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The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on the Academic Performance

of the Selected Learners at Secondary Level

In Santa Cruz Institute


Denise Rae V. Real




This chapter presents the research design, research locale, the respondents, sampling procedure,
data gathering tools, the scoring procedure and the statistical treatment in the analysis and
interpretation of data gathered.

Research Design

The researcher use the descriptive research to conduct this study entitle, "The Effects of Teenage
Pregnancy on the Academic Performance of the Selected Learners at Secondary Level in Santa Cruz
Institute". In this method, a questionnaire was used in gathering data.

The Distribution of the Respondents

Table 1

Respondents No. of respondents Percent

Teenage learners 50 100%

Total 50 100%

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents the member of respondents that involves in the
investigation in the study is 50 teenage learners in Santa Cruz Institute.

Research Locale

The study is conducted at Santa Cruz Institute Marinduque (Inc ). This place was selected for knowing
"The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on the Academic Performance of the Selected Learners at Secondary

Research Instrument

In order to gather data, the researcher will distribute questionnaire or checklist to the selected learners
at Secondary Level in Santa Cruz Institute.

Statistical Tool
The number of occurance of the variables obtain from the respondents answer were describe using the
frequency counts. Percentage, on the other hand is use to qualify the number of respondents who
choose a corresponding answer from the given choices.

The formula for percentage is.

Percentage = F/N x100


F= Frequency of the respondents.

N= No. of respondents.


The ranking methods is to find out the ranking of frequency count is to arrange from highest to lowest
number of respondents to each figure in their rank.

The researcher conducting a survey "The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy on the Academic
Performance of the Selected Learners at Secondary Level in Santa Cruz Institute". I will appreciate if you
could complete the following table. Any information obtained in connection with this study that can be
identified with you will remain confidential.

Respondent details:

Name (optional):_______________________


1. Rate what are the effects of teenage pregnancy to the learners. Put a check if (1) disagree, (2)
moderate, (3) agree, or (4) strongly agree.

What are the effects of teenage pregnancy to the (4) (3) (2) (1)
Strongly Agree Moderate Disagree

They are often absent from school

Poor performance in schoolwork

Discrimination by learners

Drop out of school

Repetition of grades

Negative attitude of educators

An obscured future perspective

Misunderstanding from educators

Mental health issues

Suicidal thoughts
2. Rate the main reasons why many students are experiencing teenage pregnancy. Put a check if (1)
disagree, (2) moderate, (3) agree, or (4) strongly agree.

What are the main reasons why many students (4) (3) (2) (1)
experiencing teenage pregnancy.
Strongly Agree Moderate Disagree

Drug and alcohol use

Lack of knowledge about sex contraception

Being a victim of sexual abuse

Family history of teenage pregnancy

Reading Ebooks/Wattpad story contains of SPG genre

Friends who are sexually active

Dating at an early age

Lack of goals for the future

Pressure from peers to have sex

Watching VHS tapes or porn

3. Rate the possible solution to this problem. Put a check if (1) disagree, (2) moderate, (3) agree, or (4)
strongly agree.

What are the possible solutions to this problem. (4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree Moderate Disagree


If you are in a relationship, You must know your


If ever that you want to have sex, you must use

What are the possible solutions to this problem. (4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree Moderate Disagree


Focus on studying, if you have a BF/GF make it as your


We must know the real attitude of the person we join

with, do not trust them easily

You must avoid drinking an alcohol with boy especially

if you are a girl

Do not get affected on the temptation that could lead

you on teenage pregnancy

Do not watch VHS tapes or PORN

Avoid dating on the dim place especially at night

If you are in a relationship, do not ever give up your


Avoid engaging in a relationship at an early age

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