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Year and Course: BSEd/English III



Give a simple overview or a simple plot summary of the novel Les Miserables. Make
sure to give the important details and of course the moral of the story. Submit it until
2:oo pm today. .

The Les Miserables novel is about an old man named Jean Valjean who was
released after 19 years of imprisonment. Rejected, discriminated and judged by his
mistake in the past, he was generalized as the ex-convict who can’t change for the
better. As he was travelling, Valjean restored a part of him when he met Bishop Myriel
who treated him with warmth and sheltered him. However, when the police came to
arrest him for the crime of stealing his silverware, the kind Bishop came to his rescue
stating that it was a gift from him, instead of pointing him as the thief. Upon his release
from the authorities, Valjean made a promise to be an honorable man as told by Bishop
Myriel and become a guardian to the child named Cosette after her mother’s death.
Life-long peace will not be achieved as long as the purpose of Javert is unchangeable in
imprisoning him once again.

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