electrical Installations:
An electrical installation is a combination of electrical equipment installed from a
common electrical supply to fulfill a particular purpose. Electrical Installation cover a diverse

range of items from office/workshop electrical switchgears to industrial electrical machinery.

Examples of Electrical Installation includes all PDB’s, Electrical Panels, Power Tools, Welding
machines etc.

Green Card:
Green Card is a sticker type card / tag. Such card shall be displayed over the vehicles or
equipment which is declared “FIT FOR USE”. It is advisable to be made in such a manner that
it can be stuck to the vehicle from inside the wind screen. “Green Card” should have Vehicle
or equipment ID no, date of inspection and validity and signed jointly by P&M and EHS I/c.

Red Card:
Red Card is a sticker type card / tag. Such card shall be displayed over the vehicles or
equipment which is declared “UNFIT FOR USE”

“Hazardous Wastes”
It means any waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical, reactive, toxic,
flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or is likely to cause danger to
health or environment, whether alone or when in contact with other wastes or substances.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15

IC Head Shall:
Ensure sound, competent Sub-contractors and Hired Plant & Machinery are only
IC Head

engaged on the projects.
 Empower the Project Manger to remove the Sub-contractors and Hired Plant &
Machinery from site if he found “Unfit”.
IC EHS Head shall:

 Develop Plant & Machinery procedure in consistent with EHS Policy and legal
 Communicate to HCI-IC and all BUs, Clusters and Projects for implementation.
Procurement Head Shall (As per Approval limit):
 Communicate EHS pre-qualification requirements to the sub-contractors.
(Annexure -1 of IM 30 Procedure).
IC-Procurement Head

 Scrutinize sub-contractors’ EHS credentials, evaluate and register sub-contractors

considering their technical competency and EHS performance/track record of past
incidents of Plant and Equipment.
 Consider the age-bar Criteria for the crane as per IM 30 Procedure.
 Include EHS requirements in tender document for bidders as available in Annexure-1
of IM-30 Procedure.
 Ensure that during negotiation for finalization of PO/WO, financial aspects of EHS
requirements are not compromised.
 Ensure that sub-contractor’s meet all the legal requirements.
Construction Manager/ Section In-charge
Manager/ Section

 They shall be responsible to engage only those Plant and Machinery, Equipment and


Vehicles which are certified fit by both P&M and EHS I/c and have valid “Green card”
 In addition they shall be also responsible for identifying any unsafe condition of
Plant and Machinery, Equipment and Vehicles and to declare such items as “Not
Fit”. They should inform the P &M & EHS I/c also about such P&M Equipment.
Project Head shall:
Project Head

 Ensure that sub-contractor’s employees/plant and equipment meet all the EHS
requirements prior to mobilization on project.
 Discuss sub-contractor performance during monthly EHS coordination meeting and
suggest areas for improvement.
Project P&M In charge shall:
Project P&M

 Ensure this procedure is implemented across the project.

In- charge

 Ensure only ‘Fit’ vehicles are allowed to work at site.

 Ensure the Plant and Equipment are complied with all Legal Requirements.
 Organize necessary training to the operators and drivers.
 Comply all the Environmental requirements as per the procedure (IM 27)
Project P&M Team shall:
Shall do the entry inspection, when the Plant and Equipment reach the site.
Project P&M Team

 Shall be responsible for joint EHS inspection of all the Plant and Machinery,
Equipment and Vehicles. After ascertaining their performance worthiness, “Green
Card” shall be issued.
 Shall also be responsible for periodical inspection for identifying EHS deficiencies
related to P&M.
 Carry out necessary rectification/Periodic Maintenance to the Plant and Equipment.
 Ensure this LOTO procedure is implemented across the project.

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Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
Project EHS In charge shall:
 Ensure this procedure is implemented across the project.
Project EHS In- charge  Ensure that Project key positions and subcontractors employees are aware of this
procedure’s requirements.
 Shall be responsible for joint EHS inspection of all the Plant and Machinery,
Equipment and Vehicles.
 Shall also be responsible for periodical inspection for identifying EHS deficiencies
related to P&M. In consultation with project P&M he is empowered to disallow
usage of any equipment if it is “Not Fit” & the green Card shall be removed
forthwith from such P&M equipment.
All Sub-contractor shall:
 Comply with IM procedure and project EHS guidelines/rules.
 Ensure their employees attend EHS awareness trainings whenever organized by
Project EHS in-charge & Project P&M Team.

