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Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism

Step 1: Discuss what you believe to be the difference between these terms.

Step 2: Using a dictionary, look up each of the terms and write down their definitions in the
space provided below.

Step 3: As a group, discuss and record one example for each term and write it in the space
provided below.

Term Definition Example

Only boys can play sports.

Asians are good at math.
a widely held but fixed and
Stereotypes oversimplified image or idea of a
particular type of person or thing.


preconceived opinion that is not

based on reason or actual
Prejudice experience.

Age Discrimination, Disability

Discrimination, Sexual Orientation,
the unjust or prejudicial treatment of Religious Discrimination
different categories of people or
Discrimination things, especially on the grounds of
race, age, or sex.

N word
prejudice, discrimination, or
antagonism directed against a
person or people on the basis of
Racism their membership in a particular
racial or ethnic group, typically one
that is a minority or marginalized.

S. English

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