Wings of Purity

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Wings of Purity

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon
Jungkook, Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags: Angel Park Jimin (BTS), Demon Min Yoongi | Suga, Angel/Demon Sex,
Smut, Porn With Plot, Yoonmin Week 2020, Bottom Park Jimin (BTS),
Top Min Yoongi | Suga, Innocent Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga
Is a Tease, Confident Min Yoongi | Suga, Shy Park Jimin (BTS), Light
Dom/sub, Wing Kink, Mildly Dubious Consent, Dubious Consent Due
To Identity Issues, Demon Deals, Virgin Park Jimin (BTS), Heaven &
Hell, Rules of heaven are very strict, Demon Kim Taehyung | V, Angel
Jeon Jungkook, Minor Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Spanking,
Choking, Dirty Talk
Series: Part 2 of Yoonmin Week 2020
Collections: YoonMin Week 2020
Stats: Published: 2020-10-11 Chapters: 1/? Words: 15477

Wings of Purity
by Yoonminiie


When Jimin finds out that one of his brothers is being held captive in hell he doesn’t
hesitate one second. He knows that the only way to get him back is to make a deal with a
demon and he is ready to make the sacrifice. Ready to give up his angelic soul to bring him
back to heaven.

He didn’t expect to come across a demon called Min Yoongi asking for a different kind of
payment though.


Day 2 of Yoonmin Week! The theme is supernatural so I decided to go with angel / demon
because I've always enjoyed that!

DISCLAIMER: I'm just warning you that Yoongi is manipulating Jimin to sleep with him
in this. Jimin is very innocent and pure and follows heaven's rules and Yoongi is not really
giving him an option other than to sleep with him to make a deal with him. So if that is
uncomfortable for you I don't think this is the right fic for you. Jimin does end up getting
into it and enjoying it after getting over the rules the angels have taught him. While Yoongi
isn't exactly forcing him or anything like that I still want to put this disclaimer up here to
warn anyone that might get triggered by this!

I worked really hard on this and I’m really proud if it so I hope you have fun reading and
enjoy it!

See the end of the work for more notes

Jimin knows this is a horrible idea.

He knows this is stupid, incredibly dangerous actually - but he’s running out of options.

He doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know any other way to fix this, to save his brother.

It’s been a week, a whole week of exhaustion, frustration and sleepless nights. He’s tired, his body
hurts all over but his mind won’t let him rest. Jungkook’s been missing for a week and Jimin will
not stop until he’s back home in heaven where he belongs. He’s spending every minute, every
second, looking for the young angel, has tried everything to trace his steps and find out who took
him but if he’s being honest he knows exactly where Jungkook is.

A week ago Jungkook was on a mission, a normal routine mission, going down to Earth to check
on everything, making sure the humans he’s assigned to are well and healthy and then going back
to heaven. It’s nothing special, even for a young angel like Jungkook.

But then everything went wrong because Jungkook never came home.

And if he’s being honest, Jimin knows exactly what happened, all angels do, and that’s why what
he’s about to do is so so dangerous.

But Jimin can’t leave his brother like this, can’t let him suffer by himself in hell surrounded by
demons. Just the thought of what they might be doing to Jungkook right at this moment makes
Jimin want to curl up and never stop crying.

It’s been a week now and the angels aren’t making any progress and Jimin knows they are about to
give up, are considering abandoning the young angel and Jimin’s heart can’t take it. He and
Jungkook have always been close and Jimin can’t live knowing he didn’t try everything in his
power to save him.

And Jimin knows what he’s about to do is against the rules, knows that this might get him in
trouble, but he has no choice. He’s a very loyal angel, never breaks any rules, always listens to his
superiors. He’s kind, pure, innocent, the picture of a perfect angel, but that is going to change today
because Jimin will make a deal with a demon.

He knows where they’re lurking, knows which areas to avoid because they’re more than infested
with the dark creatures and that’s exactly where he’s going today. One of the hotspots is a club in
Itaewon Seoul run by a demon. Normally Jimin would stay as far away as possible, but he’s getting
desperate. He knows he’s risking being captured, being killed, having his wings cut off and kept as
trophies, but he’s willing to give all that up if it brings Jungkook back.

He’s aware that going there alone is more than stupid, but he doesn’t want to put any of his siblings
in danger or make them break the rules too. It’s bad enough that he is and he knows he’s going to
have to repent for a long time to make up for it.
He lands in an alley, folding his wings on his back and slowly looking around himself to make sure
he’s alone. While he will be visible to humans, his wings won’t be which is why he can walk
around freely without having to worry about blowing his cover. Demons however will recognize
his true form, will see the glow of his holy grace, so there really is no hiding from them.

It’s like there’s a blinking arrow above his head, signaling for all the demons where he is at all

He glances around the corner and down the street and sees the red neon lights of the club, two
devil horns accompanying the name ‚Hell Hole’. He immediately shudders at the thought of
what’s probably going on in there, all the sins and awful decisions and he quickly takes a deep
breath through his nose, closing his eyes as he mentally prepares himself for what he’s about to do.
He doesn’t want to go in the club, knows he’d be dead within minutes, but with so many demons
around he should be able to find one out here too.

„You can do it.“ He whispers to himself and gulps heavily, then steps around the corner and takes
another look around himself.

He doesn’t see any but he feels the presence of demons around him, feels their auras, the lust, the
corruption, the death that lingers around them and Jimin has never felt more uncomfortable,
surrounded by everything he knows to be wrong and forbidden.

He feels like he’s glued to the spot, unable to take any further steps to get closer to the club, his
entire existence screaming at him to get away from this place. His eyebrows draw together as he
feels all the pain, basically hears the screams of poor souls being tortured and Jimin wants to cry,
wants to run away as far as possible and never return to this horrible place.

But before he can even really think about it he hears a wooshing sound, wind blowing around him,
ruffling his feathers and suddenly he’s surrounded by nothing but black smoke. He whimpers, the
frown on his face deepening as he whips around, turning on the spot to try and spot a figure, but
after a few seconds the smoke is gone and Jimin frantically looks around himself.

The alley suddenly got much darker and his eyes are struggling to adjust to the lack of light. He
can feel the presence of whatever demon just joined him, can feel the weight of his sins crushing
him and Jimin is struggling to breathe, his heart aching for another lost soul.

He narrows his eyes and keeps turning, keeps trying to spot the demon so it won’t jump at him out
of nowhere, but he can’t see anything.
But then he hears it.

„What is a pretty little angel like you doing here all alone?“ A deep, raspy voice suddenly growls
into his ear and Jimin flinches. His backside feels like he just got burned and he hisses, quickly
whipping around and stumbling backwards to get away from the creature, holding out his hands to
protect himself, but there’s nothing there.

Jimin frowns in confusion and frantically starts looking around himself again, his whole body tense
and on edge because he still can’t spot the creature and he’s never felt more at a disadvantage

„Got lost looking for a way back to heaven?“ The voice almost coos, mocking him
condescendingly and Jimin wants to get rid of that tone immediately.

„Show yourself!“ He squeaks out, mentally cursing his voice for not coming out steady as he
continues trying to spot the demon that is currently playing hide and seek with him.

Suddenly a dark figure appears in the shadows, Jimin barely able to make out the outline as he
narrows his eyes even more. He watches as the demon slowly takes a step forward, placing one
foot in front of the other, then another step until he is out of the shadows, showing himself to

The angel gulps and stares at him nervously, not once letting the creature out of his sight. The
demon is pale, even paler than most of the angels, and his dark hair and clothes are in stark
contrast with the milky skin. His hair is pitch black, slightly curly and falling over his forehead,
almost blending in with his black eyes. His clothes are simple, ripped black jeans, a black shirt and
a leather jacket on top and while he seems to be about the same height as Jimin he exudes so much
confidence that it makes him seem much taller, much more powerful and Jimin can’t help but take
a step back.

The demon smirks devilishly, letting his eyes travel up and down Jimin’s body as he cocks his
head to the side, „Little angel likes what he sees?“

„W-What?“ Jimin stutters out quickly, eyebrows drawing together in confusion at the demon even
suggesting that Jimin could like anything about him.
„You’re such a pretty litte thing, that’s rare.“ The demon grins, slowly starting to circle around the
angel, continuing to watch him intensely.

„Stop that.“ Jimin grits out, his face scrunching up in disgust and his small hands clenching into
fists. He will not have a demon call him anything, he’s not here to play games and he wants to
leave as quickly as possible.

There’s a spark in the demon’s eyes, his smirk deepening making him look like something close to
a maniac, „A feisty one. I like that.“ He hums, then quickly steps close to Jimin to lean in to his
ear, whispering into it, „Tell me my little angel, why are you here in such dangerous parts?“

Jimin flinches at how close the demon suddenly gets and quickly steps away from him, holding his
hands out in front of him to keep him at a distance, „I’m not your angel.“ He huffs in annoyance
and narrows his eyes at the demon.

The other just chuckles in amusement and hums as he gives him a small nod, „Alright, angel, then
why don’t you tell me your name? I’ll even start to make it easier for you, I’m Yoongi.“

„Jimin.“ He says quietly, then forces himself to stand up straighter and tries to steady his voice,
„I’m here to make a deal.“

„A deal?“ Yoongi perks up in interest, evil glint appearing in his eyes when the angel nods, „And
what kind of deal would that be?“

„Your kind took one of my brothers. I want him back.“ Jimin demands, crossing his arms over his
chest and keeping his head up high even though he’s still scared shitless.

„Do you now?“ Yoongi chuckles darkly, folding his hands behind his back and starting to circle
around Jimin again, making him look like a predator while Jimin turns with him, not once letting
the demon out of his sight.

„Let’s pretend I’m interested in your deal… what’s in it for me?“ He smirks, cocking his head to
the sight in curiosity as his eyes once again travel down Jimin’s body.

„My soul.“
The demon stops immediately, eyes sparkling with a newfound interest, tongue darting out to lick
his lips, „Your soul?“ He repeats and watches Jimin give him a slow nod, „That must be one
important angel.“

„He’s important to me.“ Jimin says quietly, casting his eyes down at the ground for a second
before immediately putting his guard back up and locking his eyes on Yoongi.

