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Department of Education
National Capital Region

Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health

First Quarter-Module 1
Physical Fitness

Writer: Rowena H. Gonzales

Cover Illustrator: John Orville Munar
What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. assess physical activities and eating habits of the learners in terms of health-
related fitness and skill-related fitness;PE10PF - Ia - h -39
● undertake fitness tests and perform exercises to enhance cardiovascular
and muscular fitness;
● design physical activities that promote cardiovascular and muscular fitness
of family members in a new normal.

What I Know

Instruction: Reflect and identify the different activities you do in your everyday
life. Encircle the score that corresponds to your answer based on the given score
category. 1 = Rarely 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often
Your Lifestyle:
Do you : Rarely Sometime Often
1. Participate in 60 minutes of daily physical activity? 1 2 3
2. Participate in every leisure activities 1 2 3
3. Participate in sports/activities 3-5days/week? 1 2 3

4. Participate in aerobic activities 3-5 days/week? 1 2 3

5. Participate in muscle strength and Endurance 2-4 1 2 3
6. Participate in flexibility exercise exercises 4-5? 1 2 3
7. Minimize computer time daily? (less than 2 hours) 1 2 3
8. Choose foods from the milk group? 1 2 3
9. Eat breakfast?
10. Drink more than two glasses/day of milk/100% 1 2 3
11. Drink sugar, sweetened beverages? 1 2 3
12. Eat raw vegetables? 1 2 3
13. Eat fruits? 1 2 3
14. Walk instead of drive? 1 2 3
15. Eat candy? 1 2 3
16. Limit the use of salt in/on food? 1 2 3
17. Choose whole-grain cereal or bread? 1 2 3
18. Maintain a healthy weight? 1 2 3
19. Eat dried foods? 1 2 3
20. Skip meals 1 2 3
21. Try new sports? 1 2 3
22. Try new foods? 1 2 3
23. Eat healthy snacks? 1 2 3
24. Eat a variety of protein foods? 1 2 3
25. Eat a variety of protein foods? 1 2 3
26. Get 8 – 10 hours of sleep? 1 2 3
27. Minimize TV viewing each day? (less than 2 1 2 3
28. Read food labels for nutrition content? 1 2 3
Total Score

Scoring: 70 or above you’re a winner

50-69 doing great
35 – 49 you’re in the running!
below 35 try harder
Note: Learners may need an explanation for the term “healthy snack”.
Guide Question:
Answer the following questions on the space provided for:
1. Which of the activities do you engage in, and how many hours do you spend
most in a day or a week for the particular activity?

2. How do you think spending so much time on this activity will affect your
daily lifestyle and the status of your health and fitness?

What’s In
Give your idea on the following:
1. Physical Fitness 8. Skill Related Fitness
2. Health-Related Fitness 9. Agility
3. Cardiovascular endurance 10. Balance
4. Muscular strength 11. Coordination
5. Muscular endurance 12. Power
6. Flexibility 13. Reaction Time
7. Body Composition 14. Speed

What’s New
Study the pictures.


Answer the question or follow the instruction

1. Describe the content of the two pictures.
2. What is the significant relevance of the physical activity pyramid and food
pyramid to you?
3. What is the relationship between the physical activity pyramid and the food
4. What do you think is the reason why physical activities and food are placed
in a pyramid?

What is It
Physical activities and Foods are placed in the pyramid in a way that
shows how important they are to our health. We should eat more of the foods at
the base than foods at the top. and we should regularly do the activities at the
base rather than activities at the top.
Physical activity and nutrition go hand in hand and when worked together
can bring upon better overall health. By following the food pyramid guidelines as
best you can and by having a regular workout routine, you’re really putting
yourself on the right track to a healthy lifestyle. Being active increases the amount
of calories burned, which is important to keep in mind, especially as you age. Since
your metabolism slows as your age increases, maintaining energy balance will
require moving more and eating less.
Physical activity can generally be categorized into three beneficial sections:

