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Daraga Community College

Salvacion Daraga Albay

Alarzar, Anne C.




The lesson that I've learned from the poem "A Man Said to the Universe" is that man believe himself to
be the most important object in the vast enormity of the universe.

We, as STUDENT, SON/DAUGHTER AND MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY..We are all important in the eyes
of God because God created us by his own image and likeness thats why we are very important. And
also as a human being we have different role in the society.

In the poem A man said to the universe a simple description of how humans seek validation from
sources outside of themselves, and specially seek validation from entities they percieve to have power
greater than themselves. This man is not saying to a blade of grass or a lady bug " I exist", he calls out
to " universe" When we are born we have a biological imperative to be seen and havev all the power. In
fact infants who are not touch enough can die, so as infants our very life depends on validation of our
existence. From the moment each of us is born and crying out of attention, we are asking " the universe"
to acknowledge our existence. Yet, ultimately as children develop into adults and our primary caregivers
are not powerful we enevitably demand external validation from society ( the universe), depending on
what part of the world we reside, we are likely to get a response of indifference from " the universe"
( society ).

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