He knows offering his soul, his grace to a demon is a horrible thing to do and he knows it will hurt
him, knows he won’t be able to be reborn without it, knows he’ll end up in purgatory between both
worlds, damned to fight for his life forever, but he’ll take that to save Jungkook. He can’t let his
best friend suffer like that.

„He’s important to you.“ Yoongi coos mockingly, then his face returns back to that horribly
unsettling smirk as he starts pacing around Jimin again, chuckling devilishly, „Ah, you angels are
so predictable.“

„Do we have a deal?“ Jimin asks, trying to sound calm and keep his voice steady even though his
whole body is shaking. The demon’s presence is weighing down on his entire being and it feels
like it’s crushing him, suffocating him. He’s never felt smaller, never felt more hunted than in this
moment and he wants to run away, wants to get back to heaven where he knows he’s safe.

The demon looks at him curiously, eyeing him for a few moments as he puts his thumb and
forefinger to his chin in thought, „My, an angel’s soul would be quite valuable…“ He pauses for a
moment to think about his next words, smirk making its way back on his face, „though, if you’re
not too keen on losing your soul quite yet…we could discuss…another form of payment.“

Jimin blinks rapidly in confusion, „A-Another form…what are you saying?“ He stutters out,
drawing his eyebrows together.

Yoongi grins at him and slowly takes a step closer to him, Jimin immediately backing away out of
instinct, eyes widening in panic. Yoongi takes another step in his direction and his eyes darken
with what Jimin can only place as desire, a feeling so unfamiliar to the pure angel. He steps back
again, frown forming on his face as Yoongi keeps coming closer and closer and Jimin feels his
heartbeat pick up, growing more and more nervous the closer the demon gets. With each new step
Yoongi’s movements get faster and only a few moments later Jimin’s back hits a brick wall,
Yoongi immediately taking the chance to close the distance between them and trap Jimin between
his body and the wall.
„W-W-What are you doing?“ Jimin squeaks out in panic when Yoongi lifts his pale hand up to
Jimin’s face, letting the tip of his index finger brush along Jimin’s jawline until it rests under his
chin, the angel instantly flinching away from the touch as his face scrunches up.

„As valuable as your soul would be, you are much more interesting to me.“ The demon hums, eyes
studying each and every one of Jimin’s features as he rests his hand beside his head against the

„W-What do you want?“ Jimin frowns, unable to meet Yoongi’s eyes when his face is so close.
Jimin can smell hell on him, can sense all his sins, his unmoral behavior and thoughts and it’s
penetrating each and every cell in his body, making him want to curl up and hide from the world
and the reality he’s currently in.

„You.“ Yoongi grins, cocking his head to the side.

Jimin’s eyes widen and he quickly tries to slip away from Yoongi, but the demon notices and just
pins him against the wall, pressing his body against Jimin’s to keep him in place.

„D-Don’t touch me!“ Jimin squeaks out, pushing at Yoongi’s shoulders to try and get him off, but
the demon doesn’t budge and just chuckles at him.

„Don’t be scared, little angel, I won’t hurt you.“ He coos, tracing his fingers along Jimin’s
cheekbone, „So do we have a deal? I return your oh so special brother and in return I get to have
some…“ he takes a moment to glance down Jimin’s body again, licking his lips before his eyes
flick back up to Jimin’s, „fun with you.“

Jimin whimpers in fear and quickly shakes his head, „A-Are you an i-incubus?“ He squeaks out
and as soon as the word leaves his lips Yoongi’s grin disappears and his face hardens. His eyes
turn completely black, all the white parts gone when he lifts up his hand and puts the angel in a
chokehold, pressing him harder to the wall and gritting his teeth together.

„Careful what you say litte angel, don’t you dare compare me to that scum.“ He growls lowly,
leaning in close to his face so Jimin can feel his breath on his skin. He gasps for air, eyes filling
with tears and he desperately pulls at his fingers, trying to get his hand off but it won’t budge.

Yoongi squeezes harder for a few moments, then lets go and Jimin immediately heaves in heavy
breaths, coughing and rubbing at his throat to try and ease the pain, „I-I’m sorry.“ He croaks out in
fear, trying to make himself smaller.

„That’s my good angel.“ The demon hums teasingly, his cocky smirk reappearing, „Let’s try that
again, do we have a deal, Jiminie?“

„D-Don’t call me that.“ Jimin frowns and lets go of his throat, pushing at Yoongi’s shoulders to try
and get him off again and whining in frustration when he doesn’t budge, „I-I c-can’t do… t-t-that.“
He whispers, quickly shaking his head.

The demon coos, pouting at Jimin as he once again traces his finger along his jaw, then trails it
down his neck and along his collarbones, „Such a pure little thing, can’t even say it. Soon you’ll be
begging me to fuck you, pretty.“

As soon as the words leave Yoongi’s mouth, Jimin’s hands shoot up to cover his ears, squeezing
his eyes shut as he casts his look down to the ground, his body shuddering at the curse word and
the lewd suggestions Yoongi is making. The demon can’t help but chuckle at the sight in front of
him, tilting his head to the side as he watches Jimin, „You angels are really something else,
denying yourself all this pleasure..“ He hums, then leans in close to Jimin’s ear as his finger
brushes along his collarbones, „Have you ever felt someone else’s touch before, pretty? Ever
fantasized about it? Maybe even touched yourself?“

Jimin gasps in shock, body trembling as he quickly shakes his head, tears filling his eyes, „S-Stop!
Those are sins, I would never!“

„Then I guess your poor little brother will have to stay in hell.“ Yoongi fake pouts, brushing
Jimin’s hair out of his face before finally stepping away from him and stuffing his hands in the
pockets of his leather jacket, „But that’s probably for the best, I heard one of my brothers has taken
a liking to him and wouldn’t be happy to hear he has to let him go.“

As soon as the words are out of Yoongi’s mouth Jimin’s face pales, eyes growing wide and lips
parting, trembling as he processes what that means, „W-What are you doing to him?“ He grits out,
glaring at the demon and clenching his fists. He wants to cry, struggles to keep what’s left of his
composure when Yoongi just laughs at his reaction.

„Me? Nothing.“ He hums and Jimin almost relaxes, but then he continues, „I don’t know what the
others are up to though, it’s not everyday we get such a pretty angel down there.“ He grins and
Jimin can’t help but let out a sob, quickly covering his face with his hands, his wings wrapping
around himself in an attempt to find comfort, safety, something familiar.
„P-Please let him go.“ He whimpers, moving his hands from his face and hugging himself instead,
„Take my soul, please, take it and give him back. Please!“ He begs with a frown on his face, tears
streaming down his cheeks.

He watches as the demon purses his lips and lets out a low hum, interlocking his fingers and
stretching his arms above his head with a sigh before carelessly letting them drop back down to his
sides and smacking his lips, „Listen angel, we have two options here. Either you accept my deal
and meet my terms or I take you with me and you can join your brother in hell.“


Yoongi shakes his head, throwing Jimin a stern look, „No buts.“ He grins, shaking his finger in
front of him, „Do we have a deal or not? No matter what you choose, I’ll get something out of

Jimin gulps heavily, taking a shaky breath and wiping his tears, trying to calm himself down so he
can think clearly. His eyes are glued to the ground, wings wrapped around him tightly and hiding
his body from the demon’s hungry eyes.

He can’t sleep with a demon, that’s one of the worst sins he could ever commit, but it seems to be
his only option. He can’t escape anymore, he knows Yoongi would catch him and then he’s a
prisoner too, stuck in hell and forced to suffer through whatever the hellish creatures decide to do
with him. Jimin doesn’t want to end up like that. And he doesn’t want Jungkook to have to spend
another second down there either so what choice does he really have? There’s nothing he can do,
no way to get out of this and Jimin has never felt more lost, more scared in his life. Maybe he
won’t be punished as much committing the sin to save his brother. He just has to get it over with,
just has to let the demon have his way this once and then he can return to heaven, pray and repent
and make it all up eventually. But Jungkook will be safe and that’s all that matters.

„I’ll be able to leave as soon as we’re done?“ He asks in a small voice, not meeting Yoongi’s eyes.

„That’s the deal.“ The demon nods, leaning against the wall and tilting his head to the side, „So
what’s your answer, pretty?“

Jimin gulps heavily and squeezes his eyes shut, turning away from Yoongi and mumbling a quiet
‚I’m sorry‘ up to the sky. Hopefully he’ll be able to be forgiven.
„Yes.“ He whispers, barely audible and Yoongi starts grinning triumphantly before he even
finishes the word. He always gets what he wants.

„That wasn’t so hard, now was it?“ He coos, watching the way Jimin makes himself smaller, his
shoulders slumping in defeat.

He steps closer to the angel who immediately flinches away from him, causing him to chuckle and
grip the back of Jimin’s neck. His fingers dig into his skin as he pulls him closer, then his hold
softens, fingers just resting against his nape, thumb brushing against the side of his neck.

Jimin is staring at his chest, not daring to look up at him and Yoongi can see the fear on the angel’s
face, gently places his fingers under his chin to lift his face and make him look up at him, „A deal
needs to be sealed with a kiss.“

Jimin’s eyes widen, trying to back away from Yoongi but the demon holds him in place, „W-
What?“ He squeaks out and Yoongi smirks, shaking his head in disbelief.

„Oh you pure little thing, I’ll be doing much more to you than that very soon.“ He grins, the
angel’s eyes filling with more fear.

Yoongi lets the hand that was resting under Jimin’s chin drop down to hold his waist instead and
gently pulls him closer until their bodies are pressed together, „So Jiminie, will you let me kiss
you?“ He grins smugly.

Jimin frowns at the feeling of the demon’s body against his and gulps heavily, his wings spreading
out behind him to make sure Yoongi isn’t touching them, „Do I have a choice?“ He huffs,
Yoongi’s smirk growing.

„You always have choice, pretty.“ He chuckles, squeezing the angel’s waist which immediately
causes him to flinch away from the touch.