1. Aerobic activities: These activities will speed up your heart and breathing
rates while also improving your heart and lung fitness. Some activities
include brisk walking, jogging and swimming.
2. Resistance, strength building and weight bearing activities: These help to
build and maintain strong muscles and bones by working them against
gravity. Walking and lifting weights are great examples of these.
3. Balance and stretching activities: These develop stability and flexibility,
which is very important to a dirt bike rider as this helps to reduce the risk
of injuries. Some examples are dancing, martial arts, stretching, tai chi and


Staying committed to a regular fitness routine is often a struggle for many people.
But remember to stick with it and find a routine that you like and that works for
you. As a guide, here are a few pointers to keep in mind:
● Moderate exercise should be performed for at least 30 minutes at a time,
preferably every day if your schedule allows.
● Increasing the intensity of the amount of time during an activity can improve
health and may be needed to control body weight.
● While you’re increasing your physical activity, this doesn’t mean it’s ok to
increase your calorie intake as well. Your daily calorie needs should not
be exceeded.
● Being active for longer periods of time or doing more vigorous activities can
be even more beneficial to your health, while also using more calories per
● Exercise can be divided into two or three sessions per day or can also be
done all at once. For those with busy schedules, it may be easier for you to
do three 10 minutes sessions throughout the day.

Most of the physical activities and exercises involve the heart and the lungs.
It is necessary to monitor how your heart is doing, especially during a vigorous
workout. These exercises are examples of Health Related Fitness.

Health-Related Fitness- is characterized by moderate to vigorous physical

activity. It is a better match for people who are generally unwilling to exercise at
high intensities. It can also be integrated into everyday activities that are often
characterized as lifetime activities.
In contrast, skill-related physical fitness includes health-related components,
but it also covers components related to physical performance. Skill-related fitness
is the right choice for people who can and want to perform at a high level, but it
is less acceptable to most people because it requires training and exercising at
high intensities.
Health related fitness is to do with the efficiency of the human body whereas skill
related fitness is related to playing sports.
Health related fitness is to do with the strength of your muscles and the movement
of your body while skill related fitness uses the senses and body parts in order to
perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
(excerpt taken from Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children-19th

There are five health-related components of fitness: flexibility, cardiovascular

fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition.
1. Cardiovascular endurance is the heart's ability to deliver blood to working
muscles and their ability to use it.
2. Muscular strength is the extent to which muscles can exert force by
contracting against resistance.
3. Muscular endurance is the ability to keep working a single group of muscles
over a long period.
4. Flexibility is the range of movement that is possible in a joint
5. Body Composition is the percentage of body weight, which is fat, muscle,
and bone.

The fitness test for Health Related are the following;

1. Body Mass Index
2. Muscular Strength -and endurance Hand grip
dynamometer. One rep max test., push -ups curl-ups
3. Cardiovascular endurance - Multi-stage fitness test./
three-minute step test
The Step Test is designed to measure a person's aerobic fitness. Participants step
up and down, on and off an aerobic type step for THREE minutes to increase heart
rate and to evaluate the heart's recovery rate during the minute immediately
following the step test exercise.

a. 12-inch high bench for stepping
b. clock with second hand or stopwatch for timing test and
counting heart rate
c. metronome to help maintain cadence in proper stepping rate
II. Procedure:
1. Step up on the bench using your right foot first, then your left.
2. Step down the bench, starting with the right foot, then the left.
3. Step up and down at 24 cycles (up-up-down-down) per minute for 3
minutes. (metronome setting at 96)
4. Immediately after 3 minutes, sit down.
5. After 5 seconds, take your heart/Pulse rate for 60 seconds. It will
be your score in beats per minute (bpm).
6. Check your score against the table below

Check your score against the table below.

Male (in bpm) Female (in bpm)
Excellent ˂ 71 ˂ 97
Good 71 - 102 97 - 127
Fair 103 - 117 128 - 142
Poor 118 - 147 143 - 171
Very Poor ˃148 ˃ 172
4. Cardiovascular endurance – Twelve minute Cooper run or swim.
5. Flexibility - Sit and reach test., shoulder stretch
6. Speed - 30 meter sprint test.

