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SESSION 2022-23

1. Verify (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca by paper cutting and pasting

Marks distribution:
For activity 1
Aim: 1 M
Material Required: 1 M
Procedure: 2 M
Observation: 1 M
Result: 1 M
Activity: 4 M
Total Marks: 10
2. Solve the following Amusing problems:
a. Can you place the integers from 1 through 12 in the circles of the 6 pointed star so that
the sum of the numbers in each of the six rows is 26? (Repetition of a number is not

b. There is a patch of lily pads on a lake. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes
48 days for the patch to cover a full lake then find the number of days it will take to
cover half of the lake.
c. Shruti’s daughter Archana needs to be picked from the school everyday. Shruti asks
one of her colleagues to pick her up from the school. Now the problem is Archana does
not know Shruti’s colleague. So Shruti devised a password mechanism using which she
can be sure that Archana goes with the correct person only.
Password for Monday was SAM16
Password for Wednesday was RCW39
So what will be the password for Friday?
d. In a long, narrow funnel, there are 8 balls; 4 black ones on the left and 4 white ones -
slightly larger - on the right. In the middle of the funnel, there is a small niche that can
hold 1 ball of either color. The Funnel’s right end has an opening large enough for a
black but not a white ball. Show how you will roll all the black balls out of the funnel.
(You cannot pick them up.)

Marks distribution - 5 + 2 + 3 + 5

Happy Holidays!!
Aim: To verify the algebraic identity: (a  b  c)2  a 2  b2  c 2  2ab  2bc  2ca .
Material Required: Coloured sheets, Adhesive, Pair of Scissors and Geometry box.
1. From a coloured paper, cut out a square of side a units.

2. Further, cut out a square of side b units (b < a) from another coloured paper.

3. Also, cut out a square of side c units (c < b) from different coloured paper.

4. Cut out two rectangles of dimensions b a from different coloured paper.

5. Also, cut out two rectangles of dimensions c  b from different coloured paper.

6. Now further, cut out two rectangles of dimensions c  a from another coloured paper.

7. Paste the squares and rectangles in the practical file as shown.

On actual measurement, we get
a = …….. , b = …….. , c = ……..
So, a² = …….. , b² = …….. , c² = ……..
ab = …….. , bc = …….. , ca = ……..
2ab = …….. , 2bc = …….. , 2ca = ……..
a + b + c = …….. ,
and (a + b + c)² = …….. ,
Hence, (a + b + c)² = a² + b² + c² + 2ab + 2bc +2ca

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