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International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and

Mathematics Education
1st ISIM-MED 2014
Department of Mathematics Education
Yogyakarta State University
November, 26-30 2014

Joint Conference on Innovation and Technology For Mathematics and

Mathematics Education :
19th ATCM 1st ISIM-MED 3rd ISMEI 2014 2nd SeNdiMat

Organized by :
Departement of Mathematics Education
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Yogyakarta State University

Graduate Program of Mathematics Education

Yogyakarta State University

SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics




P4TK Matematika,Yogyakarta

Published by:
Departement of Mathematics Education
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Yogyakarta State University
Karangmalang, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

YSU, 2014

1st Issue
November 2014 Issue
Katalog of The Issue (KDT)
Reviewers : Prof. Dr. Marsigit,MA [] – Yogyakarta, Mathematics and
Natural Science Faculty
Editors : Nur Hadi W [] – Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science
Yogyakarta State University, 2014

The proceeding can be accessed at :

ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

Process editing of all the papers in proceedings is conducted by the Team
Reviewer International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (1st ISIM-
MED 2014) from Departement of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Science,Yogyakarta State University

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and
Mathematics Education
1st ISIM-MED 2014
Department of Mathematics Education
Yogyakarta State University
November, 26-30 2014

This paper has been presented at

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education
1st ISIM-MED 2014
“Innovation and Technology for Mathematics and Mathematics Education”
Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, November 26-30, 2014

Reviewers :

1. Prof.Dr. Marsigit (Yogyakarta State University)

2. Prof. Rusgianto HS (Yogyakarta State University)
3. Dr.Agus Maman Abadi (Yogyakarta State University)
4. Dr. Dhoriva U W (Yogyakarta State University)
5. Dr. Sugiman (Yogyakarta State University)

Department of Mathematics Education

Faculty of Sciences
Yogyakarta State University


Assalaamu’alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.

First of all, we would like to praise alhamdulillah, praise is only to Allah SWT, the most
gracious and the most merciful, for blessing and giving us energy in conducting a Joint
Conference on Innovation and Technology for Mathematics and Mathematics Education from
26 to 30 of November 2014, under coordination of Asian Technology Conference in
Mathematics (ATCM), Department of Mathematics of Yogyakarta State University, SEAMEO
QITEP in Mathematics, and PPPPTK Matematika.
The conference is a joint conference between the 19th ATCM, 1st ISIMMED of Department
of Mathematics of Yogyakarta State University, 3rd ISMEI of SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics,
and 2nd SeNdiMat of PPPPTK Matematika. During the joint conference, there are 170 papers
are presented – 7 papers presented on plenary sessions, 10 papers presented on invited
speech sessions, 33 ATCM papers presented on parallel sessions, 120 papers of ISIMMED and
ISMEI presented on parallel sessions. There are also 20 workshop papers and 3 posters
presented in the joint conference. In addition, more than 50 SeNdiMat papers are presented
separately at PPPPTK Matematika. Each conference has its own proceeding. We are honored
to present the proceeding of 1st ISIMMED 2014. This proceeding contains 110 papers consist
of 77 papers on mathematics education and 33 papers on mathematics and/or computer.
Presenters in this conference come from more than 60 universities and institutions from
20 countries around the world: Australia, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, China, France, Hong
Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Oman, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United State of America. We
are fortunate to have presenters from a wide spectrum of scientists and educators, whose
presentations and workshops demonstrate the most current innovation and technology for
mathematics and mathematics education. Papers and presentations address a very wide
spectrum of topics and ideas. We can find papers concentrating on using computer software
in teaching mathematics, papers on using Internet, multimedia, and other tools for interactive
and online mathematics courses delivery, as well as research papers from pure mathematics
where technology was used to produce some new results.
Thanks to evolving technological tools, we are able to explore more interdisciplinary
areas such as science, technology, and engineering with Mathematics which we could not
before. Therefore, integrating technology into mathematics teaching, learning and research
will definitely allow us to expand our knowledge horizon in mathematics.
We would like to express our appreciation to all members of the local organizers from
Yogyakarta State University, SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics, and PPPTK Matematika for the
enormous task of planning and preparation of this joint conference. We thank also the
International Program Committee of ATCM, especially Prof. Wei-Chi YANG for giving
opportunity to host the 19th ATCM 2014, one of the most enjoyable and instructive conference
in the world. We are very grateful to all plenary and invited speakers for their inspiring
papers as well as all reviewers for their great contribution in reviewing papers.
We hope that the papers in this proceeding become very useful references to enrich the
creative and innovative ideas that can support the advancement of mathematics education,
especially in Indonesia.
Wassalaamu’alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.

Yogyakarta, November 26, 2014

Chairman of the YSU Local Committee

This Event is presented by :

Departement of Mathematics Education

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
Yogyakarta State University

Graduate Program of Mathematics Education

Yogyakarta State University

SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics




P4TK Matematika,Yogyakarta


Cover i
Publishing Statement ii
Paper Reviewers iii
Preface iv
Organizer v
Contents vii
Invited and Plenary Papers
(Invited and Plenary Papers can be found in Proceedings of 19th Asian Technology Conference in
1 Bill Blyth Australian Scienti_c & Engineering Teaching Experimental Mathematics: Digital
Solutions (ASES), School of Discovery using Maple
Mathematical and Geospatial
Sciences RMIT University
2 Wei-Chi YANG Department of Mathematics Technological tools have enhanced our
and Statistics, Radford University Teaching, learning and doing mathematics,
Radford, VA 24142 what is next?
3 Keng-Cheng Ang, National Institute of Education Professional Development for Teachers in
Liang-Soon Tan, Nanyang Technological University Mathematical Modelling
1, Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
4 Antonio R. Department of Mathematics A Capstone Course to Improve the
Quesada The University of Akron Preparation of Mathematics Teachers on the Integration of Technology
5 Colette Laborde Cabrilog, Grenoble, FRANCE Interactivity and flexibility exemplified with Cabri
6 Paulina Pannen Directorate General of Higher Integrating Technology in Teaching and
Education, Ministry of Education and Learning Mathematics
Culture Indonesia
7 Marsigit Department of Mathematics Re-conceptualizing Good Practice of
Education, Faculty of Mathematics Mathematics Teaching Through Lesson Study
and Science, Yogyakarta State in Indonesia
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
8 Leong Chee Kin Training Programme Division Educating the Educators: Technology-
SEAMEO RECSAM Malaysia Enhanced Mathematics Teaching and Learning
9 Hongguang Fu, University of Electronic Science and Mathematics Intelligent Learning Environment
Xiuqin Zhong, Technology of China, 611731

