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Title of the operation: “Oplan Medusa Group 1”

Subject: Allan Mangundato

Operatives: Staff Sergeant, Baybayan,Jonard
Sergent, Fernandez,Gerry
Sergent, Rasheed, Al
Sergeant, Layson,David

A police officer offers to buy drugs from a suspected drug dealer, and the money they will use to
buy shabu is equipped to police officers with ultraviolet fluorescent powder to detect the hand of
the subject person when he will collect the payment of Sergeant Layson who pretended to be a
drug buyer. The dealer sells the drugs to the officer who then arrests the dealer. This act is
entrapment inducement.
Angeles City Pampanga Station 3 police officers conducted surveillance on suspected drug seller
Allan Mangundato, after the surveillance, they conducted an entrapment operation and named it
"Open Medusa Group 1" police staff Sergeant Layson pretended to be a drug buyer, while
police Sergeant, Fernandez, Sergeant, Alrasheed, and Staff Sergeant, baybayan are already
waiting outside the house of Allan mangundato or the subject person and are just waiting for the
go signal from Sergeant, Layson to arrest Allan Mangundato.
The operation was successful, they caught the subject and got 3 packets of shabu, jewelry gold,
cellphone from him and also detected the hand of the subject person with ultraviolet fluorescent
powder that was put on money by our drug buyer, the money he used to buy shabu to detect that
he is really the drug seller suspect, they put the subject person in the car and took him to Angeles
City Pampanga Station 3.

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