 Ensure their employees wear appropriate PPE according to the nature of the
 Report any incidents and near misses to project EHS in-charge.
 Ensure their plant and equipment are inspected/certified prior to use and
maintained periodically.
 Participate in Risk assessment and incident investigation process whenever project
 Ensure competent operators, drivers and riggers are engaged for the job.


6.1 Identify the range of Plant & Equipment being used

• Make a list of all plant used on site.
• Include any inspection or maintenance requirements (frequency, type )
• Are log books required/certification required?
• Indicate whether risk assessments have been completed.

6.2 Entry and Periodical inspection

• All the plant and Equipment entering the site shall be inspected by the P&M team
along with the EHS Team, before deploying to the site.
• All the Plant and Machinery, Equipment and Vehicles which are required for the
project shall be logged in the Plant and Machinery List as and when they reach the
project. This includes hired/ other sub contracted equipment also for which separate
register shall be maintained.
• EHS I/c and P&M shall inspect the Plant and Machinery, Equipment and Vehicles and
if fit certify for deployment with issue of “Green Card”. This is to be done prior to
deployment of any Plant and Machinery, Equipment and Vehicles. This needs

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
advance planning by P&M & Construction Manager. The equipment log register shall
contain this data of green card permit & next date of publication.
• EHS I/c selects the actual date as per periodicity (preference is once in a month) and
as per validity of existing Green Card for Plant and Machinery, Equipment and
Vehicles for inspection in batches or area wise.
• EHS I/c shall inform P&M regarding the schedule in advance and in consultation with
P&M finalize the date & venue of inspection.
• EHS I/c and P&M shall carry out the inspection as per checklist but restrict their
attention to required salient safety features. If it is OK, the Green Card is continued
by reissuing the same with next validity.
• EHS I/c shall, in writing, highlight the unsafe condition of any Plant and Machinery,
Equipment and Vehicles to the P&M for corrective action.
• EHS I/c shall record his findings in “Plant and Machinery, Equipment and Vehicles
inspection report” (refer format no IM 15 B) and forward the same to P&M with copy
to PM/ PD and Works Manager / Section in charge.
• For Cranes inspection requirements, refer IM 30 - Cranes and Lifting Management
• For Plant and Equipment’s inspection requirements, refer Construction EHS Standard
(CEHSS-12) – Plant & Equipment Standard.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15

6.3 Inspection Flow Chart

Plant & machinery,

Equipment and vehicles ar e
brought to project

SIC & Site Engineer

approaches Concern per son comply the
EHS I/C & P&M for checking requirement as per checklist
& certification

Fitness Not OK Scope of improvement as

inspection as per the checklist to be intimated to
per checklist, the concerned person and ensur e
if compliance


Issue Green Card

Job star ts.

per iodical Not OK
Not to engage the
inspection by EHS
machinery/eqp.& vehicle
I/c & P&M jointly as
per checklist,

Rectify the defect as per

OK checklist & recheck

Issue Green Card and


Pr epare the report and

address the issue in the
Monthly EHS committee

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
6.4 Daily Check:

During the day to day operation ‘daily checklist’ procedure has to be followed for the
safe and productive operation of the following mentioned equipment and vehicle:-
 Cranes (moveable or stationery), Lift and Reach Equipment.
 Vehicles
 Winches
 Passenger hoist / cage /lift
 Material hoisting equipment
 DG set
 Rolling Cutting and Bending m/c
 Compressor & Air receiver
 Plants – Batching Plant/ Crushing Plant etc.
The vehicle or equipment has to be checked daily (at the beginning of each shift / shift
change) as per the check list by the respective operator / driver and then only it is to be
engaged for productive activity. If the operator was unable to read the English
language, then the checklist to be made in the local language as known to the
driver/operator. In case any malfunctioning of any Plant & Equipment, the
operator/driver has to consult with concerned in charge. The mal-function shall be
removed immediately by suitable repairs or maintenance works.