Zhong Liu Chengdu, China
1 1
10 Widodo , Professor of Mathematics Gadjah Three Training Strategies for Improving
Muh.Tamimuddin Mada University Yogyakarta Mathematics Teacher Competences
H Indonesia, and Head of PPPPTK in in Indonesia 2015-2019 based on Teacher
Mathematics BPSDMPK PMP Competency Test (TCT) 2012-2014
Ministry of Education and Culture
PPPPTK in Mathematics Indonesia
Code Name Institution Title Page
Papers in fields of Mathematics Education
E-1 Abdurahman Askois Mahasiswa PPS UNY, Effectiveness Worksheet with EP – 1
Jailani Problem Solving Approach
E– 2 AkhsanulIn’am Mathematics Department University Students’ Problem in Writing the EP – 11
of Muhammadiyah Malang Article of Mathematics Learning Resources Development
a,c,* a
E–3 Ariyadi Wijaya , Freudenthal Institute for Science Identifying (Indonesian) Students’ EP – 15
Marja van den and Mathematics Education, Utrecht Difficulties in Solving Context-
Heuvel- University, the Netherlands Based (PISA) Mathematics Tasks
a,b b
Panhuizen , Faculty of Social and Behavioural
Michiel Doorman , Sciences, Utrecht University, the
Alexander Netherlands
d c
Robitzsch Mathematics Education
Department, Yogyakarta State
University, Indonesia
Federal Institute for Education
Research, Innovation and
Development of the Austrian School
System, Austria; m.vandenheuvel-;
E–4 Hj. Epon Nur’aeni L, S1 PGSD Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan The Enhancement Ability Of EP – 25
Tiara Penta Yurlita UPI Kampus Tasikmalaya Mathematical Connection
In Paralellogram Material Through
Learning Based On Van Hiele
E–5 Nurcholif Diah Sri Faculty of Teacher and Training Designing Mathematics Model of EP – 33
Lestari Education, Jember University, Teaching: The syntax of
Titik Sugiarti Indonesia “Problem-Solving Performance Modelling” Model of Teaching
E–6 Baiduri Mathematics Education Department Thinking Process of Elementary EP – 41
University of Muhammadiyah School Students in Word Problem

Malang Solving
E–7 Supandi , W. 1,2,3 Department of Mathematics Blended Learning Design for EP – 49
Kusumaningsih , L. Education, University of PGRI Mathematics in Schools
Ariyanto Semarang, Indonesia
E–8 Desi Rahmatina Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji. The Effect Of Students Attitude EP – 55
Tanjungpinang Toward Mathematics For Mathematics Achievement In
E–9 Dasa Ismaimuza Tadulako University Associations Between Students’ EP - 63
Prior Knowledge with Critical and
Creative Thinking Ability on
Mathematics Junior High School
Students Through Problem Based
Learning and Cognitive Conflict
E - 10 Diar Veni Rahayu Program Studi Pendidikan Enhancing the Ability of EP – 69
Ekasatya Aldila Matematika STKIP Garut Mathematics Student Problem
Afriansyah Indonesia Solving through Pembelajaran Pelangi Matematika
E – 11 Edy Bambang Mathematics Department , State Investigation Of Mathematical EP – 77
Irawan University of Malang Concepts In Order To Increase Tacit Knowledge Of
Mathematics Novice Teachers
E – 12 Eka Zuliana Department of Primary School Caping Kalo As Kudus Cultural EP – 83
Teacher Education, Muria Kudus Heritage To Construct Circle
University, Central Java, Indonesia Concept Of Primary School Students
E – 13 Fina Nurmita Pascasarjana (S2) Pendidikan Application Of Problem Posing EP – 89
Matematika Universitas Bengkulu Study Model At Group Study To Increase Result Of Learning
E – 14 Jackson Pasini Mathematics Education Department Students’ Concept Maps in EP – 97
Mairing of Palangka Raya University Abstract Algebra
E – 15 Tri Dyah Prastiti, UPBJJ UT Yogyakarta; Email: Tutorial Based on Problems and EP – 107
Jackson Pasini, Mathematics Education Department Role Playing to Increase
Mairing of Palangka Raya University; Yogyakarta Open University Students’ Undestanding of Class Action Research
E – 16 Dewi Rahimah, The Study Program of Mathematics The Implementation of EP – 115
Syafdi Maizora Education, The Department of Cooperative Learning Course
Mathematics and Science Education Review Horay Type Aided
The Faculty of Teacher Training and Macromedia Flash Media in
Education, The University of Integral Calculus Course
Bengkulu, Indonesia