Skill Related Fitness components and tests

1. Speed – is the ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest
period of time.
40-Meter Sprint
2. Power – is the ability of the muscle to transfer energy and release maximum
force at a fast rate.
Standing Long Jump
3. Agility – is the ability to move in different directions quickly using a
combination of balance, coordination, speed, strength and endurance.
Hexagon Agility Test
Agility: Illinois Agility Run Test Protocol

The Illinois agility test is a fitness test designed

to test one's sports agility.[1] It is a simple test
which is easy to administer and requires little
equipment. It tests the ability to turn in different
directions and at different angles.
I. Materials/Equipment:

a. 8 traffic or road cones

b. stopwatch

II. Procedure:

1. Arrange the cones as specified by the figure.

2. Lie face down or prone with your head beside the starting point.
3. At the signal, get up as quickly as possible and run around the course
in the direction indicated, without knocking the cones down.
4. Upon reaching the finish line, stop the timer and record the time.
5. Checked your speed in seconds against the table below
Speed in seconds
Males Females
Excellent <15.2 <17.0
Good 15.2-16.1 17.0-17.9
Fair 16.2-18.1 18.0-21.7
Poor 18.2-19.3 21.8-23
Very Poor ˃19.3 ˃ 23

4. Reaction Time – the amount of time it takes to respond to a stimulus.

Stick Drop Test
5. Coordination
How are you going to prepare for a Physical Fitness Test?
a. Review the procedures in conducting the Physical Fitness Test.
b. Wear appropriate attire, prepare for drinking water, and face towel.
c. Make sure that you have your first aid kit with you.
d. Individual scorecards should be appropriately filled out.
e. Do the warm-up exercises and dynamic stretching before the given fitness
test, and you may encourage family members to join with you.
f. Re-orient yourself on the proper execution of the tests and recording of the
test results.
g. Go through with the test without exerting maximum effort.
f. Observe safety all the time
h. Perform the test with a partner and record your test results.

What do you need to observe before the actual day of testing?

a. The testing stations should be safe and free from obstructions.
b. the same equipment and testing stations should be used at the start of
the year and subsequent testing.
c. With the guidance of the teachers, allow the learners to go through the
various tests with the minimal effort exerted to familiarize themselves with
testing procedures.
d. The tests requiring cardio-vascular endurance and those other tests
which involve the same muscle groups should not be taken in succession.
e. Make a physical fitness scorecard in ½ white index card or printed copy.


Name: Group No.
Year & Section: MHR:
Age: RHT: THR:
Weight: Height: BMI: Classification:
Befor Afte TEST 1st. 2nd OF SCORE
e r Trial Trial
Step test
Agility Run
Group Leader: Parent/Guardian Signature:

What’s More
Activity A. Fill Me Up!
Instruction: Identify the components of physical fitness based on its classification.
Write your answer inside the circle of the bubble organizer.
Components of Physical Fitness
Health Skill
Related Related
Fitness Fitness

Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference between health-related fitness and skill-related
fitness? ____________________________________________________________
2. Why do we need to conduct a physical fitness assessment?
Activity B.: Explore for Fitness
Instruction: Reflect on your daily activities and list them down on the table below.
Show special attention to activities that will help improve your Health- Related
Fitness, Skill Related Fitness and maximize your body potentials
Daily Tasks Health-Related Skill Related
Fitness Fitness
Doing household chores helps a lot in sustaining physical fitness. And for
this reason, make time performing household chores as part of your daily routines.
Activity C. Moving Time!
Do the following activities

Exercise No1: Jumping Jack (20 reps)

A jumping jack or star jump, also

known as side-straddle hop, is a physical
jumping exercise performed by jumping to
a position with the legs spread wide and
the hands going overhead, sometimes in a
clap, and then returning to a position with
the feet together and the arms at the sides.
jacks- exercise-girl -workout-silhouettes-1633713496

Exercise No. 2: High Knee (20 reps)

High knee engages your core, strengthens

all the muscles in your legs get your heart rate
up and improves momentum, coordination and
flexibility. Because of the many physical benefits,
high-knees are incorporated into a wide variety
of workouts.
1. Start standing with feet hip-distance apart.
2. Lift right knee as high as it will go and
raise the opposite arm, then switch quickly
so the left knee is up before the right foot lands.
3. Continue pulling knees up quirky for as
long as desired or count the number of reps
you want to go back and forth.