The checklist has to be signed by the driver / operator and the same has to be kept in a
plastic folder inside the cabin so that on demand it can be verified.

The immediate supervisor has to have periodic supervisory review (at least once a
week) on this checklist and he/she has to countersign on the Checklist. The entire
process has to be monitored by P&M or EHS I/C or regular basis.

For Cranes daily inspection requirements, refer IM 30 - Cranes and Lifting

Management Procedure.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
6.5 Maintenance
A record of inspections and maintenance must be kept for each item of plant and
equipment. This includes scheduled maintenance, breakdown maintenance and
replacement of parts (e.g. blades and belts) outside the scheduled maintenance
program. Maintenance requirements should be determined in accordance with the
supplier or manufacturer recommendations. Details recorded for plant and equipment
should as a minimum include:
• Plant and equipment name;
• Location;
• Serial or identification number;
• Description of work performed;
• Completion date of repairs/maintenance;
• Who the work was performed by.
When items of plant are being maintained or repaired they must be isolated and
tagged as “RED” –Under Maintenance. Root Cause analysis for the breakdown
maintenance shall be maintained at site.

The P&M In charge, should ensure that contractors engaged at site should undertake
maintenance are managed as per the requirements. The frequency of the maintenance
program will depend on:
• Legislative requirements;
• Manufacturer recommendations and requirements;
• Results of the Plant and Equipment inspection record;
• Plant and equipment breakdown/failure rates.

6.6 Lock Out /Tag Out:

All the Electrical and Mechanical Services and Maintenance shall be carried out with
the Lock out and Tag out System. Lockout/ Tag out procedures must be documented
and made available to authorized employees for their use. E.g., Batching plant Mixing
Chamber cleaning activities. Activities that take place during normal operation are
exempt unless the employee is required to bypass a guard or place part of their body in
harm’s way.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
6.7 Electrical Equipment:
All the Electrical Equipment, such as PDB, Electrical panels, etc. shall be comply with
the requirements stipulated in the EHS standard- CEHSS 04 - Woking with Electricity
and inspection as per the above requirements, i.e., Daily, Entry and Periodic Inspection.

6.8 Compliance with Legal Requirements:

The Plant and Equipment shall comply with HCI-IC IMS procedure, CEHSS, Project EHS
policy & plans, Client’s requirements and Legal requirements all the times.

Licensing Requirements requires the operator of certain items of plant and equipment
to hold a relevant license. P&M should ensure that all operators of plant and equipment
required to be licensed are identified as per the Induction and Training Procedure. A
photocopy of the current licence must be collected by the P&M dept. /EHS dept. and
retained with the training records.
Certain Plant and Equipment to be registered under legislation. Examples of plant which
must be registered include:
• Air receivers
• Pressure vessels
• Boilers
• Tower cranes/ Other cranes
• Ice Plant
• Batching Plant for CTO/CTE from Pollution Board.

For more information refer to the Register of Regulations, IM 07- Legal and Other

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
6.9 Training
All workers likely to be exposed to risks associated with plant and equipment must be
given adequate information and training to be able to use the plant or equipment in a
safe manner and be aware of any hazards or risks associated with it.
Training should be considered in the following conditions;
• Induction
• Is the person competent to operate the plant or equipment
• Are there pre –start checks required
• Is a licence required to operate the plant or equipment
• Does the Operator need to be trained in specific maintenance/inspection
• What personal protective equipment is required to be worn?
For more information refer to the Training, IM 11- Competency, and Training & Induction.

6.10 Driver/ Operator Photo:

Photo of the driver / operator shall be displayed on the equipment who is authorized to
drive / operate the same.

6.11 Fitness to work:

L&T and Sub-contractor’s operators & drivers shall furnish a Medical Fitness Certificate
for all their staff for the specific work activity as per IM-26 procedure on Occupational
Health & Hygiene.