E – 17 Susilahudin STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong, Educational Design Research: EP – 125
Putrawangsa , Indonesia, Developing Students’
2 2
Monica Wijers Utrecht University, the Understanding Of Measurement
Agung Lukito , Siti Netherlands , Units Of Area
4 3
M Amin , Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
Indonesia ,
Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
E – 18 Adi Asmara Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UMB Mathematical Representation EP - 137
Email: Ability And Self Confidence
Students Through Realistic
Mathematics Approach
E – 19 Risnanosanti Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UMB Development Pisa Problems With EP – 145 Cultural Context Of Bengkulu
E – 20 Sudirman Supervisor of Shcool in National Improving Ability of Teachers in EP – 155
Education and Culture Departement Action Learning of Mathematic
Province West Sulawesi Through Using Environment of School as Source of Learning
E – 21 Hedi Budiman Mathematics Education Developing Mathematical EP – 163
Universitas Suryakancana Discovery Ability Using Geometry
Cianjur Expression Software
E – 22 Gusniarti Student MPd.mat candidate in the Applying Geogebra Software To
Mathematics Department of Improve Students Of Learning
Education, The School of Teaching Outcomes And Activities
and Training (FKIP), University of
E – 23 Hamidah STKIP Siliwangi Bandung Relationships Between Retention EP – 185
Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Of Mathematical Critical Thinking
Cimahi And Self Regulated Learning Through Contextual Approach
E – 24 Harkirat S Dhindsa, MESH, Learning and Teaching Unit, The Distribution of Addition and EP – 193
P. K. Veloo, University of Western Sydney, Subtraction Word Problems in
Parmjit Singh Australia Bruneian Elementary
SEGi University, Kota Damansara, Mathematics Texts
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
University of Technology MARA,
Selangor, Malaysia
1 1
E – 25 Hasratuddin Department of Mathematics Mathematics Learning Now And EP – 209
Education, Medan State University, Will Come

E – 26 Hayatun Nufus Dosen Pendidikan Matematika Student Attitudes Towards EP – 219
Universitas Islam Riau Learning Mathematics, Mathematics Learning Problems
And Reasoning
Communication And
E – 27 Heni Pujiastuti Department of Mathematics Developing Teaching Material of EP – 227
Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Inquiry Co-operation Model for
Tirtayasa, Banten Enhancing Student' Mathematical Communication Ability
E – 28 Herfa MD Department of Mathematics Assimilation and Accomodation EP – 237
Soewardini Education, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya Speed Detection of The Seventh
University Grade Students in Learning Special Triangle
E – 29 Heri Retnawati Mathematics Department, Assembling the Mathematics Test EP – 245
Mathematics and Science Faculty, Using the Value of Information
Yogyakarta State University Functions
E – 30 Hongki Julie, St. Mathematics Education The Understanding Profiles Of The EP – 255
Suwarsono, Dwi Department, Sanata Dharma Subject 1 About The Philosophy,
Juniati University, Yogyakarta, and Principles, And Characteristics Of
Surabaya State University, Surabaya, RME Before Subject 1 Learns
Indonesia From The Learning Resource,,
1 2 1,2
E – 31 In Abdullah, Hery Study Program of Mathematics The Innovative Reflective Thinking EP – 265
Suharna Education Process In Solving Calculus
Faculty of Teacher Training and Problems
Education. Khairun University of
E – 32 Indah Widiati Mathematics Education Developing Mathematical EP – 273
Islamics Riau University Problem Solving Skills Of Students
Email: Junior High School Through
Contextual Learning
E – 33 Ekasatya Aldila Program Studi Pendidikan What Students’ Thinking about EP – 279
Afriansyah Matematika, STKIP Garut Indonesia Contextual Problems is
E – 34 Janet Trineke State University of Surabaya (Unesa) Creative Problem Solving with EP – 289
Manoy Higher Order Thinking Problem
in Learning Mathematics
E – 35 Kadir, Department of Mathematics Mathematical Creative Thinking EP – 295
La Masi Education, Universitas Halu Oleo, Skills Of Students Junior High
Indonesia School In Kendari City
E – 36 Kartini Hutagaol Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Integrating Faith And Learning EP – 307

Universitas Advent Indonesia
1, 1.2
E – 37 Khoirul Qudsiyah STKIP PGRI Pacitan The Effect Of REOG Learning For EP – 317
2 1
Tika Dedy Prastyo , Mathematical Analogic Ability
2 From Junior State High School
In Pacitan Regency
E – 38 Ariyani Muljo STAIN Zwaiyah Cot Mala Langsa The Development Of Teaching EP – 325
Macromedia Flash For Plane
Material In Class X SMKN 1 Langsa
E – 39 Kodirun Halu Oleo University Effectiveness of Progressive EP – 335
Learning Approach toward
Enhancement of Students’
Competency on Mathematics
Journal Writing
E – 40 La Misu Mathematics Education University Mathematical Problem Solving Of EP – 341
Of Halu Oleo Kendari Student Approach Behavior Learning Theory
E – 41 Nurina Happy Universitas PGRI Semarang The Effectiveness Of PBL On EP – 349
Mathematical Creative Thinking
Skills And Self-Esteem Of Junior
High School Students
E- Heris Hendriana, Siliwangi STKIP Bandung Values And Characters-Nuanced EP – 359
42 Euis Eti Rohaeti Innovative Teaching To Develop
Hard Skills And Soft Skills Of
Junior And Senior High Students’
E – 43 Euis Eti Rohaeti Siliwangi STKIP Bandung Developing A Balanced Hard Skill EP – 369 And Soft Skill Of Students’ Math
Through The Character-Oriented
Scientific Approach
E – 44 Mimih Aminah, STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang The Implementation of EP – 377
Yaya S. Kusumah Metacognitive Learning Approach
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Developing Students’ Mathematical Communication
E – 45 Mujiyem Sapti Mathematics Education Program Teacher’s Informal Learning EP – 389
Muhammadiyah University of Trajectory and Student’s Actual
Purworejo, Indonesia Learning Trajectory On Learning Cube And Cuboid Nets
E – 46 Mustamin Idris , *FKIP of Tadulako University The Readiness and the Ability of EP – 397
Jusman Mansyur , ** STMIK Bina Mulia Palu Elementary School Teachers in
Darmawan dan Integrating Mathematics into
Sarintan N. Kaharu Other Subjects on the
Implementation of 2013
E – 47 Mustamin Anggo, FKIP Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari Development Of Learning EP – 403
Latief Sahidin Mathematics To Train Students'
Metacognitive Ability

