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Escuela Rural Antilhue

Subsector Inglés.
Docente Claudia Diaz

Evaluación global
“Recordando lo aprendido”
Curso: 6 año A Fecha: Junio 2022
Puntaje Ideal: 38 puntos Puntaje Obtenido: ______ puntos.
Nivel de logro:

Puntaje Porcentaje de Nivel de logro

0 - 22 = 1,0 - 3,9 0 al 49 % Nivel Insuficiente : De 1.0 a 3.9
23 – 27 = 4,0 – 4,9 50% a 64 %
28 – 32 = 5,1 – 5,8 65% al 79% Nivel Elemental : De 4.0 a 5.5
33 – 37 = 6,0 – 6,9 80% al 99%
38 = 7,0 100 % Nivel Adecuado de 5.6 a 7.0

Objetivos a evaluar:

OA 1: Demostrar comprensión de textos orales adaptados y auténticos simples,

leídos por un adulto o en formato audiovisual, como: poemas y canciones,
cuentos, diálogos, exposiciones orales, artículos informativos (descripciones,

OA 5: Leer y comprender textos literarios y textos no literarios adaptados y

auténticos simples.

OA 9: Reproducir y producir textos orales, para identificar y usar sonidos propios

del idioma, como los sonidos /b/.

OA 13: Escribir de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo de lenguaje visual, textos no

literarios con el propósito de compartir información en torno a los temas del año.

Actividad 1listening comprehension

1) Listen and complete with the words from the box according to the listening. Audio 8

Chocolate Chicken chillies Cherries Cheese Spinach

Chin and Chad like crazy food.

I don’t like it. It’s not good.

_____B_____ and ____A_______ are horrible together.

_____C____ and ____D______ are not better.

_______E______ which are salty with chocolate which is sweet?

Oh, no, thank you. Can I have a ____F_______ sandwich, please

Here you are. Your artichoke and cheese pizza, and your mango juice
2) Listen, read,
Thank and number the dialogue in order. Audio 10 (4/___)

–No, I'm sorry. But there is pizza. Do you like pizza?

2 –Yes, I do. Can I have an artichoke and cheese pizza, please?

–Hello! Are you ready to order?

1 –Yes, I'm very hungry! Do you have chicken with mashed potatoes today?

Of course. Are you thirsty? We have mango and orange juice

.Yes, I'm really thirsty! I want a glass of mango juice, please.
3 Very well
3) Listen and make a circle in the correct alternative Look at the map, follow the directions
Audio 35 (3/___)

A) Where are you?

1. By the lighthouse.
2. At the volcano.
3. Over the bridge.,

B) What can you see now?

1. At the forest.
2. Under the waterfall.
3. The bay.

C) Where are you now?

1. By the lake.
2. By the castle.
3. On the cliff
Actividad 2 reading comprehension

!) read the text and answer true or false. (5/____)

The Amazon is a river in South America. It is The Sahara Desert in Africa is five thousand
6, 400 kilometres long. A lot of animals live and six hundred kilometres wide. Its about
in the river. There are river dolphins, crabs, the size of the USA. Its very hot and dry.
and 2,100 different species of fish. Sometimes, there is only one millimetre of
rain in a year.

A) _____T_ The Amazon is a river in South America. It is six thousand four

hundred kilometres long.
B) ______ In the Amazon there are river dolphins, crabs, golden fish and 2,100
different species of fish.
C) _____ The Sahara Desert in Africa is 5,600 kilometres wide.
D) __F___ In the Sahara Desert there are only two millimetres of rain in a year.
E) F The Sahara Desert is in Asia.

2) Read the big numbers and write.(5/___)

A) Three thousand, nine hundred and twelve. ____3912______

B) Five thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven. _____5567_____

C) Fourteen thousand, six hundred and ninety-two. ____14692______

D) Ten thousand, two hundred and forty-five. ___10245_

E) Sixteen thousand, four hundred and thirty-six. ___16436_________

Actividad 3 Writing expression

1) Write comparative sentences with the adjectives given in brackets.(5/____)

Example a. New York is (cold) colder than Miami.

Example b. Barcelona is (hot) colder than London.

A) K2 is (high) __HIGHER THAN_____________ Mont Blanc.
B) Saturn is (big) ___BIGGER THAN__________Venus.
C) The anaconda is (long) __LONGER THAN_____________ a cobra.
D) Minorca is (small) SMALLER THAN Majorca.
E) Cities are (noise) NOISER THAN villages.

2) Look an Choose the correct comparative form to complete the sentences (5/____)

a) Quebec is (cold) _____Hawaii.

1) more cold
2)colder than
3)more colder

a) Puerto Rico is (hot) ______Germany.

1)more hotter
2)more hot
3) hotter than

b) Mauna Kea is (high)_______

Mount Everest

1)higher than
2)high than
3)more high than
b) Saturn is (big) _______Venus.

1)more big
2) big than
3) bigger than

c) Iceland is (small) _______the


1)smaller than
2) more small
3)more smaller

Actividad 4 oral expression

1) Read and repeat the words from the box..(4/____)

1) Amazon 2) blizzard 3) freezing 4) Lizard

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