Exercise No. 3: Squat (10 rep)

How to Do Squats:
1. Stand facing forward with your chest up.
2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or
slightly wider.
3. Extend your hands straight out in front
of you to help keep your balance.
You can also hold your hands at chest
level or place them behind your head.

4. Bend at your knees and hips, sticking your butt out like you're sitting into
an imaginary chair.
5. Keep your chest lifted and your spine neutral, and do not let your lower back

Squat down as low as you can, keeping your head and chest lifted.
Keep your knees over your ankles and press your weight back into your heels.
Keep your body tight, and push through your heels to bring yourself back to the
starting position. It is one rep. Start with three sets of 10 squats, and then add
more reps (12, 15) as you get used to the motion.

Exercise No. 4: Burpees (3-5 rep)

The burpee, or squat thrust, is a full-body exercise used in strength training

and as an aerobic exercise. The basic movement is performed in four steps and
known as a "four-count burpee:

How to do Burpees

1. Begin in a standing position.

2. Move into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)
3. Kick your feet back into a plank position while keeping your arms extended.
(count 2)
4. Immediately return your feet into the squat position. (count 3)
5. Stand up from the squat position (count 4)

Great Job! Congratulations to the family!

Activity 4: Let Me Share

After performing the exercises, answer the following questions on your
activity sheet. Assess the physical activity or exercises given to you.

1. Do you think that these exercises or physical activities are

applicable for your family? ______________________________

2. Did any one of the members of your family exceed more than the
Maximum Heart Rate(MHR)? __________________________________
If Yes, compute the THR and see the capacity of the heart for. If
That is so, what does it mean?
______________________________________________________________If you
are to design a fitness plan for the members of the family,
What are the things that you need to consider? Why?

What I Have Learned

Write in your notebook what you have learned from this module.
Health Related____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________.Skill Related _________
_________________________________________________. The fitness for health Related
_____________________________________while the fitness test for skill related _______

What I Can Do
B. Invite family members to join with you in doing the following exercises. Give
attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each family member about their
health condition. Choose at least two or more exercises listed on the table and fill
out the needed heart rate information after executing the chosen/all exercises.
Family members with health problems/disabilities may do the walking in
3minutes, step test in 3 minutes, or may disregard the invitation.

1. Follow the protocols.

2. Have a timer/cell phone with you to take down the heart rate after each
3. Prepare the first aid kit, water, and towel.
4. Make sure that the family members are in good health.
5. Perform warm-up exercises/dynamics stretching before the execution.
6. Make sure that the area is safe to do the activities.
7. Record the heart rate (HR) every after each exercise.
8. Make a record or document the execution/performance of the exercises as
a means of verification.
9. You may research the exercises on YouTube for modification or clarification.

Score Card

Family Jumping High Means of

Members Age BMI RHR MHR Jack Knee Squ Burpees Verification

AGREE or DISAGREE. Write the word Agree if you are amenable to the statement
if not write Disagree.
__________ 1. Everything you do, whether good or bad, affects your health.
__________ 2. Giving more consideration and attention to your present habits
and practices is vital to having a healthy lifestyle.
__________ 3. Engaging in active recreational activities is highly discouraged
as one means of promoting a waste of time.
__________ 4. Energy expenditure is the amount of energy you take in
through food.
__________ 5. You lose weight with more physical exertion but less food
__________ 6. Intensity is the number of training sessions that are performed
during a given period
__________ 7. The duration of workout or the length of time spent on training
refers to your intensity.
__________ 8. An individual's effort, compared with their maximal effort,
which is usually expressed as a percentage, is your intensity.
__________ 9. BMI refers to the measurement of one's weight relative to the
person's height.
_________10. Maria Ceilo weighs 59 kilograms and 1.6 meters in height. Her
BMI is equal to 25.60 / nor
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. If Shane's weight is 30 kilograms and 1.20 meters in height, her BMI is equal
to ____?
A. 18.33 B. 19.83 C. 20.83 D. 21. 83
2. Which of the following activities can be considered as a form of recreational
A. do household chores
B. jog or walk for about 5 minute
C. play badminton for about 60 minute
D. Sleep about 240 minutes after a regular wake-up time