E – 48 Pham Sy NAM, Phan Boi Chau Gifted High School, Teaching experiments in EP – 411
Ha Xuan THANH, Nghe An Province, Vietnam constructing mathematical
Max STEPHENS Ministry of Education and Training, problems that relate to real life
Graduate School of Education, The
University of Melbourne, Australia
E – 49 Pham Sy NAM Phan Boi Chau Gifted High School, Teaching Experiments in exploring EP – 421
Nghe An Province, Vietnam convex and concave functions
E – 50 Agustina Sri Majoring in Mathematics Education Coaching Model To Certified EP – 429
Purnami Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Junior High School Math Teachers
University In Yogyakarta
E – 51 Neneng Tita STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang An Analysis of Mathematical EP – 437
1 1 2
Rosita , Mimih, mimih.amin Problem Solving Ability of High
Aminah , Agus, Capability Students of the Islamic
3 3
Jaenudin Elementary Schools at Sumedang
E – 52 Nila Kesumawati Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang Realistic Mathematics Education EP – 445 Of Indonesia, Mathematically
Disposition, and Mathematically
Creative Thinking of Junior High
E – 53 Hepsi Nindiasari, Department of Mathematics Stages of Reflective Thinking EP – 453
Novaliyosi, Nurul Education, University Sultan Ageng Mathematically
Anriani Tirtayasa, Banten
E – 54 Erni Nuraeni, State Islamic University- Bandung , Implementation Of Project Based EP – 461
Rahayu Kariadinata, Jl. A.H. Nasution No.105 Cibiru - Learning As An Effort To Improve
Iyon Maryono Bandung Student’s Strategic Competence
And Productive Dispotition
E – 55 Raoda Ismail, Okky Graduate Student in The Graduate Project-Based Learning on EP – 473
Riswandha Imawan Program of Yogyakarta State Learning Mathematics
E – 56 Rezi Ariawan Lecture of Mathematics Education, The Implementation of Visual EP – 483
Islamic University of Riau Thinking Approach in Learning
Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution No. 113 Activity with a Quick on the Draw
Pekanbaru 28284 to Improve the Problem Solving
Email: Ability of Junior High School

E – 57 S. Uttunggadewa, Institut Teknologi Bandung The role of the Center for EP – 493
E. Soewono, R. Mathematical Modeling and
Hadianti, N. Simulation, Institut Teknologi
Nuraini, K. A. Bandung, at Mathematical
Sidarto, N. Sumarti Modeling Course at Department
of Mathematics, Institut
Teknologi Bandung
E – 58 Salman Sakif, State University of Malang Defragmenting Of Thinking EP – 505

Subanji, Sisworo , Process Through Cognitive
2 , Mapping To Fix Student’s Error In
3 Solving The Problem Of Algebra
E – 59 Sari Herlina University Islam of Riau Effectiveness Of React Strategy EP – 521
For Improve Of Problem Solving
Ability On Mathematics In Junior
High School
E – 60 Nahor Murani Mathematics Education Teacher The Enhancement Of EP – 529
Hutapea Training and Education University of Mathematical Reasoning Ability
Riau, Pekanbaru Of Senior High School Students’
e-mail: Through Generative Learning
E – 61 Sindi Amelia Lecturer of Mathematics Education The Influence Of Accelerated EP – 539
Islamic University of Riau Learning Cycle On Junior High School Students’ Mathematics
Connection Abilities
E – 62 Siti Khomariyah and Department of Mathematics, State Application Of Model Problem EP – 535
Janet Trineke University of Surabaya Based Learning (PBL) With
Manoy Creative Problem Solving (CPS) In
Arithmetic Sequence And Series
E – 63 Somakim Program Pascasarjana Universitas Improving Competence EP – 545
Sriwijaya Mathematical Self-Efficacy of
Junior Secondary School Students
by Applying Realistic Mathematics
E – 64 Susda Heleni Mathematics Education Study Application Model Learning EP – 553
Program Guidance and Counseling Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
University of Riau Math Learning to Improve Results
Class VIII SMPN 3 Pekanbaru
E – 65 Syaiful Mathematic Education and Natural Student Comprehension About EP – 563
Sciences Department, FKIP Line And Row From Apos Theory
University of Jambi Point Of View
E – 66 Theresia Laurens, Faculty of Teaching and Training Development a Set of EP – 571
Christina Laamena, Pattimura University Instructional Learning Based
Christi Matitaputty Realistic Mathematics Education
and Local Wisdom
E – 67 Rasiman Universitas PGRI Semarang Development Of Mathematics EP – 577
Learning Equipment Based On
Critical Thinking Using Savi
Approach Assisted By Interactive
E – 68 Wardani Rahayu, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, The Influence of React Strategy EP – 587
Meyta Dwi Universitas Prof. DR. UHAMKA Towards Mathematical Belief
E – 69 Warman State Junior High School 1 Mathematics Learning through EP – 595
Gandusari, Blitar The Problems of Environment
E – 70 Winita Sulandari, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Build an Interactive Application EP – 601
Hartatik, Nughthoh Sciences “Matica” for Teaching and
Arfawi Kurdhi, Sebelas Maret University Learning Mathematics
Yudho Yudhanto,

