Case Study Presentation

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Client’s pro le:


• Female;

• 20-years old;

• Studies Technology Communication Management in USTP;

• Clinically diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder.

Client’s social domain:

Lyrosia is

• one of 7 siblings through her biological parents;

• her biological mother passed away, and she has never met her father;

• she is the only child in her adoptive family.

Lyrosia had an unconventional childhood. She was brought up in a household that was not
physically or emotionally a ectionate; neither was the household sincere in their reasons for
adopting her. Lyrosia's relationship with her adoptive mother was more like that of siblings,
lacking in intimacy and openness that is ideally present between a mother and daughter. For
instance, on Mother's Day, Lyrosia wrote her mother a letter expressing her love and
appreciation — however, instead of reciprocating, her mother threw it in the trash.

The client grew up in a relationship dynamic that had profound implications on her present self.
The more she attempted to assimilate herself and improve, the more she received destructive
criticism, or even indi erence, from her family and friends.

From the interview, we can glean that our client's past actions have been primarily motivated
by how she is perceived by others, resulting in low self-esteem and a desire for external
valuation. Both of which may be due to the lack of genuine connection and encouragement
while growing up. From that we can draw a parallel: the letters Lyrosia wrote for her mom are
akin to her goals and motivations — and that she is afraid to see them be thrown out.

We can support this with context from the interview, where she explicitly described:

• thoughts of being judged by others, being backstabbed;

• that she is easily demotivated to try new things; instead of encouragement, she receives

• a certain mistrust for people, that she is averse to making attachments;

• a desire to be noticed, to become famous;

• having a negative outlook on life, that she felt as if she was unlucky;

• that she doesn’t love herself to the fullest extent.


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