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FULL NAME: Paiba Santi Solange

One of the biggest problems in these times is global warming, this happens
because all human beings pollute our environment in many ways, with food,
the clothes we use or with everyday things such as the use of the microwave,
television, the radio, laptop or mobile phones that are the most used now.

Right now that we are in a pandemic, the laptop and cellphones are necessary,
almost all day we are with these electronic devices this generates a large
consumption of electricity in addition to generating magnetic waves that over
time damage our body, in addition to causing damage. for the sight and the
body, also stress and fatigue because we only do tasks and jobs.

Another problem that generates damage is the consumption of pre-processed

food due to lack of time, these are contained in plastic bags that are the most
used in these times and this generates waste that damages the oceans and the
animals that inhabit this ecosystem, eventually there will be no fish due to the
heavy pollution of waste such as bottles and plastics.

Also a big problem is the demand for cars, now many of the families have
their cars to be able to go to work or move to different places but these
vehicles generate great pollution because they generate carbon dioxide which
is a toxic gas, in addition to generating noise that disturbs the tranquility of the
people and the smoke that generates diseases in the lungs, also due to the high
demand in the streets and this generates stress and anguish in the people. It is
necessary to look for solutions such as cycling, or walking to nearby places,
eating natural foods, avoiding the use of electronic devices very often to live a
more peaceful life.

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