Berliana Kusuma
Riasti, Titin Sri
E – 71 Yaya S. Kusumah Study Program of Mathematics Enhancing Students’ EP – 607
and Vara Nina Education, School of Postgraduate Mathematical Reasoning by
Yulian Studies, UPI Algebrator-Assisted Inquiry
E – 72 Yenita Roza, Sakur, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Developing Mathematics EP – 613
Syarifah Nur Teaching Material for 4 Grade of
Siregar, Suci Nitia Elementary School Based on
Edwar Traditional Folk Games of Riau
E – 73 Yenita Roza, Titi Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Developing Mathematics Learning EP – 621
Solfitri, Eka Puspita Material for 5 Grade of
Sari. Elementary School Based on
Traditional Games of Riau
E – 74 Zulkarnain Mathematics Education Majors FKIP The Influence of Realistic EP – 631
UR Mathematics Approach to
Mathematics Problem Solving
Capability of Students Class VII
State Junior High School 3
E – 75 Sutarto Hadi, Lambung Mangkurat University, Using the Ornaments of Historical EP – 637
Karim, Kamaliyah, Banjarmasin, Indonesia Mosque to Learn Two-
Rizki Amalia e-mail: Dimensional Shapes
E – 76 Nur Hadi Department of Mathematics E-Learning Readiness In EP – 645
Waryanto Education Yogyakarta State Indonesia: A Case Study In Junior
Wahyu University High School Yogyakarta
2 1
E – 77 Himmawati Puji Department of Mathematics The Student's Response To Solid EP – 655
Lestari , Kuswari Education Yogyakarta State Geometry Learning Using
Hernawati University Information Communication
1, Technology (ICT)
Papers in fields of Statistic
1) 1)
S-1 Edy Widodo , Doctoral Student of Mathematics M-estimation of Multivariate SP – 1
2) 1)
Suryo Guritno , UGM, Department of Statistics Response Surface Models with
2) 2)
Sri Haryatmi UII, Department of Mathematics Data Outliers
S-2 Yuliana Susanti, Sri Mathematics Department, Sebelas Analysis of Rice Availability in SP – 11
Sulistijowati H. and Maret University Indonesia Using Multi-
Hasih Pratiwi Dimensional Scaling
S-3 Mohamad Department of Mathematics An Algorithm of Nonparametric SP – 21
Fatekurohman, Jember University, Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Subanar Danardono Department of Mathematics Gadjah for Bivariate Censored Data
Mada University
S-4 Nita Delima Department of Mathematics Martingale and The Efficient SP – 27

Education, Subang University Market Hypothesis (EMH)
S-5 Septianusa, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mining the Traffic Conditions via SP – 31
Maulina Mathematics and Sciences, Twitter based on Rough Set
Supriyaningsih, Universitas Islam Indonesia Theory
Ayu Septiani,
RB Fajriya Hakim
S-6 SitiNurashikenBinti Institut Pendidikan Guru Statistical Reasoning Learning SP – 43
Md. Sabudin , KampusTengkuAmpuanAfzan, Kuala Enviroment (SRLE) in Teaching
Dr. Zaleha Ismail Lipis, Malaysia Video Improved Statistical
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Reasoning Skills
S-7 Sukono, Akik Department of Mathematics, Faculty Risk Analysis of Credit Default on SP – 53
Hidayat, Wulan of Mathematics and Natural Rural Bank by Using Back
Marselly Firdaus Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Propagation Neural Networks
Indonesia Approach
S-8 Zaky Musyarof, Department of Statistics, Faculty of To Select Evacuation Route SP – 63
Dwi Yono Sutarto, Mathematics and Sciences,
Dwima Rindy Atika, Universitas Islam Indonesia
RB Fajriya Hakim

S–9 Dhoriva Urwatul Department of Mathematics, Forecasting Consumer Price Index SP – 73

Wutsqa , Rosita Yogyakarta State University, of Education, Recreation, and
Kusumawati , Indonesia Sport, using Feedforward Neural
3) 1)
Retno Subekti , Network Model
2) ,
Papers in fields of Analysis and Algebra
A–1 M. Andy Rudhito Department of Mathematics Fuzzy Number Min-Plus Algebra AP – 1
Education, Sanata Dharma and Matrix
University, Indonesia
A–2 Denik Agustito Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Constructon Of Finite Limit And AP – 9
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Their Properties
Pendidika,Universitas Sarjanawiyata
Email :
A–3 Muzamil Huda Teacher of Mathematics from MAN Finding New Numbers From AP – 15
Babat, Lamongan, Email: Square Matrix
A–4 Musthofa Math Education Department An application of Max Plus AP – 23
Yogyakarta State University Algebra in Cryptography
A–5 Yeni Susanti Mathematics Departments, Gadjah On Regular Elements of AP – 29
Mada University, Indonesia Semigroups of Finitary Operations
A–6 L. H. Wiryanto, W. Department of Mathematics,ITB, Numerical solution of KdV AP – 37
Djohan Indonesia equation model of interfacial
Email:, wave

A–7 Herry Suryawan Sanata Dharma University Donsker’s Delta Function of the AP – 45
Generalized Mixed Fractional

Brownian Motion
Papers in fields of Geometry
G-1 Dwi Juniati Department of Mathematics, State The Dimension of Fractal
I Ketut Budayasa University of Surabaya, Indonesia Geometry and Its Applications,
Papers in fields of Applied Mathematics and Computer
1 1
C–1 Bethany Elvira , Student in Department of Modified Genetic Algorithm to CP – 1
Yudi Satria , dan Mathematics, University of Solve Time-varying Lot Sizes
Rahmi Rusin Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
e-mail :
Lecturer in Department of
Mathematics, University of
Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
e-mail :
Lecturer in Department of
Mathematics, University of
Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
e-mail :
1 1)
C–2 Dewi Jurusan Matematika, Institut Pollutant And Sedimentation CP – 13
Nurmalitasari, Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Dispersion Pattern In The
2 2)
Basuki Widodo Surabaya, Indonesi, Jurusan Confluence Of Two Rivers
Matematika, Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya,
C–3 Achmad Study Program of Mathematics Development of Matiklopedia CP – 23
1 2
Buchori ,Sutrisno , Education PGRI University of Based Character Building
Noviana Dini Semarang in Yunior High School
C–4 Budi Lazarusli , Faculty of Social Education , PGRI Development of Model Learning CP – 31
Rosalina Ginting Semarang University , Semarang, Character Building Based e-comic
and Achmad Indonesia. in The Elementary School
–5 Hisyam SMAN 8 Batam, Exploiting Domino Games CP – 41
Hidayatullah Bengkong Sadai-Bengkong;Kota "Cassava H154M" in order to
Batam improve students' understanding
email : about the value of trigonometry in various quadrants

