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Reisya Ismi Ainulloh



Child sexual abuse is behavior that leads to of a sexual nature to children, unwanted by
children, and negative in children. Cases of child sexual abuse are increasing every year
so it is necessary to do prevention through sex psychoeducation in preschool children.The
purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sex psychoeducation in increase
knowledge of sexual abuse in preschool children. The research using quantitative
research methods with one group pretest posttest design.The subjects used in the study
were kindergarten or preschool students as much as 10 male students and 10 female
students were selected purposively. This research analyzed using the Wilcoxon sing-
ranked test was used to measure the effect of sex psychoeducation to increase knowledge
about child sexual abuse preschool before and after the intervention. The z value is -3,926
with p=0.000 (p<0.01) this shows knowledge about child sexual abuse after the
intervention increased.

Keywords: Knowledge of child sexual abuse,children's rights,children's basic needs, The

Phenomenon of Sexual Harassment as a Negative Impact of the Digital Age.


Children should get their rights and one of them is getting protectionfrom various parties,
if the child is already in the school environment, it means that the child must get
protection from the school. If the child is already in the family environment, the roles and
functions of the family must run properly. In addition, there is also a law that regulates
the rights of children, namely, the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning
child protection article 1 (2) states that "Child protection is all activities to guarantee and
protect children"and their rights in order to live, grow, develop, and participate optimally,
in accordance with human dignity and respect, and receive protection from violence and
discrimination". Seeing the law on child protection, every child should get the same
rights.In line with the increasing urgency of child protection in Indonesia, the
government1Indonesia has expressed its commitment to the AWorld Fit for Children
(WFC) declaration in 27 th United Nations General Assembly Special Session on
Children in 2001.It is hoped the government can handle cases related to children
better.Thus, Indonesia is expected to develop a national program for children. There is
The 4 main areas that receive special attention in the WFC declaration are the promotion
of life healthy (promoting healthy lives), providing quality education (providing quality)
(education), protection against abuse, exploitation and violence(protecting against abuse,
exploitation and violence) and overcoming HIV/AIDS (IraParamnastri in the Psychology
Journal of Early Prevention Toward Sexual Abuse on Children,2010).But in reality there
are still many children who do not get their rightsevidenced by the existence of cases of
child sexual abuse that occurred in Jakarta International School (JIS). If we look at the
case, we think where at that time the party should be protecting children. This is very
worrying, especially the victims are children. From In this case, it can be seen that the
child has not yet received the right to receive legal protection maximum. And if you look
at the background of the school, JIS is one of the high-class schools international
community and many communities or parents who trust their children to be entrusted or
attend the school for various reasons, one of which may be security guaranteed. But in
reality their children are victims of sexual abuse,and what makes it even more sad is that
this was done by those who were in the school.


Sexual violence is a form of physical violence which is a criminal act. Actors sexual
violence committed to satisfy their desires by force. Acts of sexual violence not only in
the form of forced sexual intercourse, but other activities such as fingering,even if you
just stare, this is according to what Orange and Brodwin said in the Journal Psychology
of Early Prevention Toward Sexual Abuse on Children which explains that violence
Child sexual abuse is coercion, threat or deception of a child in activities sexual. These
sexual activities include seeing, touching, penetration (pressure), sexual abuse and sexual
activity rape. The impact of sexual violence on children can be physical, psychological,
or social impact. The physical impact can be in the form of a wound or tear on the
hymen. Psychological impact includes mental trauma, fear, shame, anxiety and even
suicidal ideation or attempts. Impact For example, the cynical treatment of the people
around him, the fear of being involved in the association etc.

Sexual violence against children gets the attention of many people because Sexual
violence against children is the highest level of violence compared to physical and
psychological violence. Reinforced by data from the National Commission for Child
Protection which states that sexual violence against children is the highest level of
violence compared to physical and psychological violence. Violence against children in
Indonesia has reached by September 2006 there had been 861 cases, 60% of which were
cases of sexual violence in children. Indonesia is highlighted as a country that has very
weak protection against child.

Sexual violence against children does not see the victim as a boy or a child women.
This is reinforced by the data contained in the 2010 Gail Hornor Journal that children
women and men may become victims of sexual violence. Girl and male victims of sexual
violence experience a number of the same problems, among others prolonged physical
and psychological trauma, loss of enthusiasm for life, hatred of the opposite sex and have
a desire for revenge (Dube et al., 2005 in Gail Hornor, Child Sexual Abuse:
Consequences and Implications, 2010).

We often hear cases involving children, including abuse sexual abuse of children.
There is a lot of news on tv shocked by cases of sexual abuse in children who happened
in one of the international standard schools in Jakarta, namely Jakarta International
School (JIS). With this incident, parents are worried about the whereabouts of their
children attended the Jakarta International School (JIS). With this incident, parents
should be more pay attention to their children. In addition, the school has further
increased security for children interests of their students.This sexual harassment case with
the victim of a JIS student shocked Indonesia closely following the development of this
case through the media. The case itself is very complicated which constantly changing in
the last few months. It all started in March when a case of sexual harassment of a student
surfaced at JIS. A student in a kindergarten is believed have been raped abuzz by several
cleaners.Then in June a second case emerged when a student's parents claimed that their
child they are victims of sexual harassment. It is this second case that ensnares Neil and
Ferdi (the perpetrators)sexual harassment), two JIS teachers. This

case is for the first time dragging a teacher or teaching staff at that school. Not long after,
the victim's mother from the first case also stated that Neil and ferdi sexually abused his
son. From there, the case developed.

