Reflective Report On The How I Will Prepare Myself To Succeed in Further Graduate Study

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Action Plan......................................................................................................................................9

The report is about the reflective cycle of preparing myself to succeed in further graduate study.
In-depth study and specialized teaching are the hallmarks of graduate study. There is a shift
toward independent study and learning in graduate school. For graduate study, I will focus on
gaining the skills and attributes to become a successful graduate student.

To do thorough research for the elements of the graded written report on how I plan to achieve in
graduate study, I focus on the benefits of graduate study and the problems while acquiring the
graduate degree in the UK. I have researched graduate study to find out the benefits and the
issues of graduate study. A graduate degree can be a significant investment in one's future
success and wealth. Physical therapy is one profession that typically calls for an advanced
degree. Some fields, like engineering, actively seek them out. Graduate study is available to
those who wish to continue their education after earning their bachelor's degree and those who
want to return to school later (Adeani, Febriani and Syafryadin, 2020).
As a graduate student, it is essential to be sincere about my graduate study, and I have to be
serious about my study materials to obtain the skills and attributes to be successful. Higher
education in the UK is very different from what I'm used to doing. As a result, UK universities
are some of the most rigorous in the world. In a way, that gives me even more reason to exert
myself and keep going. When I arrive, the first exciting aspect of my university experience will
be Introduction Week (also known as "Freshers' Week"), during which I will have the chance to
become acquainted with the campus, my academic department, and my fellow students. I can
take part in a plethora of gatherings and excursions in this course. So, for educational purposes, I
will take some steps to improve my focus on studying and develop myself to succeed in graduate
study (Markkanen, et al., 2020).
It's hard to ignore the shift occurring in English Higher Education as the Department for Students
introduces critical indicators or thresholds that programs must fulfil and exceed to be registered
under the revised Conditions of Registration. One such metric is "Graduate Outcomes," which
mandates that students be employed in "highly skilled" positions 15 months after finishing their
degree program. This metric makes no allowance for factors such as students' backgrounds or
chosen professions and disregards philosophical approaches to education (Schramm-Possinger,
et al., 2018).

There are some challenges I faced during my graduate study at your college. These are given

It’s Getting Too Personal

Graduate students and their advisors have complex relationships since they spend so much time
together working toward a similar objective. Given the depth of the connection, it's possible that
things could go too intimate. One or all of you may feel very awkward in this situation.

There's No Time

The schedule of my manager doesn't allow for weekly meetings. The earliest my superiors can
meet with me is next week. Or, I may visit my boss's office for an appointment, where urgent
phone calls and doorbells frequently disrupt me (Abdelmalak, M.M.M and Parra, 2018).

Personal And Life Stress

The amount of personal stress I experience outside of school can significantly impact how well I
can work. Graduate students and their mentors could struggle with marital, parental, or family
concerns. Academic work can be stressful even without health issues or other unforeseen
A college like this one offering graduate education is somewhat of a blessing for me. Graduate
education at your college has several advantages that would elevate me to a higher level when
I'm ready to change careers or enhance my abilities following my current study (Iloh, et al.,

Here are some benefits of graduate study from your college:

1. Increases the number of career options available to me: within my primary field or a
completely new area.
2. The process of academic exploration and growth attending graduate school: where I am
exposed to more information and thus stimulated intellectually, can benefit my overall
cognitive development.
3. Furthering my education allows me to stay current with the most recent discoveries and
research in my field, which is essential for professional development (O'Connor,
McCarthy and O'Shea, 2022).
4. Enhancement of Skills: not only will the instructors teach me how to use new tools, but
they will also help me hone the abilities I already possess so that I can use them more
effectively in my day-to-day work.
5. Recognition as a professional working and increased credibility: Earning a graduate
degree can help me become more believable within my field of work, which can boost
my recognition in that capacity.
6. Earning a higher degree: may allow me to advance my career by moving into a more
responsible role within your current organization (Haupt, Sutrisno and Hermawan, 2021).
7. Gains on the financial front: I might be able to negotiate a higher salary.

Going to earn a graduate study can also serve as a stepping stone toward transitioning into a new
line of work. After obtaining graduate study, I will be eligible to continue my education and earn
a doctorate if I so choose. It brings me closer to the doctoral level.
Graduate school is chosen by many because of a deep-seated desire to expand one's knowledge
and explore new areas of study. Some people are strongly encouraged to pursue advanced
degrees because of cultural motivations and family traditions. Many individuals enrol in graduate
school because they are required to do so by their chosen profession, while others hope to further
their careers by switching to a different field (Succi and Canovi, 2020).
Action Plan
I plan to analyze the weaknesses of graduate study and build the strength.

The weaknesses are given below:

Education in the English language: In our college, all are in English, which is a weakness I
faced while learning in this course (Kalashami, 2020).

Less social interaction: In the graduate program, social interactions are not as good as I need for
my study. The stresses of doing the courses are significant because of the environment. In
contrast to degree programs, graduate programs in the UK require more independent research
and have far less time for social engagement.

More efforts needed: As the study is autonomous and there is less time to complete the degree,
more action is required than at colleges in other nations (Jacobsen, et al., 2018).

To cover these weaknesses, I have decided to improve my learning capacity and strategies,
especially by trying to learn English. I will give more effort into the courses during my graduate
study and make excellent social interactions during my graduate study.
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