1) 1)
C–6 Rani Kurnia Putri Post Graduate Student, The Influence Of Hydrodynamics CP – 53
dan Basuki Department of Mathematics On The Spread Of Pollutants And
Widodo Lecture of Mathematic’s Sedimentation In The Confluence
Department, Institut Teknologi Of Two Rivers
Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
1) 2)
C–7 Lusi Rachmiazasi Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh – The Benefits of Compact Disc CP – 63

Masduki UniversitasTerbuka Semarang Interactive Mathematic as a Builder Democratic Mindset
Sub Tema: (Using Technology in
Mathematics Education)
C Miranda Eliyan *, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh The Implementation of Meshless CP – 69
2* 1
C–8 Basuki Widodo Nopember,Surabaya, Indonesia * Local Petrov Galerkin (MLPG) Method for Determine Pollutant
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Sources in Brantas River
Nopember,Surabaya, Indonesia *
1,* 1
C–9 Rifky Fauzi , Universityof Jenderal Soedirman, On the Pseudo-spectral Methods CP – 77
1 *
Mashuri , Idha Indonesia , for Solving MKdV Equation
C – 10 Rosita Mathematics Education The Application Of Goal CP – 85
Kusumawati , Aran Department, Yogyakarta State Programing For Portfolio
2 2
Puntosadewo University , Mathematics Education Selection Problem In Indonesia
Department, Yogyakarta State
C – 11 Kuswari Hernawati, Department of Mathematics Application Of Association Rules CP – 91
Nur Insani, Nur Education, Yogyakarta State With Apriori Algorithm
Hadi Waryanto, University To Determine The Pattern Of The
Bambang Sumarno, Relationship Between SBMPTN, Database And Student's Grade, Point Average
C – 12 Sri Andayani Department of Mathematics The 2-Tuple Linguistic CP – 101
Education, Yogyakarta State Representation Approach
University Indonesia for Learning Competence Evaluation
C – 13 Imam Solekhudin Depertment of Mathematics, Gadjah A Numerical Method For CP – 111
Mada University, Indonesia Infiltration Problems

1) 1,2,3,4)
C – 14 Kistosil Fahim, Department of Mathematics, Monorail and Tram Scheduling CP – 119
Lukman Hanafi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh which Integrated Surabaya using
3) 4)
Subiono, Fatma Nopember, Indonesia Max-Plus Algebra
Ayu Email:
C – 15 Fitriana Yuli Department of Mathematics Picard Iteration To Solve Linier CP – 127
Saptaningtyas Educational, Yogyakarta State And Nonlinier
University IVP Problem
C – 16 Nur Insani Department of Mathematics A Comparison of Heuristics CP - 131
Education, Yogyakarta State Algorithms to Solve Vehicle
University, INDONESIA Routing Problem with Multiple Trips and Intermediate Facility

PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

E – 26
Student Attitudes Towards Learning Mathematics, Mathematics
Learning Problems And Reasoning
Communication And Mathematical

Hayatun Nufus
Dosen Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Islam Riau

In the mathematics classroom, the attitude domain is closely related to students' perception of
mathematics. Enjoyable experience gained from learning that teachers will facilitate the improvement of
students' positive attitude towards mathematics. In addition, attitudes also influence students' mathematics
learning outcomes. Every positive addition on the attitude of students towards mathematics, there will be
an increase math learning outcomes. Mathematical reasoning ability and communication are two of the
few high-level thinking skills that are part of the math learning outcomes. To make the experience
enjoyable for students in learning activities, the learning activities with diterapkanlah a group setting in
which there is a speed race and the race proper. Therefore, this study examines students' attitudes toward
three sapek, namely math, learning with the application of a quick activity on the draw in order
cooperative learning, and problems of mathematical reasoning and communication.
The population in this study were all students in the junior class VII of Pekanbaru, amounting to
84 schools in the academic year 2011/2012 and the research subject is representing three junior high
school level, medium, and low. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and stratified and quasi-
experimental design using a pretest-posttest group without random. In all three schools selected two
classes each of the experimental class (learning with activity quick on the draw in order cooperative
learning) and a control class (conventional learning). The instrument used in the form of student attitude
questionnaire which is intended only for classroom experiments.
Based on the results of statistical tests, it can be concluded that the students at each level (high,
medium and low) have a positive attitude towards all three aspects. Overall, the students have a positive
attitude for the better aspects of attitudes toward math than the other two aspects. Aspects of attitude
towards the problems of mathematical reasoning and communication gets the lowest positive attitude than
the other two aspects.

Keywords: Quick on the Draw, cooperative learning, mathematical reasoning, mathematical

communication, student attitudes.

