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1. Gilbey R. (2022, March 24). Give us credits: why do so many films now take 40 minutes to start? The Guardian.

Retrieved from

2. without realizing - without understanding. E.g. People often buy some things without realizing their unnecessity.
savouring – doing something slowly and with pleasure. E.g. we were savouring the food after a long tiring day.

Persuaded – to make someone do something. E.g. He persuaded ne to join, even though I didn’t want to.

  Curiosity – interest to know something. E.g. I couldn’t keep my curiosity, when they started whispering.

Complicated – difficult. E.g. The task was complicated, so I asked the teacher for help.

Pleasurable – enjoyable. E.g. Tennis is a pleasurable activity.

Acquired – gained, got. E.g. I acquired many new skills at school.

Fateful – important, predestined. E.g. Meeting each other at the station became fateful for them, as they soon got

Distinctive – special, unique. E.g. A distinctive feature of our university is its huge and modern campus.

Oddness – weirdness. Everyone thought he was weird, but we couldn’t say what the oddness was.

3. Topic: Long film opening. Main idea: Many talented film-directors prefer longer film openings as it makes it more
interesting and unusual
4. Summary. More and more famous films tend to have a long time before the opening credits come up. It can reach up to
30 or even 40 minutes, which can mystify the viewers. However, without realizing it, they find this structure more
intriguing, as it wakes their curiosity, unlike standard short beginnings. It might be complicated for understanding because
it may seem that the part before the opening credits and the further plot are not related, but they always intersect in the
end or climax and the film-watching becomes pleasurable. Many famous producers, such as Mimi Cave, Ryusuke
Hamaguchi,   Billy Wilder practiced this approach in their works, which later on became successful. Veteran film-director
Paul Hirsch, who won an Oscar for his work on Star Wars, says that landscape filmed on helicopter in the beginning is
boring and even waste of time.   Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the Death on Nile, the Star Wars and many others
used this trick. The scenes may change drastically, from fight to a peaceful routine, from flight to lira drop, from traffic jam
to totally different scene. Beginning can be a hypnosis and this was only realized a century ago but still seen as an
innovative idea.

5.Reflection. I consider this style rather unusual and I got hooked even by reading but have never seen any films like this.
On the one hand it seems really complicated to trace the logic when the first 30 minutes or so of the film don’t have
anything in common with the next part. But it is definitely a distinctive feature and different from standard films. The films
mentioned in the article are popular – myself I have watched the Star Wars and it was pleasurable and planning to watch
the Death on Nile. It is hard to say from the film-making side, but viewers will not be bored for sure.

1. I. West-Knights (2022, March 24). The queen of crime-solving. The Guardian. Retrieved fromm
2.notorious - sadly famous.E.g. The notorious criminal got arrested
confirm - say that something is true. E.g. Martha confirmed that she got engaged
carry out - conduct. E.g. Scientists are carrying out a research
evidence - a clue to solve the crime, or a proof of something. E.g. police found evidence which proved their ideas.
meticulous - with attention to detail. The professor was a meticulous man
imaginative - creative. E.g. Kate is a really imaginative so she is a great designer
remain - see no change. E.g.The number of students this year remained the same
various - different. E.g. The are various reasons of pollution
justice - fairness. E.g. Justice is the first princinple of any law
rape - physical violence of man to women. The medical expertise proved the woman had been raped.
3. Topic. An outstanding forensic criminalist. Main idea. The unusual and bold methods and creativity are applicable in
4. Summary. The article is about Angela Gallop, “the Queen of Crime-Solving”. She has built her career and reputation
since 1970s. Almost no major crime cases in the UK and Europe were solved without her. She was involved in murder,
bestiality, rape, incest, Princess Diana's death, war crimes.The starting point was State Forensic Service.
Many wealthy and influential people often asked her for help when desperate and she often proved against the self-
murder that was supposed by the court or found evidence where there seemed to be none. She experimented with
unconventional, weird ways, ex-husband helped her, role-playing the crime, revealing many new details.
Unfortunately, England and Wales, once considered world leaders in forensic science, are now in crisis and she’s afraid her
knowledge as well as other great scientists contribution may die with them. She set up a small lab, called Forensic Alliance
in town of Newbury. Here, a team of 24 scientists do their daily work. She was inspired to both solve crimes and fine guilty
as well as proving someone’s innocence.
5. Reflection. It is interesting to discover that a woman carried out a notorious number of crime solving operations. I
believe that she succeeded firstly due to the fact she was so meticulous and secondly she was imaginative. Her methods
changed throughout her career but her main principle remained the same - justice. While reading, one wants to believe
that thanks to people like Angela the crime level will go down.