6.12 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All workmen working in HCI-IC site wear appropriate PPE. It is the responsibility of the
sub-contractor to provide required PPE to all his personnel unless otherwise stated in
the contract document. The Sub-contractor shall ensure that all personnel use and
maintain the PPE and safety equipment to the required acceptance level, failing to
which L&T HCI-IC shall issue at the contractor’s cost.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
6.13 Sub Contractor’s Vehicle, Plant & Equipment:
Project P&M In charge shall be responsible to ensure that sub-contractor comply with
• Vehicle, plants and equipment meet project EHS requirements, inspected prior to
use and Green Tagged.
• Vehicle drivers, equipment operators are licensed, trained and competent.
• Drinking and Smoking shall be prohibited for all employees including drivers and
• Plant and equipment are maintained periodically.
• Lifting equipment and gears shall be inspected and certified by third party.
• Sub-contractor shall protect all tools, material, and equipment.
• Sub-contractor is required to identify its tools and equipment with a distinctive
marking. An inventory of all tools and equipment by manufacture, size, type and
serial number is required to be submitted to Project Head.

6.14 Incident Reporting

The P&M team shall report all hazards, near misses & Incidents to section in-
charge/project manager/EHS in-charge. The P&M team shall comply with IM 23-
Incident Reporting Procedures.

6.15 Environmental Management:

Project P&M In charge shall ensure the compliance with IM-27 (Environmental
Management) and is in conformance with all environmental legal regulations.
Hazardous wastes in the P&M Workshops are
1. Used /waste oil
2. Scrap oil filters and oil cotton/ hand gloves
3. Discard container, drum, admixture drum, bitumen drum
4. e-waste
5. Battery waste

6.16 Empowerment to Stop Work and Prohibition of Unsafe Practices

All employees/Staff of P&M shall be empowered to suspend work if unsafe conditions
or practices are witnessed having imminent danger to life of personnel.

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15
7. Associated Forms & Templates:

IM-15A Equipment Fitness Report for Cranes

IM-15B Equipment Fitness Report for Vehicle & Earth Moving Equipment

A. Attachments/Appendices:


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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15 A


Name of Project : Make / Model :
Identification/Reg No: Asset code (If applicable) :
Date : Owned by :
Inspected Team :
Check Points Observation Remarks
1 Hook and Hook Latch
2 Over-Hoist Limit Switch
3 Boom-Limit Switch
4 Boom Angle indicator
5 Boom-Limit cut-off switch
6 Over load limit switch
7 Condition of boom
8 Condition of Ropes
9 No. of load lines
10 Swing Brake & Lock
11 Propel Brake & Lock
12 Hoist Brake & Lock
13 Boom Brake & Lock
14 Swing Alarm
15 Main clutch
16 Leakage in hydraulic cylinders
17 Out riggers fully extendible
18 Tyre pressure
19 Condition of Battery and Lamps
20 Guards of moving and rotating parts
21 Load chart provided
22 Numbers, position and size of pendant ropes
23 Reverse horn & Rear view mirror
24 Validity of Certification by competent authority
25 Operators Fitness
26 Fire Extinguisher in operator’s cabin
27 Caution Boards
28 Validity of PUC certificate (for tyre mounted)
29 Validity of Fitness certificate (for tyre mounted)
This Crane has been checked for the above points and

Found FIT for deployment Found UN FIT for deployment

____________________ _____________________
(P&M Engineer) (EHS Engineer)
IM-15-Plant & Equipment Rev.02, Dt: 13.01.2021 Page 1 of 1
Environment, Health and Safety
Integrated Management System Manual
IM Format No. : 15 B


Name of Project : Make / Model :
Identification/Reg No: Asset code (If applicable) :
Date : Owned by :
Inspected Team :

Check Points Observation Remarks
1 Engine condition
2 Clutch / brake
3 Hydraulic System
4 Guards / Covers / Doors
5 Fastener lock pins / Keys.
6 Horn / Reverse horn / Lights/
7 Indicators / Wiper Blades
8 Operators fitness
9 Tyre pressure
10 Condition of Battery and Lamps
11 Operating levers / steering
12 Gauges & warning devices
13 Fire extinguisher Provided
14 First Aid Box
15 Swing Alarm Provided
16 Validity of PUC Certificate
17 Validity of Fitness Certificate
18 Delay Start Mechanism

This Vehicle/ Earth Moving Equipment has been checked for the above points and

Found FIT for deployment Found UN FIT for deployment

__________________ ___________________
(P&M Engineer) (EHS Engineer)

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Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

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