1. Background
The way teachers teach in the classroom is one of the factors that affect student
achievement. In addition, there are also other factors that also influence, the factors that
originate from within the students were also influenced by external factors such as
learning activities that they follow. Internal factors in question is the level of
intelligence of students and students' attitudes toward mathematics. As noted by
Ruseffendi (2006: 9-12) that two of the five things that affect student learning success is
the level of intelligence and positive attitude of students.
About the attitudes of students, based on research data, obtained a positive
relationship between students' attitudes toward mathematics with mathematics learning
outcomes. Every positive addition on the attitude of students towards mathematics, then
an increase in mathematics learning outcomes (Siskandar, 2008: 444). A similar study

This paper has been presented at International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics
Education 1st ISIM-MED 2014 “Innovation and Technology for Mathematics and Mathematics
Education” Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University
Yogyakarta, November 26-30, 2014
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

conducted by Akinsola and Olowojaiye. Akinsola and Olowojaiye (2008: 10) argues
that the method applied in the classroom teaching of mathematics plays an important
role in the development of students' positive attitudes towards learning mathematics. In
the mathematics classroom learning, the attitude domain is closely related to students'
perception of mathematics. Enjoyable experience gained from teaching the teachers will
actually facilitate an increase in students a positive attitude towards mathematics.
Given the positive correlation with students 'mathematics learning attitudes and
learning achievements, hence improving student achievement can be done through the
selection of learning activities that can improve students' positive attitudes. During this
time, the learning that takes place in the junior high school in Pekanbaru tend to be
conventional, so less to give a better effect on the development of positive attitudes of
students. If learning is changed, it is expected to increase the positive attitudes of
students. One is the application of a quick activity on the draw in order cooperative
learning. Learning activities by applying a quick activity on the draw in order
cooperative learning provides opportunities for students to actively raise the issue and
resolve the problem and given the opportunity to participate in discussions with fellow
students and with teachers, will allow students to feel excited and motivated to learn. If
this actually happens in the learning process, it is not likely a positive attitude towards
mathematics students will grow. Therefore, researchers feel the need to assess the
students' attitudes. More detailed information about these can be obtained through the
attitude scale.
Talking about the intelligence of the students, the level of intelligence of
diverse students, there are good, mediocre, and weak. This is supported by Galton
(Ruseffendi, 2006: 113) who argued that from a group of students selected at random
(not selected specifically), will be found highly capable students, medium, and low
spreads normally distributed. In general, high-ability students tend to be in the high
school level, as well as medium and low-level students will tend to be in low and
medium-level schools. In addition, the effect of a particular learning will give different
results when applied to different capable students.
Furthermore, a good student achievement of course heavily influenced by the
learning outcomes obtained. Good learning outcomes are influenced by the thinking
ability of students, especially high-level thinking abilities. Two of the high-level skills
is the ability of reasoning and mathematical communication. Although mathematical
reasoning ability and communication essential for the students, but in reality both the
mathematical ability is not yet satisfactory. SUMARMO (Siregar 2011: 2) found that
the state scores of students in mathematical reasoning ability is low. The discovery
Wahyudin (Siregar 2011: 2) also confirms that one of the weaknesses of the students,
among others, lack of logical reasoning abilities in solving problems or math problems.
Mathematical reasoning ability and communication will only be able to thrive
if the learning process to support students' active involvement in learning, both in
reasoning on the knowledge they have gained and the results bernalarnya communicate
ideas openly in the classroom, and eventually be able to improve the quality of
education . As Zakaria and Iksan (2006: 35) argues that the quality of education is what
is provided by teachers and are very dependent on what teachers do in the classroom.
That is, to prepare today's students to become successful individual the next day,
science and math teachers need to ensure that they teach effectively. Teachers must
have knowledge of how students learn science and mathematics and how they teach in

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014
EP - 220
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

the best way. Changing the way we teach and what we teach in science and mathematics
is a continuous professional attention. The work done must present the learning of
science and mathematics that goes from the traditional approach to a student-centered
In connection with the description that has been stated above, it is through this
study, researchers tried to see the affective aspects of students' attitudes. Because this
study focused on the activity of the quick on the draw in order of cooperative learning
in the learning of mathematics, mathematical reasoning ability and communication
students, the attitudes of students who will study also focused on students' attitudes
toward math, learning with the application of a quick activity on the draw in order
cooperative learning, and problems of mathematical reasoning and communication. Due
to the influence of the level of intelligence of the students, the researchers conducted the
study on three school levels, ie high school level, medium, and low.

2. Problem Formulation
Based on the explanation in the background, the formulation of the problem
is used to guide the implementation of measures in this research is how students'
attitudes toward mathematics, learning with activity quick on the draw in order
cooperative learning, and problems of mathematical reasoning and communication to
students who have learning by use of quick on the draw in order cooperative learning?

This study was conducted by using quasi-experimental methods through
qualitative and quantitative approaches. There are two classes of research subjects, the
experimental class that implements the activity quick on the draw in order cooperative
learning and control classes that implement conventional learning. Only attitude scale
questionnaire given to the experimental class, because the implementation of learning in
a conventional classroom berifat control. The experiment was conducted in Pekanbaru,
Riau in February to March 2012.
The study population was all students in the junior class VII of Pekanbaru in
2010/2011 academic year. Of all the existing SMP, three schools selected by stratified
sampling technique sampling and purposive sampling each representing a school with a
high-level, medium, and low. Grouping school level based on the results of National
Examination in 2010/2011 for SMP. From 84 Junior High School and Private se-
Pekanbaru, ranked 1-28 are categorized as high-level school, 29-56 ranked as medium
level school, and a school ranked 57-84 as a low level. High school level is represented
by a Junior High School, Junior High School level is represented by B, and the lower
level is represented SMP Private C (school name not his real name). From each school
will be selected each two classes each into the control class and experimental class.
The research instrument used to collect data about students' attitude is the attitude scale
questionnaire (Likert scale models. Subsequently, techniques of data collection using
questionnaire technique.
Processing and data analysis done by tests of normality and homogeneity.
Further follow-up test using test One Sample T Test. Processing this data using SPSS 16
and Ms. Excel. Because of the attitude scores were used to calculate the operation is in
the form of an interval scale, then scale it must first be converted from ordinal scale to

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014 EP - 221
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

an interval scale with the help of the program Succecive Method Interval (MSI) for the
transformation of data into interval under Ms. Excel.
To see the students' positive attitudes of significant value or not, then the test
of the mean. If the data are normally distributed, then the test is done with a test One
Sample t Test and if the data is not normally distributed test performed with the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample Test with SPSS 16.