He lets out a small whimper and squeezes his eyes shut. After inhaling deeply through his nose he
gives Yoongi a small nod, reluctantly mumbling a quiet „Fine.“ before opening his eyes again just
to see the demon smile widely and lean in.
He feels Yoongi’s hand on the back of his head to hold him in place and then the demon tilts his
own, leaning in until they’re breathing the same air and Yoongi parts his lips, letting them brush
against Jimin’s. The angel instantly shudders, his instincts telling him to pull away but Yoongi
holds him in place and finally presses their lips together, sighing through his nose now that he’s
finally getting what he wants.

As soon as their lips touch, the angel’s body tenses up, eyebrows drawing together and eyes
squeezing shut at the feeling. He’s seen this in movies before, has seen humans kiss their loved
ones, but he’s never felt it, never had the desire to feel it. The angels kiss each other’s cheeks
sometimes, he’s even seen some peck each other’s lips every now and then, but it’s nothing close
to this. He can feel desire radiating off of Yoongi and he feels like he’s surrounded by darkness,
slowly but surely being corrupted by the demon’s kiss.

Yoongi’s hand slides to the small of his back, lightly pushing against it to press Jimin closer to
him, no space left between them and Jimin can feel every movement Yoongi makes. The demon
slowly moves his lips against Jimin’s, lips gliding together much gentler than Jimin expected.

He doesn’t know what it is, maybe some demon power he wasn’t aware off but the longer Yoongi
kisses him the more he feels himself ease into it. Just when he’s about to relax Yoongi licks along
his bottom lip, the angel instantly tensing up again and Yoongi pulls away, humming contently as
he smacks his lips together, „Ah, you taste heavenly.“

Jimin’s cheeks are flushed bright pink and he blinks a few times before his mind clears up again,
eyes immediately narrowing at the demon, „Give me back my brother now.“

Yoongi hums and shakes his head, brushing his finger along Jimin’s cheekbone before lightly
tapping the tip of his nose, „After we’ve had fun.“ He smirks and Jimin is about to complain, but
then he finds himself surrounded by nothing but black smoke again, feels it penetrate his entire
being, wrap around him to the point he can’t move, can’t breathe and feels like it’s crushing him.

Only a moment later he’s in a dark place, his eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness, but he can
feel the heat, the thickness of the dry air and he knows he’s in hell. The room is only lit up in a dim
red glow and Jimin is only able to make out a few shapes. He seems to be in a bedroom, can make
out the outline of a bed and some pieces of furniture.

He panics, continuing to look around him, thinking he got played by the demon. Is he really this
stupid? Did he get captured by the demon?

Suddenly a deep voice appears behind him, right next to his ear, „Welcome to hell, angel. Make
yourself feel at home.“

He startles, squeaking in shock and quickly turns around to face the demon. He’s bathed in red
shadows, accentuating his features and Jimin can tell that this is where he’s most in his element,
where he’s at home. Yoongi snaps his fingers and a few candles along the wall light up, flooding
the room with a dim warm glow.

Now Jimin knows this is a bedroom for sure, probably Yoongi’s room now that he thinks about it.
There aren’t many details to it, just a few pieces of furniture and the big bed covered in black silk
sheets. Jimin continues looking around and his eyes widen when he spots a wall full of all sorts of
tools. There are whips, paddles, chains, knives, even swords and all sorts of other things displayed
there and Jimin feels his heart sink in fear, his knees almost giving out at the sight.

„Don’t be scared, angel.“ Yoongi coos, stepping up behind him and turning him around so they’re
facing each other. He brushes his knuckles against Jimin’s cheek and coos at his scared expression,
„I won’t hurt you, pretty. Well maybe I will, but only in enjoyable ways.“ He smirks and Jimin’s
frown just deepens even more.

„C-Can we just get it over with?“ He mumbles quietly, wanting to get out of this horrible place. He
can hear the screams of the poor souls trapped down here, can hear the manic laughter from the
demons torturing them. There’s so much pain, so much sinning all around him and Jimin feels so
small, feels the weight of it all crush him, making it hard to breathe or think clearly.

„You’re ready to fulfill your end of the deal?“ Yoongi hums smugly and Jimin immediately wants
to run away because he’s definitely not ready, will never be ready for this, but it’s too late. The
deal is sealed and there’s nothing he can do now. So he just gives Yoongi a small nod, eyes cast
down as his wings press together tightly on his back.

He feels Yoongi’s hand on his chin again, then his thumb brushing along his plump bottom lip,
„I’ll make you feel things you can’t even imagine, little angel.“ Yoongi whispers into his ear, then
pushes his thumb past his lips and into his mouth, pressing it down against his tongue.

He watches as Jimin’s eyes widen, his lips staying parted and cheeks immediately turning bright
red as he averts his gaze from Yoongi’s.

„Suck, angel.“ Yoongi orders, running his free hand through Jimin’s hair, then brushing it down
his shoulders until it rests on his lower back where it naturally dips in.
As soon as Jimin hears an order his instincts tell him to follow it, used to doing so with his
superiors in heaven, so he wraps his lips around Yoongi’s thumb and hesitantly sucks on it, teeth
dragging across the demon’s skin.

Yoongi’s eyes darken as soon as he sees Jimin’s lips wrap around his finger, pulling it out to
replace it with his index and middle finger instead, „No teeth, Jiminie, use your tongue.“

Jimin gives him a small nod and sheepishly rubs his tongue against Yoongi’s fingers, making sure
not to touch him with his teeth as he continues sucking the digits into his mouth. Yoongi sucks in a
deep breath and shakes his head in disbelief, „Look at you, that’s hot, angel.“ He grins, then pulls
his fingers out and wipes them against Jimin’s cheek, patting it a few times, „Remember that for

„L-Later?“ Jimin stutters out with wide eyes, Yoongi only nodding and carding his fingers through
his hair, letting his hand rest on the back of Jimin’s head and pulling him close until their lips are
almost touching.

„Have you ever kissed anyone before me, Jiminie?“ He asks and Jimin immediately shakes his
head, trying to pull away from the uncomfortable closeness.

„It’s a sin to kiss someone like that.“ He mumbles quietly and Yoongi chuckles at the words.

„Is it now? It’s a shame that all the things that feel the best seem to be considered sinful.“ He fake
pouts, brushing his lips against Jimin’s, „Have you really never kissed anyone Jiminie? Not even
thought about it?“

Jimin frowns at the feeling and quickly shakes his head again, „I-I haven’t, I’ve only kissed some
of my brothers’ and sisters’ cheeks.“

Yoongi can’t help but coo at the words, cupping Jimin’s cheek and brushing his thumb along his
cheekbone, „So innocent, so pure.“

„All angels are.“ Jimin mumbles, forehead creasing up in a frown when Yoongi’s lips curl up into
another evil smirk.

„I’m gonna change that tonight.“ He whispers, then finally pulls him into a kiss and immediately
pushes his tongue into Jimin’s mouth. The younger squeaks out in surprise, eyes widening when he
feels Yoongi’s tongue rub against his own and explore his mouth. He instantly tenses up again,
hands gripping onto Yoongi’s shoulders in an attempt to keep him at a distance.

Yoongi pulls away just enough to whisper against Jimin’s lips, „Relax angel, I promise I won‘t hurt
you.“ He slides his hands down Jimin’s sides and hooks them under his thighs, suddenly picking
the angel up and making him wrap his legs around his waist.

„Yoongi!“ Jimin squeaks in panic and pulls away from the kiss, looking around nervously, his
nails digging into Yoongi’s shoulders as his wings flutter restlessly.

Yoongi laughs at his reaction and walks them over to the bed, dropping Jimin on it so he lays on
his back, wings spread out underneath him, the pure white a stark contrast to the black sheets. As
soon as he’s laying on the bed Yoongi crawls on top of him, his dark eyes traveling up and down
the angel’s body, devouring him with his gaze alone. Jimin feels exposed, naked, underneath
Yoongi’s intense eyes, feels the desire radiating off of him and he wants to curl up and hide.

„Oh Jiminie, I’m gonna show you how amazing sinful can feel.“ Yoongi grins, then grips both of
his wrists in one hand and pins them down to the mattress above his head, the angel immediately
trying to get out of his hold, whimpering at being absolutely helpless.

Yoongi leans down and starts leaving soft kisses along his jaw first, slowly trailing them down his
neck and darting out his tongue to flick it against his skin, smiling at the way Jimin squirms
underneath him.

„T-There’s nothing amazing about sins. God doesn’t-“ Jimin starts with a frown on his face but
Yoongi just chuckles against him and nips on his skin, pulling on it with his teeth causing Jimin to
squeak out at the feeling. He manages to break one of his hands free and quickly pushes Yoongi’s
face away, placing his hand over the spot on his neck.

Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head, „We had a deal baby, and soon you won’t care what daddy
wants because you’ll be screaming his name like you never thought you would.“

He watches Jimin reluctantly remove his hand from his neck, glaring up at Yoongi as he pins it
back to the mattress, „I would never use God’s name in such an unholy way.“ He grits out, but
Yoongi once again just laughs and gets back to work on his neck, finding a spot he likes and
latching onto it, sucking on the skin until a pretty purple bruise blossoms there.
„S-Stop dragging this out unnecessarily.“ Jimin mumbles, Yoongi humming against his skin and
licking a thick stripe up along one of the veins in his neck, then sucking another hickey right below
his jawline.

„The deal said I get to have fun with you, Jiminie. That means I can drag this out for as long as I
want.“ He whispers into his ear, then flicks his tongue against the shell and chuckles lowly.


„I told you earlier, no buts.“ Yoongi hums and rubs his free hand over Jimin’s small chest,
watching the angel squirm under his touch and the way his hands clench into fists where’s
Yoongi’s holding them down.

He leans down again and flicks his tongue over the bruise on Jimin’s neck a few times, nibbling on
it with his teeth before he pulls away to softly blow on it, feeling the angel shiver underneath him
which causes him to smirk in satisfaction, „Feels good, doesn’t it?“

Before he even finishes his sentence Jimin is shaking his head, glaring at Yoongi as he tries to get
his hands free again, whining quietly in frustration, „This is nothing but payment, demon.“ He grits
out, Yoongi raising up his eyebrows as he grins down at him.