Signs of sexual harassment

Patricia A Moran in the book Slayer of the Soul, 1991, says, according to research,
victims Sexual abuse includes boys and girls from infancy to 18 years of age.Most of the
perpetrators are people they know and trust. Symptoms of a child who experienced sexual
harassment is not always clear. There are children who keep abuse secrets sexual
experience she experiences by being sweet and submissive, trying not to be the center
attention. Although sexual abuse of children does not provide absolute evidence, but if
the following signs appear in children and are seen continuously over a long period of
time,it is necessary to immediately consider the possibility that the child has been
sexually abused.These signs and indications are taken by Jeanne Wess from the same
book: toddlers physical signs, among othersbruising of the genitals or mouth, urinary
irritation, venereal disease, and sore throat without obvious cause could be an indication
of oral sex.
Signs of emotional and social behavior, including being very afraid of anyone or anything
certain places or people, sudden changes in behavior, sleep disturbances (difficult)sleep,
nightmares, etc.), withdrawal or depression, and stunted development. Child age
Preschool symptoms are the same plus the following signs:

•Physical signs: including regressive behavior, such as thumb sucking, hyperactivity,

somatic complaints such as persistent headache, stomach ache, constipation.Signs of
emotional and •social behavior: sudden changes in behavior, child complains sick from
sexual harassment.

The effects of sexual abuse on children include:

•Physical impact: Bruises and cuts or infections in certain parts Emotional impact:
Feeling threatened, depressed, restless and anxious.

Parents are expected to:

• Consultation in psychology to practice managing emotions, and studying development

child.Take the child to the doctor for a physical examination.

•Understand child development. At the age of 5 to 8 years, children are in the want stage

show ability, they want to be creative. Not all children's actions aredelinquency, they do
not know that their behavior is wrong or inappropriate.

Help for children:

•Psychological examination by a psychologist to find out the emotional disturbance he is

experiencing and receive appropriate therapy.

•Rebuild children's self-confidence. Accept what they do without forgot to tell what
action should be taken.

• If the parent is not a violent offender, reassure the child that he or she is deeply loved.
Children should get care and protection, because children also have rights that must
be respected. Sexual harassment is a form of work that cannot be tolerated and constitutes
a violation of human rights human beings, because after all children also have rights that
must be respected and must be protected. As for the factors that cause sexual harassment
from the point of view of criminology, namely, due to family environmental factors, poor
family economic factors,social environmental factors and technological factors. All of
these factors cause children more easily become victims of sexual exploitation by family,
friends,or by an irresponsible person who uses the child to get what he wants.

The Phenomenon of Sexual Harassment as a Negative Impact of the Digital Age

The impact of the digital era promises various benefits and conveniences for
everyone people who know how to use it. Among the positive impacts is a lot of work
which can be done by saving the use of time, funds, and energy. For example,if in the
past everyone had to wait a few days or weeks to gave the news to his family who were
in a different place, but now

seconds can be overcome by using telephone, sms, email and social media other. In the
past, we

had to spend quite a lot of money to buy newspapers.magazines, and books to increase
knowledge. But now available magazines, newspapers or online books. In the past, we
had to set aside a special time to be able to enjoy entertainment like movies, games and
more, but now anywhere and whenever we can enjoy it through our smart phone
facilities. The cost spent to get a smartphone even then right now is not too high, so
everyone from all walks of life can afford it (Hanika, 2015).

Behind the positive impacts that occur, there are also wide open negative impacts
that occur caused by various communication media in the digital era. Among the negative
impacts that always waiting for the general public is the rise of online fraud cases,sexual
violence, kidnapping and murder (Chusna, 2017).
According to Hufad (2000) cases of sexual violence in Indonesia against children
under The age group continues to emerge and more and more are exposed to the media.
The rise cases of sexual violence, forcing the government to say that our country is
Indonesia are experiencing a “sexual violence against children emergency”. Among the
various cases thatcan be categorized as sexual harassment, namely all sexual acts against
children,including showing genitals to children, showing pornographic images or
videos,using children for pornographic things, holding genitals, ordering children holding
an adult's genitals, mouth-to-genital contact or vaginal penetration or the child's anus,
either by coaxing or coercing. Sexual harassment can

happen to anyone, be it a boy or a girl.

From the results of the search for various cases of sexual harassment that befell Mr
children that occur today, perpetrators of sexual violence are people from immediate
environment, such as teachers, playmates, and even the closest family. It is no longer

about who should be responsible, but the whole society should protect children from
possible sexual crimes (Ernis & Riantiza, 2016). Parent As the main person in charge of
children's lives, they should increase supervision to children and always be careful of
everyone in the environment where child is.


There are still many cases involving children in Indonesia and one of them is the case
of sexual harassment. This is caused by many factors, including environmental factors,
technology, and lack of supervision from various parties. Children who are sexually
abused will experiencing psychological or physical disturbances.

We can also conclude that:

1) The development of science and technology in the digital era in addition to bringing
positive impacts in life but also has a negative impact, one of which is increasing cases of
sexual abuse that afflict young children.

2) Impact arising from cases of sexual abuse in early childhood not only physically, but
also psychological trauma throughout his life.

3) Proper supervision from parents can prevent our children from being victims of
criminal acts, especially sexual abuse.

The role of parents is very influential and is needed to keep children safe In addition,
if the child has become a victim, parents and family must always accompany and provide
support to children so that children feel loved, valuable and can restore his confidence
back. If the child has started to enter a new environment that is school, the school must
provide good protection, comfort, and security so that there are no sexual crimes like
what happened at the Jakarta international school (JIS).


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