1. Positivity Student Attitudes toward Math Lessons

Students' attitudes toward math lesson consists of two indicators. The first
indicator contains five positive statements and five negative statements. The second
indicator contains seven positive statements and five negative statements. Summary
results of normality test calculations can be seen in Table 1 below:

Table 1.
Normality Student Attitudes toward Math Lessons
School Level Significance Description
High School Level 0,000 Reject H0
Medium School Level 0,000 Reject H0
Low School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H0: The samples come from populations with normal distribution
H1: The sample comes from the population is not normal

Based on Table 1, it can be seen that all levels of the school has a
significance value less than = 0.05. This means that the data sample to score students'
attitudes toward math are not normally distributed. Furthermore, because the data are
not normally distributed, then tested the One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
Summary of results of testing students' attitudes toward math lessons can be seen in
Table 2 below:
Table 2
Student Attitudes toward positivity Math Lessons
School Level Significance Hipotesis Discription
H0 : =3
High School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3
H0 : =3
Medium School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3
H0 : =3
Low School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014
EP - 222
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

Based on Table 2, it appears that half of the value of the significance test of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample Test at each school level is less than. This means
that the percentage of students' attitudes toward mathematics more than expected. In
other words, students at the high school level, medium, and low to have a significant
positive attitudes toward math.
2 Positivity Student Attitudes toward Learning with Application Activity Quick
on the Draw Order in Cooperative Learning
The attitude of students towards learning with the application of a quick
activity on the draw in order cooperative learning consists of three indicators. The first
indicator and the third contains a positive statement and one negative statement. The
second indicator contains two positive statements and two negative statements.
Summary results of normality test calculations can be seen in Table 3 below:
Table 3
Normality Student Attitudes toward Learning
School Level Significance Discription
High School Level 0,000 Reject H0
Medium School Level 0,000 Reject H0
Low School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H0: The samples come from populations with normal distribution
H1: The sample comes from the population is not normal

Based on Table 3, it can be seen that each school level have a significance
value less than = 0.05. This means that the data sample to score students' attitudes
toward learning with the application of a quick activity on the draw in cooperative
learning arrangements are not normally distributed for each school level. Furthermore,
since the entire data is not normally distributed, then tested the One Sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Summary of results of testing students' attitudes towards
learning with the application of a quick activity on the draw in order cooperative
learning can be seen in Table 4 below:
Table 4
Student Attitudes toward Learning positivity
School Level Significance Hipotesis Discription
H0 : =3
High School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3
H0 : =3
Medium School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3
H0 : =3
Low School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3

Based on Table 4, it appears that half of the value of the significance test of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample Test on the third level of less than school. This
means that the percentage of students' attitudes toward learning with the application of a

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014 EP - 223
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

quick activity on the draw in order cooperative learning more than expected. In other
words, students at the high school level, medium and low to have a significant positive
attitude towards learning with the application of a quick activity on the draw in order
cooperative learning.

3 Student Attitudes toward positivity Problems Mathematical Reasoning and

Students' attitudes toward issues of reasoning and mathematical
communication consists of two indicators. The first indicator contains a positive
statement and one negative statement, while the second indicator contains two positive
statements and two negative statements. Summary results of normality test calculations
can be seen in Table 5 below:
Table 5
Normality Student Attitudes toward Problem
School Level Significance Discription
High School Level 0,000 Reject H0
Medium School Level 0,000 Reject H0
Low School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H0: The samples come from populations with normal distribution
H1: The sample comes from the population is not normal

Based on Table 5, it can be seen that all three levels of schools have a significance
value less than = 0.05. This means that the sample scores for the data about the students'
attitudes toward mathematical reasoning and communication are not normally
distributed for each school level. Furthermore, since the entire data is not normally
distributed, then tested the One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Summary of test
results about the students' attitudes toward mathematical reasoning and communication
can be seen in Table 6 below:
Table 6
Student Attitudes toward positivity Problem
School Level Significance Hipotesis Discription
H0 : =3
High School Level 0,000 Accept H0
H1 : >3
H0 : =3
Medium School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3
H0 : =3
Low School Level 0,000 Reject H0
H1 : >3

Based on Table 6, indicates that half of the value of the significance test of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample Test on the third level of less than school. This
means that the percentage of students' attitudes toward communication about
mathematical reasoning and more than expected. In other words, students at the high
school level, medium and low to have a significant positive attitude to the matter of
mathematical reasoning and communication.

International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014
EP - 224
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

Overall, the students have a positive attitude for the better aspects of attitudes
toward math than the other two aspects. Aspects of attitude towards the problems of
mathematical reasoning and communication gets the lowest positive attitude than the
other two aspects. This could happen because in everyday learning activities, students
are rarely involved in penyeesaian problems that require mathematical reasoning ability
and communication more. Activity quick on the draw in order cooperative learning is a
learning activity that is completely new to the students and it seems that students enjoy
learning with these activities, so that students fairly high positive attitude to this aspect.
The mean percentage for the high school level is better than the other two
school levels, followed by medium and low levels of school. This led researchers to an
assumption, ie the higher the level of the school, the better the students' attitudes toward
mathematics and related matters in it, and vice versa.


Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the
students showed a positive attitude toward math, learning with the application of a
quick activity on the draw in order cooperative learning, and problems of mathematical
reasoning and communication.
Based on the findings obtained in the field, the researcher recommends:
1. Efforts should be made to increase the awareness and behavior of students at the high
school level to be able to cooperate in the learning activities.
2. It should be given more attention and effort on the fourth phase of the
implementation of learning with the application of a quick activity on the draw in
order to be more cooperative learning improve students' mathematical reasoning and


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International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014 EP - 225
PROCEEDING ISBN : 978-602-1037-00-3

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International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education

1st ISIM-MED 2014 Department of Mathematics Education,Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
November 26-30, 2014
EP - 226

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