„Is it?“ He smirks, letting his hand travel over Jimin’s chest again. He circles his fingertips around
one of Jimin’s nipples a few times, before gently rubbing it through the soft fabric of Jimin’s white
shirt. As soon as he touches it Jimin gasps, his eyelashes fluttering at the new sensation and
Yoongi’s grin grows in triumph.

He watches him intensely as he rubs his thumb down against the hardening nub, then squeezes it
lightly between his fingers. Jimin’s eyebrows draw together, lips parting as he lets out a small
whine and he starts squirming in Yoongi’s hold, trying to get out of his grip.

„How about now, angel?“ Yoongi whispers lowly, moving on to his other nipple to do the same
there, but Jimin just takes a deep breath and quickly shakes his head.

„Your temptations won’t work on me. Just get it over with because I won’t fall for your games,
demon.“ Jimin mumbles, but Yoongi just chuckles and squeezes his nipple again, smirking at the
way Jimin gasps again and bites down on his lip.
„I think you already are, little angel.“ Yoongi coos and the angel gasps in shock at the suggestion,
not even noticing that the demon started unbuttoning his shirt.

„I’m not and I won’t! I’m a child of God!“ He huffs out in disbelief and Yoongi’s eyes narrow as
he stares down at him.

„So am I.“ He cuts him off sharply and then rips his shirt open, buttons scattering across the floor
as he exposes Jimin’s flawless skin. The angel’s eyes widen and he quickly wraps his arms around
himself to hide his body, cheeks flushing bright pink, but Yoongi just pushes his arms out of the
way and brushes his fingertips up and down Jimin’s chest and belly, feeling the warm smooth skin,
„The difference is that I refuse to live by his pointless rules.“

Jimin shivers under his touch and furrows his eyebrows at the feeling of Yoongi’s fingers against
his bare skin. He feels exposed, vulnerable, but the worst part is that no matter what he does he
can’t control the way his body reacts to Yoongi’s attempts to seduce him so he has to keep
reminding himself that this is wrong, that he can’t give in to this.

„But that is what got you into hell.“ He mumbles with a frown on his face, looking up into
Yoongi’s eyes as the demon keeps trailing his hands over his torso.

„I prefer it down here.“ Yoongi huffs out, shaking his head and brushing his fingertips over Jimin’s
nipples, the angel letting out a quiet gasp.

„You could repent and redeem yourself, Yoongi. You can still be saved.“ Jimin frowns more,
bringing his hand up to cup Yoongi’s cheek, looking at him pleadingly, but the demon just laughs

„I don’t want to be saved, not when freedom feels this good.“ He leans down and wraps his lips
around one of Jimin’s nipples, flicking his tongue against it as he sucks on it, his hand still roaming
over his chest, unable to stop touching him.

Jimin gasps loudly and his chest actually arches off the bed, a burst of pleasure exploding inside
him, causing him to throw his head from side to side and grit his teeth as he squeezes his eyes shut,
„S-Stop t-tempting me!“ He whimpers, but Yoongi just moves on to the other side, rubbing his
tongue against the hard nub until Jimin gasps again.

Only then Yoongi pulls away again and lets his eyes travel over Jimin’s body. His face and chest
are slightly flushed and his lips are swollen from biting them and Yoongi has to suck in a breath at
the sight because Jimin is starting to look sinful and Yoongi can’t get enough of it.

„Just admit that it feels good, angel.“ He grins, sliding in between his legs to make the angel
spread them as he kneels behind him, Jimin’s legs resting on his hips.

Jimin squirms uncomfortably at the new position and quickly shakes his head, „Never.“ He
mumbles and Yoongi just hums, rubbing his hands over Jimin’s thighs, squeezing them before
leaning down to hover his face above Jimin’s again.

„Never?“ He asks smugly, tilting his head to the side, „Then what’s this?“ He coos, rubbing one of
his hands up his thigh, over his hip until he gets to his crotch, lightly brushing his finger over the
bulge that is forming where Jimin is growing hard.

Jimin’s face turns bright red and the angel immediately covers it with his hands, trying to close his
legs, but Yoongi simply pushes them open again and smirks down at him, „Cute.“ He coos and
places his hand over his crotch, rubbing his palm down against him slowly because he knows he’ll
have to ease Jimin into this to make him see how amazing all of this actually feels.

„Y-Yoongi.“ Jimin squeaks out in surprise, quickly shaking his head and trying to close his legs
again, „Y-You c-c-can’t…you…can’t t-touch me t-there.“ He stutters out in panic, his eyes wide
and wings fluttering underneath him involuntarily, drawing Yoongi’s attention to them.

„It’s okay Jiminie, just let yourself enjoy it. Allow yourself to feel good.“ Yoongi shushes him
gently and then immediately focuses on his wings again, „I heard your wings are extremely
sensitive, is that true?“ He asks curiously.

Jimin frowns at the words, face scrunching up when Yoongi’s hand doesn’t stop rubbing against
him, „W-What?“

Yoongi doesn’t say anything else, instead reaches up and slowly runs the fingers of his free hand
through the pure, white feathers, feeling how incredibly soft they are. Jimin whimpers loudly and
jerks away from the touch, scooting up the bed to get away from Yoongi. His wings shudder as if
they’re trying to shake the demon’s touch off and Yoongi watches them in amazement. He can feel
Jimin’s length twitch against his hand and he knows he found Jimin’s sweet spot.

He grabs the angel’s hips and pulls him back down on the bed and watches him squirm with a
smirk on his face, slipping his fingers into the feathers again to run them through the white
softness, grabbing a handful and tugging on them carefully.

When Jimin lets out an actual moan it’s the most beautiful sound Yoongi has ever heard. It’s so
soft, so high-pitched and almost innocent sounding and Yoongi knows he needs to hear more of it,
wants to record it and listen to it forever. As soon as it leaves Jimin’s mouth, the angel covers his
mouth with both his hands, his eyes widening so much that Yoongi is almost worried they might
fall out.

He can’t believe his body would react like that. A demon is touching his wings, the purest part of
him and he’s using it to make him sin and Jimin swears his head is spinning. He’s so confused, all
his worries getting clouded by the pleasure coursing through his body and he honestly doesn’t
know what to do anymore. If Yoongi would just have his way with him this would be so much
easier, but the demon has to tempt Jimin, has to seduce him and Jimin really thought he’s stronger
than this, but he’s never felt this weak before.

He feels Yoongi’s hand on his crotch again, lightly rubbing against him while his fingers still
gently card through his feathers, making an unfamiliar heat pool in his abdomen.

„Does that feel good, angel?“ Yoongi coos, smirking when the angel nods involuntarily, eyes half
lidded and lips parted.

Only when he realizes what he just did, his eyes widen again and he quickly shakes his head,

„You know that lying is a sin, Jiminie.“ Yoongi teases him, then grabs his feathers and tugs on
them again until Jimin is crying out, face scrunching up in pleasure and toes curling.

„D-Don’t- don’t t-tempt me.“ He whimpers again, quickly shaking his head as his wings tremble
under Yoongi’s touches. Yoongi can’t help but coo at how badly he’s trying to hold it together.

„Let go, baby, nobody needs to know what happens down here.“ He whispers, pressing a few
kisses to Jimin’s chest, but the angel just shakes his head again.

„G-God knows everything.“ He frowns and Yoongi hums in response, rubbing both his hands
through his feathers and watching Jimin’s cock twitch in his pants at the sensation.
„If daddy had a problem with it, then why were you basically made for this?“ Yoongi asks in
curiosity, tilting his head to the side and ignoring the glare Jimin throws him.

„We weren’t made for something like this.“ He spits out in disgust, eyes narrowing at Yoongi, but
when the demon tugs on his feathers again he can’t keep up the attitude and throws his head back,
moaning loudly and squirming underneath him.

„Oh yeah?“ Yoongi grins smugly, „You’re so so sensitive though, especially your oh so pure
wings. Why would daddy do that if he didn’t want you to make use of it?“

„You’re lying.“ Jimin frowns, quickly shaking his head, but Yoongi just laughs at his denial.

„I’m not, Jiminie.“ He grins, finally letting go of his wings and trailing his hands over his thighs
again, „You know, normally when I meet an angel, I peel off their skin, extract their holy grace,
cut off their wings, but you…you’re way too pretty for that.“ He rubs his hands up Jimin’s legs
until he gets to the waistband of his trousers, hooking his fingers underneath it as he leans down,
placing a kiss on his neck, then right below his ear, „I think I’ll make you fall instead.“

He pulls Jimin’s trousers down in one swift movement, exposing him and leaving him completely
naked under a fully clothed Yoongi. As soon as the pants come off Jimin squeaks in shock and
wraps his wings around himself to cover himself, protect himself.

Yoongi chuckles at the sight and shakes his head, „Don’t hide, little angel.“ He coos and gently
pushes his wings open, sucking in a deep breath when he takes in Jimin’s naked form, „Fuck
Jiminie, you’re so pretty.“

„Y-You shouldn’t b-be seeing me like this.“ Jimin frowns, feeling more than exposed. Every fiber
of his body wants to cover himself, but when he tries to close his legs Yoongi just pushes them
open again, then demon licking his lips in anticipation.

„Everyone should see you like this. Fuck, Jimin, you’re a walking wet dream.“ He mumbles in
disbelief, the angel’s eyes widening immediately and hands coming up to cover his face.

„How can you say something like that?“ He whines, shaking his head and shuddering at the curse
words and suggestions coming out of Yoongi’s mouth.
Yoongi just chuckles in response and trails his fingers up and down Jimin’s inner thigh, watching
how his hard dick twitches at the light touch, a feeling of smugness overtaking him once again,
„You’re so sensitive, angel, I’m barely touching you.“ He teases and Jimin immediately tries to
cover himself with his wings again, whining in embarrassment when Yoongi stops him.

He carefully brushes the pads of his fingers up along the underside of Jimin’s length, watching the
angel gasp in shock, then wraps his hand around him and starts stroking him slowly. Jimin cries out
in pleasure, his back arching off the bed as he starts turning and twisting, pressing his face against
the black pillows as it scrunches up in pleasure.

„Y-Yoongi.“ He whimpers quietly and the demon has to admit nothing ever sounded more right
than his name on Jimin’s tongue.