1. K. Bishop (2022, March 17) Age gaps: The relationship taboo that won't die. The BBC. Retrieved from
2. couple - two people in relationship. E.g. The bride and groom were a nice couple
break up - stop the relationship. E.g. After 3 years of dating, they broke up
beg - ask strongly. E.g. He begged his girlfriend to forgive him
current – happening at this time. E.g. Current economic situation is not very good.
generations  – all people born at approximately same time. E.g. The generation of our parents did not know the
technology as well as we do
disapprove – think that something is wrong or bad to do. E.g. My parents disapprove of smoking
approach – method. E.g. There is a new approach to grow fruits
satisfaction – feeling something is good enough. E.g. Job satisfaction is very important
exclude – made out of. E.g. My classmate was excluded for bad marks
tendency – trend. There is a big tendency for getting a pet
3. Topic. Age difference in couples. Main Idea. The acceptability of age difference changed through the years, due to
historic and other reasons, but people are still judgmental towards what they consider uncommon.
4. Summary. The age taboos are common not only among the celebrities but all the other people. Many famous people
such as L. di Caprio, D. Moore, G. Clooney etc were disapproved of starting a relationship with a partner of much younger
age. This kind of choice was explained by the fact that men who were financially prosperous wanted a wife who could
bear more children and generally be healthier. The statistics shows that it was once normal and common for a young girl
to get married to a man of ten and more years older in 1960s, however some factors started to bring in new tendencies.
Ability to work and be economically independent gave women an alternative choice. Big age gap is common for both
hetero and homo-sexual couples, and while the society is changing its mind towards the concept of relationship, becoming
more open-minded, we still can not say age taboos have been overcome.
5. Reflection. In my opinion, current problems and goals are different from those older generations had. Step by step age
taboos are being excluded, when seeing partner and family satisfaction in examples like this. Some years ago another
taboo existed – it seemed indecent for a woman to get married to a man who was younger, and it is mentioned in the
article, too. Probably mercantile motives, as finding a rich partner without feelings cause this taboo, but some good
couples can break the stereotype.

1. Levi E. (2022, March 23) The mysterious people of the Caribbean. The BBC. Retrieved from
2. secluded – isolated. E.g. We visited a secluded island
Discover – reveal, find out. E.g. America was discovered by Columbus
Encounter – meet. E.g. We encountered some problems while travelling
Diverse – different, of many types. E.g. Asian cuisine is very diverse
Spot – place. E.g. It was a great spot for photos
Settlement – place of living. E.g. A group of archaeologists found a new settlement
Promising – with a perspective to good future. E.g. He is a promising footballer
Scatter – thrown in different places. E.g. the part of the ship were scattered on the beach
Range – chain. E.g. Tien-Shan is a mountain range in Asia
Humid – wet. E.g. The climate in Thailand is humid.
3.Topic. Archaeological findings in the Caribbean. Main Idea. Despite Caribbean region and Dominican republic in
particular seem to be not interesting for archaeological expeditions, it actually has a lot of valuable objects which tell new
4. Summary. Most people don’t think secluded tropical islands may have anything to offer except of being a tourist
destination. But in reality Dominican republic in Caribbean represents huge historic value. Besides it’s curious to know who
discovered the region. An archaeologist Alfredo Coppa, who worked worldwide has spent many years studying the island
and finding various tools, which he encountered in different spots, some of them dating back 2000 years. He supposed the
region was a maritime Silk Road, a center of trade in America. Other findings he hopes will help to understand the DNA of
local people. Meanwhile the destination remains popular as a great place for ecotourism as well.
5. Reflection. I personally believe the work of this group of archaeologists and their leader is really promising and
intriguing. People might enjoy the peace and quiet of an island for a while, but inborn desire to discover and learn more is
stronger. I would love to visit an ancient settlement and take part in expedition. There is a number of spots for it and this
kind of experience is unique.