3. At the signal Marjorie got up as quickly as possible and ran around the course
in the direction indicated without knocking the cone down, Carina took _____
A. 3minutes run and walk C. 100meter Run
B. Illinois Agility Run Test D. Shuttle Run

4. Tina throws a tennis ball with her right hand against the wall and catches it
with her left hand. Then she threw the ball again, now using her left hand,
caught it with her right hand, and repeated for 30 seconds. What fitness test
did Tina do?
A. 3minutes Step-Test C. Illinois Agility test
B. Hand-Eye Coordination test D. Curl up test

5. Jeffrey performed basic stretching and exercises in preparation for more

strenuous physical activities. He took _____?
A. Cooldown B. Cardio workout C. Warm-up D. Workout

6. The ratio of body fat to which is related to the risk of disease and death.
A. body composition B. fitness C. force D. wellness

7. It refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle exerts against an opposing

A. A. agility B. power C. speed D. strength

8. The following are health-related fitness except one:

A. body composition C. speed
B. flexibility D. strength

9. It is the lightness and heaviness of a person

A. age C. waist circumference
B. height D. weight

10. Mario stepped up on the bench using his right foot first, then his left. He
stepped down the bench, starting with his right foot, then the left. What fitness
test does Mario do?
A. Hand-eye coordination test C. Shuttle Run Test
B. Illinois Agility Run Test D. 3-Minute Step Test

Additional Activities
Me and My Family in the New Normal!
Setting your goals needs full attention and work hard to achieve good
results. Looking into the needs of your family at the time of a pandemic makes you
feel depressed, but helping the family members healthy and safe is already a
Therefore you will be designing your fitness plan for the entire family. It must
be simple, enjoyable, and suited to your family's needs to achieve the maximum
level of physical fitness using the FITT Principle; this is used as a set of guidelines
that will help you create your workout. Have fun! Don't forget to bring your water
and a sweat towel! Always follow the PROTOCOL.
Below is an example of a fitness plan for your guide.
Cardiovascular Muscular Muscular Flexibility
Endurance Endurance Strength
Frequency Exercise 3-5 Exercise 2-4 Weight train 2-4 Daily
times per week times per times per week Stretching

Intensity Train at 60- Add/maintai 60 – 75% of Stretch muscle

80% of THE n weight and max, 3sets of 8- and hold
repetition 12 repetition beyond its
normal length

Time 20-60 minutes About 30 – About 30 – 60 Hold each

per session 60 minutes minutes stretch 10-15

Type Any aerobic Resistance Anaerobic Stretches that

activity keeping training activities such allow the body
the heart rate Yoga, Pilates, as weight lifting to move
within the lightweights. and sit-ups through the full
target zone range of motion

Record all the heart rates needed. RHR, HR at the end of every exercise,
MHR, and THR

Answer Key
Agree 10. 10. D
Agree 9. 9. D
Agree 8. 8. C
Agree 7. 7. D
Agree 6. 6. A
Agree 5. 5. C E 5.
Disagree 4. 4. B A 4.
Disagree 3. 3. B C 3.
Agree 2. 2. C D 2.
Agree I. 1. 1. C II. B 1. III.

DepEd K to 12: Physical Education and Health
Learners Manual -Grade 10

December 09, 2019

Cipriano, Eduardo V, et al. Kto12: The 21st Century MAPEH in

Action, Lacia, Ferdilyn C. Coordinator; Book Store, 2015

Kto12: The 21st Century MAPEH in Action

Cipriano,Eduardo V., Limos, Adelina P., Solis, Ronald V.,
Fabella, Mark G., Limos, Ray Ferdinand D., Delos Reyes, Girli Grace L. Authors,
Lacia, Ferdilyn C. Coordinator ;
Rex Bookstore


Prince Edward Island Physical Education Student Resource

Sample of specific Assessment Tools
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rowena H. Gonzales

Hannah Lee A. Macabudbud (SEHS)
Antonio G. Andres (JDPNHS)
Emily G. Santos (PSDS)

Reviewers: Jovita Consorcia F. Mani (EPS-MAPEH)

Arvin Lark P. Santiago (MSHS)
Illustrator: John Orville Munar (FHS)
Layout Artist: Maria Isabel G. Tutor
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consorcia F. Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address:

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