„I told you I would make you feel good, angel.“ Yoongi hums. He starts speeding up his
movements now that he’s eased Jimin into it, twists his wrist on every upstroke and watches Jimin
squirm. He rubs his thumb over his tip and the angel moans loudly, immediately covering his
mouth with his hand and squeezing his eyes shut.

Yoongi leans down to his ear, pressing a few kisses below it, „Let go, angel, I wanna hear you.“
He whispers, removing Jimin’s hand and pressing it to the mattress instead.

Jimin presses his lips together in a thin line and quickly shakes his head, not meeting Yoongi’s
eyes and trying to fight the pleasure he is feeling. He can’t let himself enjoy this. Doing this in the
first place is already a big sin, but enjoying it…that would be unforgivable.

Yoongi realizes he won’t get Jimin to let go like this and smiles at the challenge, scooting down
the bed and leaning down to wrap his lips around Jimin’s dick. As soon as the angel feels the
warmth of Yoongi’s mouth around him he can’t help but let out another moan, hands fisting the
sheets when Yoongi starts sucking on him and slowly bops his head.

„Y-Yoongi what…I-I c-c-can’t…my stomach f-feels weird..“ Jimin chokes out, back arching off
the bed and feet rubbing against the silky sheets uncontrollably. He’s trying so hard to hold back
and stop making any sounds but he can’t control the reactions of his body. He’s shaking from the
pleasure rushing through him, his face completely scrunched up and knuckles turning white where
he’s gripping onto the sheets and Yoongi knows exactly what is happening, his ego inflating even
more knowing he’s about to make an angel cum.

He sinks all the way down, swallowing all of Jimin easily and pressing his tongue against him. He
continues sucking and bopping his head and feels Jimin tense up and choke on another moan.
When his breathing gets uneven and his body starts jerking Yoongi quickly pulls off and lets
Jimin’s dick slap back down against his abdomen, the angel crying out at being denied that sweet
release and squirming helplessly on the bed. Jimin doesn’t know what he’s crying about, only
knows that the pleasure was getting so intense to the point that he felt he was gonna explode and
now that Yoongi stopped touching him he feels nothing but frustration.

Yoongi is watching him with a smirk on his face, loving the fact that the thought of touching
himself to get his release doesn’t seem to even cross the angel’s mind. He really is completely at
Yoongi’s mercy.

„Y-Yoongi!“ Jimin whimpers, looking up at him with confused pleading eyes, his hips bucking up
against nothing and Yoongi knows he finally finally has him where he wanted him all along.

„What is it, baby? Is my little angel feeling desperate?“ Yoongi coos, rubbing his hand all over
Jimin’s hips and thighs but not once touching his dick to rile him up even more.

„I-I…ngh p-please.“ Jimin whines, hips jerking every time Yoongi gets close to his crotch and
feeling frustration wash over him whenever Yoongi just moves his hand away again.

„Ask me again, angel. Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.“ Yoongi grins, getting off on
the way the angel is begging, wanting to see how far he can push him.

Jimin cries out in frustration and bites down on his lip, quickly shaking his head, „C-Can’t say it.“

„You’ll only get it if you tell me what you want, baby. I can’t read your mind.“ Yoongi hums
teasingly and brushes his fingers over Jimin’s tip, the angel immediately gasping loudly at the

He can tell Jimin is fighting with himself, knows he’s still trying to hold onto that last little bit of
self control and innocence. His body is squirming and twisting, his hands still gripping onto the
sheets as he tries to figure out what to do. He knows this is wrong, knows he’ll get in trouble for
this but Jimin is past the point of denying that he’s enjoying this, that it feels amazing.

„Come on, baby, you can do it. Just tell me what you want me to do.“ Yoongi says softly, carding
his fingers through his feathers once more but keeping the touch light so he won’t push Jimin over
the edge just yet.
The angel whimpers helplessly, his wings fluttering under the touch and legs squeezing shut as his
body jerks just once, Yoongi immediately pulling his hands away so he won’t reach that wonderful
wonderful release before Jimin tells him what he wants.

„Please Y-Yoongi.“ Jimin frowns, his breathing heavy and eyes pleading, begging Yoongi to do
something and the demon almost gives in at the sight. The angel looks so wrecked, lips bitten and
swollen, a thin layer of sweat covering his body and making the tips of his hair stick to his
forehead. His whole body is flushed in a beautiful pink glow and Yoongi realizes he would do
anything for Jimin at this point.

„I’ll give you anything you want, angel, you just gotta say it.“ He whispers and he can see the
exact moment Jimin breaks, losing the fight within himself and finally giving in to Yoongi’s

„T-Touch me.“ He whispers, „Please.“

Yoongi’s eyes darken with desire, lips curling up into an evil smirk, „You want me, a demon, to
touch you, angel?“

Jimin averts his gaze from Yoongi and looks down shamefully, giving him a small nod. Yoongi
coos at the sight and gently lifts up his chin with his fingers, leaning down to press a quick kiss to
his lips.

„Jiminie, it would be my pleasure.“ He grins, then grabs Jimin’s thighs and pushes his legs up to
his chest, licking his lips at the sight of the angel completely exposed underneath him.

„Y-Yoongi!“ Jimin squeaks out in surprise, eyes widening, but as soon as Yoongi starts rubbing his
hand over his ass and presses the pad of his finger against his hole, Jimin whimpers and lets his
eyes fall shut.

Yoongi spreads his cheeks with both his hands and spits on his hole, then rubs his finger over his
entrance again, carefully pushing it inside and groaning quietly at how tight and warm Jimin feels
around the digit.

„Oh!“ Jimin gasps, eyes shooting open and staring at Yoongi in shock and the demon can’t help
but chuckle at the reaction. He starts thrusting the finger in and out slowly to let Jimin get used to
the feeling and curls it inside him to try and find his prostate.
„Yoongi!“ Jimin suddenly cries out, back arching off the mattress and Yoongi knows he found
what he was looking for, quickly slipping a second finger in and rubbing them against it.

„Feels good, doesn’t it baby?“ He grins, Jimin throwing his head from side to side as he lets out
one breathy moan after the other, his body seemingly struggling to keep up with the pleasure as it
keeps jerking. He feels the angel tighten around him, watches how his dick twitches helplessly,
looking so so desperate for release and Yoongi decides to finally give it to him, to finally let him
have his first orgasm.

He wraps his hand around Jimin’s length and starts pumping him quickly, his fingers continuously
rubbing against his prostate and Jimin can’t help but cry out at the feeling, his whole body
shuddering violently. He tries to squeeze his legs shut, his wings fluttering helplessly when he
chokes on a sob and spills over his stomach and Yoongi’s hand. The demon watches as his back
arches once again, his mouth hanging open and head thrown back as incoherent ramblings are
falling from his lips and Yoongi can make out his name somewhere in there.

Yoongi swears he could cum from this sight alone.

He keeps on dragging it out, milking Jimin until every last drop of cum is out and Jimin is nothing
but a trembling mess. When he jerks in overstimulation the demon finally pulls his fingers out of
him and grins down at the wrecked angel, rubbing his hands over his chest to help him calm down
from his high.

„You look so beautiful, Jiminie.“ He whispers but he can tell that the words aren’t really registering
in the angel’s fuzzy brain just yet.

He leans down to lap up Jimin’s cum with his tongue, licking him clean and moaning quietly at the
angel’s sweet taste. Jimin whimpers every time his tongue rubs against his dick and Yoongi can’t
help but grin in satisfaction. He’s definitely not done with Jimin yet.

He leans up to connect their lips in a hungry kiss, pushing his tongue into Jimin’s mouth and to his
surprise the angel actually kisses him back. His movements are a little awkward, a little
inexperienced and shy but he’s engaging and it gets Yoongi off more than he’d like to admit. He
breaks the kiss for only a second to quickly pull his own shirt over his head and throw it
somewhere on the ground. As soon as it’s off he crashes their lips together again and reaches for
one of Jimin’s small hands, placing it against his own chest to encourage him to touch him.
The angel inhales deeply through his nose and is about to pull his hand away again but then he
seems to relax. When Yoongi lets go of his hands a few moments later it surprisingly stays against
his chest and Yoongi lets out a small moan against the angel’s lips.

„Aren’t you curious, angel?“ He whispers between kisses, „Don’t you want to know what it’s like
to touch me? Make me feel good?“

Yoongi carefully grinds his clothed hips down against Jimin’s bare ones and both of them moan at
the feeling and it seems like that was what Jimin needed because his hand actually starts exploring
Yoongi’s body, rubbing over his chest and stomach, over his shoulders and arms to his back and
shoulder blades. His touches are light and timid, but Yoongi feels his skin burn wherever Jimin’s
hand touched him and he never wants him to stop.

Yoongi pulls away, hovering over Jimin and watching him. Jimin’s eyes are hooded, lips parted
and swollen from the kiss and when Yoongi meets his eyes he can’t find any of the previous
inhibitions. They seem to be completely erased from his mind and replaced by nothing but pleasure
and maybe even a hint of desire for the demon. Jimin’s hand comes back to Yoongi’s chest and
stops there, taking a shaky breath when he lifts his other hand and runs his fingers through
Yoongi’s hair, finally allowing himself to get lost in the demon.

„You look so pretty angel.“ Yoongi whispers with a smile on his face, „Do you want me to make
you feel even better than before?“

Jimin nods, mumbling a quiet „Please.“ and Yoongi can’t help but grin proudly, pressing another
quick kiss to Jimin’s lips before he sits up and finally pulls his own pants down. To his surprise the
angel doesn’t look away, doesn’t frown or hide from the sight. Instead he sits up and watches
Yoongi curiously, wings folding comfortably on his back.

When Yoongi wraps his hand around his dick and strokes himself a few times Jimin’s eyes follow
the movements, his tongue darting out to lick his lips and Yoongi can’t help but smirk. Never did
he expect that they would end up here. The angel hesitantly scoots closer to Yoongi and the demon
lets go of himself, tilting his head to the side as he watches Jimin.