1.Christian A.(2022, March 22) The realities of the four-day workweek. The BBC. Retrieved from
2. recent  - not long time ago. E.g. A recent study had suprising results
Numerous – many. E.g. There were numerous cases of COVID diseases.
emergencies  - unexpected situation. E.g. In emergency situation in America people call 911
feedback – opinion. E.g. My professor gave me his feedback on my work
beforehand - before something happens. E.g. I decided to prepare clothes beforehand
decade – 10 year period. E.g. A decade ago, Nokia was more popular than Iphone
  trials – trying to do something. E.g. I had 3 trials to pass the test
wellbeing  – health and good state of mind. E.g. Wellbeing of people affects their mood
instead – one for another. E.g. I decided to order pasta instead of pizza
promotion – going up. E.g. My father got a promotion at work
3. Topic. A shorter working week. Main Idea Making the working week shorter will not negatively affect the effectiveness
and performance
4. Summary. Recent experiments with change of standard working days and weekends showed positive results. It was
Henry Ford who first offered to change 6-day working week to 5-day, giving workers more free time. However even
shorter working week is highly desirable and keeps work-life balance, avoiding emotional burnout. Employees can get
unloaded when they are given an extra weekend, and pleasantly spend it on their family goals, hobbies and issues. Even
though it might be a little difficult to work extra time and have a shorter lunch break, many surveyed employees agreed it
was better and they could quickly adapt to it. Moreover this change made people more concentrated and they realized
they couldn’t procrastinate or waste time. Many companies have already tested it, the pandemic situation favored this.
However, statistics shows the 4-day working week is still very rare.
5. Reflection. I am absolutely for the given idea. Numerous benefits listed in the article encourage the people and keep
them mentally and physically healthy, balanced and happy with their lives. I suppose it would be helpful and as employees
had more time for hobbies and family, they would be even more motivated to earn money and thus work to their
maximum. It can only be made sure after trials but generally seems to be a good factor for increasing wellbeing.

Hammond C. (2022, March 22) What stops people from being kinder? The BBC. Retrieved from
2.   struggle – have problems. E.g. I struggled doing this task
Admit – say something is true. E.g. He admitted lying to everyone
Hesitation – having doubt. E.g. Hesitation often doesn’t allow us act
Offence – feeling bad for what others did or said. E.g. He caused her offence by saying she looked ugly
Embarrassment – ashamed. E.g. I felt a huge embarrassment when I broke the glass in canteen
Fondness – love to. E.g. My fondness to sport made me fit
Grateful – thankful. E.g. Students were grateful to the teacher
Spare – free. E.g. I don’t have much spare time
Perceive – think of as. E.g. His joke was perceived as rude
Courage – bravery. E.g. People must have courage to start a business
3. Topic. Kindness and things that stop us from it. Main Idea. People often can not be kind simply because they are
doubtful on whether they need to be.
4. Summary. A study of kindness has been conducted. Sixty thousand people took the Kindness Test on BBC Radio 4.
Interestingly, people admitted that even when they feel like helping someone, it might take too long to decide. Example is
in the beginning, where a man sees two other people who have problems lifting up a mattress. But he is afraid to offend
the woman, as so many feminists may not like it. He is afraid of entering the strangers’ garden as it might be suspicious or
impolite. In the study, statistically there was a lot of kindness – within the day or so. The concepts of kindness are different
for different people and cultures. Neither age or occupation affected our ability to be kind and feel empathy. But one key
factor for being kinder was extraversion and openness. People who did not feel shy or humble could do much more kind
deals. Kindness gives meaning to the life
5. Reflection. I can definitely relate to what some people in the article said. It is often unclear, whether people want the
help or not and therefore doubts start to appear. Most people want to avoid embarrassment or offense and maybe stay in
the comfort zone of communication. Fondness of meeting new people and talking is definitely an advantage because
shyness stops from so many things. When you see someone grateful you get inspired. But sometimes an aggressive or
negative reaction may follow, which pushes people away from kindness and help.

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