„Do you wanna make me feel good, baby?“

Jimin’s eyes flick up to Yoongi’s and he can see him gulp heavily, then his eyes fall back down to
Yoongi’s crotch and he bites down on his bottom lip, nibbling nervously on it, „I-I don’t know
what to do.“
Yoongi chuckles at his innocence and takes one of Jimin’s hands into his own, wrapping both of
them around himself so that his hand is covering Jimin’s entirely. The angel takes a shaky breath
and lets Yoongi guide his movements, slowly moving their hands up and down and letting out
quiet moans at the feeling, „It’s easy baby, just keep doing that.“ He mumbles as he removes his
own hand.

Jimin continues stroking him and it’s so agonizingly slow that Yoongi has to keep himself from
thrusting up into his hand, gripping onto his own thigh to pace himself so he won’t overwhelm the
angel, „You’re doing good, Jiminie.“

Jimin seems to relax a little at the praise and bites down on his lip as he watches his own hand
glide up and down Yoongi’s length. He experimentally starts twisting his wrist and speeds his
strokes up a little and Yoongi lets out an actual moan, leaning his head back and sucking in a deep
breath through his nose, „That’s it angel, you’re making me feel so so good.“

Jimin’s cheek flush a little and he scoots closer to Yoongi once more, getting up on his knees so
they’re the same height and nervously pressing his lips to Yoongi’s. Yoongi’s hand immediately
snakes around his waist, pulling him close so their bodies are pressed together and kisses him back,
letting Jimin set the pace this time though.

The angel’s lips are gliding against Yoongi’s ever so slightly, the movements of his hand on
Yoongi’s dick never stopping and in complete contrast to the incredibly sweet kiss and Yoongi is
struggling, struggling so much to hold himself back, to let Jimin explore this side of him, because
he’s been hard for so long and he’s so desperate to finally get inside Jimin.

He rubs his hands up and down Jimin’s back a few times until he can’t take it anymore and slides
them both down to his ass, cupping his cheeks and squeezing them, groaning quietly against the
angel’s lips who gasps at the feeling. Yoongi takes the chance and slips his tongue into Jimin’s
mouth, rubbing it against his as he continues kneading his ass.

„Jiminie, you’re driving me crazy.“ He breathes out against his lips, then bites down on Jimin’s
bottom one and pulls on it, letting it slip through his teeth.

The angel whimpers and lets go of Yoongi’s dick, instead wraps his arms around the demon’s neck
and kisses him needily, much more force behind it this time. Their erections brush together and
both of them gasp against the other’s lips, Yoongi pushing on Jimin’s ass to press their hips
together, grinding his hips against Jimin’s so they’re rubbing together.
„Y-Yoongi.“ Jimin whimpers, dropping his head on Yoongi’s shoulder and clinging to him, letting
his eyes fall shut.

„I got you baby.“ Yoongi breathes out and rubs his hand between his cheeks, easily slipping two
fingers back into Jimin, the angel gasping loudly against his shoulder, wings fluttering behind

„Do you like that angel? Like how my fingers feel inside you?“ Yoongi growls into his ear and
Jimin nods quickly, pushing his hips back against Yoongi’s hand.

„Y-Yes, please Yoongi.“ He whimpers, his eyebrows drawing together and Yoongi chuckles lowly,
nipping on his earlobe before whispering again, „What is it baby? Do you need more? Is my angel
feeling desperate?“

Jimin whines quietly and nods again, „M-More, please.“ He breathes out and Yoongi happily
obliges, pushing a third finger into him to stretch him out even more.

He pushes them all the way inside Jimin and brushes them against his prostate, the angel gasping
loudly as his face scrunches up in pleasure, „O-Oh…ngh!“

„Such a good little angel, taking my fingers so well.“ Yoongi praises and gulps heavily, getting
more and more impatient. He can’t wait much longer, Jimin is driving him crazy and he wants to
feel him now.

„Baby.“ Yoongi breathes out, pulling away so he can look at Jimin, „I’m gonna fuck you now,
angel, alright?“

Jimin’s mind seems to clear up a little bit at the words and his eyes widen, quickly shaking his
head, „Y-Yoongi I can’t do that.“

Yoongi smiles softly at him and brushes his fingers through the angel’s hair, „It’s okay, baby. You
feel good, don’t you? I promise that will feel even better.“

Yoongi shushes him gently and presses a soft kiss to his lips, „Have I done anything to hurt you?
Have I lied to you at all so far?“

Jimin frowns at him and slowly shakes his head, but still doesn’t seem entirely convinced. Yoongi
carefully pulls his fingers out of the angel, chuckling softly when he whines at the feeling and
pushes his hips back against nothing.

„I won’t force you, angel, but if you let me I’ll take good care of you. You just have to let go.“ The
demon whispers and Jimin gulps heavily, taking a shaky breath and closing his eyes.

He feels Yoongi’s hands trail up and down his body, light brushes of his fingertips and Jimin feels
sparks everywhere, feels like all his senses are heightened and everything is much more intense.
He knows this is wrong, forbidden even, but he can’t deny any longer that he really wants this.
He’s tasted freedom and now he wants more, wants to feel all of it.

„Y-Yoongi.“ Jimin whispers, eyebrows drawing together in a frown and he hides his face against
the demon’s neck, nuzzling against him.

„Yes baby?“

„F-Feels good…“ Jimin mumbles and Yoongi hums beside his ear, pressing a kiss to his temple as
his hands find their way into his wings again, playing with the feathers there and getting a choked
out moan from Jimin in response.

„Will you let me make you feel even better?“ Yoongi whispers into his ear and the angel hesitates
for a moment, but then gives Yoongi a small nod.

Yoongi smiles widely and gently lays Jimin down on his back again, grabbing his legs and
pushing them up to his chest. He spits in his hand and slicks himself up, then leans down to press
soft kisses to Jimin’s lips to distract him. He rubs his tip against Jimin’s hole and waits for his
reaction first, the angel gasping quietly, his wings fluttering and Yoongi smiles in satisfaction,
carefully pushing into him and sliding all the way in in one smooth go.

Jimin instantly cries out at the stretch, his face scrunching up in pain and Yoongi groans at the
tightness, leaving kisses over Jimin’s collarbones to distract him a little bit.
„Y-Yoongi it hurts.“ Jimin whimpers and the demon shushes him gently, wrapping his hand
around Jimin to stroke him a few times to help him get used to the feeling.

„It’ll fade any moment baby, you just gotta relax.“ Yoongi breathes out, the tightness making his
head spin.

Jimin takes deep breaths through his nose and after a minute of Yoongi rubbing his hands all over
his body soothingly Jimin seems to relax, his expression turning from one of pain to nothing but

„There we go.“ Yoongi grins and presses his hand down on Jimin’s chest, inhaling deeply, „Fuck
you’re tight, angel.“

Jimin’s head is spinning from all the sensations. He’s torn between what’s right and wrong, what
he wants and knows he shouldn’t do. He feels shame wash over him for how much he’s enjoying
this, but as soon as Yoongi pulls out to the point that only his tip is inside and then pushes all the
way back in, Jimin’s mind goes completely blank and a whiney moan falls from his lips.

Maybe Yoongi was right all along, maybe this isn’t so bad.

After his positive reaction Yoongi starts to actually thrust into him, slow and precise rolls of his
hips to let Jimin get used to the feeling. He easily finds the angel’s prostate, angles his hips in a
way so he hits it with every thrust and Jimin is a whining mess, reaching out for Yoongi and
wrapping his arms around him to cling to him desperately.

„You’re doing so good, angel, taking me so well.“ Yoongi groans, squeezing his eyes shut trying to
pace himself but he just can’t do it anymore. Jimin feels too good, too tight, too warm and he just
has to finally let go.

He grips the angel’s hips and sits back on his knees, holding him in place as he picks up his pace,
thrusting into him harder and faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through the

„Y-Yoongi! Yoongi! I- ah! O-Oh nghh!“ Moans over moans spill from the angel’s lips, unable to
hold back anymore and Yoongi gets off on the sounds, drinks them all up.
„F-Fuck Jimin.“ Yoongi growls lowly and pulls him into a hungry kiss, grabbing both of Jimin’s
thighs and pushing them up to his chest again to fold him in half. He fucks into him harder,
digging his fingers into the angel’s thighs so hard that there might be bruises later.

All of Jimin’s previous worries seem to be gone completely now as he’s clinging onto the demon’s
back and kissing back needily, licking into Yoongi’s mouth and moaning desperately against his

„I wanna wreck you.“ Yoongi growls against his lips and feels the angel’s nails scratching down
his back, making him moan loudly, „Fuck, does my angel like it rough, huh?“

„H-Harder.“ Is all Jimin manages to choke out between moans and who is Yoongi to deny him

He picks up his pace once more, pistoning his hips as he holds Jimin in place. The angel cries out,
tears streaming down his face and head lolling from side to side helplessly as his body shakes
under Yoongi’s thrusts.

Suddenly Yoongi leans back, pulling Jimin on top of him as he lays down on his back, Jimin sitting
in his lap and straddling him, „Ride me.“ The demon orders, eyes dark with lust and curiosity,
wanting to see if the angel would actually do it.

Jimin’s face turns bright red, but nevertheless he starts moving his hips, rutting down against him
and whimpering at how deep Yoongi is pressing into him in this position. He lifts himself up and
then drops back down, starting to bounce on the demon’s cock and resting his hands on his chest to
steady himself.

„You’re so good for me, angel, so so good.“ Yoongi breathes out, rubbing his hands up his thighs
and resting them on his hips, digging his fingers in to help Jimin guide his movements.

The angel suddenly throws his head back in pleasure and moans loudly when he finds his own
prostate, grinding his hips down in that same angle, to have Yoongi continuously rub against it
until his body is shaking and his dick is twitching. Yoongi watches in absolute amazement how
Jimin is using his dick to make himself feel good, completely forgets that he wanted to fuck the
angel and actually tempted to just let him make himself cum like that.

„A-Angel.“ He gulps heavily, „You’re making yourself feel so good, aren’t you?“
Jimin nods helplessly, his mouth hanging open and desperate whimpers falling from his lips, „S-so
deep.“ He whines and Yoongi nods quickly, squeezing his hips.

„Why don’t you touch yourself, baby? Show me how good you can make yourself feel.“ Yoongi
suggests breathlessly, Jimin looking down at him with big eyes.

„C-Can I?“ He asks shyly and Yoongi swears he could cum on the spot. The fact that Jimin is
asking him for permission is doing things to him that Yoongi really didn’t expect.

„Fuck baby, of course you can.“ He nods quickly and Jimin bites his lip as he hesitantly wraps his
hand around himself, stroking it up and down experimentally and gasping at the feeling.

„Fuck.“ Yoongi chokes out at the sight and holds the angel in place, quickly thrusting his hips up
into him because he can’t take this, he can’t keep laying still while watching Jimin.

„Yoongi!“ Jimin gasps and the movements of his hand immediately speed up, bouncing on him to
meet his thrusts

Yoongi sits up and wraps his arms around Jimin’s waist, pressing their bodies together as he
mouths at Jimin’s chest and continues fucking into him. He flicks his tongue over his nipple once,
then reaches up to grip Jimin’s hair, tugging his head back to expose his neck. He hungrily licks
and bites at the skin there, marking Jimin up even more and drinking up all the sounds Jimin
makes. He feels the angels free hand on his shoulder, nails digging into his skin as if to steady
himself and Yoongi slides his hand down to Jimin’s ass, rubbing it over his cheek before lifting it
and suddenly slapping it down hard.

„Ah!“ Jimin cries out, head dropping on Yoongi’s shoulder, „A-Again, Yoongi again!“ He begs,
the demon having to take a heavy breath because he did not expect this.

He slaps his hand down again and Jimin’s body jerks helplessly, going limp in Yoongi’s arms and
letting him thrust into him the way he likes, „O-Oh my…!“

„Fuck angel, you’ll be the death of me.“ Yoongi breathes out in disbelief and gulps heavily, feeling
his orgasm creep up.
„I-I’m…Y-Yoongi I’m…“ Jimin tries to say something but can’t seem to find the right words,
whining in frustration against his shoulder.

„Are you close baby? You wanna cum?“ Yoongi pants out and the angel nods quickly, mouthing at
Yoongi’s neck, biting at his skin to try and focus on anything else but the intense pleasure.

„Oh fuck, me too Jiminie.“ He groans and rubs his hands up Jimin’s back, burying his fingers in
the feathers at the base of Jimin’s wings, gripping onto them and tugging on them.

Jimin chokes on a sob and his wings flutter violently before they suddenly go completely limp and
drape over both of them. Yoongi feels them tickle his skin, feels the comforting warmth they
radiate and it all just feels so intensely like Jimin that it’s making his brain feel fuzzy.

„C-Cum for me, baby.“ Yoongi whispers into his ear and replaces Jimin’s hand with his own,
stroking him quickly until he reaches his climax for the second time, painting their stomachs white
as tears stream down his face, broken sobs falling from his lips. His body trembles and Yoongi
groans loudly at how much Jimin tightens around him. He presses his face into the crook of
Jimin’s neck and moans loudly when he spills deep inside him, his thrusts getting sloppy and
losing their rhythm.

„Y-Yoongi.“ Jimin whimpers at the feeling of Yoongi’s cock twitching inside him. Yoongi’s
thrusts come to a stop and both of them are panting heavily, clinging to each other after their
intense orgasms, both of them needing a moment to calm down.

„Fuck.“ Yoongi breathes out, shaking his head in disbelief and chuckling quietly as he rubs his
hand up and down Jimin’s back.

Jimin whines quietly at the curse word but doesn’t say anything, just keeps panting against
Yoongi’s neck and clinging to him. Yoongi presses a kiss to his temple and pulls away just enough
so he can look at him, „Angel, that was amazing. Are you okay? Did I go too far?“

Jimin looks completely wrecked, completely fucked out, but his expression is blank, „You taste
like heaven.“ He whispers, not meeting Yoongi’s eyes.

Yoongi’s eyebrows draw together in confusion, „That’s funny considering I’m a demon.“
Jimin takes a deep breath and slowly meets his gaze, staring him down, unusually solemn despite
kiss-swollen lips, „You lived there once though, remember? Maybe your lips carry the remnants of
your grace, even if the rest of you refuses to remember what the light felt like.“

After a sharp pause Yoongi’s features soften into a smile, „I do remember what it felt like.“ He
says quietly, brushing Jimin’s hair out of his face, „And it never felt as good as you do.“

Jimin’s eyelashes flutter at the words, feeling a warmth spread through him that wasn’t there
before, „You can’t say that.“ He whispers, slowly shaking his head.

„It’s the truth, angel.“ Yoongi says softly, cupping his cheek and letting his eyes travel over
Jimin’s face, „Nothing can compare to you.“

„Stop.“ Jimin struggles to say, voice thick with tears that are daring to spill and he turns his head
away from Yoongi. He lifts his wings back up and carefully gets out of Yoongi’s lap and wincing
at the feeling of the demon slipping out of him.

Yoongi immediately misses the warmth, the comfort that Jimin’s presence gave him and frowns as
he watches the angel get up, „What are you doing?“

„Stop being nice to me.“ Jimin mumbles as he starts picking up his clothes off the floor, only
causing Yoongi to frown even more.


„You got what you wanted, didn’t you? The deal is fulfilled.“ Jimin snaps at him, his own teary
eyes locking with Yoongi’s confused ones.

Yoongi huffs in disbelief and gets up, pushing Jimin against the wall to trap him between it and his
body, „Listen angel, we’re not all monsters down here, you know?“ He grits out, grabbing Jimin’s
jaw in his hand to force him to look at him, „We’re not so different you and me.“

„Take that back.“ Jimin spits in disgust, trying to push Yoongi off him, but the demon doesn’t
„I used to be an angel, just like you. The only difference is that I tasted freedom and followed it,
something you understand a lot better now I’m sure.“ He says harshly, throwing him one more
glare before pulling away and pulling his own clothes back on, „Let’s go get your brother.“

„Yoongi.“ Jimin mumbles with a small frown on his face, but Yoongi just shakes his head.

„Our deal is complete, you don’t have to spend another second with me, don’t worry.“ Yoongi
huffs and puts his leather jacket back on, then walks to the door.

„Yoongi!“ Jimin says louder, more confidence and determination behind it this time. The demon
stops in his tracks, hand already reaching out for the handle.

Jimin quickly pulls his own clothes on, then walks over to Yoongi and stands in front of him,
taking a deep breath as he stares into his cold eyes. He frowns as he pulls Yoongi into a hug,
mumbling a quiet „I’m sorry.“ into his ear as he wraps his wings around both of them, enclosing
them in a bubble of warmth and comfort and what Yoongi can only describe as heaven.

„Why are you sorry?“ Yoongi mumbles, reluctantly wrapping his own arms around Jimin, unable
to resist the angel.

„You’re right. I shouldn’t treat you like a monster. I-I…I understand you a bit more now I think.“
Jimin whispers and Yoongi sighs heavily, pressing a kiss to his head.

„Let’s go get your brother“


Yoongi takes Jimin through what seems like hundreds of twisted corridors, all of them looking the
exact same to Jimin, making him feel like he’s in some sort of a maze. But to be fair that is exactly
what he would imagine hell’s layout to be.

He’s basically glued to Yoongi’s side clinging onto his arm and trembling in fear whenever he
hears another scream or they pass another demon. The way they look at him makes his skin crawl.
He’s nothing but a trophy, food or a toy for them and Jimin realizes that he was extremely lucky
that Yoongi was the one that found him first.
Yoongi has to keep telling the other hellish creatures to fuck off when they try to get close to
Jimin, try to touch him or ask Yoongi if they can borrow his new pet sometime. Jimin feels sick to
his stomach, wants to run away and hide somewhere but he knows he’s safest with Yoongi down

Nobody really seems to dare to mess with Yoongi so he must have quite a high rank Jimin figures.

When they finally get to the dungeon they walk past endless cells filled with all sorts of creatures.
First he spots mostly demons and humans, his heart aching for the souls that are trapped down
here. He wishes he could save them all and take them to heaven, but then reminds himself that
there’s probably a reason why these people were taken to hell.

Yoongi turns the corner and walks them over to a door, nodding at the demon guarding it. He turns
around and unlocks the door for them and Yoongi pulls Jimin inside. The room is dark, almost
completely empty if it wasn’t for the big cage in the middle of it. Jimin sees a figure sitting against
the iron bars and immediately recognizes Jungkook, his wings now only a dull grey from being
stuck down here. He chokes on a sob and lets go of Yoongi’s arm, immediately rushing over and
gripping onto the iron bars.


The younger immediately perks up at the familiar voice and his eyes widen, pushing himself up
and rushing to the other side of the cage, gripping onto Jimin’s hands, „Jiminie, what are you doing
here? You shouldn’t be down here.“

„I’m here to save you, I’m taking you home.“ Jimin sniffles, clutching onto his hands, but
Jungkook quickly shakes his head.

„Jimin you need to go, I’m not alone down here.“ Jungkook frowns, nervously looking to his right.

Before Jimin can react a figure steps out of the shadows, curly black hair falling over the man’s red
eyes and Jimin’s eyes widen in fear, taking a few steps back.

„You’re not taking him anywhere.“ The demon’s dark voice warns him, evil smirk playing on his
lips as he eyes the angel, „But you’re welcome to stay.“
„T-Taehyung please don’t hurt him.“ Jungkook begs, eyes pleading and eyebrows drawing together
in a frown.

The demon’s features soften when he meets Jungkook’s gaze and walks over to the trapped angel,
brushing his knuckles over the angel’s cheek, „Is he the angel you kept telling me would come
save you when you first got down here?“

Jungkook gives him a small nod, eyes not really meeting Taehyung’s, but not flinching away from
the touch either.

„I’m not sure that worked out so great, Kook.“ The demon pouts, brushing Jungkook’s hair out of
his face and Jimin just watches them in confusion, trying to figure out what is going on, but before
he can say anything Yoongi steps up beside him.

„He’s taking him home, Tae.“ Yoongi says, voice completely flat and monotone. The other
demon’s face immediately hardens, slowly pulling away from Jungkook and glaring at Yoongi.

„Why?“ He snaps through gritted teeth which makes Jimin flinch, but doesn’t seem to affect
Yoongi at all.

„We made a deal. He fulfilled his end so now he gets to take his brother home.“ He explains with a
shrug of his shoulders, the other glaring at him in disbelief.

„Did you seriously have to give away my angel?“ He growls, but Yoongi just cocks his head to the
side in amusement.

„Your angel? You weren’t even the one who caught him. You just immediately claimed him as
yours and since he gave into you everyone accepted it.“ Yoongi laughs, shaking his head as both
the angel’s eyes widen.

„G-Gave into him?“ Jimin mumbles in confusion and Yoongi hums, turning to him with a smug
grin on his face.

„You and your brother aren’t so different, Jiminie.“ Is all he says, both the angels blushing and
staring at each other with wide eyes.

Suddenly Jungkook gasps, stepping closer to Jimin to get a better look at him, „Minnie, your

Jimin’s hands immediately come up to cover it, face flushing even more and looking down at the
ground in embarrassment. He must look like an absolute mess.

„Why did it have to be my angel though?“ Taehyung whines, crossing his arms over his chest as a
pout makes its way onto his face. Jimin doesn’t miss the way Jungkook blushes at being called his
angel and while he wants to be shocked, he also understands.

„You’ll find another one.“ Yoongi chuckles, watching Taehyung’s shoulders slump in
disappointment and he holds out his hand to him, „Give me the keys, Tae.“

Taehyung grumbles under his breath and reluctantly pulls his keys out of his pocket, handing them
over to Yoongi. Jimin once again gets the feeling that people seem to follow Yoongi’s orders down
here. Yoongi unlocks the door of the cage and pulls it open, giving Jungkook a small smile,
„You’re free to go.“

Jungkook watches him suspiciously and carefully steps out of the cage. As soon as he’s out Jimin
runs to him and throws his arms around his shoulders, clinging to him. He can’t hold his emotions
back anymore, sobbing into Jungkook’s shoulder and the younger wraps his arms around him and
quickly joins in as well.

„Why are you doing this for some random angel?“ Taehyung huffs, standing next to Yoongi with
his arms crossed over his chest, both of them a little off to the side to give the angels some space.

Yoongi watches Jimin, a small smile curling up the corners of his mouth and he simply shrugs his
shoulders, „This one is special.“

Taehyung hums in understanding and then sighs heavily, „I know you’re the prince of hell and all,
but dude that was such a cockblocker move.“

Yoongi laughs and simply pinches Taehyung’s side as he shakes his head, then slowly walks over
to the crying angels, „I’m sorry to interrupt your reunion, but are you two ready to get out of

Jimin sniffles as he pulls away from Jungkook, wiping his eyes and nodding quickly, „Y-Yeah.“
He croaks out, but Jungkook nervously glances over at Taehyung.

„Wait.“ He mumbles and quickly wipes his eyes, sniffling quietly as he walks over to the demon.

Both Yoongi and Jimin watch him stand in front of Taehyung, the demon giving him a sad smile
and lifting his hand up to cup his cheek, „You can go back home now, Kook, you should be

The angel pulls Taehyung into a tight hug and buries his face in his neck, his wings wrapping
around him and Jimin frowns and tilts his head to the side in curiosity. Why does Jungkook seem to
struggle so much to leave his captor behind.

„They got close while he was down here.“ Yoongi explains quietly, sensing Jimin’s confusion,
„Your brother must feel really torn right now.“

Jimin doesn’t say anything. He wishes he could be shocked and say he doesn’t get it, but he does
understand it. He’s just met Yoongi and even he feels a little uneasy having to leave him. Maybe
it’s just another demon power he didn’t know about.

Jimin sees the pair whisper a few things to each other but can’t make out what they’re saying.
Suddenly Taehyung connects their lips and Jimin’s eyes widen, quickly covering his eyes as
Yoongi chuckles beside him, putting his arm around Jimin’s shoulders so he can hide his face
against his chest.

A few moments later Jimin hears footsteps and then he feels Jungkook’s presence next to him

„Ready?“ Yoongi asks him and when the young angel nods it’s only a matter of a few seconds
before they’re surrounded by black smoke. It’s not as uncomfortable as the first time, this time it
just feels entirely like Yoongi, almost feels familiar. When the smoke disappears the three of them
are standing in a random alley in what Jimin assumes is Seoul. Jungkook is coughing heavily,
struggling to get rid of the smoke but Jimin is completely fine.
He pats the younger’s back a few times to help him get the smoke out of his lungs and when
Jungkook clams down he looks up at Yoongi who’s watching him with a blank expression.

„Well I guess this is good bye then.“ Yoongi says and Jimin immediately starts frowning, quickly
pulling Yoongi into a tight hug.

„Thank you.“ He whispers, his voice trembling and Yoongi just chuckles softly, hugging him back
and pressing a kiss to his temple.

He pulls away after a few moments and takes a few steps back, „You know where to find me.“ He
winks and then suddenly disappears into a cloud of black smoke.

Jimin watches the smoke disappear with his eyebrows drawn together, still feeling uneasy about
the whole thing, and takes a deep breath, turning back to Jungkook who looks at him with big eyes,
„What’s going on Jimin? Did he hurt you? Did he force you to do anything?“

„It’s a long story.“ Jimin shakes his head, chuckling quietly before letting out a deep sigh, „Don’t
worry about me. What happened with you and that demon?“

The younger’s face immediately turns bright red and he averts his gaze from Jimin’s, nervously
running his hand through his hair, „I-I don’t know, Jimin…it-it just happened.“

Jimin nods in understanding, letting out a sigh through his nose and pulling Jungkook into his
arms, „I understand.“ He whispers and both of them just hold each other for a while until Jungkook
eventually pulls away.

„You can’t go back to heaven, looking like that. Let’s find a scarf or something.“ He mumbles,
grabbing Jimin’s hand and pulling him along, ignoring the way Jimin whines in protest.


When Jimin brings Jungkook back home everyone is ecstatic, welcoming both of them and
congratulating Jimin on doing something so brave and courageous. There’s a huge party to
celebrate the return of the angels, everyone eating, dancing, laughing and just enjoying
A lot of angels ask Jimin how he did it, but he really doesn’t want to talk about it. He sits off to the
side a little, watching the other angels celebrate, but he can’t bring himself to party. He’s so glad to
have Jungkook back, feels relieved knowing he’s safe again, but at the same time he can’t get
Yoongi and his words out of his head.

He still tastes the demon on his lips, still feels his fingers digging into his skin, touching him in the
most sinful places. He still hears his low voice whispering into his ear and Jimin hates himself for
even allowing his mind to wander back to what he experienced. He shouldn’t be celebrating. He
should go and start repenting right away for what he did.

But he can’t stop thinking about what Yoongi said.

Why would God make this feel so incredible if they weren’t supposed to feel it? Why are they
restricting themselves from these incredible sensations? Jimin has never experienced anything like
this before, but now that he’s had a little taste he can’t stop thinking about it.

He’s so deep in thought that he doesn’t even notice Jin sitting down next to him, watching him
with his chin resting in his palm, head tilted to the side curiously, „What’s got you so quiet?
Normally you’d be the first to dance.“

Jimin startles, looking at his elder with wide eyes, then sighs quietly, „I’m not in the mood.“ He
mumbles, averting his gaze again to watch the others dance.

„You saved Jungkook, why do you seem so unhappy about that?“ Jin asks, causing Jimin to frown
and shake his head.

„I’m more than happy that he’s back, but everyone’s been acting like I’m some sort of hero for
bringing him back home when I’m really not.“ Jimin mumbles, drawing patterns on his thigh with
his finger.

Jin nods slowly and reaches out to take his hand, squeezing it comfortingly, „What did you have to
do to get him back? Did you make a deal?“

Jimin’s eyebrow draw together in a frown, sucking in a deep breath as he nods slowly, unable to
meet Jin’s eyes. The elder squeezes his hand and gives him a warm smile, „It’s okay, Jiminie. Do
you want to tell me what you had to do?“
„Not really.“ Jimin whispers, slowly shaking his head and he can see Jin frown out of the corner of
his eyes.

„How bad is it?“ He asks, voice more serious but still soft and Jimin can’t hold it back anymore, a
tear slipping down his cheek.

„Bad.“ Is all he manages to croak out and the elder sighs heavily, pulling Jimin into his arms and
hugging him close, rubbing his hand up and down his back soothingly as Jimin lets the tear fall

„Could your end of the deal have something to do with that scarf around your neck, Jiminie?“ Jin
asks carefully and that’s when Jimin really breaks, clinging to Jin and hiding his face against his
shoulder, crying into it and wetting the fabric of his shirt.

„Oh Jiminie.“ The elder whispers with a frown on his face and squeezes him in his arms, „It’s all
going to be okay, you just did it because you thought it was the only way to save Jungkook.“

Jimin knows that isn’t true. That might’ve been the reason why he even got into that situation but
somewhere during the whole thing everything changed and Jimin both hates and loves Yoongi for
showing him another perspective. He knows he can’t tell anyone that he actually enjoyed sleeping
with a demon, that he can’t stop thinking about how it felt and that a part of him wants to feel it

If anyone finds out he’ll end up being cast out of heaven and Jimin wouldn’t know how to live with

So he stays quiet, keeps his secret to himself and just lets Jin comfort him.


Later that night when he’s alone in his room Jimin stands in front of his mirror completely naked.
He lets his eyes wander over his body, for the first time really looking at himself, his eyes
following every curve. He carefully traces the bruises Yoongi left on his skin, brushing his fingers
over them and running his hands over his skin to just feel himself, getting familiar with his body.
He experimentally presses his fingers into some of the purple marks and gasps quietly at the light
burst of pleasure he feels from it, his wings fluttering behind him.
He takes a shaky breath as he runs his fingers over his wings, feeling the soft feathers tickle his
fingers until something suddenly catches his eye. He leans in closer to the mirror to inspect it,
moving some of the feathers out of the way, eyes widening and a shocked gasp escaping his lips
when in between all the pure white feathers he spots one that isn’t quite like the others.

Black as Yoongi’s eyes.

End Notes

Looks like Jiminie isn't as pure as he thought!

Who knows what happens next?

I hope you liked it!

If you want you can follow me on Twitter @Yoonminiie1

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